The day has arrived! The world is excited! The Paris Olympics begin today. The events will run from today through August 17.

The major event today is the Opening Parade. Always exciting. This year 10,500 athletes from 206 countries will participate. The Parade and Olympics themselves can be viewed on NBC. Normally from 3 pm ET. Today 1:30 pm because of the Parade.

The site of course Paris.

Biden’s withdrawal has screwed up Trump’s game plan. Trump is crazily and falsely attacking Harris. In one rally speech, he made 10 false claims about her.

Can it be because she’s a woman?

Lobster mini season always a danger. Boaters similar to those in the many boats that went out to capture the shark in the movie Jaws. Incompetent, inept, many boozed up, etc.

The inevitable happened. A 20 year old Floridian male was critcally injured after being struck by a boat operated by a Key West man. Sean Steven Bender was injured when a 19 foot boat struck him while he was in the water. The boat driven by a 36 year old man.

Bender suffered life threatening injuries and was airlifted to Miami Trauma Center.

New cars and trucks are not selling well. Extremely poorly. Why?

Dealers are panicking. Used cars and trucks are a better bargain. Many still under warranty. Insurance premiums a factor. They have soared by double digits this past year.

Though dealers are getting desperate, they would rather have vehicles rot rather than give discounts to customers. As to new trucks, one consumer said: “Dealers are about to learn a hard lesson…..people can’t afford $80,000 fucking work trucks.”

Boeing continues to have difficulties. Plane problems first. Now Boeing’s participation in a space program.

Two astronauts were sent aboard Boeing’s Starliner capsule for work. One week. Boeing can’t get them back. Now more than a month. Mid June was their original return time. Boeing says it will now be sometime in August. No specific date as yet, however.

I close with some observations relating to Moby Dick.

“Call me Ishmael.”

Herman Melville published Moby Dick in 1851. Since that time, the novel’s opening line “Call me Ishmael” has become one of literature’s most great sentences.

The book involves the sailor Ishmael’s narrative of the maniacal quest of Ahab, Captain of the whaling ship Pequod. Ahab seeks vengeance against Moby Dick, the giant white sperm whale that bit off his leg on the ship’s previous voyage.

Moby Dick was a commercial failure and was out of print when Melville died in 1891. Its reputation as a “Great American Novel” was not established till 1919, the centurial of Melville’s birth.

The book thereafter became all powerful. I recall having read it in class during my third year in high school. Then again, it was required reading and expansive discussion in one of my English college classes.

Sad that Melville did not benefit economically from the greatness of his book.

I am off for an hour of physiotherapy.

Enjoy your day!


The real person who sat for Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is who? More than one opinion.

The most popular is Lisa Gherardini. Her married name. Her maiden name Lisa del Giocondo. Her husband a Florentine fabric merchant. Neither rich nor poor. They were middle class.

Lisa has been described as “an unremarkable random wife. She ended up as one of the most recognizable faces in history.”

Lisa was much younger than her husband, as was the custom in those days. She was 15 and he 29 when they married. She bore him six children.

Her husband convinced Da Vinci to do Lisa’s portrait when she was 24. He began but never seemed to finish. She was 40 when Da Vinci died and the portrait was still partly unfinished.

History explains the delay in completing the Mona Lisa was its cost. Private portraits were cheaper. Da Vinci needed money when he took on doing Lisa’s portrait. However soon thereafter, he received more costly paintings to do and put Lisa’s painting to the side. He went back and forth to it over the years.

Speculation has attached to the Mona Lisa. The claim has been made that Lisa was not the model. Rather it was a male, Da Vinci’s male apprentice Salai.

At a point in time, the issue arose as to whether the Mona Lisa was actually the portrait of a man in drag. A painting of one of his personal employees, Gian Giacono Caprotti. He was considered a beautiful young man. Da Vinci was known to enjoy young males so the story has had traction.

Da Vinci had many interests and inspirations. He was into perspectives, proposition, and mathematics in the creation of his art. Was the Mona Lisa work product the result of these interests rather than the actual Lisa?

The Monas Lisa has been hung for viewing in the Louvre in Paris since 1797.

On loan/display at other museums over the years. In 1963, it was on exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City for several weeks. It was seen by more than 1,600,000 persons. I was “2” of them. Returned a second time to stand and stare. Captured by the work’s beauty and peacefulness.

Biden passed the sword last night on TV. His speech touchingly somber. Reflected none of the shortcomings apparent in the debate.

I wish Biden well during the remainder of his term. I hope Harris beats the hell out of Trump. I have a feeling she just might.

Netanyahu addressed Congress yesterday. The part of Congress that appeared. Roughly 40 Democrats refused to show. Including Senate President as Vice President Kamala Harris. Several Jewish members of Congress refused to appear also. Among them Senators Sanders and Schatz.

Netanyahu appeared via what was a Republican motivated invitation. A Trump ploy in my opinion. I believe it failed to work out as Trump  anticipated.

Netanyahu insulted the U.S. By so doing, he insulted me and you. He compared the Hamas attack as “like December 7, 1941…..a day that will forever live in infamy.” He further stated: “Many anti-Israel protesters, many choose to stand with evil. They stood with Hamas. They stood with rapists and murderers.” He claimed the protesters had “already become Iran’s useful idiots.”

Speaker Johnson criticized Harris for not appearing. He failed to add that Senator Vance also did not appear.

Overall, Netanyahu received a warm welcome from the Republicans and a lukewarm one from the Democrats who did appear.

Thousands appeared outside to protest Netanyahu’s appearance. Things got a bit out of hand. The protesters burned American flags. Raised in their place small Palestinian flags. I take the burning of an American flag, though legal, a personal insult.

Another negative affecting Netanyahu was what occurred at the Watergate Hotel where he was staying. Security was tight. Apparently as tight as when Trump was shot a few days ago in Pennsylvania. Some person or group got into Watergate and strew piles of maggots, meal worms and crickets around. None personally affected Netanyahu. Too bad. He would have ben deserving of such an insult.

Trump must be wondering how he made what is becoming an apparent mistake in selecting Vance as his running mate.

Circulating the internet is a video of Vance speaking two years ago when he was campaigning for the Ohio Senate seat. He knocked women who were childless and had cats. His claim was to the effect: “People without children do not have a ‘direct stake’ in America’s future.” The video has become part of today’s campaign. How can Vance knock women who are childless? Some cannot have children for physical reasons, some have husband’s who are incapable of planting the seed, some merely do not want children. Many become stepmothers as Harris did when she married Doug Emhoff in 2014. In fact, she adopted his two children.

Vance will lose a significant number of votes by attacking stepmothers. Deservedly so! A winner he is not. The only help he will be to Trump is in assisting Trump to be defeated.

Racial attacks in the House against Harris are becoming increasingly pronounced. GOP leaders are giving the appearance of being concerned. Speaker Johnson told his members to stop socially attacking Harris. I suspect he spoke with tongue in cheek. In an answer period following, Johnson said, “You can’t put the genie back in the bottle.”

An example of segregation defeated. A Woolworth store in Greensboro, North Carolina, that had been the scene of nearly 6 months of sit in protests against its white-only lunch counter dropped its segregation policy this day in 1960.

There is a woman named Elizabeth Francis. She is the oldest living American. Her age 114. She is a supercentenarian. A big word for her big years. Born in Louisiana, she presently resides in Houston, Texas.

I am still for Cheney as Harris’ Vice-President pick. It would guarantee a Harris victory.

Enjoy your day!


Famous author O. Henry did jail time. Three years for bank embezzlement. 

His real name William Sydney Porter.

To escape imprisonment, he fled to Honduras. His wife and child remained in the U.S. His wife fell deathly ill. William returned to be with her during her time of terminal illness.

Eventually jailed, of course. While imprisoned, he began writing stories to support his young daughter. He adopted O. Henry as his writing name.

Following discharge from prison, he went to work for New York World. His arrangement was to write one short story  a week from 1903-1906. It was during that time he wrote The Four Million which contained one of his most beloved stories, The Gift of the Magi. Recall it. The tale of a poor couple who each sacrifice their most valuable possession to buy a gift for the other.

He continued writing till his death in 1910. His specialty everyday people, often ending with an unexpected twist.

His life a difficult one. He was plagued with financial problems and alcoholism. 

Nevertheless, O. Henry is considered one of the world’s great authors.

U.S. men walk on the moon! First humans ever! The day July 21, 1969 at 12:51 EDT.

Neil Armstrong first, then Buzz Aldrin.

They returned to Earth this day in 1969.

What follows, I have shared in my writings over the years. Armstrong’s stepping on the moon was at that time and still is in my mind the greatest feat I ever observed. The impossible had been accomplished.

I wanted my four children to share in the experience. It was late at night. All four were asleep. The oldest my son John who was 11. The youngest, my daughter Lisa who was 5. My wife got the four up and downstairs to the family room TV. I explained away what was happening, the significance of it, etc.

To this day, none of them remember.

Judge Aileen Cannon and J.D. Vance are on the same team. Think alike. Reason enough not to vote for Trump-Vance.

Vance lacks stability. A “revolutionary” at heart. He said in 2020 that Trump would run again in 2024 and if he won Vance’s position would be: “Fire every single mid-level bureaucrat, every single servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people.” He further stated  if the courts ruled against the position, “Just blow them off.”

Vance further added: “We’re in a late Republican period,” alluding to weaknesses in the Ancient Roman Republic. “If we’re going to push back against it, we have to get pretty wild, and pretty out there, and go in directions that a lot of conservatives right now are uncomfortable with.”

Do you want Vance one breath away from the Presidency?

Harris money flooding in! Democrats have raised more than $250 million since Biden announced he was withdrawing and endorsing Harris.

Ho, ho, Donald! Aren’t you glad you started that rumor a year ago that Biden was too old?

President Biden addresses the nation tonight. He plans on explaining his decision to drop out of the race and discuss his years of service.

Listen in! Watch! Biden’s words will be one of the closing speeches by a great President in the process of laying down his mantle of leadership.

Netanyahu’s day today in Washington. The unwelcome visitor. Crowds of protesters expected. Many officials plan to give Netanyahu the cold shoulder.

He deserves no better.

I live and learn. Today’s new knowledge: Four U.S. Presidents never had a Vice-President…..John Tyler, Millard Filmore, Andrew Johnson, and Chester A. Arthur. All were Vice-Presidents who became President when their Commander in Chief died.

A different story today. The 25th Amendment which became law in 1967 spells out a series of contingency plans to fill any executive vacancies.  Where there is a vacancy in the office of Vice-President, the President shall nominate a Vice-Presidnet who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

Being Prince of Wales and the next King of Great Britain pays well. Prince William is 42. His salary the past financial year $30 million.

Not a bad paying job! Makes my gigantic attorney salary look like peanuts. We should all be high level royalty!

This year’s Hemingway Look-A-Like winner is 71 year old David “Bat” Masterson of Daytona Beach. A former pilot. He beat out 121 other contestants. This was his tenth attempt seeking the Look-A-Like title.

He does look like Hemingway! White beard and all!

I went out again last night. Second time in almost six months. Not because I am ready to hit the road again. Not till I have all my teeth. Which now appears to hopefully be mid September.

The Dixons are in town. Two of my best friends. They have always been there for me. They were back visiting this week. I had dinner with them friday night at La Trattoria. Did Happy Hour last night with them and Steve and Cindy at The Grand.

While everyone ate and drank, I devoured a bowl of tomato soup and two diet cokes. My weight loss is now 62 pounds.

I was up and out at 8 this morning. Cardiac physiotherapy for one hour. Tough, but good. So I am told!

Enjoy your day!


Many the time when I was young my parents would admonish me not to swim immediately after eating. I was told, as many of my generation, that it could lead to drowning.

Bad habits are catching. I did the same with my children.

Turns out such information was false. Doctors now say there is no need to wait at least 30 minutes after eating to go for a swim.

“Cocaine sharks” swim off the Brazilian coast. A real problem. The sharks are ingesting cocaine discarded by smugglers.

Scientists tested 13 sharks for coke and each one came back positive.

Netanyahu. Regardless he is the head of a national state, he should not be allowed to speak before Congress tomorrow. It is as if he owns Congress. He is not necessarily welcome this time. Doesn’t bother him. His “friends” made sure he received the invitation. 

Biden went out of his way to support Netanyahu and Israel initially re Gaza and Hamas. Biden hung in there to his detriment in recent months.

Harris is showing where she stands. As Vice Presidnet, she is the head of the Senate and would normally assume that position when Netanyahu appears. She has announced she will not participate. Biden however will meet with him privately afterwards.

Very few would consider Trump a “class act.” His interview by Kaitlan Collins following Biden’s withdrawal reflective of the statement. Trump said: “The worst President in the history of our country.” He believes Vice President Harris will be easier to beat.

“Worst President?” Trump forgets his four years as Presidnet. Without question, his four years one of the worst terms!

I hope Harris surprises him. It will hurt even more since she is a woman. Trump cannot accept being bettered by a woman.

Nikki Haley Voters PAC announced support for Kamala Harris. Ho, ho, Donald! It’s only the beginning!

GOP Vice President candidate J.D. Vance spoke to an Ohio rally last night. One of the lead up speakers was Ohio State Senator George Lang who predicted a “Civil War” if Trump loses the Presidential election. A MAGA Republican troublemaker.

He later recanted.

Does Trump fear Harris? He has doubled down on plans to drop the next Presidential debate scheduled for September 10 to be broadcast by ABC. He’s making noises like he wants to avoid the debate or rewrite the rules.

U.S. immigration problems a top news getter. Cuba has had a massive emigration wave the past two years. One million people have left Cuba. Ten percent of Cuba’s population.

Cause is attributed to a severe economic downturn and a government crackdown on dissidents.

There was a “Golden Age of Hijacking.” From 1968 to 1972. Hijacking rare since then. The last hijacking occurred in May 2021. It involved a Ryanair commercial jet flying over Belarus. 

On this day in 1982, an Air Florida flight bound to Key West was hijacked. Two men doused the cabin of the plane with gasoline. They then brandished cigarette lighters and hijacked the plane to Cuba.

Henry Ford did it! On this day in 1903, he sold his first car, a Model T, for $850.

Xander Schauffele won the British Open. The 30 year old golf professional is at the top of his game. He has won two majors this season. The British Open and the PGA Championship. He has propelled himself to #2 in World Golf Rankings.

A couple of weeks ago, I predicted Sahara Desert dust would hit Florida. Nothing happened. Last week, I asked what happened? Where was the dust?

Yesterday, meteorologist’s predicted that this coming saturday and sunday the dust storm will combine with dust particles and leave a film on everything the droplets touch.

The prediction suggests the Tampa/Fort Myers area will be the most severely struck.

Some Keys thoughts.

One day lobster mini season tomorrow in Key West. Only for Florida residents. A new extra day given us by the benevolence of Governor DeSantis. An extra day no one wanted nor requested. Let’s hope no problems occur.

Strange weather happenings yesterday. Frightful weather in Plantation Key and Islamorada. 

Near Plantation Key hit with a severe thunderstorm. Resulted in damaged trees, power lines and set sail to a trampoline 30 feet up on a tree. Wins were described as being of “small hurricane force.”

Islamorada had a tornado rip through the community. Damaged cars, trees and support fences.

A flying saucer was observed this day in 1952 by 3 persons on Harrison Avenue. They described it as a reddish – yellow ball.

My yesterday a difficult one. The Dixons gave me a blender friday. I have been going crazy with it. Too much! Sunday evening and yesterday I loaded it up with everything. Fresh fruits and vegetables, canned fruits, vegetables and meats. Turned everything into liquid. Enjoyed being able to easily drink everything down.

Too much! Got bloated big time! Very uncomfortable all day. Fine now. Will blend less  in the future.

Enjoy your day!


The shame of it all. The Democrats bought Trump’s tales of the past year re Biden’s age. The Democratic “leaders” capitulated. Trump had them “shitting their pants.”

If Trump wins, the Democrat elites will have given the Presidency and country to him on a silver platter.

The avowed purpose of those seeking to take Biden down was to defeat Trump. The absolute necessity and reason. Then it should be done. No game playing, bringing other Democratic Presidential candidates to the forefront, etc. Democrats should go for the jugular in defeating Trump. Which means moving forcefully, swiftly and unexpectedly ahead.

Forget not the purported primary reason for “dumping” Biden was to hopefully defeat Trump.

Then do it.

Which means everyone should immediately back Harris in obtaining the nomination. There is no free time or little time. Kamala is capable of being President.

The key is to surprise and blow Trump and his people out of the water. A key effort in achieving the result is to run a Republican on Harris’ ticket as her Vice-Presidential choice. Hit Trump where it hurts! Where he least expects it!

Liz Cheney, for example. A former Republican, now an Independent. Whichever party, immaterial. A respected political figure. A Trump hater. One not fearing to speak out yesterday and today against him. For the same “value” reasons that Biden wanted Trump’s defeat to be a reality.

Two women heading the ticket. So what. Solidifies a winning block of voters in this election year.

Cheney my first choice.

My second, Chris Christie. Brass balls!

A two party ticket not uncommon in Presidential politics. Abraham Lincoln did it in the 1864 election when he picked the Democrat Andrew Johnson as his running mate.

I go back to my gut feeling. Harris-Cheney would destroy Trump-Vance.

Please give serious consideration to my suggestion.

Enjoy your day!


A Citizens’ Complaint: “I miss the days  of complaining about leaf blowers and wind chimes. Election season can’t end soon enough.”

A patient doing the wrong thing in a hospital can be a cause of death. On this day in 1856, a sailor was admitted to the Key West Marine Hospital 3 weeks earlier for tuberculosis. He died of yellow fever contracted during his 3 week hospital stay. “He would have recovered could he have restrained from committing some imprudences that were the real cause of his death.”

German submarines were relatively close to Key West shores during World War II. Some closer than others. On this day in 1942, the merchant vessel William C. Bryant was damaged 44 miles southwest of Key West by German submarine U-84.

A couple of political observations.

No question but that at some point Donald Trump will believe his image belongs on Mount Rushmore. One problem. Not much room on Mount Rushmore to place a head the size of Donald Trump’s.

The Republican Convention and Trump himself were fantastic to view. Interesting to say the least. The lies were repeated and made to sound truthful. The Republicans buying them and I fear many non-Republicans.

There is an excellent Opinion piece in today’s New York Times by David French. I suggest you read it. The article is titled “One of the Republican Convention’s Weirdest Lies.” The thrust of the piece is that the Republic Convention was centered around a fundamentally false premises: “That in our troubled time, Donald Trump would be a source of order and stability.”

French takes on each Trump claim, promise, lie and breaks it down factually. 

An excellent work!

Moving on.

A respectful observation. It is popular today for women to shave their pubic hair. It has not always been so. Fifty-sixty years ago, a rarity. 

Turns out the “activity” must be one that comes and goes. Hundreds of years ago for a period of four centuries, anyone entering Milan had to walk beneath “The Porta Tosa.” A bas relief of a woman shaving her public hair.

There is speculation as to the meaning/intent of the Porta. Ranged from an insult directed to Constantinople to the historic depiction of a woman startling oncoming soldiers into retreating.

Chernobyl was and still is a nuclear disaster. It occurred in 1986. The area still contaminated. Basically the only people residing near the area are those working to control the contamination. Their time strictly limited and measured.

The question has arisen as to how long could a person stand in Chernobyl without melting? Obviously, serious business.

If a person remained in an area of the heaviest radiation exposure, scientists believe maximum time guaranteeing death to be 5 hours, 37 minutes, 20 seconds. No recovery to be expected. The person would be dead.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Last night a big one for me. My two very close friends Fran and Tom Dixon returned and I ate my first for real meal since January 31.

Fran and Tom are from Buffalo. Met them in Key West some 20 years ago. We became deep rooted friends immediately. They visit Key West 3-4 times a year. Tom has an affiliation with Ocean Key.

We have not seen each other since last Fall, however. They have a daughter in Wellesley. Two children already. A third was on the way. The third born a month ago. A new granddaughter. Fran the dependable perfect mother and grandmother. Frequently did the trip from Buffalo to Boston to help.

They are my “friends.” Real ones. I had to fight them off when I had the para-thyroid surgery in Tampa a few years ago and the heart surgeries in Miami recently. They were always a plane ride away from coming to sit with me. I told them “no.”

We met for dinner at La Trattoria last night.

My first shock was seeing Tom with a cane. I still recollect my cane days. He is coming off a hip replacement surgery and requires it. He looked distinguished.

Fran her usual beautiful self. Two days here and already deeply tanned.

I enjoyed the evening. Even more so because for the first time since January 31, I ate a meal. I gambled and ordered lasagna. Thought this toothless wonder could muck it up appropriately. I was correct. What a joy! Followed it up with chocolate mousse for dessert. Yes, felt like I died and went to Heaven!

Speaking of teeth, saw one of my dentists yesterday. Finally making progress. I suspect the whole procedure should be complete by mid September. Wowie! Note I have lost 62 pounds since January 31 because of my inability to properly eat. Losing weight a top priority for many, even me! Sixty two pounds a bit too much, however.

This week Hemingway Days are being celebrated. Generally, a big deal. The town full! Not last night. The street crowds were slight when I walked to La Trattoria at 6 and continued to be light when I left at 9. Tom told me Key West was not as busy as normal during the day yesterday either. I called earlier in the day for a reservation at Antonia’s. Was told they were closed till monday. La Trattoria was only half full last night.

Today, the Running of the Bulls. Hopefully, there will be a big crowd for the event.

My day began yesterday morning with a session at Select Physical therapy. Ashley beating up on me again. Tough! Good for me, however. Supposedly making my heart stronger.

Today in 1985 was a big one for Mel Fisher. After 15 years of hard work and debt, he finally struck gold and more. He discovered the “mother lode” for the Spanish galleon Atocha. It was a God bless time for Mel, his family and Key West.

I might add a significant find for Jean Thornton also. Sometime afterwards, she went out diving with Mel Fisher looking for more gold coins, emeralds, etc. The search never ends. There is always more to be found. 

Jean happened upon some gold coins and emeralds. Changed her life! The Indiana school teacher was no more.

A comment in today’s Citizens’ Voice. An obvious “truth” item: “The City of Baltimore will likely complete the reconstruction of the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge before Key West finishes replacement of the Staples Avenue Bridge.”

Sheila Jackson Lee, a long sitting Black Democratic Congresswomen from Texas, died yesterday from pancreatic cancer. She was 74. A brilliant outspoken woman. A champion African American and women’s rights advocate, her voice will be missed in the Halls of Congress.

The Trump who spoke at the Republican Convention was not a “new Trump.” Only his delivery was different. Not his words. Instead of yelling and screaming, he was quiet and subdued throughout. His message the same he has been delivering for years.

His introductory remarks lengthy. Too long, I thought. However, he is an actor who knows when he has a good thing going for him and will not easily let go. It was the bullet that missed killing him. God looking out for him the obvious reason. He was too much God in his remarks. Things like only by “the grace of God” and “I had God on my side.” He “played” the God issue to an extreme. Well for him, however.

The faces of the Convention delegates gave me concern. Most were not the same as in previous years. They were blue collar America. Working people. Part of the Trump plan to transform the Republican Party for election purposes. Well done, frankly.

The Democrats appear to be going elitist. The “new leaders” are botching it. If successful in eliminating Biden from the race, it will be impossible for the Dems to win. Too little time left. Also, people like Biden. Even if Democratic leaders do not. They are “pissing” on their leader. Democrats may not come out to vote for whoever Biden’s successor might be.

I continue to believe in Biden. The job he has done and will do. Much better by far than what Trump will IMPOSE on us. Trump talks one game now but will act a different one if Presidnet. Also Vance is not a winner. The next few months will show the same. Why Trump picked him, I do not understand.

A closing thought. Trump and the Republican Convention was geared toward capturing the votes of the working class. Only to get elected I assume. He speaks with a forked tongue. His commitment is to the CEO’s of America and will not change.

Enjoy your day!


The Republican Party has gone MAGA. No question about it. A new party has developed.  No longer the conservatives of many many yesteryears.

The Democratic Party also is changing. Radically and swiftly. As evidenced by its attempts to replace Biden. The elites are taking over. The working class ignored. 

The elites have embarrassed Biden no end. Assisting Republicans in bringing him down. The Democratic elites have forgotten what I have said in past days: You go home from the dance with the person who brought you.

I am in a quandary. The Democrats taking over the Democratic Party do not think as I do. Loyalty, fealty lacking on their part. A MAGA I
 am not. Perhaps I will become part of that third group, an Independent. I ‘m thinking about it.

Enjoy your day! One becoming sadder with each passing political day.


You think Joe Biden is having a bad time at the moment? No different than Harry Truman had in 1948.

Everyone thought he was a sure loser in the race against Tom Dewey for the Presidency. So much so, even respect got lost along the way.

In those days, campaigning was from the back of a train. It was called whistle stopping. Truman was on an 18 state trip. Spoke in small towns everywhere. 

No one was supporting Truman. He had been deemed a loser. Even the Democratic Party for all intents had abandoned him. Donors had walked away.

The train stopped somewhere on its journey and Truman was told he had to pay up the money owed for use of the train or it was not going any further. Can you imagine such talk to the Presidnet of the U.S.! The Party had abandoned him. Truman dug into his own pockets and also asked his friends on board to help out. They came up with enough to pay the debt.

What an insult to a President of the U.S.!

On election night, the famous commentator H.V. Kaltenborn said on national news before all the results were in…..”Dewey defeats Truman!” The Chicago Daily Tribune put out its election day paper early with a similar headline…..”Dewey Defeats Truman.”

When America rose from bed the morning following election day, it was clear Truman had won. A surprise! To all, except the people who voted for him. The Media and political pundits had blown it.

The moral of my brief blog this morning is found in the words of Yogi Berra…..”It ain’t over till it’s over!”

Joe Biden could not find a better person to be compared to than Harry Truman. Truly birds of a feather.

Enjoy your day!


The New York Times on monday published a scathing guest essay on former President Trump. Just 2 days after the attempted assassination of the Republican nominee. The article was written by Opinion writer Elizabeth Spiers: “This is not an election with a wrongful but well-meaning Republican. It is an all-out war with an illiberal megalomaniac who will happily destroy American democracy if it buys him one more ounce of power and keeps him out of prison.”

Trump has toned down since the assassination attempt. Word has it he is rewriting his acceptance speech to reflect a softer and kinder Trump.

Don’t buy it. A leopard does not change his spots.

A 2016 message that Vance sent to an old college friend has emerged. In it Vance said Trump could end up being “America’s Hitler” and might be “a cynical asshole like Nixon.”

After Vance kissed up to Trump, Trump supported him in his 2022 Ohio Senate race. He must have impressed Trump greatly. Here it is 2 years later and Trump makes Vance his Vice President choice.

Vance is an authoritarian. Same as Trump. It is necessary to examine some of Vance’s authoritarian views.

He believes Trump’s stolen election lie. He has called for the criminal investigation of a journalist he did not like. He advocates politicizing the federal bureaucracy. He believes Presidents can simply ignore the law.

CNN commentator Van Jones’ comment re Nikki Haley at the Republican convention last night was right on. He said, she “looked like she had been made to attend” her ex-husband’s wedding and give a toast. Jones added, “She was miserable saying it and Trump was miserable hearing it. So all that stuff did not work at all.”

Teamster President Sean O’Brien gave a terrific speech at the Republican Convention. In effect, one supporting Trump though he did not spell it out that clearly.

He should be ashamed. Biden has been the “union President.” What compelled O’Brien to be a turncoat, I do not understand.

So far the Teamsters Union has endorsed no one and may not. Whatever, it still “shit” for O’Brien to do what he did.

Liz Cheney said it correctly yesterday: The Republican Party is “no longer the party of Lincoln.”

Chris Matthews said, “President Biden has good reason to be resentful of his treatment by his former boss. “Meaning Obama, of course, who has been reported to be a moving force in getting Biden replaced on the ticket.”

Some Key West updates.

The Annual Key West Hemingway Days Festival began yesterday and runs through sunday.

To me, the Running of the Bulls is the most exciting event. Followed closely by the Hemingway Look-A- Like Contest. Roughly 150 men will compete to be the Hemingway Look-A-Like. In the many years I have been a Key West resident, I have met many. Winners and losers. Always exciting.

Key West will be full. Duval shoulder to shoulder at most times.


Prior to July 16, 1994, there were no jets landing in Key West. A 100 passenger British Aerospace 146 jet owned by the Trans American Charter Co. landed its jet that day at the Key West Airport. The purpose was to prove that such aircraft was acceptable in terms of noise and size.

Now, we have too many jets coming and going. It seems like we are always spending millions in tax dollars to increase the size of the airport.

The town is overloaded with tourists.

We have outdone ourselves. To our increasing detriment.

A TYPICAL Key West screw up reflected in yesterday’s Citizens’ Voice: “So, let me get this straight. The ports director is now the acting city manager because the former assistant city manager who resigned and then was named interim city manager when the city manager was fired immediately went on vacation. My question is who is watching the harbor?”

The man recently bitten by a shark off Key West has been identified. He is 37 year old Jose Angel Abreu Hernandez of Opa-Locka.

The incident took place on Toppino Reef – a popular snorkeling and shallow scuba diving site located 5 miles off Key West. Jose had just speared a fish and was returning to his boat with it when he was struck.

No information was available as to Jose’s condition.

Tired already. Only around one in the afternoon. I had physio at 8. Back was killing me. Ashley resolved the problem. Then some banking and a visit to my storage facility. All contributed to today’s blog being late. Sorry.

Enjoy your day!