My blog for Valentine’s Day 2018 was titled “Pucker Up…..Key West Loves Love.” A special blog for a special day.

I repeat a small portion of it. A reminder that the time may have come for a repeat.

Today, St. Valentine’s Day. Lovers’ day.

The most personal expression of that love is the kiss.

There will be a mass kiss-in tonight at 6 in front of the Custom House. The second year for the event. A success the first year in its first attempt. More than 250 couples participated. More than 500 expected this year.

The purpose of the event is to spread a message to the world. One of peace and love.

The Custom House invites everyone to pucker up at 6 tonight. No charge. Kissing free.

I assume COVID killed further kissing events since 2018. Things are getting better. The time is at hand to have another mass kissing. Too soon for this year. However, the Custom House should put in its planning schedule to go for it in 2024.

A bad species of butterfly has invaded the Keys. It joins iguanas, pythons and lionfish. A danger to our citrus trees. The lime swallowtail butterfly. The species has already begun damaging citrus trees in Key West.

DeSantis continues to be carried away with his radical thinking. Floridians, beware! The man is crazy. His authoritarian actions do not make sense.

His latest gambit is to require Florida athletes to submit their menstrual history on their physical evaluation forms. The requirement not yet formalized. Being debated. Note the new draft of the physical evaluation form mandates menstruation questioning.

The questioning is intended as part of the State’s attempt to roll back transgender rights.

Young ladies have a right to personal privacy. It is not the State’s business to require public menstruation record keeping for State purposes.

The Republican House majority has ousted from its Foreign Affairs Committee Congresswomen Ilhan Omar. Wrong!!!!!

Omar is a Muslim immigrant. Understandably anti-Semitic. Has made such comments in the past. She has apologized for some, others not.

McCarthy says she was ousted for her anti-Semitic statements.  Not so. The real reason vengeance.  Vengeance for the Democrats having ousted Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar from their committees in time past.

“Whites” dislike Omar because she is different. She represents a multicultural, multifaith, multiracial and multiethnic America. She is considered a threat by them. Omar is so disliked that threats against her life are taken seriously. She is routinely assigned a security detail.

Republicans forget anti-Semitic remarks by McCarthy, Greene and Trump.

Note, I personally am fearful of Muslims. Whether born overseas or here. I have been so for much of my adult life and continue to be so. I find it difficult to look favorably on a government/people who look down on women, chop heads off, stone people to death, lie and are otherwise deceitful. I am generally distrustful even of Omar. Nevertheless, I respect her right to have become a citizen, elected to Congress, etc. I believe her having been dumped from the Committee wrong.

The next time you look at a newspaper, magazine, book or read a report on the internet, think how great the printed word is.  How much knowledge, news, etc. can be conveyed by it.

It took and takes a printing press of sorts to get the words out.

Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the mid 1400’s. So long ago. He died this day in 1468. Gutenberg made it possible for man to educate and entertain himself. Much is owed his memory.

The Pebble Beach Pro-Am Golf Tournament began yesterday. Love watching it!

I am fortunate to have played Pebble Beach several times. The most difficult and most beautiful course I have ever played. I watch the tournament every year with a special glee. I know every hole, where I screwed up, my very few successes, etc.

The tournament is also played on nearby Spyglass. I played Spyglass, also. Many consider Spyglass the more difficult course. I did not. However, it made little no difference. I sucked on each.

Two complaints about yesterday’s first day.

One was more was shown of Spyglass than Pebble Beach. I guarantee viewer’s like me want to see the Pebble Beach play. The other is the amateur portion of the tournament. Many stars and celebrities play. Not all necessarily good golfers. The amateur portion is fun to watch. Normally shown also. Not yesterday.

A cold wave is going to hit the northeast today and tomorrow. The coldest in years. Temperatures way below zero. Many areas minus 50 degrees. Some such as the top of Mount Washington minus 100 degrees.

People will die.

Global warming cannot be denied. Strange the name applied to a system that can cause freezing temperatures also.

Enjoy your day!





It’s that time of year! Goombay and Fantasy Fest. Thousands of visitors. Ten days of fun!

Goombay first. Friday and saturday. Then a week of Fantasy Fest.

Goombay a family thing. A street festival. Reminds me of the Italian feasts. Except the food is different. Everything with a Bahamian, Latino, Cuban, Central American flavor.

Held on Petronia Street in Bahama Village.

Sunday begins Fantasy Fest. Adult! No kids! Bare breasts and sometimes other parts of the body. Mostly female, some male.

Tom and Fran Dixon are in town. We are having dinner together tonight. Meeting at the Chart Room. Then I don’t know where for dinner.

Tom and Fran smart. They arrived monday night, leave friday morning. They are getting out of Dodge before the madness begins.

After 20 years of Fantasy Fests, some sort have had it! Did one, did them all!

A new bartender at the Chart Room. John still there. However, his days have been changed.

The new bartender Tammy. She works tonight. Can’t wait to meet the lady. Her regular job is on the roof of the Bull bartending. The infamous Garden of Eden. A place where people go bare ass all times of the day and night. Especially this coming week. Tourists consider it a deviant place. The roof will be packed.

A strange thing happened yesterday in San Juan. The offices of Mayor Carmen Yulin were raided by the FBI. She is the woman who stood up to Trump for failing to do enough for the people of Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria.

Mayor Yulin’s offices are also described as San Juan’s municipal offices.

An FBI spokesman said more than 10 and less than 50 agents were involved. Sounds like a big deal. Why the secrecy as to the number of agents?

The spokesman added the FBI were investigating “fixing contracts, falsifying documents…..having to do with federal funds.”

It was reported members of City government were targeted, not the Mayor herself. The Mayor pledged full cooperation.

I have a concern. Hope I am wrong. In reality, is this retaliation or retribution against the Mayor for having stood up to Trump?

Trump has ruthlessly beat up the FBI. They went strictly by the book during the Kavanaugh investigation. However, I thought they could have investigated further than they did. Now a strong heroic woman has her public office investigated. Bothers me. Hope it is on the up and up.

The FBI has always been an above board professional organization. However with the ruthless beating it has been taking the past several months, I wonder if they sort have given in a bit in opposing the President in some circumstances.

Canada has legalized marijuana for recreational use. Became legal at midnight last night. An individual can legally carry up to 30 grams. A bit more than 1 ounce. An ounce is 28.3495 grams. The statute has rounded it off to 30 grams.

Uruguay is the only other country to have legalized recreational marijuana.

The Canadian government is giving serious consideration to going a step further. Consideration is being given to issuing pardons to all convicted for possession of 30 grams.

It has been 15 days since Jamal Khashoggi was killed and his body dismembered. Saudis can be cruel.

It is obvious Trump is trying to cover Saudi Arabia’s ass to some extent. A bad move. Not consistent with American character and sense of right.

Saudi Arabia considers itself untouchable due to oil and money. The U.S. does business with them. Big time. The Saudis consider the U.S. friends.

Friends like the Saudis the U.S. does not need. Never forget they gave us $4 a gallon gasoline and most of the 9/11 culprits were Saudi citizens.

The Saudis have strange ways of getting rid of bodies. They must give significant thought to the how.

In 1956, Nasir As-Sa’id fled Saudi Arabia fearing for his life. A writer, also. In 1979, he was kidnapped on a crowded Beirut Street. Then taken to the Saudi embassy where he was tortured and killed.

No dismemberment for As-Sa’id. Rather his body thrown out of a plane over Saudi Arabia’s “empty quarter desert.”

Senator David Perdue (R-Ga) a strange bird.

Last week, students were protesting. One asked him a question and held his cell phone up to record the Senator’s answer. The Senator “ripped” the phone from the student’s hand.

The Senator’s office later reported it was an error of judgment on the Senator’s part.

He has compared Trump to Winston Churchill. Would you believe! He said Trump may “not be a choir boy, but he is a man of history.”

Last month during the Kavanaugh hearings, Perdue referred to the protesters as “Nazis.”

Then there is Obama. Republican hatred for Obama runs deep. The Senator was speaking at a Facts and Freedom Coalition in June. Re Obama, he said let his days be few. Apparently a religious fanatic, he relied on Psalm 109:8…..”Let his days be few.”

Syracuse/UNC saturday. Syracuse a 10 point favorite. Hope the ‘Cuse returns to its winning ways.

Enjoy your day!





I have found something strange re the news the past couple of weeks. Perhaps you have also.

Close to all of the news concerns the U.S. Kavanaugh primarily.

There are things going on elsewhere in the world. We do not hear. We are buried in the Kavanaugh issue.

Not healthy. World events in the final analysis are equally if not more important over the long run than Kavanaugh.

Fire Prevention Week begins in a few days. October 7-October 13.

In 1948, a fire prevention week existed also. I was in the eighth grade. There was a contest. We had to write a composition about fire prevention. The writer of the best composition would get to read it while standing on a fire truck in front of the school. A big deal!

Mine was the best. Thirteen year old Louis got the thrill of a lifetime. Stood on the fire truck, read the composition, and then blew the fire truck horn repeatedly. The last part the best.

I was a reader early in life. Sat in an easy chair in the living room reading something too heavy for me. A large dictionary at my side so I could look up the many words I did not understand.

Somewhere along the way, I came up with a phrase that stuck in my head while writing the composition: A match has a head, but no brain. Brilliant! I incorporated it into my composition. It became the thrust of the writing and probably caused me to win.

At the time, I thought it had to do with fires. I looked it up this morning. It did not. Concerns stress and anger prevention.

Oh well, it worked at the time!

I further discovered this morning that I was sort of correct. Sort of being the operative words. I came across one comment re the match and no brain in a fire prevention ad put out by a Firemen’s Association. One out of hundreds!

Disposable lighters are in vogue today. Matchbooks a rarity. In 1948, matchbooks were used. A practical lighter did not arrive on the scene till 1972. Gillette bought a French patent.

Matchbooks were used for cigarette lighting, birthday cakes, etc. Matchbooks were a small paper board folder carrying 30 matches. Rip a match off and strike the head on a small pad on the outside of the matchbook.

That scenario was why I was able to use a match has a head but no brain. Everyone used matches! Everyone understood!

A pleasant evening last night at Blue Macaw with Andrea and Joe. Good people. I keep repeating myself. However, they are.

Afterwards, I stopped at Sandy’s Cafe for something to eat before returning home.

I have reported re the mosquito danger in North Carolina. Terrible! Mosquitoes three times normal size. Millions more than normal being bred.

North Carolina’s Governor recognizes the danger. Yesterday, he authorized $4 million to attack the problem. Probably more will be required in time.

One of Florida’s greatest benefactors was Henry Flagler. The railroad, St. Augustine, Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, Miami, and Key West.

Two interesting things about the man. He never graduated from high school. He also actually created Miami. From nothing to something. People were thrilled. They wanted to name the city Flagler. He said, no. There was a river in the area. The Miami River. The city Flagler created was named after the river.

Tuesday night I was supposed to watch Ally play volleyball. She is on the school team. Never saw her play before. To my sorrow, the game was cancelled at the last minute.

One of my TV’s has been down for 2 days. Repair man due this afternoon. Comcast is wonderful!

Tonight, I don’t know. Probably the Chart Room. Several days since my last visit. Time to visit with John again.

Enjoy your day!


It was October 3, 1951. I was 16 years old, a junior in high school. My after school job was working in a super market. That day, stocking shelves.

Professional baseball was big back then. The fan base equivalent or better than pro football and basketball combined. Truly at that time, the All-American sport.

The National League had ended in a tie. The New York Giants and Brooklyn Dodgers. Both teams long gone from New York City today having moved west.

The supermarket owner permitted the game to be broadcast over the loudspeaker system.

The Dodgers were favored. They had led the League. New York was 13.5 games behind in August. Then won 16 straight.

The bottom of the 9th. Dodgers winning 4-2. One out. Giants batting. Bobby Thomson at the plate. A respected hitter. Ralph Branca had come in as relief pitcher for the Dodgers. A respected pitcher.

Willie Mays was in the batter’s circle. A rookie. It was thought Branca would walk Thomson to get at the still inexperienced Mays.

He did not. He pitched to Thomson. There were 2 men on base. Thomson hit a home run.

Everyone went crazy! All over the U.S. In the super market. I went crazy. The sports announcer went crazy.

Thomson’s home run is described as “the shot heard round the world.” The event one of the most memorable in sports history.

New York went on to be defeated by the New York Yankees in the World Series.

My podcast last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Love doing the show! Began with my concern for the U.S. I believe we are disintegrating as a nation.

Tonight, the Blue Macaw. Terri sings!

My girl! Love her! Admire her!

It dawned on me this morning that October means Goombay and Fantasy Fest. The end of the month. Something to look forward to. Both different flavors. Both enjoyable.

I wrote the other day about the mosquito danger in North Carolina. Too much water. Mosquitoes coming out big time. Could be illness causing. An epidemic possible.

Someone commented and asked what about Big Pine and surrounding areas following Irma last year. Good question! Never gave it a thought.

I tried to get a hold of the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District for first hand information. They apparently operate like Comcast. I am still waiting for a response.

I am assuming both areas suffered a different impact.

Note that mosquitoes are a major south Florida concern. Especially in the Keys. We have a Florida Keys Mosquito Control District headed by an elected Board. Many employees. Planes to spray. Vehicles to spray.

Standing water for many days was not a major concern following Irma. Our flooding was different from North Carolina’s. The Keys’ concern was debris standing on the side of roads for miles and miles. The wet debris and humidity that followed made the debris a breeding place.

Mosquito District personnel were out immediately searching for new breeding pockets. They dealt with the problem immediately.

I am not aware of any significant mosquito problem as a result.

A job well done.

North Carolina on the other hand was hot with floods. Big time. Ten to 20 feet in height. Some lasting 10 days or more.

As the water receded, most of North Carolina became a major breeding ground for mosquitoes.

I assume the State is involved with the problem and dealing with it at this point.

Whether North Carolina was as prepared as the Keys is another story.

“If it don’t fit, you must acquit.” Famous words from the O. J. Simpson murder trial.

A glove was a key piece of evidence. The prosecution had Simpson try the glove on during the trial He could not get it on. Too small. Too tight.

What no one seem to have picked up on at the time was that the glove had become wet and shrunk. Whatever, it was one of Simpson’s passages to an acquittal. The jury acquitted him this day in 1995.

Saturday coming up. Syracuse/Pitt. Syracuse a 5 point favorite.

Enjoy your day!



Brad Bertelli is curator of the Keys History and Discovery Center. He wrote an interesting article re prohibition and Key West speakeasies in the Key West Weekly 9/27/18.

It was 1928. Prohibition was upon the U.S. Bootleggers were running booze in from larger boats sitting beyond U.S. territorial limits. Some of the illicit alcohol passed through Key West on its way to other parts of the country. Some remained in Key West.

A new type drinking establishment arose. The speakeasy.

Key West had 2 speakeasies early on. Club Florence and the Blind Pig.

Club Florence was located at 1117 Duval St. Today, the Speakeasy Inn. Owner Raul Vasquez named the place Florence because a number of his customers had wives named Florence.

The Blind Pig operated at 428 Greene St. Today, the infamous Captain Tony’s.

The structure was built in 1851. Over the years, served as an ice house and city morgue, wireless telegraph station, cigar factory, and bordello.

The building was owned by Isaac Wolkowsky. David Wolkowsky’s father.

Issac rented the building to Joe Russell during Prohibition for $3 a week. When Prohibition ended, Russell changed the name to Sloppy Joe’s. He would later move the bar to its present location.

Dueling Bartenders first last night. The wonderful Terri Smith guest performer. Joining regulars Tom Luna and Rick Dery. A good crowd. Donna, Andrea and Joe, John and Fiona, the wonderful Liz, Josefina, and Mary among others.

Stopped at Sandy’s Cafe on the way home for a bite. My usual. Cuban cheese toast with tomato and a diet coke. Love the meal! Think it is the cost. $4.39. Can’t beat it.

Shades of Tom Cruise and Ancient Japan last week in Key West. Samurai!

A homeless man threatened 2 different persons early friday morning. With a samurai sword. Ended up being arrested.

I am excited. Tonight, I watch Ally play volley ball for the first time. She is on the Montessori team.

Afterwards, I have to hurry home. My podcast at 9. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Interesting. An eye opener on occasion. Join me for a half hour. Listen to me rant and rave. Guaranteed you will not be disappointed. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

On this day in 1950, Tennessee Williams purchased what was to be his home for some 30 yeas on Duncan St. Only $13,000 back then.

The home remains lovely. Present owners keep it in tip top shape.

Lisa and family live 1 1/2 blocks down the street on Duncan.

One of the most thriving and happiest Key West businesses is on Union just below White. Dairy Queen. On this day in 1951, the Zoning Board approved a zoning change so the Dairy Queen could be built.

For over 60 years, Dairy Queen has successfully operated in the same place. Primarily patronized by locals. School kids and families. Many the time Lisa, Robert, Ally and I would stop and enjoy. Sometimes Louis alone with the grandkids. Small tables outside to sit on. One of the few Key West businesses with more than adequate parking.

We wait for the FBI report. Now expanded. Going to be interesting.

I suspect another governmental investigation is ongoing at the same time. One by the Judicial Conference of the United States. Composed of Federal Judges. Oversees the operation of Federal Courts.

The Judicial Conference at the moment would be operating in secrecy. It has the power to recommend impeachment among other things for criminal malfeasance. It can initiate its investigation on its own based merely on media reports.

Does Kavanaugh qualify for such an investigation? I think so. However, I am not a member of the Judicial Conference.

Got to give the Devil his do. I refer to Trump.

NAFTA was replaced by USMCA yesterday. A better trade agreement.

Trump delivered.

Enjoy your day!


Important maters to discuss today. One stands out above all else. An item of personal achievement. I have lost 60 pounds!

Unbelievable! Took about a year. Now weigh 197. Still going. I am into the diet. Never would have believed I could do it.

I was constantly tired. Complaining it had to be my heart. I was in Fort Lauderdale for my 4th heart catheterization. The doctor found nothing different from my previous one. Looked me in the eye and said…..Lose 40-50 pounds.

He was the pro. I, not. I listened. Started dieting the next day. Stopped being tired after losing 20 pounds.

I need clothes. Everything way too big. Love it!

I am hurrying this morning. Do not want to miss a minute of the Judiciary Committee hearing beginning at 10. The political junkie in me compels it.

The Committee hearing(s) a mess. A disgrace. Proof our government at every level is failing. F–d up!

A thorough investigation is required. By the FBI. Not merely a vetting. I believe it is not being requested because of a simple point. It is against the law to lie to an FBI agent. I assume Kavanaugh when asked about his sexual escapades, would continue to deny them. So much for the Supreme Court seat, his present Judicial seat, his attorney’s license, his good name, etc.

The ladies are coming out of the woodwork. There will be more. Only because a person guilty of a particular addictive conduct will repeat it endlessly. Never fearing its harm to himself or others.

Last night the first in a week I was out. The Chart Room, of course. John’s first night back after 10 days in Jamaica. Kevin and I were together to hear John’s war stories.

The Jamaica I knew 20 years ago has not changed. I did not like Jamaica. I left the resort to visit the town. Scared the hell out of me! Returned to the resort and remained the whole trip. The armed guards walking the resort made me feel somewhat secure. However, I kept thinking what the hell even made me come to Jamaica.

Jamaica a third world country then, a third world country today.

One drink was enough. My first in a week. Left and stopped at Publix. Cupboard bare again.

My first evening out in a week. Exciting!

Tropical storm Kirk is out there in the Atlantic heading this way. Does not appear it will affect the U.S. Presently moving for the Barbados. Then south of Jamaica and Cuba.

I mention Kirk only because I have learned hurricanes are fickle. The mother could change course a bit and head north towards the Keys.

Key West motels in the 1950’s were at the Atlantic end of town. Many still standing. Others replaced by new beautiful hotels.

Competition keen back in those days. Not enough business. Motels cutting their prices. I recall mentioning a few days ago that one motel advertised rooms for $2.

Things got more competitive. On this day in 1955, 8 motels posted signs offering free rooms to tourists.

Enough. The Judiciary Committee hearing awaits.

Enjoy your day!


David Wolkowsky is dead. He died in his sleep sunday night.

It was only a few weeks ago, I attended his 99th birthday party.

We met in our later years. Six or seven years ago. Became instantaneous friends. A more kindly, thoughtful, considerate person I had never met. He was pure goodness.

Modern Key West owes its success to David. His vision for his home town. The Key West of today would not have been except for him. As the years went on, he became known as Mr. Key West. He will always be remembered as such.

Whatever I had, knocked me on my ass. Three days in bed. Started feeling better yesterday. Feel good today. By tomorrow, I should be back to normal.

I am behind in my work. Have not done a Key West Lou Live video in several days. Tonight, Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. My podcast. I am totally unprepared. No problem. It may take the day, but I will be a go at showtime.

Join me tonight at 9. A fast moving half hour. Louis ranting and raving about whatever moves him at the moment. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Ally and Robert are enjoying sports. Ally volley ball, Robert tennis.

Can’t wait to see them play.

Syracuse is off to a big start this season. 4-0. Saturday play Clemson 4-0. Clemson ranked #3 nationally. Syracuse unranked. The Vegas line is Clemson by 22 points.

David v. Goliath. Going to be interesting.

Michelle Goldberg is an Opinion Writer for the New York Times. A recent Opinion was titled Pigs All the Way Down. The “pigs” were Kavanaugh and other members of the Washington rotten ruling class.

The woman knows how to call them!

The U.S. and China are engaged in the trade war of all trade wars. Pure unadulterated stupidity! Can only lead to no good.

Many economists are predicting the trade war could last 20-30 years. To the detriment of both the U.S. and China.

Steve Bannon has been a major influence on Trump re China. He boosted early on that Trump was bound to conduct a “sophisticated form of economic warfare” in order to confront China.

Trump, as influenced initially by Bannon, is that if you squeeze the Chinese economy hard enough, Beijing will submit and “play by the rules.”

I do not agree. Trump is blind. He is seeing what he wants to see. Only one side of the coin. He forgets the military.

China has spent the past six years building its Navy, islands where no islands existed, new airfields, missiles with capacity to reach the U.S. The U.S. has yet to build an effective opposition to the missiles.

Before China becomes subjugated, it will resort to war.

Please say a prayer for David.

Enjoy your day!





This cold has knocked me on my ass! Sneezing, dripping nose. Cough that hurts. Feel like crap all over.

Sloan stopped by yesterday. A wonderful woman! Brought me tissues, Gator Aid, and one of those 3 way cold tablets. Pills work great. Minimize the cold’s effects.

Spent a quiet several hours watching Tiger Woods win again after five years of drought. Number 80 for him.

The crowd went crazy. Never saw anything like it in golf. They swarmed the field behind him as he walked up the 18th.

Tiger has gone through much. A lot of his problems of his own making. Some not. He fought his way back and has reached the pinnacle of the golf game once again.

God bless!

This is Judge Kavanaugh’s week. Will he be approved for the Supreme Court?

The approval process has laid bare many of the Senate’s wrongs. These old farts must be made aware this is the 21st century. Women are equal and respected. Not by word alone.

I have mentioned several times on all my shows that if Kavanaugh is the kind of fink he is being portrayed to be, others will come out and say…..He did me, too!

It never fails.

Two came out over the weekend. One is Deborah Ramirez. She was at Yale University back in the early 1980’s when Kavanaugh was. She was attending a drunken dorm room party. She claims Kavanaugh came up to her, dropped his pants and waved his penis in front of her face.

Hard hitting attorney Michael Avenatti reports he is representing a woman who has “credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge.”  She claims she attended Washington house parties in the early 1980’s where Kavanaugh was present. She said he would target women with alcohol and drugs to prepare them for sex. The goal was to have the woman in a state where a “train of men” would be able to gang rape the ladies.

Avenatti claims he has several witnesses to the events.

And so it goes. Even if you do not believe any of the ladies, there is smoke. And where there is smoke, there is fire.

College sure changed from when I attended. I was in college in the mid 1950’s. Sex. What was that? The girls would not even let us get to first base. The fear of pregnancy prohibited everything.

I never heard the word “train” with a sexual connotation till very early in my legal career. I was representing a black man charged with murder. The claim was he beat up a white man and robbed him.

There was an eye witness. A fragile appearing black woman. She testified she knew him prior to the murder, she had done “trains” with him.

What did I know about a “train?” I leaned over and asked  my client what a “train” was. He told me. I could see the look in his eyes…..You don’t know…..what kind of an ass do I have for a lawyer!

My education had been neglected

The trial lasted 5 1/2 weeks. He was found not guilty of murder. Walked out of the court room with me, a free man.

Enjoy your day!



I have not had a cold in 20 years. For real. I got one this week. The mother of all colds. Running nose, sneezing, a sore throat, and generally feeling lousy.

Last Sunday, I began noticing a lot of sneezing and complaining of a sore throat, etc. I smiled. Not me. I was immune.

Finally, got hit Wednesday. Yesterday, the worst.

Slept for the first time last night. Woke this morning. Laying in bed noticed no sore throat, no runny nose. Finally over!

No. Once up and around a few minutes and everything started again. Nowhere as horrible as yesterday, however.

Today and tomorrow and I should be fine.

Sorry I rejoined the world of susceptibility to colds.

While dying, I enjoyed watching Syracuse/Connecticut from my bed. Syracuse won 51-21. As expected. Next week, Clemson! A giant in collegiate football. Undefeated also while playing better teams than Syracuse.

Hope we win! Don’t know!

Enjoyed watching Tiger Woods over the course of the afternoon. He’s back! Hope he wins. Holding a 3 stroke lead going into the final round.

Woods played magnificently. Five straight birdies on the front 9.

If he wins today, it will be Woods 80th PGA Tour victory. More importantly, his first tour victory in more than 5 years.

The world is pulling for him.

Stupidity continues to prevail. A most recent example is what is happening to Tammie Hedges in North Carolina.

Terri has been threatened with arrest for having saved more than 2 dozen animals during hurricane Florence.

Terri runs a non-profit called Crazy’s Claws n Paws. She is in the process of building a shelter. Florence hit. Terri offered space to persons without anywhere to leave their pets. Opened her doors. Pet owners and rescuers brought animals in. Terri did not go out and get any herself.

There was no charge for the sheltering, feeding, etc. Total brought in were 17 cats and 10 dogs.

After Florence had passed, Terri received a call from the head of Wayne County Animal Services. He berated Terri. Terri to get a warrant for return of the animals. Implied Terri could be arrested. She was told she was a “lawbreaker” for operating a shelter without a permit. Note she was only constructing the shelter when Florence hit. Not doing business yet.

Terri turned over the animals. Now concerned she may be arrested.

Some in authority are just assholes. The only way to describe them.

Enjoy your Sunday!



Batman well hung!

DC Comics publishes Batman comic books. Under its DC Black Label, it recently published a new Batman comic book. A first edition.

I did not see the comic book. I read about it. Batman’s penis covered by his costume. However, easy to discern. Reported as admirable.

The comic book was immediately taken off the market when a furor arose. I suspect the penis exhibit was accidental. The result of an overzealous artist.

The comic book is destined to become a become a collector’s item. Inevitable.

DC Comics reported that it will publish a series of comic books involving comic book heroes aimed at a mature audience. Batman will return in his natural glory. Wonder Woman in hers.

A dinner party again last night at Andrea and Joe’s. I am beginning to like this! Two Julia Childs. Andrea and Donna got up early yesterday morning and grocery shopped. Then spent the day together cooking.

Everything good! Many tastes! I even had a huge pina colada. Joe enjoys them. The last time I had a pina colada was 6 years ago in Aruba. I would start at 10 in the morning. Get a new one every 2 hours while laying under a beach umbrella. Each with a double shot of rum.

David and Marilyn Taylor Key West friends no more. Irma bothered Marilyn. They sold their home and returned to Kentucky. David and I would watch basketball games together. David wrote also. He would share his writings with me.

David and Marilyn are on a trip. Presently, Prague. Prague is the capital and largest city in the Czech Republic. Many Key Westers visit. It has become the new playland for gays. David and Marilyn are not of such persuasion.

They are staying at the Prague Hilton. Eight hundred rooms. Every U.S. President since George 1 has stayed there. David’s sole complaint, no Chart Room.

The hotel is built on a river.  The river has a tendency to flood. The builders/architects of the hotel came up with a unique idea for handling flood waters.

When a flood is anticipated, public rooms on the first 2 floors are flooded with fresh water. When the river rises, the water, sewage and debris cannot enter the hotel. The water inside equalizes that of the rising river. The damage resulting less, the clean up easier.

The concept was tested in 2002 when the river rose to its highest level ever. Everything worked as expected.

Washington governmental leaders have ceased to amaze. Nothing surprises me. Stupidity and delay common place.

Two recent examples.

Secretary of State Pompeo has his hands full with Iran, North Korea, Russia, the tariff wars, etc. Trump has never hired enough persons to work at State. Many jobs open. Understaffed.

Pompeo recently issued 2 memos. He is unhappy with how his people write. They use too many commas. He prefers the Oxford comma which uses less. Teaching manuals have been circulated. The command…..Write using the Oxford comma.

I never heard of the Oxford comma. Researched it. Per Pompeo, it does use fewer commas. However fewer lead to confusion.

Google the Oxford method and you will understand.

I cannot recall ever being taught correct comma usage. It is something I suspect we all picked up along the way. I am staying with my old and true.

U.S. Senators, especially Republican ones, are complaining. Russia and some other countries are hacking their personal e-mails.

Deservedly so!

We have known for 2 years Russia hacked us in the 2016 election. Trump keeps denying. No one in Washington has done anything to guard against a repeat. The Senators could easily have lead the battle. They sat on their hands and did nothing. Now the problem has hit home. Hope nothing embarrassing on their e-mails.

On this day in 1776, a 21 year old Captain in the Continental Army was executed for spying. Nathan Hale. We first learned of him in grammar school. His famous words, “I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country.”

Some historians say not so. No record made of the statement as Hale was being hung. Most disagree. They attribute the words to Hale.

Syracuse/Connecticut at 4 this afternoon. Syracuse a 27.5 point favorite. I will enjoy watching the game.

Next week the test! Syracuse plays Clemson.

Enjoy your day!