President Trump lies almost every day. The truth escapes him. Those who do not agree refuse to see that which is blatantly before them.
Church going I am not. Religious I am.
The Ninth Commandment says…..Thou shalt not lie.
Proverb 17:7 appears to have been written in anticipation of a Trump Presidency…..Eloquent lips are unsuited to a godless fool – how much worse lying lips to a ruler.
Yascha Mousk wrote a New York Times Op-Ed recently re Trump. Re his overall conduct.
Mousk’s message….. Beware!
She sees a democratic dissolution in the works, the beginning of authoritarianism. She warns the demise of democracy is gradual and easy to overlook.
Secretary of State Tillerson recently committed a difficult to understand act. He rejected $80 million in the House approved budget for his Department. The purpose of the $80 million to counter propaganda emanating from ISIS and Russia. ISIS terrorist propaganda and Russia’s disinformation.
Tillerson’s reason: He did not wish to aggravate Russia.
The triangle at the intersection of US 1 and the Boulevards is under reconstruction to correct errors made in the original planning. Projected as a 2-3 month job. I forget which.
My complaint is no one is working. The State started the job 3 weeks ago. Activity the first week. Since then, next to nothing. No one working.
Near the end date per the contract, the contractor will tell the State more time required. Which, of course, will result in additional dollars.
The people never win.
Busy afternoon yesterday. Walgreens to pick up a new water pill prescription. Hopefully my ankles will look normal in a few days. Then to Publix. Cupboard bare again.
Returned home. Fine tuned last night’s blog talk radio show.
Enjoyed doing the show. Key topic involved jail prisoners/inmates doing work enuring to the benefit of the State or privately run jailers with little or no benefit to those performing the work.
The 13th Amendment adopted in 1865 freed the slaves, except persons jailed for crimes. Ergo, legal.
Big Latch on Day friday. Part of International Breast Feeding Week. Locally, mothers and babies are asked to join together at the Keys-Eco-Discovery Center at 10 am. Babies all drink at the same time!
John Kennedy was a Lieutenant JG on August 1, 1943. His vessel, PT-109, was sunk by the Japanese. He and his men spent several days on an island waiting rescue. Kennedy’s acts during that time heroic.
In 1962, a movie was to be made regarding the episode. Kennedy was in Key West. With him was Sheriff John Spottswood. Later to be a State Senator.
The location for the filming had not yet been decided. Hollywood was searching for an island.
Spottswood owned Little Munson Island at the time. He suggested Munson to Kennedy. Munson was selected to be the site for the movie.
Little Munson Island no longer known as such. Today, it is the world famous resort Little Palm Key.
Hackley reports Black Matilda better. Not returned home yet. Yellow fever still a concern. She must be completely recovered.
Yellow fever comparable to a plague in 1856. At the same time Black Matilda was sick, a vessel arrived. The steward and mate down with yellow fever. The ship was quarantined at anchor.
Inga is celebrating her 20th anniversary as a drag queen at Aqua. Loved by all! Inga’s real life person Roger Hultman.
Have to hustle. Manicure in an hour.
Enjoy your day!