Redoing South Roosevelt Boulevard on the stove top. Things heating up.

The Florida Department of Transportation wants to redo the Boulevard. One item, reducing from 4 lanes to 2. Ridiculous!

I fear the City Commission might support the move.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

A public meeting was held last night at Sheraton Suites. Called a Workshop. To hear from the citizens what they thought. Standing room only. Except for state and some local officials, most attending were opposed to doing anything. Bullshit was up front. The state and local officials saying the intent was to merely tweak the Boulevard.

The attempt is based on a 1999 study. Updated 2014 to pay more attention to bicycle riders.

The age of the study bugs me. Seventeen years to get to this the last step. A very unpopular one. An attempt to foist an unneeded plan upon us.

Another idiotic consideration is that a center turn lane is required. No one is going to turn towards the ocean side. Nothing there but sand and water. The other side does not have enough construction to warrant a center lane. The entire Boulevard does not have sufficient traffic to require one.

My fear is that eventually the 4-2 lanes thing is going to become a fait accompli. Nothing like a public servant with allocated monies to see that the dollars are spent. Regardless of need.

Did my podcast show last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Enjoyed doing it. Russian hacking and robots/artificial intelligence two items discussed.

Rex Tillerson is Trump’s designee to be Secretary of State. I got into him a bit. Not as to his qualifications. As to his hypocrisy. Texas hypocrisy.

Tillerson is CEO of ExxonMobile. World’s biggest oil and gas company. Fifteenth richest corporation in the world.

Fracking produces gas. ExxonMobile is the largest natural gas producer in the U.S. Tillerson obviously a major supporter of fracking.

Tillerson and wife live in Bartonville, Texas. On an 83 acre horse farm worth $5 million.

Tillerson is opposed to anything having to do with fracking near his home.

A fracking company wanted to erect a 160 foot water tower near the properties of Tillerson and his affluent neighbors. Tillerson and his wife joined in bringing a lawsuit to stop construction of the water tower around February 2014. Prior thereto, Tillerson appeared at a public hearing and said the water tower would ruin the view from his outdoor patio.

When the media picked up that Tillerson and his wife were involved in an anti-fracking lawsuit, the news spread. Two months later in April 2014, Tillerson and his wife withdrew from the lawsuit.

Tillerson’s position interesting. Fracking ok anywhere, except near his home.

Self-serving and hypocritical.

Lighted Boat Parade tonight. Finally. High winds cancelled the parade saturday night.

Christmas and Larry Smith go hand in hand. Every Yuletide Season, Larry does a Christmas show. This year saturday night at The Studios of Key West. 8pm. Called Christmas with Larry. A jazz Christmas show.

I have not missed one of Larry’s Christmas shows for I don’t recall how many years. That long. I will be there. You should. The show is worth seeing.

Today, a sad one in the history of the United States.  Several years ago, 20 first graders and 6 school employees were shot to death by a gun wielding nut at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut.

If anything should have changed attitudes re gun control, the 20 little ones killed should have. For shame! It did not and has not.

We are a screwed up country.

Enjoy your day!





The Today In Keys History section of the Key West Citizen carried a brief comment re Robert Frost. To the effect that it had been announced on this date in 1934 that Robert Frost would spend the winter in Key West. His first visit.

Inquisitiveness tickled my fancy. Where did he stay? What did he do? Etc. Did a bit of research.

The winter of 1934 may have been Frost’s first visit, it was not his last. He returned in 1945. Spent every winter in Key West through 1960.

Jessie Porter’s home was a haven for writers. Daily visits. Sitting around and talking. Frost included.

Porter’s home was at 410 Caroline St. A garden cottage was located on the property. Frost leased the cottage during his 1945-1960 stays.

Porter’s home today is known as The Heritage House. It is listed as a National Literary Landmark.

Away from the Porter premises, Frost’s favorite place to hang out was the Casa Marina.

Spent yesterday afternoon preparing for tonight’s podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time.

Topics off the wall! All kinds of interesting things happening. I will open with the alleged Russian hacking of the Democrats and the opposing views of the CIA and FBI.

Followed by Chinese factories making our Xmas toys under deplorable working conditions, pharmacy executives arrested for bribing doctors to recommend their pain killing drug, a black man arrested for DUI strapped into a chair and beaten by a police officer causing the black man to lose sight in one eye, Venezuela eliminating half its paper money, and more.

Aqua first last night. Liz and Mary there. Sat with them. Jean Thornton on the other side of the bar. Tom Luna, Rick and Traci entertaining.

Alex tapped me on the shoulder to say hello. His wife standing outside. Alex was playing across the street. I will have to stop in next week to hear him blow his horn.

Liz and Mary left for dinner at Antonia’s. I headed for Bourbon Street.

Berlin’s Bria sings monday and tuesday evenings at Bourbon Street. Went especially to hear her. As usual, outstanding.

Sitting at the bar next to me were Jen and Paul. Jen vacationing from Fargo, North Dakota. Paul a December snowbird for years.

Jen and I had an interesting conversation re Standing Rock. She lives where it all happened. I expected her to be sympathetic to the Sioux cause. She was not. She felt the Native Americans were making a lot out of nothing.


While the Polar Vortex is reaping havoc on the northwest, Key West weather has never been better. Mid 80s yesterday. Never hot. No humidity. Comfortable.

The Polar Vortex is expected to be felt over the keys early next week. Very cold weather. Significant drop in temperature.

The war between the community and the Lower Keys Medical Center continues. An attorney hired by the community group reported that the hospital board had no authority to act and that the legal paperwork involved years ago was binding.

The battle will continue. I don’t understand why the community group does not take a direct assault on the company operating the hospital for insufficient care, over billing, etc.

Last but not least. My new streaming show will not debut thursday as planned. The best laid plans of mice and men…..

Only one problem. Described yesterday. It will not be resolved by thursday.

Enjoy your day!



Doing nothing. A specialty in itself. Great when it happens. Yesterday was a do nothing day for me. Not intended. It just worked out that way.

Spent my sunday reading the papers, watching TV and napping. Did a little work on the streaming show I am trying to get going. Problem is separating the new show from other things I have done. Louis Petrone and Key West Lou bunches everything together on You Tube. Even the TV show that I stopped doing five years ago.

I did go out last night. My MTV house neighbor Andrew is in for a few days. He was here last a month ago. Returns wednesday to his Switzerland home. Two days later, he and the family leave for three days in Bangkok and a month in Australia. Vacation time.

An  interesting life!

We ate at the Cafe. Andrew likes veggie food.

Dee was there. With visiting cousins. We were supposed to have dinner together saturday night. She cancelled out because of her cousins’ surprise visit.

Dee returned friday from Boston. Spent a week consulting with her cancer doctors. She went through two bad years of operations and treatments.

She received good news. Nothing adverse to report. She is on top of the world. Understandably so. Her cancer was a 4. Success rare.

We are down to one problem with kicking off the new show. You Tube is commingling everything with Louis Petrone and Key West Lou. Even the TV show I stopped doing five years ago. I want to have the new show appear alone.

Sloan and I have been at it since 7 this morning.

The Arctic storm came and went. Fast. One cold night. Key West style. Then back to warmth. Yesterday, the high was 84.

Airline prices continue to be too high! Expensive to fly. The airlines fail to notice that gas prices have been down quite a while.

United announced yesterday that beginning with 2017, it will offer what ts calls “basic economy.” Prices lower than regular. In order to compete head to head with discount airlines.

Enjoy your day!


The streaming show I have been working on is scheduled to debut this Thursday December 15. On You Tube. Short hits on different topics several times a day. One hit per segment. Subject matter whatever tickles my fancy at the moment.

The show will archive.

Title, Louis Petrone Says….Could not use Key West as my Tuesday podcast show has in its title Key West Lou. The show is archived on You Tube. Confusion would result. Both shows would be archiving together in a combined fashion.

I hope we are ready by Thursday. I am working towards a Thursday opening. Sloan and I worked on the show yesterday afternoon. We have been working on it. So much to pay attention to.

First stop last night was Tavern ‘n Town. Liz at the bar with lady friends. Glad to see her.

No room. Not a seat available at the bar. Gave Liz a peck on the cheek and left.

Headed for Berlin’s. At 6:30, the bar is generally empty. It was. Not for long, however.

I felt arms around my shoulders. It was Jean Thornton. Alone, also. My dinner companion for the evening. A while since we have been together.

The lovely Bria arrived. With an equally lovely lady. Her mother, Barb. Visiting from New Hampshire. Jean and I chatted with her a while.

Two fellows sat to the right of me. They noticed I was making notes. Asked why. Started a conversation.

Loren and Matthew. Key Westers. Loren a graphic designer. Matthew involved with entertainment. Does the bookings for Sloppy Joe’s. Also, a music composer. His music company M. G. Bell.

They took their drinks back to listen to Bria. Invited me for a drink. I said I would stop by. Jean and I were waiting for our dinners.

By the time I was free to join them, they had left.

Enjoyed a 2 pound Maine lobster again last night.

Weather screwy this morning. Earlier, there was a fog over the ocean. Then a bit of sunlight. Now gray and raining. The water moving fast.

Marathon also rescheduled to Wednesday evening their Lighted Boat Parade scheduled for last night.

Pythons a growing problem in the Florida keys. Literally. I wrote a lengthy column on the python problem three years ago in KONK Life. One of the points stressed was that pythons could not be eradicated. Hopefully, managed.

The number astronomical. Pythons enjoy sex. The python population grows significantly each year.

The fear in the lower keys was that the pythons would reach here. Not yet in significant numbers. My recollection is only three. One lying on the side of a runway at the Key West Airport.

A new study has come out re the python problem. It reported a June 3, 2013 incident.

A 15.6 foot female python was captured. Euthanized. Autopsy discovered the python had gulped down three white tailed deer. One doe and two fawns. Referred to by the scientists as a gustatory feat. Three deer in the gut of one python.

On this day in 1898, a ceremony was held dedicating a large plot area for burial of U.S. sailors killed when the Battleship Maine was sunk. Ten thousand were present for the ceremony. An impressive figure.

Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. An Axis agreement existed between Japan and Germany. Such did not mean the U.S. was automatically at war with Germany. Such would only have occurred had the U.S. attacked Japan.

Hitler had been unhappy with the U.S. A U.S. vessel had attacked a German submarine. The U.S. was engaged in Lend Lease with England. Hitler was aware American emotions were with the English. Roosevelt had been speaking ill of Nazi ideology.

Hitler wanted war with the United States.

On this day in 1941, Hitler addressed the Reichstag. He had declared war on the United States.

He felt it necessary to defend the declaration. He wanted the support of the Reichstag.

Hitler blamed the U.S.’s anti-Nazism on the New Deal. Claimed it was the real cause of the war. The New Deal had failed.  The fault of Roosevelt, his plutocratic friends and the Jews. Roosevelt’s less than actual war actions were to cover up the collapse of his economic agenda.

Hitler said, ” First he incites war, then falsifies the causes, then obviously wraps himself in a cloak of Christian hypocrisy and slowly but surely leads mankind to war.”

The Reichstag leaped to their feet in thunderous applause.

The format sound familiar?

Syracuse looked good yesterday. Beat Boston University 99-77. Syracuse’s offense outstanding. About time! Hope it keeps up.

My neighbor Andrew who owns the MTV house just called. He has returned briefly from his home in Sweden. We are having dinner together tonight.

Enjoy your Sunday!





The Arctic cold hit Key West last night. Not bad. High 60s.

I live on open water. My bedroom faces the northeast. I sometime think the cold air comes into the bedroom. Right through the poured concrete walls.

Felt like it again last night. I turned the heat on.

This morning, the northeast wind strong. White caps. Palm trees bending.

The Lighted Boat Parade scheduled for tonight has been cancelled. Reason, high winds. Rescheduled for wednesday evening.

I dined with Donna and Terri last night. Always fun. Terri in great spirits in spite of having had chemo in the afternoon. Terri thinning down. From a 12 to an 8. Had to buy new clothes.

My lesbian wives are the best! Our conversations cover everything. Never a dull moment when I am with them.

Syracuse plays Boston University at noon. When your team is having a bad time, television ignores your school. Third game in a row Syracuse will not be available for Key West viewing.

Ever hear of Amsterdam, New York? Forty miles from Utica. I used to travel through the town on my way to court appearances and the Saratoga races. There is a main thoroughfare named Kirk Douglas Boulevard or some other road designation.

Why? The movie great Kirk Douglas was born in Amsterdam.

Yesterday was Douglas’ 100th birthday. God bless him!

Douglas was born Issur Danielovitch. Born of immigrant parents.

He tells the story that in his early years, he was always escaping his Judaism. Then in mid life he was involved in a helicopter crash. Two dead, others injured. He began looking at his religion again. Today, a devout Jew. He performed his Bar Mitzvah again several years ago.

For whatever reason, I am having a mellow morning. That accounts for the Kirk Douglas story. There are two more I wish to share. Helen Reddy and I Am Woman, The Charge of the Light Brigade.

I Am Woman. A song of female identity. Part of Helen Reddy’s 1971 album I Don’t Know How To Love Him. Reintroduced as a single in 1972. A #1 hit in short time.

Reddy wrote the lyrics. Reddy, both performer and songwriter.

Moving lyrics from I Am Woman…..

I am woman, hear me roar

No one’s ever gonna keep me down again

I am strong

I am invincible

I am woman.

The Charge of the Light Brigade was published in 1854 by Alfred Lord Tennyson. England’s Poet Laureate at the time. The poem recounts the Crimean War’s  Battle of Balaclava. The poem written to honor Britain’s Light Brigade.

Poetic lines of significance follow…..

Into the valley of Death rode the six hundred

Theirs’ not to reason why, theirs’ but to do and die

Cannon to right of them,

Cannon to left of them,

Cannon in front of them

Into the mouth of Hell rode the six hundred

When can their glory fade?

O the charge they made!

Great poetry! Exciting words! Tennyson wrote the poem a few minutes after reading an account of the battle in the British daily The Times. It took him only a few minutes more to write the poem.

Enjoy your day!


Last night, pleasant and satisfying. A night with Liz.

Began with drinks at her home. Then to Bruschetta for dinner. Followed by a return to Liz’s home for home made Christmas cookies while seated on Liz’s Christmas decorated front porch.

Company and cookies excellent! Bruschetta good!

Bruschetta is a new Italian restaurant in downtown Key West. At 112 Fitzpatrick Street. Decor comforting.

Marco is part owner and operator. From Italy. A warm personality.

The food! Real Italian. A step up. Portions large. We left with doggy bags.

I enjoyed a linguine dish. Liz, a veal one.

Marco is giving a locals’ discount. Ten percent. Not enough. Should be at least 15 percent, if not 20. He apparently does not understand you can’t make it in Key West with out local business. The summers are long. His problem may be he does not realize the generous discounts being given by other restaurants.

The Key West Citizen makes two contributions to today’s blog.

Today In Key West History mentions that the movie Caribe Gold was being filmed in Key West in 1955. Ethel Waters, Coley Wallace and Cicely Tyson starring.

Lisa has a large colored print announcing the movie. Magnificent. It hangs in her living room. The print rare today.

The Citizens’ Voice carries an interesting comment. I repeat it in its entirety.

“No one felt sorry for the public phones when cellphones came around, no one felt sorry for letters when e-mails came around, no one felt sorry for Blockbuster when Netflix came around. Why feel sorry for the taxis because Uber came around?”

Homeless Memorial Day is December 16. Seventy six homeless persons died thus far this year in Monroe County. Their remains will be interred at a prayer service that day at Key West Cemetery. A recognition that everyone should be remembered.

Three years ago, I wrote a KONK Life COMMENTARY Column about Jeanette Rankin.

Rankin was a pacifist. Elected to Congress for the first time when World War I broke out. She voted against entering the war. She was defeated in the next election.

She ran again for Congress in 1940. Won. Pearl Harbor occurred. Rankin was the sole vote on December 8 opposed to declaring war on Japan.

Visitors abounded in the House that day. She was chased from the Chamber to a telephone booth. The police had to extract her and guide her out of the building to safety.

She did not run for re-election after casting her negative vote. The handwriting was on the wall.

Rankin commented as she cast her vote: “As a woman, I can’t go to war and I refuse to send anyone else.”

The House has a year end spending bill. It will be voted on thursday by the House. On friday by the Senate.

Some oddities in the bill.

New York City has increased responsibility guarding Trump and his family. The City asked for $35 million to assist with the protection. The House bill only appropriates $7 million.

Flint still waits for significant financial assistance to assist with regard to its lead contaminated water problem. Politicians are all talk with little help.

The House bill provides for $170 million to communities struck by contamination water problems. Note, not Flint alone. Communities.

The $170 million is also contingent on the passage of a separate water bill authorizing the funds.

Good luck! It will be a long time if at all before Flint receives proper help from the federal government. No one seems to care. The feds see it as a state problem. The state sees it as a federal problem. In the meantime, Flint water remains contaminated.

A newscaster this morning made mention that the Trump cabinet is the most conservative since Herbert Hoover. I hope Trump does better than Hoover did!

Syracuse/BU saturday at noon.

Enjoy your day!




December 7, 1941. The Japanese perpetrate a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.  The beginning of World War II for the United States.

Two thousand four hundred were killed at Pearl harbor. The Nation was incensed. President Roosevelt immediately assumed the reins of a war time leader. He rekindled pride in country. Perhaps like never before.

Roosevelt was an orator. “A date which will live in infamy” his. He and Churchill equally gifted orators. Two great leaders for a dark time in the history of both countries. Immediately following the attack on Pearl Harbor, Churchill communicated with Roosevelt. He said, “We are all in the same boat now.”

I was 6-10 years old during World War II. Though young, the war had an impact on me.

I still distinctly remember the Utica Railroad Station. Soldiers and sailors coming and going. Wives and family hugging and crying. The crying especially moved me.

I lived in a six apartment building. All occupied by Petrone family members. My grandfather Louis the landlord. The older members would huddle around the radio each evening listening for war news reports. Trying to figure out where family members might be fighting.

Sunday mornings involved parades. Patriotic parades. From the Boy Scouts to World War I veterans. Bands and other groups. American flags waving.

Tiny blue and gold starred flags in windows. Blue meant a family member in the service. Gold, the family had lost a family member.

Air raid drills. Frequent. Everyone required to be at home or in a building. Shades drawn. No light from the inside permitted to show outside. Wardens walking the streets yelling at anyone violating the rules.

It did not take long for the U.S. to kick the Japanese in the ass big time. Six months after Pearl Harbor, the Japanese fleet was defeated in  a decisive battle by our Naval Forces at Midway.

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is slated to meet with President Obama later this month at Pearl Harbor. The first high echelon Japanese official to do so since World War II.

We have been advised in advance that he will not apologize for the Pearl Harbor attack or war. He is attending solely to show respect for the World War II dead from both sides.

He should apologize. The attack was a sneak one. The Japanese treated U.S. captives terribly. As with ISIS, head chopping common.

Following the war, Japan was devastated. Were it not for the manner the U.S. treated them and the help given to get them on their feet, I doubt Japan would be the economic giant it is today.

Since the war, the Japanese have sworn off war. Military war. The U.S. is required by treaty to defend Japan if it is attacked.

Japan decided to wage conflict since World War II in the economic field. Business is war. Japan has done well in that arena.

My blog talk radio show last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Two main topics. Standing Rock and Pearl Harbor. Enjoyed discussing them. Hope those listening enjoyed also.

Enjoy your day!


Some road corrections I cannot understand. One being the abnormal concern for bicycles in Key West. Bicycles dictating road changes to accommodate them.

Northern Boulevard permits bicyclists to operate in the driving lane of the relatively new North Roosevelt Boulevard. At the same time a wide sidewalk runs along the highway.

Now discussions are being had about redoing South Roosevelt Boulevard. Reducing the four lanes down to two. A primary motivation being to make room for bicyclists. The walk along the ocean is eight feet wide and has been accommodating bicyclists, pedestrians, runners, and moms with baby carriages, for years. All without problem.

Why the sudden the concern for bicycles? I only learned the reason the past few days. The bicycle lobby in Florida is formidable. An influence to be reckoned with. Who would have believed? An example of a big tree from a little acorn growing.

The media should unveil the lobby. Bring it out into the light. Make people aware.

It used to be WE THE PEOPLE ran the country. No more. Elected legislators do not listen to those who elected them. Instead, they are at the beck and call of lobbyists. Money talks!

We have lost control of our government over the past 30 years. Corporate America calls the shots. Be cognizant. Time to start taking our government back.

Last night, party time! Don, Herschel and Erika. I invited Herschel and Erika out to dinner. They are visiting for a week. Don joined us.

We started at Don’s Place. Then dinner at the outside bar at La Te Da.

La Te Da full. We had to squeeze a fourth seat in at the bar to accommodate our group.

A good time had by all. Except for an aggravating bartender. Service sucked. His personality matched the service. I was disappointed Tonto was not working.

Weather soon to be a problem. An Arctic blast coming in. Going to be below zero in some northern areas.

We will feel the Arctic weather in Florida friday and saturday. Thirty and 40 degree weather predicted for Orlando and above.

The blast will reach Key West. Not badly. However, cold enough.

The high today is 82 degrees. Friday will be a high of 73 and low of 67. Both cold for us. Laugh not. I will have the heat on for the 67 degree night. Seventy three by day is sweatshirt weather.

Saturday is projected to be a bit warmer. Seventy six-71 degrees.

It will be cold on the boats participating in the Lighted Boat Parade saturday night. Long pants and a jacket.

I wrote about Standing Rock yesterday. Suspected a Trojan horse. Still do. In spite of the fact that the Department of Army closed down the job yesterday. A victory for the Native American Sioux. A temporary one, I fear.

Another example of corporate America controlling government thinking/results. The people not important. We have become plebeians. Corporate America, patricians.

The Department of Army said different routes would be sought, piping would not be allowed under the Missouri River. A new environmental study to be done.

Why my concern that all is still not well, that yesterday’s victory is not etched in stone?

The decision to stop the job was made by the Department of Army. Not the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. True, the Corps is a division of the Army Department. However decisions had been made by the Engineers up to this point. Suggests to me the Engineers did not support the decision to close down the job.

The corporation’s CEO said his company would still be proceeding with the job. A screw you to the Native Americans and Department of Army.

The CEO was also confident that Trump would approve the continuation of the pipeline once sworn in. Trump has already publicly proclaimed he supports the pipeline.

Tomorrow December 7. As President Roosevelt said, “A day that will live in infamy.” Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

The day before, Roosevelt was convinced the Japanese intended to attack Thailand. Intelligence had so advised him.

Roosevelt sent a telegram to Emperor Hirohito. Hoping to stop the attack on Thailand, the President asked that “for the sake of humanity,” the Emperor intervene “to prevent further death and destruction in the world.”

Japan’s vessels headed for Thailand were intended as a bluff. Its greater force was headed for Pearl Harbor.

A few weeks ago, the Greeks demonstrated against Obama while he was at a State dinner in his honor in Athens. I have already explained that scenario from the view point of my Greek friend Jim Brown.

Yesterday, another demonstration. This one for charity. Called the Athens Santa Run. Thousands of Greeks dress as Santas packing the streets of downtown Athens.

My blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Standing Rock and Pearl Harbor lead the agenda of topics. Followed by a Venezuela update, Russia and the International Criminal Court, a German mayor knocked unconscious because he wanted his city to build free housing for Syrian immigrants, and more.

Enjoy your day!



Beware of Greeks bearing gifts!

It was announced last night that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had put a hold on the Standing Rock problem. The Corps was going to review the permits and that at this time there was no easement for the pipeline company to proceed.

Sounds like a victory for the Native Americans. The Native Americans 2,000 strong and U.S. military veterans were prepared to confront the Corps and pipeline people in events planned by the Corps for today.

The confrontation avoided.

What happens when the Corps changes its mind or completes this review with a favorable pipeline ruling? The Native Americans will have left the site. The veterans will have gone home.  It will probably be too late to stop the pipeline construction.

I worry the Native American victory is a hollow one. Trump has already indicated he favors the pipeline.

It has been reported that Trump owns stock in the pipeline company Energy Transfer Partners. If so, will the stock be sold prior to his taking office? Will Trump enter into a blind trust as his modern predecessors have?

The Key West City Commission is doing it again! Screwing things up! The move is underway to increase public parking by $1 an hour. Raise an additional $1 million plus a year.

The real reason given is to help relieve the parking problem. It is thought the $1 increase will discourage people from driving their vehicles downtown.

I park in the public lot behind Antonia’s. At least 4 days a week, I am in town twice a day. Once in morning and then again in the evening. I live 2.5 miles outside Key West. About 7 miles from downtown Key West.

Without getting into the numbers, accept that it will cost me a minimum of $54 a week to park. The charge $3 per hour. When I am downtown, I spend money in Key West establishments. Mucho dinero. Most of the restaurants I favor are on the high end. I am a good Key West customer.

Some might say if you can afford to enjoy Key West in some what of a spendthrift fashion, you should not complain. I do complain. I do not like being had.

This $1 parking raise will be finally determined by the same City Commission that is presently considering the reduction of South Roosevelt Boulevard from 4 to 2 lanes. The reason to reduce vehicular traffic, plan for additional parking, give the bikers space, etc. Not the solution. In fact, a plan for change where change not required.

Big week fun wise! December always a month with fun things to do.

Three biggies. One wednesday evening. The Lighted Bike Ride. A couple of thousand people dressed Xmas style riding on bikes similarly attired.

Also, Joyce Stahl’s Nutcracker. Now a Key West tradition. Runs one week beginning saturday December 10.

Saturday evening will also find boats lite up like Christmas trees. On Gulf waters opposite Schooner Wharf. The Lighted Boat Parade.

Today a significant one in American history. Prohibition repealed in 1933.

Prohibition did not succeed. Obviously. It brought increased drinking, packed jails, and increased crime. Similar to the drug situation in the U.S. today.

History has taught us nothing. Yes, several states have legalized marijuana use for recreational or medical use. Not enough. Lets take the bull by the horns and blanketly correct the situation.

Syracuse/Connecticut tomorrow night. Two former Big East foes meeting in Madison Square Garden.

Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi defeated in a referendum yesterday. He resigns today.

My friend Anna is politically knowledgeable. Her former husband, now deceased, was a federal senator for years. Then served in the Prime Minister’s cabinet for two terms. Responsible for transportation.

Renzi was only elected last year. From day one, Anna was writing telling me what a disaster he was and would be. She was correct. I received an e-mail from Anna this morning. She wrote: “We won!!!” Renzi the “Obama friend is going to pack and going home!!!”

Renzi’s opposition received 60 percent of the vote.

Renzi was in the U.S. a few months ago. He received a State dinner. Anna was incensed. Felt he did not deserve it, Obama did not know what he was doing.

Dinner tonight with Herschel and Erika. Don’s wife Stephanie is out of town. Don is joining us.

Enjoy your day!


The not to be equaled Key West Christmas Parade last night. Always the best. Young and old alike watching. Babies in arms. The Key West community enjoying a happy occasion.

Santa Claus. There had to be at least 15 on the floats. I recall one Christmas Robert and Ally asking Lisa…..Which one is the real Santa Claus? Lisa thought for a moment. Then…..All of them! There are parades everywhere in the world at the same time. Santa can’t be at all of them. These are Santa’s assistants.

A brilliant response. They bought it.

Robert and Ally knew there had to be only one Santa Claus. The one that showed up at their home at dinner time every Christmas Eve. Poppa’s friend.

As with my children and other grandchildren, there was always a Santa Claus to personally visit them Christmas Eve. The real one! The kids all had the opportunity to sit on Sant’s lap either at my home in Utica or in Lisa’s in Key West.

I loved arranging it! A thrill for me as well as them.

I watched the parade from Don’s Place. As it started, I walked down to the County Office Building on Truman to watch with Robert and Ally. The same spot every year. This year I could not find them. Too crowded. Walked back to Don’s Place.

An enjoyable time at Don’s Place. He had about 30 chairs outside. A pop corn machine. Free pop corn. Very good by the way. David working the pop corn machine.

Herschel and Erica in town for a one week visit. Returned to Indiana three years ago. Part of our bocce team. Erica and I were partners on occasion.

We are having dinner together Monday night.

Bartender John from the Chart Room showed up. We chatted through two drinks each.

I was home before 9. As I hit the pillow, I recalled I failed to pay my bill at Don’s. Called and told him. He said forget about it.

Another major Christmas event next Saturday. The Lighted Boat Parade off Schooner Wharf. An event! Hitch a ride on one of the boats and try it.

Yesterday a two hour session with Sloan. Even called in Tim Reynolds up in St. Petersburg. We were having trouble with the volume for my soon to be new show Louis Petrone Says. It took a while, but Sloan and Tim got it ironed out.

Sometime next week, I will be starting a streaming show on You Tube. Several times a day. You will be able to see me. Live!

The show will be in segments. Several a day. No certain number. Each show roughly 30-60 seconds. As something tickles my fancy, I will sit down at my desk, turn on the computer and say…..It’s me again!

I also will still be doing this blog and my Tuesday podcast show.

David and Goliath. The Old Testament returns this week in Standing Rock, North Dakota. Confrontation time. Two thousand protesters and an additional 2,000 veterans. Standing against the might of federal, state and local governments. As well as an outside mercenary group Tag Swan. Thought to have been brought in by the corporation interested in building the pipe line.

Why David and Goliath?

The “bad guys” have top military equipment. Like rubber bullets, concussion grenades, stinger grenades, water hoses, tear gas and huge armored vehicles. The bad guys claim they need this type equipment to protect themselves from the Native Americans who are using sling shots against them! In addition to rocks and bottles.

The Native Americans also ride on horses to do whatever they do. Against the mechanized force of governments improperly being used. The horse soldiers remind me of the Polish Army attacking Hitler’s blitzkrieg of tanks, troops, and planes at the start of World War II.

An interesting article in  this morning’s KONK Life E-Blast. About seniors and falling. The article stated 1/3 of all persons over 65 fall. Do I know it! Terrible!

I fell 5 times last year. Each fall a bad one. I fell three weeks ago. One of the worse. Still hurt. Luckily, no broken bones so far.

Syracuse beat North Florida yesterday 77-71. Not an impressive victory.

Enjoy your Sunday!