Trump appears to be losing it. He may already have.
Consideration of his mental stability is neither a Democratic nor Republican thing. Just good common sense.
We may be on te brink of war with North Korea. Reason enough to be concerned. Two nuts with their fingers on the button.
The problem is how to be rid of Trump.
Many are advocating the 25th Amendment. Empowers the Vice-President and a majority of the officers of the Executive Department (considered to be the Cabinet), or such other body as Congress to provide, to determine if the President should be removed. The grounds….The President is unable to discharge the powers of his office.
Ratified in 1967. Never used.
I would not use it. It would be precedent setting. I fear in the future a group of dissidents seeking to dispose of a President would rely on it. A peaceful Presidential coup. The U.S. was not created for Presidential coups.
Then how?
Mueller moving to impeachment would help. However, it does not appear Mueller is ready.
The answer. I don’t know. I am fearful of what is happening. I have no solution.
If Trump’s mental capacities becomes worse, perhaps then the 25th amendment.
I worry about North Korea and a nuclear war in the meantime. One that definitely would result in nuclear bombs falling on American cities.
My third day without hot water. Cold showers really wakes a person! Precludes shaving, also.
Landlord has been by. Says the problem is electrical. What do I know?
Landlord says he can’t get anyone here till friday morning between 9-11. I have no choice but to wait. Carpenters, electricians, etc. are all gainfully employed since Irma.
Last night terrific! Donna and Terri invited me for dinner. We shared four dozen stone crabs. Love the girls!
Big day today! Only one thing scheduled. A haircut with Lori. Always pleasant. Enjoy Lori. She has been my barber for 15 years.
Saturday schedule full. Three things I want to do. Don’t know if I can fit all three in.
The first I definitely will.
Thirty years ago, I was Best Man when Bob and Helen Marks were married in Portland, Oregon. We have seen each other probably only two times over the years.
Bob and Helen are stopping in Key West on a Viking cruise for the day saturday. I plan on meeting them at 12:30 and enjoying a leisurely lunch with them at Louie’s Backyard. Much catching up to do.
The evening is where the problem exists.
Syracuse plays Kansas at 5:30. Kansas ranked #2 nation wide. Got to see the game!
The always fabulous Christmas Parade at 7. Generally watch it with Lisa and the grandkids. Whether I will depends on how the Syracuse/Kansas game is working out.
Basketball over the grandkids. I know terrible! They are now 12 an 13. I have only missed one Christmas Parade over the years. This may be the second.
Matt Lauer down the tubes. Who is next? There will be a next and a next. Such is sex and its motivations.
My concern is that mob rule seems to be taking over. The crowd commands. Where is due process, the right to defend ones self?
The cry for “justice” is rampant nation wide.
Not every harassment calls for the death penalty. There are degrees. Grab ass one or two times is not comparable to pedophilia. Each should carry punishment equal to the severity of the charge.
A lot of big guys are coming down. What about the pedophile running for Senator in Alabama? What about the man in the White House who on video and later in an interview admitted grabbing pussies/crotches? Do they pay?
I spoke with two ladies yesterday re the problem. Both first expressed the need to kill. Each then followed up with what might be described as complicity. What was the woman’s part? Why did she not complain at the time? Both thought because they wanted to keep their jobs and hoped silence would get them that promotion.
The madness must stop. An orderly process followed. Get the bad guys, but get them legally!
Enjoy your day!