There are a number of  different sexualities.

The first began with Adam and Eve. Heterosexuality. No others at the time.

Since have come homosexuality, lesbianism, bi-sexuality, transgenders, and now asexuals.

Transgender as an item of public awareness is relatively new. I had never heard the term till several years ago when we were made aware of the large number, their personal needs, etc.

I thought transgenders would be the last of the sexual designations. I was wrong. We are now being made aware of asexuals.

An asexual person is a person who does not experience sexual attraction. It is not celibacy. It is an intrinsic part of who a person is. As with other sexual designations. With a significant difference. Asexuals have no sexual drive/attraction. For either sex.

Asexuality has existed since sometime after Adam and Eve. It is not new. Awareness and it being the subject of public discourse is new.

One percent of the world’s population is thought to be asexual. Some think more. Seventy percent are believed to be women.

Public awareness and discourse has resulted in Asexual Awareness Week. This year October 21-27.

Fantasy Fest began yesterday. The week begins slowly. More events to follow. Yesterday, a Zombie Bike Ride. Four miles. Costumed. Scary. Participants’ faces made up to look like zombies!

More events today. Included are the Green Parrot Beatles Tribute, the Southernmost Luau, a 5k run, and Sloppy Joe’s Comic Book Capers.

Dueling Bartenders will be performing at Aqua as usual. If you are here for Fantasy Fest, stop in. The best buy in town. Great singing all for the price of a drink.

Another event is the Kinky Carnival at First Flight. BDSM at its finest!

The oldest BDSM event in Fantasy Fest history. First Flight is the former Kelly’s Caribbean Restaurant. It started there.

Kelly’s at the time was owned by Hollywood star Kelly McGillis and her husband Fred Tillman. My neighbors in Key Haven.

I have only attended one such kinky event. When it was Kelly’s. It was 15 years ago. I was at a Fantasy Fest party when someone said let’s go to Kelly’s. I was with Donna that evening. Terri not yet in the picture.

We all went. I had always wanted to see a BDSM party. One of my deviations, I guess.

I was shocked!

Most of the people were running around bare ass. I was dressed. In a tee shirt and shorts. Never take my clothes off publicly.

The place was packed. Both floors. Impossible to get to the bar.

What was going on was interesting. Who was whipping who, who was hung on a cross, who was walking around on a dog collar and leash, etc.

I lost Donna. Satisfied my curiosity. Left after one hour.

I have never seen another since. Worth the experience however if you have even the slightest curiosity of what is involved.

An Irma update. I mentioned a week ago that Irma left 4,000 homes destroyed or severely damage. There are consequences. It has since been reported that in 2017 and 2018 there has been a population drop in every Keys city and unincorporated area.

The people of the U.S. were made aware on this date in 1962 of the Cuban Missile Crisis. President John Kennedy went on national TV and made the announcement. Russia was establishing missile bases in Cuba. The missiles would have the capacity to hit major U.S. cities.

I was an adult at the time. Twenty-seven years old with a wife, family, and a 2 year old law practice.

The situation quickly turned into the serious possibility of conflict. War drums were beating both in the U.S. and Russia.

Key West was directly involved. Cuba only 90 miles away. Smathers Beach was lined with anti-aircraft missiles. The U.S. blockaded Cuba so no new missiles or construction equipment could be delivered by Soviet ships.

The Russian Navy confronted our vessels. The vessels came close. Two only feet from each other.


Fortunately, Russia blinked. The Russian close vessel turned around followed by other Russian ships and returned to Russia.

We were able to watch all this via TV. Interesting, worrisome, scary. The brink of war.

Trump announced saturday he is going to have the U.S. withdraw from the nuclear treaty with Russia. The treaty was agreed to in 1987 by Ronald Reagan and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.

Another dumb Trump move in the making.

Gorbachev is still alive. He said Trump’s desire “not the work of a great mind.” He added, “Do they really not understand in Washington what this can lead to?” He concluded that “…..all agreements aimed at nuclear disarmament and the limitation of nuclear weapons must be preserved for the sake of life on Earth.”

Too deep for Trump to understand.

Enjoy your day!





Some persons become legends in their own time. Key Westers recall their legendary figures. Among others, Ernest Hemingway, Tennessee Williams, Sloppy Joe, Captain Tony, Mel Fisher.

Mel Fisher concerns me today.

Key West annually celebrates Mel Fisher. Mel Fisher Days this year are July 12-14. Party time. All kind of activities befitting Mel Fisher.

Mel Fisher’s claim to fame is that he discovered a part of the Spanish galleon Atocha. Recovered $400 million in gold, emeralds and other jewelry.

His story.

Mel was a chicken farmer from Indiana. Eventually, he,  his wife Doe and family, ended up in Key West. Fisher was convinced there was gold in off shore waters. He spent 16 years looking for it. Lean years. Sacrificing time for the Fisher family.

Fisher would begin each day by telling his crew…..Today’s the day! For 16 years.

Finally, he scored.

The Atocha was ladened with gold, emeralds and other jewels. On their way to Spain. Atocha was one of a convoy of 28 ships. Some had problems. The convoy left 6 weeks late. Five weeks into the tropical storm season.

A hurricane hit the second day out. The Atocha went down.

On August 20, 1985, Fisher discovered a part of the Atocha. He was able to salvage $400 million in gold, emeralds and other jewelry.

Still not his. Spain made claim to the fortune. Fisher fought Spain and others all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Fisher won. The Court ruled in effect…..Finders keepers!

Obviously changed Fisher’s life and that of his family.

The man earned it.

My evening yesterday began with Liz Moody’s birthday party. Eighty four years and going strong!

A beautiful woman. A glowing face and personality.

Many friends in attendance.

Age is taking its toll. A broken hip that never mended properly. A diabetic whose problem frequently gets out of control. She was released two days ago from the hospital where the fight to stabilize her sugar took place for 15 days.

Liz parties well. She had a good time. I had a good time. Everyone had a good time.

Then to the Chart Room. Looking for Kevin. He had purchased tickets for a group of us to see Howie Mandell monday evening at the Key West Theater. Needed to pick up my ticket and pay $59. A bargain from my perspective.

I have always enjoyed Mandell. It will be good to laugh continuously monday evening.

David stopped by for a moment.

New friends Ray and Augusta at the bar. Enjoyed their company.

Stopped at Sandy’s Cafe on the way home for something to eat. Food at Liz’s party. I drank however instead of eating. Read the newspapers and enjoyed a Cuban cheese toast with tomato and a large Cuban coffee. The gin earlier was not enough to give me a bang. Needed the Cuban coffee.

Home early. In bed by 9:30. Slept well. Slept late this morning.

Trump, Brussels and the NATO Conference. Trump embarrassed us. His conduct disgraceful.

He beat the hell out of Germany’s Angela Merkel. Improperly so. He never has his facts right. Referred to Germany as “totally controlled” by and “captive” to Russia.

He deficated upon NATO as a whole for failing to keep up with individual payments to NATO. Implied clearly the U.S. was being forced to pay more than it should. He said the U.S. was paying 90 percent of NATO’s bills. Not correct. Sixty six percent. Note that payments are determined by how much money a nation earns per year.

A press conference this morning. Trump made it sound like everything was now kumbaya. Everyone happy. Claimed he made it so. He forced the others to agree to reach the 2 percent level by 2024.

The 40 minute press conference crowded with additional Trump lies. The English like me. He was headed to England following the press conference. The English hate him! Only 11 percent like him. The 2 percent going to 4 percent soon after 2024. No such promise made. Merely Trump’s idea.

He failed to explain some pertinent facts. Perhaps he did not know. He does not prepare for these meetings.

Trump claimed England buys 70 percent of its gas from Russia. Not true. Only 33 percent. Note most European countries buy gas from Russia. It’s cheap. The U.S. cannot compete with the Russian charges because of the distance and lack of a pipe line.

Trump was not aware that although most NATO nations were behind in the 2 percent contributions, they were far ahead of the United States in humanitarian aid. Eurounion countries provide such aid to the tune of $12 billion a year as opposed to  the U.S.’s $6 billion.

Trump can only see one way. He does not take into account peripheral items.

He forgets also that NATO troops have been fighting along side U.S. troops in Afghanistan for 16 years. Eleven thousand non U.S. NATO troops have died.

A question. The U.S. imports 43 percent of its imported oil from Canada. Does that make the U.S. “totally controlled” by and “captive” of Canada?

Paul Manafort was moved yesterday to another jail. It was discovered his jail time came with unique privileges. He had a larger than normal cell, a private bathroom and shower, a personal telephone (made 300 calls), separate work space to prepare for trial, and was permitted to have a lap top in his cell.

Not normal. Unusual. Reminded me of how Mafia bootleggers were treated when jailed back in the 1920’s.

Have to hustle. Haircut time.

Enjoy your day!


Happy Halloween!

One admonishment. Be careful driving tonight. The streets will be full with children of all ages.

Trick or Treat the demand.

When I was young, it was Guess or Give. I do not recall Trick or Treat till sometime in high school. Decided to give the two names a quick Google.

The phrase Trick or Treat appeared for the first time in a 1927 Canadian book. Picked up in U.S. along the way. World War II derailed the use of the term. The shortage of sugar the reason. It returned in the early 1950’s.

I was out knocking on doors beginning 1940. I only knew Guess or Give till about 1950.

Googled Guess or Give. Information sparse. Very. Could not find it utilized at Halloween time as part of the knocking on the door scenario.

Spent a good part of yesterday working on tonight’s podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

An abundance of interesting topics. Like Paul Manafort, Trump deportations extreme, 320 homeless children in the Florida Keys as a result of Irma, a Mississippi judge who refused to return a black woman’s baby for 14 months till she paid court costs.

Also, Trump and opioids, Puerto Rico and the Whiteface Energy contract, Saudi Arabia grants full citizen privileges to Sophia Robot, a Terri update, a nipple tattoo following mastectomy, and more.

Nine my time. A quick eye opening half hour.

Lunched at Cuban Coffee Queen. Cuban cheese toast and coffee. Read the newspapers. Relaxing.

Yesterday, exciting. The first indictment/arrests in the Russian collusion inquiry. Regardless of what I was doing yesterday, I was always near a TV or radio so I could hear what was going on.

A big opening salvo by Mueller. Especially the news re George Papadopoulos’ guilty plea.

I will have more to say re the indictments/arrests at 9 tonight on my blog talk radio show.

The not the only nation that has been subjected to major cyber attacks by Russia. Germany, France and the Netherlands some of the others.

The EU has a draft circulating among its members to define cyber attacks as “acts of war.” Weapons limited to conventional ones.

One of the purposes of cyber attacks is to destroy what is commonly described as the establishment. Its aim is to bring down post World War II accomplishments in political, economic and military areas. Russia behind the rebellion against established order.

Steve Bannon comes into play. A leader in the Trump victory. For a time Chief Strategist to Trump. Now all over the U.S. politicking against Senators scheduled to run next year. Bannon openly has stated and continsue to state his goal to bring down the establishment. Destroy it!

The man is mad.

Probably the tastiest fish in the Florida Keys is hogfish. So good, it has been over fished.

Commercial hogfish harvesting was closed down August 24. It will remain closed till January 1.

Recreational, from November 1 to May 1.

It is not just hogfish that is depleting in numbers. Most other denizens of the deep as well. For example, many are unaware that certain of our Keys’ fish are shipped as far as Japan on a daily basis.

With the world population burgeoning, fish someday will be the primary source of food. We must control what we take out of waters today so our grandchildren will be able to eat tomorrow.

Another example of depletion involves Atlantic salmon.

Atlantic salmon return yearly to the Magaguadavic River in New Brunswick, Canada. To spawn.

Not this year. Zip. Nothing.

Why, no one knows. Could be climate change. Whatever, the salmon have disappeared in the River. The Magaguadavic River not the only place. Other rivers in recent years, also. Suddenly and unexplainably.

Heard from the publisher. Irma and Me should be out by the end of the week.

Enjoy your day!



Ho ho ho! Fantasy Fest around the corner. Nine days away. Goombay the start. Begins friday October 20. The Fantasy Fest Parade October 28.

Hope Irma does not keep tourists away. Except for debris on some side streets, the town will be ready. Bars and restaurants waiting.

Spent 1.5 hours at the hospital yesterday. The first of many tests I am scheduled for. Tomorrow another one.

One of the topics discussed last night on my podcast Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou was Puerto Rico and solar power.

Telsa’s Elon Musk met a few days ago with Governor Ricardo Rossello. They discussed solarizing the whole island rather than rebuilding the electrical system. Musk claims solar power cheaper and quicker to install.

Musk has already solarized the entire of American Samoa and a part of Hawaii.

The United States is lagging behind in the development of solar power. Blame the electrical companies, their well paid lobbyists, and federal and state legislators who dance to their tune.

China is the U.S.’s major competitor in anything economic. Beating the hell out of us. Solar power an example.

China’s solarization is twice the capacity of the United States. China also manufactures solar panels, etc. for export. China exports 99 percent of the panels it manufactures. Jobs a plenty.

Brilliant! Certain of our leaders have told us over the years that solar panels would be a new industry employing many. The U.S. should be the world leader. The words never turned into deeds. Politics, again.

Stone carbs! My favorite food!

The stone crab season begins October 15. This sunday. I can’t wait.

Irma behind us, Key West boards and commissions are back in business. One is the Tree Commission. For years, their business appears to have been ordering the removal of trees. Too many. To the abhorrence of Key West citizens.

Irma took down many trees. Removal should not be part of the Tree Commission’s agenda any further. Key West needs trees! Many kinds! All kinds!

The order of the day for the Tree Commission is to preserve the trees remaining and add to them.

Jenna Stauffer. My Jenna. Loveliest of the lovely. This 82 year old man loves taking 30 year old Jenna to dinner. We have been friends for 9 years.

Jenna just received her real estate license. Her shingle hangs with the Berkshire Hathaway Home Services team.

Everyone affected by Irma. Even baby turtles. Might never become  baby turtles. Most nesting beaches washed away by Irma.

An unnamed  group has joined together. Concerned. They are working at the preservation and restoration of the nesting beaches.

What follows not a Key West problem. Yet.

Reptiles are being found in toilets world wide.

A lizard was found in a Florida toilet. Probably an iguana.

Malaysian toilets are the squat type. Squat over an opening in the floor. A big lizard resting in the toilet.

The best in Pretoria, South Africa. A five foot snake. The commode the style we are accustomed to. A sit on toilet. The police could not get the snake out with poles and hoops. Finally, one officer grabbed the snake by its head and pulled it out.

Can you imagine sitting on a toilet, looking between your legs, and seeing an iguana or snake cuddled in the bowl? You might never go again!

Jimmy Carter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize this date in 2002. Carter achieved more in his post Presidency years than while President. The award much deserved.

I am pleased to announce the publisher has agreed to go forward with Irma and Me. The body of the book, the meat, is complete. It is that which surrounds it that I have to complete in the next few days.

Enjoy your day!



My feet hurt.

I woke monday morning with pain in the ball of my right foot. Tuesday the pain was in the ball of both feet. Wednesday and today, the pain is in the ball of the left foot.

Strange how the pain moves from one foot to another.

Saw doctor yesterday. Make pain go away! Every step hurts! Sometimes takes my breath away!

Doctor thinks it is my lower back. I think he’s wrong. He is the doctor, however. So I will be taking x-rays.

If any of you have had a similar experience, please write and tell me what caused your problem.

First stop after doctor visit was the Chart Room. I really felt like a drink.

John bartending. Donnie and Doug drinking.

Donnie and Doug are from Mississippi. Doug a therapist. Actually lived in Key West for a while years ago.

Donnie a printer. Sixty five. Says it is good bye to his business when he is 66. Wants to retire to Key West.

The wives were in their Pier House rooms getting ready for dinner.

The guys good conversationalists.

I was hungry. Walked over to the Hot Tin Roof.

Enjoyed lamb chops. I have said this before…..The best lamb chops I have ever eaten! Not sure whether it is the meat or the preparation or both. Just good!

Jack Terry bartending.

Jack has a second life. He writes! More profusely than I! Has many books to his credit. Presently into mysteries. Finishing his third mystery. Part of his Tricky Dick series.

The crocodile on the golf course. A front page photo in the Key West Citizen this morning. Big croc! Scary! Golfers…..Forget golf, take up tennis.

State wildlife officials decided not to remove the croc. The officials say the crocodile is harmless. Crocs bore easily. They assume the croc will move on in due course.

There are two ponds on the golf course. The croc is inhabiting both.

The croc cannot be killed. A protected species.

On this day in 1912, a Captain Charles Thompson harpooned a whale shark from a fishing schooner. Near the Seven Mile Bridge. The whale shark was 38 feet long and weighed 26,594 pounds.

Diana Millikan back. For three weeks. Look forward to seeing her. She can be disruptive and aggravating. However, she is sincere and a good person. We disagree politically. She likes Trump!

“Without him, there’d be no me.” Words by Shaquille O’Neal. He was speaking of George Mikan at the time of Mikan’s death.

Mikan made professional basketball. He stared with the NBA’s Minneapolis for years. The Associated Press named him the best basketball player of the first half of the 20th century.

Six foot eight, a dominating force in the early years of professional basketball. The lane was expanded to 12 feet from 6 feet because of him.  The 3 second rule came into play because of him. Goal tending, also. He was blocking too many shots.

Mikan died this day in 2005.

Enjoy your day!




Last night was Donna and Terri evening. My guests at dinner to celebrate their anniversary and Terri’s birthday.

We were going to meet at Lucy’s. A new restaurant at the far Gulf end of Grinnell. Arrived first. Spent $12 to park my car in the garage next door. Ridiculous!

Lucy’s packed. A dozen people waiting for tables. Air conditioning appeared to be out.

Telephoned Donna and said Lucy’s a no go. We decided to meet at the bar of Half Shell Raw Bar. We would decide where to eat from there.

Key West is into season. Every restaurant would be packed. I saw what had been anticipated as a great evening turning into a pain in the ass getting a table somewhere.

As I was walking past the old PT’s on Caroline, I noticed it was now called the Bite. Basically a sandwich place. Sports bar of sorts. Had heard good things about the place.

Stepped inside. Not packed. Air conditioning working. Called my lesbian wives and told them to meet me there.

We had a great time! The food good. Many locals we knew filtered in during the course of the evening.

Terri bald. The chemotherapy. Thin. Lost a lot of weight. She was bundled. Cold. Her hands freezing.

She continues with chemo into April. Then the two of them are off to Tampa. A procedure available in Tampa. They will have to remain in Tampa.

The plan is to take Terri’s stem cells and grow bone marrow from them outside her body. Following which the new bone marrow would be introduced into Terri’s body.

Amazing! Terri a trooper!

The Women’s March entered into the conversation.

Donna’s daughter Stacie is the manager of Blue Heaven. One of her daughters is Hannah. Hannah a 17 year old high school senior.

Stacie, Hannah and some of the other Blue Heaven ladies made the trip to Washington and participated in the Women’s March.

Donna said she got a call from her granddaughter Hannah during the March…..Grandma, I feel empowered!

Donna’s son Scott and his wife Kathy marched in Boston. Scott described the Boston march to his mother…..There are no words!

I have another birthday to celebrate tonight. Dee’s. She wants to go to La Trattoria Oceanside.

Tomorrow night the bocce fundraiser at the bocce courts.

I will have had three busy nights by the time I am done.

Rick Dery one of the Dueling Bartenders. His picture appears in this morning’s KONK Life E-Blast. He looks terrific!

On this day in 1943, the U.S. Army Air Force bombed Germany itself for the first time. The 8th Air Force did it. Took off from England. Fifty three bombers made Germany. Only three lost.

The bombing described as retribution. Germany deserved it. More would follow.

Former Mexican President Fox described Trump yesterday as Hitler. Many others have during the campaign and even to today.

Enjoy your day!



Key West is accustomed to street flooding.

If a rain fall is heavy and it is high tide, the sewers cannot take the rain water. Intersections become lakes. Some as deep as two to three feet.

Hurricanes are no stranger to street flooding. Wilma comes to mind. Six and a half feet of water. Not just pouring over the streets. Into homes. Level six and a half feet, also.

On this date in 1919, Boston experienced a significant flooding. Twenty one killed. Dozens of horses, also.

Not water, however. Molasses.

The U.S. Industrial Alcohol Building contained a 58 foot high tank. The tank holding 2.5 million gallons of crude molasses. The tank exploded. Flowed  into and flooded the streets.

Took two weeks to clean the streets. Not bad. It took one to two years to clean up the Wilma mess. I refer specifically to home damage.

Spent yesterday afternoon quietly reading. Stories involving U.S. forces in Europe during World War II.

Then at 4, the Syracuse/Boston college game. Syracuse won 96-81. Interesting since Boston College decisively defeated Syracuse in a game New Year’s Day.

Syracuse’s fabled zone defense was working yesterday. Made Boston College look terrible.

As Boeheim continues to say, Syracuse wins if it plays its special defense hard. If not, Syracuse loses.

What Syracuse needs is consistency. The big post season tournament is slipping away.

Dinner last night at Berlin’s. Decided on beef. A filet mignon. As good as any I have enjoyed at a New York City steak house.

The local community college has steadily grown during my many Key West years. First, a two year community school. Now a four year institution. Presently offering a bachelor’s degree in a certain business area. This summer, a four year nursing degree.

No more a community college. The Florida Keys Community College needed a new name consistent with its movement to four year degrees.

The front page of this morning’s Key West Citizen announces such. Beginning this summer, the name will change. To The College of the Florida Keys.

Congratulations to The College of the Florida Keys. Congratulations to the administrators and faculty who worked hard to make it so.

I have many times criticized the Key West City Commission. Bunglers. Know not what they do. Inept.

Today’s Key West Citizen editorial takes on the Commission and its many shortcomings. Its sins itemized.

The editorial titled: Why Doesn’t the Commission Listen?

The editorial one of the best written in the many years I have read the Citizen. It publicly admonishes the Commission to shape up.

I doubt it will help. Commission members are hard headed. Several times I have engaged one or another with a question, complaint, etc. In each instance, the reason for the particular Commission action was supported by a non-nonsensical reason.

They cannot see. Thinkers they are not.

William Healey continues to suggest a concern re a Florida Indian uprising in 1856.

He mentions several travelers came down to Key West from the Miami River and corroborated the news he had received one day earlier that the Indians might wage war again. He mentions ten Indians also arrived.

Ernest Hemingway’s grandson will appear at the San Carlos on January 26. John Hemingway will discuss Pamplona and running with the bulls. The setting of his grandfather’s The Sun Also Rises.

Ernest Hemingway never ran. His World War I leg injuries prevented his participation. His grandson John not so affected. John has made the run 16 times. Never gored!

John’s appearance is sponsored by the very active Key West Art and Historical Society.

Enjoy your Sunday!



The streaming show I have been working on is scheduled to debut this Thursday December 15. On You Tube. Short hits on different topics several times a day. One hit per segment. Subject matter whatever tickles my fancy at the moment.

The show will archive.

Title, Louis Petrone Says….Could not use Key West as my Tuesday podcast show has in its title Key West Lou. The show is archived on You Tube. Confusion would result. Both shows would be archiving together in a combined fashion.

I hope we are ready by Thursday. I am working towards a Thursday opening. Sloan and I worked on the show yesterday afternoon. We have been working on it. So much to pay attention to.

First stop last night was Tavern ‘n Town. Liz at the bar with lady friends. Glad to see her.

No room. Not a seat available at the bar. Gave Liz a peck on the cheek and left.

Headed for Berlin’s. At 6:30, the bar is generally empty. It was. Not for long, however.

I felt arms around my shoulders. It was Jean Thornton. Alone, also. My dinner companion for the evening. A while since we have been together.

The lovely Bria arrived. With an equally lovely lady. Her mother, Barb. Visiting from New Hampshire. Jean and I chatted with her a while.

Two fellows sat to the right of me. They noticed I was making notes. Asked why. Started a conversation.

Loren and Matthew. Key Westers. Loren a graphic designer. Matthew involved with entertainment. Does the bookings for Sloppy Joe’s. Also, a music composer. His music company M. G. Bell.

They took their drinks back to listen to Bria. Invited me for a drink. I said I would stop by. Jean and I were waiting for our dinners.

By the time I was free to join them, they had left.

Enjoyed a 2 pound Maine lobster again last night.

Weather screwy this morning. Earlier, there was a fog over the ocean. Then a bit of sunlight. Now gray and raining. The water moving fast.

Marathon also rescheduled to Wednesday evening their Lighted Boat Parade scheduled for last night.

Pythons a growing problem in the Florida keys. Literally. I wrote a lengthy column on the python problem three years ago in KONK Life. One of the points stressed was that pythons could not be eradicated. Hopefully, managed.

The number astronomical. Pythons enjoy sex. The python population grows significantly each year.

The fear in the lower keys was that the pythons would reach here. Not yet in significant numbers. My recollection is only three. One lying on the side of a runway at the Key West Airport.

A new study has come out re the python problem. It reported a June 3, 2013 incident.

A 15.6 foot female python was captured. Euthanized. Autopsy discovered the python had gulped down three white tailed deer. One doe and two fawns. Referred to by the scientists as a gustatory feat. Three deer in the gut of one python.

On this day in 1898, a ceremony was held dedicating a large plot area for burial of U.S. sailors killed when the Battleship Maine was sunk. Ten thousand were present for the ceremony. An impressive figure.

Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. An Axis agreement existed between Japan and Germany. Such did not mean the U.S. was automatically at war with Germany. Such would only have occurred had the U.S. attacked Japan.

Hitler had been unhappy with the U.S. A U.S. vessel had attacked a German submarine. The U.S. was engaged in Lend Lease with England. Hitler was aware American emotions were with the English. Roosevelt had been speaking ill of Nazi ideology.

Hitler wanted war with the United States.

On this day in 1941, Hitler addressed the Reichstag. He had declared war on the United States.

He felt it necessary to defend the declaration. He wanted the support of the Reichstag.

Hitler blamed the U.S.’s anti-Nazism on the New Deal. Claimed it was the real cause of the war. The New Deal had failed.  The fault of Roosevelt, his plutocratic friends and the Jews. Roosevelt’s less than actual war actions were to cover up the collapse of his economic agenda.

Hitler said, ” First he incites war, then falsifies the causes, then obviously wraps himself in a cloak of Christian hypocrisy and slowly but surely leads mankind to war.”

The Reichstag leaped to their feet in thunderous applause.

The format sound familiar?

Syracuse looked good yesterday. Beat Boston University 99-77. Syracuse’s offense outstanding. About time! Hope it keeps up.

My neighbor Andrew who owns the MTV house just called. He has returned briefly from his home in Sweden. We are having dinner together tonight.

Enjoy your Sunday!





The word on the street is Sq. 1 has new leadership. The owner of New York Deli across from Sq. 1 has taken over the operation.

I wish him well.

My Sunday yesterday was relatively quiet.

I spent several hours writing, rewriting and editing this week’s KONK Life column. German Persecution of Homosexuals. Not limited to World War II. Covers more than 100 years of history. The article hits the stands wednesday.

The television was on during the writing. I periodically looked up to catch a small piece of the PGA. Proof I can be ambidextrous.

Last night was an early dinner at Roostica. Spaghetti, meatballs and sausage. All buried in an excellent sauce. My grandmother’s sauce.

Key West and the Keys have in many ways been been connected to historical events. One is the story of PT 109. Captained by Lt. John Kennedy in the Pacific during World War II. Kennedy the future President of the United States.

On this date in 1943, PT-109 was sunk. Some years later, a movie was made of the event and Kennedy’s heroism.

The movie was filmed on what is now Little Palm Island. The island owned at the time by then Monroe County Sheriff John Spottswood. Spottswood father and grandfather of today’s Spottswoods. A family as much concerned for Key West as the senior Spottswood had been.

The saga of William Hackley 1855 continues. A learning tool.

William Hackley wrote this date that he sent the baby to Mrs. Hews to get milk. I assume for Baby to feed on Mrs. Hews’ breast milk.

We’ve come a long way since 1855. Today, Baby’s problem would be satisfied by a trip to the store to buy canned baby formula.

I continue to worry about Baby. Mother’s milk insufficient. The goat from Havana went dry. Hope Mrs. Hews has enough breast milk for Baby and her own child. Assuming her child still lives.

Donna is the good wife. Watching over Terri. Terri suffered a heart attack last tuesday.

Terri obviously cannot smoke. Terri gave up smoking to make it easier for Terri. Donna walking Terri two times a day. Donna making sure Terri takes her five pills at the correct time.

Donna the best!

Enjoy your day!




On this day in 1975, Jimmy Hoffa disappeared. Five weeks later on September 9, 1975, Key West’s Bum Farto disappeared. No relationship between the two.

Hoffa had been a prominent union leader. It is thought organized crime had a hand in his disappearance.

Farto was Key West’s Fire Chief. He had been arrested for selling cocaine from fire stations under his jurisdiction.

Both have not been heard from since their disappearances. Safe to say, they probably never will be heard from. Some day if we are lucky, we may hear the how and why of their disappearances.

Yesterday afternoon was spent researching this week’s KONK Life column. I have not decided on the title yet. The subject matter is the treatment of homosexuals in Germany. For a period of 84 years. Beginning in 1871 and ending in 1985.

Special emphasis given to Hitler’s treatment of gays. Jews were gassed. Though in significantly lesser numbers, homosexuals maltreated also. Castrated.

I will write the column this afternoon.

Last night was dinner at the bar at Tavern ‘n Town. Bobby Nesbitt time, of course. Bobby waved me over. He laughingly told me how much he enjoyed the Bagel column.

I was looking for a change of pace article last week. Can’t write about heavy stuff all the time. Bagels were it. As opposed to this week’s column which will involve the horrendous treatment of homosexuals in Germany. Especially, Hitler’s Germany.

Terri still good. Actually as if nothing happened to her this past week. A heart attack last Tuesday. God love her!

Enjoy your Sunday!