My favorite evening of Fantasy Fest is thursday. Toga night!

The voyeur in me comes out.

Before describing the gritty details, a brief toga history.

The toga is a garment of ancient Rome. White cloth. Drapped over the shoulders and around the body.

The toga and Rome cover many years. Modes of dress changed. What is set forth is generally what was the case.

Initially, the toga was worn with no undergarments. Romans were frugal. Then a garment underneath became the style. The tunic.

The toga was formal wear for men. Like wearing a suit today. The ladies initially wore togas, also. As time went on, they moved from the toga to a long Greek type gown. Except for prostitutes. Prostitutes wore togas at all times.

To today.

Thursday night during Fantasy fest is toga time!

Many will attire themselves in togas. More females than males. Many of the ladies wear nothing beneath the togas.

The event takes place in Sloppy Joe’s and outside on the street in front of Sloppy’s. The crowd overwhelming. Spectators/voyeurs and toga wearers.

A game is played. Generally on the street. A lady will be encircled by a group of men. Beads come into play. The men will want the lady to show her breasts. She will negotiate for beads. When an acceptable number has been arrived at, she will lower her toga and exhibit her breasts.

The negotiation then moves to her genital area. The bead cost higher. The negotiation concluded, the lady will lift her toga and show everyone the down under.

Next, the derriere. The butt brings the most beads. Very heavy negotiations. An acceptable number arrived at, the lady lifts her toga and exhibits her butt.

The exhibitions are not swift. The men get their beads’ worth. The ladies thrilled to show all.

Ten to fifteen of these negotiations are ongoing simultaneously for hours.

Note, women of all ages involved.

As mentioned yesterday, sex is absolutely prohibited during Fantasy Fest. There seems to be an exception. At 3-4 in the morning, the togas come off and the sexes engage. I only know this from word of mouth and photos. I could never stay up that late, even for sex.

My yesterday began with lunch at Sandy’s Cafe. Followed by a manicure at 1 with Tammy.

Initially, I was Tammy’s only customer. I asked, “All this overhead for me?”

Stopped at Walgreens on the way home. Finally got my flu shot.

Last night, Blue Macaw for 2 hours. I wanted to get out. I have been staying in evenings trying to finish a book I seem to have been writing forever.

Terri was singing. Donna with her, of course. Chatted a while with Doug. Tuesday was tutu night. Male and females so attired all over town. Doug had been out and about. Wore a kilt in place of a tutu. Preserved his masculinity. Correctly wore nothing under the kilt. Said he spent the evening mooning everyone.

Lynda and Bob Frechette came in. First time at Blue Macaw. I sat with them a while. Two of the best people in Key West. Involved, well known, loved.

Two drinks and I was on my way home. It was only 8 o’clock.

Now for a most important and disturbing item. The bombs discovered yesterday. Unquestionably, terrorism. National terrorism. I suspect one of our own out to hurt certain of his/her fellow citizens.

I believe without question the bombs the result of Trump’s violent rhetoric. His anger and hatred relentless. The damage attempted by the bombs an inevitable event. Trump’s words the motivation.

It has to stop. It will not as long as Trump continues his destructive ways. He will. He may have toned down a bit last night. He will not be able to keep his words down. Not his nature. In fact, I found his words last night more mocking than a direction to calm down, stop.

Next will come action in the streets. Not mere demonstrations. Clashes.

Actual revolution a possibility. I have been suggesting such might occur for a while.

Hard to believe. In the United States?

We continue to live in the Germany of the 1930’s. Everyone, beginning with Trump, put the brakes on!

Enjoy your day!




I have been recommending the best Fantasy Fest events to attend the past few evenings. Several each night.

Tonight, only one. Toga Party!

Forget everything else. The place to be is Sloppy Joe’s. Inside or on the street. Actually, the street more fun till about 3 in the morning. Then go inside for the action.

Men and women clad in white togas. Magnificent attire, especially for women. It will be show me your…..For how many beads? Constant negotiation. The lady always wins. The men happy to pay.

The event, a voyeur’s dream!

My first stop last night was the Chart Room. Sat at the end of the bar in the corner. A few minutes later, a lovely young lady asked if the empty seat next to me was taken. I looked over and said no. Thought I would die!

She was wearing next to nothing. A thong. Bare breasted. Absolutely magnificent breasts.

All I could think was…..Thank you God!

We chatted. She was up and around and then back to the seat again. Talking with everyone.

She was part of a pair. Al and Ann from somewhere outside Detroit. Al an orthopedist.

They have been doing Fantasy Fest for 10 years. Stay generally at the Pier House. The same accommodation each year. More pricey than a normal room.

Al an interesting guy. We chatted a bit. Clothed differently than Ann. Al was wearing a bathing suit and cowboy hat.

At some point, another Fantasy Fest woman arrived. Her breasts spray painted.

The bar was crowded. Most persons costumed up. At one point, I could hear a discussion about men’s nipples. Did not pay attention. The subject of no interest to me.

John bartending. Early 40’s. His second year in Key West. He is enjoying the week!

He went to Kelly’s Kinky Party monday night. The same one I mentioned that I did with my lesbian wives 15 years ago. The nipple twisting story.

John and his date properly attired. Attired perhaps not the correct word. The fewer clothes the better. A black strap here and there sufficient.

John said the event was everything he imagined it would be!

When I did the party 15 years ago, Kelly’s was the only BD/SM party in town. Today at least one an evening during Fantasy Fest.

Decided to invade the Pier House restaurant. Pier One. For stone crabs.

Magnificent! Without question! Go and enjoy. A mere $26 a pound. Sweet and succulent!

Met Livia. A lovely 26 year old bartender/waitress from Slovakia. She has a Masters from her home country. Useless she claims here. She is attending our local community college learning hospitality services.

I returned to the Chart Room. Kevin and Polly there. Kevin had arrived earlier in the day.

I chastised Polly re tattooed nipples on reconstructed breasts. I had told her and Ollie about a lady friend who was having it done. They thought I was crazy.

I researched Google later that night after arriving home. Nipples can be tattooed on. Three dimensional! Woman’s choice. Instead of a nipple, it can be a star, moon or sun. Whatever the woman wants.

Told Polly also my friend Cindy from Des Moines had written. She had a mastectomy. Opted for a nipple tattoo.

Nipples obviously were in vogue last night at the Chart Room. Female and male.

Saw my dermatologist Dr. Pruett in the afternoon. Cut a few things off. Froze others. A once a year visit as a person gets older.

Got my car back. Vinny the Ghost. Doors now open via the use of human hands. Most other things dependent on the electrical system still not working. Mechanic back ordered on the necessary part.

Shootout at OK Corral. The event occurred this day in 1881. Took all of 30 seconds. Estimated 30 shots fired during that time.

Wyatt Earp, his brothers and Doc Holliday.

A famous American happening. Many movies made based on it.

I have a sick and then sicker story to relate.

Recall the Dakota Access Pipeline last year. Sioux Indians protecting a burial ground. A standoff. Many non Indians standing with the Indians in opposition to the oil companies.

Several Congressmen have written to Attorney General Sessions recommending that he prosecute the Sioux and others as terrorists under the Patriot Act.

Understanding Sessions, he might very well go for it.

Trump wants to deport. He deports. Does not appear age nor circumstance matter.

Marie Rosa 10 years old. Here illegally. Her parents brought her across the border when she was three months old. Maria has cerebral palsy.

An ambulance in Texas was taking her from one hospital to another for surgery. Gall bladder. Stopped at a check point by ICE.

After some discussion, Maria was permitted to go forward and get the surgery. ICE followed and stayed with her.

Following the surgery, Maria was taken to a detention facility in San Antonio. Her parents are at home in Laredo, some 150 miles away. At some point over the years, the parents had become citizens. Not Maria, however.

ICE wants to deport Maria.

Where is the conscience of those involved? America not as unhappy with immigrants as the President thinks.

Media announced this morning the President will speak this afternoon. He will announce that opioids have become a national emergency and the government is going to deal with the problem.

Hero Trump!

Not really.

Opioids a national crisis. Sixty four thousand died last year. Averages 142 deaths a day. Normally such would be labeled a crisis. The crisis would be handled by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. That account has only $57,000 in it.

Instead of labeling it a crisis, Trump is calling it an emergency. This he believes permits him to use monies authorized for natural disasters. Such as hurricanes.

Hurricane monies drying up, however.

Monies for the opioid epidemic will have to be authorized by Congress. Another Trump slight of hand. He says I am going to do such and such and then tosses the ball to Congress to act. If Congress fails to authorize sufficient monies, he can always say I was for helping. It was Congress that failed.

The President never fails.

Some other interesting tidbits.

Melania is going to be involved in leading the fight somehow.

The problem primarily the responsibility of the Secretary of Health and Human Services. We do not have such a Secretary at the moment. Tom Price who was using private jets willy nilly resigned and has not been replaced.

We also require a Drug Czar. Trump nominated a Marino a couple of months ago. Marino had to withdraw when it was discovered he was close to the pharmaceutical houses. We still do not have a Drug Czar.

Typical Trump. Make a big deal out of something. Gets great media coverage. Then limbo for a plan.

The opioid problem is now. Requires now treatment, now attention. Actually, yesterday’s. What Trump will announce will take significantly more time to become operational because of funding, staffing and planning.

Enjoy your day!