Never made it to Dueling Bartenders last night. Felt a bit under the weather. Disappointed because I was anxious to hear Laura Richardson sing again.

Oil and water do not mix. Nor do Church and State. Never the less, the Trump administration keeps pushing government support for religion. The primary reason to suck up to its strong Evangelical base.

Attorney General Sessions made what can only be described as a scary announcement yesterday. He announced the establishment of a Religious Liberty Task Force. A separate distinct unit within the Department of Justice.

Its purpose to help fully implement the religious liberty “guidance” issued last year under Trump’s direction.

Sessions claims the freedom to practice religion is “under attack.” He added “a dangerous movement…..real… challenging and eroding our great tradition of religious freedom.”

Examples offered included nuns being forced to purchase contraceptives (that’s how he put it), U.S. Senators asking judicial and executive branch nominees about dogma, and the Colorado baker who refused to make a special wedding cake for a same sex couple.

Sessions said the Trump administration in “seeking actually to accommodate people of faith.” Which faith? Whose faith?

Political pundits view the move twofold. First, to protect religious zealots who attack LGBT rights. Second, to push the marriage of Church and State on the altar of Christianity.

The new unit a victory for Trump. A victory for Evangelicals. A defeat for freedom and right to choose.

The U.S. is step by  step becoming a nation where government enforcers have been put in place to enforce unAmerican actions. ICE and this new religious unit examples.

Insufficient justice re the stolen Mel Fisher gold bar. The two men who stole the gold bar valued almost at $500,000 have been brought to justice after many years. The two were sentenced yesterday in federal court. One received 63 months in jail, the other 4o.

I suggest justice insufficient in this instance because the bar no longer exists. The thieves hacked it into small pieces to sell for pennies on the dollar. Only small fragments were recovered.

Another reason is Mel Fisher’s insurance recovery. Around $100,000. The insurance company only paid melt value as opposed to market value.

It has been raining! Big time! Major showers! Every day!

Going to rain again today and this evening. Re the daily shower, the weatherman says, “Get used to it.” As to this evening’s shower, there is “always tomorrow.”

Suicides have always been a problem in Monroe County. The Keys a part thereof.

Suicides in the Keys have averaged 21 per year the past 5 years. By July of this year, 20. Indicating suicides in the Keys are on track to double this year.

The reason is attributed to Irma and the pains and problems she left behind. Sad. We have not yet as a society learned how to adequately prepare for natural disasters. Not meant as a blame. Merely a statement of fact.

Where is Bum Farto? Where is Jimmy Hoffa? Birds of a feather in that they disappeared and have not been seen since. Their disappearances in the same year, 1975. Only 5 weeks apart. Hoffa on July 31, Farto on September 9.

Have they both been sitting on an idyllic Mediterranean beach since 1975, or are both part of foundations for major highways?

I was skipping around the internet yesterday looking for some interesting bit of information to share with you. Came up with Queer Politics being taught at the University of Massachusetts. An actual course. Taught one semester a year.

Described as Queer Political Theory. The course description includes “…..denaturalize (hetero)sexuality and (hetero)gender categories, identities and expression.” Asks “what is queer politics and how, in what way, or to what degree is sexuality political.”

The course fulfills a mandatory diversity requirement.

My curiosity was piqued. Were similar courses taught at other colleges/universities? Was I surprised!

Not only taught, but offered as a major or minor. Described generally as LGBT studies.

I came across a listing of 20 such colleges and universities. The first 5 in order of listing: Cornell University, University of California-Berkeley, Stanford University, Brown University, and Towson University.

I graduated from college 61 years ago. No such courses taught. Homosexuality here and there in a psychology course. Buried in the closet for all intents and purposes. Transgenderism unheard of. The major was titled “Psychology.” The generality. Nothing more.

Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou this evening. A podcast. Nine my time. Join me. Guaranteed interesting. A quick half hour of provocative meanderings.

Enjoy your day!



Normally this blog consists of several different topics. This morning, only one. The story so horrible and sympathetic required it stand alone.

Ed Bledsoe, his wife Melody, and their two great grandchildren, lived together in Shasta County, California. Ed and Melody were raising the great grandchildren who referred to them as Grandpa and Grandma. The great grandchildren four year old Emily and five year old James.

Ed talked to his wife and great grandchildren before they tragically died in one of the California fires.

Last thursday, Ed left home to keep a doctor appointment. The raging fires were of no concern. Not near his home. Neighbors not concerned. Never advised by authorities to evacuate.

Ed was at the doctor’s office. He received a call on his cell phone from his wife Melody. She could see fire!

Ed rushed home. Drove, ran, drove again. Got close, but not close enough.

He spent his families’ final seconds with  them on a cell phone.

Five year old James: “Grandpa, come and get me. The fire is coming in the back door.”

Grandpa: “I’m right down the road.”

Four year old Emily: “I love you Grandpa.”

Grandma: “I love you. Come and get us.”

Grandpa: “I’m on the way.”

James was the last to talk to his grandfather. He talked to him till he died.




Another immigration story. Involving a child. A 15 year old Honduran girl separated from her parents. She most recently has been kept at the Homestead Shelter for Unaccompanied Children. A detention center.

She escaped.

She ran down the streets of Homestead crying. Finally into a large auto shop. She cowered in a corner. Would not stop crying.

The owner was sympathetic. Everyone was sympathetic.

The girl was scared. Begged not to be sent back.

The police were called who in turn called Shelter officials. The girl was returned to the Shelter.

Ever to be seen again? To be treated well although she ran away? Will she disappear into the bureaucratic morass? Someone should track her existence to make sure no harm comes to her.

I cannot explain why, however I worry whether we are entering into a scenario similar to a returned escaped black in the South or a returned German concentration camp escapee. May sound crazy. However a lot of strange things have been occurring with regard to immigrants and their children in recent months. Nothing would surprise me.

I had planned to remain in last night. A restful evening in bed watching TV. Was not to be. Donna telephoned and said Terri would be singing with Larry Baeder at Blue Macaw.

Spent 3 hours at Blue Macaw with Donna and Terri. Terri her usual spectacular self. Larry Baeder always good.

It rained while we were sitting at the bar. Rain does not describe it. It poured! Then a strong wind. We were protected from the rain by the bar roof. The wind however began blowing the rain in sideways. Got slightly wet.

Key West weather was strange yesterday. The rain last night. The only rain of the day. At noon however, there was thunder. For about a half hour. The sun was shining. The thunder louder than normal. Real loud! One bang after another.

One of Key West’s most popular charity fundraisers is Schooner Wharf Bar’s Battle of the Bars. Next Sunday, the 25th anniversary of the event.

Key West bars participate. All kinds of fun and games whose purpose is to raise monies this year for the Southernmost Boys and Girls Club and the Sister Season Fund.

BOB’s next report concerns Bob Smith going “spiritual.”

Bob was kayaking in the back country. He was sitting on a beach eating lunch. The beach a part of a small uninhabited key.

I used to boat with Bob back when. He would take me out on his small sailboat. Always brought food. We would stop at some uninhabited key and lunch on the beach.

Bob saw a stone sticking up out of the sand. Square. Not small. A tablet. Later discovered to weigh 300 pounds.

There was writing chiseled on it.

Took Bob quite a while to dig it out. Then on the kayak to be brought to Key West. The 300 pound tablet almost sunk or tipped the kayak several times.

The tablet created quite a stir when it arrived in Key West. Bob glamorized it. Referred to the tablet as the “…..first of the new commandments…..Thou Shalt Not Start a Process Thou Cannot Reverse.”

Imagine the implications. Christian Churches were up in arms. Scientists wanted to test the stone.

Bob said no to testing. Shrugged his shoulders as to Church concern. He knew exactly what to do with the tablet. He wanted to place it over the bar at the West Indies Lounge. Nadine the owner would have not of it. She said no.

Bob thought Nadine did not see the value in exhibiting the tablet over the bar. Increased patronage would result. A bit of an upscale crowd. The wine list could be changed to show the better and more expensive stuff. Wine goblets purchased.

I don’t know what happened next. The story ends there.

Israel under Netanyahu has become too big for its britches. Netanyahu himself has turned into an authoritarian figure. One example is that Israel today is the world leader in assassinations.

Mossad is Israel’s secret police. Mossad generally does the assassinations. Since the end of World War II, Israel has been responsible for more deaths by assassination than any other country. Murders committed with more frequency in the past 10 years. Eight hundred during those 10 years.

The Jews suffered greatly at the hands of another authoritarian figure. Adolph Hitler. It seems Israel is adopting some of his methods.

Hot Dog Church at 4 at Aqua. I cannot make it. However, I plan to be at the Orchid Bar at 6 where Arthur will be bartending. Then  to the Rum Barrel where Lauri will be bartending.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Our laws are derived from English law. Going hundreds of years back. Referred to as the Common Law.

One of the laws from days of old was referred to as alienation of affection. A lawsuit brought by a deserted spouse against a third party who is blamed for the failure of the marriage. In short, one spouse cheats and the cheating spouse falls in love with that person. He/she leaves her spouse for the other.

Alienation lawsuits don’t seem to fit into thinking in the U.S. the past 100 years. People want to play and not pay.

As a result, most States threw out alienation of affection as a ground to recover money damages. Only 7 States permit such lawsuits today: Hawaii, Illinois, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota and Utah.

A recent North Carolina case evidenced the danger in stealing another man’s wife where the law permits a dollar recovery. The man who cheated with the husband’s wife had a judgment returned against him for $8.8 million.

An expensive piece of ass!

Good time at the Chart Room last night. John bartending. Kevin, Holly and David at the bar.

Larry Smith and wife Christine showed up. I have never seen either in the Chart Room. They were entertaining visiting family and friends from Pennsylvania.

The Pier House’s Wine Galley was Larry’s room. He entertained there for more than 10 years. Music and drink. The room generally filled. The Wine Galley several years ago was turned into a restaurant. Sad. Larry gave the Wine Galley a magic touch. Difficult to replace.

The Blue Macaw afterwards for chicken wings and a drink. Paul and Ron at the bar. Good food and good company.

The Key West weatherman is at it again. Hot today with widely separated thunder showers. He advises, “Pick your favorite storm.”

Tomorrow night will be partly cloudy with a thunder shower. He said, “Plants drink free.”

The Federal Reserve is concerned about inflation. They have suggested interest rates might be raised slightly.

Trump is concerned with inflation also. He does not want interest rates raised. He claims the economy is good and he wants to keep it good full throttle.

The danger with a rising economy is inflation. Interest rates are raised to cool the economy a bit.

The inflation of concern to the Federal Reserve is minimal. Not everywhere, however. Venezuela inflation rose 60,000 percent this past year. A cup of cafe con leche costs over 1 million bolivar.

Things are tough in Venezuela!

Yesterday, Trump announced the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) had risen to 4.1 percent in the second quarter of 2018. Admirable! Trump to be congratulated. The highest the GDP has been since 2014.

I find it difficult to accept the 4.1 percent GDP. The GDP is a composition of figures/numbers. Not saying the Trump people would do this, but numbers are easily manipulated to produce a desired result. A fudged result. A form of lying.

Even if valid, where will the GDP be in 6-9 months when the impact of the tariff wars hit? Not even close to a 4!

Trump also advised yesterday that 3.7 million new jobs were created. The highest ever. Not correct.

In the 19 months beginning December 2016 and ending June 2018, 3.7 million new jobs were added. Compare that figure to the 4.3 million jobs that were added in the 19 months before Trump’s election.

I fear for the economy. I have been predicting a recession next year. The market is overinflated. The impact of the tariff wars not yet experienced. Corporations are not pouring their tax savings into employee pockets. They are instead buying up the company’s stock.

Madeleine Albright’s Fascism brings to a reader’s attention a reason why authoritarian figures rise: “Men and women who had despaired of political change suddenly felt in touch with the answers they had been seeking…..rallies, where they discovered kindred souls keen to restore greatness to the nation.”

We continue to live in a society where the rich get richer while the poor poorer. The economy is going to be the major issue in November.

Trump has surrounded himself with the rich.

One example is Education Secretary Betsy De Vos. It was reported her $40 million 163 foot yacht was set adrift by vandals at a Northern Ohio Marina. A pic ran with the article. The yacht is 3 stories high.

The Secretary’s husband is former CEO of Amway. Their combined net worth estimated at $1.3 billion.

The Secretary’s brother is Eric Prince. Prince of Blackwater fame. He provides contract soldiers (mercenaries) to our government. For a fee, of course. He presently has another company doing the same work. If I recall correctly, a Prince company helped provide shelters and care for the immigration children taken from their parents.

The Secretary’s father a person of affluence also.

Forbes listed Dad’s family (father, daughter Betsy, son Eric, etc.) as the 88th richest family in America. Their net worth estimated at $5.4 billion.

BOB tired. He said writing yesterday’s article on Fantasy Fest Nudity took a lot out of him. He needs to rest.

Enjoy your day!




BOB’s observations, thoughts and opinions re Fantasy Fest nudity.

Every year at Fantasy Fest time, a group of religious and/or concerned citizens form a Christian Coalition or some other group to  protest what they perceive as a sinful event.

Nudity the primary concern. Personal parts being exhibited. At the time Bob Smith wrote BOB in the mid 1990’s, body painting to cover breasts and genitals had become popular. Total nudity was illegal. Flamingos, palm trees, and flowers became works of art. A woman’s breast the canvas.

Kiosks appeared on Duval. Body painting took place in public. Everyone could view the woman’s nude breasts being covered.

The religious/civic groups were opposed to the public display of breasts during their painting. The issue was resolved. A compromise. Body painting prohibited in public places. Body painting went indoors. Various Duval Street businesses made room for the art work to be done. Everyone made money off the paintings.

BOB considered the resolution folly. The whole issue stupid. Two interesting BOB quotes.

Bob Smith told BOB, “Man cannot live without whim alone.” BOB wrote, “I am appalled… we have gotten into this mess.”

Bob Smith said, “Now is the time for all good men to come and get laid in the country.”

Let me bring you up to date on the nudity situation.

Given a person an inch and he/she will take a foot. So it went.

Body painting developed. A woman’s whole body. From the hairline on her head to her toes. No clothing, no pasties. Body all one color. Breasts/nipples painted over. Even a woman’s privates. The time had not yet arrived when women were shaving their pubic hair. The painter merely painted over the pubic hair. The ladies so “covered” walked around.

The religious coalition got back into the act. Full body painting not proper. Nipples and genitalia still could be seen.

Several years of negotiating and the resolution was to cover the nipples with pasties and the female genitalia and buttocks with fully opaque clothing. A bikini bottom would suffice.

Full body painting died out. Why go through all the trouble if a pair of pasties and a small bottom resolved the situation.

The thong came into vogue. The bikini bottom gave way to the thong. A woman’s buttocks in clear view. Not legal, though remains overlooked at the present time.

Some women continue to merely have their breasts and/or chests painted with a tropical bird, etc. The art work lovely. Lasts about 5 days. Women can shower without fear of it washing off.

Give me an inch and I’ll take a foot continued to prevail, however. A few years ago, swingers discovered Fantasy Fest. They came to town and changed the adult flavor of Fantasy Fest. Advanced it to their level of adult fun. Glaring nudity. Occasions of public sex.

Interestingly, at this point the community came together in opposition to the swinger modifications to the event. Those who previously disagreed with the religious coalitions, now agreed. It was a step too far. The swinger aspect lasted only one Fantasy Fest. Everything back to normal thereafter. Whatever that may be.

Male genitalia exposure a problem. Few men do it. Some however enjoy showing off their manhood. Some cover the area with a small piece of cloth which when a step is taken that which was covered peeks out.

If I were to list present day rules, they would be no showing of genitals, no exposed female nipples, no exposed public hair, no public sex. Plus, no fun. The last sentence added by me as a joke.

My yesterday began with a haircut. Lori back from a 2 week Maine vacation. Then lunch at Sandy’s Cafe a few doors down.

My book reading is sporadic. I do so much researching on the internet, I have little time left to read. I seem to be back into reading of late.

I read 2 or 3 books at a time. Move back and forth as the mood strikes me. Two at the moment. Madeleine Albright’s Fascism and Peter Schweizer’s Secret Empires.

Spent the afternoon reading both.

The Chart Room first last night. Met a very interesting couple. Chris and Carrie from Pennsville, New Jersey. First time in Key West. Love it.

Chris is an engineer. Carrie, a nurse. They have 3 children. Nineteen, ten and four.

Chris and Carrie are unique in a certain respect. Each obtained their college degrees later than normal. Chris at 30. Carrie even later.

I enjoyed their company.

Sheila and David arrived. Not together. I have not seen them in ages.

Even Ollie showed up.

David, Ollie and I had a pleasant conversation. Flashes of wisdom make an appearance when you hear David and Ollie express themselves on a subject.

Stopped at the Blue Macaw for a bite to eat. Great Happy Hour! From 4-9. I like that it runs late. I enjoyed ribs at 8.

Ron and Paul at the other end of the bar. They bought me a drink. I was not aware till after they left and I went to pay my bill. Thank you Paul and Ron.

A very attractive woman sitting next to me at the bar. From Maine. We talked about the tariff impact on Maine’s lobster industry. Bad!

She was not aware that the lobster industry exists in the Keys also. Not as large as Maine’s. Significant, however. Spiny lobsters are a multi-million dollar business in the Keys. Largest customers China and Japan. Our lobster fishermen will be taking a hit, also.

Donna and Terri live across the street from the Blue Macaw. They love the area. Terri says it reminds her of the Village in the 1970’s. I stopped and visited my ladies for a while.

Terri was stretched out on the couch. Not feeling well. Donna tired. Worked 10 hours. Bear happy to see me.

Donna is a concierge. On the side, she makes jewelry. Has been doing it for years. She had a showing earlier in the evening. Sold some pieces.

I forgot. Never made it. The first thing she asked when I arrived: Where were you? Embarrassing.

Yesterday hot! Hot hot! Ninety five degrees. Fortunately, very little humidity.

Enjoy your day!


I consider the Chart Room the crossroads of the world.

Last night met an Arkansas farmer and his wife at the Chart Room. Spence and Jenni. Jenni and I had met at the Chart Room two years ago. She had a copy of Irma and Me with her which I was pleased to sign. Jenni is a librarian.

More importantly, a loyal blog fan.

First time I met Spence. A third generation farmer. The farm lies in the Arkansas delta. He farms rice and soybeans. The operation significant. His cash flow $3 million a year.

He was happy to talk with me.

The tariff wars have been in effect in one place or another for two months. Spence’s cash flow is down 50 percent for those 2 months. A big hit! Anticipated it will get worse.

Spence knows his business. He is active in farm organizations. President of the Farm Bureau.

He is confused. The tariff wars should not be happening. The simple solution is to lift the new tariffs and get back to normal. Subsidies then not required.

An informative time with Spence. Educational for me.

Trump met with a representative of the European Union yesterday in the White House. Two hours. Tariffs the issue. Rose garden press conference afterwards. Kumbaya time. Everyone happy.

Trump announced victory. Reminded me of Kim and Trump’s press conference in Singapore. Kim and Trump happy. Denuclearization agreed to, etc. No details mapped out, however. Nothing has happened re North Korea since. Kim apparently fooled the President.

The EU and the U.S. have agreed to negotiate. Nothing more. As with North Korea, no details. Both indicated the goal was no tariffs.

Lets see what happens. No tariffs is pie in the sky.

Buried in the news last week was the meeting the European Union had with China. European Union representatives went to China. Not a 2 hour conference. A 2 day one.

Trump said soybeans and natural gas were high on the agenda. Europe would be buying more U.S. natural gas. Soybeans a given.

The natural gas thing a joke. It would take several years to materialize. Natural gas is a gas. There is no pipeline under the Atlantic to ship it overseas. The natural gas would have to be liquified. Need additional factories built to do it. Then transported on tankers yet to be built. Several years involved in getting everything accomplished and ready to deliver.

My first stop yesterday was actually in the morning. A doctor visit. The thing senior citizens frequently do.

My blood work, etc. all good. Within the numbers. Scares me. I am in the best shape in 40 years. Recently lost 40 plus pounds. No longer get winded.

The Rum Bar first last night. Lauri’s first time on the job. Wanted to show my support.

Got there at 6. No Lauri. Discovered she works 9 pm-4 am.

She is going to make a big dollar. I have not been in the Rum Bar in 10 years. Small inside. Small porch outside. The place was packed. At least 15 people. I have been told it is a popular late hour place for locals.

Then I hit the Chart Room where I was fortunate to meet Jenni and Spence. Kevin and Holly there, also. Chatted with them a while.

John bartending. The best in town.

My next stop was the Blue McCaw for something to eat. Wings. Great!

As I was finishing, Donna and Terri walked in. I remained a while and chatted with them.

My today begins at noon. Haircut time. Lunch afterwards at Sandy’s Cafe.

A lot of lying going on. Involving Trump one way or another.

Trump told us at one point the ladies accusing him of sex involvement were lying. All of them. We now learn that some have been paid. Perhaps all.

A great gig for women. If we are to believe Trump, lie and get paid for it.

Trump lies a lot. Does he get paid for it?

Enjoy your day!






Good morning!

Today’s blog will be short. I have an early morning doctor visit and series of medical tests.

Two items of concern. The farmer subsidy announced yesterday by Trump and the altered official transcripts of the Trump/Putin press conference following their private meeting in Helsinki.

The tariff wars are already killing American farmers. Trump announced yesterday he was providing $12 billion to subsidize farmers for their losses.


Besides soybean, potato and corn farmers, other are being hurt by the tariffs. Lobster fishermen, auto workers, etc. The subsidy does not cover them

The $12 billion already exists. It sits in a special fund to compensate farmers when they are unable to sell their produce. The fund is going to be dipped into big time now. A farmer group representative said in effect not enough money. Losses already total $13 billion.

The bureaucracy to process these payments will be crazy. I suspect a fiasco/disaster as is being experienced with the parent/children immigration situation.

First payments will be available in September. What do the farmers do till then?

Nebraska is a farm state represented by U.S. Senator Ben Sasse. He said yesterday, “This administration’s tariff and bailouts aren’t going to make America great again, they’re just going to make it 1929 again.”

Few days go by that the President does not shout out FAKE NEWS. Always directed at the media.

The government is expected to be honest with its citizens. The truth, good, bad or indifferent. Trump has been caught with his pants down. Big time.

Recall last week the press conference involving Trump and Putin in Helsinki following their secret 2.5 hour meeting. A reporter asked Trump if he/Russia had supported Trump in the last Presidential election. Putin answered in effect yes. They liked Trump. The reason being he wanted to bring Russia/U.S. relations back to where they had been. Where was that? We have not had good relations with Russia since World War II.

The world heard and saw the question and answer. It was shown worldwide on television.

Washington released the “official” transcript of the press conference. Guess what? The question and answer were deleted. Skillfully. Could not tell. The “official” video was also altered. The question and answer removed.

Fake news?

Our government lying to us. Trump lying to us.

Watch out America!

Enjoy your day!


I just completed my Key West Lou Live show on Facebook. Three minutes of rambling on a particular object. This morning…..Humpty Dumpty. The Mother Goose rhyme.

Remember the words: “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, / Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.”

In 1925, the song I’m Sitting On Top Of The World was written. It was later popularized by Dean Martin, Doris Day and Bobby Darin. A phrase in the song: “…..just like Humpty Dumpty, I’m gonna fall.”

Donald Trump is Humpty Dumpty. He’s gonna fall!

Even though 89 percent of his party love him and a good percentage of the American people do also, his failures are mounting. Most recently, Kim at Singapore, Putin at Helsinki, and the tariff wars.

I have been predicting the tariff wars would take their toll. A recession by next year. It is beginning. Soy bean farmers, lobster fishermen, potato farmers, and car manufacturers, amongst others, are complaining. They are hurting and will hurt worse.

The Mueller investigation is at Trump’s door.

He is in his last mile.

Dueling Bartenders last night at Aqua. Terri my date. She was not working. A customer, though she did sing a song or two. Donna arrived later. She had been working.

Rick Dery and Heather-May performing. Tom Luna not for some reason.

Jean Thornton was there. My friend forever. I am indebted to her.

The girls from saturday night at Blue Heaven. Debbie, the other half of the Golden Girls, Sharon, Megan and Mary. Kevin and Holly experienced Dueling Bartenders for the first time. Good friend Joseph arrived with Linda and Barbara.

Hank came over to say hello. He was in the Hemingway Look-a -Like contest this weekend. One hundred fifty one Hemingways participated.

He said we had met 5 years ago at the Chart Room. Hank has been participating for 25 years. Says he will never win. But fun!

He gave me a gift. A Hemingway chain he received during the competition. Inscribed on it: “Write drunk, edit sober.” Signed, Ernest Hemingway.

A pleasing gift. I will wear it on occasion. I an Italian-American who never wore neck jewelry in his life!

Thanks again, Hank.

Dinner at Hard Rock Cafe with Donna and Terri. Ribs. So good! I could not finished them. My lunch later today.

Tonight, my podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. A slew of interesting subjects. Join me for a quick moving half hour.

Lauri, Lauri, Lauri. Seventeen years worked at Aqua. She gave her notice. She is moving on. To the Rum Barrel. She will be working the bar wednesday, friday and saturday nights.

A new watering hole for me.

Key West is experiencing budget problems. In all my years in Key West, this is the first time I have heard it. Irma a contributing factor.

City Commissioners are doing the right thing. They are cutting the budget. I have no objection. Every now and then, we all have to tighten our belts.

My concern is that if one is to suffer, all should suffer. Ergo, I do not understand why City employees are scheduled to get a 4 percent pay raise.

BOB is recovering from last night. Says he plans on completing the Fantasy Fest portion of his story tomorrow. Recommends it be read.

One portion will cover that time when women walked about nude with their bodies covered only with paint. From the hairline down to the toes. Breasts and genitalia merely painted over.

Trump is upset with Kim. The results of the Singapore summit not as Trump thought or reported. What really got to Trump was that he and Kim shook hands on whatever was purportedly agreed to.

Makes me laugh. How many hands did Trump shake in construction deals and then screw people in the end. Not making full payment, claiming work was improperly performed, etc.

His way of doing business. Kim’s also.

The Singapore Summit is turning out to have been a colossal failure and utter waste of time.

When Pompeo flew to North Korea to see Kim and straighten things out, Kim did not meet with Pompeo. He was busy in the fields picking potatoes.

I wrote recently that if China were to sell off U.S. Treasury bonds or fail to purchase new ones as others reached maturity, it would have a dire impact on the American economy.

If we are to believe Trump, Putin is our friend. Friends help, not hurt each other. In March, Russia held $96.1 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds. In April, that number was down to $48.7 billion. In May, $14.9 billion.

Friend Putin is selling us out!

Enjoy your day!








Too many mornings we wake with new Trump tweets. Some extremely dangerous. Especially those where he threatens another nation with war.

This morning finds Trump in a Tweet pissing match with Iran. Not sure who stated this one. Iran says if the U.S. missteps, it will be me met with the “mother of all wars.”

Trump’s promises “…..dire consequences…..the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before. He responds, “We are no longer a country that will stand for your demented words of violence and death. Be cautious.”

Words of war.

Trump reminds me of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse: Conquest, War, Famine, and Death. I can see them all riding through the clouds. Who is leading them? Donald Trump. Not on the lead horse. On all four.

He finally will have proved to the world (and himself) what a tough guy he is.

Any such war will leave the U.S. in shambles. Such a war will be fought on our shores also. Every day a 9/11.

The U.S. will resemble Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Berlin following World War II. Many dead. Children maimed.

Wake up America!

Enjoyed the British Open yesterday. Italy’s Francesco Molinari won. Seven or eight in the running the last 9 holes. Tiger Woods the leader at the turn, but faltered.

Good golf played on a tough course.

Visited the Orchid Key Inn bar for the first time last night. Victor invited me. He is the sunday bartender.

What a place? A hidden wonder. Off Duval near Truman. A magnificent setting! The bar charming. Tiny. Seats only 6.

Kevin and Holly were there. I suspected they would be.

A Bruce and Kevin sat next to me. Bruce retired. His career spent with Voice of America. Kevin with the Post Office.

We chatted about Post Office problems. How Congress screwed the Post Office.

Bruce recalled seeing me 10 years ago on Channel 19. I did a TV show for 3 years that ran from Key West to Fort Lauderdale. I was shocked he even watched. Channel 19 was what might be described as a small station. I was one of two live shows. The rest old gray and white TV shows like Leave It To Beaver.

Bruce mentioned the Orchid Key Inn was listed #2 on Trip Adviser under Best Key West Hotels. And I never knew it existed!

Met Peter. For a little bar, it had some interesting customers.

Peter is a musician and has entertained at Sloppy Joe’s for 30 years. From 5:30 to 9:30. Must catch his show one evening.

People came and went. I stayed. The bar was a gold mine of interesting people.

In came David and Louise. Visiting from London. David is with NATO and Louise a kindergarten teacher.

Great conversation. Issues involving Trump, NATO, Trump’s recent visit, etc. Both thought it awful that Trump kept the 92 year old Queen waiting 12 minutes. Standing in the sun waiting for Trump to arrive.

My night was not over yet.

Went over to Blue McCaw. A late bite to eat. Ribs and a drink.

Not ready for bed and home when I left Blue McCaw. Donna and Terri live across the street. Visited with them a while.

Dueling Bartenders tonight. Terri wanted to go. Donna working. Terri my date. I pick her up at 5:30. I expect Jean, Kevin, Holly and John will be there also.

To win the Hemingway Look-a-Like contest a big deal. The honor of honors to those interested. One hundred twenty five plus compete each year. For some reason, it takes roughly 10 years of participation to be seriously considered.

This year’s winner Michael Groover. Michael is husband to celebrity chef and TV star Paula Deen. Paula the loyal wife. She has been in Key West supporting her husband those 10 years of Hemingway Day visits.

BOB back. Rested and ready to go.

BOB’s topic today Fantasy Fest.

The Key West of 39 years ago was not the Key West of today. In addition to the summer being slow, the fall was dead. Key West merchants came up with a plan they thought would attract tourists to Key West during the slow fall season.

A fantasy fest. An adult party. Flavors of a Roman holiday. A bit of debauchery.

It worked. Key West’s famous Fantasy Fest was born. Ten days of partying each year.

Wilder as the years progressed. Nudity became an issue. Drinking, also.

Women began going bare chested. Men covering their genitalia with a small strip of cloth.

The partiers did not mind. Locals neither. They participated. Except for a few. The few were one or two ministers annually. They formed the Christian Coalition. The Christian Coalition was supported by very few. City fathers were thrilled. Key West was making a ton of money during those 10 days.

BOB said, “Morality and good taste were susupended… abyss filled.” BOB added the opposing ministers forgot to recognize that Key West churches were filled will sinners seeking forgiveness in the weeks following Fantasy Fest.

Women’s naked breasts were painted by kiosks on the streets. Many for real costumes were oversized genitalia. Alcohol was being consumed on the streets.

The Duval Crawl took on added meaning.  As BOB humorously said, “See the Lower Keys on your hands and knees. America is calling you today.”

Back in the early days, 50,000 would show up for the saturday night parade. No one knew where they all slept. When awake however, they “simply enjoyed the wicked and titillating surrender to their basic instincts.”

The squeaky wheel always gets oiled. The Christian Coalition was a squeaky wheel. Compromises were arrived at. All revealed in the next episode of BOB.

Enjoy your day!



Big crowd at Blue Heaven last night. Terri White was singing. Everyone wanted to hear her perform.

She was her usual outstanding self.

It was ladies night for me. Unexpected. Jean Thornton and I had agreed to meet at Blue Heaven and make a night of it. My friend forever!

Jean arrived first. When I got there, she was seated with several lady friends. Two I knew. Stephanie Kaple, my newly discovered comedian acquaintance, and Debbie.

Debbie does not reside in Key West. Visiting with Sharon. Debbie’s monumental claim to fame is she discovered gold and emeralds with Jean back when. She too is a Key West Golden Girl.

The group also included Mary from Connecticut and Megan. Megan is a Key West local. She has been a pharmacist at Winn-Dixie for 15 years.

Spent some time with the ladies. Then moved to Donna and Terri’s table. Two of Donna’s concierge coworkers at the table. Karen and Maria.

Karen is concierge at the Hilton and Maria at the Fairfield. Karen’s husband Dan operates Salty Goat at the Galleon.

Karen showed me a picture of her dog. A cute little thing. He was lost for 3 weeks. If he could talk, what a story he would have to tell!

A third concierge arrived as I was leaving. Never caught her name.

Women are from Venus and men are from Mars. I found the conversation at both tables different. I must talk to men most of the time. Recall I was the only male at both tables. Women are different. They converse differently. I felt out of place. Awkward.

Jean and I headed over to Blue McCaw for a bite to eat. Sat at the bar. Blue McCaw a comfortable place. Many locals. Food and drink cheap.

John was enjoying a late night dinner at the bar. Paul and Ron holding down their usual corner.

A Joe Phillips came up to talk with me. He has been in Key west only since June 2. From Orlando.

Joe expressed a concern about the Post Office. He was aware I had in the past few months written 3 times re the Post Office. Congress screwed up the U.S. Postal System and have made it difficult for postal workers and people (us).

Love Irish Kevin’s! One of the best bars in town. Always packed. A night does not go by where a number of women get up on the small stage and flash their breasts. The place is made for an old guy like me!

Unfortunately, I rarely go. Irish Kevin’s is for young people. Really young. I am way too old and feel out of place.

That is twice today I have mentioned feeling out of place. Strange.

Today, Irish Kevin is having a special event. A Christmas in July celebration. From 2:30-5:30. Go and enjoy! I might. The exposed breasts an 83rd birthday present to me.

I already did my Key West Lou Live video on Facebook this morning. You may want to take a look. Titled Return of the Caesars. About what I perceive to be a return by people to strong leaders that they will obey. Not necessarily a change for the good. The leaders not necessarily good.

I have wondered why the Thai soccer team and coach got 2 1/2 miles into the cavern. Read an article this morning that explained it. While exploring the cave, water levels began to rise. As the tunnels flooded, the group was forced further and further inside.

The U.S./China tariff war I fear. All tariff wars need be feared. China could be the one to cause international monetary havoc. For which we will have Donald Trump to thank.

China has the big card to play. Turn the tariff war into a currency war. Cause the U.S. dollar to devalue.

China holds $1.2 trillion of U.S. Treasury bonds. All China has to do is stop buying new bonds as the old ones mature. The dollar will fall. Major panic in world markets will occur.

If China wishes to retaliate swiftly against the U.S., it merely has to begin selling some of the $1.2 trillion in bonds it holds.

Another great Key West day in the making. Time to forget about Trump, Putin, China, tariff/currency wars, etc. Merely enjoy the day.

Join me. Lets all enjoy Sunday!