Today is Lisa’s birthday! My baby! The youngest of the flock!
Happy birthday, Lisa! I love you!
The Ryder Cup consumed my yesterday. All day.
The U.S. may be ahead, but the battle is not over. Not with 12 singles matches scheduled today.
Ian Poulter looked great! Five consecutive birdies! Against Tiger Woods!
I thought Tiger looked good, also. He made several cluth putts. Yet he and Stricker lost to Poulter and his partner. I sometimes think there is a black cloud over Tiger’s head.
Spent the evening with Jenna. We had not been out together in over two months.
Jenna is a terrific young lady. All of 26 years old. Does my ego good to be with her. We have become close friends over the past three years.
Jenna is a TV personality. She does a five day a week talk show on local TV. She is seen from Key West to Fort Lauderdale. Prior to Key West, she was the sportscaster for a local TV station in the Carolinas. She claims she ran up and down college football fields doing her job while wearing heels. She refused to give up the lady like symbol.
We started at the Chart Room. Sheila and JJ there. Sheila dressed in black. It was Saturday night. Looked good!
Then to Hot Tin Roof.
What a surprise awaited us. The place was packed. Just like in season. I could not believe it. Only two seats open at the bar. Grabbed them.
I enjoyed five large delicious scallops over large linguine and greens covered in a light oil. Delicious. It is so nice to be back eating everything!
Jenna had macaroni and cheese.
Hot Tin Roof has sort of a taspas menu, also. Jenna does not eat. Never eats. Runs 5 miles a day. That is why she is tall and thin. Jenna ordered macaroni and cheese. A small plate. Tapas style. She only ate a third of it. Took the rest home.
A cheap date!
Wish I could eat that little! Wish I could run 5 miles a day!
It will never happen! Not at this stage of my life.
Dropped Jenna off after dinner and went over to Don’s Place for a drink. I was looking forward to chatting with Kurt. Saturday is his night to bartend. No Kurt. His schedule has changed. No problem. I enjoyed the company of some others at the bar.
I was distraught to read this morning that two more American soldiers were killed by a supposedly friendly American trained Afghan soldier. What are we doing in Afghanistan? We initially went there ten years ago to get Bin Laden. We got him. We shoukld get out. Now. Not next year or the year after. Afghanistan is not worth one more American life.
It is the old story. You can bring a horse to water, but cannot force the horse to drink. The Afghans do not want us. They do not like us. Screw them!
Enjoy your Sunday!