This blog seems to be getting more interesting. Ladies panties, yesterday. Moonshine, today.

Till I settled in Key West, I had heard of but never seen nor tasted moonshine. Moonshine appears to be a Keys thing just as cockfighting is. A bit here and there. I have probably shared a sip on a couple of occasions over the years.

This morning’s Key West Citizen reports on a “moonshine still” arrest. An apparent moonshiner advertised on Craigslist a moonshine still for sale. $375. Some undercover police authorities contacted him. Not only did he offer to sell the still to them, he also admitted having used it to make moonshine. He still had almost a gallon available.

He was arrested.

I learned something new reading the article. Not that I should not advertise a moonshine still on Craigslist. Rather, the word moonshine derives from those who made the stuff years ago in Appalachia. They worked by the light of the moon to avoid detection.

One of the best things in the Keys is the Marathon Turtle Hospital. Another heartwarming turtle story.

Sapphire is a subadult female turtle. Weighs 129 pounds. Sixteen months ago, she was brought to the hospital. She could not dive and had a breathing problem. She still cannot dive. Weights must be glued on her back to give her the ability. The weights fall off eventually and Sapphire is/would be in trouble.

Sapphire is going on a 2,500 mile plane trip to a new home. To a place called The Living Coast Discovery Center in Chula Vista, California. There she will live in a 21,000 gallon tank of properly temperatured ocean water and be attended to daily.

Sapphire is flying via Fed Ex. Two Marathon Turtle Hospital personnel are accompanying her.

Yesterday was Rosh Hashana. To my Jewish friends and all other friends, I wish a Happy Rosh Hashana!

Which leads me to…..Donna and Terri, where are you?

Went for my back x-ray yesterday morning. No x-ray. Technician out till friday. Have to return friday morning.

My back is considerably better. If I do not use it to any extent. The steroids are terrific. Keep the pain away and make me sleep well.

Yesterday, I decided to walk at Home Depot. Felt no pain so I thought it would be ok. I walked ever so slowly. A 20 minute walk took 40 minutes. At the end, my back and leg were hurting. Pain increased during the day.

What happens when I am off steroids?

Lunched at Harpoon Harry’s. Wednesday lunch there is becoming a habit. The special a turkey dinner. All the trimmings like Thanksgiving. Delicious!

Spent the afternoon writing next week’s KONK Life column. Bank Robbers. An interesting twist on an old time story. From Jesse James to the bank robbers of today.

Ally and I still painting. Actually Ally painting and I observe, comment, and direct. She is doing well. I think she is talented.

Yesterday, Ally learned it is not all painting per se. There is work involved. We have already gotten past keeping the brushes clean. Yesterday, it was the pallet. She had left the paint globs on overnight. She had a difficult time getting the pallet clean. All part of being an artist.

I had a very enjoyable time last night at the Hot Tin Roof. My first drink since sunday. Only one. The doctor said it would be ok. The meal as usual was outstanding.

My waitress was Shanya. A young beauty. She has worked at Hot Tin Roof several months, though last night was the first time we spoke. She is from the Boston area. Of Serbian extraction. That led me into Flora and Albania. Both Serbia and Albania are parts of the former Soviet Republic.

Shanya is in love! Good for her! She soon will be relocating to St. Petersburg to be with her man.

The Hot Tin Roof is perched directly on the Gulf waters. From the second floor location where I was sitting, I could see way out to the horizon. It was 1-2 hours before sunset. The sun shining. A sailboat drifted along the line of the horizon. It was another one of those days. God was in His heaven, all was right with the world. At least in Key West.

Bocce tonight. I have only played once in the past three weeks. It was either my back or shoulder. Tonight, I plan on playing. The steroids will help. I will not be moving around as much as I did walking at Home Depot. I look forward to playing.

Enjoy your day!



September 22 is a significant day in our country’s history. Two major events occurred.

Lincoln issued a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation on this day in 1862. Note the word “preliminary.” Lincoln did not actually sign the Emancipation Proclamation order till January 1, 1863. When he advised the Nation of his intent on September 22, he said he would sign an order so directing within 100 days. Internal politics prevented him from doing so earlier. Nothing changes.

“I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country.” So spoke Nathan Hale on September 22, 1776 as the British were about to hang him. Hale was young. Late 20’s. A Yale graduate. Volunteered to spy for the Colonies. Worked the New York City area for several months. It is thought his cousin Samuel Hale turned him in to the British. Samuel was a Loyalist.

My back, my back, my back! I have not gotten more than two hours sleep in each of the last two nights. Cannot lie flat or in any manner. Cannot stand or sit. What do I do? See the doctor. Which I intend to do his morning.

The pain radiates around my back to my groin and then down the leg to my ankle. The worst pain is the top of my upper leg and knee. As I have already advised, gin relieves the pain. I had no gin in the house. Switched from heat to ice. The ice was a big help.

Needed a new hose. Was off to Home Depot yesterday morning. Home Depot is already replete with Halloween paraphernalia. Even real pumpkins. Exciting. I am still a little boy at heart.

Stopped at Don’s Place early afternoon to watch the Buffalo Bills game. Chatted with Don, David, Keith, and Larry. Left at half time. Sitting was difficult for me. I kept squirming to find a comfortable position.

I did have two drinks. They definitely helped.

Sunday dinner with Lisa and family. Lisa cooked a Thai dish. First time for this particular Thai dish. Excellent! Tasty! Don’t ask me what. All I know is that the noodles, chicken and vegetables were delicious in whatever the sauce she cooked them in.

Ally evidences a talent for sketching and painting. She gave me an acrylic several months ago. I was impressed. This week she showed me a parrot she had sketched. Right on!

Poppa decided to encourage her. I gave her my easel and unused canvases to go with the paints and brushes she already had. Bought her an eraser and some other things at Ben Franklin. the only place in Key West to buy paint supplies.

We started yesterday. She has pencil drawn the parrot on a canvas. Today after school, we start painting. We have already selected the colors. I have to show her how to mix white to get different shades. This is going to be fun for the both of us!

Enjoy your day!



I began sunday with a walk at Home Depot. Twice around. Forty minutes. At a fast clip.

Outside was too humid to walk. The humidity is heavy for this time of year. It feels like August and September. If it is this way now, how will it be in August and September? Makes me wonder if global warming is at play.

The first storm of the season is somewhere off the east coast of Florida. Arthur. It is questionable whether Arthur will develop into anything. It is predicted to turn just before hitting Florida and moving north. Nothing to be concerned with in the Keys. Unless Arthur is fickle!

Driving home from Home Depot, I saw Red Zorro. I see Zorro 3-4 times a week. Many locals and tourists have seen him. He is a runner. Short and thin. Wears only shorts. Plus a big brimmed red hat. Something like Cardinals wear. Except, larger. He generally carries a large American flag on a pole across his shoulder. And shouts “whoop!” as he runs by.

Red Zorro is a Key West fixture.

My KONK Life column is due at the paper on wednesday each week. It is does not appear in print till one week later. I sometimes get tired, forgetful, what have you and am late getting the column in. As late as sunday night or monday morning. Much to the chagrin of publisher Guy deBoer.

Yesterday, I decided to get the column done early. I spent the afternoon doing it. The research had been done the day before. It is titled Politics As Usual. The story of Eric Cantor’s downfall and what has resulted therefrom. You will enjoy it.

I did not e mail the column to deBoer. Early delivery might spoil him. I am holding it till due day wednesday when with a touch of the keyboard, the article will be in his hands.

Dined at Geiger Key last night. Gray sky. Humid. I enjoyed a hogfish sandwich while starring at the open water. It was a contemplate my navel time.

Friend Anna is on the Greek isle of Fourni. Fourni is part of the Greek archipelago islands. Very small. Less than 1,000 inhabitants. Quieter than Amorgos.

Anna wrote that many of the local Greeks are fair skinned, have green or blue eyes, and red hair. Pirates are involved. Hundreds of years ago, corsairs (pirates) used Fourni as their home port. The corsairs were fair skinned, green or blue eyed, and had red hair. They intermingled, copulated and/or married the local ladies. The corsair gene is still there to this day.

Greece is full of fascinating revelations. Recall Amorgos and Greek food. It was my grandmother and mother’s Italian cooking I was eating. Greece way before the birth of Christ, sent a large number of its people to settle southern Italy and Sicily. They remained, married, etc. They brought their Greek cooking with them. That cooking became southern Italian cooking as we know it today..

It also suggested to me I must have Greek blood in me. My people came from southern Italy.

Have to hustle. Torture at the gym with Albert at 11.

Enjoy your day!



Yesterday was quiet and constructive. It may appear I did little. Trust me, it was a lot.

Started with a morning haircut with Lori. Then to Home Depot for a long walk. Long means twice around the building. Forty minutes.

From early afternoon to 8 last night, I worked on the Greece book. The island of Mykonos. I have been delinquent in not spending as much time recently as I should have. I was hoping to get it to the publisher by the end of this month. No way. It will be July now. Definitely.

Eight for me is too late to go out. By the time I showered again and made the trip into town, it would have been 9. It was bed for me. With all the TV movies available, none appealed to me. So I read for about 3 hours. A new book on Hillary Clinton. HRC. This is not the book Hillary wrote. It is one written by others about her. Interesting so far. I am into her time as Secretary of State. Hillary was a smart woman. Skillful in nurturing relationships.

The history corner on page 2 of the Key West Citizen made mention yesterday of a 1956 De Soto 4 door sedan. Brought back memories. In 1956 while attending Manhattan College in New York City, I drove a taxi cab. It was a De Soto 4 door sedan.

The car was large. All cars were big back then. Nothing like today’s New York City cabs. Huge back seats. Legs could be comfortably crossed.

An observation, night time cab driving in New York City was an education in itself.

The history corner triggered another memory. It mentioned that on yesterday’s date in 1991, the last Soviet troops left Hungary. The same year I was driving a cab in New York, the Hungarian revolution took place. It was the young people who revolted. They had to get out fast when the revolution failed.

The United States took many in and sent them to several colleges throughout the country. One of those colleges was Manhattan. I was fortunate to make friends with them. Became a close friend of one.

The story they told of how the revolution occurred was interesting. The revolution was spontaneous. No one really thought or talked about one.

The young people drank beer. Some nights for fun, they would throw the empty beer bottles at the Russian tanks, laugh and run off.

The Russians started shooting back. The empty beer bottles became molotov cocktails. The revolution had begun.

Enjoy your day!



To all fathers, Happy Father’s Day! Recognition earned and well deserved. Ain’t easy to be a father!

Who do we thank for Father’s Day? The idea began in 1910. A woman named Sonora Dodd started pushing the concept. It took hold a bit, and then kerplunk! The idea bounced around, was suggested off and on, over the years. It started taking hold again with World War II.

President Johnson signed a Proclamation in 1966 declaring the 3rd Sunday in June to be known as Father’s Day. President Nixon made it law. He signed the necessary legislation in 1972.

Walked yesterday. In Home Depot. That is where I will be walking for the next three months. The humidity is already a killer!

Researched further in preparation for my Tuesday blog talk radio show. Some interesting points of information will be discussed. Like Merkel and the Muslims, England and the Muslims, the Kurds and oil companies, the US Supreme Court permitting a lawsuit against Coke for false advertising, a skirt a half inch too short, the impact on Boeing of Eric Cantor’s defeat, and more.

Bobby Nesbitt and a prime rib! Last night at Marriott Beachside’s Tavern ‘n Town. A great combination! Nothing better!

Don’t forget PrideFest’s parade tonight beginning at 5. One of the best of the year!

Enjoy your Sunday!



At 9 last night, I did my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. From the kitchen table in my frosty home. A Key West home. Not supposed to be cold.

Yesterday and last night it was! As were all parts of the eastern seaboard. Normally, I do the show in shorts and a tee shirt. Last night long pants and a sweat shirt. Normally with the glass sliding doors open and a bit of heat pouring in. Last night with the doors shut. A closed door did not keep the cold out, however.

I enjoy doing the blog talk radio show. I started it just a year ago. In January. The following is terrific. It took hold almost immediately.

Three topics I thought were exceptionally interesting. One was the question as to whether the U.S. is an emerging police state what with NSA surveillance and police body searches. Another involved the Chrysler bailout. Chrysler is evidencing its gratitude to the American people for saving its ass. They plan to build plants in China. The final topic concerned North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. He had his uncle executed a couple of weeks ago. One hundred twenty wild dogs were unleashed upon him. How can we do business with such a mentality?

Syracuse, my Syracuse. Beat Virginia tech last night 72-52. Syracuse now 15-0.

I never got to Lukas’ place to watch the second half of the game after my show concluded. I went upstairs to change. I had turned the heat on earlier. The room felt so comfortable. I went to bed instead and watched a movie. No local TV of the game last night.

Walked a bit yesterday. Home Depot. Since it wa around 60 degrees, I was dressed accordingly. Long pants, a shirt and my leather jacket. I walked. It was uncomfortable. The jacket was too heavy and too warm as I got into a gait. Should have left the jacket in the car.

Then to the Plantation Coffee House to read the newspapers. Followed by home to finalize my notes for last night’s show.

The weather was cold yesterday. It was cold during the night. It is cold this morning. I gave in yesterday afternoon. Turned pn the heat on the second floor where my bedroom is located. My bedroom faces the northwest. When the cold wind comes in off the ocean, you can hang meat in the bedroom.

Enjoy your day!



It is already New Year’s Day in New Zealand and Australia. Auckland was the first major city to welcome 2014 in with a fireworks display. Then Sydney. In both places, people were dancing in the streets. Much like Key West and New York City will be this evening.

I have a blog follower in Papua, New Guinea. Since Papua is close to Australia, I assume Papua has likewise welcomed the New Year.

An historic event occurred yesterday/Monday. The first flight from Key West to Havana took place. The first in more than 50 years. It will not be a regular flight. At least not yet. This one took two years to arrange. The rules limited the size of the plane to a ten seater.

Castro screwed the Cubans when he took over. Especially the affluent ones who lost everything and had to escape to the United States. I would hate Castro if I were one of them or one of their families. However, all that took place was three generations ago. The Cubans who came to the United States have as a whole done extremely well for themselves. Especially in South Florida. I believe the time has come to lift the travel and trade ban.

I walked yesterday. Not long. A half hour at Home Depot. It was a bit humid and rainy. Michael was working. Michael was on our bocce team several years ago. A good player. We exchanged New Year greetings. Michael told me about the home he and his wife are in the process of purchasing in Mexico. They close on it next month. Good for you, Michael!

I needed a few things from Publix. Yesterday was the wrong time to shop. Everyone was. The aisles were two way traffic. I only needed bread, Weight Watcher cakes, bananas and yogurt. Took forever!

I now have three books in the works. The newest one concerns the parents of today  who are a forgotten generation when it comes to their adult children. I have to settle into one book and go for it!

It was the Chart Room first last night. I was all alone. The place was packed. However none of my usual acquaintances were to be found. I chatted with Gary who works a rescue boat when a boat breaks down on the high seas.

There was an interesting occurrence. I am not trying to be gross as I share the experience with you. There was a lovely young lady in the Chart Room with exceptionally large breasts. Had to be man made. She was wearing what appeared to be a very strong halter which she occasionally pulled down to exhibit her good fortune to admirers. She was proud of what she had. Rightfully so.

I had a similar experience earlier in the day when I was walking in Home Depot. Another young and beautiful woman. Her breasts huge! Too big! My initial thought after WOW! was how can she balance herself as she walks. Obviously man made, also. Had to be.

I walked over to Hot Tin Roof hoping to run into friends. None to be found. Asked Sheila where everyone was. She found it strange also.

Even without my local friends, the place was packed! A good business night!

Met Matis. He is a new bartender. Recently arrived from Rhode Island. We talked a bit about Block Island.

Traffic  was a pain yesterday. My evening trip into Key west took 45 minutes. Normally, 15. I figured let me get home and avoid the people and traffic later in the evening. Home I went. It still took me 40 minutes to get home. The traffic was a combination of the boulevard construction and the exceptionally large number of tourists.

When I finish this blog, I will be off to Home Depot again. Walking two days in a row will be a major accomplishment.

This afternoon I will either watch the Syracuse game or work on Friday’s TV/internet show. I am not sure who Syracuse is playing. The game is this afternoon. If it is not on local television, I will not be seeing it. I do not wish to handle the traffic to get to John Lukas’ Sports Bar.

Tonight, I am not sure. I have a couple of parties to attend. I might watch Sushi drop in the red shoe at 801. I may stay home. At the moment, home is attractive to me. I am lucky. Every night is New Year’s Eve in Key West.

This day reminds me of a special one I had about fifteen years ago. I thought it might be my father’s last New Year’s eve. I decided he and I should spend it together. We did. Quietly alone in my living room in front of a roaring fire. We spoke of many things. Mostly from the past. His past. Our past together. His wife, my mother. I treasure the evening.

I was wrong that it might be our last together. My father did not pass away till last year. He was 98.

Happy New Year. Chat with you in the morning. The first morning of the New Year.



I am irritated. So let me get right to the point. I take umbrage with that segment of the Bill O’Reilly Show entitled Watters’ World. A deplorable piece concerning Key West was recently run on the show. Disgraceful. A bald faced misrepresentation.

The man is Jesse Watters. A traveling reporter. He recently did a video piece on Key West. He was here in Key West. He asked the questions and did the interviewing. Someone else filmed. The product he brought back to the Bill O’Reilly Show was unrepresentative of our community.

Watters must have envisioned the show he wanted to film. He cherry picked his characters and set  the scene. Rigged the production, in effect. He made it look like Key West was composed of homeless, derelicts, druggies, and mental defectives. He interviewed all over Key West. The Southernmost Point, the waterfront, several spots on Duval, and in front of and in the parking lot at Don’s Place.

My friend Rob was interviewed. How he got caught up with this bunch I do not know. He was the only intelligent person interviewed. That does not mean I agreed with everything Rob said, however.

The video was unquestionably insulting. It stomped on Key West with both feet!

O’Reilly and Watters chatted a bit after the video was shown. O’Reilly described Key West as an outlaw town. He said he had been visiting Key West since 1971. I would like to know when. I have never seen him or had knowledge he was here. I question whether O’Reilly is a Truman of sorts. In addition, O’Reilly appeared to suggest that Key West was not a good vacation spot for children. I do not know if he only visited the strip clubs and the clothing optional bar on top of the Bull. Did he visit at all Fort Zachray Taylor Beach, the Fort Zach Museum, The Mel Fisher Museum, the  Custom House, the Hemingway House? Did he partake of the various fishing trips,  fish off the sidewalk next to the Atlantic, experience sunset at Mallory Square? Just some of the things that parents and their children do.

Fair and balanced the O’Reilly Show was not with regard to the Watters’ World report.

There is a Key Wester who writes a blog of sorts. He goes by the name of Jester. His comments concerning this situation are better than mine. He calls it as it is in no uncertain terms. Read it. Jester/Key West.

There are honorable people in Key West. I was pleased this week to note that Home Depot had the flag atop its building flying at half mast. A respectful company . Watters should have gone to Home Depot and interviewed the staff and customers if he wanted to meet real Key Westers. Home Depot being merely one example.

Larry Smith is still on the mend. His name came up last night at the Chart Room. I was chatting with Emily and David. Then a couple sitting next to me. Scott and Cathy Walker from Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. A town near Penn State. They have visited Key West before. In fact, they were here celebrating their anniversary. One year ago on December 7 they were married in Key West. Not kids. A mature couple.

Either Scott or Cathy has had a knee replacement. They told me to say hello to Larry. They had met him on one occasion and were sorry that he was no longer at the Wine Galley.

They told me their friend Mary Angel Coploff was a close friend of Larry’s and that I should mention her name to him. And let Larry know that Mary had both knees replaced at one time as Larry had. Mary did it two years ago.

Scott is in an interesting business. He builds log cabin homes. They are built for the cold. There was and is a market for them up north. There were many in the Utica area. What surprised me is that several years ago,  he was sent down here to build one on Big Pine.

Bocce season has been over for a month. We do not start again till January. This past season’s bocce party is tonight. At Don’s Place. It will be a good time!

Enjoy your day!




U.S. Navy Seals have been told they no longer can wear the Continental flag and snake patch on their jacket shoulders.  The patch symbolizes Don’t Tread On Me. The reason is some what associated with political correctness. The Navy claims the symbol is associated with radical groups. Without so  stating or signifying, the flag of the Tea Party is a Don’t Tread On Me one, also.

The topic is # 1 for discussion on my blog talk radio show this evening. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Followed by cattle rustling, truck hijackings, and Tide thefts being on the rise and why.

Join me at 9. A fast moving half hour of interesting and revealing information.

Ran around a bit during the day yesterday.

Visited the Radio Shack. I do tonight’s blog talk radio show via Skype. Need headphones and mike for clarity. The set I have been using was falling apart. The new one appears to work fine. I tested it this morning.

Then Publix. Always fun. There may be a story in my Publix exploits.

Home Depot the final stop. Walked the aisles. Everyone of them.  A 25 minute jaunt.

I am in need of an air compressor. Nothing fancy. To put air in the bicycle tires and so forth. Adam bought one for me two years ago. He always used it. I let him do whatever had to be done. Adam was not available. So I tried to put air in the tire. The machine did not work.

Adam had purchased it at Home Depot. I decided to pick one up yesterday. I found the exact same one boxed. Read the directions. Lo and behold! It had to be plugged in! Ran on electricity. I did not know. Did not figure it out because the cord was wound into the machine. It could also be old age catching up with me.

I did not buy a new one. Later today I will try the one I have again. Plugging it in first, of course.

Wrote the rest of the day. Put together tonight’s blog talk radio show.

The weather continues to be spectacular. Around 80. However last night and this morning forceful winds. Coming off the Atlantic. Strongest yet this Fall. Not hurricane strength. Could be tropical storm strength, however. Palm trees and shrubbery bending big time. Waves in the pool.

Enjoy your day!







Fantasy Fest returns! It starts today!

The opening event is Goombay.

Takes place in Bahama Village. On Petronia Street. Petronia runs off Duval.

A Caribbean festival. Food galore.  Music from gospel to reggae. Everyone friendly.

Goombay runs several blocks. Food, beer and trinket stands on both sides of the street. People crowded down the middle between them. The bodies, heat, and cooking make the street hot hot!

I will be going tonight. This is Don’s night. He entertains his friends. We will cab from Don’s Place to 801. 801 is at the entrance of Goombay on Duval. A gay bar. We will stop there for a drink or two first. Then the walk down Petronia. We eventually end up at the outside bar at Blue Heaven where the rest of the night is spent.

A fun time.

The ants returned. Yesterday. Not in the kitchen. Upstairs in my bedroom!

I woke and was watching television from my bed. I keep an extra laptop in my bedroom. It sits on an ottoman where it charges when not in use. I picked it up and returned to bed to read the news and check my messages. Opened the laptop. That was it! Little ants came out all over the place! Not only were they between the two main pieces, they were coming out of the keyboard and every hole on the laptop.

Worse yet, into my bed. Running all over the sheets.

I leaped up and ran and put the computer back on the ottoman. That is when I saw hundreds of little ants all over the ottoman top. Centered on an open pack of Newport menthol cigarettes. The box top was open. Two cigarettes inside. The ants were attracted to the menthol cigarettes.

First things first, I ran back to the bed. Ripped the sheets off the bed. Shook them right there. A mistake because I shook them onto the carpet. At least I got them out of my bed!

I had some extra TERRO ant traps. Placed them on the ottoman and on the ground nearby where the ants were scurrying. They were running in a line down the side of the ottoman over the carpet to a small opening between a glass sliding door and the wall.

The whole scenario disgusting!

The computer was a problem. I brushed the ants off the keyboard. Did not help much. They were coming out of every orifice. What to do? I ran into the bathroom and put the laptop in the middle of the jacuzzi. Placed some TERRO house traps in the jacuzzi. A mistake, however. TERRO makes the ants eat whatever is inside the houses. Then the ants return to their nest and contaminate the rest of the ants. These ants were stuck in the deep shiny Jacuzzi with nowhere to go. Then they started climbing the sides.

I got ’em! I turned on the hot water. It took several soakings and about a half hour. At the end hey were either dead or down the drain.

I took the laptop out of the Jacuzzi before hand, of course. There were still some ants coming out of the laptop. I placed it on the floor near the path the ants were taking with a TERRO house nearby.

I had bocce last night. When I returned home, there were no ants to be seen anywhere. I did not try to turn on the computer.

This morning still no ants. Good! Nothing coming out of the computer at this time. However, I still have not turned it on. Oh yes, I vacuumed the laptop’s keyboard and holes this morning. Just in case. I will let you know tomorrow if the laptop is working.

Bocce last night. We won only 1 game. Lost 2. Played the Donkeys. It was what  we refer to as a money game. The Donkeys hee haw their opponents if they do wrong. We received a lot of hee haws last night.

Lori is a physiotherapist. She plays for the Donkeys. Last night was her night! She was spectacular! One of the reasons we lost.

Between the ants and bocce yesterday, I fine tuned this mornings TV/internet show. I have already done the show this morning. I will discuss it with you in tomorrow’s blog.

To my friends outside Key West, come on down! Join us for Fantasy Fest. It lasts 10 days. The last three are the best. Includes the big parade. There will be 80,000 people in town for the parade. I often wonder how the island does not sink. I also wonder where they all sleep. There are not enough rooms in all of the Keys to handle such a crowd.

Enjoy your day!