John McCain’s church service yesterday emotional and uplifting. Befitting an American hero.

His daughter Meghan’s eulogy heart wrenching. Everyone had to shed a tear. Actually, tears.

Meghan a tough woman. I have watched her on View a few times. She stands her ground. She rebuked Trump as only an angered daughter could: “The America of John McCain does not need to be made great again, because America was always great.”

Julia Child cooked last night! Actually, Donna. The Julia Child of Key West.

I enjoyed dinner at Donna and Terri’s. A small dinner party. Joe and Andrea partaking, also.

Good food, good people, good conversation.

Bear appears mended. He was his usual self.

Afterwards, we went across the street to Macaws. Terri was entertaining with Larry Baeder. Her singing magnificent. Blindness has not impaired her voice or delivery.

Terri sings this morning again. At Hard Rock Cafe’s brunch from 10-12.

Three significant historical events occurred this day, though in different years.

The one closest to Key West if Diana Nyad’s dangerous swim from Havana to Key West in 2013. In jellyfish and shark infested waters. Without a shark cage. Diane 64 years old at the time.

She landed on Smathers Beach. The trip took 53 hours. Record time.

On this day in 1969, the first ATM was made available in Rockville Center, New York. We have become accustomed to ATM machines. Quick cash.

The experience will end in the next few years. We are moving toward a cashless society. Everyone will have a card. Something like a credit card. The card will tie directly into a person’s bank account. All transactions will be per the card.

Of special historical significance is this day in 1945. Japan formally surrendered ending World War II. The surrender ceremony took place on the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.

This week is the heart of hurricane season. So far, so good. The weather is changing a bit. The temperature has dropped from 95 degrees to the high 80’s. Humidity less.

Not sure it will remain so. September is generally considered the hottest and most humid month.

I am disappointed. I receive my Key West Citizen via the internet. No Key West Citizen this morning. Wonder if it has anything to do with the reported sale of the Citizen to the Adams Publishing Group. The sale has not been formally reported yet.

Whatever, enjoy your Sunday!



Strange laws are made. For strange purposes. By strange men.

Most Florida beaches have been public like forever. Now a law has been passed. One whereby beachfront property owners can kick people of the beaches.

The new law recognizes beachfront property owners to have claim to “the land above the mean high-water tide level.” Means private property beach owners can kick the public off beaches that heretofore were public.

The power behind the new law the rich. Wealthy beachfront homeowners and hotel owners.

Governor Scott owns a home on the beach in Naples. He was not concerned . He indicated people should not worry….rich people were unlikely to abuse their new powers.

As good as an assurance that it will never snow again in the Arctic.

Every now and then a person makes a special connection with Key West. Ernest Hemingway and Jimmy Buffett for example. Most recently, Diana Nyad.

Diana is a long distance swimmer. In 2013, she swam from Cuba to Key West. No easy task. Ever since, there has been a marriage between Diana and Key West.

She did not establish a residence. However does visit frequently. Key West honored her accomplishment with a memorial at the beach.

Irma knocked the hell out of certain parts of the lower keys. Many still recovering. Easy to understand when one realizes that 4,000 plus residential dwellings were destroyed in the keys as a whole.

Diana is in Key West for a month. Together with a group of friends. All runners, not swimmers. They are presently working every day along side Habit for Humanity repairing Irma damaged homes. Presently in the Big Pine area.

Key West showed its love to Diana. She is returning it ten fold.

Stability is lacking in our government. Tariff wars and sanctions lead to fighting wars.

Japan a perfect example. President Roosevelt was squeezing Japan in the time before Pearl Harbor. Japan had invaded China. Roosevelt wanted Japan out of China.

Japan a big importer of oil. Could not survive without oil. Roosevelt put the squeeze on Japan by placing an embargo on oil that normally would go to Japan from various parts of Asia. Plus, other sanctions.

Japan said…..Up yours! Pearl Harbor resulted.

Roosevelt was successfully choking Japan economically. Japan could have capitulated and agreed with Roosevelt’s terms which included Japan’s total withdrawal from China. Or, Japan could have taken the position you cannot do this to us and gone to war.

The answer we all know.

World War II resulted in a marriage of three nations. Germany, Italy and Japan. All fascist nations.

The Democracies plus Russia won World War II. Russia an immediate problem. However the Democracies kept Russia in tow.

In April 1945, Hitler committed suicide in a Berlin Bunker. Mussolini’s corpse was hung upside down at a gas station in Milan 2 days earlier. Following the War, Tojo was executed by hanging for war crimes.

Fascism for all intents and purposes was dead. Till recent years. It has returned. Big time. Trump the Pied Piper.

Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright wrote an interesting Op-Ed in the New York Times 4/6/18 re the issue of fascism titled: Will We Stop Trump Before It’s Too Late.

Some countries were authoritarian leaning before Trump. Some since. Trump most definitely authoritarian. Another way of describing a fascist.

Other world leaders say if Trump can be a dictator of sorts, why can’t I? Leaders in Hungary, the Philippines, Poland and Turkey. Moves toward fascist states in Egypt, Syria and Venezuela. Russia under Putin already there.

Albright wrote that fascism on “the world stage is enhanced by the volatile Presidency of Donald Trump.”

I started this part of the blog discussing sanctions and tariffs being economic wars leading to fighting wars. China today is the U.S.’ primary adversary in an economic war. China a tough adversary. Would never even think of capitulating. Face too important.

So China will do everything to win the economic war Trump has guided us into with China.

Gao Feng, spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, said recently, “We will not start a war, we will definitely fight back…..No options will be ruled out.”

Feng was speaking of tariffs. However, the tariff war of today can easily turn into a fighting war tomorrow.

And who would we have to thank? Donald Trump!

A message to T-Shirt Jordan. Please send me your full name and address.

Forget not my Irma and Me book signing tuesday noon to 3 at Andrews Inn, Zero Whalton Lane, Key West.

Enjoy your day!



Let the drums roll, the band play. Finally made it. The first segment of Going Live with Key West Lou aired earlier this morning. More as the day progresses.

Going Live makes it possible for me to be seen as well as heard. Use your cellphone. Go to Facebook. Enter Key West Lou.

I intend to do 30-60 second presentations. Need some time to adjust. My first entry this morning was a little over 3 minutes.

The show archives. There for you any time of the day or days.

My first comment concerned accused terrorist Harlem Suarez who is presently on trial in Key West for planning to bury a nail filled back pack bomb on Smathers Beach. To be detonated with a cell phone.

My yesterday began with a morning airport drop. Barbara returned home.

Spent two hours in the early afternoon working on Growing Up Italian. I have been at it four years. Work on it, then put it aside for a while.

I have rewritten most parts three times. This is my fourth rewrite. My last! Good, bad or indifferent, this is it!

I have decided to break the work into several books. Three at least. The first will be titled Growing Up Italian, Part I, The First Six Years. Part I presently contains 48 chapters.

Then Sloan for a couple of hours to finish up the Going Live show.

Hunger beset me. Desired some company and a drink. Headed to Hogfish. Sat at the bar next to an elderly weather beaten shrimp fisherman. We talked about the storm that hit sunday and monday. His shrimp boat just made it in.

Women’s International Flag Football time. The 26th annual tournament begins today. Will last several days. Teams from the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Norway, Scotland, Denmark, Sweden and other parts of the world.

The tournament named after Kelley McGillis. McGillis of Top Gun fame. A flaming beauty! She was a resident of Key West for many years. Owned and operated several restaurants.

McGillis will be in Key West for the event. She presently resides in Pennsylvania.

The social aspect begins saturday at 4 pm at La Te Da. Diane Nyad the keynote speaker. Diane was the first person to swim Cuba to Key West without a shark cage.

There is rising opposition to the amphitheater. Many believe the necessary pro forma has not been done. Many questions that should be answered and resolved pre-construction not done.

Dinner tonight with my lesbian wives. Donna and Terri. Love them! We are celebrating their anniversary and Terri’s birthday.

Terri undergoing chemo. Donna told me yesterday Terri shaved her head completely bald. Most of her hair had fallen out.

I bet she looks terrific!

Enjoy your day!


Current Key West information.

Marriott Beachside is an exciting hotel. Perhaps the most exciting in Key West. Marriott announced it is adding to its facilities. Marriott guest facilities. A marina and a boat taxi service to downtown Key West.

Melody has been a Key West fixture for more than forty years. An exemplary entertainer. A lovely voice. She is leaving Key West. Sad. She is moving to Ashville, North Carolina.

Wednesday evening Melody will be giving a good-bye performance at The Little Room Jazz Club.

The Key West Brewfest has been ongoing this week. Ends sunday. Venued at the Southernmost Beach Resort. Saturday afternoon through evening the 1400 block of Duval will be closed for street partying.

On this day in 2013, Diane Nyad completed her record swim from Cuba to Key West. One hundred ten miles. She walked out of the water at Smathers Beach to the cheers of hundreds.

The hurricane season is upon us. Hermine doing its dirty deed in northern Florida and soon along the eastern seaboard up to New York City.

There was a more devastating hurricane in 1935. This date in 1935 was Labor Day. A class 5 hurricane hit the mid keys. Four hundred killed. The Overseas Railroad wiped out never to be rebuilt.

My yesterday began with a visit to my primary care/internist physician. Dr. Jackie Lefferts has cared for me for 10 years. I received good and bad news yesterday. Your health is good, I am retiring in one month.

One of the problems of aging. At 81, I have outlived certain of my doctors or seen them retire.

Change bothers me. Most people. A doctor change especially. Dr. Lefferts and I have come to understand each other. I am not the easiest of patients. She can be a tough doctor.

I consider her an excellent diagnostician. She has helped me over the years. Discovered problems early before they might have become serious.

Early on, she told me I had a heart condition. I told her she was crazy. How could I have a heart condition? I fought her on the issue for a year before I agreed to see a heart doctor. I had a heart condition. It has slowly gotten worse. I am alive, however. Were it not for Dr. Lefferts, I might not be here today.

Drove over to Lori’s for a haircut after meeting with Dr. Lefferts. Lori recently did a three day Bahamas cruise with girl friends. Actually, a bachelorette party. Big time fun, she said. The men did a fishing trip to Islamorada.

Then lunch at the Cuban Coffee Queen. No Ruby. A new guy doing her job. A young man. From England. Only here one month so far.

My KONK Life column this week is New Face In Price Gouging And Political Influence. It appears in this morning’s E-Blast.

When 99L was in the news last week, we were told it would be named Hermine if it turned into a tropical storm. It did not as it passed near Key West. Turned out to be nothing. 99L went out into the Gulf. Then turned around and headed northeast towards northern Florida. It hit north Florida yesterday as a class 1 hurricane.

The first hurricane to hit Florida in ten years. May it be ten years before another hits.

I must make a Trump observation. There are those of you that will disagree with me.

I have written and spoke of the following for 1 1/2 years.

Trump is a bully and thug as was Hitler. Hitler made the Jews the cause of Germany’s problems. We know what happened to the Jews.

I believe the immigrants of today are the Jews of yesterday. Trump is using immigrants as Hitler did the Jews.

Some say I am obsessed with Hitler. It is not obsession. It is recognition of a fact. History repeats itself. Unless we have learned from it.

Trump seems to attract fleas. Disruptive people. Not necessarily for the common good. It was announced yesterday that David Bossie has become Deputy Campaign Manager for Trump. Bossie’s name may not be familiar to you. His organization is. He is President of Citizens United.

I spoke briefly about North Korea President Kim Jong Un on my podcast broadcast tuesday night. Merely for background purposes, I mentioned the President not only kills his people in large numbers, but also those high in government. For bullshit reasons. Summary death.

Kim Jong Jin was 63. A Vice-Premier of North Korea. Jong Jin slouched during a Parliament meeting at which Jong Un was speaking. He was executed. His slouching was considered an act of dissent under North Korean law.

This whack has nuclear weapons. Can you picture he and Trump having a dialogue? Followed by Trump misrepresenting their conversation after the meeting. As Trump did with the Mexican President re the wall.

Enjoy your day!


Bocce last night! We were vanquished. Won 1, lost 2. To a better team. However, we gave them a fight in 2 of the games. In addition to which, we had a good time! Both teams.

The team record is now 9-3. The team that beat us 11-1. Not bad.

Bocce brings me to something I have known, for some reason forgot, and hit me again last night. While playing bocce and looking at the 50 other people playing. Key West is where adults become children again. Especially those in retirement. We regress back to the days of our youth.

Key West is bocce, golf, tennis, beach volleyball, hanging out in friendly bars and restaurants, making believe, costume dressing for the slightest reason, painting, writing, and daydreaming. Especially the daydreaming. Nothing like sitting under a palm tree on the beach with the vast expanse of the ocean in front and letting your mind go.

Everything that is done is done with the same zest and enjoyment as when one was young. Remember?

Dressing is also a regression. Shorts and a tee shirt. Even for the ladies, though I must admit that some days the ladies enjoy dressing a bit more. I love it when they wear long. Sultry and beautiful.

Diana Nyad two years ago swam from Havana to Key West. A first! She has since become an integral part of our community. She loves us and we love her.

Now comes Ben Hooper. His game plan is to swim from Africa to Brazil. A bit of a long trip. He is spending a month in Key West training. We have it all. Calm seas, rough seas, and sharks. He is training six days a week at the Community College lagoon.

He says the trip will take three months. He will be in and out of the water. Twelve hours a day in, the remainder in a boat. It is described as an assisted swim as opposed to the one Nyad accomplished. Of course, she only had to swim 90 miles rather than almost 2,000.

I admire Hooper. I also think he is crazy. What he is attempting is not my cup of tea.

I love Oreos. Who does not! I mention Oreos for two reasons. The first is that the cookie was introduced on this day in 1912. The second has to do with my diet.

I am now at 36 pounds lost. Stalemated again! Just as at 27 and 30 pounds.

My Louis conceived diet includes Oreos. For real! Not to pig out on. One to four a day. Some days not at all.

When I started  this diet, 20 pounds was my goal. I then extended it to 30. Now 40. I suspect I will continue to lose even after I reach 40 and end the formal diet. The reason simple. For the first time in my life, I believe I have truly changed my eating habits. We shall see.

My doctors are thrilled with my weight loss. The diet also when it has been explained to them.

If all works out, I may write a book titled The Key West Diet. Has to be a best seller!

I received a comment to this blog on WordPress today. From a Sharon in Oklahoma. I am not sure yet who she is. I suspect a love from long ago. It would be nice.

Enjoy your day!