Busy morning ahead. Doctor visit, hair cut appointment, etc. Ergo, I am briefly hitting on some items I think  or would like to think need mentioning. No special order involved.

Fifteen thousand U.S. Army personnel now on the way to the southwest border. The number ha gone from 800 to 15,000 in a week. Fifteen thousand as many troops as we have in Afghanistan.

Watched Beto O’Rourke being interviewed for an hour monday night. Reminded me of Robert Kennedy.

Economy doing good? General Electric has a crack in its wall. Under financial stress. Dividend 119 years old. This year reduced to a penny a share.

Staying with the economy, General Motors experiencing tariff and market pressures. Eighteen thousand jobs to be eliminated. Salaried employees going via buyouts.

Harry Dent an economist. Called the financial bust of 2008. Says the DOW will experience a catastrophic plunge. As low as 6,500. Hard to believe that low. Claims it could happen as soon as the next few months. An economist I am not. However, I have been predicting a recession since last year. Thought it would occur late this year or early next year.

China’s President Xi has ordered his military to “prepare for war.” Diplomatic relations between Washington and Beijing have hit rock bottom.

Chart Room first last night. Tammy bartending. Parrotheads in town. Took over the Chart Room. I only stayed for one drink. All seniors, they were not talking to each other or to me. Merely staring ahead.

Drove over to Blue Macaw. Better. People communicating. Terri singing. Chatted with Lynda and Bob Frechette, John and Fiona, and Mary.

Syracuse football doing well this year. So far, 6-2. Saturday, Wake Forest at noon. Hopefully Syracuse will continue its winning ways.

Syracuse basketball has arrived. Thrilled I am! Played Le Moyne in a practice game last night. Syracuse won by 37 points. Don’t laugh that it was Le Moyne. Le Moyne made it to the Elite Eight last year. Season officially opens tuesday when Syracuse plays East Washington.

Beware! Big Brother increasingly looking over our shoulders. His presence has greatly increased since Trump became President. The U.S. is accelerating efforts to monitor social media to preempt major anti-government protests. Social media posts of American citizens who don’t like Trump are the force promoting latest U.S. military funded research.

Think of all that is happening involving the U.S. Question: Is the U.S. on the verge of a nervous breakdown?

On this day in 1512, the Sistine Chapel was exhibited to the public for the first time. One of Michelangelo’s greatest works. Thirty five years ago, I was in Rome and had the good fortune to see it. Magnificent!

Fantasy Fest over. I am waiting for the Citizen to print its analysis of the event. Business volume and number of participants. Up or down? I have been asking around what locals think. Generally, more risqué and fewer people.

This has been fun!

Enjoy your day!






A fanatical Jew hater had his moment yesterday at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. Robert Bowers entered the synagogue while services were being held with an A-15 and 3 hand revolvers. He killed 11 and wounded 6.

An act of religious terror. The worst attack on people of the Jewish faith in American history.

Anti-Semitism has been on the rise world wide, as well as in the U.S., in recent years. Increasingly each year. The number of U.S. incidences rose significantly in 2016-2017. Up 60 percent.

The reasons interesting.

The 2007-2008 recession. Jews are considered bankers and money people. The claim was their greed brought on the recession.

Trump now is an admitted nationalist. The nationalist label applies to neo-Nazis and members of the Klu Klux Klan.

I do not think Trump personally is a neo-Naxi. His problem is he does not understand. He does not think. He does not tie group relationships together. He is very much pro-Israel, his daughter Ivanka and husband Jared are Jews, his former close friend and attorney Michael Cohen a Jew.

Anti-Semitism on college campuses has been on the rise significantly in recent years. Complaints to administrators have generally fallen on deaf ears.

Israel’s rise powerwise. Netanyahu has become an authoritarian figure. A bully. A warmonger. Similar to Trump in many ways.

Trump’s reaction to Charlottesville last year. White supremacy groups participated. Neo-Nazis and Klu Klux Klan. Trump said violations occurred on both sides.

Finally, Trump’s constant venting of hatred. Such encourages those of weak minds who follow him. Bowers the most recent example. I read somewhere in the past 24 hours that to support Trump is to support an environment in which more Richard Bowerses are inevitable.

Trump is blind as regards that which he is encourages. The blind cannot see.

The American people must put a stop to Trump and the evil he promotes. The only way is through the ballot box. Most must vote Democratic. Even Republicans. The result of the November 6 election will indicate whether we support Trump and the movement of hate he has unleashed, or oppose it.

The U.S. is standing on tip toes on the top edge of the Empire State Building. We either fall forward to continued destruction, or back to be saved.

To happier things.

The Fantasy Fest Parade was last night. How successful I cannot say. I did not attend. I will not know till tomorrow morning’s newspaper. The Key West Citizen does not publish on Sundays.

I had a more enjoyable time than the parade. I remained home and watched the Syracuse/North Carolina State game. North Carolina a 2 point favorite going into the game. Syracuse won 51-41. Syracuse now 6-2. The best start and best season in 20 years. Go ‘Cuse!

Bad things can happen in places other than Pittsburgh. A serious sick central Florida event occurred which fortunately was thwarted.

You will ask how/why could such a thing even enter into anyone’s mind.

The place the Bartow Middle School. Two girls 11 and 12 planned to kill 15 other female students, drink their blood, possibly eat body parts, and then commit suicide.

The girls were caught by a teacher waiting for other girls to enter. The girls had in their possession a kitchen knife, a butcher knife, a pizza cutter and a goblet.

They were Satanic worshipers.

The Canadian blogger Ian Welsh recently wrote re climate change. The blog titled: Bend Over And Kiss Your Ass Goodbye. Welsh a graphic writer.

I quote relevant portions of Welsh’s article.

“We are so far up shit creek we are never seeing clear waters again.”

“Climate change is settled science. Climate change is past the point of no return…..If you believe that nations are even going to keep the Paris agreement targets, you’re such a fool you’ll be sold all the world’s bridges.”

“We are long past (a good 10 years past at a minimum) any possibility of stopping this.”

Busy day ahead for me. Sloan over at 12. Big day. What would I do without her.

Tonight, a drink or two. Visit Lauri at Rum Bar and John at the Chart Room.

Enjoy your Sunday!


























I was wrong.

I have been in Key West during Fantasy Fest some 30 years. Initially, I did them all. One year after another. After a while it became you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. So I stopped attending.

Toga Party was my favorite event. Thursday night at Sloppy Joe’s and in the street in front of Sloppy’s. I wrote in detail yesterday what it was like. My last Toga Party (always as an observer) was at least a dozen years ago.

A voyeur’s dream!

I decided to go last night.

I stopped at the Chart Room first. Friend Ted from Cazenovia, NY was there, with friend Terri. Ted is a former attorney. A terrific guy. Visits Key West two times a year. He came specifically for Fantasy Fest. His first. Terri’s, also. Terri a 20 year veteran of corporate finance.

Being a helpful soul, I advised Ted and Terri a good event to see last night. My admonition: Don’t miss Toga Party. Explained what and where it was.

My good deed for the evening.

Around 8 o’clock, I walked over to Sloppy Joe’s. Excited!

In the past, Duval in front of Sloppy Joe’s was cordoned off. A block on either side also. No cars. Pedestrian walk. Totally crowded with party revelers. Last night, cars as usual.

Strange, I thought. It came to mind there was little traffic when I drove down US 1 and along Truman Avenue. Normally took extra long to get into town. It also dawned on me I had no problem finding a parking spot. Open places all over.

Something amiss.

I got in front of Sloppy’s. About 3/4’s filled inside. Less people than when a cruise ship comes in. The sidewalks crowded, but walkable.

Few bare assed women wearing togas! I saw a total of 4. Walking down the sidewalk with their husbands or boy friends who were similarly attired.

Things had changed in the last 12 years. Wow! Big time! The “adult party” appeared no more. Subdued considerably.

The same local company had run Fantasy Fest for years. Three years ago, some felt the event had become too risqué. A new company was hired. One that promised a more subdued event. Subdued? Killed!

I wonder how long the merchants will put up with a quieter, cleaner Fantasy Fest. The sole purpose for Fantasy Fest was to give merchants an opportunity to make money during Key West’s slow time.

I apologize to my readers for yesterday’s total erroneous representation of Toga Party. I also apologize to Ted and Terri. My only interest was to make their evening more enjoyable.

While in the Chart Room, met another attorney. Scott from Poughkeepsie. He has been visiting Key West since 1992. A Simon Court regular.

Scott has had a distinguished career. Cases litigated from Puerto Rico to Key West to New York.

We exchanged lawyer war stories.

Disappointed with a Toga Party that sucked, I drove over to Blue Macaw. Ran into Mary. We enjoyed dinner and a couple of drinks together. Mary works at The Little White House. A Harry Truman expert.

The parking meters have changed. Cost to park in Key West has increased. From $3 an hour to $4. Disgraceful! A gouging!

These attempted bombings scary. The 11th discovered this morning. Directed to New Jersey Democratic Senator Corey Booker.

What is occurring is domestic terrorism. Can you imagine how we would feel if the attempted bombings had been successful? Two former Presidents, a Vice-President, a former Presidential candidate, Congressional members, and a movie star not afraid to speak out on political issues, dead or injured. The country would be in mourning. Republicans, included.

We are in a cold war. A Democrat/Republican one. Tempers are boiling. The cold war could easily tun into a hot one. Bullets and molotov cocktails flying. Citizens killed and injured.

The last time the U.S. was confronted with such anger and ill will between political parties was in the 1850 years leading up to the Civil War. It took a Civil War to settle the issues.

Trump proudly said on TV the other night he was a nationalist. “There I said it,” he said.

Does the man know that of which he speaks? Nationalists is a  fancy cover up word for neo-Nazis and members of the Klu Klux Klan.

Bravery in war not uncommon. For God and country commonplace. We do not hear of the many acts or events of bravery. One became immortalized by the famous poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

The Charge of the Light Brigade.

The battle fought on yesterday’s date in 1854. Known as the Battle of Balaclava. Part of the Crimean War. British Light Forces and  Russians on opposite sides.

The British task an impossible one. They had to take a Russian position at the top of a hill. Russian guns on three sides as they rode up the hill. To the left, right and in front of them. The Brits suffered a high number of casualties.

Tennyson’s poem portrayed the battle and bravery of the men: “Into the Valley of Death / Rode the six hundred. / Theirs not to reason why, / Theirs but to do and die…..Cannon to the right of them, / Cannon to the left off them, / Cannon in front of them…..Into the jaws of Death, / Into the mouth of Hell / Rode the six hundred…..When can their glory fade? / O the wild charge they made! / All the world wondered. / Honor the charge they made! / Honor the Light Brigade, / Noble six hundred!”

Enjoy your day!


My favorite evening of Fantasy Fest is thursday. Toga night!

The voyeur in me comes out.

Before describing the gritty details, a brief toga history.

The toga is a garment of ancient Rome. White cloth. Drapped over the shoulders and around the body.

The toga and Rome cover many years. Modes of dress changed. What is set forth is generally what was the case.

Initially, the toga was worn with no undergarments. Romans were frugal. Then a garment underneath became the style. The tunic.

The toga was formal wear for men. Like wearing a suit today. The ladies initially wore togas, also. As time went on, they moved from the toga to a long Greek type gown. Except for prostitutes. Prostitutes wore togas at all times.

To today.

Thursday night during Fantasy fest is toga time!

Many will attire themselves in togas. More females than males. Many of the ladies wear nothing beneath the togas.

The event takes place in Sloppy Joe’s and outside on the street in front of Sloppy’s. The crowd overwhelming. Spectators/voyeurs and toga wearers.

A game is played. Generally on the street. A lady will be encircled by a group of men. Beads come into play. The men will want the lady to show her breasts. She will negotiate for beads. When an acceptable number has been arrived at, she will lower her toga and exhibit her breasts.

The negotiation then moves to her genital area. The bead cost higher. The negotiation concluded, the lady will lift her toga and show everyone the down under.

Next, the derriere. The butt brings the most beads. Very heavy negotiations. An acceptable number arrived at, the lady lifts her toga and exhibits her butt.

The exhibitions are not swift. The men get their beads’ worth. The ladies thrilled to show all.

Ten to fifteen of these negotiations are ongoing simultaneously for hours.

Note, women of all ages involved.

As mentioned yesterday, sex is absolutely prohibited during Fantasy Fest. There seems to be an exception. At 3-4 in the morning, the togas come off and the sexes engage. I only know this from word of mouth and photos. I could never stay up that late, even for sex.

My yesterday began with lunch at Sandy’s Cafe. Followed by a manicure at 1 with Tammy.

Initially, I was Tammy’s only customer. I asked, “All this overhead for me?”

Stopped at Walgreens on the way home. Finally got my flu shot.

Last night, Blue Macaw for 2 hours. I wanted to get out. I have been staying in evenings trying to finish a book I seem to have been writing forever.

Terri was singing. Donna with her, of course. Chatted a while with Doug. Tuesday was tutu night. Male and females so attired all over town. Doug had been out and about. Wore a kilt in place of a tutu. Preserved his masculinity. Correctly wore nothing under the kilt. Said he spent the evening mooning everyone.

Lynda and Bob Frechette came in. First time at Blue Macaw. I sat with them a while. Two of the best people in Key West. Involved, well known, loved.

Two drinks and I was on my way home. It was only 8 o’clock.

Now for a most important and disturbing item. The bombs discovered yesterday. Unquestionably, terrorism. National terrorism. I suspect one of our own out to hurt certain of his/her fellow citizens.

I believe without question the bombs the result of Trump’s violent rhetoric. His anger and hatred relentless. The damage attempted by the bombs an inevitable event. Trump’s words the motivation.

It has to stop. It will not as long as Trump continues his destructive ways. He will. He may have toned down a bit last night. He will not be able to keep his words down. Not his nature. In fact, I found his words last night more mocking than a direction to calm down, stop.

Next will come action in the streets. Not mere demonstrations. Clashes.

Actual revolution a possibility. I have been suggesting such might occur for a while.

Hard to believe. In the United States?

We continue to live in the Germany of the 1930’s. Everyone, beginning with Trump, put the brakes on!

Enjoy your day!



There are a number of  different sexualities.

The first began with Adam and Eve. Heterosexuality. No others at the time.

Since have come homosexuality, lesbianism, bi-sexuality, transgenders, and now asexuals.

Transgender as an item of public awareness is relatively new. I had never heard the term till several years ago when we were made aware of the large number, their personal needs, etc.

I thought transgenders would be the last of the sexual designations. I was wrong. We are now being made aware of asexuals.

An asexual person is a person who does not experience sexual attraction. It is not celibacy. It is an intrinsic part of who a person is. As with other sexual designations. With a significant difference. Asexuals have no sexual drive/attraction. For either sex.

Asexuality has existed since sometime after Adam and Eve. It is not new. Awareness and it being the subject of public discourse is new.

One percent of the world’s population is thought to be asexual. Some think more. Seventy percent are believed to be women.

Public awareness and discourse has resulted in Asexual Awareness Week. This year October 21-27.

Fantasy Fest began yesterday. The week begins slowly. More events to follow. Yesterday, a Zombie Bike Ride. Four miles. Costumed. Scary. Participants’ faces made up to look like zombies!

More events today. Included are the Green Parrot Beatles Tribute, the Southernmost Luau, a 5k run, and Sloppy Joe’s Comic Book Capers.

Dueling Bartenders will be performing at Aqua as usual. If you are here for Fantasy Fest, stop in. The best buy in town. Great singing all for the price of a drink.

Another event is the Kinky Carnival at First Flight. BDSM at its finest!

The oldest BDSM event in Fantasy Fest history. First Flight is the former Kelly’s Caribbean Restaurant. It started there.

Kelly’s at the time was owned by Hollywood star Kelly McGillis and her husband Fred Tillman. My neighbors in Key Haven.

I have only attended one such kinky event. When it was Kelly’s. It was 15 years ago. I was at a Fantasy Fest party when someone said let’s go to Kelly’s. I was with Donna that evening. Terri not yet in the picture.

We all went. I had always wanted to see a BDSM party. One of my deviations, I guess.

I was shocked!

Most of the people were running around bare ass. I was dressed. In a tee shirt and shorts. Never take my clothes off publicly.

The place was packed. Both floors. Impossible to get to the bar.

What was going on was interesting. Who was whipping who, who was hung on a cross, who was walking around on a dog collar and leash, etc.

I lost Donna. Satisfied my curiosity. Left after one hour.

I have never seen another since. Worth the experience however if you have even the slightest curiosity of what is involved.

An Irma update. I mentioned a week ago that Irma left 4,000 homes destroyed or severely damage. There are consequences. It has since been reported that in 2017 and 2018 there has been a population drop in every Keys city and unincorporated area.

The people of the U.S. were made aware on this date in 1962 of the Cuban Missile Crisis. President John Kennedy went on national TV and made the announcement. Russia was establishing missile bases in Cuba. The missiles would have the capacity to hit major U.S. cities.

I was an adult at the time. Twenty-seven years old with a wife, family, and a 2 year old law practice.

The situation quickly turned into the serious possibility of conflict. War drums were beating both in the U.S. and Russia.

Key West was directly involved. Cuba only 90 miles away. Smathers Beach was lined with anti-aircraft missiles. The U.S. blockaded Cuba so no new missiles or construction equipment could be delivered by Soviet ships.

The Russian Navy confronted our vessels. The vessels came close. Two only feet from each other.


Fortunately, Russia blinked. The Russian close vessel turned around followed by other Russian ships and returned to Russia.

We were able to watch all this via TV. Interesting, worrisome, scary. The brink of war.

Trump announced saturday he is going to have the U.S. withdraw from the nuclear treaty with Russia. The treaty was agreed to in 1987 by Ronald Reagan and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.

Another dumb Trump move in the making.

Gorbachev is still alive. He said Trump’s desire “not the work of a great mind.” He added, “Do they really not understand in Washington what this can lead to?” He concluded that “…..all agreements aimed at nuclear disarmament and the limitation of nuclear weapons must be preserved for the sake of life on Earth.”

Too deep for Trump to understand.

Enjoy your day!





Strange experience last night.

I did not want to go into town. Parking a problem during Goombay and Fantasy Fest. Three different times my car has been towed. $200 plus each time. Additionally, after 25 years I have seen all there is to see about the events. I have rarely attended in recent years.

Diane Millikan is back. Gave her a call and said join me for dinner. Meet me at the new SONIC across the street from where you are staying.

Sonic a new short order food operation in Key West. Mega bucks involved for the property. I was curious what it was like.

I opted to eat at an outside table rather than in the car. One orders by standing in front of a huge screen. The size of a 50 inch TV screen. The menu listed. A press button operation. Someone answers and you place your order.

When the food and bill arrived, I noticed something unusual on the bill: CUST INFO: OLD COUPLE.

Bothered me. Not because I am old. Because SONIC obviously had to have a camera built into the screen that automatically deduced Diana and I are old. SONIC probably requires the information for their purposes. However, it irritated me someone was taking my picture and labeling me without my permission.

See if I eat their cheeseburgers again!

The food sucked. Not because of the picture taking. It did. And the tables were dirty. All of them. I had to clean one off before we sat down.

Today the day! The beginning of Fantasy Fest itself. A wild week ahead. Tourists galore. As many as 60,000 the night of the parade. Every year, I wonder where they sleep. There are not enough rooms in the Keys to accommodate all of them.

A Michael update. Michael’s strength and the surge unearthed 15 19th century ships that had been wrecked off Dog Island by a hurricane. The hurricane occurred in 1899. The ships are siting on the beaches.

Syracuse/UNC an interesting game yesterday afternoon. I missed the best part. I fell asleep.

With 3 minutes to go, Syracuse was losing. I think by 3 points. That is when I fell asleep.

I assumed Syracuse lost and never checked the final score when I woke. I did last night when I returned home. Syracuse won in a double overtime 40-37.

Friends have been e-mailing me and asking…..Wasn’t it a great game!

Not the first time this has happened to me.

This morning’s news advises that Trump announced following his latest rally last night that the U.S. was going to exit its nuclear treaty with Russia. A treaty that was entered into in 1987 between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev.

Reagan at the time used a Russian proverb as to how he was going to handle whether Russia was complying with the provisions of the agreement. Doveryai no proveryai. Trust, but verify.

Trump claims Russia has been violating the treaty. Why rush to a North Korea type confrontation? All Trump had to do was ask Putin if Russia was. If Putin said no, then Trump should be comfortable with the response. As he was each time Putin told him Russia did not interfere in the 2016 election.

I suspect Trump is playing this new game to show voters he is tough. The November 6 elections around the corner.

Also, this confrontation in the making provides Trump with evidence in the Mueller investigation that he is not friends with Russia. He’s willing to go to nuclear war with them!

Realistically, I doubt any war is about to occur. Russia militarily is not our equal. Except in their new submarine fleet that can shoot missiles onto our shores.

The only way Russia could stand up to the U.S. militarily is if China joined them. A possibility always. Putin and Xi have been making all kinds of economic deals the past few years.

Behind Trump’s present blustering is John Bolton. A bad man. A war monger. Most previous Presidents have been able to avoid him. Trump, not. Bolton talks tough. As does Trump. Birds of a feather.

Trump is turning migration into a campaign issue again. People are escaping Guatemala to avoid harm, to seek a better life for themselves and their children, etc. Trump makes it sound like an attack en mass is coming.

Many of the 4,000 are stuck on a bridge over a river separating Guatemala and Mexico. Body to body. No food, no toilets, no water, no shelter, etc. Sounds like the aftermath of Michael.

One woman interviewed crying while kneeling on the bridge clutching her 11 month old infant to her breast. The baby had a fever. The baby was without a diaper. There were none.

I continue to say if people are willing to walk 2,000 miles and go through these type conditions, they cannot be bad. They are in need. In need of a better way.

Forget the money. We piss money away on many things. Here at least it would go for a good cause.

This is not a crisis. Authorities say except for a spike here and there, immigration is at a 40 year low.

Time to help a neighbor. We forget. Especially the Golden Rule…..Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Don’t respond with…..God helps those who help themselves. These people are trying to help themselves. They are walking 2,000 miles and jeopardizing the health and lives of themselves and their children.

Enjoy your Sunday!



I didn’t win the lottery. I never win.

The Mega Millions Lottery drawing was last night. No one won. Which is good. Means I still have a chance.

The next drawing is tuesday evening. $1.6 billion. I can wait. The extra money worth it.

The Royal Coronation Ball last night! At the Amphitheater. Larry Blackburn crowned King. Benadeta Restivo, Queen.

I know Larry. A nice guy. Well liked. A professional photographer. Can generally be found at Aqua’s monday nights for Dueling Bartenders.

Larry has a 15 year old daughter. Last year when 14, I heard her sing at the Waterfront Theater. Outstanding! Her career path already marked.

Unfortunately, I do not know Benadeta. I am sure I will meet her soon.

Being King and Queen an honor. No bargain, however. The King and Queen must attend every type function for the next year. A hard job!

The White Street Pier. An edifice. Everyone knows and loves the pier. Most have walked it out onto the water for exercise, to watch the sun rise, or attend a friend’s “burial” as ashes are sprinkled onto the water.

The pier was renamed the Edward B. Knight Pier 2 years ago in honor of Ed Knight who did so much for Key West. David Wolkowsky and Ed were close friends. Contemporaries. David told me often how he and Ed would joke as to who would be the last one left standing.

The pier will close October 29 for roughly 6 weeks. Work to be done The base of the pier requires reconstruction.

Keys residents do not forget deeds well done. Irma destroyed certain areas of the Keys. People came from all over the country to help. Donated food and money.

The Panhandle had their share of helpers driving to the Keys.

Reciprocation time. Keys residents have not forgotten. It seems like every few days another truck and group of helpers drive north to help those in the Panhandle.

Michael did a number everywhere it hit. Many victims. Michael one of the biggest storms in U.S. history. A group from the Monroe County Fire Rescue left this week for the Panhandle. They had collected essentials and $10,000 to be delivered also. The truck they intended to use to transport the essentials turned out to be too small. A bigger one was required.

Good for the Rescue team and those who generously donated!

Essentials cover a number of items. Some that we might not think of at the moment. A very much needed essential are baby diapers. Speaks for itself.

Staying with Michael for a moment, I continue to question how effective FEMA has been. I worry they will come up short.

With Trump dominating the news in every other area, we have been hearing next to nothing re the Michael survivors, whether their needs are being met, etc.

I came across a recent FEMA news release setting forth what is being done. Whether enough, I do not know.

FEMA claims there are 16,000 federal employees working Michael affected areas. Eight thousand of that number is made up of military.

FEMA claims that on a daily basis in Florida alone, it is serving 715,000 meals and 1.5 million liters of water.

In spite of all that help, many are still without shelter for example. A family of 12 who had been living in a building of 100 condos saw their building destroyed. Six of the 12 children.

FEMA said they have to get out. The remnants of the building dangerous. Problem, no place to go. FEMA approved hotels/motels filled. So the family remain in the dangerous ruins of their condo. No power. The nights dark. Most days the toilets do not work.

I recently came across the Shoestring Weekends Blog. Shostringweekends.com. Exceptionally well done.

Art Boza, the writer. Lives in Miami. At one time lived in the Keys. He writes a daily blog about the Keys. From Key Largo to Key West and all points in between.

I do not know how he knows so much. I am impressed. I sense he must have a source for the information. Impossible for any one person to be familiar with all the places he mentions.

Every now and then a blog appears covering a Key West site/story. Today’s concerns Hemingway’s A Farewell To Arms. Hemingway published the novel in 1929.

Boza points out it was not written at the Hemingway House on Whitehead. Rather at what is now the Casa Antigua at 304 Simonton. On the second floor. Sort of a did you know article.

I skimmed through some of the articles. Discovered that 3 written in the past several months were the same story with a different title. Word for word in some instances. The Hemingway/Antiqua story previously shared an example.

Whatever way Boza does it, the blog is worthy of your reading.

I am 83. I am reminded of it when I mention to someone younger the name of a famous movie star from days past. One is Burt Lancaster. One of the greatest actors ever. Died in 1994.

Lancaster had 2 connections with Key West.

The movie The Rose Tattoo was filmed in Key West. Written by Tennessee Williams. Lancaster starred in it together with Anna Mangani who won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance.

The movie was filmed in a house on Duncan Street. Williams’ home was on Duncan also. The two houses were on the same block. One at one end, the other at the other end. Four or 5 houses apart.

Lisa lives on Duncan. Two blocks from the Rose Tattoo house.

While making The Rose Tattoo, Lancaster hung out at the Rooftop. The same Rooftop Restaurant still operating today on Front Street. Prior to the restaurant’s remodeling, the walls were covered with enlarged photos of Lancaster at the bar, etc. Not sure they are still there today.

Lancaster’s first movie was in 1946. He starred in The Killers opposite Ava Gardner. The Killers was based on Hemingway’s short story of the same name.

My afternoon will be well spent. Syracuse plays the University of North Carolina at noon. Syracuse a 10 point favorite.

Enjoy your day!





Excitement is building. You can feel it. Especially if you are a Key West local. Fantasy Fest is coming! Begins tomorrow night with Goombay.

The Chart Room first last night. Met up with Buffalo’s Fran and Tom Dixon. Just returned from a Greece trip. We were meeting for drinks and then dinner where ever.

Love Fran! Takes care of me. From Buffalo, she brought me 6 jars of meat sauce. Meatballs, pork and beef included. I can depend on such a gift every time they return to Key West.

We spoke of their visit to Santorini. One of my favorite places. Got into Gary Hart. A recent Atlantic article says he was set up re the Bahamas boat pic by Republican campaign manager at the time Lee Attwater.

Tom’s brother Bill was Hart’s campaign manager which added to the flavor of the conversation.

Met the new bartender Tammy. An attractive blond. Will be working 2 nights at the Chart Room. The other 5 at Garden of Eden. The naked rooftop place above the Bull. I will be frequenting the Garden beginning soon.

I do not strip. Too embarrassed. Enjoy watching the bare assed ladies running around. My voyeur nature.

Barb and Carl from New Hampshire were at the bar. I met them last year. Barb is in insurance and Carl a firefighter. Due to retire in 2 years. Good for him!

They have a son C.J. who I met last year. Barb got him on her cell phone/skpe whatever and we chatted a few minutes. C.J. is 26. A fundraiser and advertiser for Meals on Wheels in Londonderry, New Hampshire. He also dabbles in writing on the side.

We decided on Ibis for dinner. Fran and Tom had been there the night before and said the stone crabs were fresh and delicious. I had a concern they might still be frozen. Michael whipped up our waters and I heard the stone crabs had been affected.

We enjoyed a $250 stone crab meal. Love Fran and Tom. But they were wrong. They had been frozen. I know, I can tell. I did not bust their bubble that we had gotten screwed.

Oh, well.

Next week, the stone crabs being served should be fresh everywhere.

I am moving fast this morning. A haircut at noon with Lori. Then a quick stop at Farmers Market. Have not been there in a while. Want to buy some big juicy tomatoes and small rolls.

Nine years ago, Key West was plagued with the Acevedo scandal. Theft from the school district.

Kathy Reitzel was bookkeeper at the time. She claims she discovered the takings and reported them. Then she was fired. She claimed she had been fired because she was a whistle blower.

Took 9 years to reach trial. The jury returned yesterday. Denied her whistle blower status. However awarded her a $60,000 verdict for breach of contract. A long wait for a poor return. The jury did not accept her as a whistle blower which was the main thrust of her case.

Never forget those who help you.

Monroe County staff and fire rescue crews have been to the Panhandle lending a helping hand. Those they were helping had come to the Keys to help following Irma.

The Key West Art and Historical Society sponsors a Distinguished Speaker Series. On October 25 at the Key West Theater on Eaton, Dr. Pamela Stephenson Connolly will speak on The History, Culture, and Politics of Bondage/Domination/Sadomasochism. Emphasis will be on the nature and role of BDSM among couples.

A fitting presentation during Fantasy Fest. Especially since several BDSM public parties are featured during the week.

Only in Key West!

Enjoy your day!





It’s that time of year! Goombay and Fantasy Fest. Thousands of visitors. Ten days of fun!

Goombay first. Friday and saturday. Then a week of Fantasy Fest.

Goombay a family thing. A street festival. Reminds me of the Italian feasts. Except the food is different. Everything with a Bahamian, Latino, Cuban, Central American flavor.

Held on Petronia Street in Bahama Village.

Sunday begins Fantasy Fest. Adult! No kids! Bare breasts and sometimes other parts of the body. Mostly female, some male.

Tom and Fran Dixon are in town. We are having dinner together tonight. Meeting at the Chart Room. Then I don’t know where for dinner.

Tom and Fran smart. They arrived monday night, leave friday morning. They are getting out of Dodge before the madness begins.

After 20 years of Fantasy Fests, some sort have had it! Did one, did them all!

A new bartender at the Chart Room. John still there. However, his days have been changed.

The new bartender Tammy. She works tonight. Can’t wait to meet the lady. Her regular job is on the roof of the Bull bartending. The infamous Garden of Eden. A place where people go bare ass all times of the day and night. Especially this coming week. Tourists consider it a deviant place. The roof will be packed.

A strange thing happened yesterday in San Juan. The offices of Mayor Carmen Yulin were raided by the FBI. She is the woman who stood up to Trump for failing to do enough for the people of Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria.

Mayor Yulin’s offices are also described as San Juan’s municipal offices.

An FBI spokesman said more than 10 and less than 50 agents were involved. Sounds like a big deal. Why the secrecy as to the number of agents?

The spokesman added the FBI were investigating “fixing contracts, falsifying documents…..having to do with federal funds.”

It was reported members of City government were targeted, not the Mayor herself. The Mayor pledged full cooperation.

I have a concern. Hope I am wrong. In reality, is this retaliation or retribution against the Mayor for having stood up to Trump?

Trump has ruthlessly beat up the FBI. They went strictly by the book during the Kavanaugh investigation. However, I thought they could have investigated further than they did. Now a strong heroic woman has her public office investigated. Bothers me. Hope it is on the up and up.

The FBI has always been an above board professional organization. However with the ruthless beating it has been taking the past several months, I wonder if they sort have given in a bit in opposing the President in some circumstances.

Canada has legalized marijuana for recreational use. Became legal at midnight last night. An individual can legally carry up to 30 grams. A bit more than 1 ounce. An ounce is 28.3495 grams. The statute has rounded it off to 30 grams.

Uruguay is the only other country to have legalized recreational marijuana.

The Canadian government is giving serious consideration to going a step further. Consideration is being given to issuing pardons to all convicted for possession of 30 grams.

It has been 15 days since Jamal Khashoggi was killed and his body dismembered. Saudis can be cruel.

It is obvious Trump is trying to cover Saudi Arabia’s ass to some extent. A bad move. Not consistent with American character and sense of right.

Saudi Arabia considers itself untouchable due to oil and money. The U.S. does business with them. Big time. The Saudis consider the U.S. friends.

Friends like the Saudis the U.S. does not need. Never forget they gave us $4 a gallon gasoline and most of the 9/11 culprits were Saudi citizens.

The Saudis have strange ways of getting rid of bodies. They must give significant thought to the how.

In 1956, Nasir As-Sa’id fled Saudi Arabia fearing for his life. A writer, also. In 1979, he was kidnapped on a crowded Beirut Street. Then taken to the Saudi embassy where he was tortured and killed.

No dismemberment for As-Sa’id. Rather his body thrown out of a plane over Saudi Arabia’s “empty quarter desert.”

Senator David Perdue (R-Ga) a strange bird.

Last week, students were protesting. One asked him a question and held his cell phone up to record the Senator’s answer. The Senator “ripped” the phone from the student’s hand.

The Senator’s office later reported it was an error of judgment on the Senator’s part.

He has compared Trump to Winston Churchill. Would you believe! He said Trump may “not be a choir boy, but he is a man of history.”

Last month during the Kavanaugh hearings, Perdue referred to the protesters as “Nazis.”

Then there is Obama. Republican hatred for Obama runs deep. The Senator was speaking at a Facts and Freedom Coalition in June. Re Obama, he said let his days be few. Apparently a religious fanatic, he relied on Psalm 109:8…..”Let his days be few.”

Syracuse/UNC saturday. Syracuse a 10 point favorite. Hope the ‘Cuse returns to its winning ways.

Enjoy your day!





I got a cold and cough big time 5 weeks ago. It seemed like everyone I know got it too.

Here it is 5 weeks later and I still have a cough. A very slight one.

I generally get the flu shot around October 1. Did not because of the cold, etc. You are not supposed to get the flu shot if you are sick in any way.

I went to see Dr. Norris yesterday. My real concern was whether I could get the flu shot yet. He said no. Must first get rid of the cough. Now he was concerned why the cough was still around 5 weeks later. He gave me a prescription for some drug and sent me off for a chest x-ray. Also gave me a sermon about smoking.

Last night, Dueling Bartenders at Aqua. Jean met up with me. We enjoyed Tom and Rick. Chatted briefly with Liz and Linda.

We wanted stone crabs. Yesterday, opening day of the season. Came up empty. No one had them yet. We will do it another time.

Went to La Trattoria for dinner. Guy de Boer joined us as we were finishing. A good meal and good company. Following which I headed home and Jean to Vino’s.

Friday Goombay! Jean and I are going to walk the street together. Then Fantasy Fest for a week. The wild time!

I am excited. Buffalo’s Fran and Tom Dixon arrived late last night. I will ba having dinner with them some night this week. Tom e-mailed Fran had brought a supply of sauce. Love the woman!

A hurricane comes and goes. Its effects remain a long time. Irma a perfect example. Irma hit the lower Keys more than a year ago. People without homes even today. A Rebuild Florida Bus will be parked at City Hall in Key West today and tomorrow. To assist those still without adequate housing.

Michael’s death toll at the moment 17. The number will grow significantly. Sixty thousand people missing. Search crews are out. Going through the rubble of each house.

Trump and Melanie were in the Panhandle and Georgia yesterday. The President never learns. Was it in Puerto Rico following Maria that he threw rolls of paper towels? Yesterday, it was bottles of water. Tossed and handed.

I’m beginning to think Trump is a frustrated ball player.

I saw on TV yesterday men running around wearing blue tee shirts with FEMA printed in bold white letters on the back. It seemed like they were intent in getting in the video being taken.

The video was being shot in Lynn Haven, a town in the Panhandle hit badly. There were food and water tents. The food and water were not delivered by nor being given out by FEMA. Their food and water still on its way. It was from volunteers who drove it in and were handing the food and water out themselves.

Good people, one and all. Key West an example of such good people. A large truck left City Hall yesterday loaded with things people will need in the Panhandle. Four or five volunteers went along. One said it was pay back time. A time to say thank you for the assistance the lower Keys received from the people of the Panhandle during Irma.

FEMA and other federal help appears to be directed to the search efforts for the 60,000 unaccounted for. FEMA and Governor Scott said a couple of days ago that is the way it had to be. Find those first who are trapped or dead. Then the flow of food, water, etc.

Does not make sense to me. FEMA a huge organization. Should be ready to assist in every respect when a disaster such as Michael occurs. They have had enough experience. They also knew before Michael made landfall the magnitude of the storm. The military can be called in to help if need be.

Several months from now, the Washington cry will be not enough money, can’t complete the recovery job, perhaps even can’t help anymore. The federal government still owes billions of dollars to Florida and Monroe County for monies the feds were going to pay re Irma problems. The State and County have had to play with their budgets, cut some services, raise taxes, etc. this year because the monies not yet paid.

Tonight my podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou. Join me. I have much to discuss. Many things bothering me that should be bothering you also.

Enjoy your day!