Thanksgiving in the air. Mentioned everywhere.

O. Henry was a famous short story writer from long ago. A giant. He said re Thanksgiving…..There is one day that is ours. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American.

O. Henry’s name brought to mind one of his short stories. One dealing with man’s most sensitive emotion: Love. “The Gift of the Magi.”

I had not thought of the Magi gift story for at least 50 years. Till yesterday. A love story involving Christmas.

The Gift of the Magi involves a young couple very much in love. Della and Jim. Christmas was at hand. Neither had enough money to buy the other a gift.

Each sold their most prized possession.

Della had beautiful hair. She loved it. People commented her on it. She had her hair cut and sold in order to purchase a platinum FOB chain for Jim’s watch.

Unbeknownst, Jim sold his valuable watch in order to buy Della jeweled combs for her hair.

Love in its purest form.

I have only so much blood to give. My orange blood.

I spent yesterday afternoon watching Notre Dame beat Syracuse in football 36-3. Total destruction. Did not expect it. Thought Syracuse might win.

Basketball season has begun. Football and basketball overlap this time of the year. Syracuse played 2 basketball games in the past few days. Lost both. Not even close.

Depression does not accurately describe how I felt. So low, I had to look up to see bottom. Ugh!

Following the game, showered, dressed and was out to meet friends for dinner. Almost decided not to go because of how I felt. Glad I did go, however.

Dinner was with Donna and Terri and Andrea and Joe at Conch Republic. A couple of drinks, good food, excellent company and I felt better.

Oysters and stone crabs! The oysters large and delicious. The stone crabs…..Oh, so good.

On the way home, I made a brief stop at the Chart Room. Not many people. Sat and chatted with John a while. He had just made fresh popcorn. The smell got to be. Enjoyed a small bowel.

Elections still in the air. Reminds me of a Key West election 29 years ago. Captain Tony Tarraceno was running for Mayor. His fourth try. Lost in his previous 3 attempts.

His platform simple: Save as much of the old days and ways as possible.

The New York Times and Wall Street Journal endorsed him. Would you believe!

Captain Tony was of the opinion that it took him so long to win because of 2 factors. One, he kissed mothers instead of babies. Second, he used a certain 4 letter word too often.

The Washington Post interviewed him about his use of the word, its effect on his running, etc. The Captain’s response: “I just hope everybody in Key West who uses that word votes for me. If they do, I’ll win in a landslide.”

Apparently enough did. He won the fourth time.

Anti-Semitism is history’s oldest hatred. A creeping sickness. Like cancer.

It is on the rise world wide. Dramatically in Europe and the United States.

A huge problem in France. France has the largest population of Jews than any European country.

Anti-Semitism’s ugly head evidencing itself in the United States in recent years. Incidents of anti-Semitism up 57 percent in 2017. The new-Nazi party has come out of the darkness. Fearlessly open about their hatred. Reveal it in demonstrations.

A form of neo-Nazism has developed in Israel. Not Israelis against Israelis. Rather, Israelis against Palestinians. Israel’s tendencies against the Palestinians described as “Judeo-Nazi tendencies.”

Netanyahu bears the major responsibility. Molded in the same form as Trump. Authoritarian. Nationalistic. A despot in the making. A war monger. He wants to destroy the Palestinians and engage in a war against Iran.

Netanyahu under investigation in his country as Trump in his.

Netanyahu continues to be reelected so I am not sure how his people feel about him. I wonder how Jews outside Israel feel about his Palestinian and Iranian moves.

Enjoy your Sunday!



David Wolkowsky is dead. He died in his sleep sunday night.

It was only a few weeks ago, I attended his 99th birthday party.

We met in our later years. Six or seven years ago. Became instantaneous friends. A more kindly, thoughtful, considerate person I had never met. He was pure goodness.

Modern Key West owes its success to David. His vision for his home town. The Key West of today would not have been except for him. As the years went on, he became known as Mr. Key West. He will always be remembered as such.

Whatever I had, knocked me on my ass. Three days in bed. Started feeling better yesterday. Feel good today. By tomorrow, I should be back to normal.

I am behind in my work. Have not done a Key West Lou Live video in several days. Tonight, Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. My podcast. I am totally unprepared. No problem. It may take the day, but I will be a go at showtime.

Join me tonight at 9. A fast moving half hour. Louis ranting and raving about whatever moves him at the moment.

Ally and Robert are enjoying sports. Ally volley ball, Robert tennis.

Can’t wait to see them play.

Syracuse is off to a big start this season. 4-0. Saturday play Clemson 4-0. Clemson ranked #3 nationally. Syracuse unranked. The Vegas line is Clemson by 22 points.

David v. Goliath. Going to be interesting.

Michelle Goldberg is an Opinion Writer for the New York Times. A recent Opinion was titled Pigs All the Way Down. The “pigs” were Kavanaugh and other members of the Washington rotten ruling class.

The woman knows how to call them!

The U.S. and China are engaged in the trade war of all trade wars. Pure unadulterated stupidity! Can only lead to no good.

Many economists are predicting the trade war could last 20-30 years. To the detriment of both the U.S. and China.

Steve Bannon has been a major influence on Trump re China. He boosted early on that Trump was bound to conduct a “sophisticated form of economic warfare” in order to confront China.

Trump, as influenced initially by Bannon, is that if you squeeze the Chinese economy hard enough, Beijing will submit and “play by the rules.”

I do not agree. Trump is blind. He is seeing what he wants to see. Only one side of the coin. He forgets the military.

China has spent the past six years building its Navy, islands where no islands existed, new airfields, missiles with capacity to reach the U.S. The U.S. has yet to build an effective opposition to the missiles.

Before China becomes subjugated, it will resort to war.

Please say a prayer for David.

Enjoy your day!




A Shakespearean quote fits perfectly into the American society of today. Concerns Trump and his attempts at destroying reputations of good and honorable persons. The passage from Othello: “Good name in man and woman….. / Is the immediate jewel of…..souls / Who steals my purse steals trash….. / But he that filches from me my good name / Robs me of that which not enriches him, / And makes me poor indeed.”

He who steals my good name…..

John Brennan a distinguished American. Headed the CIA, served under six Presidents. Trump in a moment of retaliatory pettiness stripped him of his security clearance.

Thirteen retired military and intelligence persons all signed a letter in support of Brennan.

Brennan in an MSNBC interview said Trump was “drunk on power.”

The New York Times this morning suggested in so many words Trump was not a king.

The President is out of hand. He is overly impressed with himself. An authoritarian figure envisioning that which he is not. However, that which he hopes to become.

Trump has said he will strip many other persons of security clearance. Suggested it was a punishment. He was in effect keeping a list and knew who they were.

Crazy!!! Nixonian!!!

The French have a term “les majeste.” Means it is a crime to criticize the monarch, tantamount to treason. Trump is not a monarch. He does not serve by divine right. He was elected by the people to be their President. Period.

He can be criticized and it is not a crime to do so.

Chart Room first last night. John bartending. Quiet.

Did meet a doctor at the bar. One of the rowdy ones from the night before. All from the Youngstown area. All grew up together. Celebrating someone’s 40th birthday.

They all live in the same area today. Socialize together. Their children go to the same schools, etc.

Nice. The good doctor a nice guy, also. In spite of the night before.

Met also a gent from North Carolina. Enjoying life, as he put it. Two years ago, he was diagnosed with cancer near his left eye. He has had surgery, radiation and chemo.

The cancer has returned. He feels chipper. He and his wife intend to enjoy.

The cancer has left him without the sense of taste. Also, he has next to no vision in the left eye.

Blue Macaw next for a bite to eat.

Met a terrific couple.. Amanda and Kip. Sixtyish. Married now 3 years. They are at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park working as volunteers. They live in a 46 foot hauler of some sort on the grounds of Fort Zach. Enjoying their time at the beach.

Terri White sings tonight and tomorrow morning.

This evening at Blue Macaw with Larry Baeder. Tomorrow morning for Brunch at Hard Rock Cafe 10-12.

I plan on being with my lesbian wives Donna and Terri at both events.

So many wonderful people in Key West! So many good friends! I am lucky in my old age.

One is Mary Lou Hoover. Reminds me of Cole Porter’s….She’s the tops, she’s the Mona Lisa.

Mary Lou has decided to be a politician in her mid years. She is running for City Commissioner in Key West’s District 5. If you are qualified to vote, vote for Mary Lou!

The other day, I wrote of public urinals for men on the streets of Paris. Men stand up to a box on a poll and in front of God, the world and passer-byes pee.

I woke about 5 this morning. Turned on TV to CNN. There it was. The Paris urinal story. Titled appropriately…..Qui Qui.

Church and state are like water and oil. They do not mix.

Many have forgotten the separation of church and state in this country that served us so well for many years. Trouble rises because of the forgetfulness.

The Arkansas State Capitol. A major fight several years ago. One faction of State government wanted to erect a statue of the Ten Commandments on State Capitol property. The group succeeded.

Now comes the members of the Satanic Temple.  They delivered and placed an 8.5 foot of Baphomet on Capitol grounds. Baphomet with two adoring children at his side.

Baphomet is a goat headed winged creature. A Sabbatical Goat. His followers devil worshipers.

The Satanic Temple members take the position that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. If a statue of the Ten Commandments can stand, so too the statue of Baphomet.

Called freedom of religion. In conflict with separation of church and state. The problem would not have arisen had some religious zealots not insisted on the Christian statue. They and Arizona government forgot there is more than one religion in this country.

The rich get richer and the poor poorer.

Continues to be true.

The Economic Policy Institute issued a report. CEO’s receive higher compensation than employees each and every year. Employee salaries rarely change.

Numbers tell the story. Ratios of CEO salaries and workers compensation from 1965-2017. In 1965, the ratio was 20-1. In 1989, 58-1. In 2017, 312-1.

Wow! Are the workers of America getting screwed! The ratio  of 312-1 beyond belief. We are aware, however. One of the things that has to change. The 99 percent are entitled to live better also. Not as much as CEO’s. But better than they do today.

Enjoy your day!






An important item. Especially for Key Westers. Who created the first key lime pie! Where was it originated? Is Key West really its birth place?

This morning’s Key West Citizen ran a front page article on the issue. An excellent piece.

A Stella Parks wrote a cookbook in 2017 wherein she claimed the first key lime pie was created in 1931 on Madison Avenue in New York City. Borden’s Milk Company was involved.

Key West’s David Sloan knows everything there is to know about Key Lime pies. The world authority. He says Parks is wrong. There is an ongoing feud.

Sloan claims the key lime pie was born in the late 1860’s in Key West. At Curry Mansion. The cook, Aunt Sally. Her real name Sarah Jane Lowe Curry.

Key lime pie was served in two Key West restaurants in 1926, well before the purported discovery by Borden’s in 1931. One of the restaurants was the Green Lantern Inn. Its menu featured “lime pie,” ten cents per piece.

Sloan has assembled all kinds of documentation. Parks has nothing.

I was up and working early yesterday morning. Around 5:30. By 1 in the afternoon I had completed yesterday’s blog and final preparations for last night’s podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

I had the afternoon off! A quiet luncheon at Sandy’s Cafe. Cuban cheese toast with tomato and Cuban coffee. Sat a while and read the newspapers.

Then home for some book reading.Peter Schweizer’s Secret Empires. His book revealing. I am learning the Washington swamp is more corrupt than thought. Good governmental officials cashing in on their positions through their children. Not prohibited by any law. Stinks, however.

Tuesday Talk went well. Goes well every week. Love doing the show. My numbers increase weekly. Apparently many love listening to my half hour of ranting and raving.

Strange weather this morning. Actually, not strange. Has been the same every day forever. Pouring rain and thunder. The difference today was it began at 5 in the morning. Strong wind and heavy rain. Could easily hear it from my bed. Sounded like a hurricane rolling over.

Historic day today. John Kennedy a Navy lieutenant in command of PT-109 in the Pacific. It was August 1, 1943. His boat split in half by a Japanese destroyer. Two killed. eleven survived. Everyone is familiar with the story. Cliff Robertson played Kennedy in the movie PT-109.

A connection exists between the lower Keys and the Kennedy movie. It was filmed on Munson Island. Munson Island is located in the Atlantic just south of Big Pine. Today, Munson Island is the world famous resort Little Palm Island.

What Russia did re our elections in 2016 constituted a war. Not a gun one. A cyber war. Not just a little invasion. An all out attack. Leaves the legitimacy of the 2016 election in question.

We are 98 days away from the mid-term elections. Till a few days ago, Trump had done nothing to defend against another cyber attack. A few days ago, he conducted a one hour meeting with staff. It has only been recently that Trump has acknowledged Russia was the perpetrator.

We are not defensively ready for the November mid-term. Can we get ready in time? I do not know. I am not a computer guru, etc.

I fear Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are going to have a field day playing around with our mid-terms.

Realize that with a few computer keys pressed, any nation can entirely turn off our electrical grid system. No power/electricity. Planes unable to take off. Defensive systems curtailed. Etc. Everything down.

And we are not ready to defend against any such chicanery!

Our elections are not secure. At this time, there is no coordination among federal agencies as to how to deal with the problem.

Modern authoritarian figures all have attacked the media. Silence the media and no one left to point out the wrong doing of dictators. Silence not even required. Merely diminish respect for the media.

As Trump has consistently been doing since even before his election. He has chosen the path of Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Putin, and Kim.

Trump appeared at a rally in Tampa last night. His supporters made up the audience. Trump demeaned the press. Fake press! The audience joined him. Turned to the reporters and gave them the finger. The middle finger. The bird. While shouting, “Fuck the press!”

Anti-media hostility is growing. Violence is going to occur. Trump will smile.

Trump spoke last night of protecting our voting system. Wrong people are voting, he claims. Though there is no proof of such. He keeps peddling that the Democrats want unqualified/non-citizens to vote. An absurdity in itself.

His solution is to require each person voting to have an ID card with his/her photo on it. As Trump claimed, such an ID card is required to even buy groceries.

The man does not know that which he talks about. I would like to know the last time he was in a supermarket or grocery store purchasing groceries.

A big night tonight! A reunion of those who escaped Irma and stayed with Jean and Joe Thornton in Birmingham for 12 days. Our second reunion.

While at their home, we watched Casablanca. Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. I was shocked and surprised. The ladies knew every line of the movie. They were speaking them before the actors. And they cried! Tears throughout. I could not believe. A woman’s movie definitely.

The Tropic Cinema is showing Casablanca tonight. Free. Reservations made weeks ago. We are going as a group. Guaranteed the ladies will be whispering the lines and shedding tears.

Love it!

Enjoy your day!



My Saturday was quiet. As was Friday, the day before.

Slowing down in my old age.

I spent a part of yesterday afternoon continuing research for this week’s KONK Life column.The subject mater sand. The world is running out of usable sand. Comparable to the world’s water problem.

So bad, a black market in sand already exists in certain countries.

I look forward to writing the article this afternoon. Few are aware of the sand problem.

Got out last night! Dinner with Donna and Terri at Hurricane Hole.

Hurricane Hole is a hole. Therein lies its charm. A small marina on a small bit of water surrounded by mangroves. An open air bar and tables. Nothing fancy. Food good, however.

Not easy to find. Hurricane Hole sits on US 1. Less than .2 of a mile outside Key West. Just over Cow Key Bridge going north on US 1.

My ladies were tired. Getting ready to move. In a week. Still packing boxes. Their new abode will be in Bahama Village. At the corner of Whitehead and Petronia Streets.

Terri is doing well and not so well. Her eyes get worse by day. She needs assistance walking. An arm on her arm. She has a walking stick. Uses it well.

Some vision available for minor uses. Like eating. She wears two sets of glasses. One upon the other to get minimum vision. Soon, there will be no vision.

They have had Bear to the seeing eye dog trainer to determine if he qualifies. He does. Soon, the training will begin.

BOB an excellent learning tool, as well as informative.

Bob and Ann Smith were having lunch at Road Kill Cafe. Before my time. Never heard of it.

The waitress an acquaintance. She came up to Bob and asked if he had a smoke. He offered a cigarette. She was looking for a joint.

A conversation ensued re the high cost of grass. The question arose as to why? Because of golf, Bob said.

Bear with me. I am not sure even after reading the chapter several times how the two are interconnected. The story however interesting.

Bob explained that when they lived in Buffalo, there was a lot of snow. Everyone carried jumper cables in their cars. In the middle of the night, Bob’s front door bell rang. It was the police. A passer by had seen someone steal Bob’s jumper cables. The police were able to quickly apprehend the culprit. They wanted to make Bob aware.

Bob obviously was pleased. He asked the officer to hand him the jumper cables. The officer refused, explaining that the theft of jumper cables in New York was a Class A Felony and had to be retained for evidence.

Two weeks later, Bob received a notice to appear in court. The notice further advised that if he failed to do so, a warrant for his arrest could be issued.

Bob appeared. Directed to a large court room and told to take a seat. Bob estimates 300 people in the room. Bob was dressed suit and tie for the occasion. Most others, not.

Soon several of the others began asking him about the proceedings. Bob explained he was not a lawyer. Merely like them. Which he was not. Most were defendants waiting to go before the judge. Bob had been directed to the wrong room.

He went into the hall. Saw the public defender representing the man who stole his jumper cables and the arresting police officer. He went over and chatted with them.

Bob was anxious to get out of the place and asked them what had to be done. They said the action was on the floor above. Nothing really moved on the floor they were on.

So upstairs the three went. Into a maze of offices with a lone secretary sitting in the middle. Several assistant district attorneys plea bargaining cases. Bob described the scene as chaos.

The public defender and police officer knew what to do. Soon the guy who stole Bob’s jumper cables case was resolved.

Bob was free to leave.

He asked how plea bargaining came to be.

At first plea bargaining was used to get one defendant to turn on another in order to get a sweet deal. Flipping. The system worked well. Cases moved.

One judge said, in effect, hey this works terrific! Why don’t we use it to negotiate sentences so a sole defendant will agree to plead to a lesser charge. His motivation was that judges could get out of work earlier and have time each afternoon to play golf. In fact, he thought they could be out by lunch.

Plea bargaining born to provide judge’s with the opportunity to play golf. What all this had to do with the high cost of pot, I still do not understand.

Children separated from parents at the border. Commonplace recently in the United States. We read and talk about the impact on the children. To hear about it first hand from a person it actually happened to impactful.

The New York Times began an OPINIONS section this morning. It will run every Sunday. People writing about first hand experiences.

Victoria Smolkin today a history professor at Wesleyan University and an author. Thirty years ago, 8 years old. She, her parents and family were escaping Communist Russia. They had necessary papers. They reached the crucial point at the border. Theirs bags searched. The mother’s contained an inexpensive broach that was a family heirloom. The Russian guards thought she was taking expensive jewelry out of Russia.

The mother was taken away. The problem resolved two days later and her mother returned.

Here it is 30 years later. Victoria recalls how she developed a huge bald spot on the right side of her head and wet the bed for two years.

Trauma? You bet. Imagine what the immigrant children in the U.S. are experiencing and will suffer therefrom  for years.

Victoria wrote: “…..separating families at the border…..not about law and order…..about power, and the abuse of power – because if, in the collision between border and body, no one protects the body, the border always wins.”

Enjoy your Sunday!

Unusually Good Chart Room Last Night

Chart Room unusually good last night. Chatted with two lovely couples and an old friend. All interesting people.

Met Catherine and Stephen from St. Augustine. Both with interesting backgrounds.

Catherine is in program management with Winn-Dixie. I got an education from her re the super market business. Husband Stephen is a retired electrical engineer. While in the U.S. Navy, served on the submarine USS Jacksonville.

Married 25 years. Have visited Key West 3-4 times.

Then came Dawn and Mike. From Jackson, Tennessee. Dawn a customer rep for a truck line. Husband Mike, a truck driver.

Mike is Dawn’s second husband. Her first husband Greg died in his 40’s. Greg the son of Cal Perkins. Cal Perkins wrote Blue Suede Shoes. Later made famous by Elvis Presley.

Mike a look a like for movie star Sam Elliot.

Dawn’s first husband Greg was fond of Key West. His ashes were spread along Smathers Beach.

Dawn flew from Jackson with Greg’s ashes. Security avoided looking in the container carrying his ashes when she told them what the container contained. They sort of stepped back from the dead.

I did my first book signing a few months ago at the Andrews Inn. Author Robert Codrun put the event together and asked me to participate.

Robert lives in California. He is back in Key West. Arrived yesterday. A couple of hours before we ran into each other at the Chart Room.

A big week is coming up for mystery writers. A very large group will be in Key West to participate. Robert returned to be part of the event.

While all this was going on, Ollie was standing at the end of the bar as overseer. His eyes on everyone.

My stomach told me I was hungry. Stopped at Five Guys. The perfect meal for my diet. Two cheeseburgers wrapped in lettuce. No bread. And a diet soda.

I have some Trump observations. A walk back in history first. Nothing to do with Trump.

Henry Hudson. We all learned in grammar school he discovered the Hudson River. As Columbus before him, he was looking for a passage to the East.

On Hudson’s fourth trip to the New World, he continued north on the Hudson River to Hudson Bay. Winter was setting in. He waited too long to get his ship out into open water. It froze stuck in the waters of Hudson Bay.

A cold winter. Insufficient food. Hudson’s crew not happy campers.

In June when the ship was able to move, the crew mutinied. They were unhappy that they had been forced to suffer the winter and blamed Hudson for his poor judgment.

Hudson, his teenage son and seven crewmen were placed in a small boat and set adrift.

Hudson not a Captain Bligh. The tyrannical captain of the Bounty who had a similar experience but guided his small boat thousands of miles to safety. Hudson, his son and the seven sailors were never heard from again.

Trump time.

Melania visited a Lutheran shelter for immigrant children yesterday. Children 12-18. The kids had already been there for some months. The place looked terrific. The staff appeared professional and caring.

On the surface, a big deal Melania visited the place. Not enough from my perspective. It would have been better had she visited the caged and otherwise detained babies, toddlers and those under 10. She should have been, and we should have been able to see, the down and dirty of the past few days.

A good move by the first Lady. Short of what it should have been.

Trump has several shortcomings hitting him all at one time. Deservedly so. America must see who the man truly is.

His biggest fiasco the breaking up of families. The immigrant children. Thousands who may never be able to reconnect with their families.

Trump’s immigrant move unquestionably a failure.

The immigration bill. Two failed yesterday. A third one is being worked on over the weekend. It may be voted on next week. Perhaps not. It is not what Trump wants. He mentioned on TV they should hold the vote next year at a time when a new Congress might pass it.

Lies galore. By Trump and Sessions. To cover up the poor judgment behind the immigrant problem. The public will not be deceived. Both are being shown on TV before the breakdown of their plans telling us how right it was, the legal thing to do, etc.

Military base facilities are being prepared for 20,000 immigrant children. Instead of wasting money on fixing and staffing new facilities to house and care of them, the money should be spent to quickly determine which children belong to which parents and get the families together.

I have written several times recently that big corporate dollars are involved in caring for the immigrant children. I referred to it as a million dollar business. Not so. The New York Times yesterday reported it was a billion dollar business.

Most are private prison corporations. One has been paid $955 million since 2015. Several others have been paid millions of dollars.

Fraud guaranteed! Someone should follow the money.

This tariff thing is going to break the back of the U.S. Perhaps the world. China’s media claim the U.S. has “delusions” as the impact of the trade war spreads.

Trump does. Millions of U.S. jobs will ultimately be lost. The economic impact will be world wide. A recession similar to 1929 could occur. Recall, Hoover  became President. The late 1920’s were booming. The market at an all time high.

Hoover believed tariffs were appropriate. As Trump does. He was wrong. The Great Depression occurred.

It could happen again.

Trump tells us Saudi Arabia is our friend. Have always been our friend. Bullshit! Never forget Saudi Arabia gave us $4 a gallon gasoline.

The U.S. in recent times had enjoyed a dominance in the energy field. We now export more oil than ever before. The world our customers. Saudi Arabia has had to take a back seat.

Saudi Arabia and OPEC not happy with the situation. They have joined with Russia to regain OPEC’s dominance and diminish that of the United States.

My KONK Life column this week is Sit AT Attention Or Die. Recall last week Trump mentioned he liked it the way people sat at attention when Kim spoke. He wished his people would.

Kim’s people sit at attention because it is death not to. He killed two high ranking officials for the way they sat when he spoke. One for slouching, the other for falling asleep.

The column appears in this morning’s KONK Life E-Blast also.

Enjoy your day!




Another school shooting. Yesterday, Parkland High School. Located in Broward County Florida. The 19th school shooting  this year in the United States. Today, only February 15. Means 19 school shootings in 46 days. Seventeen killed yesterday. More injured.

The blame lies primarily with the NRA and our elected politicians. The politicos are owned by the NRA.

Children die because politicians are interested in keeping their seats.


The extremist NRA lobbies. Elected officials are subservient to them because of the power and money the NRA has. Both of which could be used to defeat them if they dared to oppose the NRA.

Our elected representatives today reflect man at his worst. Money being more important than lives.

The past year saw politicians with a new line following a mass shooting. A line I would guarantee has to have been formulated by the NRA. When asked what the politician thought, what could be done, etc.,  the response always is not the time to talk about it.

If not immediately following a mass shooting, when?

Appreciate the amount of NRA money being spent on Congressional people alone. The New York Times set forth such information on October 4, 2017. I take from the article the top three US Senators who received the most in contributions from the NRA.

John Mc Cain #1. $7,700,000. Richard Burr #2. $6,900,000. Ray Blunt #3. $4,500,000.

The numbers say it all. The truth lies within them.

Big night yesterday. Actually started in the afternoon.

The Custom House first for the St. Valentine’s Day mass kiss-in. My date was Catherine. The kiss-in scheduled precisely for 6pm. One thousand expected. Five hundred couples kissing.

We got there at 4:30. The crowd still small. We knew we could not stay till 6 because of another event. We sat on the steps and chatted till 5:15.

Free rum beginning at 5. We did not get any. By 5, the line was long. The Spectrelles singing. Couples kissing when ever they wanted. The woman slung over on the man’s arm.

We left, but not without kissing. Our first. Immediately turned into 3 or 4. Led to more kissing later in the evening. Made me wonder why we had not done this on previous dates.

Then to the Sons and Daughters of Italy St. Valentine’s day dinner and meeting.

The dinner outstanding. Lasagna! Followed by a huge heart shaped chocolate cake covered deep in frosting.

I cheated. Only the third time since November 27. The night before, I craved cake. Any kind. I am on a low carb diet. The craving was satisfied last night. The lasagna an added bonus.

A night cap was in order. We were off to the Chart Room. John bartending.

Lovely Nikki cried out…..Key West Lou! We had never met before. Nikki is from Atlanta. Reads this blog every day. Thank you, Nikki!

Nikki and her husband Russ are from Atlanta. Vacationing. Have been doing so in Key West annually for many years. They were married on Smathers Beach in 2007.

Nikki is a paralegal. Husband Russ, a marina manager.

They were enjoying Key West with Atlanta friends Tatiana and Doug.

Permit an observation. Both Nikki and Tatiana extremely beautiful women.

I found Tatiana’s name different. Special. She explained she was Brazilian. Tatiana however not Brazilian. Tatiana was born sometime around the 1980 Winter Olympics. There was a Russian skater named Tatiana that impressed her mother. Ergo, the name Tatiana.

Tatiana is a nurse practitioner. Proud of her work and the responsibility that goes with it.

Doug into transportation logistics.

Four wonderful people! Hope I run into them again.

There is a new musical in Key West. Undying Love. Tickets hard to come by.

Described as an off beat musical. It is the story of Key West’s Count Carl von Cosel whose love Elena Milagro de Hoyos had died. He stole her body from her grave. Kept Elena with him for several years till discovered. In his bed. Preserved with wax.


Made into a musical, however. And from all I hear, a tremendous success.

The Battleship Maine blew up in Havana harbor this day in 1898. Two hundred sixty American sailors killed. Led to the Spanish American War.

Key West has two connections to the tragedy.

The first involves many of the sailors who died. They are interred in the Key West Cemetery. Duly honored every year.

The other is the location of the formal hearing to determine the cause of the explosion. The US Court of Naval Inquiry met at what is today’s Custom House. Then a newly constructed federal building.

The stock market crashed last week. I predicted it. Though not an economist, being 82 I have lived through several and could sense this one coming.

I am going to stick my neck out. The crash is not yet complete. There will be another this year, worse.

Enjoy your day!



President Trump lies almost every day. The truth escapes him. Those who do not agree refuse to see that which is blatantly before them.

Church going I am not. Religious I am.

The Ninth Commandment says…..Thou shalt not lie.

Proverb 17:7 appears to have been written in anticipation of a Trump Presidency…..Eloquent lips are unsuited to a godless fool – how much worse lying lips to a ruler.

Yascha Mousk wrote a New York Times Op-Ed recently re Trump. Re his overall conduct.

Mousk’s message….. Beware!

She sees a democratic dissolution in the works, the beginning of authoritarianism. She warns the demise of democracy is gradual and easy to overlook.

Secretary of State Tillerson recently committed a difficult to understand act. He rejected $80 million in the House approved budget for his Department. The purpose of the $80 million to counter propaganda emanating from ISIS and Russia. ISIS terrorist propaganda and Russia’s disinformation.

Tillerson’s reason: He did not wish to aggravate Russia.

The triangle at the intersection of US 1 and the Boulevards is under reconstruction to correct errors made in the original planning. Projected as a 2-3 month job. I forget which.

My complaint is no one is working. The State started the job 3 weeks ago. Activity the first week. Since then, next to nothing. No one working.

Near the end date per the contract, the contractor will tell the State more time required. Which, of course, will result in additional dollars.

The people never win.

Busy afternoon yesterday. Walgreens to pick up a new water pill prescription. Hopefully my ankles will look normal in a few days. Then to Publix. Cupboard bare again.

Returned home. Fine tuned last night’s blog talk radio show.

Enjoyed doing the show. Key topic involved jail prisoners/inmates doing work enuring to the benefit of the State or privately run jailers with little or no benefit to those performing the work.

The 13th Amendment adopted in 1865 freed the slaves, except persons jailed for crimes. Ergo, legal.

Big Latch on Day friday. Part of International Breast Feeding Week. Locally, mothers and babies are asked to join together at the Keys-Eco-Discovery Center at 10 am. Babies all drink at the same time!

John Kennedy was a Lieutenant JG on August 1, 1943. His vessel, PT-109, was sunk by the Japanese. He and his men spent several days on an island waiting rescue. Kennedy’s acts during that time heroic.

In 1962, a movie was to be made regarding the episode. Kennedy was in Key West. With him was Sheriff John Spottswood. Later to be a State Senator.

The location for the filming had not yet been decided. Hollywood was searching for an island.

Spottswood owned Little Munson Island at the time. He suggested Munson to Kennedy. Munson was selected to be the site for the movie.

Little Munson Island no longer known as such. Today, it is the world famous resort Little Palm Key.

Hackley reports Black Matilda better. Not returned home yet. Yellow fever still a concern. She must be completely recovered.

Yellow fever comparable to a plague in 1856. At the same time Black Matilda was sick, a vessel arrived. The steward and mate down with yellow fever. The ship was quarantined at anchor.

Inga is celebrating her 20th anniversary as a drag queen at Aqua. Loved by all! Inga’s real life person Roger Hultman.

Have to hustle. Manicure in an hour.

Enjoy your day!


Gail Collins in a recent New York Times column commented…..Russia worked hard to get Donald Trump elected President. What did they get out of it? Multiple high level investigations…..these days in Washington you’d be much better off being a Mexican.

As to the Syria bombing, I believe these Middle East battles are not our headache. Especially a civil war. Our military should not die in such a fight. We are not the world’s protector.

However if fight we must, then let’s do it right. Hit ’em hard and hit them once. So hard they will not question whether we will return for a second visit.

We should have wiped out all six of Syria’s air bases in one night. Assad’s air force is his strongest military arm.

Six wiped out air bases proof to Assad and the world that the U.S. does not screw around.

Roostica for an early dinner last night. Limoncello wings.

Then to Tammy’s for a manicure. What a business! I am proud of Tammy and her husband Ricky. They work hard and deserve every success they are enjoying.

Then to bocce. Another no joy in Mudville evening. Team lost 2 of 3 games. Details bitter. Won’t even share them.

Something is wrong. The team is not playing as it has the past several seasons.

Weather changed. I woke in the night to a roar. A constant roar. It was the wind. Still blowing. From the north. 20-30 mph. Brought temperature down. From high 70’s at night to 65 last night. High today 75. Down from 87. Sixty five tonight again.

Amazing how Key West weather changes on the flip of a coin.

Our local Florida Keys Community College is to be complimented. There will be an April 12 ribbon cutting. Opening an era of offering an Associate Degree in Culinary Management. Needed in a  tourist destination community like Key West.

Enjoy your day!



Ed Rollins was on one of the TV talk shows last night. Stephen Bannon the object of discussion. Bannon is the 63 year old Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to President Trump.

It has been said in recent days that Bannon has increasing influence over the President and is either now or becoming the power person on the White House staff.

Bannon’s background is checkered. He was Executive Chairman of Breitbart News, a white supremacy website. David Duke and the KKK found his selection by Trump to be an excellent one. He is anti-Semitic. Democrats and Republicans alike oppose him.

As mentioned yesterday, the comment was recently made that Bannon makes Cheney look like Mother Teresa.

Rollins commented that Bannon had said Lenin wanted to destroy the state and that he (Bannon) wanted to destroy today’s establishment.

Strong words. Trump appointed as a close adviser a man who in effect wants to bring down the government.

I sought the source. Turns out to have been the New York Times. An article on 11/14/16 by Daniel Victor and Liam stack.

The Times repeated a statement made in The Legal Beast. The Legal Beast the source. No source for The Legal Beast’s statement attributed to Bannon set forth.

The purported Bannon statement: “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal, too…..I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”

Bannon is known to have such thought and drive most of his adult life.

When asked regarding the comment, Bannon did not deny. He said he could not recall the conversation.

My podcast show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. A quick interesting thought provoking half hour. Join me.

Topics will include Bannon, of course. As well as Stephen Miller, a 31 year old White House adviser. The person who wrote the immigration/refugee executive order.

Also, Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, the Trump-Putin telephone call saturday, Russia initiating further war activity in Ukraine sunday and monday, Trump’s dying relationship with Congress, police at Standing Rock equipped with missile launchers, moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, Mark Zuckerberg wanting to be President, and more.

At 8 tonight, Trump will announce his designee for the Supreme Court. I will have something to say about whoever it is. Trump is down to three choices. We know who they are and they have been vetted in the media.

A most enjoyable dinner last night. With friend Andrew who is in for a few days from his Switzerland home. Together with Jim and Donna. An evening of great conversation.

Guy Fawkes died this date in 1606. He had led a Catholic revolution against Parliament and King James. His intent was to blow up Parliament and James I at the same time. He was caught before he had the opportunity.

Fawkes was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death. He was to be hung, drawn, and quartered.

Fawkes threw himself off the ladder leading to the gallows. Broke his neck and immediately died. Spoiling Parliament’s cruel death plan for him.

The English celebrate November 5 as Guy Fawkes Day. There are bonfires and fire works. Fawkes burned in effigy, also. The event celebrating Fawkes’ failure to blow up Parliament and James I.

Enjoy your day!