Sorry to feature Erika three consecutive days. However when you live on a sub-tropical island subject to all kinds of tropical storms, weather is all important.

No more Erika after today. I promise.

Key West was supposed to experience heavy rain and winds yesterday. Can’t always trust the weather man. There was a heavy rainstorm for about 10 minutes in the morning. That was it. Gray all day. Minimal wind. No more rain.

I stayed in and lounged around all day. I did not want to be somewhere with streets flooded and I would find it difficult to get back home.

It appears it did not rain during the evening. The sun is breaking out this morning,.

Two banks of clouds. A white one on top. A gray one below. An hour ago, the white ones were moving south and the gray north. Just now, both moving north. Direction important. Most adverse weather comes from the north. Rarely from the south. Yesterday and today so far, most items moving south to north. The remnants of Erika.

Fred is still off the coast of Africa. Over the Cape Verde Islands. A category 1 already. Expected not to make the U.S. Anticipated it will peter out somewhere over the Atlantic.

We shall see. Wind is fickle.

Part of yesterday was spent composing this week’s KONK Life column. Private Prisons. Publishes wednesday.

Interesting material. The column covers prison slave labor as constitutionally protected by specific words in the 13th Amendment. The observation that private prisons are proving not to be financially feasible for governmental agencies. Wall Street investing heavily in private prisons.

Corruption. A judge recently sentenced to 28 years because he took $1 million in bribes to send over a five year period 2,000 plus youngsters to private detention centers. The 2,000 plus young people did not commit anything warranting detention time.

Gene Thornton wrote a comment to yesterday’s blog re American Pharoah. Note, not Jean Thornton. Gene Thornton.

I used to enjoy Saratoga when I lived up north. I enjoyed betting at the track. Generally losing. The cost to watch beautiful horses run.

Gene gave me an education. I thought when a horse was put out to stud, he wandered around grass fields having fun impregnating female horses. I was wrong.

What I learned. Gestation period for a mare is 11 months. Most mating takes place in February. Mating takes place in a special stall inside, not outside in the fields. There was wisdom in continuing to run American Pharoah after his Triple Crown victories. American Pharoah should be run through the Breeders Cup late in October.

I would repeat the comment in its entirely. However, it is too long. If you wish to read it, it can be found under Comments following yesterday’s blog on WordPress.

Thank you, Gene Thornton.

We are into lobster season. Eighty percent of the spiny lobsters caught in the Keys are shipped to China and other Asian markets. Big business!

This morning’s Key West Citizen in The World Almanac section published its quote of the day. William Sayoran in one of his writings said, “Good people are good because they’ve come to wisdom through failure. We get very little wisdom from success…”

True. From my experience. I have always maintained that you have to be a loser before you can be a winner. Winning is a learning process. We learn from our mistakes. So it was in my life.

Enjoy your day!


Erika fizzled out over Cuba. No hurricane problem now for Key West. Some heavy rain and 40 mph wind gusts for two days.

We can use the rain.

One potential hurricane leaves and another enters. Fred the name of this one. Now off the coast of Africa. Where most hurricanes have their start. It will be at least 10 days before we know if Fred is going to be a problem.

The media tends to hype things. Especially the Weather Channel this morning. Makes the rain sound like a big problem.

The Weather Channel just showed a live video of Miami and the rain they were having. Heavy. Windy. Impressive. Bone dry here in Key West. We are 150 miles south of Miami.

Tavern ‘n Town’s Judy told me last night she left Key West for the first few hurricanes when she first was here. Even her furniture went with her. Nothing happened. Finally got disgusted and decided to stay for Wilma. Judy, her furniture and car, took a beating.

Spent most of yesterday researching this week’s KONK Life column. I will be writing it today. An interesting topic. Private prisons. Involved is bribery corruption involving a judge who was sentenced to 28 years, a slavery exception to the 13th amendment, chain gangs, and Wall Street banks. Publishes Wednesday.

Tavern ‘n Town last night. Bobby Nesbitt entertaining.. Bobby recently returned from a cruise gig. He leaves for Germany soon for his annual one month entertainment spree there. Including Oktoberfest.

Met Liz from Boston. Was in Miami for a business meeting. Shot down to Key West for a couple of days of fun and relaxation. Her third time here. Always stays at the Marriott Beachside. Charming. Enjoyed my time with her at the bar.

Tavern ‘n Town has two hostesses. Both beautiful. Ludmila and Moldova. Ludmilla new to the team. Every guest is greeted with a smile. All assistance provided.

The highlight of the evening involved Food & Beverage Director Dave Talpasz. Soft spoken. Unassuming. He runs an excellent shop.

Dave has been recognized for his fine work. He is the Restauranteur of the Year for all American Marriotts. Includes North and South America. I am thrilled for him. The recognition well deserved based on how he manages his responsibilities at the Marrott Beachside..

There was a large picture sitting on an easel at the entrance to Tavern ‘n Town. In it are Dave and my friend Robert Spottswood. The Marriott and the Spottswood Companies jointly operate the Marriott Beachside. The picture announces Dave’s recognition by the Marriott chain.

American Pharoah suffered his first defeat yesterday in the Travers Stakes at Saratoga. American Pharoah was the Triple Crown winner this year.

American Pharoah got cheated. His owner should have put him out to stud after the Triple Crown victories. Instead, he got greedy. Ran him in additional races. I assume to make more money.

This morning’s news has the owner now thinking that perhaps he had gone too far. Whatever, get American Pharoah in fields of green where he can spend the rest of his days in the company of female counterparts.

Owen Labrie is the young man convicted of sex charges with a 15 year old girl. Owen a senior at a private school. He was to enter Harvard next month.

I will not bore you with the details of the sex activities. You all know. The media covered this story 110 percent. I do have an observation, however. Things have changed. When I was a high school senior back in the early 1950s, actual sex was an unattainable dream. The best a young man could hope for was to touch a girl’s breast. Outside her clothes!

Maduro is the inept President of Venezuela. First his people ran out of toilet paper. Then food. Both continue in short supply.

Immigrants are pouring over the border from Columbia to Venezuela to escape the drug wars. Maduro is pulling at his hair trying to figure out how to feed them and provide them with toilet paper.

Enjoy your Sunday!








In yesterday’s blog, I advised I was going to start getting ready for Erika. Buy some things needed when shut up in your home. Without electric power,.

I never did it.

Two hours after publishing the blog, TV reported  Erika would probably dissipate after Hispaniola. The mountains of Hispaniola would break up an already weak hurricane.

This morning, the weather channel says such probably is the case. However. the weakened Erika might gain power from warm air in the Caribbean and turn into a powerful hurricane aimed directly at Key West and Florida. Or, Erika might go left into the Gulf and avoid the Keys.

Whatever, I know we are going to get a lot of rain. Which is much needed.

Am I going to get ready? I don’t know, have not made up my mind.

Did the anti-gravity treadmill in the morning. I am steadily increasing the speed. Lots of sweat.

Rain is strange in the Keys. It did not rain all afternoon in Key Haven. When I went out last night, everything bone dry for 1.5 miles. When I reached the golf course on US 1, it was obvious it had rained. Big time! The golf course is again only 1.5 miles away. Rain storms amazing in the Keys!

Lunched at Roostica. I have been going frequently for lunch. Why, easy. Quality food at a cheap price. Plus, the air conditioning. It is too humid to eat outside.

Yesterday, it was fried eggplant with tomato, prosciutto and mozzarella. Covered in a red sauce. Outstanding! The eggplant similar to how my grandmother prepared it. Salad, besides. $9.95.

The Chart Room first last night. Wanted to check on Emily. She had been out of work two weeks with an eye problem. She is on the mend.

Then to Hot Tin Roof. Jenna to meet me.

We enjoyed a great meal and equally great conversation. Love the girl! Wish I was 50 years younger!

Trump. I am getting sick of Trump. Are you? He is blocking out the other candidates and issue discussion. The man is a mental case. A successful economic one.

What bothers me is the people who support him. Most everyone! Even those whose intelligence I respect. He has captured the minds of many Americans.

Thomas Friedman in a recent column described Trump as a Pied Piper. I agree. Most following him. To an inevitable destruction if the march continues.

Friedman says Trump leads by dividing and frightening. He has a point.

What really hits home is Friedman’s observation that Trump spews up a Joe McCarthy. Correct, again. I recall McCarthy and the eventual harm he caused till stopped.

There is a little town on the Italian Riviera between Camogli and Portofino called St. Margarita. Anna just telephoned me from the beach there. She said the Camogli beaches are crowded so she went to St. Margarita’s tiny and less congested cove to swim and sun bathe. A two euro train ride.

Enjoy your day!


Didi is a turtle. She was found early in July floating. Incapable of diving.

Didi was taken to the Turtle Hospital in Marathon. Impacted internally.

The very competent staff at the Turtle Hospital fixed her up. Didi is recovered. Saturday (tomorrow) she will be released back into the ocean. Sombrero Beach at 10 in the morning.

If you have never attended such an event, go! There will be a couple of hundred people. Everyone cheering as Didi makes her way into the water. A good feeling event.

Erika. The odd feeling in the pit of my stomach getting larger. Erika still a tropical storm. Doing some damage and deaths in the Caribbean. It is expected to hit Key West monday morning. Erika expected to be a hurricane at that time.

The projections are always 99.9 percent wrong. It is that 1/10th of a point that is the problem. You never know.

Today, I begin getting ready. Buy peanut butter and crackers, bottled water, new flashlights, some candles, etc. Some today, some tomorrow.

No one is talking about the hurricane yet. No one is taking it seriously. Properly so. They rarely hit.

Yesterday another inactive day. Spent most of the day writing the “love story” that I continue to believe will never publish. Love writing a first time event for me. Not easy to do.

Bocce last night canceled. The courts still wet. Some with two inches of water.

Bocce is not a sport alone. It is a social event. I shower, shave and wear a clean pressed tee shirt for the event. I did it all in preparation last night and was on my way to the bocce courts. It was then that I got a text from David. Bocce cancelled.

Dressed and no where to go!

Stopped by Don’s Place assuming some team mates would be there. Enjoyed a drink with David, Stan and Clare.

Decided to stop at Tavern ‘n Town for dinner. Forgot that thursday night is 2 for 1 and half price on appetizers at cocktail time. The bar a zoo. Not for me. I left.

It was a sandwich and early to bed for me.

This week’s KONK Life column Legalization of Prostitution run on E-Blast this morning. Also linked to my website Key West Lou.

Part of the column is a rerun of a 2013 article I did titled Germany…..Biggest Whore House in Europe. Germany’s experience with legalization a disaster for the ladies.

Enjoy your day!


Legalization of prostitution

A whisper can be heard to legalize prostitution. It is part of the decriminalization movement re victimless crimes. Not as loudly discussed.  Heard occasionally as part of the discussion, however.


I believe its time will come. Sooner or later, I cannot tell. However, the movement will proceed as others have. Those that at one time no one thought possible. Such as a woman’s right to vote, women in combat, gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, transgender recognition.


Vocal arguments in support will claim such action as being better and safer for the ladies. Provide them with dignity. Pensions and medical coverage will be available. The right to unionize another advantage.


Whether true, remains to be seen.


If prostitution is legal, it will be an occupation as all others. Participants/employers/employees can be taxed as with any other business/occupation. The tax dollars involved huge..


Perhaps pie in the sky. Germany legalized prostitution in 2002. Turned out to be great for tax collections. Detrimental to the ladies.


I published a column in August 2013 regarding Germany’s experience. I republish it as part of this column. An eye opener.


Germany . . .

Biggest whorehouse in Europe


Germany has a propensity for coming up with ideas which appear brilliant on the surface. Ideas which will benefit Germany. Ideas that supposedly will benefit others they intend to do business with. Everyone eats!


In the final analysis, only Germany benefits. Only Germany eats.


The perfect example is the Eurounion which Germany was instrumental in conceiving and selling to fellow European nations. Each nation would be better off economically. It did not work that way. Germany benefited/benefits big time to the detriment of other countries. Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Cyprus being prime examples.


Germany came up with another plan which was to work to the benefit of a certain group. Prostitutes.


Germany adopted a law in 2002 which legalized prostitution. A simple one page law. Its purpose was to destigmatize prostitution. The ladies henceforth would be considered employees as in all other occupations. They were to have contractual rights with their pimps, the right to pension benefits and medical insurance, the right to unionize.

Prostitution was henceforth to be viewed as a voluntary occupational choice. The selling/rental of a woman’s body was no longer immoral.


The world’s oldest profession had come a long way. St. Augustine considered prostitution immoral and wrong. However, he viewed it as a necessary evil. Hundreds of years later, Germany gave it dignity.


What was the thinking behind the new German law? Was it really the welfare and dignity of the women involved? Or, was there more?


All of the above and perhaps more. Prostitution as a legal occupation became subject to taxation. Taxed nationally by Germany’s federal government. Taxed additionally by Germany’s municipalities. Pursuant to the law, the municipalities had the responsibility of overseeing the prostitution business.


Prior to the 2002 law, there were 100,000 prostitutes in Germany. Three years after its adoption, 200,000. Today, 400,000.

Competition became keen. Young ladies flocked to Germany. Easy money was in the offing.


The problem was too many got into the business. Most involuntarily, the rest by choice. Of the 400,000 present day prostitutes, 300,000 are estimated to have come from Eastern Europe. Primarily Romania and Bulgaria. Most brought into Germany by unscrupulous pimps who had now become legitimate businessmen. Promises were made that the young ladies would have a better life. Lies, of course. They unknowingly were forced into prostitution when they arrived. Threats and beatings became commonplace to keep the women in line.

Where economics is involved, matters come down to supply and demand. Legality brought with it the tremendous influx of new ladies to the profession. As evidenced by the 400,000 prostitutes presently in Germany.


Today, there are 3,000 brothels in Germany. Five hundred in Berlin alone. It is estimated that 1.2 million men pay for sex daily.

With so many women available, competition became cut throat. Prices for sex services suffered. They dropped. Dramatically. In 2002, the charge for oral sex and intercourse was 40 Euros. Fifty four dollars American money. Today, 10 Euros. Thirteen dollars American money. In many instances, less than 10 Euros. Whatever a lady can get.


A buyer’s market.


Package deals have come into play. There is a twelve story brothel in Cologne. Every floor and every room occupied by a working girl who must be kept busy. Hi rises are common in the German brothel business. The Cologne one offers the customer all the sex and all the alcohol he wants for as long as the customer wants it. For 50 Euros.  Roughly $65 American money. Another in a different city offers all the sex the customer can handle in one visit for 50 Euros. These prices include multiple companions.


Germany has become known as the discount sex capital of the world. Obviously.


Tour promoters from other countries, including the United States, offer six-day packages. Business is booming. Thailand formerly had the distinction of being the sex capital. Germany has outdistanced Thailand because of it cheap prices.


Big business requires marketing to continue successfully. Brothel operators offer all sort of incentives. An afternoon discount for men 66 or older. A 20 per cent discount to the unemployed. Day passes. Rebates to golfers. Flat rates. Flat rates being the one price for all services for as long as desired described hereinbefore.


Prostitutes have been left behind. Those whose lives were to have been enriched by the 2002 law. There are no contracts, pension or medical plans. The ladies are subjected to significantly more abuse than before.


Business is tough. Brothel operators have become tough. The girls are required to service more men per day. Whereas most used to do 10 men per day, the number is now 20 or 40, depending on the brothel involved. Unbelievable! In the infrequent times they are not working, the ladies are kept crowded in small single rooms with one bed. No toilet facility, except down the hall.


Germany and the municipalities are not suffering, however. They are getting rich tax wise.


Germany’s federal government taxes a prostitute’s income. Brothel operators are also taxed. A flat rate per prostitute per day. Twenty five to 30 Euros. Note per day. The municipalities also tax. Acceptable conduct in the taxing world.

All this amounts to triple taxation. Not double taxation.


The tax flow dollars are tremendous. No source could be discovered which measured the federal government’s take. However, information was available indicating the tax income of certain municipalities. Astronomical!


Not everyone is inclined to voluntarily pay taxes. Tax avoidance is a universal game at every level and profession. Bonn was concerned the street walkers were not paying. Without a brothel operator or pimp, it was difficult to compel voluntary payment.

Bonn put in automated pay stations on the streets. Like parking meters. Each street-walker is required to deposit 6 euros a night. Nine dollars American money. Police keep tabs on the ladies. They cannot be arrested for prostitution as it is legal. They can however be fined for not having their 6 euro receipt.


Bonn’s cost for each meter was $11,575 American money. The number speaks for itself as to the tax dollars involved.

The Bonn street walkers are incensed. They consider the meter double taxation.


Bonn does provide a service. It has constructed large wood garages where the ladies can take their customers to do the deed in the privacy of a customer’s car.


The thrust of this article is not that prostitution is legal in Germany. It is legal in other places. Nevada, Amsterdam, and Sweden for example. The thrust is to show another example of how Germany came up with a brilliant idea to help a certain class. The help did not materialize. Never the less, Germany benefited. The class walked away empty-handed. In worse condition than before.


Germany did it with the Eurounion. It has done it again with the prostitutes.


Please Germany, no more brilliant ideas! No ideas! You are bad news!


Maureen Dowd’s column appeared on the editorial page of the Key West Citizen this morning. Concerned Donald Trump. The opening sentence…..Some blondes have all the fun.

Erika may be a for real hurricane. Not there yet. Some 1,500 miles from Key West. A tropical storm. Forty five miles per hour. Expected to reach hurricane force soon.

Key West is in the come of error. It is anticipated Erika will arrive over the Keys monday morning. Hurricane intensity.

On the other hand, it may not hit Key West. If it does not hit, it will mean heavy rains for a day.

We have been through this before. Many hurricane warnings. At the last moment, the hurricane moves in another direction. Time will tell.

I must be honest. For the first time this morning, I am getting a bit uncomfortable.

A preview of Erika this morning. Dark and very windy. A flash of lightning came through the window. I walked over and looked outside. Saw another flash. Long and jagged. Shot straight down. Moments later, pouring rain. Palm trees bending. White caps.

The thunder unusual. Ongoing. Intense. For over an hour.

In about two hours, the sun will be shining brightly. Typical Key West weather this time of the year.

After the anti-gravity treadmill yesterday, I stopped at Roostica for lunch. A gnocci special was featured. I ordered it.

Gnocci is macaroni made from potatoes.

What a meal! As good as Grandma made!

The gnoccis were tender. Soft. The sauce red with a body to it. A sausage sauce. Small pieces mixed in.

Bobby Mongelli knows his food. Roostica’s is genuine Italian.

The afternoon was laid back. I settled in a comfortable chair and read. I am into a book about today’s Washington and how we got to where we are. The book discusses the politics of extremism in Washington and its sources.

The tile It’s Even Worse Than It Looks. The authors Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein.

The perfect political junkie’s read. I am enjoying it.

Cocktail time was at Aqua. At the back bar. I was looking for Mark Watson. One of Key west’s most loved guys.

Mark is running for Fantasy Fest King. I stopped by to make my contribution to his race.

It was only Mark and me for a while. A camera man showed up. He was taking pictures for the Florida Keys channel 5 show. I am in the some of the shots.

Christine showed up. Never met her before. Mark introduced us. The three of us had an enjoyable conversation. The drinks were going down too easy. I went straight home afterwards.

This week’s KONK Life hit the stands yesterday. My column is titled the Legalization of Prostitution. At some point today, it will be linked to my Key West Lou website. I believe you will enjoy the article. Some interesting revelations.

Bocce tonight. If there is no further rain today and the sun comes out as I anticipate, the courts may be dry enough to play.

A big match this evening. My team Don’s Place is playing Not Don’s Place. A Larry Smith joke when he named his team a couple of years ago.

A money game.

Enjoy your day!



Progress/forward movement occurring on the lower end of Duval.

Free WiFi. Lower Duval and Mallory Square. Refer to Connect Key West. Purportedly available to locals only.

Irish Kevin’s has an upstairs. Recent grand opening held. If half as much fun as downstairs, it is a winner.

I am not sure an upstairs to a popular bar works. Sloppy Joe’s opened one several years ago. I have not been in years because when I went it was dead. I am not sure how it is today. It may not even be open.

Erika proving fickle. A tropical storm. Now predicted will turn into a hurricane. All indications are it will come over Key West. Several days from now. Locals will not be concerned yet.

My blog talk radio show last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. One problem after another.

I sat down in my recliner at 5 to watch the news for a half hour. Fell asleep. Woke at 7:30. Meant no dinner at Roostica.

Took me 10 minutes to connect with the studio. Technical difficulties at the studio end. Frustrating. I finally was live on air at 9:10 rather than 9.

There was a sign on the computer screen telling me the studio was experiencing technical difficulties. Went on after I was on the air.

It was my option to proceed or shut down. I opted to proceed because some times a problem is miniscule and the show can be heard.

Not last night. I was not aware during the show what a disaster it had become. Reception terrible. Lot of cracking. Almost impossible to hear. I received a number of comments afterwards to the effect.


The only saving value is that most of the material can be used next week.

I was especially disappointed that three topics could not be heard. The rise of Neo-Nazism in Germany, whole bodies being sold by Planned Parenthood, and Mama Bear and five Cubs enjoying a family pool in New Jersey.

My yesterday pleasant. Walked Duval, lunched at home, fine tuned last night’s show, and spent some time working on the love story. I am not sure it is love. However, it is interesting. I am questioning whether the final product will be worthy of publication.

The Donald Trump/Jorge Ramos situation last night proves a point. At least from my perspective.

I watch MSNBC. Following the confrontation, the MSNBC news talk shows were all down on Trump. This morning on Morning Joe, Joe, Mika and everyone else were on Trump’s side. Forgiving. Morning Joe is an MSNBC show.

Is this the media controlling the news? Influencing what we hear? I believe last night’s pundit comments were legitimate. This morning’s not. Between last night and this morning, I fear the powers to be sent out the word. Soft pedal the Trump thing, don’t beat Trump up, etc.

Another disappointment was that very few of the reporters took up Ramos’ cause in subsequent questions to Trump. Cowards? Fearful?

One of Trump’s security skillfully escorted Ramos out of the room. A big guy. Ramos small in comparison.

Megyn Kelly returned to work yesterday. Trump issued a statement referring to her as a “bimbo.”

Similar actions occurred in the past in other countries.

My concern factor is on the rise. Trump may be dangerous.

Enjoy your day!





Last week someone asked what ever happened to Yankee  Jack? We were at Don’s Place. No one had seen Yankee in 1-2 years.

I saw Yankee yesterday.

I came around a corner in Publix. Coming down the aisle was Yankee Jack. Thinner. Looked healthy. Riding a motorized vehicle.

We were thrilled to see each other. Yankee was jovial! I told him we thought he had died. Yankee laughed.

This summer he was driving north to do his annual Saranac Lake gig and a few others along the way. Got sick. His kidneys failed. He got sick in a good place. Boston. Ended up for a month at Mass General. He was on dialysis the whole time. Saved him.

Since returning home, he has been composing new songs. He expects to return to the Bull soon.

He misses everyone at the golf course. Hopes to play again.

Went to do the anti-gravity treadmill yesterday. Had to wait. Power off. Probably a bird flew into something in Miami. Only down 15 minutes. Power failure a typical occurrence in the Keys.

Lunched at Harpoon Harry’s. Had a desire for ham and eggs. Harpoon Harry’s has the best eggs. I have said it for years. Sounds strange. Their eggs taste fresh!

Enjoyed a Hogfish sandwich for dinner at the bar at Hogfish last night. My motivation was the recent news that certain Hogfish fishing is to be limited for the balance of the year. Chatted with shrimp boat fishermen at the bar. Relics of another era.

My blog talk radio show tonight. At 9, my time. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Join me.

Interesting topics. Like the Louisiana police shooting, newly reported police screw ups, whole babies being sold by Planned Parenthood, French train shooting, cost of Afghan war, and more.

Danny has a girl friend. Erika. She is chasing him. Erika will never catch Danny. As a hurricane, he is dissipating. Erika growing. Too soon to know if she will be a problem

No question, the hurricane season has arrived.

Glad I have no money in the stock market. Dow was down 1,000 points yesterday morning. Think it ended the day 500 plus down.

China’s screwing around with money, mortgages, over construction, etc. has caught up with them. China has lived on the bubble for several years. Cannot be done. Eventually, everything catches up. Implodes at one time. In China’s case, affects world economy.

It has been reported that ISIS is destroying ancient Syrian temples. Reducing them to rubble. Has ISIS respect for anything? The destruction makes sense, however. If ISIS can behead people, why it can destroy temples.

I have seen, touched and walked amongst Grecian temples.  Greece’s structures of old are the heart and soul of the nation. I cannot conceive Greece without the Parthenon and Acropolis, as well as buildings of old everywhere.

Hadrian’s Library sits in the center of Athens. Thousands of years old. Turns me on. I can visualize white robed people sitting and reading.

Enjoy your day!




Twenty three years ago on this day in 1992 Hurricane Andrew demolished Homestead. A category 5 hurricane. They don’t come any worse.

Three weeks later, I drove through Homestead on my way to Key West. I had flown into Miami and intentionally opted to drive so I could see Homestead. What I saw was not nice.

Not a building standing. An occasional wall. Everything else ground rubble. Berlin looked better at the end of World War II.

Andrew has been described as the most fearsome and costliest storm.

I did not drive through Homestead streets. The elevated highway still stood. The same one we drive over today.

Danny is weakening. Good! Wind is fickle. Fortunately so in this instance.

A strange weekend for me. Sunday, monday and tuesday are hard working days. Writing the KONK column and getting ready for my tuesday night blog talk radio show. This weekend I am a day ahead. My column was done saturday instead of sunday. Monday is generally spent preparing for tuesday’s radio show. I did it yesterday. I have one hour of fine tuning which I will do tomorrow.

Which means, today a screw off day for me!

I was able to sneak some golf watching time in. Pleased for David Love III’s winning. He is 51. Unusual for a senior to come out on top.

Tiger Woods played the best he has in years. Came in tenth. Was in the run for the title till he took a triple bogey on 11 yesterday.

It was 7 by the time the golf tournament was over. My sunday nights usually include Roostica for spaghetti, meatballs and sausage. I decided to stay in and cook. Made rigatonis. No sauce. Some oil with salt, pepper and a few ground herbs. Delicious.

Watched Singing In The Rain on TV lat night. Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds. An old time musical. The great dance and singing scene by Gene Kelly.

The rainy season is upon the Florida keys. It has been raining heavy at some point in the afternoon every day. Not for long.

I sent this week’s KONK Life column to the publisher yesterday morning. Legalization of Prostitution. The column is actually a combination of two. Two years ago, I wrote an article re the effects of Germany’s having legalized prostitution in 2002. I combined the two writings for this week’s column.

I did not cover the moral aspect. Except for a comment by St. Augustine. Something to the effect that prostitution was immoral, but a necessary evil.

Nor did I take a position on the legalization issue.

New Hartford, NY is next door to my home town of Utica. The two actually touch. Cross the street and move from one to the other.

A New Hartford resident made the sports news big time yesterday. His name, Derek Bard. Bard is a junior at the University of Virginia. He was in the finals of the US Amateur. He lost to Bryson De Chambeau, an SMU senior.

I do not know Derek. However, I congratulate him. There is always next year. And then the pros if he is so inclined.

Enjoy your day!




Normally, I write my KONK Life column on Sunday. This week I got a day ahead. Did it yesterday. Title…..Legalization of Prostitution.

The topic was selected because rumblings can be heard that it is time. Germany thought it was the time in 2002. I wrote an article three years ago re Germany’s post legalization experience. I added that article on to yesterday’s. The two tie in well together..

The column publishes Wednesday.

Dinner with Eddie last night. Eddie is a friend of many years from the bocce courts. We never had been out together before. Decided to get together for dinner last night.

Interesting the things you learn about a person once you have the opportunity to chat a while.

We were dining at Tavern ‘n Town. Michael Emerson on the guitar and singing. Eddie said I know Mike….. I was a musician by trade before I came down with MS. Sure enough. Mike stopped over and the two chatted like long lost friends.

I enjoyed Eddie’s company. I am sure we will do it again.

I was able to sneak some time in while writing yesterday to watch golf. Tiger Woods is doing well. Tied for second going into today’s final round. Hope he wins!

His problem yesterday was putting. He missed a few he has to make if he is to win.

My yesterday was simple. This blog therefore simple.

Enjoy your Sunday!