You have become an excellent writer. The accounting of your experiences on this vacation are so very vivid and candidly descriptive that I feel a true connection to your Greek islands experiences. Even though we miss you here in Key West, we are all entertained and fascinated and envious of your fearless way of simply surrendering to the whimsical ways of living on the Greek islands. It is admirable that you are able to show up on an island with total openmindedness, with no advanced reservations, with no particular agenda, and it is working out fabulously. And your great documentation is allowing us all to vacation vicariously with you. Thanks.
I enjoy your blog very much and read it everyday. My husband and I come to Key West every November for a week to 10 days and hope to relieve ourselves from a big house we do not need and move to Key West in the future. Keep writing!
I discovered your blog a few days ago. My wife and I love Key West. We visit at least once a year for over ten years. Whenever we were in Key West I would fly with Fred Cabanas. As you know Fred was a great pilot and a great guy. He made me a better pilot and a better flight instructor. As wonderful as Key West is it will never be quite the same for me. RIP Fred Cabanas.
Lou, I stumbled upon your site while remembering Van Cliburn. My father is soon 77. You mentioned your age in relation to Cliburn’s. Mortality has a way of slapping us in the face when we look too closely. As a child, I remember thinking that Van Cliburn was the only artist who could play classical music. He was a real deal. I liked your comments on the Pope situation. As much as the Church and the media would like us to believe, it isn’t about being frail or unable-it’s about a rotten situation. This is too bad given the number of Catholics World-wide, and the help they give the needy. I’ve been in the airline business for 27 years and have seen much of the globe- except- Key West! Can you give us any ideas? We just got back from Oahu which was just O.K. Thanks!
Ben…..Thanks for writing. Key West is a unique place. On the other hand, the statement can be said for many places. Whatever, we who live here like to think so. You will either like or hate Key West. There is no in between. The town dances to a different tune, its own tune. True, it is generally warm. the beaches lovely. The water howevber sucks. People do not necessarily visit to enjoy the ocean. It is the life style rthat attracts. totally laid back. Every one appearing to be without a care. Every one happy to meet and get to know you. I started coming to Key West 25 years ago. I was on trial in miami. A 2 week trail waqs scheduled. The case settled after one week. I did not wish to return to New York. I had a free week. Rented a convertible and drove to Key West. I knew in thagt week Key West was where I wanted to be then and when i retired. I continued visiting, renting condos by the month, season and then year. Finally bought 15 years ago. Retired down here full time 8 years ago. When you arfe ready for your Key West trip, let me know. i would be happy to suggest several places you may stay, retauants, etc……Louis
Keywestlou, I love your story… about how you got to Key West. My husband and I have been coming to Key West for many years and love it, not the tourist side, but the real Key West and all it has to offer, its peace, calmness, spirituality, and beauty. There is nothing better than sitting in The Basilica of Saint Mary Star of the Sea, with all the side doors open and the wind just blowing by you as you sit in this beautiful church. I have read every Jimmy Buffet novel and know all the secret places and streets he disguises : )We love getting wraps at Key Lime Square, which hasn’t been found out too….
We have tried to find ways to get down there several times over the years, but have been unsuccessful at finding good paying jobs to be able to live just comfortably, we seem to not be hitting the right places, or have the right connections or the real way in… we must be doing something wrong.We don’t have a lot of money , are both Profession people, My husband an Director of IT for a large corp and I have done many things, VP of Banking and residential Lending, A teacher, even a flight attendant many years ago… we are willing to sacrifice and do what we have to do to be there, but want to be happy and We would like to be there as soon as possible, but we just keep hitting brick walls.. We know this is the place for us and we haven’t given up, and wont give up. We need your help and advice how to get in with the locals and find a decent paying job, find a home, and be happy. Any suggestions would be helpful : ) There has to be something we are missing or doing wrong. Help! thx
Work wise, you have all the credentials to find a decent job here in Key West. A local bank is First State. All I can tell you is hit all the banks. I would be glad to recommend you at one. Does not mean you will he hired. However, no one is going to seriously consider hiring you if you are not here or do not have a specific date you will be relocating.
As to your husband, he may be overqualified for Key West. Again though he goes no where without the commitment that he will be here by such and such a date.
Many who relocate to Key West work for less than they have been accustomed to. A person has to make up their mind that they want to live here and be willing to sacrifice. That is how it is. I am being realistic.
Thanks for your reply, Louis. What do you make of the Papal decision? Seems to me like the “same old,same old” of a wounded and scared group. No? I’d really like to visit Key West, and I think Delta has a non-stop down there from ATL. Anyway, hope you are doing well. Ben.
I thoroughly enjoy your blog and I am insanely envious of you! It is my dream to someday retire in Key West and live the wonderful carefree lifestyle you all seem enjoy.
I am so thrilled that you tried BurgerFi. I told you that it would not disappoint! Best burger ever, hands down. That place and The Cuban Coffee Queen are my two favorite grub joints on the island.
Keep up the good work and thanks for giving me the opportunity to live a little bit of the Key West lifestyle vicariously through your blog.
That is really interesting information. We provide Best Event’s to our customers in Florida and its near places in USA.Please do visit at our website or contact us any time, we would love to help you.
Thank for attending our Bocce Night fund raiser for the Sons and Daughters of Italy Key West Scholarship Fund last night. Thanks to the support of you and other Key West folks, we raised over $1,000.000 and also had a fun night on the bocce courts. One of the many reasons I love this town…
Bob Farrow
Dear Lou,
You have become an excellent writer. The accounting of your experiences on this vacation are so very vivid and candidly descriptive that I feel a true connection to your Greek islands experiences. Even though we miss you here in Key West, we are all entertained and fascinated and envious of your fearless way of simply surrendering to the whimsical ways of living on the Greek islands. It is admirable that you are able to show up on an island with total openmindedness, with no advanced reservations, with no particular agenda, and it is working out fabulously. And your great documentation is allowing us all to vacation vicariously with you. Thanks.
I love your blog and I love your pictures, but I can’t really see the pictures very well. Can you fix this?
I enjoy your blog very much and read it everyday. My husband and I come to Key West every November for a week to 10 days and hope to relieve ourselves from a big house we do not need and move to Key West in the future. Keep writing!
Hi Lou;
I discovered your blog a few days ago. My wife and I love Key West. We visit at least once a year for over ten years. Whenever we were in Key West I would fly with Fred Cabanas. As you know Fred was a great pilot and a great guy. He made me a better pilot and a better flight instructor. As wonderful as Key West is it will never be quite the same for me. RIP Fred Cabanas.
Lou, I stumbled upon your site while remembering Van Cliburn. My father is soon 77. You mentioned your age in relation to Cliburn’s. Mortality has a way of slapping us in the face when we look too closely. As a child, I remember thinking that Van Cliburn was the only artist who could play classical music. He was a real deal. I liked your comments on the Pope situation. As much as the Church and the media would like us to believe, it isn’t about being frail or unable-it’s about a rotten situation. This is too bad given the number of Catholics World-wide, and the help they give the needy. I’ve been in the airline business for 27 years and have seen much of the globe- except- Key West! Can you give us any ideas? We just got back from Oahu which was just O.K. Thanks!
Ben…..Thanks for writing. Key West is a unique place. On the other hand, the statement can be said for many places. Whatever, we who live here like to think so. You will either like or hate Key West. There is no in between. The town dances to a different tune, its own tune. True, it is generally warm. the beaches lovely. The water howevber sucks. People do not necessarily visit to enjoy the ocean. It is the life style rthat attracts. totally laid back. Every one appearing to be without a care. Every one happy to meet and get to know you. I started coming to Key West 25 years ago. I was on trial in miami. A 2 week trail waqs scheduled. The case settled after one week. I did not wish to return to New York. I had a free week. Rented a convertible and drove to Key West. I knew in thagt week Key West was where I wanted to be then and when i retired. I continued visiting, renting condos by the month, season and then year. Finally bought 15 years ago. Retired down here full time 8 years ago. When you arfe ready for your Key West trip, let me know. i would be happy to suggest several places you may stay, retauants, etc……Louis
Keywestlou, I love your story… about how you got to Key West. My husband and I have been coming to Key West for many years and love it, not the tourist side, but the real Key West and all it has to offer, its peace, calmness, spirituality, and beauty. There is nothing better than sitting in The Basilica of Saint Mary Star of the Sea, with all the side doors open and the wind just blowing by you as you sit in this beautiful church. I have read every Jimmy Buffet novel and know all the secret places and streets he disguises : )We love getting wraps at Key Lime Square, which hasn’t been found out too….
We have tried to find ways to get down there several times over the years, but have been unsuccessful at finding good paying jobs to be able to live just comfortably, we seem to not be hitting the right places, or have the right connections or the real way in… we must be doing something wrong.We don’t have a lot of money , are both Profession people, My husband an Director of IT for a large corp and I have done many things, VP of Banking and residential Lending, A teacher, even a flight attendant many years ago… we are willing to sacrifice and do what we have to do to be there, but want to be happy and We would like to be there as soon as possible, but we just keep hitting brick walls.. We know this is the place for us and we haven’t given up, and wont give up. We need your help and advice how to get in with the locals and find a decent paying job, find a home, and be happy. Any suggestions would be helpful : ) There has to be something we are missing or doing wrong. Help! thx
Hello Alysen…..
A responsibility guiding you!
Work wise, you have all the credentials to find a decent job here in Key West. A local bank is First State. All I can tell you is hit all the banks. I would be glad to recommend you at one. Does not mean you will he hired. However, no one is going to seriously consider hiring you if you are not here or do not have a specific date you will be relocating.
As to your husband, he may be overqualified for Key West. Again though he goes no where without the commitment that he will be here by such and such a date.
Many who relocate to Key West work for less than they have been accustomed to. A person has to make up their mind that they want to live here and be willing to sacrifice. That is how it is. I am being realistic.
Send me your resumes to look at.
Good luck and thank you for writing.
Thanks for your reply, Louis. What do you make of the Papal decision? Seems to me like the “same old,same old” of a wounded and scared group. No? I’d really like to visit Key West, and I think Delta has a non-stop down there from ATL. Anyway, hope you are doing well. Ben.
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Dear Lou:
I thoroughly enjoy your blog and I am insanely envious of you! It is my dream to someday retire in Key West and live the wonderful carefree lifestyle you all seem enjoy.
I am so thrilled that you tried BurgerFi. I told you that it would not disappoint! Best burger ever, hands down. That place and The Cuban Coffee Queen are my two favorite grub joints on the island.
Keep up the good work and thanks for giving me the opportunity to live a little bit of the Key West lifestyle vicariously through your blog.
Nick Psomiadis
That is really interesting information. We provide Best Event’s to our customers in Florida and its near places in USA.Please do visit at our website or contact us any time, we would love to help you.
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Thank for attending our Bocce Night fund raiser for the Sons and Daughters of Italy Key West Scholarship Fund last night. Thanks to the support of you and other Key West folks, we raised over $1,000.000 and also had a fun night on the bocce courts. One of the many reasons I love this town…
Bob Farrow