More than a year ago, Terri White was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer. Doctors not encouraging. She went to a special cancer facility in Tampa. Not much encouragement there, either.
She was told there might be a way if her “numbers” came down. Terri has spent a year getting those numbers down. Not easy.
She just completed two days of examinations in Tampa to see if the numbers were down sufficiently so she could receive special treatment.
Donna and Terri called last night. The numbers are down! Big time! Treatment next!
Treatment will be long. Terri will be hospitalized for at least one month. The doctors plan to take healthy cells from her body. The cells will grow new bone marrow outside her body. At a point in time, the cancer ridden bone marrow in her body will be removed and replaced with the new bone marrow.
The doctors are excited. Terri and Donna are excited.
The two are still in Tampa. Today is ministerial. Scheduling stuff. Then a return for the big time procedures.
Amazing! Hope it works!
This is not a new procedure. However everything must be in place for it to prove successful. The greatest danger is during the month long period in the hospital while the bad is being removed and replaced by the new. Her immunity will go down to zero. She will spend the month in isolation to hopefully prevent her coming down with anything.
A big deal!
May God and good luck be on Terri’s side.
My podcast last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Show went well. Dwelled on two topics. Harvey and Trump.
Duval Loop begins tomorrow. A Key West plan to reduce traffic congestion and parking problems. A free bus ride. The bus will travel around the outer perimeter of Duval.
Spent most of my yesterday glued to the TV. Harvey has me hooked. The suffering. The drama. Neighbor helping neighbor. Caused me to shed an occasional tear.
Everyone knows. Those in authority deny. Until caught.
I refer to the existence of a quota system used by police officers in giving traffic tickets.
The Florida Highway Patrol got caught. Two high ranking officers have resigned. A Lieutenant Colonel and Major. Sent e-mails to troopers recommending two tickets an hour be given.
E-mails became public. The Lieutenant Colonel was #2 in command of the entire Florida Highway Patrol.
Denials have been forthcoming from others in command that the instruction was not intended as a quota requirement.
Never forget…..If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is a duck!
An interesting editorial in this morning’s Key West Citizen.
James Polk was the 11th President of the United states. Served one term beginning in 1844. Recognized as a success. During his four years, what today are nine States and part of two others, were acquired by the United States. By war and negotiation.
Florida has a county named after the former President. Polk County.
Turns out Polk owned two southern plantations. Absentee owned. As many as 55 slaves worked the plantations. They were severely treated. Few lived beyond their 15th birthdays. Slave families ripped apart and sold to various new owners.
We live in an era of new political correctness. The citizen asks two questions: “Do we rename Polk County? Indeed, where does it end?”
Enjoy your day!