My orange blood boiled yesterday. From excitement! Syracuse beat Florida State. Handily, 30-7.

Mighty Casey did not strike out!

Florida State had won the previous 11 encounters between the schools.

Was Syracuse that good or was Florida State that bad? A combination, I suspect. The test comes in future games. Next week Connecticut. A Syracuse victory. The following week, Clemson. Who knows. A real test.

Star quarterback Eric Dungey got hurt again. Second quarter. Freshman Tom DeVito went in. What a game DeVito played!

It is exciting that well played football is returning to Syracuse. It has been a long time. If my recollection is correct, the late 1990’s was the last time the team experienced golden years. Duncan McNabb’s time.

Spent my Saturday night at Blue Macaw. Enjoyed!

Met Jean Paul. A Hatian by birth. Came to the U.S. at 19. Now 61. Entertained last night. Played and sang.

Jean Paul multi-talented. A musician and artist. Showed me some of his paintings. Magnificent! Paints his homeland in vibrant colors. He has an outdoor gallery on Duval across the street from Hard Rock Cafe.

The story is told that when Jean Paul came to the U.S. at 19, the family settled in a flat in Brooklyn. Cold! Colder than that apparently. Jean Paul was accustomed to Haitian heat.

We talked long. I like Jean Paul. Sense we will be friends.

Andrea and Joe were at the bar. We sat together. Good people!

Paul was there again with his sister Laura and brother in law Dennis. They escaped Florence. They are from Myrtle Beach.

Laura a former first grade school teacher. Dennis retired from the Post Office.

Larry Baeder played later in the evening. I learned Larry is quite a giving man. Generous of his time. He works gratis teaching the young children at the Community Center music and how to play musical instruments.

I did a Publix stop on the way home. It was 9:50. Publix closes at 10. I moved my ass around fast enough to spend $70 and be out the door at 9:59. The third time I have done late late night shopping recently.

Florence ain’t going away! More and worse flooding for several days yet. Those who failed to leave now being rescued by first responders.

I hope everything works out as Trump projected. The number of people requiring assistance grows by day. I question whether there will be sufficient shelter, water and food. I question preparations for Florence’s arrival. There was sufficient time to be ready.

Trump enjoys twittering. As of this coming thursday, he will have a new toy. Referred to as the Presidential Alert System.

A law was authorized in 2015 establishing an Emergency Alert System. Using cell phones. Provides for immediate contact by the President warning of disasters.

The system is for Presidential use. The subject matter must relate to a natural disaster, act of terrorism, other man made disasters, or a threat to public safety.

A good idea. My concern is whether Trump will abuse the new system. Use it as he uses Twitter. Probably.

FEMA will test the new system next Thursday for the first time.

There are good people in the world. We do not hear of them enough. I came across one this morning while glancing through John Reinke’s Jasper Jottings.

Dennis Frandsen is a mid west successful banker.  His bank has 35 branches in Wisconsin and Minnesota.

Luck Public School is located in Wisconsin. This year’s graduating class will number 34. Frandsen has guaranteed each graduate a free college education. He will pay tuition for at least 2 years at a technical college.

The U.S. and Russia are pushing at each other in Syria. Let me share one person’s thoughts.

Ian Welsh is a Canadian blogger I follow. He recently wrote Syria could be straining the already strained U.S./Russia relationship. Russia together with Iran support Assad. The U.S. supports the rebels.

Saber rattling going on. Rumors afloat that Assad plans to use chemical weapons against the rebels. Trump has clearly said the U.S. will retaliate if he does. Russia is pushing Assad.

Welsh thinks the U.S. could lose in a fighting conflict with Russia. The basis for his belief is that the U.S. has fallen behind re missiles and missile defense technology. I believe him correct that the U.S. is behind missile wise.

Welsh describes Trump’s position as follows: He is against getting into a war with Russia “but he seems to have become deranged about Syria’s Iran ties…..U.S. foreign policy… doing what Saudi Arabia and Israel want, not what is good for the U.S.”

Sloan coming at noon. A busy afternoon ahead.

Enjoy your Sunday!





































John McCain died yesterday. A true American hero. A man for the ages. A person to be emulated. He will forever be remembered.

We need more John McCain’s.

David Wolkowsky’s 99th birthday party! As expected, over the top. Champagne flowed. David and champagne go together.

A wonderful man. An American hero in his own right. His successes in Key West and Philadelphia speak for themselves.

As I raised my glass to David, I thought…..Next year! Hope you make 100 my friend!

I was invited to Donna and Terri’s for dinner. Was running early. Stopped at the Blue Macaw first for a drink. There was Terri at the bar sipping a ginger ale. Donna and Terri live across the street from Blue Macaw.

I joined Terri. Enjoyed a drink. Following which she took my right elbow and we went home.

We talked about one of Blue Macaw’s bartenders. A tiny lovely young blond lady. Montana her name.

People in Key West work hard. As most others in the U.S. do today. Montana has two jobs. Her daytime job begins at 7 in the morning. Not sure what it is. I admire how hard she works. The Macaw bar is huge. She moves around it swiftly.

Dinner delicious! What else! Donna cooked. A gourmet chef in disguise. Meat loaf! Like Mom used to make. Outstanding!

Bear coming along. Stitches come out Friday. I still hate what they had done to him. Neutered.

I am moving my ass this morning. Terri sings at 10 at Hard Rock Cafe. She and Larry Baeder entertain together 10-12. Stop over for brunch and enjoy the duo.

I early voted this week. Did not recognize any of the State wide candidates, except for Gwen Graham. Gwen is running in the Democratic primary for Governor.

One of the reasons I did not know the candidates is that the Key West Citizen rarely mentions the State races.

I received this morning via e-mail a copy of the August 23 edition of Florida Politics. There was a big pic of Gwen and a story involving her and Big Pine.

Gwen, her parents, sisters and children were in Big Pine last Sunday. Working with Brian Vest’s Conch Republic Marine Army to clean up debris yet remaining from Irma. Yes, almost a year later much cleanup and repair work yet remains.

Gwen’s team had contacted Vest to ask what they could do. He said come on down and help. The candidate and her family came. The pic showed Gwen in shorts and a t-shirt in the water with gloves on pulling debris out of the water. Sweating like a pig as the saying goes. She was working!

The title of the article was Gwen Graham Gets Hands On During Cleaning Up Day In The Keys.

I make mention for 3 reasons.

First, I support Gwen’s candidacy.

Second, I and my fellow Key residents appreciate Gwen paying attention to the Keys. We are generally the forgotten relative.

Third, the Key West Citizen made no mention of Gwen’s visit. For shame! In fact, very very little of any of the State races have been reported on thus far.

Enjoy your Sunday!




I wrote 3 days ago that Paris and Berlin were into public urinals. Open street public urinals. Paris for men. Berlin co-ed. Berlin’s uniqueness that women would be required to pee standing up.

Yesterday, I mentioned that CNN had picked up on the Paris public urinals and titled their news report Qui Qui. An excellent take on a French word.

This morning, I woke to an e-mail from Paul Harding. Paul and Ron are Blue Macaw friends who are on a European trek. They are following my blog while away.

Paul and Ron were in Sitges, Spain yesterday. Paul wrote that outdoor public urinals for men were common place in Sitges. Even sent me a photo of one next to a park bench.

Steges is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Commonly referred to as the St. Tropez of Spain. Property prices approaching those of the most expensive European cities.

Paris, Berlin, Steges. Anywhere else? Yes. The Netherlands, UK, Philippines, Sweden, India and Portugal.

We never knew.

The public urinals primarily for men. Seems they have a habit of peeing in the street. Could not understand why. Some communities install the urinals outside near bars. Seems men have a need to go when they leave, having forgotten to unload before leaving.

Co-ed public urinals where ever situated had a common denominator. Women standing while peeing.

What is the world coming to?

Last night enjoyable.

Made a sick call first. To Donna and Terri’s. Bear was neutered Wednesday.

Poor Bear! Fortunately, doped up. I walked in to find Bear lying down and Donna holding a bag of ice to the area where his prized male possessions formerly existed.

The three of us then walked across the street to Blue Macaw. Terri was to sing with Larry Baeder. The combination was terrific.

Terri and Larry are performing at Hard Rock Cafe’s Sunday brunch this morning from 10-12.

Spent a lot of time at the Blue Macaw. Chatted with Mary quite a while. An intelligent woman. A tour guide at The Little White House, an economist by education.

John showed up. His night off from the Chart Room. Joe and Andrea Phillips at the bar, also.

I woke as the sun was coming up this morning. I was downstairs making tea. Looked outside the glass doors to the walled in area in the back of the house. The white concrete walls, the brick floor and blue pool were all pink. Looked up to the sky, white clouds covered in pink.

Reminded me of an old saying. Suggesting rain heavy at some point today.

The dity most of us learned when young…..Red sky at night, / sailor’s delight. / Red sky at morning, /  sailors take warning.

Seems Jesus first memorialized the saying. Matthew 16:2B-3 wherein Jesus says, “When it is evening, you say, it will be fair weather, for the sky is red. And in the morning, it will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.”

Even Shakespeare got into the act. In Venus and Adonis, he wrote, “Like a red morn that ever yet betokened, / Wreck to the seaman, tempest to the field, / Sorrow to the shepherds, woe unto the birds, / Gusts and foul flows to herdsmen and to herds.”

Trump tells us Putin is our friend. Friends don’t screw each other. Putin periodically does something adverse to the U.S. Trump turns the other cheek.

The tariff war between China and the U.S. is initially hurting China more than the U.S. Soybeans an issue. China uses tons of soybeans. The U.S. exports more soybeans to China than any other country. A massive soybean shortage would lead to political and social upheavals across China.

Putin has extended a helping hand to China. He has offered China the use of 2.5 million acres of arable Russian land. To grow soybeans to meet the large scale demand for the product.

I wrote and spoke recently what I perceive as Netanyahu’s development into an authoritarian figure. He and Trump birds of a feather.

Netanyahu has been leading Israel into wars in different places. He continues to wage war on Palestinian civilians living under Israeli occupation.

The U.N. says enough. Stop!

U.N. Secretary  General Antonio Guterres issued a report Friday recommending U.N. deployment of military and/or civilian persons to protect the Palestinian civilians.

Security Council approval is required. U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley says the U.S. will veto any such plan.

There was time the world would expect such vetoes from Russia. Now the U.S. is acquiring the tinge of the bad guy by vetoing measures that make sense.

Not sense to Trump, however. He and Netanyahu are buddies. Both freely elected. Now authoritarian. Reaching for the next level of despotism. Dictatorship of some sort.

Enjoy your Sunday!








The U.S. and Turkey are supposedly friends. Both led by authoritarian figures. Trump and Turkey’s President Erdogan. Birds of a feather.

Turkey has always been considered a key American ally. The U.S. has a large military base there. There is also a NATO base.

Friends no more. A pissing match instead. Trump is irritated Erdogan will not release an American minister it has held prisoner since 2016. Trump suggested an exchange. Some Turkish citizen the U.S. has been holding.

Erdogan said no. No one says no to Trump. Especially another authoritarian figure. As far as Trump is concerned, it is his way or the highway as far as Turkey is concerned.

Turkey has been hurting economically. Its currency fell to a record low this morning. Inflation 17.75 percent. The country is on the verge of an economic meltdown.

Turkey’s crisis has made the American dollar strong when pitted against Turkish currency.

Friday Trump delivered a major blow to Turkey. All because Turkey continued to refuse his demand that the minister prisoner be released. Trump doubled the tariffs already imposed on Turkey as part of the tariff wars. Aluminum rose to 20 percent and steel 50 percent.

Trump tweeted friday with the news: “Our relations with Turkey are not good at this time!”

European and Asian stock markets have reacted to the tariff increases. The feud perhaps the start of a world wide recession similar to 2008. Though not considered imminent at this time. Turkey’s economy ranks only 17th world wide.

My concern is it only takes a spark to start a forest fire. One of the major California fires still burning a perfect example.

Trump is kicking a “friend” while the friend is down. Not what friends are for!

Now to my yesterday.

Brunch 10 to 12 at Hard Rock Cafe. Terri White was singing with Larry Baeder. A WOW! Great show! Performances outstanding! Be certain to go next week. Terri and Larry will regularly appear at brunch time every sunday.

For a blind woman, my girl does terrific!

Terri has another gig tonight. She is singing with Dueling Bartenders Tom Luna and Rick Dery at Aqua.

Go girl, go!

Spent the afternoon watching the PGA. Excellent golf. Brook Koepka won. By 2 strokes over Tiger Woods.

Brook has won 3 of the last 6 majors. Only 28. He has only one other win. A tour win. Unusual for someone who has won three big ones.

Tiger gets better every week. He is due back as a winner soon. And then a consistent one.

Tiger shot a 64 yesterday. His putting not yet what it was. Had a few dropped, he would have won.

On one of the last holes, he hit a 40 foot plus putt. It hung on the lip of the cup. Everyone holding their breaths waiting for it to drop. It did not.

Jean Thornton and I partied together last night. Began at the Orchid Bar. Victor bartending.

I meet a lot of interesting people. A couple I met at the Orchid Bar last night, one of the most interesting.

Dan and Pam. Now hail from Largo, Florida.

Dan is retired from the New York City Carpenter’s Union. Pam still working. Bookkeeper for general contractors.

Dan described two jobs he was especially proud of. One was the scaffolding when the Statue of Liberty was being shaped up. The other involved something to do with a major job at the UN where he had 80 men working under him.

Then to the Rum Bar. Jean and I not traveling together. Jean rides her bicycle all over town.

The Rum Bar will be a regular sunday stop for me. My friend Lauri the bartender there sunday evenings. Left Aqua after 17 years to work the Rum Bar.

With Lauri running the show, the Rum Bar is quickly becoming a new locals place. Donna and Terri, Sally, Ingrid, Art and George there when Jean and I arrived.

Jean and I decided on Antonia’s for dinner. Closed. Must be shut down for the slow days of August and September.

No problem. We went across the street to La Trattoria.

We had a terrific time! Jean a wonderful companion.

Tiffany bartending. She mentioned we have known each other for 25 years. True!

Dinner done. I was tired. Jean still raring to go. I went home. Jean peddled her bike to Vino’s.

The white nationals/supremacists were holding a major rally in Washington yesterday. Publicized Unite The Right 2. Turned out to be a flop. Only a small contingency of the group appeared.


These are bad people. Fascists, Neo-Nazis, and KKK members. They believe there is only one race. The white race.

They became empowered by Trump’s statement following Charlottesville last year. The President supported them. Seemed to legitimize them.

I think they realized though the President supported them, most of the people did not. The vermin disappeared back into the woodwork instead of participating in the rally.

This does not mean they will not return to raise havoc another day. They will. They are mostly young whites. Some are your neighbors, though you are not aware of their political leanings.

Be on your guard.

For the past several years, I have written and spoken re Afghanistan and its opium fields. Ninety percent of the heroin on American streets comes from the poppy seeds grown in Afghanistan.

How so if the U.S. has been engaged in a war in Afghanistan for 16 years? The poppy fields neither attacked or destroyed. Poppy farming goes on. Heroin a thriving business.

I have consistently suggested someone has to be on the take.  More than one. Too much drug money involved for it not to be so.

A recent government report indicates that as the Afghanistan war progressed, opium production increased. Even though the U.S., separate from war dollars, has spent $8.62 billion between 2002 and 2017 in an effort to eradicate the opium problem.

The attempt to eradicate an absolute failure. As the report stated: “Afghanistan remains the world’s largest opium producer, and opium poppy is the country’s largest cash crop.”

Enjoy your day!


Donna and Terri are married. Lesbian wives. My friends for years.  Love them both. Refer to them as my lesbian wives.

Spent last night with the ladies. Dinner at their home. Donna cooked. Her cooking spectacular! As always.

Afterwards, we walked across the street to Blue Macaw for a drink. Larry Baeder performing. Per his usual custom, he asked Terri to join him. Made her night.

The last several years have been tough on Terri. First, a heart attack. Then 2 terrible cancers from which she was lucky to survive.

Terri was going blind before the cancers. Still had many years of sight however, though diminishing. The cancer medications accelerated her blindness. She is now 80 percent blind. Can see shadows. Next year, not even shadows.

Terri’s disposition not affected. An “up” person. God love her!

It has been reported that last month was the hottest July ever. Ever being 1871 when records began being kept. Twenty nine days were 90 degrees or better.

Normally September is the worst month heat wise. Yet to come. Humidity extremely heavy in September.

I have learned how to beat the heat. Remain indoors. Generally at home. Air conditioning!

The evenings were not bad in July. For some reason, most of the evenings were comfortable. Even though temperatures were in the high 80’s.

Several days ago, I wrote concerning the California Bedsloe family. A heavy to read about and then report. A 70 year old great grandfather on the cell phone listening to his wife and  2 great grandchildren in the seconds before they died. A California fire killed the three.

This morning a video is running on the internet. Ed Bledsoe being interviewed. He repeated his 5 year old grandson James’ last words…..Grandpa, the fire is coming in the door!

It was hard reading the words last week. Far worse this morning listening to Ed Bledsoe repeat them.

The fire is named the Carr Fire. The sixth most destructive in California history. Strange how it began.

A flat tire the cause. A tire failed. The rim scrapped the asphalt. Sparks shot out. Ignited the dry brush on the side of the road.

In today’s society, common sense and good judgment are diminishing qualities.

Several times when I was young, I had a lemonade stand alone or with a friend. Five cents a cup. People were kind. Even police officers. Always sold out.

Today, another story. I have read several times the past few years about governmental authorities shutting down lemonade stands run by some young person.

The most recent occurred in Ballston Spa, N.Y. Located in Saratoga County.

Seven year old Brendan Mulvaney was operating a lemonade stand outside the entrance to the County Fair. Lemonade seventy five cents.

Four vendors inside the fair complained to the New York State Department of Health. The vendors were required to be permitted ($30) and charge $7 for the same cup of lemonade Brendan was selling for $ .75.

The State inspectors shut Brendan down because he did not have a permit.


I have observed this scenario many times. Even if Brendan became permitted, he would then have imposed on him the need to keep the lemonade at a certain temperature, proof of insurance, a stand constructed to legal specifications, working papers, etc.

A kid can’t win these days!

Syracuse and Utica are neighbors in upstate New York. Fifty miles separating them.

My Father took me to Syracuse football games when I was young. I went to Syracuse Law School.  Later opened an office in Syracuse. Tried many cases in Syracuse courts. Enjoyed a private box at the Carrier Dome for football and basketball. Remained active at the University.

Many have a connection to the area. Two are Tom Cruise and Dick Clark.

I discovered this morning that Tom Cruise was born in Syracuse. Lived there his first 9 years. His Syracuse life described as poor and Catholic. We were all poor and Catholic in our early days.

Dick Clark of American Bandstand Fame got his television start in Utica in the mid 1950’s. TV station WKTV. Prior to TV, he was a weather man on Danny Fusco’s WRUN morning radio show.

Dick Clark was known as Dick Clay in those days. His Dad was a disc jockey on a Utica radio station. In order to avoid confusion, Clark changed his last name. When he moved on to a Philadelphia TV station, he went back to Clark.

Sloan will be here at noon. We have a lot of work to do.

Enjoy your Sunday!




Another immigration story. Involving a child. A 15 year old Honduran girl separated from her parents. She most recently has been kept at the Homestead Shelter for Unaccompanied Children. A detention center.

She escaped.

She ran down the streets of Homestead crying. Finally into a large auto shop. She cowered in a corner. Would not stop crying.

The owner was sympathetic. Everyone was sympathetic.

The girl was scared. Begged not to be sent back.

The police were called who in turn called Shelter officials. The girl was returned to the Shelter.

Ever to be seen again? To be treated well although she ran away? Will she disappear into the bureaucratic morass? Someone should track her existence to make sure no harm comes to her.

I cannot explain why, however I worry whether we are entering into a scenario similar to a returned escaped black in the South or a returned German concentration camp escapee. May sound crazy. However a lot of strange things have been occurring with regard to immigrants and their children in recent months. Nothing would surprise me.

I had planned to remain in last night. A restful evening in bed watching TV. Was not to be. Donna telephoned and said Terri would be singing with Larry Baeder at Blue Macaw.

Spent 3 hours at Blue Macaw with Donna and Terri. Terri her usual spectacular self. Larry Baeder always good.

It rained while we were sitting at the bar. Rain does not describe it. It poured! Then a strong wind. We were protected from the rain by the bar roof. The wind however began blowing the rain in sideways. Got slightly wet.

Key West weather was strange yesterday. The rain last night. The only rain of the day. At noon however, there was thunder. For about a half hour. The sun was shining. The thunder louder than normal. Real loud! One bang after another.

One of Key West’s most popular charity fundraisers is Schooner Wharf Bar’s Battle of the Bars. Next Sunday, the 25th anniversary of the event.

Key West bars participate. All kinds of fun and games whose purpose is to raise monies this year for the Southernmost Boys and Girls Club and the Sister Season Fund.

BOB’s next report concerns Bob Smith going “spiritual.”

Bob was kayaking in the back country. He was sitting on a beach eating lunch. The beach a part of a small uninhabited key.

I used to boat with Bob back when. He would take me out on his small sailboat. Always brought food. We would stop at some uninhabited key and lunch on the beach.

Bob saw a stone sticking up out of the sand. Square. Not small. A tablet. Later discovered to weigh 300 pounds.

There was writing chiseled on it.

Took Bob quite a while to dig it out. Then on the kayak to be brought to Key West. The 300 pound tablet almost sunk or tipped the kayak several times.

The tablet created quite a stir when it arrived in Key West. Bob glamorized it. Referred to the tablet as the “…..first of the new commandments…..Thou Shalt Not Start a Process Thou Cannot Reverse.”

Imagine the implications. Christian Churches were up in arms. Scientists wanted to test the stone.

Bob said no to testing. Shrugged his shoulders as to Church concern. He knew exactly what to do with the tablet. He wanted to place it over the bar at the West Indies Lounge. Nadine the owner would have not of it. She said no.

Bob thought Nadine did not see the value in exhibiting the tablet over the bar. Increased patronage would result. A bit of an upscale crowd. The wine list could be changed to show the better and more expensive stuff. Wine goblets purchased.

I don’t know what happened next. The story ends there.

Israel under Netanyahu has become too big for its britches. Netanyahu himself has turned into an authoritarian figure. One example is that Israel today is the world leader in assassinations.

Mossad is Israel’s secret police. Mossad generally does the assassinations. Since the end of World War II, Israel has been responsible for more deaths by assassination than any other country. Murders committed with more frequency in the past 10 years. Eight hundred during those 10 years.

The Jews suffered greatly at the hands of another authoritarian figure. Adolph Hitler. It seems Israel is adopting some of his methods.

Hot Dog Church at 4 at Aqua. I cannot make it. However, I plan to be at the Orchid Bar at 6 where Arthur will be bartending. Then  to the Rum Barrel where Lauri will be bartending.

Enjoy your Sunday!