Rise and shine. Not this morning. I rose. But it is black outside. I am up early. Golf this morning.
The dentist was the major item on the agenda yesterday. Saw him in the morning. I had been back into severe pain for a few days. The visit helped. I am better now. Just a bit of pain on one side. Hopefully it will go away. Dentist thinks it will. I was able to chew last night. A simple thing in life. However not appreciated till it cannot be done.
Visited with Lisa after the dentist. Robert and Ally consumed our conversation. They are discovering the world every day. Exciting!
I ended up spending the rest of the day in. In means in and out. Between the kitchen and deck. Blood pressure still out of whack. Dentist tired me out. Thought I would take it easy.
I need to get out though. Tonight. I need people. In the flesh. The computer is fine for interaction with others. But only for a while.
Friday’s internet show is developing fantastically. All this time at home leaves me writing most of the day. Join me Friday at 10 in the morning my time at http://www.konkbroadcasting.com/. for some interesting comments.
Taxation of small businesses absorbed a bit of my time yesterday.
Prostitution is legal in Bonn, Germany. The City has set up parking meters for street walkers, ladies of the night. Prostitutes are taxed in Germany. Those working the streerts cheat on their taxes. They do not report all of their income. So the girls now have a parking type meter on the street which they must contribute to each evening before work.
Texas, a bastion of Conservative Republicanism and the home no and less taxes Governor Perry, has instituted a tax on a small business. A small business tax with a touch of socialism as to how the tax monies are to be spent.
Strip clubs selling alcohol are required to pay a head tax on each customer. $5. The money is earmarked by the State to benefit victims of sexual assault who are uninsured.
A stretch.
Serious money involved. Texas collected $42 million the first two years the tax was in effect.
And more. Like the claim that one Wisconsin Supreme Court Judge choked a fellow Supreme Court Judge during deliberations. The alleged assault took place in the presence of the other five Supreme Court Judges. The alleged assaultor was the Republican Judge who had to run following the collective bargaining debacle. He won a close race. The assaultee was a female Democratic Judge whose philosophy was contrary to his.
Can’t make these things up. It’s life! Life most of us were not aware existed. I love the research and preparation that goes onto my legal blogs and shows. I generally smile at some of the things I discover. Sometimes even laugh.
I listened to Sirius yesterday. Told you to listen to Sirius. No Terri White. Why? Because she was not on yesterday. She was supposed to be, but something happened. Donna assures me Terri will be hosting Broadway on Sirius today from 9 am to 3 pm. If you have Sirius, listen in. Channel 72.
Golf this morning. I haved not played in 3-4 weeks because of my health. It will be good to get out on the course. And play with my less than sane friends!
Still dark outside. I could have stayed in bed a little longer.
Enjoy your day!