Florida played a major role in the 2000 Bush/Gore Presidential race. Actually, THE major role.

The election came down to Florida. The ballots were counted. They were referred to as chats. A joke!

It was not the chats that decided the election. It was Ralph Nader. He ran as a third party candidate. Took a significant number of votes from Gore. Had Nader not run, Gore would have won Florida and the election.

I remember Nader and the race. Many who will vote this year do not. Especially those voting for the first time. College students. Most 2-4 years old at the time of the 2000 election.

A guest on one of the talk shows this morning commented re the situation. He had visited some college campuses. Next to no one knew who Ralph Nader was and the impact he had on the 2000 race. His inquiry was part of a discussion attempting to show a vote for third party candidate Johnson could result in a Trump victory.

Let me stay with the Presidential election for a moment. Trump is threatening to get into Bill Clinton’s infidelities. What bullshit! Who cares! Yesterday’s news!

Trump has to have a long list of sexual conquests. The man probably has a sex record few have achieved. He believes he is safe from exposure. As I understand it, there are clauses written into marital and sexual settlements prohibiting women from revealing anything Trump might have done of a sexual/negative nature. If any of the ladies does, she loses the money being paid or already paid. If paid, the money has to be paid back. Silence for pay.

A few will come out from under the floor boards.

Busy middle day. Lori for a haircut. She is getting ready to move to new quarters on White Street. Visited Jay at his new restaurant to be on Southard next to Bank of America. Place still under renovation. Looks good. Jay the chef looked more like Jake the carpenter. Quick stops at Walgreens and Publix.

Howard Livingston is having a party saturday from noon to 6. At the Looe Key Tiki Bar. A social fundraiser for the Kevin Piper Memorial Fund. It’s Howard and his Friends Club.

Another hurricane. Matthew. Presently a 2. Expected to become a 3 this afternoon.

Not expected to hit Key West or the Keys. Might hit Miami, though considered remote. Expected to turn out to the ocean.

Hurricanes are fickle. Matthew has already evidenced his fickleness. Last night, Matthew was to turn northward. Instead, Matthew turned southward into the Caribbean.

Hurricanes are not dependable.

New York Times columnist Gail Collins has a sharp humorous way of writing. A recent column concerned White House pets. She concluded by getting into Trump. Her closing words: “If he wins the election, we would have the first President in history to refuse to pardon the Thanksgiving turkey.”

The Munich Agreement was signed this date in 1938. Hitler took advantage of the allies he was dealing with. They agreed to give a portion of Czechoslovakia to Germany if Hitler promised no war.

Chamberlain returned to London uttering the famous words…..”Peace in our time.” Chamberlain told the world Hitler was a gentleman. Less than two years later, Germany invaded Poland.

Contrast Chamberlain’s words re Hitler with those being presently spoken by Trump re Putin.

Enjoy your day!


It is almost impossible not to have a good day in Key West. Short of being hung up in a hospital bed with two broken arms and two broken legs, every day is wonderful.

My yesterday was wonderful. In some instances, special.

The day started with lunch at Lizabeth’s home. In her shaded garden. A French salad. The name escapes me. Outstanding! Salmon, anchovies, eggs, black olives, potatoes, etc.

Accompanied by wine.

Good company, good food, good wine. What more can one ask for?

I enjoy Liz and our conversations.

One problem. I am not a wine drinker. Even a good wine. I went home a bit tipsy. Straight to bed. Slept three hours.

Must mention the wine. Bellini. Lizabeth and her husband used to drink it in Venice at Harry’s Bar. Owner, the famous Giuseppe Cypriani. Inventor of the the now world famous Bellini wine.

Another Key West resident frequented Harry’s Bar. Ernest Hemingway. His primary watering hole when in Venice.

I was refreshed after the nap. Decided to go to the Back Door and Mark Watson. Intended to meet Donna and Terri. Did. And many more.

There were a ton of women. Unusual for Back Door. Turned out it was a meeting of a group from Girls’ I Know.

If it’s Girls’ I Know, it’s Mary Lou Hoover time. The founder of the organization years ago. An organization that has grown to thousands and extends beyond Key West’s borders today.

Mary Lou has her hands in many things. One several years ago. Mary Lou was Fantasy Fest Queen 2007.

Mary Lou has had a concern for suicide victims and those thinking of committing suicide. Last year, she started Out of the Darkness. A group committed to suicide awareness and prevention.

A walk is planned. An Out of the Darkness Walk. Takes place Sunday November 6. Registration begins at noon. Speakers and entertainment scheduled.

This is no small time event. It has the backing of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. The Walk already has several national big dollar sponsors.

Mary Lou and Charlie Waite are husband and wife. I envy them. One of Key West’s happiest couples. In love with each other!

I had enough to drink. Should have gone home after Back door. Did not. Instead joined Donna and Terri at Salty Angler. First time there for me. The ladies were going to play Trivia. Me play trivia?

I did.

Mary joined us. That completed our team. I knew next to nothing. Mary and Donna knew quite a bit.

I left before the exercise was over. I do not know where we stood in the rankings or if we won. We did come up with two special oral answers. For which we were rewarded with free shots each time.

Then home to bed. Slept well. A given after the wonderful day I had.

Enjoy your day!


What a beautiful morning! Key West at its best. Sun shining, sky blue. Water and wind quiet. The calm before the storm? It has been raining heavy most of the month.

There is a world wide war against mosquitoes. Especially, ZIKA causing ones. Even in the Florida Keys. Mosquitoes like you would not believe!

Until recently, I would have said we in the lower Keys have no problem. A terrific Mosquito Control Board. Now, problems.

ZIKA has driven everyone crazy. News of the ZIKA problem hit us in January. Everyone rushed to do something.

A decision was made by the local Board to test genetically modified bees. Basically untested. The test would be done on the small key of Key Haven. My home. The locals have been up in arms. whether such testing can take place is pending on the November ballot to see if we want it.

In the meantime, there have been a total of four ZIKA cases reported in the Keys. The Keys about 140 miles long running north from Key West to the mainland. The four cases not caused by Keys’ mosquitoes. All were contacted out of the area. Means in another country.

The rush to protect has not only affected the Florida Keys. People are going crazy everywhere. Reminds me of Ebola, which turned out to be a bust.

South Carolina was in a hurry to do something re the ZIKA problem.

Naled is an old time pesticide. Thought to be dangerous to humans. Rarely used. South Carolina did not care. On the last sunday of August for two hours, South Carolina had planes spray naled. In the Dorchester area.

South Carolina is also home to beekeepers. Beekeeping a business in South Carolina. Where sprayed, bees were killed instantly. Millions of them. One beekeeper had 46 hives. He lost 2.5 million bees instantaneously.

It is a month later and no one knows what effect, if any, the spraying had on the mosquitoes.

The bees nuked. Apocalypse for the bees.

Did my podcast last night. A half hour of interesting topics. Bees, included.

Before the show, stopped at Roostica’s for dinner.

Ted Williams spent many years in the Keys. He had a home in Islamorada for twenty plus years. Williams was an avid fisherman.

The story goes that Williams sold his Islamorada home when he had to wait to cross US 1. Too many people.

On this day in 1941, Williams was playing the last day of the season. He was close to batting .400. Had to have a good day to get there. Played a doubleheader. Went 6 for 8. Ended up batting .402 for the season. The last time a player has hit .400.

I am a history buff. Majored in history in college. William the Conqueror part of my education in grammar school, high school, and college. The year 1066. On this date in 1066, William, aka Duke of Normandy, invaded England. Historically noteworthy.

I am looking forward to lunch today. Liz invited me for lunch. She is preparing a special French dish for me.

Enjoy your day!



Key Westers are politically conscious. They have opinions re Trump and Hillary. Key Westers do not just lie on a  beach drinking margaritas and hitting the bars at night. The election is a much discussed event every day in the Chart Room, Don’s Place, La Te Da, and everywhere else.

Last night’s debate will not change many minds. People are fixed rigidly in this election. The two sides are like Congress. Adamant. The election will be decided by the five percent undecided and/or who have decided to vote for Johnson. In the end, a number of Johnson intended votes will go over to Hillary.

Hillary bested Trump last night. I give her a B and Trump a D-. The D- a gift. Except for trade, Trump made no impact. He evidenced no understanding of government or world problems. His incompetence for the position of President was obvious. He was a mega flop.

Hillary was prepared and sounded Presidential.

Yesterday was a run around day. The bank. Then Walgreens. Followed by the Cuban Coffee Queen for lunch.

Then a 100 foot walk to what is to be Cuzza Bubbaz. A Key West flavored sandwich shop. Opening scheduled for October 10. Jay O’Neill owner and chef.

Cuzza Bubbaz is on Southard next to Bank of America. At the entrance to the Key Lime corridor.

Jay has been a bocce friend for years. He was chef at Sq. 1 and Solo American Bistro. A chef who takes pride in his product. His sandwiches will be a step above and better than others.

Met with Guy de Boer last night for a couple of drinks at Tavern ‘n Town. Even on a monday night, the bar is packed. Ran into my neighbors Ed and Nancy Swift. Also, original Square One friends. This goes back 20 plus years. Then owner Michael and his sometimes hostess Jean. Two great people.

Stay with me on this one. America is not named after Amerigo Vespucci. He never even landed in North America. His stops were in Brazil and islands offshore.

Vespucci is claimed to have made four trips. Historians doubt the first ever happened.

America is named after Richard Ameryk. Ameryk was the patron/financier for John Cabot’s trips. Cabot’s chief investor. Cabot reached Labrador in May 1497, two years before Vespucci landed in South America for the first time.

Correct historical fact tells us two things.

First, Vespucci never reached North America, nor any America before Cabot. Second, back in the 1400’s newly discovered countries and continents were named after the financier/patron of the exploration. The last name was used. Never the first. Ergo, most historians believe America was named after Richard Ameryk.

This is the second time in a month I have come across a mistaken historical fact. I was taught America was named after Amerigo Vespucci in grammar school. How do these things happen?

Tonight my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. If you have never heard the show, join me. A fast moving half hour packed with my opinions re the events discussed. Nine my time. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Topics that will be discussed include the debate of course, John Boehner cashing out, why environmental damage caused by war is never discussed, the bumble bee in trouble, and guns sell out after Charlotte shooting.

Also, Pentagon admits black U.S. soldiers were used for scientific/medical test purposes during World War II, the fear self-driving trucks will result in the layoff of many from good paying jobs, FBI Director James Coomey’s percieved involvement with the Clinton Foundation, and more.

Enjoy your day!



Two stars of the sports world left us in recent days. One retired, the other beginning. Arnold Palmer and Jose Fernandez.

Arnold Palmer, an all time sport great. An outstanding golfer.

Eighty seven at the time his death.

Palmer brought golf to the attention of the masses. His first professional win in 1955 in the Canadian Open. The mid 50’s were also the time when most American homes began having a television set. A marriage occurred. Viewers loved Palmer. Most viewing never played golf. Nevertheless, they were glued to their sets watching Palmer.

Jose Fernandez’s death even more sad. Palmer completed his professional and personal life. Fernandez just beginning. Twenty four years old. A star player with the Marlins. Team leader. A father to be. He died in a boating accident.

His team mates held Fernandez in high esteem. I watched them on TV this morning. Everyone from Manager Don Mattingly through each team member openly crying. Grown men.

Tonight is a night of nights! The Trump/Clinton debate. First one. Considered important. The candidates are close in the polls. It is expected to have a huge viewing world wide.

Some one made a comment on Morning Joe this morning that some consider tonight as one to save the Republic. Applies to supporters of each candidate.

Interestingly, television’s first Presidential debate took place on this date in 1960. Kennedy/Nixon. Kennedy won the TV phase. He took to the camera like a natural. Nixon came over terrible. His responses were right on. His appearance not. He kept sweating and the camera picked up every drop.

I spent most of yesterday lying around continuing to read Orange Is The New Black.

Three dead bodies were found floating early in the weekend off Islamorada. Twenty three miles out. Two men and a woman. A boating accident.

A sad announcement. Key West Lou COMMENTARY will be no more. The column presently on the stands is the last that will appear in KONK Life.

I have been doing the column ten years. Loved doing it. Nothing is forever, however. It was time to put the column to bed.

This weekend was the first in years that I  had to myself for other than the column. Which means I had nothing to do saturday and sunday. I enjoyed my first lazy weekend in years.

Guy de Boer publishes KONK Life. I thank him for the opportunity to write. I shall be eternally grateful. He never questioned content or positions taken. I was a free agent at all times.

Enjoy your day!



It happens. Periodically the quiet of campus life becomes a national news item. Syracuse experiences two this weekend.

Syracuse played football against Connecticut yesterday. Won! 31-24.

For Syracuse, it is a new team and new coach. Both are doing well, but not there yet. The coach appears great. Throwing the ball. Syracuse’s quarterback excellent. He has two rather than one top notch receivers.

The problem as I see it is the team’s lacks consistency. They were 14-o at the end of the first quarter. Halftime it was 17-14. Last week, Syracuse was 17-0 at the end of the first quarter. Lost decisively.

The key is to play hard 60 minutes. Hard to do. Must be done however if Syracuse is to be a top team.

Syracuse now 2-2.

That was the good. Now for the bad.

Kenneth Kavajecz is Dean of the School of Management. Big job! Was paid $496,449 last year.

Today, he is on administrative leave.

Last week he was arrested for soliciting a prostitute. A 3rd degree misdemeanor. No big deal for most. The lowest level crime. Many would be allowed to plead to an infraction and walk away.

The Sheriff’s Department was operating a sting. The Dean got caught.

I feel sorry for the Dean. I know what he did is legally wrong. Note however we live in a time when most of the campus is screwing each other, some members of the faculty playing around. Society itself is sexually free. Sex is all over the place. TV and the movies.

I feel sorry for the Dean. He even went to a suburban town Salina rather than seek a prostitute in Syracuse. Syracuse is a metropolitan community. There are enough hookers in Syracuse that he did not have to travel.

I recently wrote that within 10 years, prostitution will be legal in the United States. I stand by that prediction. The reason is that the government will be able to tax the sex industry. Big dollars involved. Germany has been doing it for years and making a bundle.

Sloan stopped over in the afternoon. We had a few minor glitches in something new I am working on. Close to being resolved.

Sloan leaves for a two week European trip thursday. Backpacking. Alone. Ireland, England and Scotland. She is going to have a ball!

I had a sneezing jag yesterday afternoon. For an hour. One sneeze after another. Thought I was coming down with a head cold. I cannot recall the last time I had a cold.

After one hour, it stopped as swiftly as it had begun. No cold. Must have been something I was temporarily allergic to in the house.

I rarely read a book when published. Do not know why. Orange Is The New Black was published 2010. I started reading it yesterday afternoon.

Pro football watching this afternoon at Don’s Place. It will be the first time for me this season.

Enjoy your Sunday!


I made a new friend a couple of weeks ago. Lizabeth Moody. We had dinner together for the first time last night. The bar at Berlin’s.

Liz is an exceptional person. At 82, mentally sharp.

Liz’s life is one of dedication and success in the field of law.  A Yale Law honor graduate, person to score highest on her bar examination, Dean of two law schools, Cleveland State and Stetson, a good friend of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, active in the highest levels of the American Bar Association, first woman President of the Cleveland Bar Association, and on and on.

A lover of Key West, also. She and her husband purchased their Key West home in 1981. Her husband now gone.

Liz was President and CEO of the LSAT operation. The organization that runs the examination that dictates whether you are qualified to be accepted in law school. During her time with LSAT, she worked arm in arm with Craig Christensen. Craig was Dean at Syracuse Law when I was Chairman of the Board.

Intellectually superior. When studying several weeks taking a cram course for the bar examination, she and a girl friend slept late, played 18 holes of golf and attended a 4 hour lecture in the evening. Every day. Liz scored the highest of all taking the bar examination. A feat!

I contrast her bar exam cram course experience with mine. Did the same 4 hour lecture in the evening. Out at midnight. Studied till 2. Up at 7. Studied all day. For six weeks. Only one day off. The Fourth of July.

I was happy to pass. Liz was happy to be first.

Liz Moody, a star in the legal profession.

We chatted and laughed over  a few drinks. Each of us had a 2 pound Maine lobster.

A great evening!

Yesterday, a manicure with Tammy, the Key West Aloe Store for after shave gel (Men: I have been using it 20 years. Absolutely the best.), and stopped to look at the former Sq.1 now the Ocean Grill & Bar.

The Charlotte videos confuse me. There is something we are not being shown.

Early yesterday morning, I saw a video on TV of a police officer wearing a red shirt bend over and drop a gun on the road. In the same place in an earlier video where the gun did not appear.

The video has never been shown again. All day yesterday into this morning.

We seem to have a negative impression of protestors who cause property damage. Destruction of property appears to make a protest illegitimate.

Recall the 1773 Boston Tea Party. Property damage big time. I guess one’s conclusion is based on which side he or she is on.

As with the Boston Tea Party, you must admit it got the Brits to pay attention. Not enough, however. A war was still required.

The blacks want to be heard. The problem ended. The protestors are doing whatever it takes to get the nation’s attention riveted to the problem.

The Civil War ended 150 years ago. The problem still exists.

Trump talks about building a wall. Not a new concept. I am not referring to the Great Chinese Wall.

France and Great Britain are experiencing the immigration problem big time. Black Muslims are coming out of Africa into France. From France, the route for many is to Great Britain.

All kinds of issues. One, whether the immigrants be searched/vetted in France or Great Britain?

France and Great Britain got together. Decided to build a wall at the Port of Calais. Sixteen feet high. Coils of razor wire running along the top. Cost was $29 million. The two countries split it.

Great Britain out foxed France in one respect. The immigrants would be searched/vetted on the French side by the French. Turned out to be cumbersome and costly. Britain has agreed to pay France $20 million a year to do the job.

I suspect I have gotten Diane Millikan involved in my William Hackley comments. Diane has begun digging behind what is written. Good show!

Her present search involves the Kate mentioned in today’s diary. Hackley paid William Randolph $8 for her services. Diane suspects Kate was a black slave owned by Randolph and rented to Hackley.

Lets see what she comes up with.

Syracuse/Connecticut at 1. Connecticut a 3 point favorite. Just maybe Syracuse will win this one.

Enjoy your day!


Last night was one of surprises.

One good, one bad.

The good one first. It was first last night, also. My dinner at Outback.

The Key West Outback has a new owner. Jessica Hughes. Changes are obvious already.

My drink arrived swiftly following order. The meal, also. Prime rib. The best I have ever had at Outback. A Commodore cut.

I asked the waitress if the new owner had made some changes. I described and complimented the services. She said there is a new multi colored sign in the kitchen. Its purpose to move things. She said it has. Several people have complimented the improved service as I had.

I never got into the quality of the meat with her. I shall try to talk with Jessica the new owner the next time I dine at Outback.

The bad had to do with Regal Cinema. Went to the movies after dinner.

The movie was Bridget Jones’s Baby. The third in a series. I had seen the previous two. This one lacked the quality of the first two. Not the problem, however.

The seats. It has been a while since I have been to the Regal Cinema. New seats! The worst ever! Not comfortable at all!

The first thing I noticed was the seats were considerably narrow. Like a tourist airline seat. More narrow, in fact. The seats and back poorly designed. Impossible to be comfortable. I tried every possible position. Sat up right, slouched, sat on a hip, etc.

Regal Cinema lost me last night. Henceforth, I shall only attend Tropic Cinema.

Let me play movie critic for a minute.

Renee Zellweger  has aged. It has been a while since her last Bridget Jones movie. Looked like she had some plastic surgery done. Not for the better. The bubbliness gone. She looked too old for the part.

Attention grammar critics. The title of the movie is Bridget Jones’s Baby. Is the Jones’s spelled correctly? I think it should have been Jones’.

The Rose Tattoo was filmed in Key West. The movie based on Tennessee William’s play of the same name. Hal Wallis arrived in Key West this date in 1954 scouting for locations to shoot the movie.

Much of The Rose Tattoo was shot on Duncan Street. 1400 block. The house where the movie was shot at one end. Tennessee William’s home the other.

Lisa lives on Duncan two blocks away.

The Rose Tattoo house was allowed to fall into bad shape. Unoccupied for years. Renovated recently and rented out. Nothing special about its appearance. Nor was there anything special about it in the film.

Tennessee William’s home is magnificent! Still in great shape. Maintained as it was.

This morning’s Key West Citizen front page had a huge photo and story re Burmese pythons. The story reported baby pythons are being discovered in Key Largo. Suggested there are 10,000 to 100,000 in South Florida.

I wrote a KONK Life column re pythons five year ago. Title: Pythons Are Coming. Wrote a follow up a couple of years ago. One of the thrusts was that the Burmese pythons were on the move southward from the Everglades to the Keys. Only one had been discovered in Key West at the time. Along a runway at the airport. Remains the only Key West one reported.

The number of phytons in the paper is grossly understated. Florida authorities suspect the number could be as much as one million. No exaggeration. There are so many that their growth is out of control. The State admits it cannot eliminate them. Hopefully only control their growth and spread.

My KONK Life column this week is An american Revolutionary War Hero Who Lost His Head. Interesting reading. It is on the stands today. The article appears in this morning’s KONK Life E-Blast and was linked also to my Key West Lou website.

Enjoy your day!


Joseph Warren was a leader in the early days of the fight for freedom. In the years leading up to the Revolutionary War, he was out in front as a protagonist. He died at the Battle of Bunker Hill early in the War.
Few today know of him. I did not till this past week when I came across a short story which mentioned him. Roused my curiosity. Motivated me to learn more about him.
He was a man!
Warren was born June 11, 1741. Died, June 17, 1775. His life short lived. Thirty four years. Much accomplished however during that time.
He was part of the fomenting years leading up to the Revolutionary War. Trained as a physician, he began his practice at the age of 22. In Boston.
Warren was considered a foremost physician. His patients from the upper crust. Men such as Samuel Adams, John Hancock, John Adams and John Quincy Adams.
Even prominent loyalists sought his professional services. His patients included the children of the Royal Governor Thomas Hutchinson, the British General Thomas Gage, and Gage’s American born wife Margaret.
Warren used his medical practice to spy on the British. His wife had died. He became involved with General Gage’s wife Margaret. Margaret provided Warren with advance notice of the planned British movement on Concord. Margaret being American born was disposed to the colonial cause. She was a constant source of information.
General Gage finally dealt with the Margaret problem. He put her on a British vessel and sent her off to Britain. She played no part in colonial matters thereafter.
Warren was a leader of the Sons of Liberty. A foremost patriot. As time went on, his patriot disposition became more apparent. Open and public.
There was a time he was a grave robber. As such, a member of Spunkers. Spunkers was a group of Harvard medical students who raided grave yards, jails and poor houses in search of bodies. Bodies that could be used for medical training purposes.
The Boston Massacre occurred in 1770. It became a rallying point for those opposed to British treatment of the colonists.
The Boston Massacre was commemorated each year thereafter. Warren twice spoke to two separate annual meetings.
The second such meeting took place on March 6, 1775. The meeting was held in the Old South Meeting House in Boston. The enemy was present. Hundreds of British officers and soldiers surrounded the building and were stationed inside.
The crowd of colonists spilled into the aisles.
Warren had no fear. He was a man of brass testicles. He appeared at the meeting dressed as Cato. A flowing white Roman toga. A symbol of democracy at the time.
Not intimidated, Warren delivered a rousing address.
Warren was the Masonic Grand Master of St. Andrew’s Lodge of Freemasons. A big deal. The group met at the Green Dragon Tavern. The Tavern was considered the early headquarters for the Revolution.
Many of the Masons meeting were members of the Sons of Liberty. Paul Revere was one. Warren and Revere were best friends.
The Boston Tea Party did not go over well with King George III and Parliament. The colonists were considered upstarts who needed to be put in their place. Taught manners. Made to know who their uppers were.
Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts of 1774. The Acts suspended colonial government and closed the Port of Boston till payment was made in full for the lost tea.
No way the colonists would accept such submission. It was not part of their psyche. Warren in September 1774 drafted a radical set of resolutions in opposition for Suffolk County communities. Boston area communities. Titled the Suffolk Resolves.
The Suffolk Resolves stated, “No obedience is due” to the Intolerable Acts. The Resolves called for a boycott of British goods and for local militias to prepare for armed resistance.
The Suffolk Resolves were endorsed overwhelmingly by the Continental Congress. The British called the document “undoubtedly treasonable.”
Warren sensed fighting might take place soon. He sent Paul Revere on a five day ride to Philadelphia to warn of the possibility. This was not the famous Paul Revere ride. The “Listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere.” That was to come later.
The time did come later. Warren learned the British troops were preparing to cross the Charles River and march to Lexington. The British intended to arrest John Hancock and Samuel Adams. Then on to Concord to seize colonial munitions. Thank you, Margaret Gage.
Warren dispatched Paul Revere on the famous midnight ride. He sent Revere across the Charles River and into the surrounding country side. He dispatched William Dawes on the longer land route.
Boston was under siege following Lexington and Concord. The patriots needed cannons to give them the firepower to force the British out of Boston.
Where to get them? Benedict Arnold said, “I know.” There were 80 canons at Fort Ticonderoga which at the time was under British control. The British force defending Ticonderoga was small. Arnold was confident he could overtake the force and capture the cannons.
Warren gave Arnold approval to try. Arnold succeeded. The canons were a major help in evicting the British from Boston in March 1776.
Warren also served on the Boston Committee of Correspondence.
It was June 1775. Warren was supposed to be at a meeting of the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. Instead, he opted to fight in the Battle of Bunker Hill. Three days before, Warren had been appointed a Major General by the Massachusetts Provincial Congress.
Thirty four years old at the time.
When he arrived at the site of the battle, the two commanders already there wanted to turn command over to Warren since he outranked them. Warren had no battle field experience. He declined and asked where the toughest fighting was taking place. Breed’s Hill. Warren grabbed a musket and went to Breed’s Hill to fight as a private.
At this stage, it is important to understand how the British viewed the colonials. As traitors. They had opted to fight the mother land.
King George III stated that any colonials in arms against royal authority were traitors and to be treated as such. Death by hanging.
The British normally provided a trial first. Not in the colonies, however. For whatever reason, treason trials were not held. The colonials were either immediately hanged or sent to prisoner of war camps.
Hanging might have been better. The colonials held in prisoner of war camps were maltreated. Brutally. Even beheadings. Torture common place. Much like the Japanese treatment of Allied prisoners of war during World War II.
More American sailors and soldiers died in prisoner camps than from combat itself.
British atrocities of colonials of either sex were commonplace. The British of Revolutionary days were not the nice guys of today. Traitors were scum and to be treated accordingly.
Having set the prevalent British mental attitude, we return to Warren at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Serving as a private at Breed’s Hill.
The colonials bravely fought off the first two advances of the British. The third overwhelmed the colonials.
Warren was out of ammunition. As his fellow colonials were withdrawing, Warren remained behind to fight off the British as best he could. He did not survive long.
British Lt. Lord Rawdon knew Warren. Most British did. As Rawdon came over a small hill, he found himself directly in front of Warren. Not more than a foot apart. Rowdan shot his musket at Warren’s face. The bullet entered his forehead area and came out the back of his skull.
Rawdon neither liked nor respected Warren. Obviously. Otherwise, he would not have shot him.
Rawdon then proceeded to strip Warren’s body of all clothing. Other British soldiers arrived. Warren’s dead body was bayoneted till unrecognizable.
There was a shallow hole nearby. British Captain Walter Laurie pushed Warren’s body into the hole together with a dead colonial farmer. Laurie recollected that as he pushed Warren into the grave, he “stuffed the scoundrel with another rebel into one hole, and there he and his seditious principles may remain.”
Two days later, British Lt. James Drew went to the site. He opened the grave, spit on Warren’s face, and then cut his head off. Following which Drew is reported to have committed every act of violence upon Warren’s body.
Warren’s head was left with his body in the shallow grave. Dirt thrown over.
Though respect was lacking for Warren by lower ranking British officers and soldiers, some higher ranking persons did think well of him for whatever reason. General Gage on learning of Warren’s death said, “Warren’s death is equal to the death of 500 men.”
The British thought Warren’s death would discourage the colonial cause. They were mistaken. Warren’s death encouraged the revolutionary cause. He was viewed as a martyr.
Had Warren lived longer, he would have played a prominent role in the American revolution and the political life of the new nation thereafter.
Many historians of the era believe Warren would have achieved the summit of political life in the United States.
Note that nowhere is Washington’s name mentioned. Turns out that at the time Warren was better known and perceived as a better leader than Washington. Loyalist Peter Oliver surmised in 1782 that if Warren had lived, George Washington would have been “an obscurity.”
Ten months after Warren’s death, Paul Revere and Warren’s brothers exhumed Warren’s body. A question arose. Which body was Warren’s? The one without the head or the one with. Remember, Warren had been buried with a farmer.
Revere was known as a silversmith. He had other talents. He was a dentist of sorts.
Warren had lost his left upper eye tooth. Revere had made an artificial tooth and secured it in Warren’s mouth with a golden wire.
The body without the head was Warren’s. As was the severed head. Therein lie the artificial tooth and golden wire.
Warren left four children. Penniless. His wife had died several years earlier. Warren was engaged at the time of his death. His fiancee Mercy Scolley took the children in and cared for them.
The issue of their education was a matter of concern. Where was the money to come from? His friends and the Continental Congress took care of the situation.
John Hancock, Samuel Adams, Mercy Oates Warren and Benedict Arnold assumed the responsibility together with the Continental Congress.
Edna St. Vincent Millay wrote several lines of poetry that many believe are referable to Joseph Warren: “My candle burns at both ends; it will not last the night; But ah, my foes and oh, my friends, it gives a lovely light!”
Too bad Joseph Warren’s story is little known. At the very least, his life should be reflected in school history books. There is always room for one more American hero.


Nathan Hale. An American Revolutionary War hero.

Hale was 21. A Yale graduate. Then school teacher. Joined the Connecticut regiment to fight in the War. Appointed a captain.

New York City was occupied by the British. The colonists needed a spy to enter New York City ascertain British troop size and location. Hale volunteered.

He spent several days in New York carrying out his responsibility. The British were not stupid. They knew there was a spy in their midst. They were closing in on Hale. Finally, captured him.

British General Howe himself said to Hale that he would be hung in the morning. No trial. Not that one would have helped much.

As Hale was being led to the gallows, it is claimed he uttered the famous words…..”I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country.”

Historians question whether Hale uttered the words. Written documentation lacking.

Another reason is that there is an early 1700’s poem containing similar wording.

Whatever, it is good for us to believe Hale so spoke.

Harpoon Harry’s for lunch yesterday. My usual. Ham and eggs and fries. Then a walk along the waterfront.

A mid afternoon visit to the dentist. Dr. George Linder. Nothing wrong. A routine yearly visit to check my implants. A thorough examination of the entire mouth. Well worth the visit.

Last night for cocktails at Aqua’s Back Door. Mark Watson bartending. He bartends every wednesday night. That is why I go.

I was there quite a while. A number of people I knew came in. Good company all! Donna and Terri. Zoey. Zoey’s real name is Zorica. She is a native of Macedonia. Manages Aqua’s liquor and cigarette store attached to Aqua.

Jimmy Olson and Jimmy back from New Hampshire.

A lady named Lisa.

Big day for Donna! A bit tired also. First day at work. She can be found three days a week at the Butterfly Conservatory.

The cosmetic stores on Duval continue to be involved in fraud and chicanery. I do not understand why the City/Codes does not close them down.

The most recent incident involves a 70 year old tourist. She purchased a few items. Not much. When she received her credit card statement in the mail, the charge was in excess of $5,000. The matter has been reported and the police are investigating.

Citizen activity is growing in Key West. A vigilante approach in some instances.

Re the cosmetic shops, The Key West Rip Off Response Team. They have picketed some of these establishments in the past. They too are looking into the $5,000 over billing.

This morning’s Citizens’ Voice tells the story of a Georgia free range chicken farm where bald eagles are eating up the profits.

Some 15 years ago, I was sitting outside the old Paradise Cafe enjoying Cuban toast and coffee. A mother hen with 5 little chicks were walking by. The chicks in an orderly line.

All of a sudden, I heard a loud swoosh. I looked up. There were two hawks carrying off two of the chicks. The mother hen and three remaining chicks moved on as if nothing happened.

I do not know the difference between a bald eagle or hawk or any similar bird. The two I saw might very well have been bald eagles.

Homeschooling is big in Florida. The Key West Art & Historical Society has announced a new program to support homeschoolers. Two hours a month. To add/supplement to what  is being taught at home.

If anyone is interested, the Custom House’s Director of Education Adele Williams should be contacted.

Syracuse/Connecticut saturday. Connecticut a 5 point favorite. Time to win another one!

Enjoy your day!