Happy Birthday Lynda Frechette! Twenty nine and still going strong. Key West is never the same when you are gone.

Two other noteworthy items for today.

Mel Fisher found the Atocha mother lode! This day in 1985. Four hundred million dollars. He had a dream. Stuck with it. Bore fruit 15 years later.

Neil Armstrong walked on the moon! First man to do so. This day 1969.

I recall watching the event on TV. It was 11 at night. My children all asleep. All grammar school age. Woke them up and brought them to the family room to watch the event.

I considered Armstrong’s descent onto the moon’s surface to be sufficiently important for them to see. They would remember it for years.

They were tired. Could not understand why I was all excited, etc.

None of them remember.

My day yesterday began with doing the Key West Lou Live video on Facebook. I spent a few minutes chatting about being a senior citizen. A change of pace show. Finished today’s show before I started the blog this morning. Topic: Putin’s White House Invitation. Would you believe!

Visited Tammy at 1 for a manicure. Always good company.

Then to Sandy’s Cafe for a late lunch.

The Chart Room first last night. Had new friend Casey meet me there. He’s the fellow I met three weeks ago at Hogfish. The one with the 77 foot catamaran. Casey lives on the boat. I offered to pick him up. No, he wanted to dingy in.

Neal and Connie at the bar. Met Neal the night before. Connie, last night. Nice people.

My love Jean Thornton arrived. She has been in Key West a week. First time we have seen each other. A big hug and kiss. Jean, Casey and I chatted a while. Jean and I are having dinner together saturday evening at Blue Heaven. Terri is singing.

Speaking of Terri, I am having dinner with Donna and Terri tonight at their new condo. Donna cooking. Always a treat! Enjoying a Donna prepared meal is like listening to Terri sing.

A fireman and his wife from outside Chicago were also at the bar. I failed to get their names. They had an interesting story.

They lived in Homestead in 1998 when Andrew hit. Evacuated. When they returned 3 days after Andrew, pure carnage. It looked like Hiroshima after the atom bomb fell. Everything flat. Nothing left standing. Andrew was a 5.

The destruction was so bad they could not locate their home. Nothing defined. A flat level mess.

Stopped at Blue McCaw for a bite to eat on the way home. Ran into Paul and Ron again. Real nice guys. Enjoyed chicken wings and their company over a couple of drinks.

Blue McCaw a winner! Happy Hour 4-9. A fun place! I recommend it.

The Key West Citizen’s weather person an excellent writer. Comes up with little tidbits to describe the weather.

Today the temperature will be 92. A morning thunder shower predicted. Wrong, thus far. 10:30, sun shining bright. No sign of rain. Means nothing, however. Rain comes to Key West in a split second without prior warning.

The excellent writing has to do with the fine print under the rain warning. It read: “Sun, what sun?”

The weather report may be wrong. The sun reference however reads well with or without the rain.

Key West still into Hemingway Days. The Running of the Bulls tomorrow. Go down to Sloppy Joe’s around 1 to watch the Look a Likes get ready. The race itself probably at 2.

Enjoy your day!



Some persons become legends in their own time. Key Westers recall their legendary figures. Among others, Ernest Hemingway, Tennessee Williams, Sloppy Joe, Captain Tony, Mel Fisher.

Mel Fisher concerns me today.

Key West annually celebrates Mel Fisher. Mel Fisher Days this year are July 12-14. Party time. All kind of activities befitting Mel Fisher.

Mel Fisher’s claim to fame is that he discovered a part of the Spanish galleon Atocha. Recovered $400 million in gold, emeralds and other jewelry.

His story.

Mel was a chicken farmer from Indiana. Eventually, he,  his wife Doe and family, ended up in Key West. Fisher was convinced there was gold in off shore waters. He spent 16 years looking for it. Lean years. Sacrificing time for the Fisher family.

Fisher would begin each day by telling his crew…..Today’s the day! For 16 years.

Finally, he scored.

The Atocha was ladened with gold, emeralds and other jewels. On their way to Spain. Atocha was one of a convoy of 28 ships. Some had problems. The convoy left 6 weeks late. Five weeks into the tropical storm season.

A hurricane hit the second day out. The Atocha went down.

On August 20, 1985, Fisher discovered a part of the Atocha. He was able to salvage $400 million in gold, emeralds and other jewelry.

Still not his. Spain made claim to the fortune. Fisher fought Spain and others all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Fisher won. The Court ruled in effect…..Finders keepers!

Obviously changed Fisher’s life and that of his family.

The man earned it.

My evening yesterday began with Liz Moody’s birthday party. Eighty four years and going strong!

A beautiful woman. A glowing face and personality.

Many friends in attendance.

Age is taking its toll. A broken hip that never mended properly. A diabetic whose problem frequently gets out of control. She was released two days ago from the hospital where the fight to stabilize her sugar took place for 15 days.

Liz parties well. She had a good time. I had a good time. Everyone had a good time.

Then to the Chart Room. Looking for Kevin. He had purchased tickets for a group of us to see Howie Mandell monday evening at the Key West Theater. Needed to pick up my ticket and pay $59. A bargain from my perspective.

I have always enjoyed Mandell. It will be good to laugh continuously monday evening.

David stopped by for a moment.

New friends Ray and Augusta at the bar. Enjoyed their company.

Stopped at Sandy’s Cafe on the way home for something to eat. Food at Liz’s party. I drank however instead of eating. Read the newspapers and enjoyed a Cuban cheese toast with tomato and a large Cuban coffee. The gin earlier was not enough to give me a bang. Needed the Cuban coffee.

Home early. In bed by 9:30. Slept well. Slept late this morning.

Trump, Brussels and the NATO Conference. Trump embarrassed us. His conduct disgraceful.

He beat the hell out of Germany’s Angela Merkel. Improperly so. He never has his facts right. Referred to Germany as “totally controlled” by and “captive” to Russia.

He deficated upon NATO as a whole for failing to keep up with individual payments to NATO. Implied clearly the U.S. was being forced to pay more than it should. He said the U.S. was paying 90 percent of NATO’s bills. Not correct. Sixty six percent. Note that payments are determined by how much money a nation earns per year.

A press conference this morning. Trump made it sound like everything was now kumbaya. Everyone happy. Claimed he made it so. He forced the others to agree to reach the 2 percent level by 2024.

The 40 minute press conference crowded with additional Trump lies. The English like me. He was headed to England following the press conference. The English hate him! Only 11 percent like him. The 2 percent going to 4 percent soon after 2024. No such promise made. Merely Trump’s idea.

He failed to explain some pertinent facts. Perhaps he did not know. He does not prepare for these meetings.

Trump claimed England buys 70 percent of its gas from Russia. Not true. Only 33 percent. Note most European countries buy gas from Russia. It’s cheap. The U.S. cannot compete with the Russian charges because of the distance and lack of a pipe line.

Trump was not aware that although most NATO nations were behind in the 2 percent contributions, they were far ahead of the United States in humanitarian aid. Eurounion countries provide such aid to the tune of $12 billion a year as opposed to  the U.S.’s $6 billion.

Trump can only see one way. He does not take into account peripheral items.

He forgets also that NATO troops have been fighting along side U.S. troops in Afghanistan for 16 years. Eleven thousand non U.S. NATO troops have died.

A question. The U.S. imports 43 percent of its imported oil from Canada. Does that make the U.S. “totally controlled” by and “captive” of Canada?

Paul Manafort was moved yesterday to another jail. It was discovered his jail time came with unique privileges. He had a larger than normal cell, a private bathroom and shower, a personal telephone (made 300 calls), separate work space to prepare for trial, and was permitted to have a lap top in his cell.

Not normal. Unusual. Reminded me of how Mafia bootleggers were treated when jailed back in the 1920’s.

Have to hustle. Haircut time.

Enjoy your day!


This morning’s Key West Citizen had a front page story that made me proud. Half the page. Huge photo. Title of the article: Corey Malcom…..Indiana Jones of Key West!

My son-in-law!

Indiana Jones fits him.

Corey grew up in the corn fields of Indiana. Today, his home the depths of the Caribbean.

Corey has been chief archaeologist at the Mel Fisher Museum for more than a quarter century. Worked hand in hand with Mel Fisher initially. He is an expert regarding the slave ship Atocha. He is a slave trade expert.

More than merely an expert. He is the only one possessing significant knowledge in the area of Caribbean slave ships. He writes several times a year for National Geographic. Appears on the History Channel.

He is the best husband, father, and son in law. For real.

Animals know. Jake follows Corey everywhere at home. Sleeps next to him during the night.

Last night was Aqua first. Dueling Bartenders time with Tom Luna and Rick Dery. Even Christmas carols last night. All of us joining in.

Jean at the bar. I was surprised. She was supposed to fly home to Birmingham yesterday. Delta through Atlanta. She was rebooked to wednesday.

David! I had not seen David in months. It was good to see him. In one of his rare moods. Singing along with Tom and Rick on most songs.

Liz was there. A few weeks since we have seen each other. Always good to see her. She was with Josefina.

Still dieting. A solid 10 pounds off so far. I am plateaued. Doing Atkins. The diet says ok to drink gin or scotch after two weeks. No carbs. It was three weeks last night. I had a Tanqueray on the rocks. Sipped it half way down over a period of two hours.

Stopped at Publix on the way home. Out of food again. Diet food. Picked up a few items. Atkins is an expensive diet to be on.

Tonight, Syracuse/Buffalo at 7. Syracuse should win. I will be able to watch the game before my 9 o’clock blog talk radio show.

Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou a fast moving half hour where I cover a multitude of sins. Join me. Interesting, eye opening and challenging. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Impeachment in the air. It was in the air in 1998, also. Clinton was impeached this date in 1998. Basically for his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

I considered attempting to bring Clinton down with Lewinsky at the time a low blow. Even would today. She wasn’t complaining. The Republicans were.

Lewinsky was 22 at the time. Many think younger because she was an intern when the affair started. Later, she worked in the Pentagon.

I felt sorry for Clinton. He was a harasser. Most of his predecessors in the Presidency had been also.

I felt sorry for Lewinsky. Still do. Her life destroyed because of the affair. The relationship involved oral copulation. Never actual intercourse. People remember her as the young lady on her knees. Even so many years later.

Her mother not quite right. Her daughter was in the throes of the investigation/scandal in 1996. Her mother Marcia Kay Vilensky wrote a gossip type book. The Private Life of the Three Tenors. In the book, the mother hinted she had had an affair with Placido Domingo.

Capitalizing on her daughter’s misfortune. The worst!

Reverse pedophilia. That is what I call it. Where the adult is female.

It is not only men who are perpetrators. I wrote a couple of weeks ago about a similar situation.

The most recent involves Andrea Barber. A 29 year old Oregon school teacher. At the time of her arrest, she had reduced her work hours to part time.

Andrea was married.

The school involved a religious one. Pedophilia and religion seem to go hand in hand in recent years.

The affair started in 2016 when the student was 15. They met on a regular basis. Mostly at her home. She even provided her paramour with marijuana.

The school the Logos Christian Academy. In its bio of Andrea, she is described thusly: ” Andrea has always felt called to work with youth and is very excited that God opened the door for her to be part of the Logos team.”

My good friend Larry Smith performs his annual Christmas show friday night at 8 at The Studios of Key West. Holiday Jazz Concert. Always enjoyable. I will be there.

Enjoy your day!



Many times I have mentioned that the two happenings which excited/impressed/moved me the most were man walking on the moon and the Berlin Wall coming down.

Today, the anniversary of the first man on the moon.  The year 1969. Neil Armstrong: “…..one mall step for man, one giant step for mankind.”

It happens too many times as I get older. Go for a routine physical feeling fine. Walk out concerned.

Every 3-4 years my blood pressure goes out of whack. It is out of whack again. Big time. One of the highest numbers I have recorded.

My ankles a bit swollen, also.

Most people might not be greatly concerned. At 82, I am. Everything concerns me.

Tests next week. Water pills for a few days immediately.

My blood work normal.

Doctor thinks my murmur is louder.

Sad about John McCain. A brain cancer tumor. One of America’s greats. May God help resolve the problem rather than take him.

Trump at it again. His consistency is his inconsistency. Never know what he is going to do. When he does perform, it is generally incorrect.

Three items of concern this week so far. Note it is only thursday.

First, pulling the CIA out of Syria. A major Putin victory. Makes us look less than dependable to the free world. Plus, Trump got nothing from Putin in return.

Second, the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity which Trump appointed. Met for the first time yesterday in Washington.

I listened to the Chair and Vice-Chair speak. Two nuts. Both already believe there were major problems in 2016.

Finally, Trump’s words last night re Sessions, the Justice Department and Mueller. Trump fears the police arm of our government. He should if he has something to fear. Which I believe he does.

He wants to get rid of Sessions and the Acting Attorney General. Also Mueller, if Mueller gets into his and his family’s finances. On top of which he wants the FBI to answer directly to the President.

Anna, my Anna. She is presently in Athens. Always in a place where excitement is going to occur.

She e-mailed me yesterday. The media carried the story, also.

Ermou Street in Athens is one of its finest shopping areas. Like our Fifth Avenue. I walked down it twice every day. To Playka and back.

I wrote about Ermou several years ago. The streets full of beggars. Like I had never seen before. Makes our homeless look good.

So you can understand. Every day there was a man with no arms and legs. Face badly scarred. Hair burned never to grow again. Blind.

Propped up on a curb. His hands out searching for contributions.

Anarchists ran Ermou Street monday. Breaking windows, destroying the inside of shops. Throwing chemicals about. Sixty stores involved.

They were protesting on behalf of a 29 year old woman whose appeal of her terrorist conviction had failed.

The police did not interfere. When asked why, they said they did not have instructions to do so.

I can understand. As I wrote many times several years ago, the Greek Nazi Party is influential with the police. Half the members of the Nazi Party are police officers. The Golden Dawn (the actual name of the Greek Nazi Party) are a law unto themselves.

I wrote I had a sense of fear every time I saw them. Young Aryans. Blond. Great bodies. Wear black shirts, ties and pants. Swastika look a likes as armbands. The Hitler salute.

The Jew of Hitler’s days is the immigrant of today. They blame immigrants for everything.

I saw what I assumed was an immigrant being violently beaten by them one day. Just off Ermou street. Two police officers were nearby. They turned and walked away.

Hemingway Days today. At 6:30, the preliminary round of the Hemingway Look-Alike contest. Sloppy Joe’s

Big day in Key West history. On this day in 1985, Mel Fisher discovered the mother lode of the Spanish galleon Atocha. After 15 years of searching and struggling. $400 million in gold, jewels, and other artifacts.

Enjoy your day!



My birthday continued into last night. Donna and Terri invited me to dinner. I did not realize they were going to do Happy Birthday.

I was greeted with Happy Birthday as I arrived. Imagine Terri’s crescendo! Drinks followed by a home cooked meal by gourmet chef Donna.

After dinner, Happy Birthday cake. Unexpected. Home baked brownies topped with whip cream. And two candles: One an 8, the other a 2.

Happy Birthday sung again!

Gift, a bottle of Beefeaters.

Received an e-mail from Joseph. Biblical. He thanked me for letting him participate in the “Feast of my Nativity.”

Joseph is 69. Ailing from a back surgery more than a year ago. Not perfect yet.

Joseph is 69. Short and thin. A white beard and mustache. Needs a cane. His cane is a rod. A six foot wood pole.

I refer to Joseph as John the Baptist since he began using the pole.

I spent yesterday doing nothing. Laid around all day. I was beat! Moving and unpacking had taken its toll. Shot!

My new neighborhood is a delight to behold. Cute single family homes. Greenery everywhere. Trees arching over the roadway.

Decided I would try to walk again. The peaceful surroundings called out to me.

I walked this morning. Early. Out of bed, into shorts and sneaks. Before I said, screw it!

The walk delightful. Once around a block. All of 10 minutes. I am starting off slow. Want to succeed this time.

Three popular Key West events on going or imminent.

Mel Fisher Days began thursday and end today. The event is to commemorate Fisher’s discovery of the Spanish galleon Atocha.

Mango Fest next saturday July 15. Bayview Park. All kinds of activities and mango foods. Sponsored by the Key West Police Athletic League. The League supports and participates in all kinds of children’s activities.

Finally, one of the best. Hemingway Days! Ten days of Hemingway fun beginning July 18. Including the Running of the Bulls, the Hemingway Look Alike Contest, and Sloppy Joe’s Hemingway Birthday Party.

The things I learn from William Hackley’s life. His diary for this day in 1856 records Hackley paying the rent on his Key West home. Paid for six months with a $450 Treasury warrant. Works out to $75 a month.

Can’t rent anything for $75 a month anymore! Hackley’s rent today would be at least $3,000 a month.

Hemingway. One of Key West’s most famous citizens.

On this day in 1918, Hemingway was 18. World War I three years old. The United States not yet in the war.

Hemingway wanted to participate. He joined the American Red Cross and was stationed in northern Italy as an ambulance driver.

While serving on the front, a mortar shell went off near him. Hemingway was seriously injured. Spent quite a while in the hospital because of shrapnel wounds. One leg especially beat up.

During his hospital stay, he fell in love with a nurse. A serious romance. After he returned home and was arranging for her to follow him, his loved dumped him for a lieutenant of royal lineage.

While living in Key West, Hemingway worked on his manuscript A Farewell to Arms and had the book published.

The book  reflected on northern Italy during World War I, the experiences of a Red Cross ambulance driver, his love affair with a nurse, and the tragic ending of the love affair. The nurse love died in the book.

Hemingway’s actual war time life experiences formed the basis for his first best selling novel.

In 1962, the movie PT-109 was filmed on Munson Island in the Keys. Pt-109 was the war time story of John Kennedy and his heroic experience following the sinking of PT-109.

A lot of local background.

Munson Island was owned at the time by Sheriff John M. Spottswood. Subsequently to become a Florida State Senator.

Kennedy was visiting Key West if my memory proves correct for a meeting with Great Britain’s Prime Minister MacMillan. Spottswood was close to Kennedy. He suggested a good place to shot the movie was Munson Island which he owned. Munson Island became the place.

Munson Island today is Little Palm Island.

Spottswood had five children. He was the patriarch of the family. A Key West icon. His children all successful today and respected community leaders. I only know one. Robert and his wife, Elena. Two fine people.

Cliff Robertson played Kennedy in the movie.

I met Robertson 12 or more years ago at the Mel Fisher Museum. The Museum was kicking off a national fund raising campaign. Robertson was honorary chairman.

The good looking young vital man of PT-109  days was now aged. Never the less, dapperly dressed and sharp of wit.

A Trump observation. He is out of his class at the G20 meeting in Hamburg. In over his head. Especially with Putin.

Enjoy your day!



A wonderful evening! Birthday dinner at the Rooftop as the guest of Joseph Lyles.

Joseph, the host extraordinaire. My John the Baptist friend still walking with his seven foot pole.

Joseph has had an extensive career in the food industry. Managed fine dining at places like the Hot Tin Roof and Little Palm Island.

A man held in high esteem by his restaurant cohorts. Clearly evident last night. The owner and chef stopped by the table. The table itself special. Special appetizers selected by Joseph before I arrived.

The chef recommended the snapper special. Joseph and I followed his advice. Did not go wrong.

Courtesy even to a double locals discount. I was impressed.

Joseph is a person of deep intelligence. A thinker. I enjoy his company. We have decided to do it again. Next time at Martin’s for Happy Hour.

A passing comment. I had not been to the Rooftop in at least 10 years. You hear me say this often. Ten years. Key West has many fine restaurants. Plus, I am a creature of habit. Enjoy going to the same places.

I am adding Rooftop to my list of places to frequent. I forgot how good it was.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! So many Happy Birthday greetings. I am a lucky man.

Barbara enjoyed dinner with Joseph and I last night. She left early this morning to return to New York. She was a tremendous help in getting me unpacked, etc.

We lunched together at Harpoon Harry’s yesterday. One of those sudden heavy summer rains occurred. Kept us at Harry’s an extra half hour.

Spent most of the day unpacking. More to go, though not much.

I have been in Key West many years. I feel like I am a part of Key West. The feeling is accompanied with an attitude that I know everything about my island.

I do not. As I frequently learn.

The wall behind the bar at the Chart Room is loaded with photos. Some covering each other.

The other evening, I discovered one of Mel Fisher and Johnny Carson.

Fisher found the Atocha and gold in July 1985. Like $400 million worth. Within days, he was on the Johnny Carson show. July 30, 1985 to be exact.

Soon thereafter, Carson traveled to Key West. He wanted to dive the Atocha. Fisher took him.

Fisher also took him to the Chart Room where the photograph was taken.

In depth knowledge of William Hackley is a bit at a time. On this date in 1856, Hackley wrote in his diary that he received a letter from his mother. Enclosed in the letter was his “quarterly salary.”

Leads me to believe Hackley might have been a trust fund baby.

Hoover Dam…..One of the wonders of the world! Definitely so at the time of its completion in 1935.

Time and other construction has diminished its number one position as the largest of dams. Today, Hoover Dam is the 2nd highest in the United States and 18th largest in the world.

I write about Hoover Dam for several reasons today.

One is that construction began this day in 1930.

Others include the dam being finished two years ahead of schedule and millions of dollars under budget. A feat impossible in today’s world.

Interesting to note is 21,000 men worked on the dam during its 5 year construction period. Jobs for many during the great depression.

Enjoy your day!


One of the greatest inventors of modern times lived in the Little White House for six months. Thomas Edison. Around 70 at the time, the U.S. government looked to him for weapon development at the beginning of World War I.

Edison lived and worked in the same building made famous by Truman’ s many visits years later.

Edison developed 41 weapons during his six month stay.

I spent yesterday rewriting and polishing two chapters of Growing Up Italian. Will I ever finish this book? The funny part is the writing will be 3-4 books. The first is sub-titled The First Six Years.

Mel Fisher’s name is embroidered in Key West’s fabric. A name for the ages. Never to be forgotten.

Fisher struck gold and other rare jewels on July 20, 1985 after many years of searching. He sought the Atocha. He found it after roughly 15 years of searching.

Value of the gold, etc. $450 million.

On this date in 1986, Fisher presented Queen Sofia of Spain with a bronze cannon from the Spanish galleon. The presentation took place in Washington, D.C.

Trump is diminishing the image of the United States world wide. In a very short period of time. He has succeeded in pissing off most of the free nations of the world. Those autocratic, he is turning from enemies to friends.

Trump neither understands nor appreciates the need for friends world wide. Friends with values. Character. Not despots.

Tanks are effective. Especially by authoritarian regimes. Against those who protest their governments.

Two uprisings come to mind. Hungary and China.

The Hungarian Revolution occurred in 1956. Began October 23, ended November 10. The protesters using stones and molotov cocktails. The Soviets, troops and military equipment.

The soviets finally got tired of the constant street fighting. Soviet troops and a handful of tanks fighting the poorly armed rebels. Mostly students.

In one day, the troop number and tank number were increased Dramatically. The revolution was over. Force won out.

Two hundred thousand Hungarians fled Hungary immediately.

Total Soviet troops engaged 31,55o. Tank number 1,130.

I was fortunate to become friends with one of the revolutionaries. A Hungarian college student. He attended Manhattan College during my senior year. He said, we were throwing rocks and molotov cocktails. They came at us with tanks from every corner. The revolution was over.

Tiananmen Square another example of tank power.

One hundred thousand students began the protest on April 15, 1989. Their numbers enlarged daily by workers, intellectuals, and civil servants. The protest went on for seven weeks.

The Chinese government finally had enough. The tanks went in on June 4. The protest was over. Hundreds killed. Thousands arrested.

I love the comic sport poem Casey At The Bat. I have used the poem’s final line many times to express my sorrow at a Syracuse defeat.

Casey At The Bat was published this date 1888.

The line: “…..there is no joy in Mudville – mighty Casey has struck out.”

Enjoy your day!


Late with the blog this morning. Sorry. Sloan came by early and we were busy a couple of hours.

Mel Fisher struck it rich in Florida keys waters. Deservedly so. He busted his ass and lived in abject poverty for some 15 years while searching for the mother lode. He knew it was out there some where when no one else believed.

Mel is long gone. His family continues to benefit.

Part of the treasure remained with the Fisher family. Not for the Museum or anyone else. The family decided to auction some of it.

The auction took place this past week in New york City. Took in $2 million. Great job, Mel! You did well for your family.

Lobsterfest time.

Last night, immediately after sunset, there was a Lobsterfest Duval Crawl. Participants paid. In return, received a tee shirt, a lanyard, 2 coupons for free Coronas and Krahen Rums. Plus whatever else people wanted to spend. Two Coronas not enough to get drunk on.

Today, a street fair on Duval. Arts and craft booths. In addition to lobster prepared every conceivable way.

There is also a live concert. From 1 pm to 10:30 pm. In front of Sloppy Joe’s.

A big time!

This morning’s Key West Citizen reported Harlem Suarez was indicted friday by a federal grand jury in Miami. Suarez is the 23 year old Stock Island resident who wanted to blow up a Key West beach. One of the charges involves the attempt to use a weapon of mass destruction. Maximum sentence, life in prison. Hope he gets life. Actually should be life plus a 100 years!

Love story writing not easy. I spent yesterday afternoon writing a short chapter. Revised it four times. Then deleted the chapter. It was terrible!

An easy night out. Hogfish. Sat at the bar, enjoyed one drink too many, and a lobster roll. Chatted with those around me. Local fishermen and tourists.

Enjoy your day!



Today marks a remarkable event in history. The event being the most memorable of my life. Impacted me. Man on the Moon!

On this day in 1969, Neil Armstrong stepped onto the Moon. I was 34 at the time. It was late night. Around midnight. I was excited. A human walking on the moon. The thing science fiction movies were made of. Not reality. Yet, it was about to happen! Live on TV in front of my eyes.

My four children were all under 10 at the time. I woke and got them all out of bed to watch. I wanted to view this moment in history. It meant nothing to them. They were merely amusing their crazy Dad. To this day, when I ask if they recall watching the event on TV, none do.

I am now 80 and nothing has matched or exceeded Neil Armstrong walking on the moon.

Today has a special significance for Key West. Mel Fisher found the mother lode of the Atocha in 1985. Changed his life! His family’s life! Jean Thornton’s life!

I mentioned in yesterday’s blog that I had been researching Margaret Sanger for this week’s KONK Life column. As I dug further, it became obvious that the recent story re Planned Parenthood selling aborted fetus baby parts superseded it. Ergo, I wrote Planned Parenthood Sells Aborted Fetus Baby Parts. Margaret Sanger gets a paragraph near the end of the column. The article publishes wednesday in KONK Life.

I was half asleep watching the British Open when the phone rang. It was Dee. Hello, how are you, etc. It was close to dinner time. I asked if she wanted to meet me at Roostica. She said ok. Meet you there in an hour. Dee lives on Cudjoe Key.

A nice dinner. Dee good company most of the time. An intelligent woman, she is interesting to talk with. She has a doctorate in Psychology and teaches at Boston University.

Olga working. My new waitress friend. She gave me a beaming smile and wave as I walked in.

It was work day around the house yesterday. For Keith and Jennifer. Not me. Keith attacked the jungle outside my house. Everything grows swiftly in the heat. The trees, bushes, etc. need to be trimmed 1-2 times a year. Jennifer was cleaning up inside. Anna is in Poland vacationing for two months and Jennifer has been helping out in her absence.

Anna’s story similar to Tammy’s. She is another who has succeeded in achieving the American dream.

Anna and her husband immigrated from Poland many years ago. Today, her husband is the Chef at Cafe Sole, one of Key West’s top restaurants. Anna cleans homes. The job may not sound dignified. The money is. Anna is busy all the time.

They have their own home. They vacation two months with their children every two years in Poland.

I love Anna’s sundays. She refuses to work. She goes to St. Mary’s in the morning and spends the rest of the day at Fort Zachery Taylor Beach.

Hemingway Days begin tomorrow. Will run through sunday. I look forward to having a god time at certain events.

Anna e-mailed me. She is settled in on Amorgos. I envy her!

I have spent much time on Amorgos. Made many friends. I was the only American on Amorgos most of the time. People would stop by to meet me. I was an oddity. They had never met an American.

Anna’s e-mail made me feel good. People were asking where Louis was.

Mythos owns my favorite restaurant on Amorgos. He and his daughter were wondering what happened to me, was I ever going to return. I would spend my afternoons at Mythos’ place sitting outside in the shade writing. Antonio at the restaurant next door wondered when I would be back. He prepared the best smelts! Just like my grandmother made. Elini whose home I stayed at was wondering if I would ever return.

Flora on Amorgos again. Cleaning rooms for the summer. An Albanian school teacher otherwise. I wrote a short story about Flora three years  which I published in my book. The title…..Flora’s Story. A sensitive tale.

The Greeks are taking a beating in the media these days. They are made to look lazy and careless. The island people are neither. They are simple happy folk living life as their forefathers did 100 years ago.

Enjoy your day!


Hurricane season begins June 1. Somehow, a storm snuck in a month early. Tropical storm Ana.

Ana is presently somewhere off South Carolina. Its trajectory north. It is expected to hit the Carolinas with 2-4 inches of rain. Winds presently 45 mph. Could increase to 70 mph.

The first of the season!

My morning began on the anti-gravity treadmill. Love it! Three times per week the plan. Hope I stay with it!

In the afternoon, I played around with Growing Up Italian. Decided I might change the title so it better fit the stories. Was able to produce a chapter. A chapter I was pleased with.

The Songwriters Festival continues. Oh, so many people! Almost like season!

I noticed the increased traffic driving to the Chart Room last night. Word is the hotels and guest houses are full. Yes, 100 percent. Attributable to the Songwriters Festival. Some credit must be given to Mel Fisher. Some sort of annual event at the Casa Marina.

Jean Thornton has been lost to me for a week. She is probably busy at the Casa Marina with the Mel Fisher attendees. Recall that Jean found gold and emeralds many years ago on a Mel Fisher dive. Changed her life!

Chart Room full. All tourists. Chatted with Emily a while and left.

Dinner at Tavern ‘n Town. Quiet, as I suspected it would be. Everyone downtown for the Festival.

Yesterday was the anniversary of VE Day. I mentioned it in yesterday’s blog. As well as recounted personal memories of the day.

I was shocked at the number of comments received from others who recalled VE Day and VJ Day. Understand that those commenting are my contemporaries. Around 80 years of age. Each had one or more stories to relate re the Day.

Seems I hit a sentimental chord with my VE Day observations.

Our country’s Special Forces train in the Keys. Just off Fleming Key. Have been doing so for years.

The 50th anniversary of Special Forces is next week. On tuesday, Keys children have been invited to watch a demonstration by the Green Berets.

“Officer safety” has been added to our every day jargon. What about “citizen safety?”

Cameron won the English election overwhelmingly. The pollsters had predicted a close result. Many not sure who would win. Cameron killed the opposition!

The pollsters were wrong again. Wrong as they have been in recent U.S. elections. I have said before and say again it is because they predict as winner the candidate who hired them. Recall Romney. He and his people thought they were going to win based on their pollsters’ numbers.

Pollstering has turned into a he who pays the fiddler calls the tune situation. Immoral. Dishonest. No one benefits.

John Brown’s birthday today. The emancipator. A bit of a nut also in that he was an extremist.

I visited John Brown’s home by accident some 20 years ago. I was spending a few days at Lake Placid. It rained one day. I had nothing to do so took a ride. The roads in the Adirondacks go every which way. I ended up on a paved side road. Led to the top of a hill.

There before me was a tiny square wood cabin. Nothing spectacular. Humble. Some vegetables growing in a small area nearby. A sign indicated that Brown’s home was a national or state historical site.

This week’s KONK Life column 99 44/100 % Pure was linked to my Key West Lou Facebook site this morning. The Ivory soap story. www.keywestlou.com.

I am excited. Jenna and I are having dinner together tonight.

Enjoy your day!