December 7, 1941. In the words of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, “A date that will live in infamy.” Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor.

There is cause and effect. Every action does have an equal and opposite reaction. Are the U.S. and China on a path similar to that  which led to the Japanese attack?

Examine the facts.

It was December 6, 1941, the day before Pearl Harbor. U.S. intelligence less than adequate. Roosevelt had been told the Japanese fleet was heading for Thailand.

Roosevelt sent a telegram to Emperor Hirohito: “For the sake of humanity” intervene “to prevent further death and destruction in the world.”

Roosevelt amusingly told his wife Eleanor…..”The son of man has just sent his final message to the son of God.”

U.S. intelligence was wrong. Roosevelt relied on the erroneous intelligence. The next day, Hawaii was attacked. Not Thailand.

Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? Japan was a non-entity in world affairs in the years leading to 1900. Isolated from the rest of the world.

In 1894 and 1904, Japan successfully engaged in wars against nations considered superior to Japan. During World War I, Japan participated on the side of the Allies.

The Great Depression affected Japan as most nations at the time. Tensions had begun  growing between the U.S. and Japan 10 years earlier. Driven by economic and demographic woes.

Japan invaded Manchuria and other parts of China. The League of Nations condemned the invasion. Japan withdrew from the League as a result.

The Sino-Japanese War began in 1937. Japan acted in an extremely brutal fashion. Perpetrated massacres. Mass killings and rapes.

It was obvious Japan was expanding globally. The U.S. tried to stop Japan’s expansion. The U.S. imposed economic sanctions on Japan, including trade embargoes on aircraft exports, oil, and scrap metal.

In September 1940, Japan signed the Tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy. The U.S. not involved in war with Germany and Italy yet.

The U.S. and Japan negotiated Japan’s expansion, the sanctions, etc. for months. Without success.

The U.S. had hoped the embargoes on oil and other key goods would lead Japan to halt its expansions.

The opposite proved correct. The sanctions and other penalties actually convinced Japan to stand its ground. Stand up for Japan.

Japan became increasingly angered. Thought U.S. conduct a part of Western interference in Asian affairs.

Importantly also, Japan felt the U.S. was not paying Japan the respect to which it was entitled. Japan believed they had earned respect as a world power beginning with the wars surrounding 1900 and its actions into the 1940’s.

Respect/face very important in Asian thinking. Neither was forthcoming from the U.S. There was a failure to recognize the new kid on the block.

Japan realized war was inevitable. Japan recognized the odds were stacked against them in a military confrontation. Success depended on surprise. The target Pearl Harbor. Four thousand miles from Japan’s homeland. The U.S. would not expect it.

Pearl Harbor was perfect. The U.S. fleet, except for carriers, in harbor. The fleet and U.S. morale would be destroyed. There would be no will to fight back.

Japan underestimated the U.S. and its people.

Sanctions a major cause compelling Japan’s decision to attack.

U.S. sanctions in effect today against China. The tariff wars. War, global recession possible. Perhaps imminent.

The issues the same. Overbearing sanctions, the economies of both countries in disarray. Everything moving at a rapid pace.

Trump the creator of the present scenario. His intelligence advise questionable. Where it does exist, he does not pay attention. He refuses to be properly briefed.

An example is Meng Wanzhou who was arrested/detained in Vancouver saturday. At the same time Trump was sitting with China’s President Xi in Buenos Aires.

Meng is CFO of China’s second largest technology company Huawei. Her father founder and a leading Chinese figure.

Huawei has been violating U.S. imposed sanctions by doing business with Iran. The reason Meng was arrested. She is awaiting deportation to New York for a federal court appearance.

Note again she was arrested while Trump and Xi negotiating at the G 20. An embarrassing loss of face for Xi.

The question also arises as to what right the U.S. has to impose penalties on China for doing business with Iran. The Iran problem is between the U.S. and Iran, not the U.S., Iran, and China.

Word is that Trump was unaware Meng was being arrested. John Bolton says Trump did not know and had not been briefed.

Makes one wonder what is going on at the highest levels of U.S. government.

The outcome of any military conflict uncertain. Both nations have nuclear weapons. China considered the world’s second most powerful nation. It may be questionable whether it is behind the U.S. militarily.

In the past five years, China has gone all out improving its military. In excess of 350 new naval vessels constructed with up to date nuclear missile capacity.

China has also constructed islands where none existed in Asian waters. Islands out of nothing. Now airbases with planes and troops stationed thereon.

It makes me question whether the U.S. is still the strongest nation in the world. I would not what to find out the answer.

Similarities exist between the Japan of yesterday and the China of today. Especially as regards each’s relationship at the specific time with the U.S.

Hopefully both the U.S. and China will negotiate their way out of this mess.

We are entering a Don’t Tread On Me situation. Where one side will not take it anymore. Similar to the Boston Tea Party, the Alamo, Pearl Harbor. Not a comfortable time.


Strange experience last night.

I did not want to go into town. Parking a problem during Goombay and Fantasy Fest. Three different times my car has been towed. $200 plus each time. Additionally, after 25 years I have seen all there is to see about the events. I have rarely attended in recent years.

Diane Millikan is back. Gave her a call and said join me for dinner. Meet me at the new SONIC across the street from where you are staying.

Sonic a new short order food operation in Key West. Mega bucks involved for the property. I was curious what it was like.

I opted to eat at an outside table rather than in the car. One orders by standing in front of a huge screen. The size of a 50 inch TV screen. The menu listed. A press button operation. Someone answers and you place your order.

When the food and bill arrived, I noticed something unusual on the bill: CUST INFO: OLD COUPLE.

Bothered me. Not because I am old. Because SONIC obviously had to have a camera built into the screen that automatically deduced Diana and I are old. SONIC probably requires the information for their purposes. However, it irritated me someone was taking my picture and labeling me without my permission.

See if I eat their cheeseburgers again!

The food sucked. Not because of the picture taking. It did. And the tables were dirty. All of them. I had to clean one off before we sat down.

Today the day! The beginning of Fantasy Fest itself. A wild week ahead. Tourists galore. As many as 60,000 the night of the parade. Every year, I wonder where they sleep. There are not enough rooms in the Keys to accommodate all of them.

A Michael update. Michael’s strength and the surge unearthed 15 19th century ships that had been wrecked off Dog Island by a hurricane. The hurricane occurred in 1899. The ships are siting on the beaches.

Syracuse/UNC an interesting game yesterday afternoon. I missed the best part. I fell asleep.

With 3 minutes to go, Syracuse was losing. I think by 3 points. That is when I fell asleep.

I assumed Syracuse lost and never checked the final score when I woke. I did last night when I returned home. Syracuse won in a double overtime 40-37.

Friends have been e-mailing me and asking…..Wasn’t it a great game!

Not the first time this has happened to me.

This morning’s news advises that Trump announced following his latest rally last night that the U.S. was going to exit its nuclear treaty with Russia. A treaty that was entered into in 1987 between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev.

Reagan at the time used a Russian proverb as to how he was going to handle whether Russia was complying with the provisions of the agreement. Doveryai no proveryai. Trust, but verify.

Trump claims Russia has been violating the treaty. Why rush to a North Korea type confrontation? All Trump had to do was ask Putin if Russia was. If Putin said no, then Trump should be comfortable with the response. As he was each time Putin told him Russia did not interfere in the 2016 election.

I suspect Trump is playing this new game to show voters he is tough. The November 6 elections around the corner.

Also, this confrontation in the making provides Trump with evidence in the Mueller investigation that he is not friends with Russia. He’s willing to go to nuclear war with them!

Realistically, I doubt any war is about to occur. Russia militarily is not our equal. Except in their new submarine fleet that can shoot missiles onto our shores.

The only way Russia could stand up to the U.S. militarily is if China joined them. A possibility always. Putin and Xi have been making all kinds of economic deals the past few years.

Behind Trump’s present blustering is John Bolton. A bad man. A war monger. Most previous Presidents have been able to avoid him. Trump, not. Bolton talks tough. As does Trump. Birds of a feather.

Trump is turning migration into a campaign issue again. People are escaping Guatemala to avoid harm, to seek a better life for themselves and their children, etc. Trump makes it sound like an attack en mass is coming.

Many of the 4,000 are stuck on a bridge over a river separating Guatemala and Mexico. Body to body. No food, no toilets, no water, no shelter, etc. Sounds like the aftermath of Michael.

One woman interviewed crying while kneeling on the bridge clutching her 11 month old infant to her breast. The baby had a fever. The baby was without a diaper. There were none.

I continue to say if people are willing to walk 2,000 miles and go through these type conditions, they cannot be bad. They are in need. In need of a better way.

Forget the money. We piss money away on many things. Here at least it would go for a good cause.

This is not a crisis. Authorities say except for a spike here and there, immigration is at a 40 year low.

Time to help a neighbor. We forget. Especially the Golden Rule…..Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Don’t respond with…..God helps those who help themselves. These people are trying to help themselves. They are walking 2,000 miles and jeopardizing the health and lives of themselves and their children.

Enjoy your Sunday!



In my 30 years of living in and visiting Key West, I have never seen rain like we are experiencing. Especially this time of the year. May is normally a dry month. People talk about needing rain.

It poured again yesterday. All day! Heavy!

Streets are flooding that never flooded before. Amazing!

The Comcast saga continues. Repair man due yesterday between 1 and 3. Got a call at 2. Three to four hours behind. Will come tomorrow (today).

I have been without TV since thursday.

Visited Dr. Jones late afternoon. Received my various test results. No cancer. Do have a problem, however. Cleveland Clinic next for consultation. Surgery probable in due course.

I am ok. Mentally in tune with what is occurring.

Aqua after Dr. Jones. Dueling Bartenders. Tom Luna and Rick Dery. Guest performer the lovely Laura Richardson. Laura the owner of Salt Gallery.

Met Laura’s parents. Both retired corporate attorneys. Key West residents. Enjoyed my conversation with her father. Her mom seated too far away for any meaningful conversation.

Rick Dery a director, also. He has directed Pride Follies for several years. This year’s show is June 2 at 8 in the evening at the Key West Theater.

Always a winner!

Word on the street is Bank of America on Southard closing. I have not been able to verify the information. If so, the building would make an excellent dance facility. I have always thought downtown Key West needed a place where everyone regardless of age could get out there and do their thing.

Zombies in southern Florida! Reported by a power outage alert sunday in Lake Worth. The outage affected 7,880 residents.

The “alert” reported power was lost “due to extreme zombie activity.” Obviously a bogus report. Or was it? Actual cause remains unknown.

My podcast tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. Interesting topics. My opinions shared. Though not necessarily the same as those who are tuned in.

The show’s audience gets larger each week. I love it! My advertisers love it!

Join me for a fast moving half hour.

Pope Francis a breath of fresh air in the world of Catholicism. Two weeks ago, he said in speaking to a gay man: “God made you like this and loves you like this and I don’t care.”

The second time Francis has spoken in acceptance of homosexuality. A man of courage and conviction. The Bible tells us homosexuality is a sin.

Trump makes me laugh. He does not accept Venezuela’s election results. Phony, a sham. Earlier had threatened invasion. Now has fallen back to severe sanctions.

There are many tyrants elected in phony elections world wide. Putin, for example. Trump should threaten him and all other tyrants with invasion and/or severe sanctions.

Why pick and choose. Go after everyone.

The Trump administration continues on a fast track to dismantle Obama signature policies. Could Obama have been that wrong? Or is there another reason?

I suspect it may be because Obama is a person of color and Trump a racist. Or, it could be because Obama made fun of Trump at a White House Correspondents Dinner. When slighted, Trump has the memory of an elephant.

The Trump/Kim summit almost blew up. Trump may have saved it. John Bolton appears to have been the cause.

Bolton is crazy. A neo-con. A war hawk big time. Scares me.

In preliminary talks with North Korea, Bolton told the other side the U.S. supported a Libya Solution. Gaddafi was convinced to give up his nuclear program. Several years later, Gaddafi was found hiding in a sewer pipe, captured, tried and executed.

The North Koreans are not fools.

Some have suggested that Bolton’s meeting with his North Korean counterparts was an amateur hour.

The recent U.S./China trade talks another example of amateur hour play on the part of those representing the U.S. Nothing resolved. Problems kicked down the road.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mulchin should be sent back to Wall Street. He is neither qualified to be Treasury Secretary nor engaged in trade talks on behalf of the U.S.

Yesterday, Trump described Congressman Devin Nunes as “a very courageous man.” For pushing the DOJ and FBI for the name of an informant.

Recall Nunes’ support of Trump since day one. Running to the White House to report something that had happened in his Committee. More recently, having the House Intelligence Committee, which he Chairs, issue a majority report saying in effect no Russian involvement in the 2016 election.

I consider Nunes a stooge for Trump, an informant of sorts. He has forgotten his Congressional responsibilities in sucking up to the President.

An Opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal yesterday causes me great concern. Note it was authored by Brigadier General Ronen Manelis of Israel’s Defense Forces.

The Jerusalem opening of the U.S. Embassy last week proved a disaster. At least initially. Now, I am not sure.

It was reported many Palestinians were protesting at the fence. On the Gaza side and unarmed. Israeli forces unloaded on them. Missiles, small fire, etc. Sixty two killed. Eight of them children. Two thousand seven hundred injured.

The world, including me, dumped on Israel.

Now it appears things may not have been as they appeared. Further investigation is required.

The Opinion claims the protest was funded by Hamas as a terrorist propaganda operation. Hamas provided free transportation to innocent citizens to the border, including women and children. These people were hired in effect as extras: $14 per person, $100 per family, and $500 if anyone was injured.

What is truth? The world should know.

Enjoy your day!





After a two year absence, I am returning to write a weekly column for KONK Life. My first article hits the stands wednesday. A timely topic. The Post Office’s debt. Titled: Congress To Blame For Post Office Debt.

Sloan came over around noon yesterday. I could not structure the article on my computer. She got me set up.

I wrote a detailed column concerning the issue. The bottom line is Trump should get off Amazon’s back. Congress the blame. Congress saw a cash cow in 2006 and legislated the scenario leading almost immediately to Post Office insolvency.

Prior to Congress getting greedy, the Post Office was solvent. One year before the legislation in 2005, the Post Office was debt free.

You will enjoy the article. Informative.

My sunday got screwed up. I wanted to do Hot Dog Church, the Chorale and the Gardens. Due to time constraints because of writing the Post Office column, I thought I might only make the Gardens.

I made none.

The Gardens was still an option when I received a call from Donna. Terri was to sing at the Gardens. Terri told me the Gardens was cancelling. A rainstorm coming in at 6.

The rain did not arrive till 7. Heavy, Even at that time would have had a couple hundred people scurrying for cover.

So, I took a nap around 4.

My big evening was James Comey’s interview.

One of the points he drove home was that Trump is not morally fit to be President. I agree. Especially now that “pee sex” is becoming part of the national debate.

How low can political discourse get? Trump brings us to a new level with everything he does.

I discussed the pee sex/morality issue during my Key West Lou Live video on Facebook this morning.

The Cow Key Bridge Race was yesterday. One thousand strong participating. Most costumed.

A new record established for the 300 foot event: 22.2 seconds. The previous was 23.1 seconds.

The athletes guzzled pints of beer the night before preparing for the race.

This morning busy. A business meeting at 10. A doctor visit at 11:15. First meeting preparatory to setting up a colonoscopy and endoscopy. The tests I mind not. It is the prep for the colonoscopy which is bothersome.

Jean Thornton’s trip of trips continues.

Yesterday, she and Joe still in Barcelona. The day began at 7 with a delicious breakfast. Then a brisk morning walk around the ship’s decks watching Barcelona wake up.

At 9:30, a tour of Barcelona with Julio.

Seven mountains surround Barcelona. The bus took them all the way up one. Jean reports the view of Barcelona below amazing!.

Following the bus tour, Jean and Joe took a walk around the old Gothic quarter. Discovered an old Cathedral and Roman ruins. Then discovered the famous Las Rambla Boulevard.

They lucked out. Ran into a political demonstration. Hundreds marching and chanting in support of Catalan independence. Flags, yellow attire.

Lunch time. Stopped at a tapas restaurant. Standing outside waiting for a table.

Jean and Joe must look like rich Americans or stupid tourists. A woman tried to pickpocket Joe. His turn.

He felt someone bump him. Felt a hand go into his back pocket. Fortunately, his money was in a pouch on his stomach.

Joe turned. Saw a nicely dressed woman. She immediately pointed forward. Joe looked ahead. When he turned back, she was gone. Lost in the crowd.

The story gets more interesting.

Immediately, a young nervous man was upon Jean and Joe. Flashed a badge quickly. Started asking about the confrontation. He was going to report the incident.

Jean and Joe wary by this tine. When the man asked Joe for ID, he said bring me a uniformed police officer. With that the man went one way and Jean and Joe the other.

The found another restaurant down a pedestrian walkway. After being assured there were no pickpockets, they were seated. Enjoyed tapas and wine.

On the walk back to the ship detoured onto a side street. A street that once housed Paul Guell’s private residence. The house was one of architect Gaudi’s famous works. Jean described the house as amazing.

Then back to the ship. A safety drill. Following which they set sail for Cartagena.

Between jet lag and a lot of walking, the Thorntons were dead. It was early to bed for the both of them.

The Trump administration announced yesterday additional sanctions on Russia. Sanctions on Russian companies and persons who were involved in making or helping with the chemical gas dropped on Syria.

I don’t know if I approve. We hit Syria with over a 100 missiles. Now chastise Russia with these sanctions?

I see John Bolton’s influence. Hit, hit, hit.

Russia is only a second or third rate nation military wise. However, Russia has a ton of nuclear weapons. The situation should not be aggravated more than it is. The U.S. made its point with the missile attack.

Sanctions can lead to war. Any war between the U.S. and Russia would be fought on U.S. soil also and affect our 300 million plus citizens very personally.

On this day in 1917, Vladimir Lenin returned from exile to Russia. He was the head of the Red Bolshevik Party. He returned home to take rein of the Russian Revolution. The Revolution up to that point was led by Alexander Kerensky and the White Bolshevik Party who were doing an ineffective job.

Lenin took over. Kerensky’s life as in danger. He fled Russia.

Many years later, I was a student in college taking courses in Russian history from Kerensky. It was exciting to hear first hand the happenings and intricacies of 1917.

Enjoy your day!






The Key West area had its share of houses of prostitution back in the late 1940’s into the 1950’s. Going back 300 years, also. And since the 1950’s.

An age old business. Its roots traced to Biblical times. However, my house of ill repute comments are limited to the late 1940’s, early 1950’s time frame.

Today, a significant one in local prostitution history. On this day in 1953, Mom’s Tea Room on Stock Island was closed. A popular place. Open 11 years.

A forced closing.

The US Navy was upset its men were big time customers of Mom’s. Not that anything bad happened to them while they were enjoying Mom’s ladies. The Navy merely felt it was morally improper and leaned on local officials to close Mom’s down.

Mom’s was a local example of white slavery in operation. Mom was from Georgia. Her husband would travel to Georgia and abduct young Georgian ladies. Returned them to Mom’s to become working girls.

Mom and her husband felt this was not abuse since they made sure the girls were at least 17 years old.

There was another brothel on Stock Island at the time. Big Anne’s. However, I know nothing more about it than it existed.

Key West itself had many whore houses. Two on Petronia Street.

The Square Roof. White ladies available.

Another whose name I have not been able to determine. It provided primarily black women.

Sex was cheap in those days. Generally, $2. Not shocking when you consider a loaf of bread cost 2 cents and a gallon of gas 15 cents.

Between getting the blog out and working 3 hours with Sloan yesterday, I was wiped out. Decided to stay home. Never made it to Hot Dog Church or the Gardens.

Laid around watching the Masters.  Outstanding! Several could have won. One did. The leader for most of the day, Patrick Reed. He hung on to win by one stroke. A “dogfight” as he described it afterwards.

Big event later today. From 4-7. At the Grand Vin at 1107 Duval. A fundraiser for Commission candidate Mary Lou Hoover.

My candidate. A deserving person who based on prior performance will do much to help Key West.

The event is a Best BBQ Chef competition. Donation $20 and eat all the barbecue you can consume!

Trump and California Gov. Jerry Brown have been engaged in an ongoing battle re sanctuary cities. Brown recently used his Governor powers to pardon 5 convicts facing deportation because of their illegal status.

Well done, Jerry Brown! Trump had to be disturbed.

This day again one of significance. Sad historical significance. On this day in 1942, the US surrendered Bataan to Japan. Twelve thousand Americans and 66,000 Filipinos. Followed immediately by the Bataan Death March where many died.

We are engaged in another type war today with Japan. A tariff war. Tariff wars can lead to fighting wars. Recall that the primary reason the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor was the oil embargo imposed on Japan by the Roosevelt administration.

Roosevelt’s message to Japan was simple. Get out of China and we will withdraw the oil embargo.

China was not to be insulted by such terms. The result was Pearl Harbor.

War is all around us. Assad it is claimed chemically attacked his people again. A little town called Douma outside Damascus. Films of the event sickening. Gas bombing has been a no no for all nations since World War I.

Assad does not care. He has done it several times. Russia and Iran who support Assad do not seem to care. In fact, Putin does not believe it occurred. He wants proof.

TV film not enough for him. It can be rigged.

Trump said yesterday that Assad would have a “big price to pay.” He has drawn a line in the sand. He must do something. Otherwise Russia, Iran and North Korea will not believe we will do anything to them at any time regardless of what they do.

There cannot be another Obama situation. Recall after an Assad gas bombing, he “drew a line in the sand.” The next time it happened, Obama failed to follow up. He did nothing.

Trump should immediately get a few other nations on board. France has already indicated it will cooperate. Such must be done this week.

The retaliation must not be equal to, but rather even more harsh than merely gassing a population. What, I do not know. Outside my pay grade. But again must be severe. Like taking out every Syrian industrial area, bomb Assad’s quarters, etc.

I doubt Putin would get involved. At this point, he is all mouth. His military forces are old and lacking. He does have nuclear bombs, however.

Whatever, Putin cannot go to war with anyone with out China as a partner. China is not stupid. It is not in China’s best interest to engage in a fighting war with the US at this time. China believes it can beat us economically.

Tomorrow, a big day for Louis and Irma and Me. Our first book signing. From noon to 3. At Andrews Inn at Zero Whalton Lane. Come visit. My sense is it will be fun.

Enjoy your day!






The sun shining. A tiny dock sitting on the blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. A small group of white chairs. Harp music in the background.

The setting for the marriage of Chris and Don at 7 last night at the Hyatt.

Chris her usual lovely self. Her beauty even more pronounced by the lovely long white dress she wore. Don in casual attire. Referred to by the natives as Key West formal.

The perfect couple being married in a perfect setting.

Great reception! My first wedding at the Hyatt. A job well done.

The reception was on the second floor. A round room with windows floor to ceiling. Surrounded by a balcony. Guests intermingling while enjoying good drink, food and music.

Don and Chris’ friends all wonderful people. Enjoyed again the company of Trish aka Trixie and John, Phil and Christina, Joon, and Gilly. Met the wedding couple’s families. Chris’ parents, Don’s two sisters and brother, Don’s children. Joon’s charming parents who had arrived from South Korea. And many more.

I sat with John, Ollie, Bridget, the minister who married Chris and Don. And another woman. A good table!

I especially enjoyed Bridget. Bridget Geraghty. In from Chicago. Ollie’s guest.

A beautiful and charming young lady. Makes her living working for politicians. She is presently on the staff of the Democrat seeking the Illinois governorship. An interesting conversation. Especially since I am a political junkie.

She came to dance! She could dance! Ollie did a good job in keeping up with her.

The women knew how to dress. They dressed. All lovely. The men go casual. Referred to again as Key West formal.

I snuck out at 10:30. Already past my bed time. I cannot keep late hours as I once did.

An example of how some of the wedding party had been partying. I missed them friday night at the Chart Room. They arrived after I left. They closed the Chart Room around 1. A bunch then went to the outside bar at Don’s Place till it closed at 4.

Yet, they were all bright and shiny for the wedding last night!

Spent yesterday afternoon watching the kids’ March For Our Lives on TV. Must be honest. I shed a few tears. Raw emotions exhibited on the screen.

A movement that cannot be stopped. A cultural change. The NRA has met its match.

So too Marco Rubio.

Rubio set his path on becoming President. He can forget it. He won’t be able to be elected dog catcher after these high schoolers get done with him.

Key West participated in the March. Kicked off at noon at South Beach, marched down Duval to Mallory Square. Photos in this morning’s KONK Life E-Blast indicate hundreds participating. Could be a thousand.

And who was the leader of the band at one point. Laurie. Laurie from Aqua. Laurie always comfortable with a mike in her hand. Laurie who is always available to help someone or a cause. There she was in one of the photos standing by the mike her arms raised high.

Loyola-Chicago won again! Going to the Final Four! Good for them! Loyola a #11 seed beat the #1 seed Kansas yesterday.

Today is Palm Sunday. The beginning of Holy Week for Christians. The beginning of a holy week for Jews, also.

For Christians, Palm Sunday marks the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Within a week, He would be crucified.

Palm Sunday was a big deal in an Italian Catholic household. Everyone went to Church. Even those who rarely or never went. To get palms. Everyone got as many as they wanted.

It was part of the tradition to visit the homes of family and friends and exchange warm greetings while exchanging palms.

Every family had a talented Uncle who could make fancy crosses of all sizes, hats, and baskets from the palms.

Today, no more. Sometime in the 1960’s, the Church got niggardly with the palms. Only one palm per person. My recollection is that the palms had become expensive.

The tradition of visiting and exchanging continued. However, you had to make sure you received a palm in return. Otherwise, you had none to give at the next house visited.

I will be glued to the TV set at 8 tonight. 60 Minutes featuring Stoney Daniels! Ho, ho, ho. What will we learn?

Enjoy your Sunday!


I was sitting at the bar last night at the Chart Room when a lovely lady sat next to me. She started chatting immediately…..I was in last night looking for you, met you with my husband in November, etc.

I did not recognize her until she mentioned she was a librarian, her husband a dairy farmer and they lived in Arkansas. The bell rang!

Jenny 45, married to Spence.

Jenny’s mother Rita was with her. Karen’s husband Spence back home in Arkansas working the farm.

Rita told me she and the family have been coming to Key West for Christmas for 15 years. Impressive.

Jenny and I spoke at length. She is a fan. Reads the blog daily, has purchased and read Irma and Me, and listens religiously every tuesday to my podcast Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Loves the podcast!

Jenny is the first person I have met who religiously follows the podcast. I have noticed the blog and podcast are distinct and separate audiences. Different.

Rita’s son, Jenny’s brother, was married saturday in Memphis. Mother Rita was stressed out from the event. Ergo, Jenny took mother to Key West for a few days of rest and relaxation.

I have become interested in farming. Especially farms that are in competition with or have become associated with the big corporations like Monsanto. In addition to dairy farming, Jenny’s husband Spence grows rice.

We had an interesting discussion re the pros and cons of doing business with major corporations.

Seated next to Jenny was Karen. Karen and husband Jim visiting Key West for the second time. From Cleveland. Two grown children. Son an architect, daughter a financial forecaster. Karen refers to her son as a Doctor for Buildings.

Jim an electrical equipment salesman.

Karen charming.

Made sure I got home in time for the Syracuse/Duke game. Close. Syracuse lost 69-65.

Good game. Both teams using zone defenses. Penetration difficult.

Syracuse lost the game near the end of the first half. It was neck and neck up to that time. Then Duke went of a 10 point run and went into half time with a 7 point lead.

I am proud of Syracuse. The regular season was disastrous. Syracuse did not have it. Then improvement began appearing in the ACC post season tournament. Major improvement in the 3 NCAA tournament games.

It is called redemption. A job well done!

The big students’ march today. High school students demanding improvement in gun laws. The big demonstration in Washington. World wide, also.

And in Key West! The Key West portion begins at noon at South Beach. It will go straight down Duval to Mallory Square. From the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico.

Irma still with us. There are post Irma effects. This morning’s Key West Citizen pointed out two.

Florida lobsters one.

The lobster season ends April 1. During Irma, 24,000 traps were lost. Translated into a 60 percent smaller harvest. The dollar loss totaling $38.6 million.

The hospitality industry hurting, also. Revenues down 20 percent. Tourists think Irma wiped Key West out and we are still rebuilding.

Key West an island of writers. Yesterday and today. One of the famous ones Tennessee Williams. Lived in Key West more than 30 years.

On this day in 1955, Williams’ play Cat On A Hot Tin Roof opened on Broadway. Two days before his 44th birthday. Twenty eight years before his death in 1985.

Williams lived on Duncan Street. My Lisa and family live 1.5 blocks down the street from the Williams home.

There is an excitement associated with passing the homes of Key West notables. People like Hemingway and Williams. I get a thrill.

An interesting article in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal re human sperm.

Demand for human sperm is a fast growing market. U.S. sperm most in demand. In many locales world wide.

Demand for American sperm for example has skyrocketed in Brazil. In 2011, the demand was 16. In 2017, more than 500.

Wealthy Brazilian women creating the demand. Rich singles and lesbian couples. The DNA most in demand light complexioned, blond haired, and blue eyed.

Modern science absolutely amazing!

One of the most popular donors is #9601 at the Seattle Sperm Bank. He has all the characteristics demanded.

Tubes of semen from young men are frozen in liquid nitrogen and flown to Brazilian airports.

This is the day! At 7 this evening as the sun sets, the guns will roar, the band will play. Chris and Don will be saying their I Do’s.

Two special people tying the knot.

I will be there! On time!

Enjoy your day!









Don and Chris will marry at 7 saturday evening on the Hyatt dock as the sun sets.



I hope every one makes the wedding. The partying began wednesday evening at the Chart Room. A handful of guests.

Last night more guests. Fifteen to twenty. What Don described as a “pre-wedding get together” was held at the Hyatt Beach Bar. Good food and good company. Good drinking, of course.

Don and Chris’ friends coming in from all parts of the world. Including Korea. Don has a piece of a Korean company. Three primary owners. All Korean. One in already and at the party. The other two arriving today.

Joon the owner I met last night. His father sent him to Texas for finishing school and then to the University of Texas. Today, he runs the company.

Met Gilly. Don and Gilly worked for the same company for 27 years. Arm in arm. Today, competitors. Still friends.

Trixie and John from Litchfield, Connecticut.

Trixie is Chris’ best friend. Affiliated with Pfizer. Producers of Viagra. I got an education re Viagra and its generic.

John a doctor. A rheumatologist.

I noticed Trixie always had her hand on John’s arm and hand. I mentioned how lovely. I envied them. Turned out they are relatively newly married. Eighteen months. The glow still there. Good for them!

Recall Phil from yesterday’s blog? He is involved in a family business, has a second home in Tuscany, etc. I did not get much detail on him the night before. I did last night.

The company the Golden Rod Corporation. Operated three generations by Phil’s family. The first two generations in Italy. Montechio, Maggiori. The plant still operational. Phil’s Tuscany home in the same area.

Phil is involved in operating the U.S. facility. Prospect, Connecticut. The business is involved in manufacturing components for paper and plastic industries. They supply customers world wide.

Phil is with Christina. A couple. Christina 30 years old. Works a bit. Only a bit. Weekends. She delivers pizzas. She does not need to work. Delivered pizzas in college. Keeps her hand in it weekends for the fun of it. Claims she provides joy to those she delivers to. People always smile as they receive their pizza orders.

Trixie and Christina read the blog. I love everyone who reads my blog! We were excited to meet each other.

The party was breaking down. Don was leading everyone to the Chart Room. Not me. I could not handle another drinking night. Made my excuses and said I was going to bed. Told Trixie if I did not watch myself, I would never make the wedding saturday night.

My car was at the Pier House. Stopped in the Chart Room for a few minutes. Drank a diet soda. The wedding group was 15 minutes behind me.

Glad I stopped. Ran into Susan and Huggie from Charleston, South Carolina. I had met them last year.

Love ’em. Susan was quick to point out she reads the blog every day and also read Irma and Me.

We enjoyed an interesting few minutes.

Susan mentioned Syracuse. Followed it up with Loyola. I assumed Susan and Huggie were Loyola fans. I was unaware that Loyola had played earlier in the evening and beat Nevada by one point. Realized it only after I got home. Sorry, folks.

Syracuse/Duke tonight at 10. Duke favored by 11.5 points. Ranked #4 in the nation. Syracuse undaunted. We have been the underdog in the 3 NCAA games played thus far.

It will be onward Christian soldiers and let the chips fall where they may!

The weather was cold last night. Down to 64. Heat on.

Checked the weather for saturday’s wedding. E-mailed Chris and told her it was not necessary to put the rosary beads out. Weather saturday 78 by day and 70 by night.

My research goes in strange directions sometime. Came across “vaginal steaming” yesterday. Also known as “yoni steaming.”

Several years ago, movie star Gwen Paltrow began Goop. Began as a weekly e-mail. Now, a lifestyle website.

At one point, Paltrow endorsed vaginal steaming. A woman sits over a hot pot of water filled with herbs for up to 45 minutes. Supposedly cleanses the uterus and balances female hormones.

Perhaps. The real reason for its use is ages old. Centuries. Intended to help men, not women. Tightened the vagina so as to provide more pleasure to the man.

Whatever, the century old procedure is today part of the program at many spas for women world wide. One southern California spa advertises it as the “reawakening of the inner goddess.”

A couple of short Trump observations.

Trump appointed John Bolton National Security Adviser. The worse man possible for the job. A neocon, war hawk, hardliner. He takes office April 9.

Bolton was once U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Bush 2 appointed him. Knew he would have difficulty getting Senate confirmation. Waited till recess to make the appointment. Avoided advise and consent. Bolton served as an interim appointee.

The National Security Adviser position does not require Senate confirmation.

To place Bolton’s appointment in perspective, he favors a preemptive war against Iran and North Korea. Without authorization from Congress.

I continue to fear Trump wants to be a war President.

Trump announced yesterday certain tariffs he intended to impose on China. China says they will retaliate. A tariff war guaranteed. Other countries will follow. A tariff war could destroy economies. Especially the U.S.’s I fear.

Trump not a thinker. Even a little bit. China is our bank. They loan us money every day. Our second biggest creditor. We owe China around $1.4 trillion.

Suppose China said no more money. Even worse, suppose China said  pay up. They called in our notes.

The man does not see, cannot comprehend, knows not what he is doing.

The market dropped 724 points yesterday because of the China/tariff situation.

Enjoy your day!