Granddaughter Ally is 8 years old today. Happy Birthday, Ally!

Ally is maturing. She is her own person. Refuses to have her hair cut, for example. Her second teeth are coming in. The four stall garage  is now one.

I remember vividly Ally’s birth. Lisa insisted I stay with her for both Ally and Robert’s deliveries. Cory had one leg up and I the other as we both kept telling Lisa to push as she was shouting….. I can’t do this! Suddenly Ally came shooting out. A beauty! Pink faced and screaming.

The Key West Lou Legal Hour tv/internet show went well yesterday morning. Post show comments indicated McCain’s Syria visit and the Catholic hypocrisy issue garnered the most interest. Close behind was Myrtle Beach’s new thong banning law.

The show is You tubed. All the shows have been. For whatever reason, the shows are You tubed one week after being aired.

Previous shows are also rerun on television saturdays at 4:30 and sundays at 3. Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19.

Womankind is alive and strong in Key West. The local group promotes happy and healthy women big time.

Womankind had a fund raiser cocktail party at the Bottle Cap at 5. Lovely Jenna Stauffer was one of the celebrity bartenders. She stood out behind the bar. Gorgeous! One problem. A bartender she was not. I asked for Beefeater on the rocks. She poured bar gin. She did not know what Beefeater was. When I got my drink, it was a glass full of gin. No ice. Womankind made no money on that drink!

I am glad Jenna invited me to the fundraiser. I met the author Rusty Hodgdon. I never would have met him had I not been there. His novels include Insanity, The Subway Killer, and Suicide. There was a bonding. We became instantaneous friends.

Michael Shields stopped by to say hello. Michael you will recall is a film critic, theater critic, arts promoter and author. Michael did a show on KONK Broadcasting. It was immediately after mine. That is where I first met Michael and  got to know him.

World famous Jean Carper was in attendance. Our paths had not crossed in quite a while. We did our hellos, how are you and exchanged a kiss. Jean is a world famous authoress. Most successful. Her works have been on the New York Times Best Seller list many times. She writes about food and health.

I recall several years ago I was up north in the snowy cold of winter. I had a big time head cold. I could not stop sneezing. My nose was bright red and tender.

In desperation, I looked up what to do for a head cold in one of Jean’s books. Her recommendation…..eat a clove of garlic. When the effect wore off, eat another one and so on till the cold is gone.

I hate garlic. But I did as Jean suggested. Within minutes, I stopped sneezing and my head cleared. The remedy was good for two hours. Then I started sneezing again. Another clove of garlic. So it went on all day.

My then wife returned home at dinner time. She wanted to know what I did. She said I reeked of garlic and the house did also!

She did not sleep with me that night.

I opted for the Marriott Beachside bar for dinner. I enjoy the bar/restaurant better in the off season. The crowd had been too much.

Melanie and Michael own Michael’s Restaurant. One of the best in Key West. They were at the bar eating, also. I suspect they were having a date night.

The singer was Mike Emerson. We had never met before. He came over to say hello. Mike has lived in the Keys full time for eleven years. His wife Jenny is an artist. Either her work or she or both are somehow affiliated with the Ambrosia Guest House. The background noise interferred with my hearing.

I was running behind yesterday. Never got to do next week’s column for KONK Life. I have to do it now. It is going to be a combination of Catholic hypocrisy regarding birth control coverage and Father Andrew Greeley who recently died.

Enjoy your day!

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