I told you yesterday that my implant problem kept me in the dentist’s chair three hours. No problem, however. No pain. All mechanical.
I was kidding myself!
Oh, the pain! Last night, all night. I was back in the dentist’s office this morning at 8. I think everything is ok now. I hope.
It is 9:30 my time now. The Key West Lou Legal hour starts at 1o. Watch, if you can! I prerecorded the show wednesday.
The show can be seen on television throughout the Florida keys and all of Miami-Dade County on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. Also available world wide via the internet. www.tvchannel19.com.
If you miss the show this morning, no problem. It is now available on You tube 24 hours a day. Just click on You tube and type in Key West Lou Legal hour.
My only stop last night was the Chart Room. The while world was there! It was fun time. Except for my mouth. As I was sitting there, my mouth, jaw and ear started hurting. Bad! Like bang my head against the bar time.
I left and headed home. Two aspirins and to bed. Aspirins no help. I fell asleep after a while.
What a college basketball season! Another #1 ranked team has fallen. Indiana got beat by unranked Illinois 74-72. The #1 spot is turning out to be a bad luck place to be.
Some years in some leagues, all the teams are basically good. It is called parity. Is parity extending to collegiate basketball nationally?
Enjoy your day!
Feel better soon….my very high tolerence for pain means nothing when it comes to dental problems….a vacation in KW was almost ruined due to the need for a root canal brought on by the mucking around in my mouth by a former dentist just prior to a crown being re-cemented…..needless to say I stress former dentist.