Ed Rollins was on one of the TV talk shows last night. Stephen Bannon the object of discussion. Bannon is the 63 year old Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to President Trump.
It has been said in recent days that Bannon has increasing influence over the President and is either now or becoming the power person on the White House staff.
Bannon’s background is checkered. He was Executive Chairman of Breitbart News, a white supremacy website. David Duke and the KKK found his selection by Trump to be an excellent one. He is anti-Semitic. Democrats and Republicans alike oppose him.
As mentioned yesterday, the comment was recently made that Bannon makes Cheney look like Mother Teresa.
Rollins commented that Bannon had said Lenin wanted to destroy the state and that he (Bannon) wanted to destroy today’s establishment.
Strong words. Trump appointed as a close adviser a man who in effect wants to bring down the government.
I sought the source. Turns out to have been the New York Times. An article on 11/14/16 by Daniel Victor and Liam stack.
The Times repeated a statement made in The Legal Beast. The Legal Beast the source. No source for The Legal Beast’s statement attributed to Bannon set forth.
The purported Bannon statement: “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal, too…..I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”
Bannon is known to have such thought and drive most of his adult life.
When asked regarding the comment, Bannon did not deny. He said he could not recall the conversation.
My podcast show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. A quick interesting thought provoking half hour. Join me. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.
Topics will include Bannon, of course. As well as Stephen Miller, a 31 year old White House adviser. The person who wrote the immigration/refugee executive order.
Also, Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, the Trump-Putin telephone call saturday, Russia initiating further war activity in Ukraine sunday and monday, Trump’s dying relationship with Congress, police at Standing Rock equipped with missile launchers, moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, Mark Zuckerberg wanting to be President, and more.
At 8 tonight, Trump will announce his designee for the Supreme Court. I will have something to say about whoever it is. Trump is down to three choices. We know who they are and they have been vetted in the media.
A most enjoyable dinner last night. With friend Andrew who is in for a few days from his Switzerland home. Together with Jim and Donna. An evening of great conversation.
Guy Fawkes died this date in 1606. He had led a Catholic revolution against Parliament and King James. His intent was to blow up Parliament and James I at the same time. He was caught before he had the opportunity.
Fawkes was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death. He was to be hung, drawn, and quartered.
Fawkes threw himself off the ladder leading to the gallows. Broke his neck and immediately died. Spoiling Parliament’s cruel death plan for him.
The English celebrate November 5 as Guy Fawkes Day. There are bonfires and fire works. Fawkes burned in effigy, also. The event celebrating Fawkes’ failure to blow up Parliament and James I.
Enjoy your day!
Louis, when I read what you wrote – Breitbart News, a white supremacy website – it made me ill. BM is not what you wrote and most likely got from FAKE NEWS NYT.
Hmmm. Breitbart, the website that ran the headline “Gabby Giffords: The Gun Control Movement’s Human Shield. Or that Huma Abedin was a Saudi spy with links to terrorism Or The Solution to Online Harassment is Simple: Woman Should Log Off.
All Breitbart headlines, none news. The Gabby Giffords piece made me especially ill as she is such a class woman even after the evil done to her.
Sorry, Breitbart is as Lou reported and a source of ultra right wing/Alt right propaganda
Wing nut alt/right cult.