My yesterday afternoon was spent watching the PGA and Tiger Woods. I frequently hit the remote to see what was going on in Charlottesville.

Tiger was terrific everywhere, except on the greens. His putter failed him. Yet, he is only 4 behind going into the final round today.

Charlottesville not what I expected. The opposition to the white nationals was not organized. There were few protesters also. The media described them in the hundreds rather than the thousands.

What I saw on TV was a strong police presence. The authorities ready for whatever was going to happen. A tight ship was run. No permits were allowed for anything.

Many of the protesters were University of Virginia students. Their cry…..Cops and Klan Go Hand in Hand!

Internet photos indicate few blacks protesting. Most of the students white.

Fortunately, the event was largely devoid of conflict.

It also failed to make a clear response in opposition to white nationalism.

If groups are going to oppose what I view as a growing cancer, they must plan better their rallies and protests so the message will be clear. Yes, cops are a problem. Decidedly. However lets not confuse the message. One issue at a time.

I have a feeling the demonstration in Washington today will be much different. The white supremacists will be out in force. It is their rally. I expect those in opposition who failed to show in Charlottesville will be there in large number also.

Chart Room first last night. Met a couple from Fort Lauderdale. His 14th year visiting Key West. Comes down for Lobsterfest each year. His companion a former Miss Norway. Looked just as I would have expected a Miss Norway to look. Beautiful. Light skinned, blond hair. Great smile.

A point to be made. Several months ago, Trump said in effect immigrants should come from Norway. That all white look! Similar to Hitler’s desire for an Aryan race. Light skinned blond men.

Left the Chart Room and headed for Duval. Walked a few blocks through Lobsterfest. Lobsters being cooked every which way. The smells delicious.

I was hungry. Did not buy a lobster, however. I don’t like Florida lobsters. Guess I am a snob. Prefer Maine lobster. The taste is different.

Drove to Hogfish for dinner. Packed as if it were season. Luckily found a seat at the bar.

Nothing dramatic occurred. I talked to no one. No one seemed to want to talk with me. I enjoyed my fish and people watched.

I was home in bed before 9:30.

I missed Captain Tony’s birthday party Friday night. Of his 13 children, I only know daughter Toni. A kind person. She e-mailed me yesterday forgiving me in effect for not showing up. Closed her message with “Next year!!!”

Terri sings this morning at Hard Rock Cafe. During brunch. From 10-12. I have to hustle to get there on time.

Tonight, Jean Thornton.

Enjoy your Sunday!



Thousands of immigrant children taken from their parents. Placed in fenced-in areas inside abandoned Walmart buildings. A tent city being planned.

They are the concentration children of America. I am not proud. I am ashamed. Ashamed that something like this could happen in the United States. Many are likewise ashamed. A large number not, however.

Attorney General Sessions can claim major credit. He tells us he is enforcing a law that has not been enforced recently. Incorrect. What he is doing is using a new philosophy to justify his handling of the children. There is no law permitting what is being done.

Sessions considers himself a God-like man. He even quoted the Bible in a speech yesterday in Fort Wayne to support his wrongdoing. The New Testament Book of Romans Chapter 13 wherein St. Paul commanded that the laws of the government be obeyed because God had ordained the government for his purposes.

One problem, however. Sessions misused the Biblical quote. He failed to read the entire passage. The balance would have made him aware of Chapter 13’s true meaning.

The same quote Sessions used was relied upon by others in the past.

Southerners used the quote to justify southern slavery in the 1840’s and 1850’s. South Africa invoked it during apartheid. Hitler to justify his authoritarian rule in the 1930’s.

Even Nero got in the act. He was anti-Christian. Enemies of the state, he said. Killed them. Necessary to quell dissent. He relied on the quote when ordering Christians dipped in oil and set on fire. To light his gardens at night.

Sessions should read Matthew 25:35…..I was a stranger and you welcomed me.

There is nothing in the Bible saying children should be separated from parents.

America, wake up! We are turning into a bad people! Silent acceptance of improper deeds builds up. To a point where Trump could become the Pied Piper. The masses blindly following him.

Sessions did do something good recently. His Department of Justice announced the successful conclusion by a task force of a 3 month operation called Broken Heart. The goal of the task force the identification and arrest of suspected child predators. The crime, child sex trafficking.

The task force consisted of federal, state, local and tribal officers/agents working in unison. The group totaled 4,500.

A successful effort. Two thousand three hundred arrested.

The media has failed to report or comment.

BOB reflected on the cry to evacuate when a hurricane threatens. Only one way out. Drive. The government says gas up and drive to the mainland 150 miles away.

BOB considers the government direction to be ill conceived. There is not enough gas in Key West to fill everyone’s tank.

I must compliment Gov. Scott. He had it right for Irma. He knew gasoline would be a problem. He used one lane or a shoulder of a highway to get the gas filled tankers to the Keys.

I direct your attention to this morning’s Key West Citizen. The weather report section on page 2. Whoever writes it has a sense of humor. Today’s forecast is “Clouds, sun, a t-storm.” The writer’s comment in small print below: “Nature confused.”

Dinner tonight with Jean Thornton at Berlin’s.

Enjoy your day!




Finally met Barb last night. Iowa Barb. A devout blog reader. She had written she would be visiting Key West and wanted to meet. Also wanted me to sign her copy of Irma and Me.

We finally got together last night at the Chart Room.

Barb a charming woman. She has been a librarian for 39 years at the Iowa State University Library. Has visited Key West 9 times in the past 10 years. Loves Key West! Knows her way around.

Interested in politics. Dislikes Trump. Understandable. Her father was a Teamster for years.

Her sister Debbie with her. Debbie’s first Key West visit. She is the Cambridge, Iowa City Clerk. Made sure to tell me her politics were different from her sister’s. Debbie a black hearted Republican.

I had not planned on going out last night. Spent the afternoon researching for this week’s KONK Life column. Rudy Giuliani’s recent comments about Stormy Daniels motivated me to look up Giuliani’s sex history. People in glass houses should not throw stones.

My intent was to write the column last night. It has to be to the publisher today.

John called and said a Barb was looking for me. Would I come down? Ergo, I will not be writing about Giuliani and his sexcapades till this afternoon.

My today a busy one. Have to finish the blog. Watch Robert in a tennis competition at one. Write the Giuliani column.

I definitely will not be going out tonight.

Dorothy Downs was at the bar. I have not seen her in a couple of years. Her husband was a dentist. He had an office in Miami and one in the Keys. They frequented the Chart Room often.

Dorothy told he her husband had passed away last year. Sad.

We talked at length. I learned more about her last night than in all the times we had met previously.

She is a writer. Five books. Dorothy is an art historian, specialist in American art, wrote and produced the PBS documentary Pillars of Power about Seminole and Miccosukee women.

Dorothy’s most recent book is Canoe Back In Time. The story of a special Miccosukee girl who was given the gift of being an artist.

The book is selling.

My handwriting is poor. Dorothy’s worse. She wrote down her e-mail address for me. Impossible to read. Dorothy, you have mine. Write me soon so I will have yours.

Three pirates came in. Two men and a woman. One of the guys was soon asleep head down on a table. They had been doing the Duval Crawl.

I spoke with the two sober ones. Explained I had recently written about the pirate Black Caesar and also the pirates of Port Royal.

The three were part of a pirate group. A nightly thing in Key West. Called Eat Drink Discover Key West. An eat and drink venture.

Sounds interesting. If you are, the group can be booked online at

Everyone was gone, except for Kevin and me. We chatted a while. He is recovering well from his horrendous accident.

Needed to eat. Stopped at Hogfish on the way home. Sat at the bar and enjoyed hogfish. What else!

It began pouring on the way to Hogfish. Continued raining when I left. Fortunately, I am always prepared for rain. Two umbrellas. One at home and one in the car. Large black ones.

A BOB comment about waking in Key West: “A cat fight has set off the dogs. The dogs have set off the roosters. The din moves back and forth across the island in waves. Human sounds join in. There is no way anyone is sleeping through this, that’s it, I’m awake… looks like a nice day. Another beautiful day in Paradise.”

The Belmont later today. Hope Justify wins.

Trump’s words yesterday re his summit meeting with Kim and the degree of his preparation: “I’ve prepared my entire life for the North Korea summit.”

I worry.

Trump is on a high. He has screwed up G7. He is on his way to meet with Kim. He figures the world and the Nobel Peace Prize are his if he succeeds with Kim.

I do not see it happening.

Weather around 90 this past week. Heavy humidity. Weather man says some thunder today. Describes it as “rock ‘n’ roll thunder.”

As Porky Pig was wont to say at the end of his cartoons of yesteryear…..That’s all folks!

Enjoy your day!



It was the turn of the century. The 20th century. 1901 to be specific. Automobiles were ripping up the streets and highways. Scaring horses, endangering people.

Connecticut became the first State to impose speed limits on motor vehicles. 12 mph in the cities, 15 mph on country roads.

Hard to believe. Everything starts somewhere, however.

Began my sunday working on this week’s KONK Life column. Right To Declare War. A power Constitutionally Congress’. One which has been usurped by the Presidency since the Korean War.

Comcast absorbed an hour. Second day in a row I had to spend considerable time on the phone with Comcast and I still am without TV.

Friday, I was told it was the remotes. Get two new ones. I did. I was not able to coordinate them with the sets. Meant I still had no TV.

Back on the phone yesterday. After an hour was told it was not the remote. It was the box. Someone would be at my home between 1 and 3 today to fix.

In the several hours following yesterday’s repair call, I received 4 calls from Comcast personnel. All real people. Wow! To remind me how sorry they were for my problem, was it still continuing, someone would be there tomorrow (today) to fix.

Why all the bullshit? Just get some one over here to solve the problem.

Early evening, Kate Miano’s Gardens. Kate just returned from 3 weeks at her home in France.

I enjoyed Kate and friends. Chatted the time away. All great people.

Met Jeff and Linda for the first time. From Chicago. Bought a home here 3 years ago. Snowbirds. Can’t wait to be full time residents.

Can’t blame them.

Decided on Hogfish for dinner. Second time in recent days. Enjoyed hogfish again.

Key lime pie was a featured dessert. I craved. Capitulated. Went for it. Delicious! A little cheating here and there has not affected my diet.

It rained mid-day yesterday. As it has in recent days, a monsoon/hurricane storm. For quite a while. Would not end.

Unusual weather for this time of year.

As I was listening to the howling pouring rain, Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head ran through my mind. Burt Bacharach and Hal David’s song from 1969.

The theme in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. My mind returned to Paul Newman riding a bicycle with Katharine Ross perched on the handlebars.

This morning’s Key West Citizen in the Keys History section mentioned that on this day in 1929, the Improved Order of Red Men and Degree of Pocahontas opened its 56th annual Great Sun Council at the Strand Theater on Duval. The old theater now a Walgreens.

My curiosity was aroused. Who were these people? Such a strange name.

We have to go back to the Boston Tea Party in 1765 for the answer. The Patriots who dumped the tea overboard were known as Sons of Liberty. They were disguised as Red Men. Also known as Indians. Now Native Americans.

In 1813, a group of white men formed a fraternal lodge known as the Society of Red Men. Named after the Boston tea party Patriots.

From a  handful of members in 1813, the organization grew to 519,000 in 1921. Its numbers  fell. To 15,000 in 2011. The organization is still alive and active in spite of its reduced membership.

Only whites were permitted to membership till 1974.

The group’s structure is similar to Freemasonry.

A female auxiliary was formed in 1885. Degree of Pocahontas.

Time changes everything. The Red Men significantly reduced in number, the Strand Theater now a Walgreens.

Starbucks was recently confronted with an embarrassing situation. Two black businessmen wanted to use one of its rest rooms. They had not purchased coffee and apparently did not intend to do so. Local management prohibited the use of the bathroom. Words were exchanged. Police called. The men arrested.

Within a short period of time, the Starbucks national office had the charges dropped and apologies extended.

Starbucks has gone even a step further. It announced a new policy. People can sit at a Starbucks without buying anything.

I always thought such was the case. Many the Starbucks I have sat, read a newspaper or worked on my computr while not ordering anything. For some reason, I thought Starbucks was for people to enjoy without purchase if they wished. What wasn’t, now is.

Dueling Bartenders tonight.

Enjoy your day!


Prince Harry and Megan Markle’s wedding this morning a sight to behold. A royal wedding in all its splendor, yet simple.

I shed a few tears.

It was a wedding the likes of none would ever have thought could occur in stately conservative England. Megan a person of color. The ceremony combined her ancestry with that of England’s. The ceremony equally combining the traditions of the black and white races.

This coming together did not have its beginning today. It started with Prince Harry’s mother Diana. Were it not for her, the mountain would have not moved.

The ceremony signified the coming of a new age. A cultural togetherness. The door to a new era completely opened.

Comcast! Will the company ever learn? How Comcast has become the giant it is, I do not understand. The company cannot take care of the simple problems of its customers.

Yesterday, I could not change channels on my two TV sets with either remote. Spent a half hour on the phone. Comcast’s representative extremely helpful. But, could not solve the problem.

Advised me to go to nearest Comcast and ask for the XR-15. Comcast’s most recent remote. I told her service at the local Comcast completely inept. I had no choice, however.

Brought the old remotes as directed. Asked to trade for 2 XR-15’s. Was told they had no XR-15’s. Only 2 of the model I had brought in.

When can I get XR-15? I don’t know. I pressed, explaining I was told to get the XR-15. Asked her to bring my record up on the computer. No time. I was the only customer with 2 Comcast employees in attendance.

Seeing I was adamant (politely so), she now told me she had made a mistake. The 2 remotes she gave me were XR-15’s.

Who was bullshitting who here? I took the remotes and walked out. Too old to wage war. I assume the 2 new remotes should work bevcuse they are the same model I had returned.

My next problem is doing whatever has to be done to get the remotes synchronized with the sets. This is a task my generation was not prepared for.

The Chart Room and Hogfish last night. Especially enjoyed Hogfish. Sat at the corner of the bar and people watched.

A Conch train and a pedestrian came into contact early last evening near the intersection of Truman and White. The train was empty. The pedestrian thought to be homeless. He was helicoptered to Miami.

No further news available.

Bocce playoffs begin today. Assuming the courts are dry.

I miss playing.

My team Don’s Place did not make the playoffs. Sad. Maybe they need me back.

Larry Smith’s team Not Don’s Place did make the playoffs. I telephoned Larry to congratulate him.

Another school shooting yesterday. This time outside Houston, Texas. The Santa Fe High School. Ten dead, ten wounded.

Trump was on TV almost immediately. His usual utterings. Terrible, been going on for years, no decades. Like it is not his fault in any fashion. Claimed  he is committed to putting an end to the shootings.

Trump speaks with a forked tongue. He rattled in a similar fashion following the Parkland shooting 3 months ago which resulted in 17 deaths. Recall, he even brought students, teachers and parents to the White House. Said he was not afraid of the NRA. He was going to do something about the shootings.

Two weeks ago, Trump spoke before the NRA Convention. He was clear in his support:  You have a friend in the White House.

Relationships are disintegrating. Swifter than in previous times. Even world leaders speak openly in disparaging terms with those they disagree. Respect lacking.

Trump bears significant responsibility. He bad mouths everyone. A tough talker. The bully standing on the corner.

License to orally degrade has spread swiftly. Benjamin Netanyahu’s son an example. His name. Yair. Yesterday, Yair redid the wording on a Turkish flag and ran it on Instagram: Fuck Turkey.

Enjoy your day!





A recent study indicated a large number of older Americans have active sex lives. The survey stated one half of those over 65 are enjoying a sexual relationship.

The bottom line…..Seniors want to have fun!

At 82, I can say the desire never goes away. The ability sometimes does. Makes no difference. Viagra helps. In many instances, physical intimacy alone is sufficient.

I find sex better in my old age. The quality. Tender.

I have one complaint. Courting at 82 is no different from what it was at 22. Can be a pain in the ass!

The Chart Room again last night. Love the place! Packed with tourists. Only locals were Steve and Cindy. My Key West historians. They have lived here since 1974.

I intended to have a sandwich at home. On the drive home, decided I needed more people connection. I headed for Hogfish.

Hard to believe! The place full! People waiting to be seated. I was lucky to grab a seat at the bar.

Never fails. I met three fishermen and spent a couple of hours chatting with them. Typical Key West fishermen of old. Weather beaten faces, a tooth or two missing, happy in their work and play.

I am paying this morning for last night.

Donna and Terri telephoned yesterday. They had just left Tampa. Terri spent a few days with the doctors. A scheduled follow up visit. She will have many as her life continues.

The cancer problem no problem. Hurray!

The eye problem resolved. Terri has been slowly going blind. Glaucoma. Had it even before the cancer. Seems to have gotten worse the past couple of months. Accelerated rapidly.

Turns out it was the daily chemo pill she was taking. Increased pressure in her eyes dramatically. The doctors changed her pill a few days ago. Her vision was already better when she talked with me yesterday.

Trump speaks today before the NRA convention. Fourth year in a row. Wonder what he will say?

Following the Parkland shooting, he seemed to have jumped the fence and was on the side of gun control. Recall the meeting in the White House of students, parents and teachers.

Then a week or two later, he seemed to have returned to the side of the gun people.

The man is amazing. One day he supports safety. The next, the Second Amendment. The extreme of each.

I recall last year’s NRA convention when Trump said, “You have a friend!”

I suspect the friend of the NRA will show up again today. The strongest man in the world cannot stand up to those who contribute to the killing of American children.

Father Pat Conroy. The Catholic priest fired last week by House Speaker Ryan. Father Conroy wrote a letter to Ryan rescinding his resignation. A forced one you will recall.


The hypocrisy of Washington is too much to take sometimes.

Enjoy your day!





Blog writing is interesting. Takes me to all kinds of places. Yesterday, world events. Today, primarily Key West. Some days, a mixture.

Whatever moves me at the moment.

Lunched at Hogfish yesterday with Guy de Boer. Guy publishes KONK Life. He has graciously agreed to run a photo of me and my Irma book in KONK Life. The whole front page!

Guy picked Hogfish for lunch. He wanted to get a photo of me and the shrimp boats together. Why shrimp boats, I do not know. My connection with shrimp boats next to nil.

The nil has a bit of substance.

First, the song. Shrimp Boats. A 1951 hit sung by the popular vocalist Jo Stafford. It was co-written by her husband Paul Weston.

The words come back every time I see a shrimp boat: Shrimp boats is a-comin’ / Their sails are in sight / Shrimp boats is a-comin’ / There’s dancin’ tonight…..

I was 15 years old the first time I heard Shrimp Boats. We were visiting family in the Bronx. I was outside standing in front of a then typical New York City candy store with a bunch of other teenagers. The location, 141st Street.

The song came out of a radio in the candy store. The others began humming and quietly singing the tune. I had never heard it before. The tune was catchy. Later in high school, I danced to ShrimpBoats.

Rarely thought of the tune after that till the mid 1990’s when I started visiting Key West. There were shrimp boats in Key West!

I learned that when you saw tons of them on the horizon off South Roosevelt Boulevard, they were hurrying in to avoid a coming storm. That was the moment. That was the picture. Such gave meaning to Shrimp boats is a-comin’ / Their sails are in sight.

Me, Irma and the shrimp boats will appear in KONK Life in the next week or two.

Last night the Chart Room. A good time. John bartending. David came in. Good conversation.

A while later, Jean Thornton’s two visiting sisters arrived with their men.

The Chart Room was off and running!

Stopped at Tavern ‘n Town on the way home. Another prime rib. I lost 5 pounds in the past 10 days. Why, I do not know. I have been on this diet since November 27. Lost 10 pounds the first two weeks. Not another pound till 10 days ago. Were it not that I was losing inches, I would have given up long ago.

Not the blind leading the blind. But, sort of. My lesbian wives Donna and Terri left yesterday by car for Tampa. Terri to undergo two days of serious testing at the cancer facility that replaced all her bone marrow and blood.

The tests important.

Donna broke her left shoulder a few days ago. Her left arm is wrapped tight to her chest. She is driving. Terri cannot drive more than a 100 miles at a time. They have broken the trip down so it will take 3 days to reach Tampa.

I mentioned in my tuesday night podcast Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou that the election of a person such as Trump served as encouragement for other crazies to run for public office.

It is happening in Missouri.

Senator Claire McCaskill is running for reelection. The word is she has a tough race ahead.

Several seek the Republican nomination to run against her. One is Courtland Sykes.

What I am about to relate was printed in a St. Louis newspaper in September. An interview. Sykes ran the interview on Facebook a few days ago where I found it.

If he is the Republican candidate, it will be a battle of the sexes.

Sykes is not married. He is engaged.

Following is what he expects from his fiance when she is his wife and his thoughts regarding women.

  1. When he arrives home in the evening, he expects his dinner on the table at 6. Prepared by his wife.
  2. Their daughters must learn to cook. He wants them raised to be traditional homemakers and family wives.
  3. His home is to be a Norman Rockwell world.
  4. Feminism is radical. Its definition crazy.
  5. Women have “snake filled heads.”
  6. He does not want his daughters growing up to be “career obsessed banshees” who forego home life and children to become “manophobic hell-beat feminist she devils.”
  7. Hillary Clinton’s loss a clear indication that radical feminists have been defeated.
  8. He claims he is fully supportive of women and he did not believe his statements demeaning to them.
  9. He conceded some women have amazing careers. He complimented them. The examples he gave of two such women were Kellyanne Conway and Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Said they should be celebrated.
  10. Big media. Big media has become “too many dumb blondes and too many leg dangles.”
  11. Feminism represents the “radical drug and communal happy-visioned 1960’s.”
  12. He supported and defended Roy Moore.

Enjoy your day!




Happy Halloween!

One admonishment. Be careful driving tonight. The streets will be full with children of all ages.

Trick or Treat the demand.

When I was young, it was Guess or Give. I do not recall Trick or Treat till sometime in high school. Decided to give the two names a quick Google.

The phrase Trick or Treat appeared for the first time in a 1927 Canadian book. Picked up in U.S. along the way. World War II derailed the use of the term. The shortage of sugar the reason. It returned in the early 1950’s.

I was out knocking on doors beginning 1940. I only knew Guess or Give till about 1950.

Googled Guess or Give. Information sparse. Very. Could not find it utilized at Halloween time as part of the knocking on the door scenario.

Spent a good part of yesterday working on tonight’s podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

An abundance of interesting topics. Like Paul Manafort, Trump deportations extreme, 320 homeless children in the Florida Keys as a result of Irma, a Mississippi judge who refused to return a black woman’s baby for 14 months till she paid court costs.

Also, Trump and opioids, Puerto Rico and the Whiteface Energy contract, Saudi Arabia grants full citizen privileges to Sophia Robot, a Terri update, a nipple tattoo following mastectomy, and more.

Nine my time. A quick eye opening half hour.

Lunched at Cuban Coffee Queen. Cuban cheese toast and coffee. Read the newspapers. Relaxing.

Yesterday, exciting. The first indictment/arrests in the Russian collusion inquiry. Regardless of what I was doing yesterday, I was always near a TV or radio so I could hear what was going on.

A big opening salvo by Mueller. Especially the news re George Papadopoulos’ guilty plea.

I will have more to say re the indictments/arrests at 9 tonight on my blog talk radio show.

The not the only nation that has been subjected to major cyber attacks by Russia. Germany, France and the Netherlands some of the others.

The EU has a draft circulating among its members to define cyber attacks as “acts of war.” Weapons limited to conventional ones.

One of the purposes of cyber attacks is to destroy what is commonly described as the establishment. Its aim is to bring down post World War II accomplishments in political, economic and military areas. Russia behind the rebellion against established order.

Steve Bannon comes into play. A leader in the Trump victory. For a time Chief Strategist to Trump. Now all over the U.S. politicking against Senators scheduled to run next year. Bannon openly has stated and continsue to state his goal to bring down the establishment. Destroy it!

The man is mad.

Probably the tastiest fish in the Florida Keys is hogfish. So good, it has been over fished.

Commercial hogfish harvesting was closed down August 24. It will remain closed till January 1.

Recreational, from November 1 to May 1.

It is not just hogfish that is depleting in numbers. Most other denizens of the deep as well. For example, many are unaware that certain of our Keys’ fish are shipped as far as Japan on a daily basis.

With the world population burgeoning, fish someday will be the primary source of food. We must control what we take out of waters today so our grandchildren will be able to eat tomorrow.

Another example of depletion involves Atlantic salmon.

Atlantic salmon return yearly to the Magaguadavic River in New Brunswick, Canada. To spawn.

Not this year. Zip. Nothing.

Why, no one knows. Could be climate change. Whatever, the salmon have disappeared in the River. The Magaguadavic River not the only place. Other rivers in recent years, also. Suddenly and unexplainably.

Heard from the publisher. Irma and Me should be out by the end of the week.

Enjoy your day!


Hogfish have been overfished!

Fishing bans go into effect September 1. Limited harvest in Key West waters. Commercial fishing banned till January 1. Recreational banned in federal waters till May 1.

Local fishermen knew the ban was coming. Will affect their incomes.

Hogfish the most popular fish for eating in the Keys. Bobby Mongelli’s restaurant on Stock Island named Hogfish. I only eat hogfish when I am there.

Mongelli said he has been aware, has made efforts to obtain hogfish from other sources. Expects to run out of hogfish on occasion never the less. Prices will go up a bit. He will be paying more for the hogfish from other areas.

My podcast Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou last night. Covered a range of topics. Only half the show dedicated to Trump. Fifty percent too much. However, he is the news these days everyday.

Fortunately, Trump’s rally was scheduled for 10 pm my time. Got to watch all of him!

Typical campaign rhetoric. The man is not stable. I worry even more after watching him last night. He scares me and should scare you. The man who has his finger on the nuclear weapon button.

Interestingly, the Phoenix rally was the first of Trump’s 2020 Campaign. A bit early? Why? Money? Does he pay or a PAC?

The wall. I am sick of the wall. It will never be. Neither practical nor cheap. The House will never approve the spending. If the House does, it will only be a token of what is required.

Trump threatened last night to close down the government if he does not get the wall in the new budget. The wall is another Trump campaign promise that will go unfulfilled.

Key West bars come and go. Some come and never leave.

Lazy Gecko sat next door to Sloppy Joe’s for 17 years. Did a good business. Until recently when someone new bought the building. A rent hike Lazy Gecko could not afford.

Gecko out. New owner coming in. Building gutted and under renovation at the moment. Opening anticipated early in October. Bar/restaurant will be called Duval Central. Inside, Island City Stage. Top musical performers will be brought in to entertain.The desire is to turn the place into a great music venue.

I find the desire strange. The whole island is a great music venue.

Why was the Christopher Columbus statue in Baltimore sledge hammered to the ground a couple of nights ago? The statue was erected way back in 1792.

Turns out Columbus was a slaver.

He made three trips to the New World. Became involved in the slave trade on the second and third trips.

The second trip he captured and brought 1,600 West Indian natives to Spain. Many died on route. Queen Isabella kept a number to row her galleys. Some were returned.

Good bye the Columbus Day Parade in New York City.

A confusing topic. Complicated. How far back do we go in failing to honor for other deeds those associated with slavery?

Forget not George Washington. A big time slave owner. The slaves took care of Mount Vernon, helped run Washington’s whiskey distilleries. Rename Washington, D.C.? Remove Washington’s picture from the dollar bill?

There is a saving feature in Washington’s case. He ordered in his Will that all his slaves receive their freedom.

Johnson and Johnson. Many baby back ends covered with its baby powder at diaper change time.

Some women apparently have used Johnson’s baby powder their entire lives as part of feminine hygiene. Powdered their bodies including the genital area with the talcum powder following bathing.

It took a while. However, there is now the possibility the baby powder is a carcinogenic. May be causing ovarian cancer in women who have used the powder for a number of years.

Monday, a 63 year old California woman received a $417 million dollar judgment based on the scenario described.

Not the first case to come to trial. Four others. Three resulted in multi-million dollar verdicts. One thrown out by the court.

Not the type of lawsuit the public should turn its nose up to. Over 400,000 similar cases pending.

A calamity yesterday. My water was turned off for nonpayment of the bill. $28. I was without water most of the day.

In defense, I never got the bill. It went to my old address. Never got to me, even though I placed a change of address order with the Post Office back in June.

I paid the $28 bill by phone at 1. Plus a $60 turn off/turn on fine. Asked if I would be turned on before 4. Was assured even sooner.

Came 6 and I still had no water. In spite of having made several calls advising water not yet turned on. Assured man was in the area and I was next on list or he would be there shortly.

I don’t think anyone was directed to turn the water back on.

I only received proper attention just before 6. The water board was closed. A fellow named Patrick was handling the emergency desk. He had no record of me. However, he said he would have it taken care of right away. He did. Within a half hour, I had water.

My account is now on automatic pay.

Enjoy your day!