Albert Einstein said, “The world is a dangerous place…..because of those who look on and do nothing.”
He could have been talking about Trump.
We know Russia interfered with the 2016 election. Hacked our computer systems. An act of cyber war.
Our entire top level intelligence people agree such occurred. I assume most Americans believe it occurred. Yet Trump does nothing. His lips sealed. He has not issued an order to his top people to get after Russia and make them pay for this invasion of the very essence of our democracy.
Putin on the other hand is preparing for what he anticipates in due course will be retaliatory action by the United States. He recently gave Russia’s Federal Guard Services powers to counter hack attacks on state data resources and to protect the personal data of senior state officials and their families.
One sits on his ass while the other protects his.
At the same time, the Trump Administration has issued a new round of sanctions targeting oil smugglers in Libya: Six people, 24 companies, and 7 vessels. The sanctions consist of prohibiting Americans from doing business with the sanctioned persons/entities and freezes their property in the U.S.
Oil may be important. Our elections more. Trump should show the U.S. can walk and chew gum at the same time. Sanction Russia and Libya simultaneously.
Readership of yesterday’s blog the highest in February. Not sure why? The title advising I had lost 23 pounds? Or was it that portion dealing with how touch phones and touch tablets are affecting the mental development of children? The touch items affecting a child’s ability to hold a pencil down the road. Something to do with finger muscle development and left right brain movement.
Many comments. I learned much.
Two comments especially interesting.
Children who don’t crawl prior to walking initially have trouble reading. Reading being a left to right orientation.
The other involved new neighborhoods that lack curbs along the streets. Children enjoy walking curbs. I barked at my children and grandchildren every time I saw them do it. Thought they would fall and break an ankle.
Children walking on curbs unknowingly are practicing a left to right brain orientation. Neighborhoods without curbs found at school time the children were not making progress reading. It was determined it was the lack of curbs.
Schools installed 2 x 4’s in kindergarten classrooms for children to walk on. Thereby learning balance and improving their left to right brain functions.
My podcast last night. I spent half the show discussing the NRA. Interesting material. The dike is leaking as far as the NRA is concerned.
A meal for a king this evening. I am having dinner at Donna and Terri’s. Stone crabs!
Added enjoyment this evening. Syracuse/Boston College at 9. A toss up as to one will win. Only one Syracuse game left after Boston College. At the moment, Syracuse is not even on the bubble. It will take a victory tonight and in the last game of the season. And/or a distinguished performance in the ACC tournament beginning next week.
A tough season.
Conch a popular Key West food. Some conchs large. Their shells equally large. Key West has an annual Conch Blowing Contest. This year’s to be held sunday at noon in the gardens of the Oldest House on Duval.
This is not necessarily a kid’s contest. Mostly adults participate. Leading citizens of the community. Several years ago, Kate Miano of Gardens fame and presently a mayoral candidate blew hard. She won.
Key West is a baseball town. As is all of Florida. The primary sport through high school is baseball.
Key West has had top teams statewide. Also players who went on to play major league ball. In one instance, Key West fielded the best high school baseball team in the United States. On this day in 1996, the Key West team was rated #1 nationally by USA Today.
School boards and families concerned with child safety all over the U.S. More so in view of the recent Douglas High School deaths.
The Pike County School Board is not waiting for some one to tell them what to do. They have acted on their own. They voted to have teachers carry concealed guns inside schools. School Superintendent Roger Akins said, “We may be criticized, but…..I’ll take criticism to protect my students.”
Who could not have loved MASH? Ran 11 years on TV. Today reruns all day and night 2 days a week on Sundance. The Korean War drama/comedy involved a front line medical facility. Starred Alan Alda.
On this day in 1983, the last episode of MASH was shown. A special 2 1/2 hour feature. The show so popular at the time, it was watched by 77 percent of the viewing audience.
Enjoy your day!