Everything yesterday was good!
The day started with lunch at I-Hop with the grandkids. The three of us had a good time. Chatted constantly. Robert devoured a Philly cheese steak sandwich and fries. Ally a huge cheeseburger and fries. Poor Poppa. Ham, eggs and whole wheat toast.
The gym was next. Courtney time. Another work out. I found yesterday difficult. Don’t know why.
Donna’s daughter Stacie, her husband Rob and a third person have purchased the gym. From my trainer Courtney. They are investing a ton of money in the place. It is going to be bright and cheerful when the renovations are complete. I wish them well. The gym is called Old Town Fitness.
The girls arrived at 5:30. My lesbian wives as they describe themselves. They will be my house guests for six weeks. Good friends. No problem.
Charming and talented is the only way to describe Terri White. A Broadway star. She just closed in Follies. The show opens in Los Angeles in two months for a two month run.
Donna is spouse to Terri and her business manager. A tough woman to negotiate with! I hear her on the phone all day handling Terri’s business.
Terri amuses me every time she is here. She is always concerned about her tan. I have to work on my tan! Terri is naturally black. Tan what? But she does. She will lay by the pool and then show me where her exposed body is tanner than that which was covered. She develops tanning lines during her visits.
We had a drink outside to catch up. Then it was hurry up to get out on the town!
We were famished. Went directly to the Hot Tin Roof. A good meal and good conversation. Terri had scallops over a pasta. She always eats pasta. Her body requires it in order for her to sing as she does. Interesting.
JJ was having dinner at the bar.
Then to the Chart Room. Packed with tourists. Should be. This is the season.
Mary bartending and handling the crowd well.
A fellow asked if my name was Louis. Was I Key West Lou? Our conversation took off.
His name was Brian. He and his wife and friends visit Key West for a week this time of the year each year. Debbie is the wife. Brian runs/directs an annual festival in Virginia Beach. The Neptune Festival. Debbie is a domestic relations attorney.
They were with Mark and Pat. Marks sells cars in Washington, DC. Pat is a decorator.
All nice people.
There was a guitarist playing for tips. Brian took over the guitar for a bit. Talented! Sang well and had the crowd singing with him. Later, he stood next too Terri and harmonized a couple of songs with her.
Brian reads my blog every day. So he was totally aware of who Terri was.
My next comments may embarass Brian. But true they are! He reminded me of Howard Livingston. When Howard was not yet an entertainer. An easy smile, soft personality, good voice, always left people smiling. And always ready to sing! I would be at Howard’s home in Sugarloaf. He would pick up the guitar and just hum and sing away. This is back when Howard was a Chicago industrialist.
I recall one night it was well after midnight and Howard and I were sitting on his dock, our feet in the water. We were smoking cigars dipped in Grand Manier and then passing the bottle back and forth taking swigs from it. Howard had his guitar and was quietly singing away.
A new career may await Brian!
A big guy with long hair approached me. Turns out we had met each other in the Chart Room two years ago. He is Jay. From Brooklyn. Jay is a professional comedian. He was at the Chart Room with his parents, girl friend, her parents and another friend. I wish Jay and I had more time to converse. I would have liked to hear the details of his career. I suspect they are interesting.
We were not done yet!
Donna, Terri and I marched over to the Wine Galley. Larry Smith’s Jazz Night. The Wine Galley was packed also. A mixture of locals and tourists. Mostly tourists.
Larry asked Terri to sing. She did. To a standing ovation at the end! What a voice!
I left my gay wives at the Wine Galley. I was tired. It was around 11. Past my bed time. Donna and Terri were still going strong.
Enjoy your day!