Only in Key West…..Free horse manure. Composed. Fully cooked and garden ready.
The Police Department has two horses. Their waste collected, recycled, and offered free to the citizenry once a year.
The manure will be available this saturday at 10 am. The pink PAL gym near the entrance to the Fort Zachary Taylor State Park entrance.
My podcast show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time.
The show begins with several Trump hits. His wrongdoings from my perspective.
Followed by special interest groups lobbying against marijuana, Chicago Police Department’s high suicide rate, police prepared with missile launchers to oppose Sioux Indians at Standing Rock, Mark Zuckerberg wanting to be President, and more.
Last night, a Chart Room evening. Quiet. Met Mike. He joined Victor and me in interesting dialogue. A couple of hours worth. Covered a multitude of sins.
Mike is an owner of Gas Monkey on Duval. The 200 block. Right in the middle of the action.
Technically known as the Gas Monkey Bar & Grill. Drinks and barbecued foods.
Mike now a local.
The Gas Monkey is cognizant of local business. Want it. Locals receive a 15 percent discount. On thursdays, 25 percent.
I will shortly be trying the place.
When I first began visiting Key West more than 25 years ago, water vessels were small. Rarely, a big yacht. And then, not that big.
Things have changed. Huge yachts not uncommon.
The biggest so far sits moored off Sunset Key. The Super Yacht Venus. Two hundred fifty seven feet. Crew of 22. Built by Apple founder Steve Jobs. Jobs died before its completion. His widow Laurese Powell now owner and master.
Tonight, Syracuse/Clemson. Clemson a 2 point favorite. Game at 8. Hopefully Syracuse can continue its recent winning ways.
In 1959, I was a senior in law school at Syracuse. Former President Harry Truman was visiting. The University set up a private luncheon for its purported 12 outstanding students. I was selected to represent the law school.
Two round tables. Seating cards. My seat was immediately to the right of Truman. The whole luncheon exciting! Especially, Truman!
Truman spoke of his unexpected victory over Dewey in 1948. No way Truman could win. Similar to no way could Trump win.
Truman won.
The media wanted to get out early with the election results. On radio and in the newspapers.
H. V. Kaltenborn, in his horsey voice, announced to all the world that Dewey had won. The Chicago Tribune’s headline was Dewey Wins!
Egg on both their faces.
Years later at the Syracuse luncheon, Truman was excited that Kaltenborn and the Chicago Tribune had screwed up. He got ’em!
The Boston Globe joined the ranks of media who came out early with an erroneous result. The Patriots/Falcons game. The front page article titled: A Bitter End. Referring to the defeat of the Boston Patriots.
Neither the Patriot victory nor the Boston Globe miscue ever to be forgotten.
An example of police brutality that should not have been.
It was March 17, 2013. Early morning. The place Los Angeles. Kim Nguyen a graduate student in an MBA program.
Kim apparently had too much to drink. Publicly drunk. She was arrested. Her hands cuffed behind her. She was placed in the back seat of a police car. A police officer with her.
The police officer did not seat belt her nor lock the door next to her. Both required procedures.
On the way to the police station, the officer tried to rape her. Nguyen fighting him off best she could. His hands were to her bare crotch and breasts. The bottom of her dress torn from her.
Nguyen moved back against the door to protect herself. The vehicle was doing 30 mph. The door opened. She fell out. Landed on her face. Broken jaw and lost all her teeth. Jaw wired shut. She spent 17 days in the hospital.
Nguyen settled her case against Los Angles last week for $3.5 million. A proper ending.
Go Live with Key West Lou on Facebook going well. Increasing numbers every day. Comments 100 a day, give or take a few either way. I have only been at this show since last thursday. I am thrilled.
Join me on Facebook’s Go Live. Enter Key West Lou. See and hear me pontificate on something for a few minutes. A very brief few minutes. Sometimes less than a minute. Several times a day.
Enjoy your day!