David Wolkowsky is dead. He died in his sleep sunday night.

It was only a few weeks ago, I attended his 99th birthday party.

We met in our later years. Six or seven years ago. Became instantaneous friends. A more kindly, thoughtful, considerate person I had never met. He was pure goodness.

Modern Key West owes its success to David. His vision for his home town. The Key West of today would not have been except for him. As the years went on, he became known as Mr. Key West. He will always be remembered as such.

Whatever I had, knocked me on my ass. Three days in bed. Started feeling better yesterday. Feel good today. By tomorrow, I should be back to normal.

I am behind in my work. Have not done a Key West Lou Live video in several days. Tonight, Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. My podcast. I am totally unprepared. No problem. It may take the day, but I will be a go at showtime.

Join me tonight at 9. A fast moving half hour. Louis ranting and raving about whatever moves him at the moment. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Ally and Robert are enjoying sports. Ally volley ball, Robert tennis.

Can’t wait to see them play.

Syracuse is off to a big start this season. 4-0. Saturday play Clemson 4-0. Clemson ranked #3 nationally. Syracuse unranked. The Vegas line is Clemson by 22 points.

David v. Goliath. Going to be interesting.

Michelle Goldberg is an Opinion Writer for the New York Times. A recent Opinion was titled Pigs All the Way Down. The “pigs” were Kavanaugh and other members of the Washington rotten ruling class.

The woman knows how to call them!

The U.S. and China are engaged in the trade war of all trade wars. Pure unadulterated stupidity! Can only lead to no good.

Many economists are predicting the trade war could last 20-30 years. To the detriment of both the U.S. and China.

Steve Bannon has been a major influence on Trump re China. He boosted early on that Trump was bound to conduct a “sophisticated form of economic warfare” in order to confront China.

Trump, as influenced initially by Bannon, is that if you squeeze the Chinese economy hard enough, Beijing will submit and “play by the rules.”

I do not agree. Trump is blind. He is seeing what he wants to see. Only one side of the coin. He forgets the military.

China has spent the past six years building its Navy, islands where no islands existed, new airfields, missiles with capacity to reach the U.S. The U.S. has yet to build an effective opposition to the missiles.

Before China becomes subjugated, it will resort to war.

Please say a prayer for David.

Enjoy your day!




Sam Rayburn was Speaker of the House of Representatives back when. A smart fox. Understood people. Trumanesque in the way he described things.

A quote that has followed him through the ages comes to mind today: “A jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a carpenter to build one.”

This is an if the shoe fits, wear it situation. I view Trump as a jackass. A man who lacks the political talents to build on the good of his predecessors in making America greater.

Trump continually destroys American programs developed over the years which have made lives better. He favors corporations to the detriment of people.

Trump also is destroying relationships developed since World War II which have inured to the benefit of the U.S. and its friends. He seems to want to sleep with what heretofore has been considered the enemy. He forgets if you go to bed with a dog who has fleas, you wake up with fleas.

Our world everyday becomes more and more like world of the late 1930’s and 1940. Hitler the bully. The free world attempting to avoid war. McMillan and his “peace in our lifetime” tirade ever in our memories.

Trump may be leading us to war. Look at what he has accomplished in only 1.5 years. With 2.5 years remaining in his term, who knows what will occur.

Trump fails to understand the world will only be defecated upon so long. Then don’t tread on me will come into play. War perhaps to follow.

Trump has surrounded himself with a limited number of advisers, most of whom can only be described as scum. Larry Kudlow the most recent. I heard him earlier this morning lambasting Canada’s Trudeau. It was sickening. I find it inconceivable the U.S. could have any significant problems with Canada. But, it is happening.

Yesterday afternoon a joy! I watched Robert play in a tennis competition. The last time I saw Robert with a racquet in his hand was 5 years ago when he first took up the sport.

He has come a long way. I was impressed with him yesterday. He beat his opponent 6-2 and 6-0.

Off to Forest Hills a few years from now?

It was hot watching the match. Sitting in the sun. The humidity heavy. I was exhausted at the end. As if I had played. I returned home and went to bed. Slept for 3 hours. Which means I never got to writing this week’s KONK Life column. I begged off with the publisher. Must get it done today.

I had no plan to go out. Donna called. Come over for dinner. I went.

Oh, what a cook she is! Chicken prepared in a non fat oil and greens. Soft rolls. Perfect for dunking in the oil.

Bear loves me. Does not leave me alone. He is growing. Six months old today.

Fresh water always a problem in the Keys. Makes sense. Dig down and soon hit sea water.

The Key West Citizen in its Keys History section reported fresh water was a problem for Key West resident S.O. Johnson in 1909. He contracted to have a well dug to 1,000 feet in hopes of finding fresh water. He found none.

Trump is pushing the U.S. into isolationism. Screw everyone! We need no one! We are the strongest nation in the world!

His friends other authoritarian figures. Like Putin and Duterte. Bad guys. He is rapidly walking away from our friends of more than 50 years.

President Eisenhower in a speech he gave this day in 1953 rejected calls for U.S. “isolationism.” Some political leaders were pushing such an agenda.

Eisenhower said all free nations should stand together.

He also suggested Communism should be battled worldwide.

Trump should take heed. Probably won’t. He is not a student of history. Especially, U.S. history.

Enjoy your Sunday!







Catch up time. Two days of blogs in one. My comments limited to local happenings. I leave Trump and world events to another day.

The most important happening was Robert’s graduation yesterday from Montessori. In August, he will start high school.

Robert turned 14 two weeks ago. He is tall and thin, good looking. A radiating smile. Excellent student, excellent tennis player.

A good boy.

It was 14 years ago less two weeks that Robert was in Miami Children’s hospital. Within hours of being born. He had been born with cancer of the liver.

Two major surgeries the first two weeks of his life. He stands tall and healthy today anxious to move on to the next phase of his life.

God bless.

A conflict in the Malcom household yesterday. Ally’s 13th birthday. On the same day as Robert’s graduation. Ally did not like sharing HER day. She celebrates with her girl friends tomorrow night with a sleep over. The family Happy Birthday sunday following dinner.

Poppa loves you Ally. Happy Birthday!

Lets begin with thursday.

Haircut with Lori. Always a pleasant experience. Roughly seventeen years she has been my “barber.”

Followed by lunch at Sandy’s Cafe a few doors down White Street from Lori’s Blown Away.

Began thursday evening with a Meet and Greet party at Dan and Stephanie’s condo on Simonton. The candidate Greg Daniels. He is running for Utility Board Seat D.

If you live between Big Pine and Key West you can vote for Greg. He has deep utility/power experience. Close to 20 years worth.

I had only met Greg one time before. At the Chart Room several years ago. His wife Donna an accountant in Key West.

Donna is from my former home town Utica. Reason enough to vote for her husband Greg. One more reason. The most important. Both Donna and I married into the same family. Her former husband and my former wife were cousins. We survived the marriages and divorces to now live better lives in Paradise.

From the Meet and Greet, I went to the Chart Room. Glad I did! David was there! Not Chart Room David. Don’s Place’s David.

I have not seen David in several months. One of the good guys of the world. Built like and looks like Santa Claus. Has Santa’s heart. Always there to lend a helping hand.

David was at the Chart Room with his friend Robbie. They are soon off to Cozumel for a vacation. Robbie’s sister Karen was visiting and with them.

Also at the Chart Room were Phil and Nichole from Auburn, Alabama. Originally from the Chicago area.

Interesting people. Especially Phil. Phil was a banker for 25 years. Decided to change jobs. Finally did what he wanted to do from the beginning. Teach school. Took a few courses to qualify and now serves as a high school teacher.

Nichole a human relations manager.

A 52 year old homeless man ended his life thursday afternoon. He tied a rope to the railing of the Cow Key Bridge and jumped.

I think it takes more courage to kill one’s self than remain living.

Friday morning was Robert’s graduation. Two items require comment.

The event was held in the Commission Chambers of the new City Hall. Outstanding room! Worth the money! Key Westers can take pride!

The other comment concerns Trump. He complains of immigrants. He is a racist. He should have been at the graduation. Most of the graduates’ names were difficult to pronounce. Literally came from all parts of the world. As to color, tan predominated.

This is the world of today. The graduates represent America’s leaders of tomorrow. Whatever Trump may want, he cannot mold America into what he and his small band of followers might desire.

Back to Sandy’s Cafe. Convenient. Two blocks from City Hall.

At one, Emil La Voche’s funeral service at the Basilica of St. Mary Star of the Sea. A long name. Key West’s Catholic Church.

I only came to know Emil this past year. We met when I joined the Sons and Daughters of Italy. A quiet man. Appeared well liked by all. He led us in prayer and Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of each meeting.

I learned of his distinguished background only after reading his obituary. Emil spent 31 years in the U.S. Army. Retired a Lt. Colonel. Fought in Korea and Vietnam. Twice parachuted into battle.

After retiring from the military, he joined the Sheriff’s Department. Retired from that position after 25 years. Did not stop him from continuing. He followed the 25 years with another 9 helping out at the Sheriff’s Department as a reserve deputy.

The Church was packed. The parking lot and surrounding streets crowded with cars.

The number paying homage to Emil can best be described in one word: Respect. He was deserving of it.

A dinner party last night at Donna and Terri’s. Donna cooking, of course. What a cook! A culinary expert! The Julia Child of Key West!

George and Art were dinner guests also. George and Art have a new dog. A small black bull dog. Two weeks younger than Bear who is growing at a rapid rate. Now, huge.

The two played terrifically with each other all night. Like little kids. Best of friends.

Speaking of Julia Child, I recall seeing her kitchen when I visited the Smithsonian Museum of American History. The Museum recreated her kitchen in Cambridge, Massachusetts exactly as it was.

One housekeeping item. A screw up re my KONK Life column.

This week’s should have been The FBI of Today The Jews of Yesterday. Will not be. Last week’s column was the Right To Declare War. When it was being printed, the last 25 percent was omitted. The best part from my perspective. I described Trump and Kim’s words at the time as being who had the bigger dick.

To correct the omission, KONK Life reprinted the War Declaration article in its entirely this week. The FBI/Jews article will not appear till next week.

KONK Life also publishes for the internet its daily E-Blast. The FBI/Jews article did appear in yesterday’s E-Blast if you wish to read it early.

WordPress has begun publishing my KONK Life column on my Facebook page. You can find the article there now.

Enjoy your day!



My grandson is 14 years old. Robert, Happy Birthday! Poppa loves you!

I remember the day he was born. With cancer of the liver. Within two hours, he was on a helicopter to Miami Children’s Hospital.

Two major surgeries the first 8 days of his life. Frequent check up visits the next 10 years.

Today, a typical 14 year old. Graduates from Montessori soon. High school next.

A smart young man academically. A gentleman all the time. He is his father.

Tonight, Happy Birthday cake and blowing out the candles.

God is good!

Hurricane season is here. June 1. Seems like yesterday we were escaping Irma. Irma hit September 10.

Recent weather and weather reports suggest tropical storms may be around the corner. Too much rain lately. Every day. Big! Strong winds!

Sunday, Key West got 3.25 inches of rain. The intersection of Eaton and White Streets flooded. I have seen it in previous years. Twice saw people swimming in the intersection.

Weather reports indicate rain through next sunday.

Things can be different in Key West. A bit funky.

Page 2 of the Key West Citizen carries the weather report. The report for the next 5 days amusing. Small printed verbiage beneath each day. Rain of course predicted for each day.

Today, “ark flooded.” Tonight, “life preserver needed.” Wednesday, “thunderstorms; float feet first.” Thursday, “who’ll stop the rain?” Friday, “rain drops keep falling.” Saturday, “nothing worrying me.”

Another storm of consequence this early in the season would be devastating. The lower Keys are still recovering from Irma.

I wrote about Irma. My personal experience. Irma and Me.

If you have not read it, this may be the time to acquire it. It is a history of the before, during and after a hurricane. Available at amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.

I have known Lee Ann Holland for 15 years. More beautiful each year.

Her picture on the front page of this morning’s Key West Citizen. She is being recognized as a Familiar Face.

Lee Ann has become an integral part of Key West Ambassadors. A lecturer at the program. Recently completed addressing her 16th group.

Lee Ann, congratulations!

Two things are constant in life. Death and change.

The U.S. Supreme Court presented us with “change” yesterday. The decision Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Association.

A federal law was passed in 1992 prohibiting sports gambling. Nevada excepted. Congress was recognized as having the sole authority to regulate sports gambling directly.

No more. The Supreme Court decision recognized Congress had the right to regulate. However if Congress failed to exercise that right, then each State was free to act on its own.

Means two things in the offing. First, goodbye bookies. Second, a new area for State taxation.

We have all experienced the fish that got away. Always a big one.

Happens other than in fishing, also.

On January 1, 1962, the Beatles performed for Decca Records in London. The Beatles were looking for a recording contract. Decca turned them down. The person responsible thought guitar groups were on the way out.

Later in 1962, the Beatles signed with London’s Parlophone label. Still unknown. A struggling rock band.

Parlophone liked them.

Parlophone worked out deals with Apple and Capitol. The rest is history.

Trump does it again! An action difficult to understand. Unless something in the background that should not be.

During the campaign, Trump knocked the hell out of China for stealing jobs from the U.S. He pledged to stop it! To get jobs back from China!

ZTE is a Chinese smart phone business. In trouble financially. U.S. imposed sanctions on other countries killing Smartphone’s business.

Yesterday, Trump announced the U.S. was going to help the Company “get back into business fast.” He directed Secretary Wilbur Ross to do everything expeditiously to help.

Did not make sense to me. Did it have something to do with the China/U.S. talks scheduled this week in Washington?

Turns out remotely so, if at all.

Last night, the news reported that three days earlier, China had agreed to a $500,000 million loan for a new theme park in Indonesia which would contain Trump hotels and golf courses.

I assume the Indonesia deal was Trump’s motivation.

When will he learn he is not supposed to do these things?

By  the way, ZTE has a record of cyber crimes, espionage and hacking. Was ZTE involved with our 2016 election?

Tonight, my podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. Join me. A quick moving interesting half hour.

Topics tonight have to include Trump. However, I open with other items of interest. Like the hurricane season, Chinese hog hotels, Germans invading Belgium and Holland in 1940, the eloquence of leaders in time of war,  and House Chaplain Father Conroy.

Then, Donald.

Enjoy your day!


Christ lived, died, and was resurrected.

Catholics believe He was crucified yesterday, lies entombed in a rock cave with a large rock blocking the entrance today, and will rise from the dead tomorrow.

Tomorrow being Easter Sunday.

Current writings by sociologists and political scientists suggest religion is dying. I see it in my Catholic religion. Churches closing, Catholic schools disappearing, very few women entering the nunnery, priests a problem unto themselves, etc.

Then an occurrence. One that makes me question the premise that religion is dying.

Yesterday in Portland at the Sacred Heart/St. Dominic Parish Church, the Stations of the Cross  were performed. Part of Good Friday activities.

Normally, the Stations of the Cross involve a priest and two altar boys/girls going to each of the 14 Stations and reciting what occurred.

The Portland Church enacted the 14 Stations.

Participants were dressed in the garb of 33 AD. Roman soldiers in dramatic red and gold uniforms. An estimated 100 parishioners in the dress of 33 AD. The cross was large and wood. There even was a replica of a stone burial chamber.

The place Jerusalem. The Stations beginning with Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. Ending with Him being laid to rest in a tomb of stone.

The parish an immigrant one. The people poor. They come to the United States from other parts of the world. They bring their religion with them. The Stations were recited in French, Spanish and English.

Makes me wonder whether I have been correct in assuming religion is dying. The experts write it is. Universities teach it.

Could it be that only those that need God believe in Him? Did we in the U.S. and other advanced countries become too intelligent and too affluent forgetting Him?

I do not know. But how religion is handled in the Portland Church causes me to stop and think.

Seder last night. With Donna’s family and friends. At her daughter Stacey’s home. Thirty two in all. From 3 to 82. Guess who was 82?

I have been celebrating Seder with them for many years. Always a warm family event.

My dinner companion was Terri. We sat next to each other. Her eyes failing more rapidly than anticipated.

Love the lady!

A unique experience at lunch time. Stopped in Sandy’s Cafe. There was my grandson Robert and a lady friend. A girl friend. The two enjoying lunch.

Robert handled introductions well. Was not flustered. His lady friend a bit intimidated.

Robert has gone to another level in my mind. No longer a boy. He is a young man. He will be 14 in two months, in high school in August, college in 4 years.

It was only yesterday Robert was born. Lisa insisted I remain for the birth. Her husband holding one leg up and I the other. Yelling at Lisa to push while Lisa was responding with a loud I can’t do this!

Three hours later Robert was on a helicopter to Miami Children’s Hospital. He was born with cancer of the liver. The tumor larger than his liver. Two major surgeries the first 8 days of his life.

God is good. All is well today. And…..He has a girl friend!

The Sons and Daughters of Italy have a scholarship fund. One of their fundraisers is a bocce event. Tonight from 5:30-9:30. At the bocce courts across from the White Street Pier.

Come join us. I will be cooking sausage and hots dogs and teaching bocce to novices.

A fun evening. Cost $20 for adults and $10 for children.

I will be rushing home right after the event. The Final Four begins tonight. I should be able to catch the last game.

World population grows. The scientists tell us at some point there will not be enough food to feed everyone. It is therefore important that we develop alternative ways to grow/create foods. The laboratories of the world become important for this.

Zen Honeycutt published an interesting article on the problem in ECO Watch 3/27/18. The work was limited to Monsanto, glyphosate, herbicides, and pesticides.

I sometimes hate Monsanto for what they do. Other times, I recognize the cause of feeding the world’s peoples is an overwhelming task not without pitfalls.

Glyphosate is bad stuff found in Monsanto’s Roundup. It is also a part of other herbicides and pesticides.

Glyphosate has been discovered in certain wines and beers world wide. Some in popular U.S. brands. All U.S. brands are moving rapidly to change over and use other herbicides and pesticides.

The article makes reference to a Save the Children 2013 report. The report indicated the U.S. has 50 percent more infant deaths on day one of life than all other developed countries involved. The question raised was whether such was due to the widespread use of herbicides and pesticides like Roundup.

Enjoy your day!




April Fools Day was born during the Middle Ages. Which means a lot of people have celebrated the day. Even George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. And Donald Trump, of course. I am sure our President has a sense of humor beyond the guillotine and tweeting.

Periodically, an April Fools joke is created which exceeds all others.

Like the 1957 BBC aired spaghetti grows on trees news report. The BBC had discovered a Swiss family that was harvesting long strands of pasta from spaghetti trees.

Thousands were interested. Though the news report was for real.

The BBC continued the joke by advising callers that all that was required to grow spaghetti was to place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best.

A 1998 advertisement by Burger King hit big. Burger King took  a full page ad in USA Today. Announced a new menu item. A left handed burger.

Thousands ordered the left handed burger over the next few days.

A date for drinks with Callie last night. At Louie’s Backyard. The place we met last week.

Three hours of good company. I enjoyed, she enjoyed.

Callie runs a catering business. Small dinner parties and cocktail parties. She previously was pastry chef for several years at Louie’s. Got bored doing the same thing every day.

Her company is Provisions of Key West. She can be reached at 305-433-1677.

Callie knows everything about food. Its historical derivations, different ways to prepare, etc. I was impressed. We got as far back as Greece 1300 B.C.

I have been on a diet. Eleven pounds in 12 days. Hate it! Eating little and walking more. Yesterday, I only had two hard boiled eggs and some cottage cheese before meeting Callie. Four drinks later, I had to eat.

Stopped at Outback on the way home. A six ounce filet mignon, sweet baked potato with nothing on it, and steamed vegetables.

Robert has bartended at Outback for years. We have become friends over that time.

As I sat down, he immediately started telling me how his 4 1/2 year old was sick. Down. Experienced me told him not to worry. Children are always sick. They need to get sick to build up immunities to various diseases.

Robert looked at me as if I was crazy. I thought he was a new father. Did not understand me.

I did not understand him. He was talking to me about his dog. A large tumor growing on the dog’s upper gum.

The big race today at noon. The Cow Key Channel Bridge Run. All 300 feet of it. Over 1,000 costumed participants. Record time 23.1 seconds. Several seeking to break it this year.

Such is what we do in Key West! A 300 foot bridge race! The distance is evidence we are normal. The abnormals are those who do 15 Ks and 26 mile marathons.

Following the race, a party at Botanical Gardens. The Botanical Gardens Beer Bash.

Lobster season has ended. Not good this year. Not bad. Mediocre.

Lobster is a $50-70 million dollar business in the Keys. Why the drop off this year?

First, the weather. Too warm. Cold fronts are required to move lobsters forward. Warm weather screws up their normal migration pattern. The result fewer lobsters caught.

Second is price. The Chinese and Japanese are big buyers. Especially prior to and during their holidays.

The Chinese and Japanese smartened up. Learned how to play the game. Became better negotiators. Resulting in less money in the pockets of the fishermen.

Stock Island’s Rusty Anchor has been closed two years. To reopen in May.

The owners of El Siboney bought the restaurant. Fish will be the mainstay of food served. Prepared as Rusty Anchor used to. A few El Siboney Spanish dishes will be on the menu also.

Enjoy your day!




Today’s Key West Citizen gives rise to my first two comments this morning.

My grandson Robert just turned 12 years old. He is in the sixth grade at Montessori. A piece of his art work is on the front page of today’s Citizen in the upper left corner under Weather.

My first reaction to the painting was Robert paints much better than that.

I read the caption underneath. Robert Malcom….. Montessori Charter School….. First grade. My Robert? Robert is not in the first grade.

Did some quick digging. Turns out the painting is by my Robert. Done by him when he was in the first grade and published by the Citizen at that time. Something like six years ago.

The Citizen appears to recycle these paintings. They rerun them over the years.

A small painting in a small corner by a small person. Would it not be better if the Citizen ran the children’s current art work? A small thing to ask for the small people.

Staying with the Citizen, I learned something interesting from its Today In History section.

I always thought Sunset Key got its beginnings many years ago as a garbage dump. I was wrong. The Citizen set forth the correct story this morning.

In 1965, Key West’s main shipping channel was dredged. What to do with the fill? 1.1 million cubic yards of the fill were dumped where Sunset Key sits today. Created a 30 acre island. Which years later become the beautiful Sunset Key.

Spent yesterday afternoon writing this week’s KONK Life column. To Bee or Not To Bee. Not Shakespeare. Rather, the story of bees in warfare. Hits the stands wednesday.

Last night, Tavern ‘n Town. Expected an all alone evening. Had my newspapers.

Turned out to be a lovely evening. Most enjoyable. A not alone one. Victoria sat next to me at the bar. Never met her before. However, we engaged in an evening of interesting fun filled chatter.

Victoria is a local. Works for PayChex. Has worked for PayChex a long time. She was celebrating her birthday.

We talked of Greece (where she has visited), travel, and Key West relationships.

A good evening.

News! Tropic Cinema will soon be showing first run movies. A big deal for Tropic Cinema.

How does the song go? The weather outside is frightful…..

Not here in Key West. Sunny all day. Temperatures in the mid to high 80s. Even humidity. The humidity showed up about a week ago. It will probably remain. Key West’s summer has begun.

Enjoy your day!


Grandson Robert was 12 years old yesterday. God bless!

The celebration might not have been. Robert was born with cancer of the liver. The tumor was larger than his liver. He had two major operations in the first eight days of his life.

God was good!

Lisa cooked a Happy Birthday sunday dinner and a birthday cake. The meal outstanding! As to the cake, very little left. Robert had a sleep over the night before. The guys pretty much devoured the cake.

Ally’s birthday is in two weeks. Yesterday, she looked beat up. Had a bad stomach bug the day before.

Summer vacation around the corner. We talked about what they will be doing. One thing will be Seacamp on Big Pine. An educational sea camp. The kids are excited.

Spent yesterday writing this week’s KONK Life column. Heroin Will Survive New Drug Bill. It is a followup to my article three weeks ago Afghanistan and America’s Heroin Addiction.

The new column hits the stands wednesday.

The first heroin column appears on E-Blast this morning.

My picture on E-blast took me back for a moment. I have not seen it in years. It was taken during my first Greece trip five years ago. I am sitting at a table at my favorite restaurant writing my blog. The bearded Louis.

Stone crab season ended yesterday. A good season. Stone crabs galore. I enjoyed every one I ate. To me, the best of foods. I always say if I knew my meal was to be my last one, I would order stone crabs.

Movie star Roy Scheider had a home in Key West. Scheider of Jaws and French Connection fame. Puchased 630 Dey Street in March 1982. His winter home.

Everyone does everything in Key West.  Scheider was a regular at Camille’s when it was on Duval. He was frequently seen at the breakfast bar chain smoking.

Fausto’s is celebrating its 90th birthday. Its main store today on Fleming, just off Duval. A family business. Quality foods. Surprising however that it has lasted so long. Means whatever they sell has to be good.

I am anti-Trump. No question. I may even be anti-Clinton. I may not even vote.

That being said, the New York Times on saturday did a number on Trump. An unfair one. Front page. The article’s thrust was how Trump behaved with women.

The article should never have been written. It lacked substance. All it proved is Trump can occasionally be an asshole with his mouth.

Trump deserves an apology.

Enjoy your day!



Sunrise this morning was a fiery orange ball breaking through a bank of dark gray clouds. Pretty.

Busy day yesterday. Began with the dentist. One of my implants was screwed up. Actually, not screwed any longer. Something fell out. A tiny gasket. Took all of ten minutes to correct. These implants are amazing. I feel like the bionic man. Bionic as far as my teeth are concerned.

After the dentist, I went over to Publix. Robert was sick and had a fever. Lisa wanted popsicles for him.

I spent the rest of the day working on You Tube. The technical aspects. Like where to do the show from. It will be my home. But where specifically?  I decided to move around. Inside and out, depending on the day.

I was hopeful You Tube would be locked in by the end of this week. It will not. I now suspect it will take till the end of next week.

Lisa telephoned in the middle of the afternoon. She needed me to babysit a while. She had to pick up Ally from school. It was easy. Robert was sound asleep on the couch. He looked sick.

I spoke with Corey this morning. Robert is still aching. Still sick. But on the mend. He ate last night which was good. He was still asleep. Unusual for Robert. He is generally awake by six. It is now 8:30.

My plan was to start with the Chart Room last night. I never made it. I opted instead to stay in. I read. I am still reading Rachel Maddow’s book Drift. I dislike her writing style. Her paragraphs are loaded with details and her opinions. Too much of both. Makes for difficult reading.

The story itself is interesting, if you can hang in there. Has to do with the use of military power by Presidents. Assuming her research of the Reagan years is correct, Reagan mislead everyone as to Grenada and the strength of Communist Russia. I find it amazing that she has come up with facts to support her premise. I consider Reagan to have been one of our great Presidents. Even if what she says about Reagan is true, his results overshadow the means used to achieve them. I recall President Johnson saying once that Presidents have to be devious. He gave us Vietnam.

Enjoy your day!