Tonight, Halloween! Tons of kids running up and down streets, attacking front doors, shouting as the door is opened…..Trick or Treat!

The Trick or Treat thing I believe regional. In upstate New York from whence I came, it was Guess or Give. Either verbiage produced the same result. Goodies for the ghosts and goblins.

Halloween is of Christian origin. Some believe a pagan beginning.

I enjoyed Halloween with my children and then with grandkids Robert and Ally. I walked with my children and watched from the sidewalk as they did their thing and collected goodies. Robert and Ally I did in conjunction with their parents.

I never did the door to door thing when young. My mother was from the old country. She was convinced I would get in trouble if I was out Halloween night. A tough woman in this regard. Never relented. I never saw the dark of Halloween night while in grammar school and high school.

Maybe that is why I enjoyed escorting my children and grandchildren in my later years.

Ghosts a part of Halloween! Look closely and you might see one.

Key West has many ghosts. The one I will mention has been seen  many nights. Not just Halloween.

The Lady in Blue.

She can be found at Captain Tony’s Saloon. The bar and the Lady in Blue legendary. Captain Tony’s was at one time an ice house. Also, the city morgue. The ice helped keep the bodies from decomposing.

Captain Tony’s was the facility where hangings took place. Not always legal ones. The tree used for executions still lives inside the bar growing through the roof.

The Lady in Blue was not legally hung. The populace was upset with her. She brutally murdered her husband and 2 young sons. A mob lynched her.

She was hung in a blue dress.  The same dress she had worn while committing the murders.

The Lady in Blue today lives in the bar. She makes frequent appearances. Many claim to have caught a glimpse of her as she roams the bar. Women beware, it is said she often appears in the lady’s room.

Tropic Cinema has been closed for almost a month. Renovations. It has reopened.

The Fall is generally Key West’s slow season. Merchants are happy when Fantasy Fest arrives. They are more happy when Boat Season is here.

Powerboat racing. Accurately titled: Powerboat Racing World Championships.

Boats big and expensive. Owners arrive with crews consisting of drivers and mechanics. All bring their ladies. The owners are affluent. The hotels, restaurants and bars enjoy a week of extremely good business.

Spectators galore. The races exciting.

Powerboat Race Week runs from November 4 through November 10.

My podcast Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou last night. A hard hitting fast moving show. Most of the time spent discussing the Pittsburgh synagogue attack, the migration towards our southwest borders, and Hurricane Michael.

Hurricane Michael and the migration/carnival situation caused me the most concern. Michael probably because of Irma. Irma still with me. Michael much worse.

Michael hit 18 days ago. I said before Michael came ashore, and have said and written several times since, the federal government would fail in its response.

So far they have.

Little is reported re conditions at the Panhandle, for example. I suspect because FEMA and the federal government in general are not doing their job effectively. Water, food, shelter, power, etc. still a major problem.

Lets direct attention to the refugees traveling from Guatemala and Honduras to our southwest border. They are walking. Young, old, mothers carrying babies, pregnant women, children. A 2,000 mile trip. One thousand completed. Another thousand to go.

The group is doing 30 miles a day. It will take another month for them to reach U.S. borders.

Trump last week began with it is an “emergency” situation. An “invasion”. He said he was sending the U.S. Army down. Understand that already there are 20,000 border guards and 2,000 National Guardsmen.

The first day, we were told 800 Army personnel would be sent. Two days later, the number rose to 5,200. Last night, it was being reported that the number could go as high as 14,000.

Defense Secretary Mattis said Army soldiers would be at the border by the weekend. Equipment also.

It is against the law to deploy Army soldiers for action within U.S. borders. Called the Posse Comitatus Act. An exception is in the case of an “invasion.” Experts commenting this week have all said no way do these refugees constitute an invasion. At a minimum between Border guards, National Guardsmen and U.S. Army personnel, there will be 27,200 to guard our borders. Against the approaching caravan yet a month away.

The caravan was first reported as 4,000. A few days later, 7,000. Now, 3,500. It is obvious that fewer than 3,500 will reach the U.S. To be confronted by 27,200 to keep them out.


Last week, the news was the Army would neither have nor use guns. They were being sent for administrative assistance. Now guns are in the air!

Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen made a trip to the border a few days ago. Upon her return, she was asked why she had gone. Her response, to work out “terms of engagement.” Means guns, firepower. When will the Army shoot at refugees? From no guns to shooting guns in less than a week.

We all know this is a political ploy on Trump’s part. He wants the immigration issue to play in next tuesday’s election.

Hope you are still with me. There is a point to be made here.

Why send the 5,200 U.S. Army troops to the border now? Or, at all for that matter? They should already have been in the Panhandle, etc. The Panhandle need is today. The caravan problem a month off, if at all.

Simple. Genius not required to understand what should have been done or be done.

Trump visited Pittsburgh yesterday. He was ignored. Major political leaders did not show up. It was Donald, Melania, Ivana, Jared, and about 3 other people walking around.

Families of the deceased refused to see him.

The street demonstrations were sorrowful. Many carrying signs indicating in effect they did not want Trump there.

The President was publicly insulted. He deserved it.

Enjoy your day!


Happy Halloween!

One admonishment. Be careful driving tonight. The streets will be full with children of all ages.

Trick or Treat the demand.

When I was young, it was Guess or Give. I do not recall Trick or Treat till sometime in high school. Decided to give the two names a quick Google.

The phrase Trick or Treat appeared for the first time in a 1927 Canadian book. Picked up in U.S. along the way. World War II derailed the use of the term. The shortage of sugar the reason. It returned in the early 1950’s.

I was out knocking on doors beginning 1940. I only knew Guess or Give till about 1950.

Googled Guess or Give. Information sparse. Very. Could not find it utilized at Halloween time as part of the knocking on the door scenario.

Spent a good part of yesterday working on tonight’s podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

An abundance of interesting topics. Like Paul Manafort, Trump deportations extreme, 320 homeless children in the Florida Keys as a result of Irma, a Mississippi judge who refused to return a black woman’s baby for 14 months till she paid court costs.

Also, Trump and opioids, Puerto Rico and the Whiteface Energy contract, Saudi Arabia grants full citizen privileges to Sophia Robot, a Terri update, a nipple tattoo following mastectomy, and more.

Nine my time. A quick eye opening half hour.

Lunched at Cuban Coffee Queen. Cuban cheese toast and coffee. Read the newspapers. Relaxing.

Yesterday, exciting. The first indictment/arrests in the Russian collusion inquiry. Regardless of what I was doing yesterday, I was always near a TV or radio so I could hear what was going on.

A big opening salvo by Mueller. Especially the news re George Papadopoulos’ guilty plea.

I will have more to say re the indictments/arrests at 9 tonight on my blog talk radio show.

The not the only nation that has been subjected to major cyber attacks by Russia. Germany, France and the Netherlands some of the others.

The EU has a draft circulating among its members to define cyber attacks as “acts of war.” Weapons limited to conventional ones.

One of the purposes of cyber attacks is to destroy what is commonly described as the establishment. Its aim is to bring down post World War II accomplishments in political, economic and military areas. Russia behind the rebellion against established order.

Steve Bannon comes into play. A leader in the Trump victory. For a time Chief Strategist to Trump. Now all over the U.S. politicking against Senators scheduled to run next year. Bannon openly has stated and continsue to state his goal to bring down the establishment. Destroy it!

The man is mad.

Probably the tastiest fish in the Florida Keys is hogfish. So good, it has been over fished.

Commercial hogfish harvesting was closed down August 24. It will remain closed till January 1.

Recreational, from November 1 to May 1.

It is not just hogfish that is depleting in numbers. Most other denizens of the deep as well. For example, many are unaware that certain of our Keys’ fish are shipped as far as Japan on a daily basis.

With the world population burgeoning, fish someday will be the primary source of food. We must control what we take out of waters today so our grandchildren will be able to eat tomorrow.

Another example of depletion involves Atlantic salmon.

Atlantic salmon return yearly to the Magaguadavic River in New Brunswick, Canada. To spawn.

Not this year. Zip. Nothing.

Why, no one knows. Could be climate change. Whatever, the salmon have disappeared in the River. The Magaguadavic River not the only place. Other rivers in recent years, also. Suddenly and unexplainably.

Heard from the publisher. Irma and Me should be out by the end of the week.

Enjoy your day!