Time moves on. Lisa is 50 today. Happy birthday, Lisa!

It makes it easier for me to accept I am 79.

I remember the night Lisa was born. Lisa was to be our fourth child. It was night. Her mother said it was time. We hurried to the car and started the drive to the hospital. Ten to 15 minutes away. Half way there, her mother said…..We are not going to make it….. the baby is coming out!

The hospital emergency room was configured so there was a long walk to it. I sped around to the back of the hospital to where I knew it was located. Jumped out of the car, ran up a ramp and into a hallway shouting…..My wife is having a baby…..hurry!

Everyone did. In seconds, not minutes, mother and prospective child were being stretchered into the hospital. Ten minutes later, Lisa was born.

For me, the experience was not difficult. It never is for the father.

Turned out Lisa’s mother never made it where ever in the hospital babies were delivered. Nor were her clothes removed. Back then, it was customary to shave a woman’s personal parts prior to delivery. A shaved pubic area was not in vogue as today. Mom never got to be shaved.

Lisa was a beautiful baby. Then a beautiful girl. Followed by a beautiful young lady. Today, a most beautiful person inside and out!

There is one other aspect to Lisa’s birth. We expected her to be a boy. We had already had a son followed by two daughters. It was natural to expect the next would be a boy. He was to be Louis.

It took us four days to come up with a name. I cannot recall how we decided on Lisa.

Fifty years ago, it was not in the hospital today, deliver today, and go home tomorrow. It was a 4-5 day stay. We needed the time to come up with the name Lisa.

Saw the sunrise this morning. One made for Lisa. The orange ball broke over the horizon midst some small clouds. A pretty sight!

Lunch yesterday was at Harpoon Harry’s. I went in for ham and eggs. Had meat loaf instead. I must have needed comfort food.

I spent the afternoon working on tonight’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. A half hour of political and social commentary. Join me. Guaranteed you will enjoy.

Stimulating topics. Like, I am glad Holder is on his way out, Iceland still throwing bankers in jail, JP Morgan Chase de-risking porn star accounts, the Secret Service in need of shaking up, Ferguson updates, men only streets in London, and more.

Visited a bit with Jenna. She is interviewing me again for her morning TV show. She advised the prior taping screwed up. We will be taping friday. We also talked about her interviewing Congressional candidates at a forum last night at the Tennessee Williams Theater. I suggested she hit them with the high cost of maintaining federal prisoners for bullshit crimes.

I decided to do the other side of the island last night. Visited Louie’s Backyard. One of Key West’s prettiest settings.  Enjoyed a couple of the drinks and the magnificent view.

I had intended to grab a fish sandwich for dinner at Salute’s. Decided against it. The meatloaf lunch was still with me.

Enjoy your day!


I went to Church yesterday. I did.

I am a fallen away Catholic. I did it all. Altar boy, Catholic grammar school, high school and college. Sang in the choir and processions on high holy days. I did a good Pange Lingua.

The last time I went to Church/Catholic mass, the Pope died. For real. The very same day in 1978.

I had not been to Church in years. Was asked to be Godfather at a Baptism. Meant mass and communion first. Did it all. Went to confession and the next day mass.

The Pope was John Paul I. His claim to fame was he died 33 days after becoming Pope. I figured if going to Church did that, better I stayed away. Joking, of course. To be frank however, the thought did occur to me.

The church was Unity. Full name Unity of the Keys Spiritual Center located on the corner of Virginia and Watson. All of two blocks from Don’s Place.

Larry Smith is responsible for the Unity Church visit. He had played there last week and told me how different Unity was, etc. I decided to give it a try. I worried the roof might fall in. It still stands.

Interesting service. Interesting minister. Interesting people. I sat in the very last seat in the very last row. Tried to look inconspicuous. Good luck! This is a hugging hand holding congregation. I was discovered and made a part of the service.

Parking is a problem. Unity has permission to use Bare Assets’ lot. Two blocks away. I was given a Bare Assets parking card to place on my dashboard.

Unity is truly a Key West place. Unity, Don’s Place, and Bare Assets…..all within two blocks of each other.

Will I return. I don’t know. We shall see.

From church to Don’s Place for sunday afternoon pro football. Watched the Buffalo Bills game. What else! Chatted with Don, David, Keith, Angus, and Larry. Met Sue and Gerry. Gerry is Jerry spelled with a G. Husband and wife, they are from Depew, NY, a community outside Buffalo. They were at Don’s to watch the Bills game. I asked how they knew it would be featured at Don’s Place. The internet!

Gerry is a nurse practitioner. He is in cardiology. His specialty aortic stenosis. The problem that concerns my heart doctor the most about me. Wife Sue is a nurse, also. A unit charge nurse at another hospital. They have two children, 22 and 20.

Good people. I hope they return to Key West.

Sunday dinner was with Lisa and family. Her mother in law Karen is visiting. She is a vegan. Karen cooked. The meal was 100 percent vegan. A first time for me. Ok. However, I am not ready to change my eating habits. I enjoy beef, chicken and fish too much.

The Ryder Cup, the Ryder Cup. What can any of us say? The tide will turn. It is the law of nature. Watson as captain failed to impress me. It was his attitude more than anything else. I thought Mickelson was correct in speaking out. Mickelson and Watson are golf greats. Merely from different eras.

Navy pilots on the way. Boca Chica Naval Base is 8 miles outside Key West. The USS Ronald Reagan will be in and the pilots will be training till mid October. There will be a lot of whites on Duval!

This is Man of La Mancha day. The Broadway musical and Hollywood film based on Miguel de Cervantes novel Don Quixote. Today is the birthday of Miguel de Cervantes. The novel was written in the early 1600’s.

Don Quixote…..he fought windmills, was the knight-errant, the last of chivalrous men. He dreamed the impossible dream. He loved and sought to protect Dulcinea.

A moving insight into the unattainable.

Enjoy your day!


An interesting title! Only peripherally related to some of yesterday’s happenings.

I was at Don’s Place last night for the Syracuse/Notre Dame game. Dave sitting next to me. He watching his Ohio State team win big time. I watching Syracuse take a drubbing from Notre Dame. Thank god for basketball! Otherwise, I might never get to cheer and feel good about a Syracuse team.

Don and Steph had gone to the movies and then stopped by. Dave, Don and Steph all left me at the end of the Ohio State game. There was yet the final half of the Syracuse game to play. It was a boring game.

Mary Todd became the wife of Abraham Lincoln. Mary Todd had nothing to do with last night. Mary and Todd did.

Mary and Todd are newly settled in Key West. About two weeks. Mary is originally from Don’s area in upstate New York. She grew up in Dunkirk. Todd is out of Pittsburg.

Todd is a banker. Prefers a smaller banking operation as opposed to a larger one. He has worked for banks in Phoenix and Naples 16 years combined. He wants Key West and one of its smaller banks. I am sure he will find the position he seeks.

I was more interested in Mary. Turns out Mary has been religiously reading my blog since 2007. Welcome to Key West, Mary! I love you!

The two have already settled in. They are living in Peary Court. A 20ish daughter living with them.

I look forward to sharing their company more.

One of the Yacht Club staff stopped in. I am forgetful. Could not recall her name. It was good to see her, however. We talked of Greece.

Jackson Pollack! One of the greats of the art world! He came into the picture yesterday with grandson Robert.

Ally has been painting. Easel, canvases, etc. She draws/sketches well. Still getting into the actual painting thing.

Robert has not wanted to participate. I feel bad since I am spending so much time with Ally. I do not wish him to feel neglected.

Turns out Robert does want to paint. His way!

He took a canvas outside and with brush and otherwise threw several different colors on the canvas. A Jackson Pollack masterpiece!

Robert came back into the house. Both Robert and the canvas were totally covered in paint. Lisa had Robert in the shower immediately.

Afterwards, I took Robert to the computer and showed him that some artists do paint in the fashion he had. One being Jackson Pollack.

I suspect I now have two artists in the making.

I spent my day otherwise working on next week’s KONK Life column. It will have to do with banks. The enemy of all!

Banks have a new game they are playing. It is called de-risking. They are dumping certain groups of customers. Those that might reflect unfavorably upon a bank. Like adult porn stars. What bugs me is that they still handle Mexican and Latin American drug cartel monies and those of terrorist groups. Billions in fees to be made. I call it hypocrisy.

Oh my Syracuse! I knew we would lose last night. Ergo, I was not disappointed. Syracuse played a good first quarter. Part of the second also. That was it. Notre Dame remains undefeated and ranked 8th nationwide.

I am going to Church this morning! The roof will probably cave in.

Larry Smith has been playing at Unity Church. He said I should hear the preacher. His sermons are fantastic. Not hail and brimstone as we Catholics were raised. Rather love. I will let you know what I think.

Enjoy your Sunday!


I finally made an ML fundraiser. ML is running for Fantasy Queen. The winner is determined by who raises the most money for AIDS Help. There are several candidates and big money involved.

ML’s party was at the Galleon outside bar. The place was packed!

I got to see JJ. My old friend from the Chart Room. He is now bartending at the Galleon.

Howard Livingston and wife Cindy were in attendance. Howard was performing. Howard and I have been friends for 16 years since first we met at the bar at Mangoes when we both were involved with house remodeling and construction. A nicer person does not exist!

Relatively new found friend Susie was busy working. She is one of ML’s co-chairs. Susie bought and brought a number of my books. The World Upside Down was an auction item. I did some book signing before they were put out.

Met Fiona and her brother Johnny. Fiona was a law office administrator for 20 plus years somewhere on the Jersey Shore. She has retired to Key West. Has an apartment somewhere off Duval behind the Grand. Her brother Johnny is from Chicago. Spends some of his Key West days working at Home Depot.

Key West publisher Guy deBoer and I chatted a while. I like Guy. He works hard. It is the only way.

Guy publishes KONK Life where my weekly newspaper column appears. More importantly, Guy and ML are a couple. For several years.

Met a lot of nice people. Unfortunately and apologetically, I cannot remember all their names.

Though it is obvious, I want everyone to be aware. ML is my choice for Fantasy Fest Queen.

My day started with the x-ray I was supposed to have had wednesday. Purpose to determine if I have any disk impingement which is causing my sciatica type pain.

Then to Don’s Place. I had a meeting. Great atmosphere in which to conduct business. My desk is the Truman corner of the bar. Hemingway had his Sloppy Joe’s. I have Don’s Place.

I spent the afternoon working on tuesday evening’s blog talk radio show. Preparation is everything. I came across an interesting item involving bigotry. The New York Times’ David Brooks commented on the topic recently.

First, Louis’s recollection. There was a time in the 1950s and 1960s, and probably before, when Jews and Gentiles rarely married. A religious thing. Primarily from the Jewish side. A parental no no. I had a law school Catholic friend who married a Jewish lady. They were head over heels in love. The marriage lasted three years. The family pressures were too much.

Now comes Brooks’ item. It involves political bigotry. He wrote that in 1960,  5 percent of Republicans and 4 percent of Democrats said they would be “…..displeased if their children married someone of the opposite party…..By 2010…..numbers had jumped to 49 percent and 33 percent.” No wonder the two parties cannot get along! The dislike/hatred runs deep!  So much for the enlightened era we live in.

I had some time to kill before the ML party. I stopped into the Island Dogs Bar for a drink. First time in several years. A cute place on Front Street. The building sits next to the Pier House parking lot. The Bar is primarily frequented by tourists.

Colorful! Pleasant! I sat and watched happy tourists come and go. The Islands Dog Bar provides them with a a perfect space.

Island Dogs Bar is owned by world famous Jim Croce and Dave Thibault. Dave is Michael and Nancy’s son in law. He has made a huge success of the Island Dogs Bar. They are very proud of him.

I like Michael. In another time, we played golf together He bartends for Don. Nancy was Don’s business manager for years. She is now involved in the Fausto operation.

I like Michael. Love Nancy.

Tonight, Syracuse/Notre Dame at the Meadowlands. Syracuse will lose. Unfortunately. However, that is the way it is. I plan on watching the game at Don’s Place.

I am into my last two days of steroids. What happens when I go off?

Enjoy your day!



Derek Jeter. His name will forever be remembered in the annals of baseball. As former Yankees Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, and Lou Gehrig. Properly so.

Jeter is an unusual professional athlete in an era where many others have brought shame to themselves personally and professionally. We should all share in his pride.

Note that he did it his way last night in his last game at Yankee Stadium. A single in his last at bat to drive in the winning run. Typical of his 20 years of play.

Pool finally well. Took a second search. Leak finally discovered. Once the pea soup is shocked out, the grandkids will be back in.

I did it again yesterday. Lunched at Outback. I am turned on by their lunches. Potato soup, a hamburger, and diet Coke. Plus, the AARP discount. Total bill $9.85. And the food was good!

We did well last night at bocce. Won 2 out of 3 games. Should have won all three. That is the way it goes, however.

Norm is one of my team mates. He works at Home Depot. Has been there a number of years. Home Depot and every other retailer in town are selling Halloween items. Norm told me last night that K-Mart already has Christmas goods on the floor. Why not? Christmas is only 3 months away!

Stopped at Don’s Place after bocce. A festive mood prevailed. Spent some time chatting with Larry Smith about my blog talk radio show. I want to upgrade the show with a brief 5-6 second musical introduction.

Eric Holder is leaving. Good! I have been disappointed with him since day one. He never took on the banks. He went after them civilly. Settled for dollars instead of putting some in jail. I never bought his position that banks were “…..too big to fail” and “…..too big to prosecute.”

Giving the devil his due, he was an outstanding Attorney General in the area of civil rights.

I came across an interesting article on rape yesterday. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention released a new study. Men today are raped as often as women. I am still waiting!

Initially, insertion was required as an element to prove rape by a man of a woman. Feminism came into vogue. The definition of rape was expanded to include sexual coercion. The new laws applied to men as well as women. Sexual coercion balanced the playing field.

The article also commented on campus rape. It claimed campus rapes were falling sharply. Ergo, it was difficult to understand the current moral panic over campus rape. The article attributed the clamor to unwarranted political and mass hysteria.

I have to hustle. Trying to get my back x-rayed again this morning.

Enjoy your day!


This blog seems to be getting more interesting. Ladies panties, yesterday. Moonshine, today.

Till I settled in Key West, I had heard of but never seen nor tasted moonshine. Moonshine appears to be a Keys thing just as cockfighting is. A bit here and there. I have probably shared a sip on a couple of occasions over the years.

This morning’s Key West Citizen reports on a “moonshine still” arrest. An apparent moonshiner advertised on Craigslist a moonshine still for sale. $375. Some undercover police authorities contacted him. Not only did he offer to sell the still to them, he also admitted having used it to make moonshine. He still had almost a gallon available.

He was arrested.

I learned something new reading the article. Not that I should not advertise a moonshine still on Craigslist. Rather, the word moonshine derives from those who made the stuff years ago in Appalachia. They worked by the light of the moon to avoid detection.

One of the best things in the Keys is the Marathon Turtle Hospital. Another heartwarming turtle story.

Sapphire is a subadult female turtle. Weighs 129 pounds. Sixteen months ago, she was brought to the hospital. She could not dive and had a breathing problem. She still cannot dive. Weights must be glued on her back to give her the ability. The weights fall off eventually and Sapphire is/would be in trouble.

Sapphire is going on a 2,500 mile plane trip to a new home. To a place called The Living Coast Discovery Center in Chula Vista, California. There she will live in a 21,000 gallon tank of properly temperatured ocean water and be attended to daily.

Sapphire is flying via Fed Ex. Two Marathon Turtle Hospital personnel are accompanying her.

Yesterday was Rosh Hashana. To my Jewish friends and all other friends, I wish a Happy Rosh Hashana!

Which leads me to…..Donna and Terri, where are you?

Went for my back x-ray yesterday morning. No x-ray. Technician out till friday. Have to return friday morning.

My back is considerably better. If I do not use it to any extent. The steroids are terrific. Keep the pain away and make me sleep well.

Yesterday, I decided to walk at Home Depot. Felt no pain so I thought it would be ok. I walked ever so slowly. A 20 minute walk took 40 minutes. At the end, my back and leg were hurting. Pain increased during the day.

What happens when I am off steroids?

Lunched at Harpoon Harry’s. Wednesday lunch there is becoming a habit. The special a turkey dinner. All the trimmings like Thanksgiving. Delicious!

Spent the afternoon writing next week’s KONK Life column. Bank Robbers. An interesting twist on an old time story. From Jesse James to the bank robbers of today.

Ally and I still painting. Actually Ally painting and I observe, comment, and direct. She is doing well. I think she is talented.

Yesterday, Ally learned it is not all painting per se. There is work involved. We have already gotten past keeping the brushes clean. Yesterday, it was the pallet. She had left the paint globs on overnight. She had a difficult time getting the pallet clean. All part of being an artist.

I had a very enjoyable time last night at the Hot Tin Roof. My first drink since sunday. Only one. The doctor said it would be ok. The meal as usual was outstanding.

My waitress was Shanya. A young beauty. She has worked at Hot Tin Roof several months, though last night was the first time we spoke. She is from the Boston area. Of Serbian extraction. That led me into Flora and Albania. Both Serbia and Albania are parts of the former Soviet Republic.

Shanya is in love! Good for her! She soon will be relocating to St. Petersburg to be with her man.

The Hot Tin Roof is perched directly on the Gulf waters. From the second floor location where I was sitting, I could see way out to the horizon. It was 1-2 hours before sunset. The sun shining. A sailboat drifted along the line of the horizon. It was another one of those days. God was in His heaven, all was right with the world. At least in Key West.

Bocce tonight. I have only played once in the past three weeks. It was either my back or shoulder. Tonight, I plan on playing. The steroids will help. I will not be moving around as much as I did walking at Home Depot. I look forward to playing.

Enjoy your day!



Three years ago, I did a portion of my TV show on cell phone camera use involving perverts photo shooting up women’s skirts. With the advent of cell phone camera use, such shots had become a problem. Laws were passed in various states making the activity a crime.

The cases generally resulted in convictions. The cases are now reaching the highest appellate courts. The creeps are claiming a first amendment right to express themselves which involves taking such pictures. The prosecution has argued that no such first amendment right exists and a woman has a right to privacy.

The bad guys are winning and the ladies losing. The bottom line is that there is a first amendment right to take such pics. That aside, there remained a woman’s right to privacy. The courts are deciding that if the woman is neither nude nor semi nude, her right of privacy is not invaded. Cell phone photos may be taken with impunity. Ladies are admonished in a sense to wear panties to avoid an invasion of their privacy.

Would you believe?

I spoke to this issue last night on my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Post show commentary indicated a great interest and disagreement with the decisions.

Another topic that gained interest involved former generals who appear on TV talk shows. In recent weeks, there have been more than normal. Most, if not all, have indicated the ISIS problem has to be met now. ISIS is a definite danger to the US. Some even went as far as to say boots on the ground would be necessary at some point.

As I listened, I thought it is good to hear from the experts. These retired generals know what is going on. They are giving us the down and dirty.

Till I discovered that most, if not all, are on the boards or employed by military contractor corporations. Or, they work for think thanks that have been set up in past years by the military contractors. These think tanks produce for public consumption what they want the public to believe. Keep in  mind, war is good for military contractors. They make more money.

My grief with the situation is that we are not told by the media or the generals themselves that they have what appears to be a conflict of interest. That their comments might be tainted by their board/employer affiliations.

At the very least, the media should make us aware of the military contractor affiliation before the show progresses. The media does not and has not. Which has to mean the media is influenced in some fashion by the corporate military contractors. Probably because their employers/bosses are in accord with the position of increased revenue for their corporate military contractor friends.

What happened to transparency? Where is the public’s right to know?

My yesterday was quiet. Did some simple things like grocery shopping. Was to babysit at 5:30 for two hours. I was going to take Robert and Ally to dinner. At the last minute, I was not needed. I stayed for dinner with Lisa and family.

These steroids the doctor has me on are terrific! No pain and I have slept better the last two nights than in a long time. There are draw backs. I have a constant pressure headache. My ankles are swelling since the pill causes one to retain sodium. It is only a five day treatment. I can handle it.

Have to hustle. An x-ray of my back scheduled for 10:15.

Enjoy your day!




I finally got a good night’s sleep last night. Thank you, Dr. Jackie Lefferts!

My back had been killing me for upwards of two weeks. Prior to last night, the previous two nights had been hell. I got very little sleep each night. I could not lie in any fashion in bed, sit in a chair, stand, walk, etc. I was in constant pain from my back down to my ankle.

Dr. Lefferts says sciatica. I will be taking an x-ray to make sure it is nothing worse.

She put me on steroids. First time ever for me. Will I get muscles?

She said…..Drop your pants! I did. A shot in the butt to start. Now pills for 5 days. She also gave me a painkiller, if I needed it. I did not last night. The steroids are to decrease inflammation.

It worked last night. Not one moment of pain. A great sleep. I had forgotten in a short time how it is good to sleep soundly and peacefully.

Let’s hope the steroids continue to work.

I missed TV last night and the bombings of Iraq and Syria. I was sound asleep early. Caught up on the news this morning.

I am glad five Arab nations joined us. I do not know what will come of this. An air of uncertainty.

I fear heads may role today. Perhaps more.

Visited Tammy at Lee Nails for a manicure and pedicure late morning yesterday. How tired was I from lack of sleep? I fell asleep three times while getting my manicure. Not the pedicure. My head dropped and I would pull up suddenly. Like when you start drowsing at a movie.

Did lunch at a strange place for lunches. Outback started a new program and is providing lunches, also. Glad I did! It was good. And cheap!

Robert was bartending. He wanted to know where I had been. I have not stopped by for dinner in a while. He showed me the new luncheon menu. Simple. Only 3-4 items, but in a mix and match fashion.

I had a cup of onion soup, a huge hamburger, and glass of diet Pepsi. Outback now gives an AARP discount. Robert wanted to know if I qualified. Was he kidding? I am 79 years old.

The entire bill was $10.23. You can’t beat it!

There were very few customers. More should try it. The lights are kept down. There was a peacefulness with the lights subdued.

I spent the afternoon working on tonight’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou and on next week’s KONK Life column. The KONK column will concern itself with bank robbers. With a special twist.

The show will cover a multitude of sins. Like, it is now Constitutional to take a cell phone and shoot up a woman’s skirt IF she is wearing panties. Plus, the bombing, the US now leading developed nations in low wage jobs, a SWAT team used to investigate a barber shop to determine if the barbers were licensed, a shocking revelation re generals who appear on TV talk shows recommending war, and more.

Join me at 9 my time for the show. A quick half hour of dialogue.

I visited Walgreens at dinner time to get the steroids and painkillers. I spend a ton of money on prescription drugs. It still costs a lot and I have the AARP super dooper drug program. It is the donut. I am in the donut. The steroids and painkillers were cheap. It cost me $128 for my blood thinner. A 30 day supply. Terrible!

Dinner at Hogfish at the bar. Chatted with a couple of local fishermen while enjoying a lobster roll.

It rained big time during the night. Raining now. Will rain all day.

I love rain by the ocean. Ever since I was a kid. It comes in  buckets. Loud. Sometimes so thick a person cannot see very far ahead. There have been times I cannot see the MTV house across the water.

Syracuse plays Notre Dame at the Meadowlands saturday. I am concerned. Prior to last week’s game against Maryland, I thought Syracuse would crush Maryland. I obviously was wrong. I expect the opposite this saturday. I see Notre Dame killing Syracuse. At the moment, Notre Dame is an 11 point favorite.

My friend Bob Marks vacationing at the Cape, what do you think? Bob is a Syracuse fanatic as I am.

I never read the comics. Have not dome so in 60 years. For some reason yesterday, my eyes caught a comic strip called SHOE. It was penned by a Robert MacNally. There were three pictures. An elderly man sitting in a classroom as a student. He was taking a quiz. The question was…..What is Plutonium? His answer…..The name of Mickey Mouse’s dog in Latin.

Mickey Mouse was everyone’s friend in my age bracket. We who attended Catholic high school took three years of Latin. The elderly man taking the quiz could have been me.

Enjoy your day!




September 22 is a significant day in our country’s history. Two major events occurred.

Lincoln issued a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation on this day in 1862. Note the word “preliminary.” Lincoln did not actually sign the Emancipation Proclamation order till January 1, 1863. When he advised the Nation of his intent on September 22, he said he would sign an order so directing within 100 days. Internal politics prevented him from doing so earlier. Nothing changes.

“I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country.” So spoke Nathan Hale on September 22, 1776 as the British were about to hang him. Hale was young. Late 20’s. A Yale graduate. Volunteered to spy for the Colonies. Worked the New York City area for several months. It is thought his cousin Samuel Hale turned him in to the British. Samuel was a Loyalist.

My back, my back, my back! I have not gotten more than two hours sleep in each of the last two nights. Cannot lie flat or in any manner. Cannot stand or sit. What do I do? See the doctor. Which I intend to do his morning.

The pain radiates around my back to my groin and then down the leg to my ankle. The worst pain is the top of my upper leg and knee. As I have already advised, gin relieves the pain. I had no gin in the house. Switched from heat to ice. The ice was a big help.

Needed a new hose. Was off to Home Depot yesterday morning. Home Depot is already replete with Halloween paraphernalia. Even real pumpkins. Exciting. I am still a little boy at heart.

Stopped at Don’s Place early afternoon to watch the Buffalo Bills game. Chatted with Don, David, Keith, and Larry. Left at half time. Sitting was difficult for me. I kept squirming to find a comfortable position.

I did have two drinks. They definitely helped.

Sunday dinner with Lisa and family. Lisa cooked a Thai dish. First time for this particular Thai dish. Excellent! Tasty! Don’t ask me what. All I know is that the noodles, chicken and vegetables were delicious in whatever the sauce she cooked them in.

Ally evidences a talent for sketching and painting. She gave me an acrylic several months ago. I was impressed. This week she showed me a parrot she had sketched. Right on!

Poppa decided to encourage her. I gave her my easel and unused canvases to go with the paints and brushes she already had. Bought her an eraser and some other things at Ben Franklin. the only place in Key West to buy paint supplies.

We started yesterday. She has pencil drawn the parrot on a canvas. Today after school, we start painting. We have already selected the colors. I have to show her how to mix white to get different shades. This is going to be fun for the both of us!

Enjoy your day!



Monroe County’s tobacco testing of its employees continues to bother me. It is the law carried a step too far.

Justification for the new law is to save taxpayer dollars.  Elected officials are also on the County payroll. They should be tobacco tested. They get paid with taxpayer funds. Let them be tested. Pee in the cup. What is good for the goose, is good for the gander!

This same thought process should be applied where States and other governmental subdivisions/agencies require drug testing for welfare recipients. Again, elected officials are paid with taxpayer dollars. If one segment of our governmental process is to be subjected to abuse, let all bear the indignity.

The amusing thing about drug testing of welfare recipients is that studies have shown small numbers came up positive. Around 1 per cent, if I recall correctly.

Whatever, let the Governor as an elected official pee in the cup also to justify his continued right to be paid. Whether the Governor receives his full salary or $1.

My yesterday afternoon saddened me. Big time. Syracuse lost. Badly. 34-20.

I watched the Syracuse/Maryland game at Don’s Place with Don, John and David. John is a Maryland graduate.

I thought after watching last week’s game that Syracuse was on its way to a terrific season after a number of years of struggling. I was wrong. Syracuse got whipped.

No fun ahead for Syracuse either. Next saturday it is Notre Dame at the Meadowlands.

I got to Don’s Place at noon. Left at 5. Went to Lisa’s. Enjoyed Saturday night dinner with the family.

Then it was back to Don’s Place at 7. Keith’s 37th birthday. Party time! Jennifer had arranged for some goodies to be picked at. There was a line at the bar. Everyone celebrating the occasion.

I left at 8:30. I had had enough of Don’s Place for the day.

Enjoy your Sunday!