Key West loves Harry Truman. Key West assumes Harry Truman loved Key West. Otherwise, why would he have made 11 trips to Key West during his Presidency. The 11 trips totaled 175 days.

Truman enjoyed the weather, the Naval base where he stayed, fishing, playing cards on a screened in porch each evening, walking the streets of old Key West and more.

Truman unquestionably is a part of Key West’s colorful past.

World War II changed many things. Baseball being one.

Presidents used to occasionally watch a Washington Senators game. Not during World war II, however. Whether because of Roosevelt’s incapacity or fear for his life, Roosevelt never made the trip to the ball park.

On this day in history, September 8, Truman went to watch the Washington Senators play. The year was 1945. World war II had recently concluded. Truman had ordered atomic bombs to be dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki one month earlier. The Japanese had formally surrendered on the deck of the USS Missouri one week earlier.

Historians suspect Truman attended the game to signify to the American people that the War was over and that there should be a return to normalcy.

The Commissioner of Baseball at the time was A. B. Chandler. He was with Truman. They both signed the same baseball. It is obviously worth a lot of money today.

Truman did the game big time. He brought his wife, cabinet members, and other high level Washingtonians.

I hung around the house during the day yesterday. Treated myself to a lazy day. I seem to be sneaking a lot of them in lately.

Last night was the Chart Room and Sloppy Joe’s.

I rarely do Duval Street. Ergo. I rarely visit Sloppy Joe’s. When I do, I know exactly what I will be ordering. Sloppy fries! A basket of soggy French fries covered in melted mozzarella cheese and a red sauce. Good! No, terrific!

Smoking in a place where food is served has been banned in Key West and Florida for years. Probably because of tradition. Sloppy Joe’s would not be what it was without smoked filled air. So no one stopped anyone from smoking after the law was enacted.

No more.

There was no ash tray on the table. I asked the waitress for one. She said, no. How long, I asked. A few months, she said.

Nothing is forever. Everything comes to an end.

I wonder what Hemingway would have to say about it?

Syracuse, my Syracuse! Not the better team that I thought. Northwestern beat Syracuse yesterday 48-27. Oh, well. Hope springs eternal, however. There are many more games to play and Syracuse may win a few.

I would like to remind all that my tv/internet show The Key West Lou Legal Hour is You Tubed. If you miss a Friday show or have never seen one, merely go to You Tube and enter: Lou’s Legal Hour. The show is broken into 5 segments with commercials in between. The commercials have been deleted on You Tube. You will be able to see 5 eight minute unencumbered segments.

Enjoy your Sunday!



Granddaughter Ally is 8 years old today. Happy Birthday, Ally!

Ally is maturing. She is her own person. Refuses to have her hair cut, for example. Her second teeth are coming in. The four stall garage  is now one.

I remember vividly Ally’s birth. Lisa insisted I stay with her for both Ally and Robert’s deliveries. Cory had one leg up and I the other as we both kept telling Lisa to push as she was shouting….. I can’t do this! Suddenly Ally came shooting out. A beauty! Pink faced and screaming.

The Key West Lou Legal Hour tv/internet show went well yesterday morning. Post show comments indicated McCain’s Syria visit and the Catholic hypocrisy issue garnered the most interest. Close behind was Myrtle Beach’s new thong banning law.

The show is You tubed. All the shows have been. For whatever reason, the shows are You tubed one week after being aired.

Previous shows are also rerun on television saturdays at 4:30 and sundays at 3. Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19.

Womankind is alive and strong in Key West. The local group promotes happy and healthy women big time.

Womankind had a fund raiser cocktail party at the Bottle Cap at 5. Lovely Jenna Stauffer was one of the celebrity bartenders. She stood out behind the bar. Gorgeous! One problem. A bartender she was not. I asked for Beefeater on the rocks. She poured bar gin. She did not know what Beefeater was. When I got my drink, it was a glass full of gin. No ice. Womankind made no money on that drink!

I am glad Jenna invited me to the fundraiser. I met the author Rusty Hodgdon. I never would have met him had I not been there. His novels include Insanity, The Subway Killer, and Suicide. There was a bonding. We became instantaneous friends.

Michael Shields stopped by to say hello. Michael you will recall is a film critic, theater critic, arts promoter and author. Michael did a show on KONK Broadcasting. It was immediately after mine. That is where I first met Michael and  got to know him.

World famous Jean Carper was in attendance. Our paths had not crossed in quite a while. We did our hellos, how are you and exchanged a kiss. Jean is a world famous authoress. Most successful. Her works have been on the New York Times Best Seller list many times. She writes about food and health.

I recall several years ago I was up north in the snowy cold of winter. I had a big time head cold. I could not stop sneezing. My nose was bright red and tender.

In desperation, I looked up what to do for a head cold in one of Jean’s books. Her recommendation…..eat a clove of garlic. When the effect wore off, eat another one and so on till the cold is gone.

I hate garlic. But I did as Jean suggested. Within minutes, I stopped sneezing and my head cleared. The remedy was good for two hours. Then I started sneezing again. Another clove of garlic. So it went on all day.

My then wife returned home at dinner time. She wanted to know what I did. She said I reeked of garlic and the house did also!

She did not sleep with me that night.

I opted for the Marriott Beachside bar for dinner. I enjoy the bar/restaurant better in the off season. The crowd had been too much.

Melanie and Michael own Michael’s Restaurant. One of the best in Key West. They were at the bar eating, also. I suspect they were having a date night.

The singer was Mike Emerson. We had never met before. He came over to say hello. Mike has lived in the Keys full time for eleven years. His wife Jenny is an artist. Either her work or she or both are somehow affiliated with the Ambrosia Guest House. The background noise interferred with my hearing.

I was running behind yesterday. Never got to do next week’s column for KONK Life. I have to do it now. It is going to be a combination of Catholic hypocrisy regarding birth control coverage and Father Andrew Greeley who recently died.

Enjoy your day!



The rumors are true. The Pier House has been sold. For $90 million!

What a country, America!

It is worth every penny. A great top shelf hotel. Property and personnel the best.

I hope the new owners do not screw around with the Chart Room. It has been the same for 45 years. One of the last vestiges of the real Key West.

My day yesterday started with Tammy. A manicure at Lee Nails. Always a pleasure.

I received a haircut from Lori the day before. Both at the Lori’s place and Lee nails, there were obviously fewer customers. The same in restaurants and bars. A sign the season is over!

I spent an unusually long time in the afternoon writing next week’s KONK Life column. I titled it Avalanches, A Tsunami And Hot Water. A global warming piece. Similar to the segment I did on my tv/internet show in the morning. With additional facts added.

The Arctic and melting ice are prominent in the article. You will be surprised how much the Arctic ice mass has and does affect everyone in the northern hemisphere. Including Key West.

Greenhouse gases played a prominent role in the article.

This morning, I read in an Internet article that greenhouse gases are affecting the atmosphere at the highest level in years. It was announced by some organization  that studies greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide that carbon dioxide measured 400 parts per million. That is comparable to the stock market having hit 15,000 for the first time this week.

It was further reported that the level has been rising faster in recent decades because of the Industrial Revolution. Something we all knew.

I ate at the bar at Outback last night.

Tina recently reminded me that I was eating there again after blaspheming Outback in a blog a few months ago. I had concluded that Outback was charging an extra $5 for sides. I thought it was outrageous.

I was wrong and wish to publically acknowledge my error. I must have had one drink too many when I surveyed the menu the night in question. I made a mistake! Please……everyone…..enjoy dinner some evening at Outback. The prices are right and the food excellent.

I was at the Outback bar at 6. I planned on seeing the Gatsby movie at 7:20.

I only somewhat enjoyed the movie. The first half moved too slowly. The second half, fast! The acting was superb. Leonardo DiCaprio another version of Gatsby. He played the part well. The movie is worth seeing. I viewed the 3D version. The movie itself will not win an Academy Award for best picture. DiCaprio deserves to be nominated for Best Actor.

Benghazi continues to be in the news. A lot of nothing? A bit of something? I do not know.

What I do know is that the Republicans are being two faced. Typical politicians. The Democrats are equally as bad when they think they have an issue by the proverbial testicles.

Issa and other Republicans voted in 2009 to cut $1.2 billion from State operations, which included funds for 300 more diplomatic security positions.

House Republicans voted to cut the administration’s request for embassy security funding by $128 million in 2011 and $331 million in 2012.

Just sharing.

The Key West Lou Legal Hour is being rerun today at 4:30. On television via Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19 all the way up through Miami-Dade County.

The show is now totally You Tubed. You can watch it there anytime.

I watched the rerun of my show yesterday morning. I was impressed! Excuse my modesty! It was entertaining. I was sad, happy, serious, and funny. I should be on television! Ho ho!

Enjoy your Saturday!



The wind and rain two days ago was something. Yesterday some streets remained flooded.  As long as two blocks.

It was more than an average storm. The Key West Citizen reported front page yesterday that 7 inches of rain fell. A lot of rain in a 6 hour period!

I visited Lisa after my tv/internet show. We talked about the previous day’s storm. Jake did not like the rain. Nor the wet grass following the rain. Ties into his dislike for the ocean and my pool, It is obvious Jake is not a water lover. The family tried to give Jake a bath last week. In the tub. He jumped out and ran through the house streaming water and suds behind him.

The Key West Lou Legal Hour went well yesterday morning. I was wound up. There was a lot of interesting material to share.

Two topics were especially well received.

One had to do with the American public being ripped off by the government, drug companies, and big business. The other concerned the Catholic Church and my thoughts as to the areas where the Church was overreaching.

I thought the rip off would make for intersting reading, also. I used the material in writing next week’s KONK Life column.

The Key West Lou Legal Hour is You Tubed. Take a look if you have a few minutes. Go to You Tube and enter Key West Lou Legal Hour.

Spent some time at the Plantation Coffee House after the show. Diane running the shop. Read the newspapers while sipping away.

The Chart Room was my first stop last night. Enjoyed Emily, Sheila, Sean and Katherine. Emily was beat from the big crowd in the Chart Room the night before. Sean and Katherine shared parts of their Hawaii trip from which they had just returned.

Everyone in town is talking about Mark Watson’s performance in Deathtrap at the Waterfront Playhouse. Local newspapers are praising his acting.

I like Mark. A fine human being. Besides acting, his Key West efforts  include being a drag queen, singing, and bartending.

Everyone loves Mark! That’s the kind of guy he is.

I am glad I went to see Deathtrap. Mark was superb! The show runs through next week. I recommend you see it.

I am going to a First Communion party at noon. At Sole’s.

My housekeeper Anna’s daughter Julie is making her First Communion.

Congrats to Julie!

I cannot wait to attend the party. Anna is Polish. She told me they will be serving home made perogies. I love perogies!

Enjoy your Saturday!



Yesterday afternoon was be good to Louis time!

I got a massage. First one in years. At the Pier House Spa.

Outstanding! I was so relaxed, I could not get off the table at the end. The masseuse covered me with a towel and left me to sleep.

The Spa is a separate building on the Pier House grounds. I fear if a sale of the Pier House is consumated, the new owners will turn it into hotel rooms. It would be a shame!

The Cleveland Indians’ Jacobs family presently own the Pier House. They made a mistake several years ago when they closed the restaurant and replaced it with rooms. The recession years of 2008 and 2009 followed and the rooms were not always occupied.

The Pier House restaurant was one of the finest in Key West. Fine dining. Inside and out. Both dining areas lovely. The food as good as the massage I received yesterday.

Many of us were unhappy to see the restaurant go.

Yesterday morning, I finalized the topics for last night’s blog talk radio show. The winners became the Boston bombing and not screwing up the case against the bomber by violating his Miranda rights, the media improperly describing the 19 year old bomber as a boy rather than a man, how what the NRA did 30 years ago impeded the recent Boston bombing investigation, and Cardinal O’Malley’s sermon to forgive the Boston bombers, something with which I could not agree.

I did Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou at 9 in the evening. Then to bed.

I have to go out tonight. The back has been keeping me in. It is 95 per cent better. I have a need to see Don, David, Hershel, Erika, and other friends at Don’s Place. I need to see my buddies at the Chart Room. Especially Emily. She has been on my mind the past few days. I think it is the popcorn she makes. Just the right amount of salt and oil.

Tom and Fran Dixon from Buffalo are due in today. They should be at the Chart Room at cocktail time.

Key West weather continues to be outstanding! 89 degrees yesterday. A touch of humidity. A cool breeze. This morning looks like it is the beginning of a similar day.

I am a sporadic book reader. I read every day. Rarely for long periods of time. That is where the sporadic comes in. Fifteen minutes here, a half hour there.

I am into the Eisenhower book Ike’s Bluff. The writer Evan Thomas has a unique talent for coming up with the right quote at the right time. Yesterday, it was Secret Police Chief Beria’s plans for the scientists if Russia’s atomic test failed in the late 1940s.

Today’s quote concerns John Foster Dulles. Dulles was one of our country’s foremost Secretaries of State. He served under President Eisenhower.

Dulles was ultra conservative. He had a physical problem. One eye twitched. It was not controllable.

There is an interesting happening regarding the twitch in the book. “Once, in a foreign hotel, with a twitch of the eye, he (Dulles) was said to have asked a room service waiter for some bottled water. The waiter returned with a tray of liquor. ‘No,’ said Dulles (another twitch), ‘I said I would like some bottled water.’ More minutes passed. A call girl arrived….”

Enjoy your day!





I have never seen police cheered. Watertown last night was a first. Even during 9/11 there was not a similar reaction.

The only other time I can recall cheering in the streets similar to last night was in World War II.  On VE Day and VJ Day. My recollection is clear of people pouring out of their homes and cheering in the streets. Not for police, but for the event. The cheering was the same however.

I thought my back was getting better. Ergo, I did not take the pain pill last night that helps me sleep. I apparently needed it. I did not fall asleep till 4 this morning.

I am trying to get off the pain killers. It may not be time yet. I hurt this morning.

My back kept me in last night once more. Hopefully, I will be into Key West tonight. I think a couple of gins would help better than anything else. Another reason I am getting off the pain killers.

Key West weather continues to be perfect. Mid 80s by day. A clear sky. A slight breeze. And humid. Not bad yet. Need air conditioning, however. I am doing this blog at the kitchen counter with the doors to the deck and ocean open. It is 8:45. The temperature in my kitchen is 81 degrees. I fight air conditioning.

Today is Earth Day. Big doings in the Keys. Turtles getting a big play. Many children’s activities involving turtles. There are beach clean-ups planned and a mediation walk at Higgs Beach in addition.

The Key West Lou Legal Hour went well yesterday morning. I sat in pain. Did the show in pain. I do not know if it was obvious.

Viewers commented most about designer vaginas and tittoos. The last word is spelled correctly.

Yesterday’s show is being rerun by the television studio today at 4:30. If you missed it yesterday, you might want to watch it today. You will be able then to get the full flavor. The show is also being rerun sunday at 3 and wednesday at 6. Via television on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. Via the internet world wide. www.weyw19.com.

The Key West Lou Legal Hour is now also You Tubed. The You Tube show runs one week behind. However, they are all there.

Whew! Glad I have finished. My back continues to bother me. I am off to bed.

Enjoy your day!






I read yesterday that of the fifty largest cities in the world, only ten are located in the United States and Europe.

The world has changed and continues to change. Are we really aware?

I spent the day yesterday researching and writing. Always an enjoyable experience.

Sloan arrived late in the afternoon . We worked together for two hours.

Since I had my blog talk radio show to do at 9, I did not wish to travel far from home for dinner. I made a quick trip over to Hogfish. Enjoyed a small bowel of lobster bisque and a lobster roll.

It never ceases to amaze me how busy Hogfish has become. Standing room only. A gold mine! Deservedly so!

Did my blog talk radio show at 9. Tuesday Talk With Key West Lou. Chatted about the huge difference between the salaries of the rich and the rest of us, banks that no longer care for their customers, explained the Boston College birth control problem, and rattled a bit about the Final Four. Syracuse, my Syracuse! Go ‘Cuse!

I quoted my friend Dee when speaking of banks and disparity in income. Dee had a recent experience with a local bank. She raised hell. In the end won. However, Dee left the bank unhappy. She wrote a comment born of the situationt on Facebook yesterday…..If you have a gun, you can rob a bank….. if you have a bank, you can rob EVERYBODY.

Key West weather for this time of year has returned. 81 degrees yesterday.

My friday morning television/internet show is called the Key West Lou Legal Hour. There is a site change for those of you who watch via the internet. No more www.tvchannel19.com. Now www.weyw19.com. For a while, the tvchannel19 one will kick over to the new wey19w. I suggest you start  using weyw19 now.

Finally……You Tube! I hope. I think. It takes forever to get everything straightened out and moving properly with these shows. You Tube supposedly locked in as of yesterday.

The friday Key West Lou Legal Hour will be available on You Tube. Easy to find. www.youtube.com. Enter in the name of the show: Key West Lou Legal Hour. Up will pop a listing of the shows. The shows will be listed by date.

One thing you must be aware of. The show will not You Tube immediately the day it is done. Each show is You Tubed one week later. In other words, last friday’s March 29 show will be available one week later on April 5.

Right now the March 22 show is running on You tube.

Simply stated, the You Tube show will always run one week late.

Confusing? Not really. A pain, yes. If you have any problems, let me know.

Enjoy your day!



It is that time of the year. Spring break time.

They are here from all over the country. Appear to be good young people. Respectful. In Key West to enjoy the freedom of being at a place distant from home and school.

Two observations.

If the young ladies wore shorts any shorter, they would be wearing nothing! Absolutely amazing! So short! Skin tight besides. I do not know how they get into them.

The other observation is I am not sure where they sleep. As I drove through Key West yesterday, most guest houses had Vacancy signs posted. Even the cheap ones. The recession must be affecting the young. I suspect they are sleeping on the beach and in cars.

I ran into a group from Georgetown again last night. I was enjoying some fish at the Southernmost Beach Cafe. A group from Georgetown were in. We chatted. I told them I was a Syracuse grad. An instantaneous dislike for me arose. Only joking!

Today is the big game! Syracuse v. Georgetown. At Georgetown. At high noon. I shall be watching the game at the Big Ten Sports Pub. I am confident a group from Georgetown will be there. A fun time for sure!

Georgetown is favored by 2-4 points. I see the game as a toss up. Syracuse could win. If so, Syracuse will have a double bye in next week’s Big East tournament and a better seeding in March Madness which is just around the corner.

The Key West Lou Legal Hour went well yesterday morning. One of the topics involved an analysis as to why Obama is so hated. I blamed the situation on his color and corporate America wanting  him replaced with a Republican.

The post show comments were overwhelming. The topic hit a sore sport in everyone’s psyche. I was moved by the interest. I had to write next week’s column for KONK Life in the afternoon. I decided to go with the Obama issue in the column. Read it if you have the opportunity. I spell out my position in detail.

You tubing has been a problem for the TV/internet show. I have not been You tubed for several weeks. Krystal and I discussed the situation. Hopefully, I will be back on starting next friday.

My evening began with the Chart Room. Surprisingly quiet. Sheila, David and Emily present.

Emily makes the best popcorn. One of the responsibilities of the bartender. I sometimes wonder whether it is the popcorn or company that draws me to the Chart Room.

There was supposed to be a comet flying across the sky 15 minutes after sunset. Supposedly in the western sky. I walked to the back of the Pier House. I looked. I waited. Stayed 20 minutes. Saw no comet. Gave up.

My next stop was Don’s Place. The early friday night group included Don, Stephanie, and David. Stayed a while and chatted.

I already stated I ate at the Southernnmost Beachside Cafe and argued Syracuse/Georgetown basketball with my new found Georgetown friends.

Three hours from now, the dramatic moment. The start of one of the biggest basketball games of the year!

Enjoy your day!





Don and Stephanie Manaher are grandparents again! Daughter Katie gave them a lovely new granddaughter. She has been named Nia.

The birth was two days ago. Don and Steph were at the hospital. Steph was in the birthing room and helped deliver Nia. Don was in the reception area waiting.

I was with Don and Steph at Don’s Place last night. Steph was buying everyone a drink in celebration. Her box of cigars.

Spent about 3 hours at Don’s. Chatted with Don, Steph, David, Hershel, Erika, Puff, Kurt, and I cannot recall who else. It was a good friday night crowd.

Dinner was at Don’s also. Steph sent out for food. Pizza, wings, and some sort of oriental peas. Don, Steph, David, and I enjoyed. I especially enjoyed. It was the first pizza and wings I have had in three months.

You are already aware of my dental calamity. I was back in the chair at 8:30 in the morning. Fix me! I hurt!

It took an hour. Think it worked this time. Pain 90 per cent gone. Better this morning. I was able to eat pizza and wings last night.

Spent the balance of the morning and part of the afternoon writing my column for next week’s KONK Life. The article is revealing. Hits you in the face with facts the US media seeems to ignore. The true story of the inter play between Greece and Germany arising out of the euro. I  venture that if there is a third world war, it could very well start in Greece between the Germans and Greeks. Not in the Middle East as most believe.

KONK Life will be on the news stand next thursday. Pick up a copy and read the column. I guarantee the contents will surprise you.

My television/internet show the Key West Lou Legal Hour was broadcast yesterday. No question which topic was enjoyed most. The one concerning an 18 year old girl up on drug charges in a Miami court who gave the Judge the finger and told him f–k you. She got 30 days for contempt of court.

Friday’s Key West Lou Legal Hour is now available 24 hours a day on You tube. Look for Key West Lou Legal Hour. Easy to find.

A friend living in Armogos e mailed me yesterday. Maria. Amorgos is a Greek island.  Maria and her husband own the apartment I rented by the sea. The one with the terrace I enjoyed so much.

Greece is in a bit of turmoil. Her words reflected the situation: “…things here a little difficult…we hope for the best.”

Difficult does not describe the chaos well enough. If you wish to know the down and dirty re what is happening in Greece, read my next week’s article in KONK Life. I apologize for repeating myself. However, I believe the world should be aware of what the Greek people are experiencing and where I think it may all lead.

Nemo. We now name snow storms. This one a BIG ONE! Boston really getting hit. I have a friend who lives on Cape Cod. Right in the middle of it all. She will probably be digging herself out for a month.

Enjoy your day!



I told you yesterday that my implant problem kept me in the dentist’s chair three hours. No problem, however. No pain. All mechanical.

I was kidding myself!

Oh, the pain! Last night, all night. I was back in the dentist’s office this morning at 8. I think everything is ok now. I hope.

It is 9:30 my time now. The Key West Lou Legal hour starts at 1o. Watch, if you can! I prerecorded the show wednesday.

The show can be seen on television throughout the Florida keys and all of Miami-Dade County on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. Also available world wide via the internet. www.tvchannel19.com.

If you miss the show this morning, no problem. It is now available on You tube 24 hours a day. Just click on You tube and type in Key West Lou Legal hour.

My only stop last night was the Chart Room. The while world was there! It was fun time. Except for my mouth. As I was sitting there, my mouth, jaw and ear started hurting. Bad! Like bang my head against the bar time.

I left and headed home. Two aspirins and to bed. Aspirins no help. I fell asleep after a while.

What a college basketball season! Another #1 ranked team has fallen. Indiana got beat by unranked Illinois 74-72. The #1 spot is turning out to be a bad luck place to be.

Some years in some leagues, all the teams are basically good. It is called parity. Is parity extending to collegiate basketball nationally?

Enjoy your day!