What I begin with this morning has nothing to do with the title. The news for me is so exciting. Worthy of sharing.
The scale this morning reads 200 pounds!
I was 257 last summer when I decided to cut back. Nothing stringent. Smaller portions, less drinking and no bread. By November, I was down to 245.
For several years, I was tired all the time. Even at 245. Went to Miami for a heart catheterization. My fourth. Doctor said your heart no different today than 3 years ago when last done.
Why am I tired all the time? I was pushing for an answer. He gave it to me. Right between the eyes: Lose 40 or 50 pounds!
The next day was November 27. I got into serious dieting. Atkins. A low carb diet.
The numbers say it all. I have lost since last summer 57 pounds total. The Atkins diet responsible for 45 pounds of it.
I am into the diet. Not stopping yet. May stay on it forever. Not difficult. We shall see.
Oh, I have not been constantly tired since 225 pounds.
What goes around, comes around. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Harvey Weinstein got buried by the MeToo movement. Deservedly so.
Asia Argento is an Italian actress of some success. She has won two Italian Oscars. She became deeply involved in #MeToo. Helped bring down Weinstein.
Turns out Asia had skeleton in her closet. What follows occurred when Asia was 37 and a Jimmy Bennet 17.
Bennet now 22. He played in a couple of Asia’s films as a child actor. A mother-son relationship developed. Went beyond such a relationship, however.
It was announced yesterday that Asia sexually assaulted Bennet when he was 17 in a hotel room at the Ritz-Carlton in Marina del Rey, California. Oral sex and intercourse. They also took pictures. One of the two of them naked on a bed together.
Bennet never complained formally till recently. He claimed the one time bed situation affected him mentally. In the five years prior to the incident, he earned $2.7 million. In the five years since, he has only earned an average of $60,000 a year.
Asia paid Bennet $380,000. She also got the bare ass picture of the two as part of the settlement.
Non-disclosure clauses in matters of this nature are not legal in California. Ergo, the scenario is now in the news. The New York Times released it yesterday.
Asia a pedophile. An imperfect woman who relished in bringing down Weinstein and others as part of the #MeToo Movement.
Some things have a way of coming back to haunt a person.
Terri is home! No heart attack. Nothing found wrong. God bless!
Tom Luna and Rick Dery were spectacular last night at Dueling Bartenders. Liz, Josefina and Mary there. Chatted with Sheila and Linda. Met Karen and talked with her a while.
Then to Blue Macaw for something light to eat.
Mary at the bar. I chastised her for not returning my call sunday. I wanted her to join me for a drink.
I was wrong. She had responded. She texted me. I do not do text.
We are having dinner together wednesday at La Trattoria.
Remember the Virginia Beach ladies I met last week. They were supposed to join me at Dueling Bartenders last night. Even got an e-mail sunday from Gillian saying they would be meeting me monday night.
The ladies never showed. Such is life. They leave Key West today to return home. I am confident they had a hell of a time!
Return to Key West ladies!
Iguanas are a pain! No one likes them. They eat your flowers, defecate in your pool, etc. They are here to stay, however. Too many now. Steps should have been taken years ago to get rid of them.
First there were geckos. Then iguanas. Geckos are ok. They eat bugs.
A new member of the group is now running around Key West. Lizards. This morning’s Key West Citizen in the Citizens’ Voice column reported a reader’s comment re the lizards: “The curly lizards have entered the graveyard; geckos couldn’t stop their advance and the iguanas are beside themselves.”
The Key West weatherman continues to have a sense of humor. He has a comment following every report.
Today, showers and sunny. He added, “A mix and match day.”
Tonight, thunderstorms. He added, “Late night music.”
I came across a list of quotes by women 50 and older. Number 1 was by Meryl Streep: “You can’t get spoiled if you do your own ironing.”
An oracle of wisdom.
BOB not writing today. Out late last night and had one drink too many. Hopefully, tomorrow.
Today is tuesday. Means my podcast show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. Join me. I enjoy ranting and raving. Fun stuff, serious matters. www.blogtalkrado.com/key-west-lou.
Enjoy your day!