My taste buds were in for a treat last night.

Irish Kevin’s serves a hot Reuben corned beef sandwich. Continued hearing good things about it. Decided last night to enjoy one.

I love corned beef! Like my mother used to make. Boil the meat forever. Arrived at the table juicy and moist. Fat important. We probably ate the cheap cut so there was a lot of fat. Added big time to the taste.

Difficult to get a good corned beef sandwich these days. The meat tough, cold and without fat.

Not last night! Warm, juicy, tender and with a touch of fat.

Do yourself a favor. Go to Irish Kevin’s and enjoy one!

In addition to the great sandwich, you can enjoy the young ladies stepping on stage and exhibiting their breasts.

A perfect evening!

My night began at the Blue Macaw. Crowded. A group of seniors in a long congo line. Either from the cruise ship staying overnight or they were Parrotheads. I could not tell. They were having a good time!

Philadelphia Phil and Montana bartending. Chatted at the bar with Alica, John and Fiona.

Alica was doing her grocery shopping. On the computer. Walmart. Says she saves $500 a month. Buys everything but meat and items that melt. Primarily canned goods, some fruits, paper products and make up. Delivered to her front door, no charge. Of course being from Walmart, everything significantly discounted.

Drove over to the Chart Room. Crowded, also. Standing room only. No one I knew. Nodded at John, turned around and left. It was then I decided to try the corn beef at Irish Kevin’s.

My afternoon was spent watching Syracuse/Wake Forest. Syracuse won 41-24. Now, 7-2. Fantastic! It has been years since we had such a record.

The rankings are not out till tomorrow. I suspect we will go down to around #13.

Jimmy Buffett highlighted a Democratic rally last night in West Palm Beach. Gillum, Nelson and other candidates present of course. Many Parrotheads in the crowd. Some drove great distances to be there. I would not be surprised if some drove up from the Parrothead Convention here in Key West.

Buffett changed the lyrics to Come Monday to fit the occasion. The lyrics sung last night: “Come Tuesday, things will change. Come Tuesday, we’re making a change. Its been two insane years and its time to really switch gears.”

Staying with politics, it was on this day in 2008 that Obama was elected President. The first black person to be so elected.

With the election a few days away, a few random thoughts.

As a society, we are hemorrhaging in violence. Especially gun violence. The remedy is not to arm teachers, priests and rabbis.

Universal health care required/needed. The U.S. is the only industrialized nation to be without it. Universal health care would assure everyone receiving proper treatment and at the same time stop the multitude of personal bankruptcies the result of health care costs.

Immigrants from Guatemala and Honduras have heard the call of the words on the Statue of Liberty. They are looking to the place Reagan called a “shining city on a hill.” It is so inconsistent with our values to send the military to shoot them dead at the border.

Kill someone and that person’s family and friends will not forget. Trump has broken the deal with Iran. Additional sanctions will be imposed today.

Iranian people are dying from shortages of certain necessary items. Insulin being one.

Trump’s actions an abuse of power?

A President cannot unilaterally break a treaty. The Senate approved it initially. Such is the law. The Senate must vote to break it. I also believe Trump broke the treaty to show the world how tough he is. A bully!

There is another reason. Trump and Netanyahu are birds of a feather. Authoritarians. Even before Trump’s election, Netanyahu was crying for war against Iran. He wants the U.S. and other nations to join him against Iran. Especially the U.S.

Netanyahu’s real reason is not that Iran is going to blow up the world. It is that he wants it firmly established that Israel is the power in the Middle East. Neither Iran nor anyone else.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Sometimes you just can’t win for losing!

Yesterday, one of those days.

Kavanaugh got the vote and was sworn in. Syracuse lost to Pitt.

The Kavanaugh fight is over. Time will tell who was correct.

Syracuse’s loss depressing. Syracuse started the season 4-0. Then lost to #4 Clemson last week by 3 points. This week Pitt. Should have been an easy win. Was not. Pitt won in overtime 44-37. Syracuse played poorly.

With Syracuse also, time will tell. Six games remaining.

An observation. Roe v. Wade will not survive Kavanaugh. It will be overturned.

Last night spent at Blue Macaw. A clubby atmosphere. Friendly. Love Montana the bartender. Chatted with Joe, Doug, Donna and Terri.

Doug is of Italian extraction, also. His Dad a chef of sorts. Doug learned early on how to cook. We spent much time discussing Christmas Eve’s seven fishes, their preparation, etc.

There is more news than Kavanaugh and Trump. However, their news will continue to be overwhelming. To the result that what is happening otherwise does not come to our attention.

For example, the U.S. Marines coming to the rescue last week in Washington, D.C.

A senior citizen facility was on fire. More than a hundred residents. Two hundred yards away was a small Marine outpost. The Marines saw smoke and rushed over.

Someone yelled there are people inside. The Marines acted as you would expect Marines to act. They rushed in and saved lives.

Newsworthy? You bet. Front page any other time. Not this past week. Sad.

Some things just plain un-American. Trump leading the pact in taking such actions. He forgets we are a republic and not a dictatorship. Authoritarianism has no place in our society.

Trump is down on Facebook. For some time. He is unhappy that Facebook carries comments adverse to Trump. Too bad. That’s the way it is in a republic. People have the right to express themselves about their government.

What have been described as “anti-activists” are a thorn in Trump’s side. Makes him unhappy. Trump had demanded information as to who they were with all pertinent details. Facebook refused. It is now claimed the Trump administration has secured search warrants to enable them to be discovered.

Involved are some 6,000 individuals who “liked” an anti-activist Trump Facebook page.

Wrong! Chilling! The U.S. is not Russia, China, or North Korea.

ACLU attorney Scott Michelman said, “What is particularly chilling about these warrants is that anti-administration political activists are going to have their political associations scrutinized by the very administration they are protesting.”

Welcome to the United States of 2018!

I am 83 years old. Retired from the practice of law 12 years ago. It was time. Should have done it years earlier.

Politicians seem to overstay their time in office. Two examples are Republican Senators Chuck Grassley and Orrin Hatch. Grassley 85, has been in the Senate 38 years. Hatch 84, has been in the Senate 41 years.

Both too old. Should have packed up and left town years ago. Both not today in thinking. Their minds back to a time where women were looked down upon. They do not understand today’s world in many respects.

Grassley is Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. He was asked this past week why there were not more women on the Committee. He suggested too much work. They might not be able to handle it. An example of the keep ’em pregnant and in the kitchen mentality.

Hatch back in another time when he opens his mouth.

Time for new faces in Washington.

Terri sings 10-12 this morning at Hard Rock Cafe. I am going to enjoy brunch and Terri at the same time.

Enjoy your Sunday!



John McCain died yesterday. A true American hero. A man for the ages. A person to be emulated. He will forever be remembered.

We need more John McCain’s.

David Wolkowsky’s 99th birthday party! As expected, over the top. Champagne flowed. David and champagne go together.

A wonderful man. An American hero in his own right. His successes in Key West and Philadelphia speak for themselves.

As I raised my glass to David, I thought…..Next year! Hope you make 100 my friend!

I was invited to Donna and Terri’s for dinner. Was running early. Stopped at the Blue Macaw first for a drink. There was Terri at the bar sipping a ginger ale. Donna and Terri live across the street from Blue Macaw.

I joined Terri. Enjoyed a drink. Following which she took my right elbow and we went home.

We talked about one of Blue Macaw’s bartenders. A tiny lovely young blond lady. Montana her name.

People in Key West work hard. As most others in the U.S. do today. Montana has two jobs. Her daytime job begins at 7 in the morning. Not sure what it is. I admire how hard she works. The Macaw bar is huge. She moves around it swiftly.

Dinner delicious! What else! Donna cooked. A gourmet chef in disguise. Meat loaf! Like Mom used to make. Outstanding!

Bear coming along. Stitches come out Friday. I still hate what they had done to him. Neutered.

I am moving my ass this morning. Terri sings at 10 at Hard Rock Cafe. She and Larry Baeder entertain together 10-12. Stop over for brunch and enjoy the duo.

I early voted this week. Did not recognize any of the State wide candidates, except for Gwen Graham. Gwen is running in the Democratic primary for Governor.

One of the reasons I did not know the candidates is that the Key West Citizen rarely mentions the State races.

I received this morning via e-mail a copy of the August 23 edition of Florida Politics. There was a big pic of Gwen and a story involving her and Big Pine.

Gwen, her parents, sisters and children were in Big Pine last Sunday. Working with Brian Vest’s Conch Republic Marine Army to clean up debris yet remaining from Irma. Yes, almost a year later much cleanup and repair work yet remains.

Gwen’s team had contacted Vest to ask what they could do. He said come on down and help. The candidate and her family came. The pic showed Gwen in shorts and a t-shirt in the water with gloves on pulling debris out of the water. Sweating like a pig as the saying goes. She was working!

The title of the article was Gwen Graham Gets Hands On During Cleaning Up Day In The Keys.

I make mention for 3 reasons.

First, I support Gwen’s candidacy.

Second, I and my fellow Key residents appreciate Gwen paying attention to the Keys. We are generally the forgotten relative.

Third, the Key West Citizen made no mention of Gwen’s visit. For shame! In fact, very very little of any of the State races have been reported on thus far.

Enjoy your Sunday!




I am assuming the Fantasy fest Parade last night was a success. Assume because I did not see it.

I stopped watching the parade ten years ago.

Parking always a problem. I got towed two successive years. Cost $250 each time to get my car back.

Parking always many blocks from Duval. A long walk to and back from the parade.

Too many people. The streets jammed with viewers.

Seen one, seen them all.

Normally, the Sunday edition of the Key West Citizen would run pictures of the parade and police estimates as to the size of the crowd. Unfortunately, we no longer have a Sunday edition of the Citizen.

I was able to find some news about the parade in a Miami paper on the internet. However, the news portion only ran up to the beginning of the parade. There were a few photos and a video of portions of the parade itself. Unfortunately, neither could provide a sense of the size of the crowd.

So definitive information not available to share till tomorrow morning.

Another reason for not attending last night was topical storm Phillipe. Phillipe is the 93L storm I mentioned yesterday. Got upgraded to a tropical storm. Pouring rain was expected.

From what I have been able to ascertain, Key West lucked out as it did with Irma. At the last minute, Phillipe shifted and the parade did not get poured on. Merely a few drops.

Some ask why the Parade so soon after Irma. Perhaps it would have been better to adjourn it a month to get Key West in better shape.

Simple, my friends. Money.

A proper reason this year at this time. Key West’s labor force primarily consists of waiters, waitresses, bartenders and kitchen help. They all took a beating because of Irma. Closed for the storm. Most did not reopen right away. Some still not open. Damage too extensive. The workers without income.

Rent became due. Most scraped to meet the rent. Very expensive to rent in Key West. Extremely. some landlords got piggish immediately. Rose their rents $300-700 a month. Levels many would not be able to meet. Many of the waiters, etc. have left Key West since Irma. They simply could no longer afford to live here.

Therein lies the reason Fantasy Fest was pushed. Workers for the hotels, restaurants, and bars were in need of the cash infusion.

Two things have been eating at me the past few days. I did a Facebook live video on one the other day.

The first is Trump and his opioid emergency announcement.  Means nothing unless it is funded. Congress has to authorize the money. Congress is not even talking about it.

A typical Trump move. Make a major announcement. Toss the responsibility/next step to Congress. If Congress fails, Trump cannot be blamed.

Keep in mind also we do not have a Secretary of Health, etc. nor a Drug Czar at the present time. Who is going to run the program?

The other involves Puerto Rico and its power grid. Seventy five percent of Puerto Rico is still without electric power. Some six weeks post Irma.

Three hundred million dollars has been appropriated to get work going to restore electricity.

The contract has been given to Whitefish Energy Holdings. The company two years old.  Two employees, the principals. Located in Whiteface, Montana.

Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke is from Whiteface, Montana.

Something smalls here. As it should. We have a President and his family who are engaged in business dealings world wide. Refusing transparency. Business as usual.

As the saying goes…..What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

I many times reference a happening as “only in Key West.” I have an only in Mississippi one to share.

A young African-American mother was a passenger in a vehicle stopped in Pearl, Mississippi. Her 4 month old baby was with her.

The police checked identities and found the driver and mother had unanswered misdemeanor warrants pending. They were taken into custody.

The baby’s grandmother arrived within minutes at the scene. The police would not turn the  baby over to her. They deemed the baby “abandoned” under the law. the baby became a public charge and was place in a public facility.

The misdemeanor charges were resolved. The mother asked for the return of her child. Judge John Shirley of the Pearl Youth Court said no.

There were pending court costs. Until the court costs were paid, the mother was prohibited any contact with the baby. The baby in the meantime was placed in the custody of the grandmother.

Note, no contact. Even visiting not permitted.

A not for profit got involved. The Solenge MacArthur Justice Center. Went to bat for the mother big time. Publicized what they viewed as a gross miscarriage of justice.

Took 14 months. Mother and child finally reunited. Judge Shirley was forced to resign and the Youth Court was disbanded.

I have a home party to attend at 4. Following which I hope to stop at Kate Miano’s Gardens.

Enjoy your Sunday!





History repeats itself. No question. In one fashion or another.

Recall Auschwitz. Hitler’s pride. An example of German efficiency.

The gas chambers were so effective, that the bodies could not be disposed of fast enough. Mass graves were not doing the job. Crematoriums came into play. Burn the bodies! Quicker, cleaner, less burdensome. Also, ashes not discoverable in later years. Mass graves are.

Some 70 years later comes Syria’s Assad. Guilty of mass executions. Problem was body disposition and secrecy. A crematorium was constructed at Sednaya Military Prison. Problem resolved.

Note Assad has killed thousands without resort to judicial proceedings.

Assad is supported by Russia and Saudi Arabia. The United States supports the rebels opposing Assad. Russia is supposedly not the U.S.’s friend. Perhaps Trump’s however. Saudi Arabia has become a much closer friend since last week’s visit by Trump. Trump was sucked up to big time.

Zeroing in on Saudi Arabia, how can the U.S. be friends with a friend and supporter of a mass executioner such as Assad?

Trump forgets who our friends are. He plays up to despots while insulting and ignoring those who have been friends of the U.S. for years.

I was correct re the effect of the south wind yesterday. The rain storm came at 6:30 last night. Heavy and prolonged. Streets flooded.

The last block to my home deeper in rain water than I have ever seen. I questioned whether I should drive it. The alternative was walking through water 12-18 inches deep. I said screw it. Hit the pedal hard and rammed through the water.

The Chart Room first last night. Kevin and Holly there. John bartending. Quiet. We chatted for a couple of hours. A lot of laughing involved.

Stopped at Outback on the way home for dinner.

Memorial Day Weekend begins tomorrow. Key West will be buried in tourists. Everyone having a good time.

Much will be going on. One of the highlights of the weekend is the Schooner Wharf Minimal Regatta sunday. Don’t miss it! Lots of laughs!

Dr. Cori Convertino is a talented woman. She is the Curator at the Key West Art and Historical Society. Located at the Custom House.

Tomorrow night a new exhibit opens. One Dr. Convertino has spent months working on. Overseas to the Keys: Henry Flagler’s Overseas Railway Exhibit.

John Kennedy had a way of inspiring. He made us feel we could accomplish the impossible. He gave us pride.

On this day in 1961, Kennedy announced his plan to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade.

We believed him!

Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon on July 21, 1969.

Kennedy pride. Not the Trump pride Trump tries to foist on us.

Staying with Trump for a moment, Trump reminds me of what happens when a pebble is thrown into a pool of water. The circle caused where the pebble hit grows. Ring after ring. Each larger than the previous

Sort of like……Woe the web we weave when first we seek to deceive.

Enjoy your day!