The new North Roosevelt Boulevard is terrific! A pleasure to travel!

There are a few problems. Some in the process of correction. Others, not.

One is that the driving lanes on both sides are open to bicycle traffic. Bicycles are actually painted on the road way signifying A-OK. Envision it. Bicycles driving down the middle of a Boulevard lane.

A disaster in the making! Not yet, however.

Yesterday, the wrong of permitting the bikes was evident. Traffic is exceptionally heavy this week. A holiday week. Many tourists. Families.

Traffic was unusually slow on the Boulevard going into town. I thought there might be an accident. There was not. It was a family riding their bicycles.

Each helmeted. The only safety feature taken into consideration.

The father in the lead bike. A small child sitting in the basket in front. This is going to sound like the Three Bears story. Mama bicyclist on the second bike. Then three smaller bikes with three children riding them. The oldest could not have been ten. All in a straight line, one behind the other. Oblivious to the traffic hold up they were causing and the danger the family was in.

Publix’s parking lot was a no parking zone. I had to go around the lot three times to find a spot.

I had a noon appointment with Tammy for a manicure. Lee Nails was packed! Locals and tourists. I was the only male. The ladies obviously getting ready for New Year’s Eve. A lot of chatter and laughing.

I wrote one more chapter to Growing Up Italian. Concrete Sidewalks Grass Backyards. Who had a backyard?

Then spent considerable time preparing for tonight’s blog talk radio show. A good one. Some things are in my craw. Bothering me. Tonight,  I will vent. Tomorrow, some will write and tell me I’m crazy.

Some of the topics of note include my analysis of the New York City Police Department  problem, a lawsuit being filed against the New York City Police Department every 2 1/2 hours, Greece on a collision course with Germany which perhaps could result in war, some consider Ukraine the prelude to World War III, and the U.S. purportedly being out of Afghanistan.

My analysis of the NYPD situation and Obama’s comments re finally being out of Afghanistan are guaranteed to stir the pot.

Join me for an interesting and challenging half hour. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine this evening.

Enjoy your day!


Christmas 2010 I wrote a story as to how Christmas was received and how it developed in what is now the United States. The story was published on Amazon Kindle at the time.

I thought the tale sufficiently interesting to be repeated. Not once, but twice. It is in KONK Life which hits the stands at 5 today. I also basically read through the story on my blog talk radio show last night.

Christmas was not always as it is today.

For example, the Puritans in Boston in the late 1600s made it a crime to celebrate Christmas. Another example involves the South celebrating Christmas big time leading up to and at the time of the Civil War. The North did not.

Washington Irving, The Night Before Christmas, A Christmas Carol and finally…..Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, contributed to Christmas as we know it.

The Key West Citizen had the perfect editorial today. A reprint of the New York Sun’s editorial in 1897 which contained the memorable statement…..Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.

Went Christmas shopping yesterday. I am one of the last minute ones. Did not do well. Found nothing I liked. Everything picked over. My fault. I will be back in the stores today.

Christmas Eve is big in my family. I will be at Lisa’s tonight for dinner. Santa Claus will arrive before. 6:30 to be precise. I love it!

I arranged for Santa Claus each Christmas Eve for my children and then grandchildren. Robert and Ally are the last of the grandchildren. Kids are impressed with Santa Claus. I wanted them to be duly impressed with Poppa. I arranged with each Santa at some point to embrace me warmly and tell everyone I was his friend. The kids ate it up!

The weather this morning is lovely. Thunderstorms predicted for tonight. Already one outdoor event has been cancelled. I hope the rain holds off till we are all home in bed.

The more important concern would be Robert and Ally. Children are inquisitive. They would want to know if the reindeer were out in the rain, where are they, etc.

This morning’s Key West Citizen had a short note re Applerouth Lane. The note mentioned Applerouth was once called Smith Lane.

Applerouth is that short block between Duval and Whitehead. A narrow street. I always have thought Applerouth and its diverse stores were a true reflection of Key West. There is a bd/sm gear store. Been there for years. A couple of restaurants. The entrance to Virgilio’s.

My curiosity was piqued. Who was Applerouth? Who was Smith? I had always thought Applerouth was the name of a flower or plant.

I did a little digging. Applerouth was so named in 1981. It was named after a local merchant. William H. “Billy” Applerouth. Smith was difficult to nail down. The street was named after L. Windsor Smith. There was a District Attorney as well as a Court Clerk in the 1840s so named. Whether one and the same person, I can not be sure.

Applerouth was described as the “Jewish” merchant. I found that add on/description strange for 1981. If someone is aware why the description, let me know.

The Interview opens Christmas Day at the Tropic Cinema. Good for you, Tropic Cinema!

Enjoy your Christmas Eve!



One of the issues I discussed last night on my blog talk radio show was torture. The issue was whether the U.S. is a torturer. My thought was that if we do torture, then we are. The act of torturing in itself is a manifestation of what we are. Of what we have become. We have changed as a people since 9/11. Changed in many ways.

This morning’s KONK Life News E-Blast carries an excellent article on torture by Rick Boettger. Titled Yay! We’re Not Nazis. I recommend it to you. Boettger covers torture from a different perspective than I did on last night’s show. His observations however are right on.

My yesterday was spent fine tuning last night’s show.

Syracuse football in the news yesterday. What I am gong to share does not seem possible. Syracuse’s football attendance at home games this past season was up 6 percent. An average of 40,447 fans. Syracuse was #2 in increased attendance percentage wise. Florida State was first.

The increase accomplished with a 3-9 record. Amazing!

There is an internet video of Boeheim’s interview following the Louisiana Tech game. He was tough. He was indicating that his players are weak on basics. Like catching the ball with two hands. Things that should not have to be taught at the college level. I recommend the video to you. Easy to find on most Syracuse basketball sites.

The plane that would not fly. Sounds like the title to a book. Actually, it is in reference to Orville Wright and the first powered plane to fly. Today is the anniversary of the first flight in 1903. On the  100th anniversary of the inaugural flight in 2003, a ceremony was held at Kitty Hawk. The replica plane failed to fly!

Enjoy your day!




You are wrong if you think today’s blog is about the Ferguson/Garner demonstrations. There is enough hype in the media. This blog concerns itself with another burning.

Luoyang City is in China. The city burns money for power. To make electricity. Coal is not used.

The money consists of old and damaged banknotes. Instead of burning and trashing the worn out dollars, they are used to save money. Help the enviroment, also. Every 1.32 million kWh of electricity produced via this method is equivalent to 4,000 tons of coal being burned.

You have to give the Chinese credit! Other Chinese cities should take heed and follow in Luoyang’s steps.

My yesterday began with a manicure. Tammy always good company. Many I know now get their manicures and pedicures at Tammy’s Lee Nails. It solved my Christmas buying problem. I got them all gift certificates for Lee Nails.

I spent the afternoon working on tonight’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Topics include the rules for sex handbook the Islamics handed out to Iraqis, Lee Trevino and the Ryder cup, torture being a manifestation of who we are, cops raiding a wrong house and shooting and killing a grandfather laying face down, if derivatives fail how there is not enough U.S. dollars to cover the loss, and more.

A quick moving revealing half hour. Join me. Nine o’clock tonight.

Last night was Don’s Place first. Enjoyed David’s company while there. Then off to Tavern ‘n Town for dinner. No room at the inn. The bar was jam packed 3-4 deep. I turned around and went home where I prepared something to eat.

I have a friend Anne in upstate New york. She originally lived in Ithaca. Most recently in Syracuse. Ithaca is the home of Cornell University.

This past weekend Ithaca held its annual winter carnival. At the downtown Ithaca Commons. A three day ice carving contest. Contestants from all over the world. $9,000 in prize money.

Something like Key West’s chalk and sand contests.

Anne sent me a picture of the outdoor bar. Sculpted in ice. Twelve feet long. Bar stools and all. Not part of the contest.  A place where beer and wine were sold. Dancing, too. The only admonition was to dress warm. In the background of the photo, mounds of snow were evident.

My diet is working. 21 pounds this morning. I am into my ninth week.

Some have asked what the diet is. I have dieted my entire adult life. A yo yo. Probably done every diet. This diet is a composition of what I considered the best parts of each.

It’s working!

Enjoy your day!


The sun is shining bright this morning in Key West. Nary a cloud in the sky. The temperature 59 degrees!

I am cold!

Today will go to 64. A heat wave!

Before my northern friends think I am crazy, please understand the following. When you live in a tropical climate all year long, your blood thins. When you enjoy the change of seasons as up north, your blood is thicker. Thinner blood means Key Westers feel the cold!

Key West is loaded with all kind of fun activities. This saturday night, the annual Lighted Boat Parade. Boats are decorated as people do the outside of their homes at Xmas time.

I have been on one of the boats several times. A fun event! It will be cold saturday night during the parade. Whatever the actual temperature is on land, it will be 20 degrees colder on the water. People will be wrapped in winter attire. Not a hard trip to experience, however. Drink and food available. Dancing on the larger boats. If you are with someone you like, a constant close embrace. Combined, these factors tend to warm.

I will miss the Boat Parade this year. The police have decided to have a traffic stop from 7 pm saturday to 2 am sunday. On US 1 and Cross Street. The only way home for me is up US 1 and across Cross Street. A gambler, I am not. I will play it safe and stay home. Perhaps have dinner at Roostica which is up from Cross Street.

Key Westers know how to play. I discovered there is a New Year’s Eve event I was not aware of. In its tenth consecutive year. It is called Dachshund Walk. Would you believe! People walk their dachshunds over a specific route. Dogs and owners playfully attired. The parade route is intentionally short to accommodate the participants’ short legs and long bodies.

There is a serious event of which I was unaware. A Homeless Persons Memorial Day. Roughly 50 homeless people died in Key West this year. A memorial service will be held at the Key West Cemetery on December 21. The remains of the 50 will be interred.

We are one human family.

Did my blog talk radio show last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Enjoyed doing it! I thought Pope Francis’ story re showers for the homeless in St. Peter’s Square interesting. The French not wanting anything to do with the new trade pact Obama is pushing because it would mean the introduction of GMOs into France revealing.

Then Greece. A last minute topic. Things were happening in Greece through radio time last night. Greece had riots in 6 major cities sunday. Not the orderly type. Police and protestors fighting. Tear gas smoke engulfing them. Yesterday, the Greek stock market faced its largest one day drop since 1987.

It is all tied into austerity. The Greeks borrowed too much from the European Union. They cannot pay it back. The Greek government has had Greece on an austerity program for several years to help pay the bill. Germany has been strangling Greece in its hard demands for repayment. Austerity has led to a loss of jobs. People cannot feed their families. Farmers cannot sell their produce because people do not have money to pay for them.

All this has led to a build up of the Greek Nazi party. Known as the Golden Dawn Party. They are anti-austerity and cater to the thinking of the suffering people. They are presently the third largest party in Greece.

Greece’s President yesterday announced he will be calling for new elections. There is no question in my mind that the Nazi party is a sure bet for a second place finish. Perhaps, a first. Their influence will be overwhelming.

I know Greece. I have written and talked about Greece the past three years. On my TV show, blog talk radio show, in my KONK columns. Even in my book published last year The World Upside Down. I suggested Greece was a tinderbox. I predicted if there was a third world war, it would not start in the Middle East. Greece was the place. Greeks hate Germans. The austerity Germany has imposed on them one reason. The abuse they were subjected to by the Germans during World War II another.

We live in dangerous times.

Tonight, dinner with Roger and Cheryl. We meet at the Chart Room for drinks and dinner later at the Hot Tin Roof.

I have hit 20 pounds lost on the diet. I am impressed. Only seven weeks.

Enjoy your day!


I had an early dinner last night at Roostica. The evening was a bit cool. The inside of the restaurant was warm from the ovens. As soon as I walked in, I could smell it. That distinct aroma of Italian cooking.

The smell at Roostica was comforting. Nostalgic. It took me back

When I was young, wednesday and sunday were pasta days. Except back then, we called pasta macaroni. On those two days, the smell from the cooking permeated every room. The sauce did it. No question, an Italian home.

I recalled the first time I entered my Key West home. It was for sale and I went to look at it. As soon as I entered the front door, I could smell it. I told the broker…..This is an Italian home. I was correct. The wife had made sauce the night before.

At Peter’s party sunday, Peter said I looked pale. I am. I spend less and less time out in the sun and more time inside writing. When I go out evenings, the moon is of no assistance in keeping me tanned. I sat on the deck for an hour yesterday afternoon in an attempt to remedy my appearance.

I watched the first half of th Syracuse/Michigan game last night. I was doing my blog talk radio show during the second half. Syracuse was winning by two at the end of the half. Syracuse lost by three 68-65.

The newspaper comments told the story. Syracuse made 19 turn overs. I am surprised the game was that close under the circumstances. Joseph, the freshman point guard, needs seasoning. He does not have it. I hope he gets it.

Did my blog talk radio show last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. If you are not a listener, join me sometime. I think you will enjoy the show.

I pontificated a bit. My main topic had to do with the loss of the American dream. It no longer exists. The lack of present day social mobility is an American reality.

I bolstered my position by pointing out that if the economy had improved and was so good, why were there 2.5 million homeless children. The highest number ever in the United States.

The 30 turtles flown from Cape Cod to the Marathon Turtle Hospital are doing well. They have been warmed up by swimming in a 30,000 gallon water tank. Much warmer water than on the Cape. Some will soon be released into the ocean.

Here is a white on white police story. I share it with you as further evidence that many policemen are not functioning normally.

The incident occurred a few days ago in Houston. A woman was driving around a loop during rush hour. An off duty deputy sheriff thought she had cut him off. He pulled up to her car and took out his gun. She happened to look to her left. Saw the gun aimed at her. Pulled her head back. The bullet grazed her head. Had she not pulled back, the bullet would have penetrated her skull. The deputy sheriff took off. He was later arrested.

The NRA argues too many nuts have guns. What was this guy? And a police officer to boot!

Enjoy your day!



Yesterday’s blog appears to have touched the sensitivities of many. I received many more comments that usual. The thrust was Ferguson. Interestingly, few agreed with me.

One comment referred to me as a racist and moron. A racist I assume because I took the black position. I am not sure where moron came from. Unless the writer was of the opinion that anyone who disagreed with him had to be stupid.

American youth. We raise our children hoping they will be intelligent and successful. And honest/moral. Sometimes they screw up with the honesty/morality factor. A perfect example is Sarasota High School.

A 17 year old girl and 15 year old boy, students at Sarasota High, started a prostitution ring. The girls to be offered would come from surrounding schools. Youth was the attraction. Even virginity, though at a higher price.

They got caught and the operation exposed. They approached the endeavor in a business sort of way. Even had a business plan. They had customers before getting caught. Adult men. Four girls solicited to work as ladies of the night blew the ring in to the Principal.

A perfect example of the moral compass having gone wrong.

My yesterday began with a haircut. Lori. She has been cutting my hair for 15 years.

Then a long walk. A mistake. The humidity was horrendous! Took everything out of me.

I intended to watch Syracuse basketball in the evening. Before and after my blog talk radio show. Unfortunately, the game was not carried in the keys.

Syracuse did win. Beat Loyola 70-37. The size of the victory means nothing. Loyola was a warm up game for the season which begins in January.

Did my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. My topics were limited. I hit a few items hard.

Ferguson was the first topic discussed. Many apparently disagreed with me. My position was simple. If a group thinks they are getting screwed, they will react. I mentioned also the 12 year old black boy who was shot by a policeman and killed three days ago in Cleveland as an example that police killing blacks has become a common occurrence.

I got into GMOs.

The whole world is getting down on GMOs. Except for the United States. Other nations are recognizing the apparent dangers involved in eating foods created by genetically modified organisms. The United States has and continues to welcome GMOs because of our governmental officials. Congress specifically and the Presidents who sign the laws permitting these evil seeds. The story of corporate America, money, and lobbyists all over again.

It is amazing the companies that use GMOs that we do not know do. Like Pepsi Cola, Kellogg’s and Nestles/Gerber. The corn, soy and sugar used in the production of their products contain GMOs. Yes, even Gerber’s baby foods.

Recently, a South African court threw Gerber’s baby foods out of the country because of the GMOs. Gerber’s still sells baby food in South Africa, however. They redid their product so it contained no GMOs. Not in the United States, however.

The Marathon Turtle Hospital is in the news again. A large number of turtles took the wrong turn trying to leave Cape Cod for warmer waters to the south. They ended up on bay beaches. They are sick and dying. The cold water causing hypothermia.

There are more than a 1,000. They are being gathered up and flown to several Florida locations. Marathon Turtle Hospital is getting a number of them.

It’s a great life! Summer on Cape Cod and winter in the Florida keys. And free medical if they get sick.

The Key West Citizen’s History section had a picture of the Atlantic Shores Restaurant from 50 years ago. I enjoyed many a breakfast at the street front restaurant and many a lunch at the poolside bar in the rear. I enjoyed the rear view more. Atlantic Shores, gone but not forgotten.

Cool this morning. Very heavy rains. During the night, also. It is the tail of the northeaster that is going to bury some northern states in snow later today.

Cool by the way is about 73 degrees.

Enjoy your day!




I do not blame the people of Ferguson for their reaction to the indictment report. Their political leaders, from the police chief to the mayor to the prosecutor to the governor, should now be investigated to see if some sort of fix was in. My sense is that the thinking of the white fathers was that no dead black man was going to put a white police officer in jail.

Aggressive police work appears the order of the day. Just two days ago in Cleveland, a 12 year old black boy was shot to death by a cop. Look up the story on the internet. Another black dead at the hands of a white officer.

What next? People can only be tread upon so long. Then that rebellious feeling takes hold. Anger vented.

I worry poverty may be the next motivation for violence. The nation’s poor. The 99 percent. A group can only be defecated upon so long. Especially if their children are caused to suffer. 2.5 million children were homeless in 2013. This in the land of plenty.

My blog talk radio show is tonight at 9. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Of course, I will have something to say about Ferguson. Not much, however. The national media has said it all. The 12 year old black in Cleveland will receive comment by me,  as well as the 2.5 million homeless children, GMOs in American foods whose identity will shock you, Russia banning GMOs completely, and more. Join me.

I grocery shopped yesterday at Publix. I buy the same thing all the time. I am not an impulse shopper. Yesterday, my bill was $20 higher.

It made me question whether Publix had raised the price of food because this is a holiday week.

There was a time several years back when it was discovered that in larger cities, the chain stores were playing with the cost of groceries. Stores in ghetto/poorer areas increased prices the week welfare checks were received.

Enjoy your day!


Mary Lou Hoover can do and does do everything! Nothing is beyond her capabilities.

Her credentials are lengthy. Most prominent is Girls’ Night Out. A couple of years ago, Mary Lou thought women needed a place to meet and network. From a first meeting in a living room with a handful of ladies, it has grown into huge numbers. The ladies meet one night a month. However, in much larger quarters.

Mary Lou has also been a Fantasy Fest Queen. 2007. A tough race to the title and an even more arduous job the year following.

She is involved with Helpline. She is fund raiser and coordinator for the organization.

Mary Lou recently acquired an added interest in suicides. She came up with some figures that indicate a big time need for additional assistance in order to prevent suicides. In 2012, there were 4 homicides and 19 suicides in the Florida Keys. In 2013, there were 2 homicides and 32 suicides. Clear evidence that help is needed.

Mary Lou is working to have Helpline add to its suicide awareness efforts. A worthy and needed endeavor. She will succeed. It is in her nature to succeed. She is a woman who gets things done.

My blog talk radio show was last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. For those of you who may have missed and would like to listen, the show is archived and also available on Facebook and You Tube.

Post show comments indicated that my critical comments re the Keystone Pipeline and Immigration issues garnered the most interest.

My thrust was it has been 6 years that Keystone has been waiting for a vote. The final vote was last night. It took an effort of political expediency to bring about the vote. With regard to immigration, the issue has been bouncing around for 6 years also. A vote could not be reached. Now the President says he is going to move by Executive Order.

Not the way to run a government! We should not have to wait six years to get an up or down vote on the important issues of the day.

Can you believe the weather? The Key West weather. It dropped to 61 last night. It is 63 degrees as I write. The high today will be 69. Wow! Cold! A long pants day.

I will hear from many of you regarding the previous paragraph. Especially my friends up north. Where it is really cold! Tom Dixon e-mailed to tell me they already have four feet of snow in Buffalo, with more coming today. Temperatures across upstate New York are in their 20’s. So too most of the rest of the nation. This morning’s weather report says the Florida panhandle will be below freezing later today and tonight.

And not even Thanksgiving yet!

Today is the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address. Lincoln delivered the famous speech on this day in 1863. It was less than 300 words.

Two things I would like to share with you re the Gettysburg Address.

The first is that Lincoln wrote his speech on a ripped off portion of a brown paper bag as he rode to Gettysburg. His lunch had been in the bag. He used a stub pencil to write.

When Lincoln completed  delivering his speech, applause were minimal. There was no off the wall reaction to his words. It was subsequent to the speech that the speech’s special qualities were noted.

It continues to be a sad day at Lisa’s. Jake is still sick. Lisa continues to take him to the vet every day. They still do not know what is wrong with him. He is being tested for everything.

Poor Jake!

Enjoy your day!



Sixty thousand to seventy thousand people come to Key West each year to enjoy Fantasy Fest. They come because it is an adult party. Adult means some degree of nudity.

A small handful of local citizens want to change things. They cry there is too much nudity and sex.

I have never seen open sex during Fantasy Fest. I have occasionally seen some nudity. Generally, the female vagina. Not that many, however. Maybe a total of a dozen in the 16 years I have been attending Fantasy Fest.

Local ordinances require a woman’s nipples to be covered. That means pasties. Plus, the privates of men and women. I can live with that and so can the 60,000-70,000 who come to party.

There is a vocal minority that wants to change things. How much I am not certain. They probably total no more than 40 persons. They are the squeaky wheel, however. If church goers, the ones who sing the loudest at services. They are getting a lot of attention. As evidenced by this morning’s Key West Citizen. The headline read Nudity Tops The List Of Fest Complaints.

The group sounds like the religious right. I am offended that they seek to impose their moral standards upon me and the 60,000-70,000. I  believe most Key Westers would agree with me.

Walked again yesterday. I am proud of myself! From one end of Duval to the other and back.

This weekend is the Waterfront’s Cole Porter show A Swell Party. Jenna and I will be going together. I was lucky to get tickets. The show is apparently a sell out. Someone had just canceled two adjoining seats in the third row. It is called being there at the right time.

My blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. A quick half hour of interesting and stimulating talk. Join me.

Topics tonight include Ferguson and the KKK, genetically modified potatoes approved by USDA for sale in the U.S., Obama changing his tune re immigration, a tough on drugs governor pardoning his son’s drug conviction, a British/Iranian woman who is to receive a public lashing because she wanted to attend a volley ball game, and more.

Ferguson is a hotbed in the making. A tinderbox that could and probably will erupt. Missouri’s governor announced yesterday  he was declaring a state of emergency. The national guard has been called out. The governor is getting ready for whatever occurs when the grand jury report comes out.

The governor’s move is stupid. He is sending the national guard in in advance. Such is an invitation to aggravation, dissension, and violence. It says to the black community we know you are going to blow up and we are ready for you. In a sense, a we dare you move.

Missouri’s political leaders leave a lot to be desired.

Enjoy your day!