Terri White two days in a row! Nothing could be better!
Terri was guest performer last night at Aqua. She participated with Tom Luna and Rick Dery in Dueling Bartenders.
Her voice…..Magnificent! The woman a top notch vocalist. The crowd went crazy for her tune renditions.
The entire show was good. How could it not be? A trio of great singers…..Tom Luna, Rick Dery and Terri White.
Do yourself a favor. Stop by some monday evening 5:50-8-00 and enjoy!
Tom looking better. Still recovering from a kidney stone surgery. Needs to put back on a few more pounds.
Donna was there, of course. The lovely Jean Thornton, also. She leaves tomorrow for her home in Birmingham. Key West will not know her again till October 15. I will miss her.
Sheila and John at the end of the bar.
Joe Phillips came over to say hello. We had met some time back. He and his wife relatively new to Key West. His wife, Andrea Phillips. Both veterans. Several tours of duty each. Joe’s first actual war engagement was Kuwait.
Donna and others were headed over to Antonia’s for dinner. The $10 summer pasta special. Too many carbs for me. I am protecting my diet. Begged off. Went to Sandy’s Cafe instead for a Cuban cheese toast and diet soda.
I mentioned yesterday that Antonia’s appeared to be closed at this time of the summer. I was wrong. Only sundays till the end of September.
Cuban dancing music saturday night in Key West. At the Key West Theater. The show Havana Nights Cuba. A combination of Havana spirits and Latin rhythms.
The beat exciting!
Sometimes the public is kept ignorant. Intentionally. I came across an item this morning that has not appeared yet in the media. It involves Peter Strzok, the FBI Special Agent fired this week. Trump considered his firing a great victory.
The information I came across indicated Strozk still a Federal employee. He had two jobs. Worked for the FBI and CIA. He is the Section Chief of the CIA’s Counterespionage Group. Served as such in recent years while also serving as Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division.
If true, the man was sheep dipped. In intelligence work means he had an alternate identity.
True or false? Time will tell. Quickly, I assume.
If true, nothing wrong with it. Merely shows Trump is not as smart as he thinks. He does not know everything. Nor do those who closely work with him.
The crazies keep coming out to public view. Persons way out who want to be in government.
The most recent is New York’s Carl Paladino. A very wealthy man. Lives in New York’s 27th Congressional District. The Buffalo-Rochester area. The District where present Representative Chris Collins announced following his arrest for insider trading that he would not be running for reelection.
The seat a solid Republican one.
Paladino totally off the wall. He ran for Governor against Cuomo. Lost by 30 points. He was Co-Chair of Trump’s New York Campaign.
Similar to Trump in many ways. Loud, conservative and known for insulting people.
He reminds me of Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan. One difference. Jordan is a pussy compared to Paladino.
Paladino is anti-immigrant. In 2015, he bemoaned “non-Americans walking around.” Another time, he denounced the “damn Asians coming here to go to school.”
Even worse, he is anti-black. Anti-Obamas definitely. He once said of Barack Obama, “Barack should die from mad cow disease.” Not a friend of Michelle’s either: “A man who should go live with gorillas.”
The nuts run because normal people are reluctant to enter today’s extremely dirty political fray.
Paladino is running in a Republican primary for the seat.
Strange things happen. This one I do not understand. There has to be a legitimate reason for it. George Papadopoulos is scheduled to be sentenced September 7 for lying to the FBI. He has been cooperating with the Mueller team.
Mueller obtained a protective order yesterday to prevent/prohibit the release of evidence bearing on Papadopoulos. The Court granted Mueller’s request for the protective order immediately.
Does not mean anything wrong. Unusual, however.
Omarosa and the tapes. Wowie! She spent 15 years working with Trump. First on the Apprentice and then in the White House. A long relationship. In some fashion, she is going to blow the whistle on the President.
The 15 year relationship does not make sense. Trump not known for long term relationships. There has to be a glue that kept them together. It would be extremely amusing if one or more of the tapes involved sex.
Tonight the night! My podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. A quick half hour of interesting and eye opening occurrences.
Join me. Guaranteed you will enjoy. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.
Enjoy your day!