There are some things that take priority over all else. Today, Lisa’s birthday. My baby is 56 years old. And still my baby.
Amazing how time flies. The little girl I knew so well gone. Today, a bright cheerful person. One who has given me 2 lovely grandchildren. Robert and Ally. Both high schoolers. How swiftly they have grown.
Happy birthday dear Lisa! May I be around many more years to say that to you.
Helen Reddy has passed on at 78. The woman who gave us I Am Woman. The song became a feminist anthem. It will be so for all time.
Now to the War on Decency and Democracy.
The Presidential Debate last night. I caught the last hour.
Trump ruined it. As he does all things. He made it a dark event. The man is a buffoon. The more I see of him, the more convinced I am he does not have it mentally.
Trump has always been unhappy that New York society and elite never welcomed him into their ranks. Who would want to be a friend to someone who acts as he does.
Some comments I came across in reading various reviews this morning. One writer described the debate as a “revulsion.” Due to Trump’s presentation. Another, “ugly.”
The New York Post reported that Trump’s “over belligerence” led him to stumble. USA Today described the event as a “horror show that had to scare America.” CNN described the debate as “total chaos.”
The moderator Chris Wallace asked Trump at one time to denounce a far right or white supremacist group. Trump appeared reluctant. Biden suggested the far out radical group known as Proud Boys.
Trump’s response shocking. He told Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.” In other words get ready, I may need you. Proud Boys celebrated last night their recognition by Trump and his apparent need for their assistance at some point in time.
The “stand back and stand by” sounded like a call to arms.
Mike Allen in AXIOS this morning wrote the debate was similar to what is going on in the country today. Division big time. Radicalism definitely on one side. Not much on the other. A President egging on far right enthusiasts.
On Good Morning America, Bob Woodward described Trump’s performance as “attempting to assassinate the Presidency.”
Biden said something profound. Think about it for a moment: “Dirty fighters don’t win.”
Chris Wallace failed as the moderator. Perhaps anyone being moderator would have. Trump was out of control. Ranting and raving.
Wallace could not control Trump, could not make him comply with the rules for the debate set beforehand.
If I had been Wallace last night, I would first have warned Trump re his conduct, tell him if it continued he would be cut off till it was time for him to speak again. Yes, close his mike down so he would stop interring with Biden’s responses.
Let him rave all he wanted in his own silence.
Trump has received his third nomination for the Nobel Peace Award. Would you believe!
The nomination came from a group of professors in Australia who praised the “Trump Doctrine” against endless wars.
Biden provided his tax returns several months ago. Yesterday, he and his wife provided their 2019 tax return. The return set forth $944,737 in income. Their tax payment $346,204.
Trump has not provided his. The 20 years of tax returns the New York Times has appears to be from a source other than Trump himself.
With tongue in cheek, I must say I admire Trump’s transparency.
Nicholas Kristof’s Opinion piece in today’s New York Times is titled: “Watching A Cataclysm of Hunger, Disease and Illiteracy.”
The article’s first 2 paragraph’s telling.
“We think of Covid-19 as killing primarily the elderly around the world, but in poor countries it is more cataclysmic than that.”
“It is killing children through malnutrition. It is leading more people to die from tuberculosis, malaria and AIDS. It is forcing girls out of school into child marriages. It is causing women to die in childbirth. It is setting back efforts to eradicate polio, malaria and female genital mutilation. It is leading to lapses in Vitamin A distribution that will cause more children to suffer blindness and death.”
Trump claimed last night the economy was in the best shape ever because of his efforts till coronavirus hit. He further claimed he has done such a good job with the virus that the economy is on its way back to where it had been.
If so, why are major employers advising large layoffs?
The most recent is Disney. Disney announced it was laying off 28,000 employees. The Pandemic the cause. Disney’s theme parks taking the biggest hit. Sixty seven percent of those to be laid off are part timers.
On this day in 1927, Babe Ruth hit his 60th home run of the 1927 season. The record stood for 34 years.
College students returned to school. Within days, the numbers began coming in. Within 2 weeks, the numbers were off the wall. Many universities closed down.
High school, middle and grammar school children have generally returned to school across the country. So far no word as to whether the virus is infecting them. This includes the Key West High School.
The silence gives me concern. Are the schools free of coronavirus cases? Or, there are cases and the schools are keeping them quiet?
Some things are hard to believe. There is an underground movement to hold an unstructured Fantasy Fest. Limited to certain events.
Fantasy Fest was cancelled in July. For good reason. Some people do not understand nor fear the virus. Tourists as well as Key West bar and restaurant owners.
It is claimed the underground movement began when the hotels refused to return deposits for Fantasy Fest week. A Facebook page and other social media outlets started talking about the underground.
Tampa a big one. Tampa apparently has a 1,100 member Key West Fantasy Fest Club. They do not want to stay home during the week. So they have gone to social media and advised here would be parties, etc., except under different names. Black Lingerie Matters would replace the Zombie Bike ride for example.
Irish Kevin’s is openly advertising in Tampa for those who will be attending the underground Fantasy Fest to come party with them.
The numbers will go up. Not just in Key West. Also, in Tampa and from where ever else the tourists come.
Enjoy your day!