One of the best evenings of my life last night. I got to watch Willie Nelson perform in person.

The program titled WILLIE NELSON & FAMILY. Held at the Coffee Butler Amphitheater in Key West. 

The Willie Nelson portion of the show was all Willie Nelson. The “family” consisted of his son Lukas who played and sung along with his Dad, but only sang one song solo. Let me mention Lukas first. Relatively young. Thirty six years old. His voice his Dad’s. His performance skills his Dad’s also.

Willie’s part of the show was one hour. Outstanding! He never stopped singing.

Nelson is 91 years old. I am 89. We are contemporaries. I knew the words to 80 percent of the songs he sang. I stood and cheered, stood and sang with the man, yelled and screamed with the crowd. What a performer! Nelson, not me.

Willie opened with Whiskey River. Further songs included On the Road Again, Always on My Mind, Good Hearted Woman, To All The Girls I’ve Loved, Riders in the Sky, Seven Spanish Angels, Write Your Own Songs, Georgia on My Mind, Blue Skies, If You’ve Got the Money, I’ve Got the Time, Forgiving You Easy, Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain, and Sound of Silence.

There were more. I can’t recall all of them. Each one perfect, however.

Willie’s age occasionally caught in his voice for a second. Did not matter. He was Willie Nelson. The sound his. The words emanating from the pit of his stomach.

The Amphitheater holds 4,000. I would estimate close to that number there.

My first visit to the Amphitheater. Will not be my last. I was overwhelmed not only by the show, but by the Amphitheater itself.

There is a front portion of reserved seats. Mucho expensive. I was in the sixth row. My seat a gift from a friend.

To the rear of the reserved seats was a gradual uphill of grass. The “cheap seats.” Most on the grass portion brought their own chairs. Behind them, the Gulf of Mexico.

What a setting!

When the Amphitheater was suggested for Key West years ago, I was opposed. Locals would not spend the type of money called for to attend nor did I believe people would travel all the way to Key West to see a show. I was wrong. Badly so. As reflected by the crowd last night.

Again, the place was almost filled to capacity. Most were 60 or older. Many as old as Willie and me. My best guess is that most were locals. They spent the expensive dollars in many instances to attend!

Let me run down buying tickets, time to arrive, how to park, how to leave, etc. All important.

Tickets should be purchased in advance. You can do it on your cell phone. Mine was scheduled for pickup. Instructions were to arrive at 5:30 to get the ticket. The show not scheduled to begin till 7.

I found out pick up tickets were available at the site from noon on. I picked mine up at 12:30. This also gave me a chance to figure out parking. Most important!

Arriving easy. Straight up Southard Street through Truman Annex as if you are going to the Fort Zachery Taylor Beach. The Amphitheater is located in the Truman Waterfront Park.

Kate was the young lady waiting to accommodate me with my ticket. She expected my arrival and seemed to recognize my name. A charming young lady.

I asked her about the parking. There is a large parking lot across the street. Not part of her operation. She knew nothing about it. I saw some disabled parking spots in the lot and wanted to know if my disabled parking permit got me a free spot. She was unaware. All she could tell me was the parking lot was not part of the Amphitheater operation and she understood the cost to park was $30 or $40.

The lot did not open till 3 so I had to wait till I arrived at 5:30 to see if free or not. I doubted it was.

The parking was $40. The man was gracious and said they kept none of the money. It all went to charity. I did not believe him nor did I care. If I had to arrange for a cab or Uber, the cost would have been more than normal and getting picked up an horrendous experience. I decided I would pay $40 if I had to. The convenience was worth it. Directly across the street from the Amphitheater.

I arrived at 5:15. I had to wait in line to get in. The doors did not open till 5:30. The line was a good quarter of a mile long. Most in line were holding their chairs. I stood 15 minutes and the line began moving. Within 15 minutes more,  I was inside the Amphitheater and in my seat.

The operation organized to the hilt. People walking up and down the line telling those with chairs to open them so the line could move faster through the gate. There were six gates. Like going through security in the airport. Everything had to be checked. Done swiftly with courtesy and grace.

I had an hour and a quarter to kill before the show began at 7. Tents selling everything everywhere. Food, booze, tee shirts, etc. Portable toilets everywhere. No waiting involved.

My one complaint is the metal chair I was sitting on. Reserved seats are metal chairs. I lost 62 pounds during my three heart surgeries last year. Never gained them back. A good thing. However, I have no ass. I am skin and bones back there. I had a sore rump all night. I was happy the times I had to stand to cheer Willie.

The entire show took 2 hours 15 minutes. The first hour consisted of a young professional group. They were on 45 minutes. Then Nelson’s people had to rearrange the stage etc. for Willie’s show. Took another 30 minutes. Willie’s show was one hour.

I noticed a small number of customers did not arrive in the reserved section till Willie’s show was about to begin. They obviously did not care to watch the opening performance. I do not blame them. I did not enjoy the opening group. The music more today’s. A lot of yelling and screaming. Not my cup of tea. When I see my next show, I may find out what the opening group is doing and  skip the opening portion.  Arrive only in time for the main attraction.

Leaving caused me concern. Just under 4,000 people leaving the area at the same time. 

Fortunately, the Amphitheater backs onto the highway. My reserved seating was only feet from the stage. As soon as the show was over, I moved my feeble derriere back to my car and was one of the first on the highway. 

It was a zoo. Most people walking on the highway. Cars few. Accidents waiting to occur. Took a bit of time to make it to Southard Street. The police should be more involved in moving people and cars at the end of the show.

The Amphitheater is owned by the City of Key West. It is managed by the Rams Head Group who also run a restaurant on Petronia and Whitehead Streets. The Rams Head principal is  Bill Muehlhauser. He has multiple residences in the U.S. and probably elsewhere. He and his wife have a residence in Key West also. He did an excellent job in setting up the Amphitheater and its staff. The staff voluminous and there to assist the customers. Always with a smile. Everyone knows there job and perform it well. I was impressed.

I who was opposed when the Amphitheater was in the conceptual stage glad my judgment was not correct. I can’t wait to see more shows!

Enjoy your day!


Big night tonight for me! Two firsts. The Coffee Butler Amphitheater and Willie Nelson.

Never been to the Amphitheater. Excited to attend.

As many the great performers I have been privileged to see, never one of my all time favorites. Willie Nelson. On the Road Again still sings in my ear on occasion. I will be watching Nelson at the Amphitheater this evening. And with a great seat. Sixth row!

Another first for me yesterday. I’m beginning to think I am trying to pack a lot of things in before I pass on. I attended the Seafood Festival at the Truman Waterfront. Last time I did was many years ago. The event bigger than ever. Its location spectacular.

Stayed a while. Enjoyed the music and watching the people. Took time to eat two dishes. A Florida lobster tail and shrimp.

Spoke with an old friend yesterday by phone. Needed a favor. Knew David could provide.

David told me Don Manaher was in town for the month. Told him to tell Don I would be in touch this week and we would get together. It will be good to see Don and David again. It will take me back to the years I basically lived at Don’s Place and played bocce with these guys.

Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the U.S. He took office for the first time this day in 1801.

I have been to the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on two occasions. If you have never been, try to go. Take the kids if you have some. A family thing.

Two of the monuments impressed me. To this day, I cannot determine which is the best. Both that good. Dynamic. 

One is the Jefferson Monument. He stands tall. 

The other, the Lincoln Memorial. Moving.

Milan is one of the finest cities I have  visited. Fortunate to have visited several times. Located in northern Italy. The City is smart. Its people smart. Everything seems to be there. Including The Last Supper.

It is no wonder therefore that Puccini’s Madame Butterfly premiered at the La Scala Theatre in Milan this day in 1904. Milan an exceptional community back then as it continues to be today.

I always thought Jack the Ripper was a fictitious English tale. Apparently not so. A researcher claims that an Aaron Kosminski, a Polish barber, was the serial killer. He claims he has DNA to prove it.

Whoever Jack the Ripper may have been, his hey day was in 1888. He did his “thing” in that one year. Killed five ladies.

Michael Jordan was born this day in 1963. The ultimate success. 

A quote attributed to him makes his success understandable: “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to conquer it. Go through it or work around it.”

Ancient new world news. Miles Standish was elected the first Commander of Plymouth Colony this day in 1621.

What a day today was in New York City in 1913. Three great artists were introduced to the U.S. at a New York Armory Show: Picasso, Matisse and Duchamp.

Duchamp the least known of the three at the time. A French modernistic painter. He caused an uproar when his “Nude Descending a Staircase” was shown in New York.

On this day in 1968, the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame opened in Springfield, Massachusetts. I was fortunate to have watched several Syracuse University basketball games there over the years. When Syracuse consistently was a college basketball great. No more in recent years. Sad!

A story I first read many years ago. An old man wrote he was 80 years old. Sweet 16 and 64 years of experience.

Means I have 73 years of experience. Hope I have many more years remaining. Life may get slower with each year, but is still fun.

One important thing I have learned is having good friends. They are the jewels of life. Difficult to find and impossible to replace.

Neurophysiotherapy at 11 this morning. Last time was wednesday. Back sore again this morning. Need Theresa’s magic hands.

Enjoy your day!


Happy Presidents Weekend! And for tomorrow, the holiday itself, Happy Presidents Day!

We recall them all. For those of us in Key West, we remember one especially. The best of the best, Harry S Truman. While President, he visited Key West 11 times for a total of 175 days. 

I have never met the man. Not referring to Truman who I did meet. In fact enjoyed a 2 hour lunch while sitting next to him.

I refer to Rick Ramsay. He has been the Monroe County Sheriff  for many years. Capable, dependable. Performs his job well. That is why the people continue reelecting him.

 An example, he recently reported the crime rate for Monroe County had dropped. Thirteen percent in 2024. No easy task. The Keys are a crazy happy rowdy visitor place.

Ramsay continues to get his job done and done well.

The Key West Aquarium turns 90 years old tomorrow. It opened February 17, 1935. A winner!

I loved taking Robert and Ally there when they were young.

Judy Blume and George Cooper have come up with another apropos subject applicable to Books & Books: “Roses die but books are forever. Give a Valentine that lasts.” I join in their thought. Give a book as a gift. Books last!

Syracuse’s basketball season continues to be consistent. A winner it is not. Syracuse lost yesterday to North Carolina 88-82.

I can’t wait for the season to end!

Strange what nations war over. Back in the 17th century, the Dutch and English warred over the Banda Islands of Indonesia.

The issue nutmeg. Today’s spice was highly valued in those days for its medicinal qualities. Thought to ward off the Black Plague. The Banda Islands were flush with nutmeg trees.

Interesting quote: “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times with the same person.”

The emergency number 911 has been with us a long time. The first 911 call was placed in the U.S. this day in 1968.

History blames Jews for everything. Pure unadulterated stupidity!

An example. In 1349, Jews were expelled from Burgdorf, Switzerland, accused of spreading the Bubonic Plague.

Before RFK Jr. gets done, Jews will probably be responsible for the anticipated rise in measles in the U.S.

Everything has a beginning. Subway cars with side doors. The first went into service on New York City subways in 1909.

On this day in 1943, an anti-Hitler student drew a sign on a Munich facade: “Out with Hitler! Long live freedom!”

The student was part of an anti-Hitler “White Rose” group. The student was caught on February 18 and beheaded on February 22.

Nice guy, Adolph! Is the U.S. moving in that direction?

Enjoy your Sunday!


Key West water sucks! The only way to say it.

When I first came to Key West 30 years ago, it was terrific. Even mentioned it to people back then. About 15 years ago, it started going downhill. Taste got increasingly worse. Now terrible.

So much so that I only drink bottled water. That means about 36 bottles a week. Even make ice cubes with bottled water.

Why do you think Publix and Winn-Dixie sell so much bottled water? People are afraid to drink that which comes from the tap.

I recently came across an advertisement by the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority in a magazine: “Tap water…..The Best Drink in Town!” No way, Jose! The worst.

The Authority should do something about it.

Enjoyed a manicure with Tammy yesterday. I have been conscious about my nails for more than 50 years. Take care of them.

There is a very lengthy article popping up on the internet re fingernails. Titled: What Your Fingernails Reveal About Your Health. Its author Jasmin Fox-Shelly.

Read it! Informative and interesting. I never realized how much information a doctor can get just by looking at one’s fingernails.

Enjoyed lunch yesterday at Roostica on Stock Island. More than a year since I last was there. I was surprised the bartender remembered me.

I enjoyed a lunch of meatballs and polenta. You will recall I got turned on to polenta years ago in my many trips to northern Italy. Polenta in north Italy is as popular as potatoes are with a meal in the U.S.

The dish comes with bread. Fresh bread had not yet been made. Garlic bread for the day just completed. So I was favored with the garlic bread. Absolutely outstanding! I mentioned it to the bartender and she said she would remember and serve it to me next time.

A solution to the current high cost of eggs was reflected in this morning’s Citizens’ Voice: Let our Key West chickens help out locally.


The Miami Herald announced Publix “is following the latest trends.” Publix has come out with a new “soft Pub Sub roll.”

A bad day in American history. On this day in 1898, the USS Maine exploded in Havana Harbor. The explosion killed 260 American crew members.

The Custom House was newly built at the time. A special group of Navy officials met there to determine the cause of the explosion.

The explosion eventually led to the Spanish-American War.

Many of the dead lie buried in the Key West Cemetery. Key West annually honors those dead. Key West remembers the Maine in many other ways. It has become an in intrinsic  part of Key West history.

Some people just can’t win. Even those who do good. On this day in 399 B.C., philosopher Socrates was sentenced to death by the City of Athens for allegedly corrupting the minds of the youth of the City and for impiety. 

Socrates was a principled person. He was sentenced to death by hemlock poisoning. He had an opportunity to escape. Refused. Choose to respect the wishes of the City and willingly drank the hemlock.

Actor Fess Parker has died at 85. Davy Crockett of yesteryear.

Another big Walt Disney movie day. On this day in 1950, Cinderella opened in theaters across the U.S.

On this day in 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was President-elect. In those days, a President-elect was not sworn in till March.

An attempt was made on his life in Miami’s Bayfront Park. The assassin fired six rounds, fortunately missing Roosevelt with each. He did hit and kill Chicago Mayor Cermak however, who subsequently died.

I close with California and the natural disasters which continue to plague the State.

Poor California! First the wildfires, now heavy rains. Mud slides and raging floods galore.

Enjoy your day!


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Lovers enjoy!

Valentine’s Day thought to be born of the ancient Lupercalin pagan festival. A bloody, violent and sexually charged celebration. Who knows, who cares. Today, Valentine’s Day is soft, warm and loving. Such is what is important.

I miss having someone to treat special on this day.

Character in government has been diminishing. Big time! Suddenly rejuvenated.

In recent days, three U.S. Attorney Generals have resigned from the Southern District of New York rather than support Trump and his Justice Department’s decision to remove charges pending against New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

The three are to be honored. They will have no difficulty finding new positions. Major New York law firms will want to have in their operations the three who stood for right against might. Each a proven honorable person.

Reminded me of a similar situation during Nixon’s time in office. In a single evening on October 20, 1973, what has come to be known as the “Saturday Night Massacre” occurred. Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson to fire Archibald Cox. Richardson refused and resigned. Nixon then ordered Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus to fire Cox. Ruckelshaus refused and resigned.

On this day in 1971, President Richard Nixon installed a secret recording device in the White House. Helped to do him in later when he got in trouble.

Yesterday began with a haircut with Lori. Today will begin with a manicure with Tammy.

What a life!

Visited later in the day with son-in-law Corey at the Library.

The Florida Keys Seafood Festival is this weekend. Saturday and sunday. The best seafood in the world. The place the Truman Waterfront Park at the end of Southard Street.

Go and enjoy!

Egg prices continue to rise nationally. I have not enjoyed an egg breakfast in months. Nor have many others.

Very warm yesterday. Temperature in the low 80s.  Humidity heavy. Sweat was the order of the day.

Adrian Simancos was kayaking in the Straight of Magellan with his father. Suddenly a hunchback whale upped and swallowed him. Then released him unharmed. His father recorded the event on a camera.

Adrian recalls the entire event, including being swallowed. Lucky he is! He should thank God for the miracle!

Adrian’s reaction: “I thought I was dead. I thought it had eaten me, that it had swallowed me.”

Something few are aware of. The U.S. and Russia are just 2 miles apart at the Diomede Islands. The Diomede Islands are a pair of small remote islands set in the middle of the Bering Straight that separates mainland Alaska (USA) from Siberia (Russia).

The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting occurred on this day in 2018. Seventeen killed, seventeen injured.

We are no further ahead today with gun control than we were that horrible day seven years ago.

St. Valentine’s Day in 1929 the date of a major Mafia killing. Referred to as the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in Chicago. Seven gangsters were shot dead in a garage on Al Capone’s orders.

I close with a problem that is perplexing me. Causing me concern.

Trump and Musk continue firing and laying off federal employees. Millions!

It’s easy to let employees go. “You’re fired!” My concern is who is going to perform the work they were doing?

Anyone thinking about it?

Calamity and chaos will occur. Inevitable.

Enjoy your day!


One of the world’s greatest authors and Key West resident celebrated her birthday yesterday. Judy Blume. She was born February 12, 1938. My apologies for being one day late. It happens as one gets older. I am three years ahead of you.

My daughters and the world’s can thank Judy for writing about the strange things they faced in early age. They absorbed her books. Adults today her writings about events occurring in later life.

Key West is grateful Judy and her husband George Cooper opted to settle here. Their presence and Books & Books have contributed to our lifestyle.

For whatever reason, Judy is one of the few persons I have not become acquainted with in my 30 years in Key West. My fault. I guess I just did not try hard enough. Hopefully, we will become friends before we move on to that other life.

Another American of famous repute was born on yesterday’s date. Abraham Lincoln. Both Lincoln and Blume equally important. Each touched many lives.

Lincoln was born February 12, 1809. He was born in poverty in a one room rural cabin. The son of a farmer. From a one room rural cabin to the White House. What a ride that must have been!

Yesterday morning was physiotherapy time. I left in worse shape than when I began with Theresa in the morning. However and as generally occurs, by 3 in the afternoon all was well. My back hurt not.

Lunch at Goldman’s. My favorite, a grilled cheese sandwich.

Overheard a conversation between two persons re the penny that Trump had said the U.S. would no longer produce. The speaker noted Trump found it cost 2 1/2 cents to make one penny. A bad deal economically. He was glad Trump had the brains to eliminate the penny.

Obviously, a MAGA person. Wait till inflation increases, the price of groceries goes up instead of down and gasoline becomes more expensive. Add a war or two here and there. A child or grandchild going off to war. All within months. Wonder how the MAGA gent will then feel?

Surprise of surprises. Guess what once was a popular breakfast meal. Pork and beans!

Generally served with a cornmeal pancake. “A Yankee dish for Sunday breakfast.” Especially popular in the late 1800s.

It appears RFK Jr. is going to be the health chief. Terrible! Woe are the American people! Woe will be their health!

I assumed Trump’s hand was not placed on the Bible when he recently was sworn in as President due to inadvertence. He forgot to raise his hand and place it on the Bible.

Now some say no to my observation. It was intentional. It places him in the position where he can deny he “swore an oath” to defend, protect and support the Constitution.

True? I don’t know.

“Danced the night away.” A common everyday phrase. Its origin? The year 1518. Yes, that far back.

A dancing plague hit Strasbourg, France. The event accidental in its beginnings. Took two months to wane. More and more people joined the dancing. Began with one woman, Fran Troffes, boogying. Her dancing over the two month period was joined by 400 others. Some died from exhaustion and heart attacks.

Syracuse lost to Miami 91-84 tuesday night. A shame! As bad as Syracuse has been this season, Miami was worse. Miami was 1-11 going into the Syracuse game.

Trump is calling for FEMA to be abolished. He claims States should manage disasters. He believes States are more efficient.

Is Trump crazy? It took years for FEMA to be as efficient and helpful  as it has become. Many States will initially flounder. Some all the time.

When will Trump learn to leave well enough alone?

A couple of Key West items.

Presidential Weekend arriving. Celebrated at the Little White House beginning today and running through monday the 17th. Everything on the tropical grounds of the Little White House.

Tonight, a “Happy Hour at Harry’s” from 5:30-7:30.

Saturday and Sunday a panel of Presidential descendants. Their topic will be “The Historic Preservation of Our Nation’s History for Future Generations.”

Monday Tuman’s grandson Clifton Truman Daniel in “Give ‘Em Hell, Harry!” spotlighting Harry Truman’s life and Presidency.

A Citizens’ Voice comment this morning: “Twenty-one dollars for a basic drink in a little plastic cup at the Key West International Airport is insane.” I agree. So too the $20 a drink in most Duval bars and hotels.

As I have written in the past, we are going to kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Locals have already stopped frequenting the expensive places. Soon visitors will also. If they do not, so what? Someone has to pay those exorbitant prices!

Enjoy your day!


Trump goes after everything. Even pennies and cardboard straws.

King Donald has decreed the U.S. will produce no more pennies. Cost prohibitive. Costs more than 2 cents to make one penny.

His decree will merely stop production, not continued use of the pennies already in existence. There are an estimated 240 billion pennies out there. It is further estimated it will take roughly 25 years for them to degrade. Trump will long be gone by the time that occurs.

Donald is down on cardboard straws also. Why, I am not sure. Perhaps he had difficulty using one. 

Only plastic straws are to be used. We swing back and forth on the issue. It was under Biden that it was decided to cut back on the use of plastic items. Plastic straws being one. Contributing to too much plastic contamination. Unhealthy.

Trump apparently believes other wise. Out with cardboard straws, back with plastic ones! He is our leader. Whatever he says, goes.

Keep it up Donald. Your plan to take over Gaza and send Palestinians to other countries is provoking anger with long time U.S. friend Jordan and other Middle East countries.

Egypt is against Trump’s plan for Gaza, also.

Trump is overstepping U.S. bounds. If Trump keeps it up, the U.S. will end up in  a big time long time Middle East war.

Trump’s new steel and aluminum tariffs are making the U.S. unpopular also. Countries will join BRICS. The U.S. will in due course stand alone because of Trump’s various acts involving tariffs and other matters. It will result in the U.S. in conflict against former friends and foes alike.

The U.S. voters did not elect Trump to gain control of the world, cause war mongering, etc. 

Kennedy Center’s future is in turmoil. Trump took over. He fired Board members appointed by Biden and has named his own interim Director.

Go, go, go, Donald! There remain yet many things you have not yet screwed up.

Trump and Vance want to take on the Supreme Court. Refuse to obey its rulings. Defy court orders generally!

Where are Republican Congresspersons? Don’t they recognize a step too far when it occurs? Don’t they recognize Executive attempts to gain sole power in running the government? 

Woe be we!

Trump is freezing certain federal funds. Claims U.S. citizens not being hurt. To the contrary, they are. Certain farmers, primarily Republican supporters, are being crucified. Already. They bought new expensive machinery based on promises the federal government would pay part of the cost. Generally half. The farmer had to borrow the full cost and after the deal was made, the government would step in and reimburse the farmers.

By freezing these funds, the farmers are not reimbursed. They have been left holding the bag for the entire cost amount. Something most cannot afford.

Donald, do you really know what you are doing? Cuts having adverse repercussions should be avoided.

Trump and Musk are stripping the federal government work force. By nature, government is big. Requires large numbers of employees. With Trump and Musk cutting back to fewer and fewer, government will not work as it must. Efficiency will be out the window. Citizens will experience long waits for what otherwise was prompt assistance.

Not what the people voted for.

Is Justice to exist only for the rich and politically affluent? From day one, the law in America has been for everyone. Not so anymore. Trump is moving the law in another direction. 

Like the Justice Department telling New York City federal prosecutors to drop charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

Wrong! Not the way Justice has operated, should operate. Justice is for everyone. Equally applied. Blind.

My friends, our beloved country is coming apart at the seams.

The head of the UN Aids Agency said yesterday that the number of new HIV infections could jump by more than six times by 2029 if American support of the world’s biggest AIDS program is dropped. Millions could die and more resistant strains of the disease emerge.

I predicted it would happen. Insurance companies would run out of money to cover natural cause disasters. Like the California fires.

California’s insurer of last resort, the FAIR plan, will get a $1 billion bailout from the State. Such indicates California home and building insurers are on a shaky footing.

Thus far FAIR has paid out $914 million to policy holders. The sum obviously expected to grow. Involved are 16,200 structures.

Soon California will run out of money. What then?

Some Key West.

Last night it was The Grand for Happy Hour. Matt bartending. Enjoyed with Steve, Cindy, Christine and Ed.

I enjoyed clams in a rich butter sauce accompanied by a large basket of soft bread for dunking. Finished my meal off with Steve’s calamari. His order was large and I was happy to help.

Neurophysiotherpy today at 11. I look forward to it.

Willie Nelson and Family perform February 17 at the Key West Amphitheater. I will be there. Loved Willie Nelson my whole life. Never saw him perform live. My first event at the Amphitheater. I have a seat in row 5.

A Key Wester who loved his job and did it will. Eduardo Sloa retired January 31 after 26 years and 12,605 tour drives of Key West.

Congrats Eduardo! Enjoy retirement! You’ve earned it!

Enjoy your day!


Two important change of pace topics today. The Key West Airport and the Greek Isles Santorini and Amorgos.

Always the same cries by Key West departing and arriving passengers…..Never enough space for them. I have heard the same cry the 30 years I have resided in Key West. No matter the number of reconstructions done during those years. Big dollars , small spaces.

Someone raised the issue in this morning’s Citizens’ Voice: “Folks who love Key West, we are in trouble! I just compared the actual EYW passenger count for 2023 (1,309,000) to the EYW airport Master Plan projection for 2023 (460,000) under which the airport expansion was modeled. Wow. The goose that laid the golden egg is on the way to slaughter.”

Key West always screws up space needs when remodeling the airport. Must be ineptness of the salaried Key West employees or outside experts hired.

As I have advised on many occasions, I have spent much time in Greece. Always a week or two on Santorini and a month or two on Amorgos. Never an earthquake during my many visits. All of a sudden, many the past few days.

Last night, Santorini sustained a 5.3 quake. There were 4 during the day also. All in the 4.0 area. Little damage and no injuries.

Santorini remains on alert for more quakes in the immediate future.

My favorite Greek island Amorgos is nearby. It has suffered many minor earthquakes recently.

Strange as it may sound, the Santorini-Amorgos zone has experienced 12,800 quakes in the period between January 26 and February 8. All minor.

The warning is out, however. Experts expect more quakes between now and the end of the month. They also fear a major one could occur during that time frame.

Cruise ships are avoiding Santorini. Putting into Crete instead.

Santorini’s volcano not the cause of the quakes. The quakes the result of the shifting ocean floor.

Again I find it amazing that in all the time I have spent on both islands, never one quake experienced by me. Even a minor one. The quakes I now discover go back thousands of years and occur in large clusters as described herein.

Today’s blog refreshing. A non-Trump one. Hope you enjoyed it.

I got beat up yesterday morning at neurophysiotherapy. Theresa had to line my legs up. My discs had moved. Everything she did was painful. As she said however, I caused it all to myself. I did wrong things involving my back for three days. Trust me, no more!

I will be at The Grand tonight with Steve and Cindy. My legs will hang straight down while I sit on the bar stool. There are only bar stools in the bar. All the fun is in the bar.

Enjoy your day!


Steve gave me a call before the game and invited me over to watch it with he and Cindy. I am not a pro football follower. Knew enough about what was expected from news releases, however.  There are times however when things do not work out as thought. The Kansas City/Philadelphia game one of them.

Philadelphia looked great from about 2 minutes in. It was generally Philadelphia all the way till the last quarter after that. Philadelphia was so far ahead, Kansas City’s last quarter was meaningless.

Philadelphia won 40-22.

Philadelphia came to play. Kansas could not for whatever reason. The favorite was decimated.

There was talk before the game that Trump would be booed and Taylor Swift cheered. The opposite was true. Trump cheered and Swift booed. We are in trouble America!

The half time show was disappointing. Or maybe it was Rapper music and Kendrick Lamar not to my liking. The show sucked.

I found the advertisements disappointing, also. I knew few of the products being advertised. Could have been the problem. Whatever, some of the ads cost $8 million for 30 seconds. Not worth it.

At the end of the third quarter, the game was 34-6 in Philadelphia’s favor. I returned home and to bed. Nothing Kansas could do in the fourth quarter would win the game.

Donald on the move again. He announced on the plane while flying to New Orleans that he would be imposing a 25 percent tariff on all steel and aluminum imports monday. Monday is today. These new tariffs would be on top of those already imposed on certain countries.

Trump is doing a good job of alienating other countries. Friends and foes alike of the U.S. His conduct is driving many already to make economic deals with other countries. Even worse, many are considering joining with BRICS. BRICS will be our worst enemy in due course if things continue in the U.S. as they are. A successful worst enemy. Trump is leading the U.S. down the path of standing alone. Against everyone.

Trump frequently tells us God saved him to save us. There is a Biblical passage I bring to his attention. Psalm 112:10. “The desire of the wicked shall perish.”

Did you ever think that if what is presently happening in the U.S. happened anywhere else, we would consider it a coup?

Have we forgotten “For the people, by the people?” The way it was and the way it should be. “Not by Trump, for Trump.”

I worry.

Enjoy your day!


A major once a year party day. Super Bowl Sunday! America goes crazy. Properly so. 

This year the event is in New Orleans. The game has been played there many times over the years. I have seen three or four at least in New Orleans.

Actually my Super Bowl experiences have been many. Eleven consecutive games. Yes, eleven.

Back in the 1980s, I was Chairman of the Board of Visitors at the Syracuse University School of Law. Made me a person of influence in many respects. My recommendation to an applicant guaranteed acceptance.

A Utica client was an insurance man who provided coverage for his significant clients. One was the Buffalo Bills. A major customer for him obviously. He visited with me and told me of the younger brother of the Vice-President of Marketing for the Buffalo Bills. The young man had some adverse situations in his resume and had been rejected by every law school he had applied. Could I help? Of course. However note that my assistance at the moment was to my Utica client. I sought to benefit him in  the eyes of the Buffalo V-P.

I broke my house rule of always meeting anyone I recommended for admission. Merely did the necessary. Made one phone call and he was accepted.

Again, never met or spoke in any fashion with the applicant. Nor did I speak with his brother the Buffalo Bills V-P.

The V-P never forgot me, however. Since that year and continuing to today, he mails two free Super Bowl tickets to me. Actually now to my son as I am long retired. 

I took advantage of the tickets and what went with them for 11 consecutive years. Attended 11 Super Bowls. Seats excellent. Generally 45-50 yard line, 20 rows up.

Super Bowl parties the best. Arrangements always made for me and my guests nightly before the game. And the party of parties, the evening after the game itself. What a party! The best of the best!

One of my daughters went to work with the Buffalo Bills working in Marketing with the V-P after she graduated from college. Worked with him a number of years till she married and moved to another city. 

A deed well rewarded. Though not expected in any fashion.

The brother graduated from Syracuse law with no problem and has had a distinguished career practicing his profession.

Fred Klein is having a bowl party today. He invited me. I had to say no. My back has been killing me since tuesday. Thursday night the worst. Ok so far this morning. Do not want to take advantage of the condition nor abuse it. I will be watching the game from my bed.

Never made it to Brady’s Irish Pub for the Syracuse/Boston College game yesterday. My back. Kept me home. Better safe than sorry.

A hell of a game! Syracuse beat Boston College 95-86 in triple overtime. Wow!

Second time Syracuse beat BC this season.

Syracuse’s record still bad. No way it will make the Big Tournament at the end of the season.

Syracuse attendance was high at 20,881. Syracuse has always drawn huge numbers in basketball. This season, as badly as Syracuse is playing, it ranks third nationally in attendance with a total of 259,885. 

A warning from an old fan who has been around Syracuse sports since 1957. Attendance will always initially be high. However to maintain it at a high level, it is necessary for the team to win. Win constantly. If it fails to do do, the number drops radically.

Two brief political observations.

Where is the authority coming from for Trump and Musk to do what they are doing? Trump’s Orders in this regard are as good as an old Sears Roebuck catalogue when toilet paper not available. The courts are already beginning to put the blocks to most of them.

Not only where is the authority to act, who and how are the 19 plus year olds working for Musk being paid? Need House authority. None yet provided. Authority required to simply walk into 15 different agencies and look at and even take records. Speaking of records, security designations required to look at much of the material being viewed and/or removed. Where is the authority for such?

A miss observation exists with regard to Social Security. Federal auditors have discovered identity fraud in certain Social Security records. The error is reflected in a representation that 6.5 million persons 112 years or older are on Social Security. No way! Absolutely not! Common sense alone tells us the number has to be an error. There are not 6.5 million persons 112 years or older alive in the U.S. I doubt there are even that number word wide.

The error gross. Actually only 35 persons believed to be 112 or more years old are alive today. Of that number, I am not sure the actual number receiving Social Security.

A number of persons have picked up on the 6.5 million figure and have been touting it as real.

Enjoy Super Bowl Day!