My blog for Valentine’s Day 2018 was titled “Pucker Up…..Key West Loves Love.” A special blog for a special day.

I repeat a small portion of it. A reminder that the time may have come for a repeat.

Today, St. Valentine’s Day. Lovers’ day.

The most personal expression of that love is the kiss.

There will be a mass kiss-in tonight at 6 in front of the Custom House. The second year for the event. A success the first year in its first attempt. More than 250 couples participated. More than 500 expected this year.

The purpose of the event is to spread a message to the world. One of peace and love.

The Custom House invites everyone to pucker up at 6 tonight. No charge. Kissing free.

I assume COVID killed further kissing events since 2018. Things are getting better. The time is at hand to have another mass kissing. Too soon for this year. However, the Custom House should put in its planning schedule to go for it in 2024.

A bad species of butterfly has invaded the Keys. It joins iguanas, pythons and lionfish. A danger to our citrus trees. The lime swallowtail butterfly. The species has already begun damaging citrus trees in Key West.

DeSantis continues to be carried away with his radical thinking. Floridians, beware! The man is crazy. His authoritarian actions do not make sense.

His latest gambit is to require Florida athletes to submit their menstrual history on their physical evaluation forms. The requirement not yet formalized. Being debated. Note the new draft of the physical evaluation form mandates menstruation questioning.

The questioning is intended as part of the State’s attempt to roll back transgender rights.

Young ladies have a right to personal privacy. It is not the State’s business to require public menstruation record keeping for State purposes.

The Republican House majority has ousted from its Foreign Affairs Committee Congresswomen Ilhan Omar. Wrong!!!!!

Omar is a Muslim immigrant. Understandably anti-Semitic. Has made such comments in the past. She has apologized for some, others not.

McCarthy says she was ousted for her anti-Semitic statements.  Not so. The real reason vengeance.  Vengeance for the Democrats having ousted Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar from their committees in time past.

“Whites” dislike Omar because she is different. She represents a multicultural, multifaith, multiracial and multiethnic America. She is considered a threat by them. Omar is so disliked that threats against her life are taken seriously. She is routinely assigned a security detail.

Republicans forget anti-Semitic remarks by McCarthy, Greene and Trump.

Note, I personally am fearful of Muslims. Whether born overseas or here. I have been so for much of my adult life and continue to be so. I find it difficult to look favorably on a government/people who look down on women, chop heads off, stone people to death, lie and are otherwise deceitful. I am generally distrustful even of Omar. Nevertheless, I respect her right to have become a citizen, elected to Congress, etc. I believe her having been dumped from the Committee wrong.

The next time you look at a newspaper, magazine, book or read a report on the internet, think how great the printed word is.  How much knowledge, news, etc. can be conveyed by it.

It took and takes a printing press of sorts to get the words out.

Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the mid 1400’s. So long ago. He died this day in 1468. Gutenberg made it possible for man to educate and entertain himself. Much is owed his memory.

The Pebble Beach Pro-Am Golf Tournament began yesterday. Love watching it!

I am fortunate to have played Pebble Beach several times. The most difficult and most beautiful course I have ever played. I watch the tournament every year with a special glee. I know every hole, where I screwed up, my very few successes, etc.

The tournament is also played on nearby Spyglass. I played Spyglass, also. Many consider Spyglass the more difficult course. I did not. However, it made little no difference. I sucked on each.

Two complaints about yesterday’s first day.

One was more was shown of Spyglass than Pebble Beach. I guarantee viewer’s like me want to see the Pebble Beach play. The other is the amateur portion of the tournament. Many stars and celebrities play. Not all necessarily good golfers. The amateur portion is fun to watch. Normally shown also. Not yesterday.

A cold wave is going to hit the northeast today and tomorrow. The coldest in years. Temperatures way below zero. Many areas minus 50 degrees. Some such as the top of Mount Washington minus 100 degrees.

People will die.

Global warming cannot be denied. Strange the name applied to a system that can cause freezing temperatures also.

Enjoy your day!





Public demonstrations in Paris out of control. A month already. Fires everywhere. Big time damage. Four killed, hundreds injured.

Why? Because the government has imposed a new and higher tax on gasoline which was scheduled to go into effect January 1.

Driving is expensive in certain European countries. Italy and France examples.

Gasoline costs much more than in the United States. At least two times as much. The price of a gallon of gas in France today $5.54. Italy similarly high.

People do not fill their tanks up. Too expensive at one shot. Put in 10 or 20 euros. Like you and I putting in $10 or $20.

In addition to gas, there is an additional financial burden. Makes the cost of gas look minuscule.

Most highways are privatized. The government rents a roadway for 50 or 100 years to a private corporation or sells it outright to the corporation. The corporation in turn agrees to maintain and operate the highway.

No bargain to the consumer. Those who operate motor vehicles on the highways. The corporations impose tolls. The tolls astronomical. Beyond comprehension. So bad that locals opt to drive on secondary narrow pot filled 2 lane roads. Where people’s lives are in danger.

Drivers do everything to avoid privately owned toll roads.

The toll roads are kept in tip top condition. Bridges replaced. Everything done. After all, a money maker for the private corporation.

Trump has pushed privatization to defray the cost redoing our infrastructure. Don’t even consider it. Fight the concept. A pig in a poke. A toll too far.

Tie the cost of a gallon of gasoline to the toll and it is easy to understand why Paris is burning.

Last night, the French government announced the tax increase would not go into effect. As one French leader said, “No tax deserves to endanger the unity of a Nation.”

Busy yesterday.

Sandy’s for a leisurely lunch. Read the newspapers.  Then to Publix. I keep forgetting to buy shaving cream. Beard was cropping up again.

A manicure at 5 with Tammy. Slow day for her business. She says most mondays are lately.

Followed the manicure with a trip to Aqua for Dueling Bartenders. Rick Dery’s guest Bobby Nesbitt. A huge crowd. Great singing. Bobby opened with White Christmas. Put everyone in the mood.

Met Jean Thornton. We were scheduled to have a drink together. She left me at 7 to meet Haywood at Michael’s for dinner.

Mary showed up before Jean left. Then Lynda and Bob Frechette. Linda, too.

Mary and I had dinner afterwards at La Trattoria. I let Mary order. Don’t ask me why. The pasta was HOT! My esophagus burned all night!

Morgan appeared. A hug and kiss and a chat. Another hug and kiss as I was leaving.

Morgan absolutely impresses me. A beauty! Intelligent! Only 27 years old. She has a Masters in geography. Works with the government or one of its contractors at the Navy base.

The hurricane season technically ends November 30. Key West has a ceremony to commemorate the event. The burning of the hurricane flag. The ceremony was yesterday afternoon at the Waterfront Park.

I did not attend. Jean and Frank Holden did. Jean became irritated. Properly so. The beautiful large expanse of green grass that makes up the Waterfront Park was a mess. Uprooted in parts, sand thrown here and there.

The power boat race people by contract were permitted to use the area. They are required by contract to repair and replace any areas damaged. Apparently have failed or not gotten to it this year.

Jean is on Facebook this morning complaining about the situation and showing pictures of the grounds. She will goose the power boat people into performing. Don’t mess with Jean.

Syracuse/Northeastern tonight at 7. Syracuse 5-2, Northeastern 4-4. Too early in the season to project who will win.

I will be watching the game from home. My podcast follows the game at 9. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. A fast moving hard hitting half hour. I vent. Get excited about the good and bad in things. Join me. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Harry Truman loved Key West and Key West loves Harry Truman. I repeat the statement often.

Which brings to mind another Truman story.

Truman had poor eyesight. Not blind as a bat, but close too it. It was 1905. He wanted to join the Missouri National Guard. Battery “B.” He knew he could not pass the eye test.

Missouri ingenuity came into play. Truman memorized the eye chart. Passed the physical with no problem. He became a private in the Light Artillery of Battery “B.” Served as a Captain during World War I. Retired from the Reserves 37 years after entering as a Colonel.

America is in mourning. President George H. W. Bush is dead.

Yesterday was emotionally heavy. The various activities shown on TV. Impossible not to shed a tear here and there. As they will be today and tomorrow.

Bush will be respected for the ages. What a man! What a President! Bush the personification of each.

Trump will never be. Character and virtue are required.

Enjoy your day!



A fanatical Jew hater had his moment yesterday at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. Robert Bowers entered the synagogue while services were being held with an A-15 and 3 hand revolvers. He killed 11 and wounded 6.

An act of religious terror. The worst attack on people of the Jewish faith in American history.

Anti-Semitism has been on the rise world wide, as well as in the U.S., in recent years. Increasingly each year. The number of U.S. incidences rose significantly in 2016-2017. Up 60 percent.

The reasons interesting.

The 2007-2008 recession. Jews are considered bankers and money people. The claim was their greed brought on the recession.

Trump now is an admitted nationalist. The nationalist label applies to neo-Nazis and members of the Klu Klux Klan.

I do not think Trump personally is a neo-Naxi. His problem is he does not understand. He does not think. He does not tie group relationships together. He is very much pro-Israel, his daughter Ivanka and husband Jared are Jews, his former close friend and attorney Michael Cohen a Jew.

Anti-Semitism on college campuses has been on the rise significantly in recent years. Complaints to administrators have generally fallen on deaf ears.

Israel’s rise powerwise. Netanyahu has become an authoritarian figure. A bully. A warmonger. Similar to Trump in many ways.

Trump’s reaction to Charlottesville last year. White supremacy groups participated. Neo-Nazis and Klu Klux Klan. Trump said violations occurred on both sides.

Finally, Trump’s constant venting of hatred. Such encourages those of weak minds who follow him. Bowers the most recent example. I read somewhere in the past 24 hours that to support Trump is to support an environment in which more Richard Bowerses are inevitable.

Trump is blind as regards that which he is encourages. The blind cannot see.

The American people must put a stop to Trump and the evil he promotes. The only way is through the ballot box. Most must vote Democratic. Even Republicans. The result of the November 6 election will indicate whether we support Trump and the movement of hate he has unleashed, or oppose it.

The U.S. is standing on tip toes on the top edge of the Empire State Building. We either fall forward to continued destruction, or back to be saved.

To happier things.

The Fantasy Fest Parade was last night. How successful I cannot say. I did not attend. I will not know till tomorrow morning’s newspaper. The Key West Citizen does not publish on Sundays.

I had a more enjoyable time than the parade. I remained home and watched the Syracuse/North Carolina State game. North Carolina a 2 point favorite going into the game. Syracuse won 51-41. Syracuse now 6-2. The best start and best season in 20 years. Go ‘Cuse!

Bad things can happen in places other than Pittsburgh. A serious sick central Florida event occurred which fortunately was thwarted.

You will ask how/why could such a thing even enter into anyone’s mind.

The place the Bartow Middle School. Two girls 11 and 12 planned to kill 15 other female students, drink their blood, possibly eat body parts, and then commit suicide.

The girls were caught by a teacher waiting for other girls to enter. The girls had in their possession a kitchen knife, a butcher knife, a pizza cutter and a goblet.

They were Satanic worshipers.

The Canadian blogger Ian Welsh recently wrote re climate change. The blog titled: Bend Over And Kiss Your Ass Goodbye. Welsh a graphic writer.

I quote relevant portions of Welsh’s article.

“We are so far up shit creek we are never seeing clear waters again.”

“Climate change is settled science. Climate change is past the point of no return…..If you believe that nations are even going to keep the Paris agreement targets, you’re such a fool you’ll be sold all the world’s bridges.”

“We are long past (a good 10 years past at a minimum) any possibility of stopping this.”

Busy day ahead for me. Sloan over at 12. Big day. What would I do without her.

Tonight, a drink or two. Visit Lauri at Rum Bar and John at the Chart Room.

Enjoy your Sunday!


























Michael has dominated my blog the past few days. Other matters, I let slip to the wayside. Just went through my notes. I want to share some of the items with you. I am reporting them as they appear with no order or sequence.

I was watching MSNBC yesterday morning. A reporter at a California college campus. Talking with 40-50 students.

Millennials. The hope of the Democratic Party.

How many of you are going to vote? Only one hand raised. When others were questioned, they said their only concern was school. An attitude like don’t bother me.

Based on news reports, I thought this was the year the kids were going to vote. A rush to the polls. Not so. If the Democratic Party is depending on them, forget it!

Something wrong organization wise within the party. Democratic Party leaders constantly talk about the millennial vote. Have they got it wrong! The millennials will not be contributing this election to saving America.

I came across this quote in How To Win A fight With A Conservative: “We can’t be lulled into complacency. You have to remember that Adolph Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany. I’m not comparing him to Adolph Hitler. What I’m saying is there is the potential.”

Sounds like someone talking about Trump. Not so. Obama. Would you believe? Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga) expressing fears one week after Barack Obama was elected President in 2008. Broun believed Obama would create a security force akin to the Gestapo to impose a Marxist dictatorship.

The government screws up. Suddenly, the simple becomes a bureaucratic mess.

An Ohio woman got a ticket for failing to use her seat belt. When she went to pay, she was told her driver’s license had been suspended for 3 months for failure to pay child support. She told the Motor Vehicle person there had to be a mistake. She never had children. In fact, she had never been pregnant.

She has been busting her ass to get the problem resolved. A government goof has turned into a bureaucratic nightmare. No one can help her. Each agency blames the other or the computer. In the meantime, she is not driving.

Shakespeare wrote in the Merchant of Venice when he had Portia speaking to Shylock re mercy: “The quality of mercy is not strained.”

It was 2000. Two black brothers ages 21 and 20 were being sentenced for murder in New York City. They had murdered a gang member who had sexually assaulted one of their wives.

Justice Gustin Reichbach could have sentenced them to life. A maximum sentence. Never to be released.

The Judge felt a degree of sympathy for the brothers. Instead, he sentenced them to 17 1/2 years to life. Significant. It meant they would be able to seek parole after serving 17 1/2 years.

Both were paroled last year after 17 1/2 years.

Today, one attends Cornell and the other Columbia. All because one Judge saw something in the brothers that others might not have.

Senator David Perdue (R-Ga) is typical of a number of southern Republican politicians. Four examples why.

In the past few days, the Senator was being questioned by college students concerned that Georgia courts were preventing college students, primarily black, from voting based on a claim their registrations were improper. A total falsehood.

One of the students asked the question. He was holding his cell phone out to record the response.

The Senator “ripped” the phone out of the student’s hand.

The Senator’s office says it was an error in judgment on the part of the Senator.

The Senator in a recent speech compared Trump to Churchill. He said, Trump is “not a choir boy, but a man of history.”

Two weeks ago, he described Kavanaugh protesters as “Nazis.”

Can’t even leave Obama alone. At a recent Facts and Freedom Coalition in June, the Senator said let Obama’s days be few. He relied on Psalm 109:8: “Let his days be few.”

God loving men?

Now to yesterday news and happenings.

Stone crab season opens today! Hooray!

Stopped first at the Rum Barrel last night. Sunday night my Lauri fix. A wonderful lady.

Then to the Chart Room. Glad I stopped. Jean Thornton at the bar. She introduced me to Don Kincaid. They are old friends.

Don has been with Mel Fisher  in one capacity or another since the 1970’s. He is the man who found the first gold coin when the Atocha was discovered. He has written for National Geographic. Serves on the Mel Fisher Board. Today, a professional photographer.

Susan and Huggie came in. We had met before, though I did not recall them. They understood. Susan and Huggie are from Charleston, South Carolina and visit Key West twice a year.

Tonight, Dueling Bartenders at Aqua. Jean and I plan on meeting.

Enjoy your day!


The old hymn…..Onward Christian soldiers. Michael appears to have moved to the tune. Though not with God on his side. In and out quickly. Did not hang around. In less than two days, did a number on northern Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, and Virginia. Now over the Atlantic, 185 miles east-northeast of Norfolk.

The Panhandle pure devastation. Comments include unprecedented damage, a war zone, communities obliterated, an Air Force Base wiped out, catastrophic, looks like an atomic bomb dropped, cars and boats piled up like rubbish.

Keeps going. Entire blocks empty, houses on them smashed by storm surge and wind, washed out to sea.

First responders going in. Difficult work. The war zone description repeated frequently.

Michael maintained hurricane intensity 200 miles inland. Unusual.

Though Michael far out to sea, Virginia still experiencing dangerous wind gusts.

Michael gone. Recovery help required big time. I do not hear of FEMA’s involvement. Sure they must be there. Tell us. I am concerned Trump will fail the Panhandle as he did Puerto Rico. It all comes down to money. Soon I suspect we will hear there is not enough money. Then what?

Sad stories. Every one of them. One of the worst, 11 year old Sarah Radrey. Staying with her grandparents in Georgia. A car port crashed through the roof and killed her.

God help Sarah, her parents, and her grandparents. Tragedy of the worst kind!

Stopped into the Chart Room first last night. John working. Had not seen him in a week.

The room was packed! Tight standing room only. Forget getting a seat. Highly unusual this time of year. Off season.

Met two nice people. Lisa and Bob. Celebrating their 26th wedding anniversary.

Lisa and Bob from River Edge, New Jersey. Bob affiliated with the New York City Carpenters Union. Lisa works for a podiatrist.

Two grown sons. Twenty four and twenty two.

Their third visit to Key West. Second time at the Pier House. First time stayed at the Ocean Key across the street.

We talked of many things. A bit of politics. Lisa and I on opposite sides of the fence. She watches FOX News!

Liked them. Hope to see them again the next time they return.

David showed up somewhere along the evening. Always good to see David. I enjoy his company.

Then to the Blue Macaw. Enjoyed a drink, brie and good company. Andrea, Joe, John, Doug, Mary, Donna, and Terri.

I was anxious to talk with Doug. He is a tour guide at the Hemingway House.

I have been into ghosts the past few days. First, South Carolina’s Gray Man. Yesterday, Key West’s Angel of Mercy Maria Gutsens.                      .

Researching for more ghost tales yesterday, I came across an article claiming Ernest Hemingway and his second wife Pauline were making nocturnal visits to the Hemingway House.

Hard to believe! Doug would know.

Doug said no to Ernest, maybe to Pauline, but suggested Asa Tift as the real ghost. Asa was a wrecker/salvager in Key West’s early days. A self made tycoon. Built the Hemingway House for he and his family.

I could find nothing to substantiate the Asa story. Did come across more re the Hemingways.

Ghost appearances are technically referred to as manifestations. Many manifestations at the Hemingway House.

Hemingway writing in his loft work room, seen walking around the house, and standing on the veranda occasionally waving at passersby.

Pauline standing at the top of the central staircase looking to the loft watching her husband working and out the window her children playing outside. Occasionally standing at night by the gate smoking a cigarette.

One manifestation is hearing the typewriter clicking in the early morning. Supposedly, Hemingway writing. Could not be true. Hemingway did not type his works. He hand wrote them with a pencil. Then either Pauline or his sister would type them up.

My home bound trip from the Blue Macaw evenings takes me right by the Hemingway House. I shall be looking manifestations.

Key West’s humorous weather man at it again. He predicts this evening at 78 degrees and partly cloudy. Follows it up with…..Stars play peek-a-boo.

Traffic is reaching the breaking point on US 1. The only way in and out of Key West. The only highway through 140 miles of the Keys. Traffic especially heavy the past two years. A recent study attributes the increase to tourists. Claim tourists jam the highway.

Merely sharing. I have no comment.

Another study suggests two major medical problems. The first obviously the flu. The other too many C-sections. The number world wide has doubled from 2000 to 2015. The increase in the U.S. up as much as 30 percent in certain years. China up as much as 62 percent.

The message most of the C-sections not required. Medical problems for mother and child increasing as a result.

DOW doing well. Two days ago, down more than 800 points. Yesterday, more than 500. Today?

Trump’s lack of character evident with the Jamal Khashoggi situation. Trump says U.S. economy more important. We have a $110 billion agreement with Saudi Arabia for planes, etc. Trump says Khashoggi not even a citizen. Correct. He is a legal U.S. resident however and writes for the Washington Post.

News this morning says the $110 billion agreement mostly a holdover from the Obama administration. Actually, letters of intent. Not binding. Saudi Arabia has never purchased anything pursuant to the agreement.

Tonight, I dine! Andrea cooking. Joe making pina coladas. Andrea’s food preparation dining without question. Joe’s pina coladas fun.

Enjoy your day!



Hurricane Michael. BADDDDDDD! One of the worst of the worst!

Florida’s Panhandle took the biggest hit. A Category 4. Winds 155 mph.

Michael has been described as the third most powerful hurricane to hit the U.S. First is the Labor Day 1935 hurricane. Second, Camille in 1935.

Considering wind speed alone, Michael, the fourth worst. The Labor Day 135 one continues to lead the pack. Then, Camille. Followed by Andrew in 1992.

Fortunately, Michael was fast moving. Over and out rapidly. Had it stayed around a while as most hurricanes do, the already terrible devastation would have been worse.

The best way to describe Michael’s impact is to view comments from 3 communities hit hard. Mexico Beach, Panama City, and Port St. Joe.

Mexico City…..Homes reduced to kindling, roofs lying in the middle of US 98, a whole condo building gone, not there.

Panama City…..Storm trackers devastated at scale of destruction, roar of storm sounded like a jet engine as winds accelerated, chunks of US 98 washed away by the surge.

Port St. Joe…..Parts of buildings torn away, very very scary. One person reported: “Absolutely horrendous. Catastrophe…..There’s flooding. Boats on the high way. A house on the highway. Houses that have been there forever…..shattered.”

I thought Rick Scott was an inept Governor till Irma. His handling of Irma impressed me. He was on the problem a week or two before. Organized everything. Spoke to us daily on TV. Gave the populace confidence. Handled the storm and recovery well.

My impression of Scott completely turned as a result. Though I disagree with him philosophically re many issues, I respect him.

Scott is in the ball game again. He has been preparing north Florida for Michael.

The man is a leader. The people of north Florida were encouraged yesterday when he said, “Hurricane Michael will not break Florida.”

Charlotte Corriher. Lovely, charming. Lived in the lower Keys for several years. That is when I met her. At the Chart Room initially.

Charlotte a runner. Travels all over the U.S. running marathons.

Charlotte presently lives in Charleston, South Carolina.

She wrote me re the Gray Man ghost today. I mentioned the Gray Man 2 days ago. Charlotte wrote, “I never heard of the Gray Man until this year when Florence was headed our way. Saw lots of posts and pictures where people claimed to see him.”

The Sons and Daughters of Italy do not meet over the summer. Last night, the renewal of our monthly meetings.

Love the organization! The people are happy and easy going. Must be their Italian heritage.

New officers were elected last night at the official meeting following social hour where lasagna was enjoyed by all.

Then to the Blue Macaw. Terri was singing. An amazing lady! Worked at Blue Heaven the night before. Blind and still earning a living.

Chatted a while with Joe and John. Then spent some time with Donna. Not a happy camper. She had a colonoscopy earlier in the day and was still complaining about the prep.

We have all been through it.

This is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The women continue to be out there beating the drums advising women to have their mammograms, raising money, etc.

The movement is well organized nationally and locally. Participating in various events are the Susan G. Komen Foundation, Womankind, and Zonta.

My readings this morning re breast cancer brought to my attention something I did not know. A woman in the U.S. is diagnosed with breast cancer every 3 minutes.

Ladies, keep up the good work!

The Jamal Khashoggi matter has brought to the forefront again Saudi Arabia’s relatively new leader Mohammad Bin Salman. He wants to be a dictator. The center of power in his country. An authoritarian. Believes in one man rule.

Shades of Trump?

The DOW dropped over 800 points yesterday. Two reasons claimed. The tech sector is under performing and there is a concern that rates will rapidly rise.

To me, the drop will be temporary. However do not expect it to always be so.  I still believe a world wide recession will occur next year.

Enjoy your day!






I mentioned the Gray Man ghost yesterday. The reaction amazing. People love ghost stories!

Ergo, I opted to begin today’s blog with a Key West ghost story. The ghost’s name…..Maria Valdez de Gutsens.

Maria was the administrator of the Mercedes Charity Hospital in Key West. Her title Matron. She ran the hospital for 23 years.

The hospital had previously been the Gato home. Gato the famous cigar producer. He built the home originally where Bayview Park stands today. Overlooking the water. The end of Key West. New Town not even a thought in anyone’s mind.

When his wife died, he sold the home. It was bought and moved to what is now 1209 Virginia Street. A couple of doors down from White Street.

The home became the hospital. The hospital closed in 1942.

Maria was loved by all. People referred to her as an Angel of Mercy.

The former hospital today is an apartment house. It is believed Maria still walks the halls, rooms and porches. There have been several reports of having seen her.

One report was by a man in bed sleeping. His wife next to him. He woke feeling someone holding his wrist. He swears it was Maria, with a man standing next to her. She was taking the pulse of the man in bed. He turned to wake his wife. Maria and her companion disappeared.

Last year when I was looking for an apartment to rent, the Gato House had one available. Checked it out. Looked ok. I recalled Maria’s story. Could not rent the apartment. If Maria and I met up, I would not have been able to handle it.

I am a sort of believer in ghosts.

Alley is on her school’s volleyball team. I went to watch her play at 5. I was impressed. By her and her team mates.

Ally was proud to be playing. You could see it in her face.

Her team won both games easily.

Poppa fell! I was seated in the middle half way up the bleachers. I went to leave after the game. Most were staying for a second game that had been scheduled. Maneuvering around those seated, I tripped/lost my balance and went down!

Times when one feels like an asshole.

I was concerned I had broken my left leg or hip. I was bleeding. No way I was going to stay there and get help. I got myself up, down the bleachers and out the building. My sore leg and hip last night are without pain today. The bleeding I took care of when I got home.

The next game, I will sit at the end of a row on an aisle.

Prior to Ally’s game, I spent the afternoon preparing for my podcast show in the evening. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. I spent half the show talking about Michael and how Irma had impacted my feelings for those who will go through hell in northern Florida tonight.

The Sons and Daughters of Italy do not meet over the summer. Monthly meeting begin anew this evening. I look forward to the meeting. The members are fun people. There is a social hour first. Food and drink. Then a business meeting.

So much happened news wise yesterday and in the past few days. All worthy of mention. I have decided to refer to the occurrences as Hot News.

Michael on the way. At the moment a category 4. Hits landfall around 6 this evening. God help those who opted to remain.

Trump’s friend Saudi Arabia misbehaving. Turkey in cahoots. Saudi journalist Jamal Kheshoggi is a U.S. resident and Washington Post contributor. He was a critic of current Saudi policies.

It is believed he was assassinated. His body then dismembered. Trump has yet to make mention of the incident.

Recently, there was a failed attempt to assassinate Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro. One of individuals thought to be involved was  political opponent Fernando Alban.

Alban was in custody. Being held on the 10th floor of the Bolivian Intelligence Service. He went out the 10th floor window. The claim, he was a suicide. His supporters say bullshit. He was thrown out!

Trump has yet to comment on this issue, also.

Trump at an Iowa rally last night. He mentioned Diane Feinstein. The crowd yelled…..Lock her up! Trump smiled. Never said no, not the American way.

The same thing happened when Hillary was mentioned during the campaign.

Trump encourages violence with his silence.

Nikki Haley resigned yesterday as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. She and Trump enjoyed a love relationship when her resignation was announced. Both said all kinds of nice things about each other.

The first Cabinet person to leave and not get condemned by Trump. Why did she get a free ride?

So much for Hot News.

I continue to live and learn.

We all buy ice cream in super markets. A favorite American dessert. Keep it in the freezer and pull it out when the desire hits. Which unfortunately is often.

Brands like Breyer’s, Ben and Jerry’s, Klondike, Good Humor and Popsicle.

Guess what? They are all owned by the same company. Unilever. A British-Dutch transnational consumer goods company.

America’s first robot farm has begun operation this week. The robots replace humans. The robots described as “incredibly intelligent machines.”

The company involved is Iron Ox. A hot entity. Las year, outside money people invested in excess of $10 billion.

It is claimed the robot farm can turn out 30 times more produce than a traditional farm.

The robot farm is a hot item because the farming industry is facing a serious labor shortage and there is a growing pressure to produce more crops.

Enjoy your day!





The charming spirited Laurie Thibaud is Key West Citizen of the Day. Much deserved. The woman has a warm personality.

The best of the best as they say.

Laurie was born in France. Somehow found her way to Key West in the late 1990’s. Emcees at the Aqua Night Club and is affiliated with The Rum Bar.

Her comment printed beneath her picture: “I love Key West because the women are strong and the men are pretty.” Now I know why Laurie likes me. The only problem is Laurie is gay.

Terri White sings tonight at Blue Heaven.

Hurricane Michael is racing up the Florida west coast. Two hundred fifty miles off shore. Key West has been hit 2 days in a row with heavy winds and big time rain. Fortunately for us, that is all we will suffer.

Northern Florida is in trouble, however. Michael will hit the Panhandle and Big Bend wednesday evening. As a category 3. No fun!

I am heavy with concern for those in danger. Caused by my Irma experiences last year. The feeling of dread stays with you.

There was a picture on the internet of cars lined up at a gas station to fill up before evacuating. Just as I recall. Not a straight line to the pumps. Cars maneuvering from every angle. Sometimes voices elevated. People scared. Tensions high.

The preceding is when trying to fill up at a station in a town. There was an organized way. The stations on the Florida Turnpike. State Police directing traffic. Lines straight. No one excited.

The evacuation drive itself a wonder. Sometimes you covered all of one mile in an hour. Patience was a virtue.

I recall having to piss. I was in a rest area on the Florida Turnpike. Already spent 1 1/2 hours waiting in line to get gas. Went inside to the men’s room. Good luck! The line was out the door into the parking area about 100 feet. I felt like a woman. Having to wait in line to go.

I could not waste another hour. Also did not know if I could hold it another hour.

Did the practical thing. Walked outside and into the woods. Relieved myself. I was not the only one so doing.

And so it went. As it will for those in north Florida.

My large flat TV is broke. They’re cheap today. $150-175 will buy a new one from Amazon.

Anna was concerned for me. She had a friend who could repair today’s TV’s. Did it in Honduras before he came to the U.S. Works construction now in Key West.

I figured what the hell. Anna went to get him.

I was impressed! He had all the necessary tools. Knew exactly what he was doing. Basically, 2 small boards and some wires operate today’s TV’s. He tested everything. I watched and learned for 2 hours.

He has isolated the problem. A small piece. Less than a half inch in size. The problem now is if he can find one to buy.

A 5:30 appointment with Tammy for a manicure. Place empty when I arrived. By 6, the women were storming through the door. Tammy says it is that way every evening. The women come in after work.

Manicure done, hurried over to Aqua for Dueling Bartenders. Tom Luna and Heather Mae performing. Rick Dery apparently away.

Lovely Liz at th bar with friends Josefina and Mary. Went over to kiss and chat with Liz.

Spent some time chatting also with Heather Mae between songs. I learn every day. She is a school teacher at Sigsbee School.

Jean Thornton had e-mailed earlier in the day she was returning. Hoped the storm would not prevent her from getting out of Atlanta. No problem. She was up and away on time.

The plane was 8 minutes from landing in Key West. The pilot announced the airport had just closed because winds were more than 50 miles an hour. He circled a half hour before the plane was able to land.

Dueling Bartenders was Jean’s first stop last night. She sat with me. After being hugged and kissed by everyone in the place. The woman is well loved!

We ended the evening with dinner a La Trattoria. Following which I went home and Jean headed over to Vino’s.

While at Aqua, I was viewing my e-mails. Came across a tiger laying under a tree. It was sent by Rick Dery. All he said was he saw a tiger sleeping under a tree.

I assumed he was in India or Africa. Asked those around the bar. Some thought so, also. Finally someone piped up Rick was in Miami and the picture was taken at a Miami zoo.

Key West property increases in value. Commercial and residential. Some hotels selling in excess of $100 million.

The newest properties to be sold in package form include the A&B Lobster House, Berlin’s, Alonzo’s, the White Tarpon Bar, a 45 slip marina, several retail spaces, a 70 space parking lot, and the building housing the Commodore and Boathouse.

Buyers include Attorney Barton Smith, Key West Utilities and the Key West Golf Club.

All comprising a good chunk of the Key West Historic Seaport.

Today is tuesday. Means my podcast show. Tonight at 9. Join me. Listen to me rant and rave about issues and happenings. A quick half hour. You will enjoy! www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Enjoy your day!





Sometimes you just can’t win for losing!

Yesterday, one of those days.

Kavanaugh got the vote and was sworn in. Syracuse lost to Pitt.

The Kavanaugh fight is over. Time will tell who was correct.

Syracuse’s loss depressing. Syracuse started the season 4-0. Then lost to #4 Clemson last week by 3 points. This week Pitt. Should have been an easy win. Was not. Pitt won in overtime 44-37. Syracuse played poorly.

With Syracuse also, time will tell. Six games remaining.

An observation. Roe v. Wade will not survive Kavanaugh. It will be overturned.

Last night spent at Blue Macaw. A clubby atmosphere. Friendly. Love Montana the bartender. Chatted with Joe, Doug, Donna and Terri.

Doug is of Italian extraction, also. His Dad a chef of sorts. Doug learned early on how to cook. We spent much time discussing Christmas Eve’s seven fishes, their preparation, etc.

There is more news than Kavanaugh and Trump. However, their news will continue to be overwhelming. To the result that what is happening otherwise does not come to our attention.

For example, the U.S. Marines coming to the rescue last week in Washington, D.C.

A senior citizen facility was on fire. More than a hundred residents. Two hundred yards away was a small Marine outpost. The Marines saw smoke and rushed over.

Someone yelled there are people inside. The Marines acted as you would expect Marines to act. They rushed in and saved lives.

Newsworthy? You bet. Front page any other time. Not this past week. Sad.

Some things just plain un-American. Trump leading the pact in taking such actions. He forgets we are a republic and not a dictatorship. Authoritarianism has no place in our society.

Trump is down on Facebook. For some time. He is unhappy that Facebook carries comments adverse to Trump. Too bad. That’s the way it is in a republic. People have the right to express themselves about their government.

What have been described as “anti-activists” are a thorn in Trump’s side. Makes him unhappy. Trump had demanded information as to who they were with all pertinent details. Facebook refused. It is now claimed the Trump administration has secured search warrants to enable them to be discovered.

Involved are some 6,000 individuals who “liked” an anti-activist Trump Facebook page.

Wrong! Chilling! The U.S. is not Russia, China, or North Korea.

ACLU attorney Scott Michelman said, “What is particularly chilling about these warrants is that anti-administration political activists are going to have their political associations scrutinized by the very administration they are protesting.”

Welcome to the United States of 2018!

I am 83 years old. Retired from the practice of law 12 years ago. It was time. Should have done it years earlier.

Politicians seem to overstay their time in office. Two examples are Republican Senators Chuck Grassley and Orrin Hatch. Grassley 85, has been in the Senate 38 years. Hatch 84, has been in the Senate 41 years.

Both too old. Should have packed up and left town years ago. Both not today in thinking. Their minds back to a time where women were looked down upon. They do not understand today’s world in many respects.

Grassley is Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. He was asked this past week why there were not more women on the Committee. He suggested too much work. They might not be able to handle it. An example of the keep ’em pregnant and in the kitchen mentality.

Hatch back in another time when he opens his mouth.

Time for new faces in Washington.

Terri sings 10-12 this morning at Hard Rock Cafe. I am going to enjoy brunch and Terri at the same time.

Enjoy your Sunday!



The United States has a nickname. We all know it. Uncle Sam.

Where did it come from? How did it originate? Who is responsible for the nickname?

We have to go back to the War of 1812 for the answer.

Samuel Wilson was a Troy, N.Y. meat packer who supplied beef to the U.S. Army. Beef was transported in barrels.

On this day in 1813, Wilson began stamping the barrels with “U.S.” Purpose to inform everyone who was in contact with the barrels that the contents came from the United States.

Soldiers began referring to the beef they were eating as “Uncle Sam’s.”

A local newspaper picked up on the story. In due course, Uncle Sam gained widespread acceptance as the nick name for the U.S. federal government.

Recognition of Wilson’s contribution took a long time to acknowledge. However in September 1961, the U.S. Congress recognized Wilson as “the progenitor (father of) America’s symbol of Uncle Sam.”

My yesterday began with a haircut. Enjoy the time I spend with Lori. She has now been cutting my hair for 18 years. Looks as young today as she did back then.

Then to Sandy’s Cafe for lunch. I like the place. They know me and I know them. Always a friendly welcome. No need to order. They know I eat the same thing each time. Automatically bring it to me.

A car problem developing. Could be the battery. Not sure. Turns over slowly. Strange, however. If the car has been sitting for a half hour or more, it starts slowly. If sitting 5 minutes or so, starts normally.

Hopefully, I will find out today. Every time I returned to the car yesterday, I was not certain it would start. Not a welcome feeling.

The Chart Room first last night. John bartending. Steve and Cindy at the bar. Enjoyed their company.

Met Colin and Carli from Sarasota. Have been vacationing for a week. Staying at the Pier House. They married on Smathers Beach several years ago. Return to Key West often.

Colin originally from Northern England. They return there also to visit.

Both are employed by the same company, different departments. Computer soft ware programming.

Drove to Blue Macaw for a bite. Enjoyed ribs and a drink.

Ran into Donna, Terri, Joe and Andrea. Stayed a while. Stopped by Mary and Doug to share a few words.

Close to 10 when I left. Stopped at Publix on the way home. Desperately in need of food. Swiftly up and down the aisles to beat closing time. Good exercise.

Prior to the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing, I considered Judge Kavanaugh not to be the best of choices. Too far to the right. Rigid. Not fair.

I listened to him being questioned 2 days ago. I was very impressed. The man has one of the best legal minds I have been exposed to. Brilliant.

Such does not necessarily mean he would make a good Supreme Court Justice. The law is not black and white. It is gray. His legal genius would be able to twist things to his far right way of thinking and bring us back to the middle ages.

Ergo, an excellent legal thinker whose ideas are not in the best interests of most U.S. citizens.

I spelled this position out in my Key West Love Live video on Facebook yesterday.

Then, I watched parts of yesterday’s proceedings. Cause me to suspect the good Judge is a liar. A skillful one. Prone to avoid, I don’t recall, lie.

I now find him to be not only an improper candidate for the Supreme Court bench, but also the Circuit Court he sits on.

The Republicans have been playing games with records. It became obvious yesterday why. Kavanaugh has a track record. What he has written or done in the past does not always coincide with his testimony this week.

Two Democratic Senators need to be applauded. Both fought the Chair. Broke some Senate rules in so doing. The only way to out the truth, however.

New Jersey’s Senator Corey Booker and Hawaii’s Senator Mazie Hirono each being described as Spartacus. They were! At one point, Booker told the Chair if you want to bring me up on charges, go for it! The gauntlet was thrown.

Enjoy your day!