My personal weather vane was working this morning. One hour ago I got up. The sun was shining. A relatively blue sky. But…..the wind was coming from the south. My palm trees were bending north.  Ripples in the pool were running north.Meant rain!

The weather report mentioned no south wind. Only a WNW one. Also, no rain.

It is now one hour later. It is pouring. Big time! My internal south wind barometer never fails.

Yesterday was fun filled.

Lunch with Robert and Ally. I decided on Burger Fi. They had never been. I told them we were eating cheeseburgers and french fries. They were game!

I know. I gave up on Burger Fi. However, thought I would give it another shot. I was pleased. The burgers were fantastic this time!

Robert and Ally agreed. They said…..Best cheeseburgers and fries ever! They are the experts!

I had a five o’clock visit with Dr. Mc Ivor, my heart doctor. The echo test I took a week ago came out ok. My heart problems had not progressed.

I worry about the aortic aneurysm. Mc Ivor worries about the aortic stenosis. He’s the doctor so I guess I should worry about what he does.

Went straight from Dr. Mc Ivor’s office to the Chart Room. I needed a drink.

Last night was one of the best times I have had at the Chart Room. Met some great people.

The Chart Room was quiet. Sheila, Emily, and another couple. We all started chatting. The gentleman was originally from Utica.

His name is Rocco Maggiore. Lived on Van Buren in Utica. He was with his friend Wendy from Central Square outside Syracuse. Rocco now hails summers from Big Moose Lake in the Adirondacks and winters Jackson Hole. He labels himself a ski bum. Whatever, sounds like a good life. Almost as good as mine in Key West.

Rocco and I spent an hour sharing Utica and Utica character stories. We both knew or were familiar with the same people. It was a wild conversation! Sheila and Emily were wide eyed during most of it.

Rocco has visited Key West several times. He was leaving for Syracuse last night. Driving. I look forward to running into Rocco and Wendy again next year.

Rocco and Wendy left. David and Rhonda came in.

Another great couple!

David and Rhonda are from Birmingham. Alabama graduates. I was hoping Jean Thornton would pop in. Jean is from Birmingham and a die hard Alabama fan, also.

David is a retired hospital administrator. Rhonda works for a greeting card business. They have visited Key West several times. Rhonda made noises about perhaps settling here. They visit each year at this time.

Best yet, David and Rhonda read my blog! Love them!

I enjoyed their company. Hope to see them once more before they leave.

Where to eat? I could not make up my mind. Ended up deciding to go home and feed myself. As I turned the corner onto Route 1, I decided to stop at Marriott’s Tavern ‘n Town. Glad I did.

I enjoyed a small pizza and drink at the bar. Met a new Tavern bartender. Harmony. A lovely young lady. Said hello and chatted briefly with an old friend, Andrew.

Mike Emerson was playing and singing. He has been doing so at Tavern ‘n Town for four years. I enjoy listening to him. He came over during break and we had a terrific conversation involving Key West. Mike is a talent and nice guy all wrapped into one.

The Conch Republic Independence Celebration is about to begin. A week long event. The best part is the Great Naval Sea Battle next friday night. Weapons include marine grade toilet paper. Means biodegradable. Unfurling toilet paper rolls are bombs dropped by the Conch Republic Air Force’s bi-planes.

Since tomorrow is Easter, today is egg coloring. Love it! Always enjoyed it with my children. I am enjoying it a second time around with Robert and Ally. I hope to join them for the egg coloring. I am a kid at heart. It all depends on timing. Robert and Ally’s timing. They have become old enough to have schedules and I must fit into theirs.

Enjoy your day!



Raven has been one of Key West’s leading vocalists for many years. I have heard her sing on occasion. She appeared at the Wine Galley as Larry Smith’s guest often. I was never impressed with her.

Last night, I was. Why the change of heart, I do not know. I heard Raven last night and was very much taken with her. It was  pleasure to listen to her. Why last night and not before, I do not know.

I used to tell Larry Smith I did not enjoy her singing. He used to ask why, telling me she was one of the best on the island. Larry was right.

Early yesterday afternoon was at my heart doctor’s office. Dr. Mc Ivor. It was time for another echo heart test.

The balance of the afternoon was spent continuing research for next week’s KONK Life column. It has to do with the Muslim impact on Sweden in recent years. Interesting material.

Spent time chatting with Shawn at the Chart Room. Always good company.

Tom and Fran Dixon from the Buffalo area showed up. They arrived yesterday. Good friends. We talked away over a couple of drinks at the Chart Room. Syracuse basketball was one of the topics. Tom is a diehard fan, also.

We agreed to have dinner together saturday evening at Square One.

Today is what I would describe as a reflective day in history. Reflective for you and me. On this date in 1938, Germany officially annexed Austria. Shades of Russia and Crimea today.

Hitler’s next step after Austria was marching into Czechoslovakia. Will Putin follow suit and forcefully take eastern Ukraine?

Bocce tonight. I have not played in 4-5 weeks. I will get there if I have to crawl. I hope I remember how to throw the ball.

Enjoy your day!



The first time was yesterday. The Cow Key Bridge Run. More than 1,000 participants. A hundred plus dogs. Most humans and dogs costumed. The racers started in groups because of the large number number. The last participant crossed the finish line one hour fifteen minutes after the run started. Everyone completed the 360 foot route.

Jean and Sheila were dressed in some sort of short dress costume with hats and shoes. Saw them on FB. Looked Dutch to me. I don’t know. Twenty five Golden Cows were given as awards. Jean received one. The Golden Girl added to her gold collection.

US 1 was never closed. The runners/walkers used the concrete path on the left side of the bridge going north.

A new Key West tradition has been born.

I never made it. The thought of the race alone tired me. I stayed home in bed and watched TV.

Great basketball last night! The big guns went down. Such has been this basketball season. Unique!

I was at the Chart Room last night. Sean and I discussed the games. They were yet to be played. He was confident Florida was going to win it all. I told him I thought so, but this has been a topsy-turvy season and anything could happen. It did.

#1 Florida went down to defeat by #7 seed Connecticut. Florida had won 30 games prior to last night. Kentucky eked out a win over Wisconsin with a three pointer in the last seconds to win by one point. Kentucky was a #8 seed. My condolences to John Lukas.

It should be a terrific game Monday night!

I did not see the Connecticut/Florida game. I was having dinner with Jean Thornton at Hot Tin Roof. I did see the second game, however. What excitement!

Shane and Jessica came by while Jean and I were having dinner. Bocce friends. They had stopped for desert. A terrific couple.

Stopped at Don’s Place on the way home. Chatted a bit with Don. The topic was the basketball games. Bocce came into the conversation. One of the best bocce teams is Hell’s Rangers. A fearsome group! They beat everyone! We beat them thursday night. Two games out of three. A major win!

Enjoy your Sunday!


JJ was one of the bartenders at the Chart Room. He changed his place of work to the Galleon a couple of weeks ago. I decided to visit JJ.

Good luck! I have been twice to the Galleon and no JJ! The first time was my fault. I did not know his schedule and went on a day he was not working. Yesterday was my second time. However, I checked first. JJ was working thursday and friday from 4 on. I was there at 4:30. JJ nowhere to be found. The bartender Todd told me JJ had gone home.

The Galleon sits at the end of Front Street. Water on two sides. People own condos, time shares, and a few rent. I had been to the outdoor bar only twice. For weddings. Yesterday, for a drink.

The bar sits directly on open water. Boats going back and forth constantly. A large square bar, well shaded.

I did not enjoy my time there. The atmosphere was strange. Every bar I go to in Key West is full of friendly drinkers. Whether locals or tourists. No one talked to anyone at the Galleon. Everyone stayed to themselves. Most starred straight ahead. Even couples. Sad. Could it be the ownership factor? I do not know.

After the Galleon, it was the Chart Room. Quiet. Early. Around 5. Just me and Emily. Then me, Emily and Sheila. I had one drink at the Galleon. Was not in the mood to drink any more. Had two diet Pepsi’s at the Chart Room.

Ate some popcorn. Emily makes the best popcorn on the island!

Where to have dinner? I finally decided on Orgami. It was a while since I had enjoyed sushi. I sat outside at a small table.

Orgami is located in Square One. Just across from Square One Restaurant.

Big basketball tonight! Dayton/Florida. Six o’clock. I have decided to watch the game from the comfort of my home. I am curious to see if Dayton can continue its winning streak. A tough game. Florida is #1 on everyone’s list of top teams.

Enjoy your day!


Today’s blog going out very late! Sorry! I had a big morning. I had to tidy the house up. Realtor showing it this morning. Then had to get out early because the first group was arriving. Walked around Duval for an hour before my hair appointment. Then walked Duval some more. People watching. By the time I returned home, it was after noon and I was tired!

Began last night at the Chart Room. Glad I did. Met a couple I met sometime last year. Raylene and Gary from  Kansas. Dorothy country. They were staying for four days at the Pier House with their two young adult children. Good looking kids!

Raylene and Gary return to Key West early every October for two weeks. To celebrate their anniversary.

Nice people. I hope I get to see them before they leave this trip and definitely in

Raylene is extra special. She she told me bought my book and read it! Also mentioned she was looking forward to my next book, Growing Up Italian.

The season is in full bloom. I walked the first 3 blocks of Duval. Jam packed! Walking impossible. Everyone moving at a snail’s pace.

Ended up at Kelly’s. Jennifer and Amy working the bar. Two lovely ladies. I enjoyed an order of wings and read the newspapers.

Two fellows sat near me at the bar. They appeared to be Europeans. Speaking English. Jennifer asked if they were from Holland. Yes, they responded. She could tell from their accents. Jennifer’s grandmother was from Holland, also.

The new Netflix TV series I mentioned earlier this week  will start shoting in the next few days in Islamorada. As previously mentioned, Academy Award winner Sissy Spacek stars. I discovered her co-star last night. Sam Shephard. What a combination!

This has been a spectacular lobster season! Not the most lobsters caught in a season. But the most dollar wise. Prices per pound wholesale are up. The Asian market has opened big time. Daily flights take the lobsters live packed in ice to Asian markets.

I find it amazing how the Florida lobster trade has grown world wide.

Frankly, I do not enjoy Florida lobsters. I am a Maine lobster snob. I rarely eat a Florida lobster. They are good. However, once you have tasted Maine lobster, it is  difficult to enjoy local ones.

An American tragedy occurred yesterday. The NLRB announced that scholarship college athletic students are employees and accordingly have the right to unionize. I disapprove of the ruling. The fallout is going to be fantastic. It will in effect be similar to 9/11. Change will take place in college athletics. Big time!

Northwestern was the university involved.

President Obama has been in Italy the past two days. Surprisingly, my Italian friends wish he had not come. They are not happy with him. Much of Europe is not.

Bocce tonight. I am going to cheer my team on. With a glass of gin in my hand, of course. I will not be playing. My back. Besides the pain,  I fear that one of the times I bend over, I will not be able to return to a standing position.

Enjoy your day!






Tonight is blog talk radio time! My blog talk show! Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine o’clock. A quick half hour of interesting and revealing material.

Tonight’s show will hit upon the Catholic Archbishop with a $1 million retirement home, corporations that pay no taxes, the Queen of England’s wealth, Beijing fog and Paris air pollution, the Social Security buying 174,000 hollow point bullets, Inspector General saying FBI and DOJ lied about mortgage frauds, and more.

Fun time!

Two new women entered my life last night. Carol and Ginger. Actually, Carol and I have been connected for a long time.

I was at the Chart Room enjoying a drink when this woman leaned over and said…..You’re Lou, I read your blog every day. My love for her was instantaneous!

Her name was Carol.

she has been reading this blog for years. Carol is a snow bird. She has been in Key West this year since January.

Carol is from New Hampshire. A retired State employee.

Carol introduced me to her lady friend Ginger. Ginger like wise is a snow bird. Ginger hails from Memphis. She is retired from Fed Ex.

We chatted  a bit. I enjoyed the ladies. I look forward to running into  them again.

I was at the Chart Rom with Jenna. It was “date night.” I should be so lucky! We stopped into the Chart Rome  before heading over to the Hot Tin Roof for dinner.

Don and Chris were at the Chart Room. I wanted to say good bye to them. They return to Syracuse tomorrow. Don and I lamented on the Syracuse game thursday. I am keeping my calm. I refuse to get excited over Syracuse basketball any further this season.

Dinner at Hot Tin Roof was excellent. Sheila waited on us. I had some shataki and baked vegetables. Stayed in my diet! Except, I did drink two gins. My moral fiber was weak.

We followed dinner with tea on the porch. A peaceful setting.

Jenna and I had not seen each other in more than a month. It was catch up time.

Stopped at Don’s Place on the way home. Enjoyed two glasses of water. Boomer bartending. We talked some basketball. I cannot get away from it.

Grant was shooting pool. My chef friend from Bad Boy Burrito. I told him how I was at Don’s friday night to watch  the cooking show Dives, etc. with him. Where was he? Never got the answer. Grant was a bit upset. They never ran any of the footage they took of him. Grant cannot be insulted! Guy whatever his name will be short on friends if he ever returns.

My blood pressure is out of whack. Most of my adult life, the problem has been it was too high. Now, it is too low! Like 85 over 55. No wonder I am tired periodically every day. I thought it was the steroids. Doctor now does not think so. One way or another, it will ge worked out.

My weather man credentials survived yesterday. The wind was from the south. I predicted a rain storm. With the emphasis on storm. It did not rain all day. Nor had it yet rained when I returned home at 10 last night. Did not make sense to me. I have always been correct about the south wind thing.

As I settled in bed around 11, my faith was rewarded. Bing, bang, boom! A big storm! The street in front  of my house was flooded this morning. A testament to the storm.

New York’s Senator Kristin Gillibrand was in Key West last night. The Senator is a Democrat from New York. She spoke to a group at Dan Bready’s home on Olivia Street.

I am disappointed I was not there. Democrats are rare in the Keys. The event was not well publicized as I had no knowledge of it.

In any event, welcome senator Gillibrand to Key West! She has Presidential aspirations. Perhaps some day we will have the opportunity to vote for her from Key West.

Enjoy your day!





Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Enough said. Stay sober.

I am a weather man today. The wind is from the south this morning. Rare. Whenever from the south, it rains/storms. Lovely out at the moment. Sun shinning. Nary a cloud. However, palm trees bent north from the south wind. Ripples in the pool running north, also.

The weather report says only a 10% chance of rain today. I disagree. Let’s see if I am correct.

The Greek isle of Amorgos is my Shangri-la. When there, I live as the natives. A small apartment on the waterfront. Few amenities. No airport. The boat comes in with people and supplies once a week.

Saturday’s Keynoter had a picture on the editorial page of a fishing net and well attired gentleman who apparently had been mending the net. The net was hanging  from some sort of post in the picture. The picture a 1977 photo.

My Amorgos home was about a hundred yards from Adelphos’ home. Each time I walked into the heart of the village, I had to walk by Adelpho’s place.

Most afternoons, I would find Adelphos sitting on the ground in front of his abode. About 30 feet from the water. In his lap and surrounding him was a large fishing net. He was always mending the net. Daily. Otherwise, the net would fall apart in a few days. The mending involved looking for places to repair and untangling parts of the net that had twisted together. Adelphos worked primarily with his fingers. Adeptly. Sometimes with some sort of needle. About four inches long.

Mending nets is referred to in the Bible in several places. Four of Jesus’ disciples were fisherman who joined him while mending their nets. Mending nets probably goes back to the beginnings of man.

In all the centuries, nothing has changed for Adelphos or the fisherman of Amorgos who came before him. Though it has changed here in the United States and most of the modern world. The mending is more technical and machine driven.

I had to get out of the house early due to the open house. I was at the Plantation Coffee House at 11. Stayed till 3. Would have stayed longer. However, the place closes at 3 on Sunday. I did not know. While there, I did yesterday’s blog, read some Sunday papers, had a couple of cups of coffee and a toasted bagel. Chatted a bit with owner Diana. Yesterday’s blog was unusually long. The spread of European Nazism and the failure of the American media to keep us advised is bothersome from my perspective.

I could not return home till after 4. It was only 3. I was driving along the Atlantic and passed the Key West Airport. I turned around and headed to it. My goal was the Airport’s restaurant.

I am glad I decided to go there. Only when traveling would I normally stop.

It was old home week. Victor was bartending. Several years ago, Victor was the bartender one night a week at the Chart Room. Someone came up and hugged me as Victor and I were talking. It was Jana. I enjoyed seeing her again. Big time!

Jana immigrated from one of the eastern block countries to Key West. She is presently 32. Our connection goes back to the Paradise Cafe. My daily morning haunt of years ago. My favorite place for Cuban cheese toast with tomato. The best! Never that good again!

Jana was the enterprising sort. She opened her own restaurant on Bertha Street after Paradise closed. She had a hard time. The place did not take off. She took a financial beating. I used to go frequently because she was serving the same Cuban cheese toast with tomato that I had enjoyed for so many years at Paradise Cafe.

A few years have passed. Jana looked terrific. Happy. The pressure off her face. A bad business will do that to a person. She has been a waitress at the Airport for over a year. Married, also. A retired military man.

The twenty young men have left the MTV house across the way. Yesterday. Replaced by couples and children. When I went outside this morning, a mother carrying a baby waived at me..

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway is in the process of purchasing Miami’s Channel 10. South Florida’s second largest TV station. Welcome Buffett and company. Anyplace/anything he decides to buy has to be good!

Syracuse is a #3 seed in the South Region. I am surprised. I thought it might be higher. That is all I have to say. We shall see how things go as the tournament progresses. Friday is the first game.

Enjoy St. Patrick’s Day!


Who would have believed that in 2014 I would be sitting in a coffee house in Key
West writing about the danger of a rising Nazism?

First however, the blog is late because I received a last minute call from the realtor. Open house today! A picture of your home is in the newspaper! He never told me. I had to move my ass to straighten up the house, shower, and get out!

Now for a problem/danger that the American media fails to discuss. The growing power of European Nazism.

Lets starts start with this day in history in 1190. The place is York, England.

The English were in the process of embarking upon the Crusades. A battle to save Christianity from the purported Muslim infidels. From the perspective of the English, Jesus was white and Christian. Not Muslim. Nor Jewish. The Jews were despised as well.

One hundred fifty Jews lived in York. They had to be dealt with. Because they were Jews. They sought refuge in Clifford’s Tower. All 150. The Christians gave them a choice. Be baptized or killed! If you prefer, you can commit suicide. Most opted for suicide. They started a  roaring fire and burned to death. The few that preferred to be killed at the hands of the Christians were massacred. Not one opted to be baptized.

The point of this historical tale is the hatred of Jews before 1190 , through the time of York, and to present day. An ongoing forever thing.

I have warned of the Greek Nazi Party (known as the Golden Dawn) for three years. I viewed its operation personally in Greece. I have been talking about the Ukraine Nazi Party this past month since the Crimean situation arose.

The American media has mentioned little regarding the Nazi Party in Greece and Ukraine. The American people are being blocked out.

There is also a Nazi Party in Italy. There is one every where today in Europe where people are suffering economically. The hardships that gave rise to Hitler are giving rise to the European spread of Nazism.

The Italian Nazi Party is relatively small. So small, it does not even have anyone elected to the Italian Parliament. However, Italy is fertile for the growth of Nazism. The economic depravity sweeping the country creates a fertile ground for its spread.

Last week, the Greek Alba Dorata (Greece’s Golden Dawn Nazi Party) met in Milan with leaders of the Casa Pound. The Casa Pound is the Italian Nazi Party. Named after the famous author Ezra Pound. He was a Hitler and fascist supporter during World War II. Hemingway saved Pound’s ass after the war and had him to a large degree redeemed before the literary world. A story for another time.

Another meeting is scheduled this week in Rome. The Rome branch of Nazism is stronger than the Milan one.

The Greek Nazi Party grows daily. The present government is doing every thing to keep the group down. Even outlawed the party. To no avail. The Greek Nazi party is a potent force and continues to flex its muscle daily.

The Greeks even  have what is described as a Greek Nazi Ambassador. He is stationed in Rome. His name is Kostantinos Boviatsos. His title, location and work clear proof the Greek Nazis are not screwing around. Though not there yet, it is like Greece today, the world tomorrow!

Ukraine has its own Nazi Party. A force in the coalition opposing the Russians. Another potent force. They are part of the group that has already received American dollars in support their cause. Senator McCain appeared in a recent photograph with the head of the Ukrainian Nazi Party.

As with the Crusaders of the Middle Ages, the Greek, Italian and Ukrainian Nazi parties are anti-Semitic. Decidedly so. Which means the United States is supporting organized anti-Semites in Ukraine.

Why do we not hear more of this from the American media?

I apologize for devoting a portion of a Sunday Key West blog to the Nazi Party. However… is something we have to start thinking seriously about. Before another Hitler rises. Laugh not. The same fertile seeds that gave rise to Hitler in the 1930s exist in the world today.

Now for some quick Key West dialogue.

I walked Duval a bit last night. The St. Patrick Day crowd was humongous. Tourists galore. Around six, most were blurry eyed. Full of green beer. I doubt many made it through the night.

I enjoyed Don and Chris’ company at the Chart Room. Che and Meri joined us. Earlier, I had walked to the Galleon Tiki bar to see JJ. No JJ. Apparently his night off.

Meri told me Patrick had been in looking for me. I hope he brought my friends with him. Sorry we missed. Our paths will cross soon, I am sure.

I am sitting in the Plantation Coffee house writing this blog. Three Spring Break young ladies just came in and are sitting across from me. I have gotten old! Very old! They do not even look like adults, though they are.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Key West and Harry Truman have a special relationship. Truman made Key West his vacation spot. His place for rest and relaxation.

Yesterday was March 12. Two significant things occurred on that date involving the former beloved President.

By the way, the title of today’s blog is running through my head to the opening tune of the Howdy Doody Show…..It’s Howdy Doody time!

Truman made  eleven visits to Key West totaling 175 days. He arrived in Key West on March 12, 1964 for a 2 week vacation. Nineteen sixty four was well after Truman had left office. In between were eight years of Eisenhower and then three years of Kennedy. If I am correct, Johnson would have been President when Truman made the 1964 visit. If I am off by a year or so re one of the Presidents, I apologize.

The other March 12 was of historical significance. On March 12, 1947, the President introduced what became known as the Truman Doctrine. World War II was over. The Soviet Union was a menace. The free world was looking to the United States for help. The thrust of the Truman Doctrine that day was to give economic and military aid to Greece and Turkey. Truman was of the opinion, and properly so from my way of thinking, that to not help Greece and Turkey would cause them to fall under Communist domination.

I would have made a lousy junkie. The doctor put me on codeine and steroids for a week to get rid of a six week cough in my upper chest. The cure worked. I no longer cough. However, I feel like the patient about whom the doctor told the family the operation was a success, but the patient died.

I have been off the meds for three days. I am totally absolutely without question exhausted. All the time. No exaggeration involved. Not the slightest.

I talked with the Doctor this morning. I was advised I would be ok. It is the steroids, or the lack thereof at the moment, which are making me tired. Some sort of withdrawal. It will be a couple of days more before my body readjusts.

The only thing I can think of is how did athletes like Barry Bonds handle the situation. He had to be on steroids days at a time. When he went off, how long was he screwed up as I am? Was he screwed up? Perhaps there was another pill or shot to enable the body to escape what I am experiencing.

I am so tired at the moment that my arms have become heavy as I type.

I am in no mood to beat myself up. Good bye for today.

Enjoy your Thursday!



A lot of miscellaneous things  happened yesterday. I am going to take them in the order of their occurrence.

It took me a half hour to get from the Shell Station in Key Haven to Key West. Traffic was backed up all the way. I was fuming. My thought was the boulevard construction was really screwing things up. Turned out I was wrong. There was an accident at the Cow Key Bridge.

Speaking of the Cow Key Bridge, Sheila told me last night there is going to be a race/run over the Cow Key Bridge next month. For those less than athletic. The bridge is at best 500 feet long. I agreed to participate. I will walk, however.

I was heading to see Tammy. Manicure time. I enjoy her company. I admire and respect the business she and her husband have developed.

Lunch was at Azur. Exceptionally fine food. I should go more often. The man I had lunch with was interesting and entertaining. My age. We had many common things to talk about. When we left, we shook hands and expressed to each other how pleased we were to have met. We both felt a new friendship had been formed.

Five hours later, I discovered the man was not one to like. I found him to be duplicit, two faced, and a sneak. That bad!

Will Rogers used to say he never met a man he did not like. I would say that I had never met a person in Key West I did not like. Until yesterday.

Friends we will not be. His identity is immaterial. He has done one good thing. Provided me with a character to include in a future novel.

The Chart Room last night. Packed when I arrived. It was me and Sheila. Lovely Emily bartending. John came in later.

Sheila can only be described as a good person. Concerned for everyone. Honestly so.

Sheila became aware of a lost camera at The Little White House. A good sized one. The White House had had it for a week and no one came in to claim the camera. They let Sheila take it to see if she could discover the owner.

She pulled the picture card out of the camera and ran the film. She placed some of the pictures on Facebook and asked…..Do you know these people? Within one half hour, she had 14 replies. Everyone helpful. Who was going to run her message on other sites. One said a woman’s tee shirt in one of the pictures was from Fort Lauderdale. She was going to check with the store there.

Emily has become involved. Sheila and Emily are on a quest to discover the owner.

The beauty of Key West people! All except the one I discovered earlier that I did not like.

A major announcement. Sheila’s birthday is next tuesday. Forget her not! Monday is Charlotte’s birthday. Charlotte from the Carolinas. Her boy friend is Skip, radio 104.9’s premier announcer. A big party week in the making!

I have spoken well of the new Burger Fi. No more. My burger was great the first time I went. I returned three times, last night being the third. The last few burgers have been close to terrible. I will not be returning to Burger Fi.

Finally, to Fuddrukers. Twenty five to thirty years ago, I did Coconut Grove. It was my place before I discovered Key West. There was a great burger/steak sandwich place in Coconut Grove. Fuddruckers. Their steak sandwich to die for. On soft butter soaked bread. Screw the cholesterol time!

I have neither seen nor been to a Fuddruckers since. I learned yesterday a Fuddruckers is coming to Key West. Fantastic! Unless the quality of the beef has changed, it will be a winner! Interestingly, it is opening next door to Burger Fi.

So much for yesterday.

Bocce tonight. I look forward to playing. I am scheduled to play the third game. Last week, it was the first game. Scheduling. I hope we win the match. This is the third week of the season. We lost the first two weeks. None on the team can understand why. This is like the fourth consecutive season we have not been winners. We are good. No question about it. But whatever it takes to win, we lost. We keep searching for it.

Enjoy your day!