Public demonstrations in Paris out of control. A month already. Fires everywhere. Big time damage. Four killed, hundreds injured.

Why? Because the government has imposed a new and higher tax on gasoline which was scheduled to go into effect January 1.

Driving is expensive in certain European countries. Italy and France examples.

Gasoline costs much more than in the United States. At least two times as much. The price of a gallon of gas in France today $5.54. Italy similarly high.

People do not fill their tanks up. Too expensive at one shot. Put in 10 or 20 euros. Like you and I putting in $10 or $20.

In addition to gas, there is an additional financial burden. Makes the cost of gas look minuscule.

Most highways are privatized. The government rents a roadway for 50 or 100 years to a private corporation or sells it outright to the corporation. The corporation in turn agrees to maintain and operate the highway.

No bargain to the consumer. Those who operate motor vehicles on the highways. The corporations impose tolls. The tolls astronomical. Beyond comprehension. So bad that locals opt to drive on secondary narrow pot filled 2 lane roads. Where people’s lives are in danger.

Drivers do everything to avoid privately owned toll roads.

The toll roads are kept in tip top condition. Bridges replaced. Everything done. After all, a money maker for the private corporation.

Trump has pushed privatization to defray the cost redoing our infrastructure. Don’t even consider it. Fight the concept. A pig in a poke. A toll too far.

Tie the cost of a gallon of gasoline to the toll and it is easy to understand why Paris is burning.

Last night, the French government announced the tax increase would not go into effect. As one French leader said, “No tax deserves to endanger the unity of a Nation.”

Busy yesterday.

Sandy’s for a leisurely lunch. Read the newspapers.  Then to Publix. I keep forgetting to buy shaving cream. Beard was cropping up again.

A manicure at 5 with Tammy. Slow day for her business. She says most mondays are lately.

Followed the manicure with a trip to Aqua for Dueling Bartenders. Rick Dery’s guest Bobby Nesbitt. A huge crowd. Great singing. Bobby opened with White Christmas. Put everyone in the mood.

Met Jean Thornton. We were scheduled to have a drink together. She left me at 7 to meet Haywood at Michael’s for dinner.

Mary showed up before Jean left. Then Lynda and Bob Frechette. Linda, too.

Mary and I had dinner afterwards at La Trattoria. I let Mary order. Don’t ask me why. The pasta was HOT! My esophagus burned all night!

Morgan appeared. A hug and kiss and a chat. Another hug and kiss as I was leaving.

Morgan absolutely impresses me. A beauty! Intelligent! Only 27 years old. She has a Masters in geography. Works with the government or one of its contractors at the Navy base.

The hurricane season technically ends November 30. Key West has a ceremony to commemorate the event. The burning of the hurricane flag. The ceremony was yesterday afternoon at the Waterfront Park.

I did not attend. Jean and Frank Holden did. Jean became irritated. Properly so. The beautiful large expanse of green grass that makes up the Waterfront Park was a mess. Uprooted in parts, sand thrown here and there.

The power boat race people by contract were permitted to use the area. They are required by contract to repair and replace any areas damaged. Apparently have failed or not gotten to it this year.

Jean is on Facebook this morning complaining about the situation and showing pictures of the grounds. She will goose the power boat people into performing. Don’t mess with Jean.

Syracuse/Northeastern tonight at 7. Syracuse 5-2, Northeastern 4-4. Too early in the season to project who will win.

I will be watching the game from home. My podcast follows the game at 9. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. A fast moving hard hitting half hour. I vent. Get excited about the good and bad in things. Join me. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Harry Truman loved Key West and Key West loves Harry Truman. I repeat the statement often.

Which brings to mind another Truman story.

Truman had poor eyesight. Not blind as a bat, but close too it. It was 1905. He wanted to join the Missouri National Guard. Battery “B.” He knew he could not pass the eye test.

Missouri ingenuity came into play. Truman memorized the eye chart. Passed the physical with no problem. He became a private in the Light Artillery of Battery “B.” Served as a Captain during World War I. Retired from the Reserves 37 years after entering as a Colonel.

America is in mourning. President George H. W. Bush is dead.

Yesterday was emotionally heavy. The various activities shown on TV. Impossible not to shed a tear here and there. As they will be today and tomorrow.

Bush will be respected for the ages. What a man! What a President! Bush the personification of each.

Trump will never be. Character and virtue are required.

Enjoy your day!



An important item. Especially for Key Westers. Who created the first key lime pie! Where was it originated? Is Key West really its birth place?

This morning’s Key West Citizen ran a front page article on the issue. An excellent piece.

A Stella Parks wrote a cookbook in 2017 wherein she claimed the first key lime pie was created in 1931 on Madison Avenue in New York City. Borden’s Milk Company was involved.

Key West’s David Sloan knows everything there is to know about Key Lime pies. The world authority. He says Parks is wrong. There is an ongoing feud.

Sloan claims the key lime pie was born in the late 1860’s in Key West. At Curry Mansion. The cook, Aunt Sally. Her real name Sarah Jane Lowe Curry.

Key lime pie was served in two Key West restaurants in 1926, well before the purported discovery by Borden’s in 1931. One of the restaurants was the Green Lantern Inn. Its menu featured “lime pie,” ten cents per piece.

Sloan has assembled all kinds of documentation. Parks has nothing.

I was up and working early yesterday morning. Around 5:30. By 1 in the afternoon I had completed yesterday’s blog and final preparations for last night’s podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

I had the afternoon off! A quiet luncheon at Sandy’s Cafe. Cuban cheese toast with tomato and Cuban coffee. Sat a while and read the newspapers.

Then home for some book reading.Peter Schweizer’s Secret Empires. His book revealing. I am learning the Washington swamp is more corrupt than thought. Good governmental officials cashing in on their positions through their children. Not prohibited by any law. Stinks, however.

Tuesday Talk went well. Goes well every week. Love doing the show. My numbers increase weekly. Apparently many love listening to my half hour of ranting and raving.

Strange weather this morning. Actually, not strange. Has been the same every day forever. Pouring rain and thunder. The difference today was it began at 5 in the morning. Strong wind and heavy rain. Could easily hear it from my bed. Sounded like a hurricane rolling over.

Historic day today. John Kennedy a Navy lieutenant in command of PT-109 in the Pacific. It was August 1, 1943. His boat split in half by a Japanese destroyer. Two killed. eleven survived. Everyone is familiar with the story. Cliff Robertson played Kennedy in the movie PT-109.

A connection exists between the lower Keys and the Kennedy movie. It was filmed on Munson Island. Munson Island is located in the Atlantic just south of Big Pine. Today, Munson Island is the world famous resort Little Palm Island.

What Russia did re our elections in 2016 constituted a war. Not a gun one. A cyber war. Not just a little invasion. An all out attack. Leaves the legitimacy of the 2016 election in question.

We are 98 days away from the mid-term elections. Till a few days ago, Trump had done nothing to defend against another cyber attack. A few days ago, he conducted a one hour meeting with staff. It has only been recently that Trump has acknowledged Russia was the perpetrator.

We are not defensively ready for the November mid-term. Can we get ready in time? I do not know. I am not a computer guru, etc.

I fear Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are going to have a field day playing around with our mid-terms.

Realize that with a few computer keys pressed, any nation can entirely turn off our electrical grid system. No power/electricity. Planes unable to take off. Defensive systems curtailed. Etc. Everything down.

And we are not ready to defend against any such chicanery!

Our elections are not secure. At this time, there is no coordination among federal agencies as to how to deal with the problem.

Modern authoritarian figures all have attacked the media. Silence the media and no one left to point out the wrong doing of dictators. Silence not even required. Merely diminish respect for the media.

As Trump has consistently been doing since even before his election. He has chosen the path of Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Putin, and Kim.

Trump appeared at a rally in Tampa last night. His supporters made up the audience. Trump demeaned the press. Fake press! The audience joined him. Turned to the reporters and gave them the finger. The middle finger. The bird. While shouting, “Fuck the press!”

Anti-media hostility is growing. Violence is going to occur. Trump will smile.

Trump spoke last night of protecting our voting system. Wrong people are voting, he claims. Though there is no proof of such. He keeps peddling that the Democrats want unqualified/non-citizens to vote. An absurdity in itself.

His solution is to require each person voting to have an ID card with his/her photo on it. As Trump claimed, such an ID card is required to even buy groceries.

The man does not know that which he talks about. I would like to know the last time he was in a supermarket or grocery store purchasing groceries.

A big night tonight! A reunion of those who escaped Irma and stayed with Jean and Joe Thornton in Birmingham for 12 days. Our second reunion.

While at their home, we watched Casablanca. Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. I was shocked and surprised. The ladies knew every line of the movie. They were speaking them before the actors. And they cried! Tears throughout. I could not believe. A woman’s movie definitely.

The Tropic Cinema is showing Casablanca tonight. Free. Reservations made weeks ago. We are going as a group. Guaranteed the ladies will be whispering the lines and shedding tears.

Love it!

Enjoy your day!



The world is in upheaval. The U.S., Russia, North Korea, etc. threatening each other. Stormy Daniels causing Trump all kinds of problems. What do I title today’s blog? 29 Pounds!

More important than anything else, the scale this morning. Reflected a solid 29 pound loss. I am thrilled!

I had hung in at 27 pounds forever. Did not think I would ever lose another pound. Dieting in one’s old age calls for patience.

Next goal 30. A nice round number. Then, 40. I suspect it may take till Memorial Day.

Spent a few hours yesterday afternoon working on tonight’s podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Needs more work this afternoon. The show will cover a multitude of worldly sins, interesting information, and whatever strikes my fancy.

The show is only three years old. Acquires more and more listeners every week. Love the numbers! No where as many as this blog. However apparently significant in the podcast field.

Tonight, a first. I am dedicating the show to a particular person.

Join me at 9 my time. A quick moving half hour. Guaranteed you will enjoy. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

First stop last night Aqua. Dueling Bartenders. Tom Luna and Rick Dery. A guest vocalist. Never saw her before. Laura. Young, beautiful, and talented.

Liz sitting nearby. Went over and gave her a hug and kiss. New hairdo. She looked terrific!

Then to Antonia’s. Nicole bartending. Robert came over to say hello. He bartended at Outback for years. Now waitering at Antonia’s. A charming personality. He will do well.

Chatted a bit with a couple several seats away at the bar. In Key West for a month. Staying at Banyan Court. We got into Irma. They were very interested. Believe they will buy Irma and Me.

I used to enjoy stopping in at the VFW Post on North Roosevelt Boulevard. A sandwich, a drink and always good conversation. Irma put a stop to it. Peeled the roof totally off. Someone who saw it happen described the roof peeling back like an onion. Internal damage big time. Insulation and wiring hanging. Water damage.

Has not yet reopened. This morning’s Key West Citizen carried an article announcing the reopening hopefully by Memorial Day.

Whatever date, I am glad it is coming back!

Dusenberry is going home.

He is a 100 pound sub-adult loggerhead sea turtle. He was found off Key Largo in December unable to dive. Taken to the Turtle Hospital in Marathon. Examination revealed he was impacted. Medicines and a good diet fixed him up.

Dusenberry is being returned to the ocean at 10:50 tomorrow morning at Sombrero Beach. Per custom, there will be 100-200 persons cheering off.

Harry Truman loved Key West and Key West loves Harry Truman. The President spent 175 days in Key West over a period of 11 trips.

On this day in 1952, Truman left Key West after spending 3 weeks vacationing at The Little White House.

March Madness is upon us! This weekend the Final Four!

Big time basketball.

The championship game of the first Final Four took place on this date in 1939. The conclusion of the first ever NCAA men’s basketball tournament.

Only 8 teams invited.

Oregon beat Ohio State 46-33.

The tournament has grown. Sixty eight teams now invited. It has become the most popular sporting event after the Super Bowl.

The rich have a new toy. I am talking about the 1 percent. Those that already have private jets, yachts, homes world wide.

Private railroad cars. To transport them from their city homes to their  weekend country homes.

There was a time referred to as the Gilded Age. The very rich had private railroad cars attached to the rear of trains. Those Gilded Age railroad cars valuable today. The 1 percent buying them. Remodeling costs generally $1 million.

Justice has a way of surfacing. Most get theirs in the end.

One of the nation’s largest gun manufacturers was Remington Outdoor Co., Inc. Note the word “was” in the previous sentence. Remington filed for bankruptcy protection sunday. Chapter 11.

Remington owes $950 million. Working out a plan to reduce the debt and turn control of the company to it creditors.

Remington’s business fell dramatically this past year. The reason, Trump’s election.

You would have thought his election would have increased Remington’s business. Not so.

Gun owners traditionally bought big time when anti-gun people were elected. They feared they would not be able to purchase guns and ammunition as they had.

Trump got elected. The fear was gone. He was a gun man! He told the NRA during the campaign they would have a friend in the White House.

Such being the case, gun  people did not purchase that many guns in Trump’s first year. The fear was gone. Their man was in the White House.

Enjoy your day!



A couple of heavy items to discuss today. Sad topics. I have opted to start with the happy rather than those.

Which means first and foremost, Kate Miano.

Lovable, warm, caring, interested in people and causes. An available helping hand. A successful woman to boot.

The 2018 recipient of the prestigious Humanitarian of the Year Award. Former Fantasy Fest Queen. Conch Shell Blower winner. The list endless.

Kate has been around a while. She personifies the Key West of yesterday and today. Perfectly blended.

Instead of sitting back and relaxing, she wants to take on Key West’s present woes. Solve the community’s problems. As only a Mayor can do.

The election is not till August. Already something like 10 persons have filed to run. The total in the end will be 10-12.

A Kate Miano for Mayor Kickoff Party is scheduled for friday March 9 at the Gardens Hotel. Six in the evening. Open bar and food. Come, join, visit, meet. Kate would love for you to stop by.

I would too. Bring your friends.

I have had company for a few days. Delivered the company to the airport yesterday for return to the north country. Flight canceled. The Northeaster. Flights cancelled today, also. At the moment, tomorrow looks good.

Early to the Chart Room last night. Good friend John bartending. Stayed a couple of hours. When I left, standing room only.

It never fails. As soon as the sun has set, tourists come pouring into the Chart Room.

Met some very interesting people.

Cathi and Mark from Atlanta.

We talked of Irma and its impact on Atlanta. Cathi and Mark lost a few trees. I told the story of my being kicked out of an Atlanta hotel after two nights because Irma was coming.

Cathi and Mark married 21 years. She “the best real estate agent in Atlanta.” Mark into finance and insurance.

Both 50ish, considering retirement and buying a home in Key West. Are frequent visitors to Key West. Hope they do opt to live here. They would be welcomed with open arms.

Met a sort of neighbor from upstate New York. George from Rochester. Ninety miles from my home town of Utica.

George unquestionably smart. Spent his career as a Physics Professor at the University of Rochester. Physics was always too heavy for me.

George and I almost contemporaries. He is 87. Sharp.

He used to visit Key West regularly years ago. He was in the Chart Room looking for his old friends Che and British Peter. Che at 83 has become a recluse. British Peter now living in the State  of Washington.

George lived on a boat in days gone by. He still owns the slip on Stock Island.

It was time to eat. I decided to return to Mary Ellen’s on Applerouth. A toasted cheese sandwich and tomato soup. So good the last time. Knew it had to be good again. It was.

Mary Ellen’s nothing fancy. I would describe it as typical Key West.

Entertainment last night. Dildo races. Electric vibrator dildo races.

Only in Key West.

A two foot board, ten feet long. Tipped forward about 25 degrees. Groved so the dildos would fit just right.

Betting beforehand. Bid on which dildo you wanted. The one you hoped would win. Bidding as high as $20-30 for each dildo.

The vibrators were turned on, the gate opened, and the dildos off and running! Spectators yelling just as if at a race track.

I did not bet.

As I was leaving, I heard the next race announced. The “Don’t Drop the Soap Race.”

Again, only in Key West!

I am still with the happy.

Harry Truman loved Key West and Key West loves Harry Truman. The President made 11 trips to Key West totaling 175 days. He loved the place!

Truman arrived this day in 1951 for a three week visit. He would be staying at The Little White House.

Now for the unhappy. Two re Trump and one re Secretary of the Treasury Steve Munchin.

Trump announced yesterday steep tariffs beginning next week on steel and aluminum coming into the United States. Twenty five percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum.

The beginning of trade wars. Most of which historically have resulted in depressions and actual shooting wars.

Trump does not seem to care. He thinks he knows what is best.

The tariff increase would be world wide. No country left out.

Canada is our close friend and neighbor. We buy more steel from Canada than any other country.

China is the U.S.’s banker. The U.S. already owes China in excess of $1.3 trillion. We borrow from China almost daily. We never pay back. China always renews the notes.

Woe us if China decided to stop lending and called in the notes.

Trump does not seem to consider all ramifications before he makes a move. To our nation’s detriment.

The market knows what could occur. It dropped 500 points yesterday.

Another Trump catastrophe in the making. Guns, the NRA.

Wednesday he had a White House meeting involving himself, Congressional people, and parents and victims of some of the shootings. He spoke with bravado how something had to be done and he was going to see it got done. Preferably in one bill. He would sign it right away.

Not everyone bought what he was selling. He had been heard before re other important matters and failed when the time came to keep his word.

That was wednesday afternoon. Thursday evening there was another meeting in the White House. Only Trump. Pence and a representative of the NRA. Just the three of them.

The NRA rep was Chris Cox. Cox is the Executive Director of the NRA’s lobbying arm.

The meeting of the three appeared to have been kumbaya. In a tweet following the meeting, Cox reported Trump “does not want gun control.” Trump tweeted re the meeting: “Good (Great) meting in Oval Office tonight with the NRA.”

Trump playing games. He should have had Cox at the public meeting wednesday afternoon. A face to face confrontation between both sides. A no bullshit meeting.

My guess is the NRA will never budge re AR-15’s and other weapons of war. They will hold firm knowing their bought and paid for Congress will do their bidding.

Finally, Secretary of Treasury Steve Munchin. A former Goldman Sachs banker. An asshole first class from my perspective. Always ready to do Trump’s bidding. Not a free thinker. Happy to be Secretary of the Treasury. Beams with the joy of it.

Munchin married a much younger Scottish actress this summer. Good for him. Nothing wrong in it. However, he took his bride on their honeymoon on an Air Force jet that cost $25,000 an hour to operate. Taxpayer dollars. He justified it by claiming his security required it.

The man a pig impressed with his own self importance.

Munchin spoke at UCLA monday. The students were not nice to him.

One student referred to him as an enemy of the people because of the new tax law. Also referred to him as a plutocratic bullshiter.

Students in the audience yelled “I think you’re full of shit.” They denounced the Republican tax bill as an attack on “people who are in poverty.”

Munchin retaliated with wanting the students to identify themselves and the reason why a question was being asked.

The event was being videoed. Munchin had agreed before hand that it could be and later UCLA could run it on its TV network. Munchin withdrew his permission following his speech.

Cell phones are great. Some students videoed Munchin and excerpts can be found on the internet.

College and high school students are close in age. I sense a marriage and movement in the making. The young will not be silenced.

Enjoy your day!



The name Waunakee initially reminded me of Smucker’s…..With a name like that it has to be good! It is.

Waunakee is a small village in Dane County, Wisconsin. Population 12,000. Waunakee proudly labels itself “The Only Waunakee In The World.”

Waunakee a good place. In 2009, the village was listed in “Top 100 Best Places To Live” for small towns.

Which brings me to Sharie and Mark. Met them at the Chart Room last night. They’re from Waunakee! First time in the Chart Room, though they have visited Key West several times in the past. After last night, I guarantee the Chart Room will become their favorite watering hole when they visit Key West.

Married 30 plus years. Two sons. Soon to be grandparents for the first time. All excited. They have already rented a home for their Key West visit next January. A family trip. Baby included.

Mark was in the excavation business. His Dad began it. His son now working it. Three generations and still going. Sharie helped out in the business over the years.

Sharie a dog lover. Three. Named them after baseball players. Hank, Aaron, and Eddy.

Charming people. Fun. I hope to run into them before they leave. If not, I am confident we will meet in January.

Headed over to Hot Tin Roof for dinner. Ate at the bar. Grouper instead of prime rib.

On the way to my car, walked past the Chart Room. Sharie and Mark still there. The Chart Room standing room only. Sharie and Mark visibly having a good time.

My day yesterday began with Lori. Haircut time. We reminisced a bit. Lori has been a hair dresser 28 years. I a customer now a friend, 18. She looks as lovely today as when I first met her 18 years ago.

Afterwards, stopped at Sandy’s Cafe for lunch. My eye caught the name Utica College on the TV screen. An advertisement for nursing students. It was going off as I saw it.

Utica College is in my home town in upper New York State. I recall its beginnings. Provided a small assistance in getting it started.

Found out later in the day that Utica College is soon to offer extension services to students in the Keys. The ability to earn a nursing degree over the internet. Even nurse practitioner status. A representative of Utica College was in Key West last week arranging for the plan to be implemented.

Later in the afternoon before heading to the Chart Room, stopped for a manicure. Tammy’s last day for a week. Starting a vacation today. Good for her! Deserved. She is hard working. From 7 in the morning to 8 in the evening six days a week.

Key West postal workers protesting. Signs and all.

Proper they are protesting.

Budget cuts have been dramatic in recent years. Fewer and fewer postal workers. Sometimes only one person servicing the counter. Waiting lines up to one hour before one reaches the counter. Fortunately, Key West is a friendly town. Neighbors and acquaintances get to chat.

To fully appreciate the situation, there are 18 fewer clerk positions since 2016. Postal workers doing more with no significant pay raises.

Wake up my friends, our America is slipping away from us. I watched the far rights annual conference on TV yesterday. Full name Conservative Political Action Conference. Popularly known as CPAC.

NRA’s Wayne La Pierre the featured speaker. He was loud. Shouting on many occasions. Speaking of the devil. Those high school students misrepresenting the Douglas High School shooting.

I could see what was motivating him. The NRA was to confront for the first time a force that could neither be stopped nor bought. Children. It was obvious La Pierre is afraid that people will listen to them.

He lied. Not surprising. Trump lies also. He sets the standard for the country. La Pierre had the audacity to blame school safety, families, and the FBI for the shooting.

Trump an NRA supporter. Big time. No wonder. The NRA contributed $30 million to his campaign. Trump referred to members of the NRA as “great people and great American patriots.”

Someone sick here.

As I watched La Pierre, I recalled this scene playing in the past. Berlin in the 1930’s. All La Pierre needed was a mustache.

A dark speech, a dark moment.

Roger C. Kostmayer is a wise elderly Key West gentleman. A Letter to the Editor written by him was printed in this morning’s KONK Life E-Blast. In it Kostmayer said, “Any politician accepting money or support from the NRA…..has BLOOD ON HIS HANDS.” Emphasis Kostmayer’s.

Enjoy your day!



Live and learn!

Great White Sharks are snowbirds. They summer in Cape Cod and winter in Florida. From Palm Beach to Key West.

At the present time, Miss Costa is enjoying the warm waters off Key West. A female Great White. So named by some follow the fish group. The group tagged Miss Costa in 2014. The group is generally aware of her location.

The group says worry not. Great Whites friendly. The group claims there are no recorded Great White Shark bitings off Key West.

I don’t believe them. But then, what do I know about Great Whites. Except that I have been scared of them since the movie Jaws.

Syracuse/Buffalo last night. Disappointed. Could not get the game here. The news reported following the game that Syracuse won 81-74. Syracuse looked good in the first half. Terrible in the second.

Syracuse plays Texas A & M thursday evening. Texas ranked number 8 nationally. A true test for Syracuse.

Enjoyed doing my podcast show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou last night. Primarily, Trump. Could not be avoided.

The tax bill soon to be law not fair. A welfare program for the rich.

One example is the child credit. Seventy five dollars to families earning less than $14,000 a year.  Four thousand dollars to families earning more than $400,000 a year.

Fair? I think not. The child credit should not be graduated based on income. Should be the same dollar amount per child regardless of family income.

Jimmy Carter when President said, “The present tax structure is a disgrace to this country, it’s just a welfare program for the rich.”

Nothing changes.

Truman loved Key West and Key West loves Truman.

Truman made 11 trips to Key West covering 175 days. He stayed at what is now the Little White House. At the time, the Naval Base Commander’s living quarters.

On this day in 1949, Truman left Key West at the end of a three week vacation.

Mike Yutzy a friend for years. Lives in Las Vegas. We have not been together in seven years. He is in town. We are having dinner together tonight.

Turns out Irma and Me is the only book written re Hurricane Irma. Maybe that is why Irma and Me is selling so well. The book is realistic, humorous and sometimes sad. The composition of a hurricane.

You will enjoy reading it. Friends and relatives also. Available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble and KoboBooks.

Enjoy your day!




Trump appears to be losing it. He may already have.

Consideration of his mental stability is neither a Democratic nor Republican thing. Just good common sense.

We may be on te brink of war with North Korea. Reason enough to be concerned. Two nuts with their fingers on the button.

The problem is how to be rid of Trump.

Many are advocating the 25th Amendment. Empowers the Vice-President and a majority of the officers of the Executive Department (considered to be the Cabinet), or such other body as Congress to provide, to determine if the President should be removed. The grounds….The President is unable to discharge the powers of his office.

Ratified in 1967. Never used.

I would not use it. It would be precedent setting. I fear in the future a group of dissidents seeking to dispose of a President would rely on it. A peaceful Presidential coup. The U.S. was not created for Presidential coups.

Then how?

Mueller moving to impeachment would help. However, it does not appear Mueller is ready.

The answer. I don’t know. I am fearful of what is happening. I have no solution.

If Trump’s mental capacities becomes worse, perhaps then the 25th amendment.

I worry about North Korea and a nuclear war in the meantime. One that definitely would result in nuclear bombs falling on American cities.

My third day without hot water. Cold showers really wakes a person! Precludes shaving, also.

Landlord has been by. Says the problem is electrical. What do I know?

Landlord says he can’t get anyone here till friday morning between 9-11. I have no choice but to wait. Carpenters, electricians, etc. are all gainfully employed since Irma.

Last night terrific! Donna and Terri invited me for dinner. We shared four dozen stone crabs. Love the girls!

Big day today! Only one thing scheduled. A haircut with Lori. Always pleasant. Enjoy Lori. She has been my barber for 15 years.

Saturday schedule full. Three things I want to do. Don’t know if I can fit all three in.

The first I definitely will.

Thirty years ago, I was Best Man when Bob and Helen Marks were married in Portland, Oregon. We have seen each other probably only two times over the years.

Bob and Helen are stopping in Key West on a Viking cruise for the day saturday. I plan on meeting them at 12:30 and enjoying a leisurely lunch with them at Louie’s Backyard. Much catching up to do.

The evening is where the problem exists.

Syracuse plays Kansas at 5:30. Kansas ranked #2 nation wide. Got to see the game!

The always fabulous Christmas Parade at 7. Generally watch it with Lisa and the grandkids. Whether I will depends on how the Syracuse/Kansas game is working out.

Basketball over the grandkids. I know terrible! They are now 12 an 13. I have only missed one Christmas Parade over the years. This may be the second.

Matt Lauer down the tubes. Who is next? There will be a next and a next. Such is sex and its motivations.

My concern is that mob rule seems to be taking over. The crowd commands. Where is due process, the right to defend ones self?

The cry for “justice” is rampant nation wide.

Not every harassment calls for the death penalty. There are degrees. Grab ass one or two times is not comparable to pedophilia. Each should carry punishment equal to the severity of the charge.

A lot of big guys are coming down. What about the pedophile running for Senator in Alabama? What about the man in the White House who on video and later in an interview admitted grabbing pussies/crotches? Do they pay?

I spoke with two ladies yesterday re the problem. Both first expressed the need to kill. Each then followed up with what might be described as complicity. What was the woman’s part? Why did she not complain at the time? Both thought because they wanted to keep their jobs and hoped silence would get them that promotion.

The madness must stop. An orderly process followed. Get the bad guys, but get them legally!

Enjoy your day!



Key West is located in Monroe County. Monroe County runs from Key West to Miami proper.

Irma has and will continue to be costly for Monroe County.

One of the more expensive items is debris removal. Debris consisting of anything and everything. Up to $40 million already.

How to pay for it?

FEMA will ultimately pay it all. The problem is FEMA moves slowly in this regard. I am not being critical of FEMA. They had there boots on the ground immediately with the necessaries. Things like food, water, a place to sleep, etc.

The bigger and less personal bills apparently go through the bureaucratic process which can take forever.

Vendors have to be paid. The County is concerned. At a County Commission meeting last night it was decided to approach local banks for a loan. Interest would be between 1 and 2 percent. Monthly repayments easy to handle. Repayment certain when FEMA comes through.

Forty million dollars is not the end cost for debris removal. It is anticipated it will take at least four months more at an estimated cost of $5 million per month.

The Key West City Commission met last night, also. Horses’ asses!

They voted to permit building heights to go from 25 feet to 40 feet. Limited to the three City owned lots on College Road. To be used for affordable housing.. A public vote is required approving the change. It is scheduled for March.

Rent is expensive in Key West because the City does not adequately enforce its laws re rentals. Unless a transient license is involved, rentals must be a minimum  of 28 days.

Greed has come into play. Rental owners are renting by the week and getting top dollar. Surprising how much a one week stay can cost. In the thousands.

Rental homeowners disregard the law. If they get caught, the fine levied is minimal to the profit being made.

Lunch at Five Guys yesterday. I began my diet at yesterday, also.

Atkins. Low carb, high protein. I was on it twice before. With significant success. Years ago. Seventy and 50 pounds. Kept the weight off for 2 years thereafter each time. I figured Atkins was better than going on what I describe as a cardboard diet again.

Five Guys sells a cheeseburger wrapped in lettuce. No bread. Nothing but beef and cheese.

Tasty and low in carbs.

Saw my heart physician Dr. Mc Ivor afterwards. He reviewed the catherization results with me. Everything showed no change from my last one. He does not want to see me for 3 months.

My two heart doctors say nothing is wrong. My primary care physician the same thing. All tests normal.

Why then have I been so tired the past few years?

The cath doctor said lose 40-50 pounds. I see it as a last resort. Time will tell. I do not think weight is the problem, though it might contribute. I began being tired when I was 30 pounds lighter.

An enjoyable evening last night. I watched Syracuse play Maryland in basketball. Syracuse won 72-70. A close game all the way.

Syracuse has 2 negatives. No 3 point shooter. The other is that the fabled zone defense was not working effectively. Though Syracuse caused many Maryland turnovers, Maryland was getting the ball in the middle with ease.

Robots have interested me the past two years. They are here and more are coming. Will do just about anything.

A year ago, I mention that a sex robot was on the way. Two months ago, again. This time to advise the sex robot was lovely, had soft skin, murmured sweet nothings, responded to comments, etc.

The Journal of Sexual and Relationship Therapy has come out with an article on the subject.

The sex robots are called sexbots and digisexuals. Do all the things mentioned two paragraphs earlier. No gender discrimination. Available to men and women. They are specifically designed to fulfill a person’s desires. The article suggests people will bond with their robots.

What happens then?

My podcast show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. An interesting fast moving half hour. Nine my time.

A wide spectrum of topics to be discussed. Like Truman, pythons, Sesame Street, Trump access Hollywood denial, sex robots, an update on Walmart’s use of robots, Irma debris problems.

Also, the Islamic Coalition the Arab world’s NATO, the tax bill, China and Bali, Trump disparages CNN, MIT study re electric cars and pollution, the Consumer Bureau war, and more.

Irma and Me has been available for purchase for three weeks. People are buying it. How many I do not know. However, I am getting e-mails and personal comments advising…..I bought your book!

It excites me!

Enjoy your day!




America’s horniest President? Not John Kennedy. Not Bill Clinton.

Warren G. Harding. Considered also our worst President. Referred to as “useless.” His administration blanketed in corruption.

Harding was a lover.

One of his great loves involved Nan Britton.

They met when she was 14 and he 45. The relationship got going in a New York City hotel room when Nan was 18 and the President 49. Everything short of actual consummation. Nan wanted to preserve her virginity.

Two years later when Nan was 20 and the President 51, Nan relented and gave Harding a woman’s most prized possession.

The relationship continued into the White House. Nan had the run of the place. The two were careful as to their sexual escapades. they enjoyed sex in a small closet in the ante-room to the Oval Office. The closet five foot square.

Nan gave birth to a baby girl. He supported her and the child with monthly payments. The Republican National Party did likewise.

Harding and Trump have much in common. In addition to sexcapades, opposition to immigration. Harding enacted racist immigration laws.

Harding referred to Nan as his “sweetheart incompatible.”

He referred to his penis as “Jerry.”

Another of his loves was Carrie Fulton Phillips. Considered Harding’s lifetime mistress.

In 2014, the Library of Congress released Harding’s love letters to Carrie.

In one, he write: “I love your poise / Of perfect thighs / When they hold me in paradise…..”

In another: “Jerry came and will not go, says he loves you….. / He is so utterly devoted that he only exists to give you all.”

Why this story today? Harding was born on this date in 1865.

The Chart Room first last night. John bartending.

Chris and Don there! My Syracuse area friends. Love them both!

they are to be married in March. At the Hyatt. they were to be married on the dock. No dock. Irma. Hyatt assured them there would be one in place by March.

Chris is putting the wedding together. A monumental job. In addition to her work as a top executive with a major company.

They relieved me as to what I am to wear to the wedding. I mentioned I had to purchase a sport jacket, slacks and shoes for the event. I only have shorts, shirts and sandals. Don said, “Absolutely not.” The wedding an informal one attire wise. He is wearing shorts and a sport shirt.

A gent and his wife were seated on the other side of me. He a Boston College grad. An attorney. We talked Boston College sports. Especially, football. Doug Flutie, of course.

Then to Hot Tin Roof alone for dinner. Sat at the bar.

They had stone crabs! My meal! Eight dollars per stone crab. small ones. I had six. Equated to one pound. Absolutely delicious!

As good as the small ones at Pier One. More expensive however. Pier One $26 a pound compared to the $48 a pound I paid at Hot Tin Roof.

Turned out to be a good food and good time evening.

A lady two seats over at the bar asked if I were Louis. I was. we had met 5 1/2 years ago at the Chart Room. She recalled i had mentioned her in the blog the next day.

Lesley her name.

Lesley left Key West at some point thereafter. To Nashville. In the process of returning. actually arrived the day before after fleeing Irma for a few days. she has a position as bartender at the new Duval Central soon to open. The former Gecko’s. She already is settled in. Apartment, etc.

Enjoyed her company. Will stop into Duval Central when it opens to visit her.

Duval Central cannot miss. It is between Sloppy Joe’s and Irish Kevin’s. The word is Gecko closed down because the landlord doubled the rent. It happens in Key West.

This morning’s KONK Life E-Blast carried a slew of photos by Bill Klipp of the Fantasy Fest Parade. Great pics!

There has been no public announcement as to the crowd for the parade. Normally, 80,000. Eighty thousand translates into very crowded sidewalks. Hard to move.

the photos showed much fewer spectators. A marathon could be run on the siewalks.

Guess that is why there has been no announcement as to number of watchers.

I was totally into baseball in my early years. Dies not tuen me on in my old age. as eveidenced by the fact that I watched not one inning of the World Series.

Noted this morning that the Houston /astros won the series in seven games. Over th Los Angeles Dodgers. Congratulations to the Astros

Nevember is National Novel Writing Month. My publisher advised it woud be out by the end of the week. tomorrow is friday. hope it on the stands!

Whatever, Irma and Me will be born during National Novel Writing Month. Unintentionally.

Enjoy your day!








One of the greatest inventors of modern times lived in the Little White House for six months. Thomas Edison. Around 70 at the time, the U.S. government looked to him for weapon development at the beginning of World War I.

Edison lived and worked in the same building made famous by Truman’ s many visits years later.

Edison developed 41 weapons during his six month stay.

I spent yesterday rewriting and polishing two chapters of Growing Up Italian. Will I ever finish this book? The funny part is the writing will be 3-4 books. The first is sub-titled The First Six Years.

Mel Fisher’s name is embroidered in Key West’s fabric. A name for the ages. Never to be forgotten.

Fisher struck gold and other rare jewels on July 20, 1985 after many years of searching. He sought the Atocha. He found it after roughly 15 years of searching.

Value of the gold, etc. $450 million.

On this date in 1986, Fisher presented Queen Sofia of Spain with a bronze cannon from the Spanish galleon. The presentation took place in Washington, D.C.

Trump is diminishing the image of the United States world wide. In a very short period of time. He has succeeded in pissing off most of the free nations of the world. Those autocratic, he is turning from enemies to friends.

Trump neither understands nor appreciates the need for friends world wide. Friends with values. Character. Not despots.

Tanks are effective. Especially by authoritarian regimes. Against those who protest their governments.

Two uprisings come to mind. Hungary and China.

The Hungarian Revolution occurred in 1956. Began October 23, ended November 10. The protesters using stones and molotov cocktails. The Soviets, troops and military equipment.

The soviets finally got tired of the constant street fighting. Soviet troops and a handful of tanks fighting the poorly armed rebels. Mostly students.

In one day, the troop number and tank number were increased Dramatically. The revolution was over. Force won out.

Two hundred thousand Hungarians fled Hungary immediately.

Total Soviet troops engaged 31,55o. Tank number 1,130.

I was fortunate to become friends with one of the revolutionaries. A Hungarian college student. He attended Manhattan College during my senior year. He said, we were throwing rocks and molotov cocktails. They came at us with tanks from every corner. The revolution was over.

Tiananmen Square another example of tank power.

One hundred thousand students began the protest on April 15, 1989. Their numbers enlarged daily by workers, intellectuals, and civil servants. The protest went on for seven weeks.

The Chinese government finally had enough. The tanks went in on June 4. The protest was over. Hundreds killed. Thousands arrested.

I love the comic sport poem Casey At The Bat. I have used the poem’s final line many times to express my sorrow at a Syracuse defeat.

Casey At The Bat was published this date 1888.

The line: “…..there is no joy in Mudville – mighty Casey has struck out.”

Enjoy your day!