Met them last night! Two lovelies from Virginia Beach! Gillean and Rozalyn!
At the Blue Macaw.
Lovely fails to describe them sufficiently. Beautiful! Early 30’s. Arrived yesterday. Staying till tuesday. Guarantee they will leave their imprint on Key West.
Gillean in marketing. Rozalyn a nurse.
They already had a list of must do/see things. Garden of Eden at the top of the list. Gillean can’t wait to go topless. Excited.
Both experienced divers. Plan on exploring the reef.
I suggested several places to play, eat and drink. Rozalyn put them all into her cell phone.
I suspect I will run into them. The Garden of Eden the best spot. However, I have not been on the roof in years. My heart no longer can handle the three flights of steep stairs. If I could make it, my heart probably would not be able to handle what I would see up there.
Hopefully we will see each other again sunday morning at the Hard Rock Cafe brunch. Terri and Larry Baeder will be singing. Guaranteed monday at Dueling Bartenders.
Started my yesterday at Sandy’s Cafe for lunch. Then to Publix. I really needed groceries!
Some reading in the afternoon. Still going through Madeleine Albright’s Fascism. I highly recommend it. She traces modern day authoritarian figures beginning with Mussolini and Hitler. Leads up to Trump.
The Chart Room first last night. John bartending. One of Key West’s great personalities.
Met 2 guys. One from Scranton. The other originally from Albany, his wife Rochester. My home town Utica in the middle.
They were headed over to Michael’s for dinner.
Met Dion. Another lovely. An evening for lovely women!
Dion from Jamaica. I have visited twice. Many years ago. We talked about then and now. Interesting.
A tragedy yesterday. Of monumental proportions. Donna and Terri had Bear neutered. His testicles snipped. Horrendous! The mere thought bothers me.
Bear not a happy camper last night.
David Wolkowsky keeps popping up the past couple of weeks. My friend will be 99 saturday. A small party of 25 planned. I am invited. Can’t wait. An intimate event as only David can arrange.
David is Mr. Key West. If not for him, the Key West of today would not exist.
David bought a key 10 miles off Key West in 1974. Ballast Key. He constructed a magnificent home. All the amenities, although 10 miles off shore.
In his earlier days, he entertained big time at Ballast Key. World and national figures including British Prime Minister Edward Heath and Leonard Bernstein. His forever friend Jimmy Buffett a frequent guest.
David’s menu always the same. Champagne, hot dogs and chips.
A move is underway to rename Ballast Key to David Wolkowsky Key. This past week, the Monroe County Commission approved the change. Next, the approval of the federal government is required. The U.S. Board of Geographic Names. If they approve, the change will take take effect 5 years following David’s death.
Things never get better in Venezuela. Yet Maduro survives. Amazing.
The economy is in the shit house. Has been for several years. People do not have enough food. Several years ago, they ate their pets and zoo animals. People have trained themselves to eat every other day. Even babies.
Desperate times bring on desperate deeds. Many Venezuelans have turned to piracy. Old time piracy. Blackbeard’s type. Venezuelan pirates are rampaging the Caribbean in the vicinity of Trinidad and Tobago. Attacking yachts and fishing vessels.
Criminal chaos unleashed.
One victim who survived a pirate attack reported his group were doused with hot oil, hacked with machetes, and thrown overboard. Following which their boat was taken.
Manafort’s trial goes to the jury today. He spent a lot of money on items associated with the good life. Ten thousand dollar custom made suits an example.
Manafort has been sitting during the trial dressed to the nines, except he wears no socks. Turns out as a prisoner he can only wear government issued white socks. He is in court wearing magnificent suits and shoes. No socks! White socks do not go with his attire. He would rather go without.
The U.S. does not belong in Syria. Never the less, we are there. As is Russia and several other nations. All want a piece of the pie, ultimate control, etc. Russia and the U.S. till recently on opposite sides. Trump however has us moving closer to being in bed with Russia.
Putin believes Russia will be involved with Syria for the long term. Hopefully forever. He is pulling a Hitler trick to assure such. He is after the Syrian youth.
Beginning this year, Syrian children will be permitted to attend Russian military academies in Russia. The first group begins September 1. The Syrians permitted to attend are the children of Syrian war heroes. Those who died in the long bloody Syrian conflict.
The intention is to develop the children into the military elite of the Syrian Arab Republic. Within 15 years, a sufficient number will have made it through the program and will control the Syrian military.
All Russian brain washed.
The program has been approved by a Russian governmental decree. Means Putin approved. It is referred to as “adaptation training.”
Hitler did something similar with the Hitler Youth. Hitler’s attitude then and Putin’s now: Get them while their young!
Enjoy your day!
Outstanding blog today, thanks.