There are a number of different sexualities.
The first began with Adam and Eve. Heterosexuality. No others at the time.
Since have come homosexuality, lesbianism, bi-sexuality, transgenders, and now asexuals.
Transgender as an item of public awareness is relatively new. I had never heard the term till several years ago when we were made aware of the large number, their personal needs, etc.
I thought transgenders would be the last of the sexual designations. I was wrong. We are now being made aware of asexuals.
An asexual person is a person who does not experience sexual attraction. It is not celibacy. It is an intrinsic part of who a person is. As with other sexual designations. With a significant difference. Asexuals have no sexual drive/attraction. For either sex.
Asexuality has existed since sometime after Adam and Eve. It is not new. Awareness and it being the subject of public discourse is new.
One percent of the world’s population is thought to be asexual. Some think more. Seventy percent are believed to be women.
Public awareness and discourse has resulted in Asexual Awareness Week. This year October 21-27.
Fantasy Fest began yesterday. The week begins slowly. More events to follow. Yesterday, a Zombie Bike Ride. Four miles. Costumed. Scary. Participants’ faces made up to look like zombies!
More events today. Included are the Green Parrot Beatles Tribute, the Southernmost Luau, a 5k run, and Sloppy Joe’s Comic Book Capers.
Dueling Bartenders will be performing at Aqua as usual. If you are here for Fantasy Fest, stop in. The best buy in town. Great singing all for the price of a drink.
Another event is the Kinky Carnival at First Flight. BDSM at its finest!
The oldest BDSM event in Fantasy Fest history. First Flight is the former Kelly’s Caribbean Restaurant. It started there.
Kelly’s at the time was owned by Hollywood star Kelly McGillis and her husband Fred Tillman. My neighbors in Key Haven.
I have only attended one such kinky event. When it was Kelly’s. It was 15 years ago. I was at a Fantasy Fest party when someone said let’s go to Kelly’s. I was with Donna that evening. Terri not yet in the picture.
We all went. I had always wanted to see a BDSM party. One of my deviations, I guess.
I was shocked!
Most of the people were running around bare ass. I was dressed. In a tee shirt and shorts. Never take my clothes off publicly.
The place was packed. Both floors. Impossible to get to the bar.
What was going on was interesting. Who was whipping who, who was hung on a cross, who was walking around on a dog collar and leash, etc.
I lost Donna. Satisfied my curiosity. Left after one hour.
I have never seen another since. Worth the experience however if you have even the slightest curiosity of what is involved.
An Irma update. I mentioned a week ago that Irma left 4,000 homes destroyed or severely damage. There are consequences. It has since been reported that in 2017 and 2018 there has been a population drop in every Keys city and unincorporated area.
The people of the U.S. were made aware on this date in 1962 of the Cuban Missile Crisis. President John Kennedy went on national TV and made the announcement. Russia was establishing missile bases in Cuba. The missiles would have the capacity to hit major U.S. cities.
I was an adult at the time. Twenty-seven years old with a wife, family, and a 2 year old law practice.
The situation quickly turned into the serious possibility of conflict. War drums were beating both in the U.S. and Russia.
Key West was directly involved. Cuba only 90 miles away. Smathers Beach was lined with anti-aircraft missiles. The U.S. blockaded Cuba so no new missiles or construction equipment could be delivered by Soviet ships.
The Russian Navy confronted our vessels. The vessels came close. Two only feet from each other.
Fortunately, Russia blinked. The Russian close vessel turned around followed by other Russian ships and returned to Russia.
We were able to watch all this via TV. Interesting, worrisome, scary. The brink of war.
Trump announced saturday he is going to have the U.S. withdraw from the nuclear treaty with Russia. The treaty was agreed to in 1987 by Ronald Reagan and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.
Another dumb Trump move in the making.
Gorbachev is still alive. He said Trump’s desire “not the work of a great mind.” He added, “Do they really not understand in Washington what this can lead to?” He concluded that “…..all agreements aimed at nuclear disarmament and the limitation of nuclear weapons must be preserved for the sake of life on Earth.”
Too deep for Trump to understand.
Enjoy your day!
Trump has 6 more years to go, what will be left?
It looks like the Republicans are still hung up on who goes into the restroom with them. I guess they have never been to a rock concert.