John McCain’s church service yesterday emotional and uplifting. Befitting an American hero.

His daughter Meghan’s eulogy heart wrenching. Everyone had to shed a tear. Actually, tears.

Meghan a tough woman. I have watched her on View a few times. She stands her ground. She rebuked Trump as only an angered daughter could: “The America of John McCain does not need to be made great again, because America was always great.”

Julia Child cooked last night! Actually, Donna. The Julia Child of Key West.

I enjoyed dinner at Donna and Terri’s. A small dinner party. Joe and Andrea partaking, also.

Good food, good people, good conversation.

Bear appears mended. He was his usual self.

Afterwards, we went across the street to Macaws. Terri was entertaining with Larry Baeder. Her singing magnificent. Blindness has not impaired her voice or delivery.

Terri sings this morning again. At Hard Rock Cafe’s brunch from 10-12.

Three significant historical events occurred this day, though in different years.

The one closest to Key West if Diana Nyad’s dangerous swim from Havana to Key West in 2013. In jellyfish and shark infested waters. Without a shark cage. Diane 64 years old at the time.

She landed on Smathers Beach. The trip took 53 hours. Record time.

On this day in 1969, the first ATM was made available in Rockville Center, New York. We have become accustomed to ATM machines. Quick cash.

The experience will end in the next few years. We are moving toward a cashless society. Everyone will have a card. Something like a credit card. The card will tie directly into a person’s bank account. All transactions will be per the card.

Of special historical significance is this day in 1945. Japan formally surrendered ending World War II. The surrender ceremony took place on the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.

This week is the heart of hurricane season. So far, so good. The weather is changing a bit. The temperature has dropped from 95 degrees to the high 80’s. Humidity less.

Not sure it will remain so. September is generally considered the hottest and most humid month.

I am disappointed. I receive my Key West Citizen via the internet. No Key West Citizen this morning. Wonder if it has anything to do with the reported sale of the Citizen to the Adams Publishing Group. The sale has not been formally reported yet.

Whatever, enjoy your Sunday!



Rumor has it the Key West Citizen has been sold. Formal announcement of the sale is expected tuesday.

The purported purchaser is the Adams Publishing Group. A family business headed by 80 year old Steve Adams and his four sons.

They got into the small town newspaper business only three years ago. Already own some 100 small town dailies.

The Adams family is one of substance. Their wealth estimated in the billions. Generous to certain causes. The father Steve and his wife donated $100 million to the Yale School of Music in 2015.

The Adams Group generally retain staff and operations of newspapers purchased.

It is almost noon and I am no where close to finishing today’s blog. I have been watching John McCain’s service. It is hard to think and compose with tears in one’s eyes.

The man deserves all the tribute being accorded him this morning. Makes one proud to watch the service. Proud to be an American.

McCain’s mother Roberta is still alive. One hundred six yeas old. God bless her!

The Chart Room first last night. Few people. I was surprised. I thought the holiday weekend would fill the place.

Chatted with John and David, as well as a few tourists.

One of the tourists had just arrived from Saratoga Springs. She was attending the races. We shared some thoughts. I visited Saratoga during the racing season often. Not for the races. The parties at night! I also maintained an office in Saratoga for years.

We got into iguanas, lizards,and pythons. Especially lizards and pythons.

I read recently that the iguana food business is on the rise. In Central and South America, iguana is commonly eaten. Tastes like chicken. Never achieved any degree of popularity in the U.S. Till now.

A California based meat company used to import iguanas from Puerto Rico. Now from Florida. Ten thousand pounds a month. Makes the meat into sausage, hot dogs and burgers.

Purchase price wholesale expensive. The company sells to people and restaurants across the U.S. One pound boneless $59.99. One pound whole with skin on $49.99.

The California facility is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Then to the Blue Macaw. Many friends. A good time. Met Rebecca. Just arrived in Key West. Here for the holiday weekend. She has a PhD. in History. Now wants to go to medical school.

Elections in the air! Primaries and then the mid-terms in November. Early voting commonplace. Early voting on college campuses receiving attention. In July, a federal court ruled that a ban placed on early voting sites on Florida campuses was unconstitutional and placed an unfair burden on college students.

Smaller counties and colleges are moving swiftly to provide early campus voting. The bigger counties and universities not.

Miami-Dade, Duval and Escambia examples of counties slow to respond to the court directive. Universities slow include Florida A&M, Florida International, and Miami Dade.

Just so happens that the slower universities are those with the greatest number of non-whites.

Locally, I do not know what our community college is or has been doing. I plan on checking it out and letting you know.

Syracuse football back!

Beat West Virginia yesterday 55-42. A strange result. Syracuse was winning 34-7 at half time.

Next week tiny Wagner. A warm up. Syracuse should win.

The following week Syracuse plays Florida State at Syracuse. Florida State a ranked team. The game will tell how good Syracuse is.

World War II began this day in 1939. Germany invaded Poland.

What I am about to relate disturbs me greatly.

A new movie regarding man on the moon is scheduled for release October 12. Called First Man. Includes the story of John Glenn, the first man to step on the moon. Ryan Gosling plays Armstrong.

Armstrong planted the American flag on the moon. Recorded, filmed. A proud moment in itself.

The flag incident is omitted in the film. Gosling said because what Armstrong accomplished in going to the moon was a “human achievement,” not an American one. He forgets the years and thousands of people required to put Armstrong on the moon.

He claims Armstrong did not consider himself an American hero. Armstrong was a humble man, he claims.

All heroes are humble. They are not aware at the time of their unusual deeds that they have achieved hero status. Think Sgt. York and John McCain.

The omission of the American flag and the reasons therefore a distortion of history. A manipulation.


I was alive, a family man, a practicing attorney at the time. I assure you everyone including me considered the moon landing an American achievement. We were “American proud.”

Enjoy your day!





John McCain an American hero for the ages. His name will be long remembered. Similar to Senate greats of another day such as Daniel Webster and Henry Clay.

Another comparable figure in American history is Teddy Roosevelt. Both possessing that commanding go for it attitude. Both honest to the bone. Though McCain never became President, Roosevelt never was a Senator. The two can be equated, never the less.

Marc Anthony said following Julius Caesar’s death…..”The evil that men do lives after them; / The good is oft interred with their bones.”

Such will not be the case with McCain. He was too good. His shortcomings of no consequence. A man for the ages.

There is one however who apparently sees evil in McCain, has disdain for him. Donald Trump. Amusing on the one hand since Trump is no John McCain. Could never be. His evil diametrically opposite to McCain’s good.

In spite of personal feelings, people generally respect the dead. Not Trump in the case of John McCain. An outstanding example in the three days since McCain’s death is the President’s refusal to fly the American flag over the White House at half mast. Lowering of the flag a way of showing respect for a particular deceased.

There are rules/traditions governing flag lowering at such a time. Note again the lowering is a posthumous mark of respect.

Flags are normally lowered by Presidential Proclamation. With a noted exception. A Senator who dies in office. The flag lowering automatic at such time. The President’s approval not required. The flags are lowered from the Senator’s date of death till burial.

McCain will not be buried for several days.

The White House flag was lowered the day he died. It has not been lowered since. The pettiness of Trump. His disrespect obvious.

Sunday brunch yesterday at Hard Rock Cafe. Terri performing along with Larry Baeder. A smash! Hard Rock became packed as time progressed.

Blue Macaw with Mary last night. Paul and Ron back from Europe. Paul was My Man in Europe re the public urinals. Doug showed up. He is a tour guide at the Hemingway House. Mary is similarly employed. She is a tour guide at the Little White House.

Tuesday is election day. I voted early. Vote if you have not already.

I want to express my personal support for Mary Lou Hoover. She is a candidate for District 5 Commissioner. A better person does not exist. She has been involved in community efforts her entire life. She will make good things happen if she is permitted to sit on the Key West Commission.

I did not vote for Mary Lou. Amusing. I could not. I do not live in her district. No problem. I can still unequivocally recommend her to you.

Another Trump observation. In addition to the one where he insults McCain’s memory. Trump has the usually strong American dollar on the path to devaluation. If such occurs, recession inevitable.

The American dollar is strong and used in most world transactions. Sixty percent of global reserves and 80 percent of global payments are in dollars. Such gives the U.S. control over imports and exports. It also makes it possible for the U.S. to force countries into submission by the use of sanctions.

Oil transactions utilize the dollar. Referred to as petro-dollars.

Trump initiated the tariff wars. More countries will suffer. Russia suffering from sanctions, although Trump and Putin are buddies.

China is the U.S.’s major competing opponent. China wants to be top dog economically.

The world is sick of Trump’s tariff wars and the nervousness it is causing to the world wide economy. Russia has been goosing the rest of the world to abandon the dollar. Russia announced yesterday it was the direction it will be following. China, Iran and Venezuela are in bed with Russia.

China wants the yuan to be number one re oil transactions. The petro-yuan. Russia, Iran and Venezuela support the move. Pakistan recently jumped on board after Trump did some nasty thing to Pakistan a month ago.

The bottom line is that Trump is destroying our economy. Wars can be fought without guns. Economically one way. Another we have learned only too well is cyber war.

The U.S. is losing in both. Will apples being sold on street corners return?

Wake up America! Trump is hurting, no, destroying us.

Enjoy your day!


John McCain died yesterday. A true American hero. A man for the ages. A person to be emulated. He will forever be remembered.

We need more John McCain’s.

David Wolkowsky’s 99th birthday party! As expected, over the top. Champagne flowed. David and champagne go together.

A wonderful man. An American hero in his own right. His successes in Key West and Philadelphia speak for themselves.

As I raised my glass to David, I thought…..Next year! Hope you make 100 my friend!

I was invited to Donna and Terri’s for dinner. Was running early. Stopped at the Blue Macaw first for a drink. There was Terri at the bar sipping a ginger ale. Donna and Terri live across the street from Blue Macaw.

I joined Terri. Enjoyed a drink. Following which she took my right elbow and we went home.

We talked about one of Blue Macaw’s bartenders. A tiny lovely young blond lady. Montana her name.

People in Key West work hard. As most others in the U.S. do today. Montana has two jobs. Her daytime job begins at 7 in the morning. Not sure what it is. I admire how hard she works. The Macaw bar is huge. She moves around it swiftly.

Dinner delicious! What else! Donna cooked. A gourmet chef in disguise. Meat loaf! Like Mom used to make. Outstanding!

Bear coming along. Stitches come out Friday. I still hate what they had done to him. Neutered.

I am moving my ass this morning. Terri sings at 10 at Hard Rock Cafe. She and Larry Baeder entertain together 10-12. Stop over for brunch and enjoy the duo.

I early voted this week. Did not recognize any of the State wide candidates, except for Gwen Graham. Gwen is running in the Democratic primary for Governor.

One of the reasons I did not know the candidates is that the Key West Citizen rarely mentions the State races.

I received this morning via e-mail a copy of the August 23 edition of Florida Politics. There was a big pic of Gwen and a story involving her and Big Pine.

Gwen, her parents, sisters and children were in Big Pine last Sunday. Working with Brian Vest’s Conch Republic Marine Army to clean up debris yet remaining from Irma. Yes, almost a year later much cleanup and repair work yet remains.

Gwen’s team had contacted Vest to ask what they could do. He said come on down and help. The candidate and her family came. The pic showed Gwen in shorts and a t-shirt in the water with gloves on pulling debris out of the water. Sweating like a pig as the saying goes. She was working!

The title of the article was Gwen Graham Gets Hands On During Cleaning Up Day In The Keys.

I make mention for 3 reasons.

First, I support Gwen’s candidacy.

Second, I and my fellow Key residents appreciate Gwen paying attention to the Keys. We are generally the forgotten relative.

Third, the Key West Citizen made no mention of Gwen’s visit. For shame! In fact, very very little of any of the State races have been reported on thus far.

Enjoy your Sunday!




What I begin with this morning has nothing to do with the title. The news for me is so exciting. Worthy of sharing.

The scale this morning reads 200 pounds!

I was 257 last summer when I decided to cut back. Nothing stringent. Smaller portions, less drinking and no bread. By November, I was down to 245.

For several years, I was tired all the time. Even at 245. Went to Miami for a heart catheterization. My fourth. Doctor said your heart no different today than 3 years ago when last done.

Why am I tired all the time? I was pushing for an answer. He gave it to me. Right between the eyes: Lose 40 or 50 pounds!

The next day was November 27. I got into serious dieting. Atkins. A low carb diet.

The numbers say it all. I have lost since last summer 57 pounds total. The Atkins diet responsible for 45 pounds of it.

I am into the diet. Not stopping yet. May stay on it forever. Not difficult. We shall see.

Oh, I have not been constantly tired since 225 pounds.

What goes around, comes around. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.


Harvey Weinstein got buried by the MeToo movement. Deservedly so.

Asia Argento is an Italian actress of some success. She has won two Italian Oscars. She became deeply involved in #MeToo. Helped bring down Weinstein.

Turns out Asia had skeleton in her closet. What follows occurred when Asia was 37 and a Jimmy Bennet 17.

Bennet now 22. He played in a couple of Asia’s films as a child actor. A mother-son relationship developed. Went beyond such a relationship, however.

It was announced yesterday that Asia sexually assaulted Bennet when he was 17 in a hotel room at the Ritz-Carlton in Marina del Rey, California. Oral sex and intercourse. They also took pictures. One of the two of them naked on a bed together.

Bennet never complained formally till recently. He claimed the one time bed situation affected him mentally. In the five years prior to the incident, he earned $2.7 million. In the five years since, he has only earned an average of $60,000 a year.

Asia paid Bennet $380,000. She also got the bare ass picture of the two as part of the settlement.

Non-disclosure clauses in matters of this nature are not legal in California. Ergo, the scenario is now in the news. The New York Times released it yesterday.

Asia a pedophile. An imperfect woman who relished in bringing down Weinstein and others as part of the #MeToo Movement.

Some things have a way of coming back to haunt a person.

Terri is home! No heart attack. Nothing found wrong. God bless!

Tom Luna and Rick Dery were spectacular last night at Dueling Bartenders. Liz, Josefina and Mary there. Chatted with Sheila and Linda. Met Karen and talked with her a while.

Then to Blue Macaw for something light to eat.

Mary at the bar. I chastised her for not returning my call sunday. I wanted her to join me for a drink.

I was wrong. She had responded. She texted me. I do not do text.


We are having dinner together wednesday at La Trattoria.

Remember the Virginia Beach ladies I met last week. They were supposed to join me at Dueling Bartenders last night. Even got an e-mail sunday from Gillian saying they would be meeting me monday night.

The ladies never showed. Such is life. They leave Key West today to return home. I am confident they had a hell of a time!

Return to Key West ladies!

Iguanas are a pain! No one likes them. They eat your flowers, defecate in your pool, etc. They are here to stay, however. Too many now. Steps should have been taken years ago to get rid of them.

First there were geckos. Then iguanas. Geckos are ok. They eat bugs.

A new member of the group is now running around Key West. Lizards. This morning’s Key West Citizen in the Citizens’ Voice column reported a reader’s comment re the lizards: “The curly lizards have entered the graveyard; geckos couldn’t stop their advance and the iguanas are beside themselves.”

The Key West weatherman continues to have a sense of humor. He has a comment following every report.

Today, showers and sunny. He added, “A mix and match day.”

Tonight, thunderstorms. He added, “Late night music.”

I came across a list of quotes by women 50 and older. Number 1 was by Meryl Streep: “You can’t get spoiled if you do your own ironing.”

An oracle of wisdom.

BOB not writing today. Out late last night and had one drink too many. Hopefully, tomorrow.

Today is tuesday. Means my podcast show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. Join me. I enjoy ranting and raving. Fun stuff, serious matters. www.blogtalkrado.com/key-west-lou.

Enjoy your day!





BOB’s back! Last chapter. Titled: Not A Shot Fired.

BOB’s concern back in 1997 the same as the concern of many today. Government has to change. People deserve better.

The question is how to accomplish it.

Violence not the way. BOB’s suggestion “diversion.” Whatever that means. Will take a bit to analyze the concept.

Voting the key. However, candidates must be controlled. They must obey the will of whoever. Not sure yet what whoever is. Additional analysis required.

BOB says forget a third party candidate. Never works. BOB says of third party candidates, “Nothing more than a fart in the wind.”

BOB asked Bob Smith what he thought. Deep thinking Bob said, “M & M’s.”

“Chocolate candy?” BOB exclaimed. “Have you totally lost it? You’re to take over the entire government with chocolate candy?”

Bob responded, “Calm yourself. It’s the money and the media stupid.”

That is how far we go today. It will take several more writings to tie M & M’s, money and the media together. Plus some other Bob Smith sage thoughts.

Understand as we go through the last chapter that Bob considered government officials assholes.

Yesterday, a lazy sunday for me. Did nothing. Watched some golf and old Judy Garland movies.

Went out about 6. To the Rum Bar. Lauri bartending. George and Art, Ingrid, and a former Syracuse law professor and his wife who worked administration at Syracuse. They left and Donna and Terri came in. Donna and Terri had earlier been to 801. Terri sang karaoke.

We had a drink together. Terri in good spirits. She reminded me to pick her up at 1 today to take her to the eye Doctor.

The ladies wanted to have dinner. I was not that hungry. They were. I opted out. Told them I was going to stop at Sandy’s Cafe on the way home for a Cuban sandwich. They went I don’t know where.

Terri e-mailed me very late last night. She had just left the hospital. They were getting ready for bed at 10:30 when Terri complained of chest and back pain. She wanted to be taken to the hospital.

Terri had a heart attack 3 years ago. Prior to the onset of her cancer problems.

Donna reports no heart attack. Kept Teri overnight for precautionary reasons. Terri was resting well when Donna left.

I am waiting for Donna’s morning hospital report.

Tonight, Dueling Bartenders at Aqua. My two Virginia lovelies that I met last week e-mailed and said they would see me there tonight.

Gillian and Rozalyn. I cannot wait to hear the exploits of their Key West week. The girls intended to raise hell. Gillian was anxious to go topless at Garden of Eden.

Giuliani kept saying on Meet the Press yesterday that “truth isn’t truth.” I read somewhere this morning that after Trump was jailed, Giuliani could visit him and say to Trump “prison isn’t prison.”

Note, I do not expect Trump to go to prison. Impeached, yes. Jailed, no.

We don’t send former Presidents to prison. Though Trump keeps suggesting his Presidential opponent Hillary Clinton should be jailed.

Entitlement to rights can be taken a step too far. Not every one claiming rights is entitled to them. I refer specifically to prisoners. People in jail.

They are somehow organized and on the move. A Nationwide Prison Strike is scheduled to begin August 21 and end September 9. Seventeen prisons involved.

The prisoners consider themselves slaves. For example, they work for next to no wages. On August 21, 1831, Nat Turner led an uprising of slaves. Ergo, the August 21 starting date.

September 9 has significance in prison history. September 9 will be the 47th anniversary of the Attica prison rebellion.

During the strike, the prisoners will refuse to perform any type labor, they will engage in sit-ins and hunger strikes, and demand major reforms.

Ten demands. Included being paid the prevailing wage in their State or territory.

Prison type slavery, being required to work for nothing or next to nothing, is part of the 13th Amendment. The Amendment allows for “slavery or involuntary servitude…..as a punishment for crimes whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.”

Other demands include access to rehabilitation programs and an end to “death by incarceration.” Death by incarceration a life sentence without possibility of parole.

The prisoners wish to be “valued.”

Enjoy your day!


I wrote 3 days ago that Paris and Berlin were into public urinals. Open street public urinals. Paris for men. Berlin co-ed. Berlin’s uniqueness that women would be required to pee standing up.

Yesterday, I mentioned that CNN had picked up on the Paris public urinals and titled their news report Qui Qui. An excellent take on a French word.

This morning, I woke to an e-mail from Paul Harding. Paul and Ron are Blue Macaw friends who are on a European trek. They are following my blog while away.

Paul and Ron were in Sitges, Spain yesterday. Paul wrote that outdoor public urinals for men were common place in Sitges. Even sent me a photo of one next to a park bench.

Steges is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Commonly referred to as the St. Tropez of Spain. Property prices approaching those of the most expensive European cities.

Paris, Berlin, Steges. Anywhere else? Yes. The Netherlands, UK, Philippines, Sweden, India and Portugal.

We never knew.

The public urinals primarily for men. Seems they have a habit of peeing in the street. Could not understand why. Some communities install the urinals outside near bars. Seems men have a need to go when they leave, having forgotten to unload before leaving.

Co-ed public urinals where ever situated had a common denominator. Women standing while peeing.

What is the world coming to?

Last night enjoyable.

Made a sick call first. To Donna and Terri’s. Bear was neutered Wednesday.

Poor Bear! Fortunately, doped up. I walked in to find Bear lying down and Donna holding a bag of ice to the area where his prized male possessions formerly existed.

The three of us then walked across the street to Blue Macaw. Terri was to sing with Larry Baeder. The combination was terrific.

Terri and Larry are performing at Hard Rock Cafe’s Sunday brunch this morning from 10-12.

Spent a lot of time at the Blue Macaw. Chatted with Mary quite a while. An intelligent woman. A tour guide at The Little White House, an economist by education.

John showed up. His night off from the Chart Room. Joe and Andrea Phillips at the bar, also.

I woke as the sun was coming up this morning. I was downstairs making tea. Looked outside the glass doors to the walled in area in the back of the house. The white concrete walls, the brick floor and blue pool were all pink. Looked up to the sky, white clouds covered in pink.

Reminded me of an old saying. Suggesting rain heavy at some point today.

The dity most of us learned when young…..Red sky at night, / sailor’s delight. / Red sky at morning, /  sailors take warning.

Seems Jesus first memorialized the saying. Matthew 16:2B-3 wherein Jesus says, “When it is evening, you say, it will be fair weather, for the sky is red. And in the morning, it will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.”

Even Shakespeare got into the act. In Venus and Adonis, he wrote, “Like a red morn that ever yet betokened, / Wreck to the seaman, tempest to the field, / Sorrow to the shepherds, woe unto the birds, / Gusts and foul flows to herdsmen and to herds.”

Trump tells us Putin is our friend. Friends don’t screw each other. Putin periodically does something adverse to the U.S. Trump turns the other cheek.

The tariff war between China and the U.S. is initially hurting China more than the U.S. Soybeans an issue. China uses tons of soybeans. The U.S. exports more soybeans to China than any other country. A massive soybean shortage would lead to political and social upheavals across China.

Putin has extended a helping hand to China. He has offered China the use of 2.5 million acres of arable Russian land. To grow soybeans to meet the large scale demand for the product.

I wrote and spoke recently what I perceive as Netanyahu’s development into an authoritarian figure. He and Trump birds of a feather.

Netanyahu has been leading Israel into wars in different places. He continues to wage war on Palestinian civilians living under Israeli occupation.

The U.N. says enough. Stop!

U.N. Secretary  General Antonio Guterres issued a report Friday recommending U.N. deployment of military and/or civilian persons to protect the Palestinian civilians.

Security Council approval is required. U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley says the U.S. will veto any such plan.

There was time the world would expect such vetoes from Russia. Now the U.S. is acquiring the tinge of the bad guy by vetoing measures that make sense.

Not sense to Trump, however. He and Netanyahu are buddies. Both freely elected. Now authoritarian. Reaching for the next level of despotism. Dictatorship of some sort.

Enjoy your Sunday!








A Shakespearean quote fits perfectly into the American society of today. Concerns Trump and his attempts at destroying reputations of good and honorable persons. The passage from Othello: “Good name in man and woman….. / Is the immediate jewel of…..souls / Who steals my purse steals trash….. / But he that filches from me my good name / Robs me of that which not enriches him, / And makes me poor indeed.”

He who steals my good name…..

John Brennan a distinguished American. Headed the CIA, served under six Presidents. Trump in a moment of retaliatory pettiness stripped him of his security clearance.

Thirteen retired military and intelligence persons all signed a letter in support of Brennan.

Brennan in an MSNBC interview said Trump was “drunk on power.”

The New York Times this morning suggested in so many words Trump was not a king.

The President is out of hand. He is overly impressed with himself. An authoritarian figure envisioning that which he is not. However, that which he hopes to become.

Trump has said he will strip many other persons of security clearance. Suggested it was a punishment. He was in effect keeping a list and knew who they were.

Crazy!!! Nixonian!!!

The French have a term “les majeste.” Means it is a crime to criticize the monarch, tantamount to treason. Trump is not a monarch. He does not serve by divine right. He was elected by the people to be their President. Period.

He can be criticized and it is not a crime to do so.

Chart Room first last night. John bartending. Quiet.

Did meet a doctor at the bar. One of the rowdy ones from the night before. All from the Youngstown area. All grew up together. Celebrating someone’s 40th birthday.

They all live in the same area today. Socialize together. Their children go to the same schools, etc.

Nice. The good doctor a nice guy, also. In spite of the night before.

Met also a gent from North Carolina. Enjoying life, as he put it. Two years ago, he was diagnosed with cancer near his left eye. He has had surgery, radiation and chemo.

The cancer has returned. He feels chipper. He and his wife intend to enjoy.

The cancer has left him without the sense of taste. Also, he has next to no vision in the left eye.

Blue Macaw next for a bite to eat.

Met a terrific couple.. Amanda and Kip. Sixtyish. Married now 3 years. They are at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park working as volunteers. They live in a 46 foot hauler of some sort on the grounds of Fort Zach. Enjoying their time at the beach.

Terri White sings tonight and tomorrow morning.

This evening at Blue Macaw with Larry Baeder. Tomorrow morning for Brunch at Hard Rock Cafe 10-12.

I plan on being with my lesbian wives Donna and Terri at both events.

So many wonderful people in Key West! So many good friends! I am lucky in my old age.

One is Mary Lou Hoover. Reminds me of Cole Porter’s….She’s the tops, she’s the Mona Lisa.

Mary Lou has decided to be a politician in her mid years. She is running for City Commissioner in Key West’s District 5. If you are qualified to vote, vote for Mary Lou!

The other day, I wrote of public urinals for men on the streets of Paris. Men stand up to a box on a poll and in front of God, the world and passer-byes pee.

I woke about 5 this morning. Turned on TV to CNN. There it was. The Paris urinal story. Titled appropriately…..Qui Qui.

Church and state are like water and oil. They do not mix.

Many have forgotten the separation of church and state in this country that served us so well for many years. Trouble rises because of the forgetfulness.

The Arkansas State Capitol. A major fight several years ago. One faction of State government wanted to erect a statue of the Ten Commandments on State Capitol property. The group succeeded.

Now comes the members of the Satanic Temple.  They delivered and placed an 8.5 foot of Baphomet on Capitol grounds. Baphomet with two adoring children at his side.

Baphomet is a goat headed winged creature. A Sabbatical Goat. His followers devil worshipers.

The Satanic Temple members take the position that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. If a statue of the Ten Commandments can stand, so too the statue of Baphomet.

Called freedom of religion. In conflict with separation of church and state. The problem would not have arisen had some religious zealots not insisted on the Christian statue. They and Arizona government forgot there is more than one religion in this country.

The rich get richer and the poor poorer.

Continues to be true.

The Economic Policy Institute issued a report. CEO’s receive higher compensation than employees each and every year. Employee salaries rarely change.

Numbers tell the story. Ratios of CEO salaries and workers compensation from 1965-2017. In 1965, the ratio was 20-1. In 1989, 58-1. In 2017, 312-1.

Wow! Are the workers of America getting screwed! The ratio  of 312-1 beyond belief. We are aware, however. One of the things that has to change. The 99 percent are entitled to live better also. Not as much as CEO’s. But better than they do today.

Enjoy your day!






Met them last night! Two lovelies from Virginia Beach! Gillean and Rozalyn!

At the Blue Macaw.

Lovely fails to describe them sufficiently. Beautiful! Early 30’s. Arrived yesterday. Staying till tuesday. Guarantee they will leave their imprint on Key West.

Gillean in marketing. Rozalyn a nurse.

They already had a list of must do/see things. Garden of Eden at the top of the list. Gillean can’t wait to go topless. Excited.

Both experienced divers. Plan on exploring the reef.

I suggested several places to play, eat and drink. Rozalyn put them all into her cell phone.

I suspect I will run into them. The Garden of Eden the best spot. However, I have not been on the roof in years. My heart no longer can handle the three flights of steep stairs. If I could make it, my heart probably would not be able to handle what I would see up there.

Hopefully we will see each other again sunday morning at the Hard Rock Cafe brunch. Terri and Larry Baeder will be singing. Guaranteed monday at Dueling Bartenders.

Started my yesterday at Sandy’s Cafe for lunch. Then to Publix. I really needed groceries!

Some reading in the afternoon. Still going through Madeleine Albright’s Fascism. I highly recommend it. She traces modern day authoritarian figures beginning with Mussolini and Hitler. Leads up to Trump.

The Chart Room first last night. John bartending. One of Key West’s great personalities.

Met 2 guys. One from Scranton. The other originally from Albany, his wife Rochester. My home town Utica in the middle.

They were headed over to Michael’s for dinner.

Met Dion. Another lovely. An evening for lovely women!

Dion from Jamaica. I have visited twice. Many years ago. We talked about then and now. Interesting.

A tragedy yesterday. Of monumental proportions. Donna and Terri had Bear neutered. His testicles snipped. Horrendous! The mere thought bothers me.

Bear not a happy camper last night.

David Wolkowsky keeps popping up the past couple of weeks. My friend will be 99 saturday. A small party of 25 planned. I am invited. Can’t wait. An intimate event as only David can arrange.

David is Mr. Key West. If not for him, the Key West of today would not exist.

David bought a key 10 miles off Key West in 1974. Ballast Key. He constructed a magnificent home. All the amenities, although 10 miles off shore.

In his earlier days, he entertained big time at Ballast Key. World and national figures including British Prime Minister Edward Heath and Leonard Bernstein. His forever friend Jimmy Buffett a frequent guest.

David’s menu always the same. Champagne, hot dogs and chips.

A move is underway to rename Ballast Key to David Wolkowsky Key. This past week, the Monroe County Commission approved the change. Next, the approval of the federal government is required. The U.S. Board of Geographic Names. If they approve, the change will take take effect 5 years following David’s death.

Things never get better in Venezuela. Yet Maduro survives. Amazing.

The economy is in the shit house. Has been for several years. People do not have enough food. Several years ago, they ate their pets and zoo animals. People have trained themselves to eat every other day. Even babies.

Desperate times bring on desperate deeds. Many Venezuelans have turned to piracy. Old time piracy. Blackbeard’s type. Venezuelan pirates are rampaging the Caribbean in the vicinity of Trinidad and Tobago. Attacking yachts and fishing vessels.

Criminal chaos unleashed.

One victim who survived a pirate attack reported his group were doused with hot oil, hacked with machetes, and thrown overboard. Following which their boat was taken.

Manafort’s trial goes to the jury today. He spent a lot of money on items associated with the good life. Ten thousand dollar custom made suits an example.

Manafort has been sitting during the trial dressed to the nines, except he wears no socks. Turns out as a prisoner he can only wear government issued white socks. He is in court wearing magnificent suits and shoes. No socks! White socks do not go with his attire. He would rather go without.

The U.S. does not belong in Syria. Never the less, we are there. As is Russia and several other nations. All want a piece of the pie, ultimate control, etc. Russia and the U.S. till recently on opposite  sides. Trump however has us moving closer to being in bed with Russia.

Putin believes Russia will be involved with Syria for the long term. Hopefully forever. He is pulling a Hitler trick to assure such. He is after the Syrian youth.

Beginning this year, Syrian children will be permitted to attend Russian military academies in Russia. The first group begins September 1. The Syrians permitted to attend are the children of Syrian war heroes. Those who died in the long bloody Syrian conflict.

The intention is to develop the children into the military elite of the Syrian Arab Republic. Within 15 years, a sufficient number will have made it through the program and will control the Syrian military.

All Russian brain washed.

The program has been approved by a Russian governmental decree. Means Putin approved. It is referred to as “adaptation training.”

Hitler did something similar with the Hitler Youth. Hitler’s attitude then and Putin’s now: Get them while their young!

Enjoy your day!



Terri White two days in a row! Nothing could be better!

Terri was guest performer last night at Aqua. She participated with Tom Luna and Rick Dery in Dueling Bartenders.

Her voice…..Magnificent! The woman a top notch vocalist. The crowd went crazy for her tune renditions.

The entire show was good. How could it not be? A trio of great singers…..Tom Luna, Rick Dery and Terri White.

Do yourself a favor. Stop by some monday evening 5:50-8-00 and enjoy!

Tom looking better. Still recovering from a kidney stone surgery. Needs to put back on a few more pounds.

Donna was there, of course. The lovely Jean Thornton, also. She leaves tomorrow for her home in Birmingham. Key West will not know her again till October 15. I will miss her.

Sheila and John at the end of the bar.

Joe Phillips came over to say hello. We had met some time back. He and his wife relatively new to Key West. His wife, Andrea Phillips. Both veterans. Several tours of duty each. Joe’s first actual war engagement was Kuwait.

Donna and others were headed over to Antonia’s for dinner. The $10 summer pasta special. Too many carbs for me. I am protecting my diet. Begged off. Went to Sandy’s Cafe instead for a Cuban cheese toast and diet soda.

I mentioned yesterday that Antonia’s appeared to be closed at this time of the summer. I was wrong. Only sundays till the end of September.

Cuban dancing music saturday night in Key West. At the Key West Theater. The show Havana Nights Cuba. A combination of Havana spirits and Latin rhythms.

The beat exciting!

Sometimes the public is kept ignorant. Intentionally. I came across an item this morning that has not appeared yet in the media. It involves Peter Strzok, the FBI Special Agent fired this week. Trump considered his firing a great victory.

The information I came across indicated Strozk still a Federal employee. He had two jobs. Worked for the FBI and CIA. He is the Section Chief of the CIA’s Counterespionage Group. Served as such in recent years while also serving as Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division.

If true, the man was sheep dipped. In intelligence work means he had an alternate identity.

True or false? Time will tell. Quickly, I assume.

If true, nothing wrong with it. Merely shows Trump is not as smart as he thinks. He does not know everything. Nor do those who closely work with him.

The crazies keep coming out to public view. Persons way out who want to be in government.

The most recent is New York’s Carl Paladino. A very wealthy man. Lives in New York’s 27th Congressional District. The Buffalo-Rochester area. The District where present Representative Chris Collins announced following his arrest for insider trading that he would not be running for reelection.

The seat a solid Republican one.

Paladino totally off the wall. He ran for Governor against Cuomo. Lost by 30 points. He was Co-Chair of Trump’s New York Campaign.

Similar to Trump in many ways. Loud, conservative and known for insulting people.

He reminds me of Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan. One difference. Jordan is a pussy compared to Paladino.

Paladino is anti-immigrant. In 2015, he bemoaned “non-Americans walking around.” Another time, he denounced the “damn Asians coming here to go to school.”

Even worse, he is anti-black. Anti-Obamas definitely. He once said of Barack Obama, “Barack should die from mad cow disease.” Not a friend of Michelle’s either: “A man who should go live with gorillas.”

The nuts run because normal people are reluctant to enter today’s extremely dirty political fray.

Paladino is running in a Republican primary for the seat.

Strange things happen. This one I do not understand. There has to be a legitimate reason for it. George Papadopoulos is scheduled to be sentenced September 7 for lying to the FBI. He has been cooperating with the Mueller team.

Mueller obtained a protective order yesterday to prevent/prohibit the release of evidence bearing on Papadopoulos. The Court granted Mueller’s request for the protective order immediately.

Does not mean anything wrong. Unusual, however.

Omarosa and the tapes. Wowie! She spent 15 years working with Trump. First on the Apprentice and then in the White House. A long relationship. In some fashion, she is going to blow the whistle on the President.

The 15 year relationship does not make sense. Trump not known for long term relationships. There has to be a glue that kept them together. It would be extremely amusing if one or more of the tapes involved sex.

Tonight the night! My podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. A quick half hour of interesting and eye opening occurrences.

Join me. Guaranteed you will enjoy. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Enjoy your day!