Gordon grew in intensity over the Gulf. Made landfall west of the Mississippi/Alabama border. Now a category 1 hurricane.

One death. A child in a mobile home. A tree fell on the mobile home.

Keep in mind. All type storms and weather changes have been occurring in recent years. For me, it is global warming. As to hurricanes, the numbers have increased. The hurricane season runs to November 30. I hold my breath.

I wrote last friday that the Key West Citizen had been sold. The formal announcement would be tuesday. It was. Announced yesterday that the Adams Publishing Group had purchased all assets of Cooke Communications LLC. One of Cooke’s assets the Key West Citizen.

Sarabeth is a popular dining place at 530 Simonton Street. The building housing Sarabeth’s not always a commercial facility. The structure was built in 1889 to be a synagogue. The B’nai Zion Synagogue.

Pause the next time you pass by. Look closely and you can identify parts of the building as having been a synagogue.

Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. Kavanaugh an extremely conservative judge. His thinking very far to the right. Too far. He is pro-gun, anti-abortion, believes in a powerful President, believes neither impeachment nor indictment till a President is out of office. A President too busy with important matters to deal with such situations.

Kavanaugh must be confirmed by the Senate. The first step a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The first hearing yesterday.

Chaos. Crazy. Fireworks.

Kavanaugh presents the worst nomination to the Supreme Court in modern history. His legal thinking will mandate his striking down hard fought legal victories of the past 70 years. Not because he is a bad guy. It is the way he thinks.

He will be confirmed. He will sit as a Justice of the Supreme Court. The sadness…..For the next 30-40 years.

Love investigative reporters! Two outstanding ones Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. The two who discovered Nixon’s wrongdoing resulting in Nixon’s resignation.

Both still active. Report and write books.

Bob Woodward’s most recent FEAR: Trump in the White House. Publication a few days off. The Washington Post got an early copy.

Wow! is the best way to describe the book. I can’t wait to read it.

A few items revealed and made available via the media.

Trump’s first lawyer John Dowd put Trump through some mock interviews preparatory to Mueller doing the same officially. Trump lied, lied, lied. He was incapable of telling the truth.

Dowd told him, “Don’t testify. It’s either that or an orange jumpsuit.”

Woodward reports contrary to what Trump repeatedly has said, he told Dowd the practice sessions: “I don’t want to testify.”

Dowd resigned the next day.

General Mattis is reported to have said, Trump has the mentality of a “sixth grader.” Chief of Staff John Kelly, Trump is “unhinged,” an “idiot,” “we’re in Crazytown, ” “the worse job I have ever had.”

Author Bob Woodward himself describes the Trump White House as “Crazytown.”

Carl Bernstein commenting on the book said, “The Trump presidency is a national emergency.”

Our President!!!!!

A possible oil crisis by year’s end. Actually, probable. Cause involves sanctions, tariff wars, increasing demand, and inflation. $4 a gallon predicted by year’s end. As high as $5 a gallon next year.

China needs crude oil. The U.S. needs crude oil. In 2017, China surpassed the U.S. in the importation of crude oil. China imported 8.4 million barrels a day. The U.S., 7.9 million.

Iran comes into the picture. U.S. sanctions preventing crude oil export. Two months from now, Iran will be exporting next to nothing because of new sanctions already on the books.

Inflation comes into play. Only 2.4 percent today. Rising, however still low.

Learned something I did not know. The government plays with the inflation figures. That is, how the rate is determined. If calculated by 1990 standards, today’s 2.4 percent would be 6 percent. If calculated by 1980 standards, 10 percent.

Trump pushes us closer and closer to a recession. Though not immediately apparent, such is inevitable when sanctions, tariff wars and increased oil prices combine.

I have been predicting a recession at year’s end or early into 2019 for some time. The handwriting is on the wall.

I love Russian novels. Something dramatic about them.

On this day in 1958, Boris Pasternak’s Dr. Zhivago was published in the U.S. The novel had to be secreted out of Russia a few pages at a time. Russian authorities claimed the novel romanticized the pre-Revolution upper class and degraded the peasants.

Pasternak was awarded to Nobel Prize for Literature in 1958 also. Khrushchev would not permit him to accept the prize.

Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace was published in 1869 after previously having been serialized.

Dr. Zhivago and War and Peace two of my favorite Russian novels.

I had some fun last night ranting and raving on my podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. So much to chat about!

Join me for the show next week.

Enjoy your day!



John McCain’s church service yesterday emotional and uplifting. Befitting an American hero.

His daughter Meghan’s eulogy heart wrenching. Everyone had to shed a tear. Actually, tears.

Meghan a tough woman. I have watched her on View a few times. She stands her ground. She rebuked Trump as only an angered daughter could: “The America of John McCain does not need to be made great again, because America was always great.”

Julia Child cooked last night! Actually, Donna. The Julia Child of Key West.

I enjoyed dinner at Donna and Terri’s. A small dinner party. Joe and Andrea partaking, also.

Good food, good people, good conversation.

Bear appears mended. He was his usual self.

Afterwards, we went across the street to Macaws. Terri was entertaining with Larry Baeder. Her singing magnificent. Blindness has not impaired her voice or delivery.

Terri sings this morning again. At Hard Rock Cafe’s brunch from 10-12.

Three significant historical events occurred this day, though in different years.

The one closest to Key West if Diana Nyad’s dangerous swim from Havana to Key West in 2013. In jellyfish and shark infested waters. Without a shark cage. Diane 64 years old at the time.

She landed on Smathers Beach. The trip took 53 hours. Record time.

On this day in 1969, the first ATM was made available in Rockville Center, New York. We have become accustomed to ATM machines. Quick cash.

The experience will end in the next few years. We are moving toward a cashless society. Everyone will have a card. Something like a credit card. The card will tie directly into a person’s bank account. All transactions will be per the card.

Of special historical significance is this day in 1945. Japan formally surrendered ending World War II. The surrender ceremony took place on the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.

This week is the heart of hurricane season. So far, so good. The weather is changing a bit. The temperature has dropped from 95 degrees to the high 80’s. Humidity less.

Not sure it will remain so. September is generally considered the hottest and most humid month.

I am disappointed. I receive my Key West Citizen via the internet. No Key West Citizen this morning. Wonder if it has anything to do with the reported sale of the Citizen to the Adams Publishing Group. The sale has not been formally reported yet.

Whatever, enjoy your Sunday!



Rumor has it the Key West Citizen has been sold. Formal announcement of the sale is expected tuesday.

The purported purchaser is the Adams Publishing Group. A family business headed by 80 year old Steve Adams and his four sons.

They got into the small town newspaper business only three years ago. Already own some 100 small town dailies.

The Adams family is one of substance. Their wealth estimated in the billions. Generous to certain causes. The father Steve and his wife donated $100 million to the Yale School of Music in 2015.

The Adams Group generally retain staff and operations of newspapers purchased.

It is almost noon and I am no where close to finishing today’s blog. I have been watching John McCain’s service. It is hard to think and compose with tears in one’s eyes.

The man deserves all the tribute being accorded him this morning. Makes one proud to watch the service. Proud to be an American.

McCain’s mother Roberta is still alive. One hundred six yeas old. God bless her!

The Chart Room first last night. Few people. I was surprised. I thought the holiday weekend would fill the place.

Chatted with John and David, as well as a few tourists.

One of the tourists had just arrived from Saratoga Springs. She was attending the races. We shared some thoughts. I visited Saratoga during the racing season often. Not for the races. The parties at night! I also maintained an office in Saratoga for years.

We got into iguanas, lizards,and pythons. Especially lizards and pythons.

I read recently that the iguana food business is on the rise. In Central and South America, iguana is commonly eaten. Tastes like chicken. Never achieved any degree of popularity in the U.S. Till now.

A California based meat company used to import iguanas from Puerto Rico. Now from Florida. Ten thousand pounds a month. Makes the meat into sausage, hot dogs and burgers.

Purchase price wholesale expensive. The company sells to people and restaurants across the U.S. One pound boneless $59.99. One pound whole with skin on $49.99.

The California facility is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Then to the Blue Macaw. Many friends. A good time. Met Rebecca. Just arrived in Key West. Here for the holiday weekend. She has a PhD. in History. Now wants to go to medical school.

Elections in the air! Primaries and then the mid-terms in November. Early voting commonplace. Early voting on college campuses receiving attention. In July, a federal court ruled that a ban placed on early voting sites on Florida campuses was unconstitutional and placed an unfair burden on college students.

Smaller counties and colleges are moving swiftly to provide early campus voting. The bigger counties and universities not.

Miami-Dade, Duval and Escambia examples of counties slow to respond to the court directive. Universities slow include Florida A&M, Florida International, and Miami Dade.

Just so happens that the slower universities are those with the greatest number of non-whites.

Locally, I do not know what our community college is or has been doing. I plan on checking it out and letting you know.

Syracuse football back!

Beat West Virginia yesterday 55-42. A strange result. Syracuse was winning 34-7 at half time.

Next week tiny Wagner. A warm up. Syracuse should win.

The following week Syracuse plays Florida State at Syracuse. Florida State a ranked team. The game will tell how good Syracuse is.

World War II began this day in 1939. Germany invaded Poland.

What I am about to relate disturbs me greatly.

A new movie regarding man on the moon is scheduled for release October 12. Called First Man. Includes the story of John Glenn, the first man to step on the moon. Ryan Gosling plays Armstrong.

Armstrong planted the American flag on the moon. Recorded, filmed. A proud moment in itself.

The flag incident is omitted in the film. Gosling said because what Armstrong accomplished in going to the moon was a “human achievement,” not an American one. He forgets the years and thousands of people required to put Armstrong on the moon.

He claims Armstrong did not consider himself an American hero. Armstrong was a humble man, he claims.

All heroes are humble. They are not aware at the time of their unusual deeds that they have achieved hero status. Think Sgt. York and John McCain.

The omission of the American flag and the reasons therefore a distortion of history. A manipulation.


I was alive, a family man, a practicing attorney at the time. I assure you everyone including me considered the moon landing an American achievement. We were “American proud.”

Enjoy your day!