I have always thought there was a degree of unfairness when police use radar or a sobriety check point. It sort of gives authorities an unfair advantage. The fact that I might be wrong being immaterial.

Florida is a screwy state when it comes to laws. One good law requires police to give notice when and where a sobriety check point will be established. Together with the hours. Fair.

There is a sobriety check point tonight on US 1 and Cross Street for north bound traffic. It has been advertised in the Key West Citizen twice this week. To be forwarned is to be forearmed. Stay away from US 1 and Cross Street from 7 to 2 tonight.

I am. Not that I get smashed and drive. I drink, but very rarely to excess. However, one never knows. Better safe than sorry. I shall either stay home this evening or limit my out of house activities to the three places that do not require me to pas through the check point. Roostica, Hogfish, and Geiger Key.

Sad that a sobriety check point is being conducted this evening. Tonight is the Lighted Boat Parade. To attend would take me into town. On the way back, I would have to drive through the check point.

I would have watched the Boat Parade from Schooners Wharf. It will be cold enough there. Around 62 degrees. On a boat, the experience 20 degrees cooler.

I wrote my KONK Life column for next week yesterday afternoon. The American Dream Revisited / Torture Pays. There is money to be made it doing sick and  distasteful things. Like torturing. The column concerns the two individuals who were paid $81 million to devise and help implement a torture system to be used on Guantanamo and other located detainees.

An interesting article. Especially where it is spelled out how the government got ripped off.

It was cold last night. Mid 60s when I decided to go out. The Chart Room friday evenings seems to be absent regulars. When  I am out and about, I am first looking for the company of friends. My sense was that the Chart Room regulars were doing the outside Galleon bar fridays. The bar is located on the water.

Ergo, I did not even stop first at the Chart Room. Went straight to the Galleon. I was wrong. No friends. No one I knew. Cold as hell! The wind off the ocean. JJ bartending. I had one drink and was gone. I decided it was too cold to stay out and went home.

I mentioned the other day that gasoline had dropped to $2.99 at the K-Mart station on the boulevard. The Shell station near my home was still $3.10. Yesterday, it dropped to $2.99.  This morning’s paper says gas prices will continue to drop. About time! We got screwed for too many years.

This morning’s Key West Citizen carried an article regarding the arrest of two local men. Alleged marijuana charges. The article also advised a continuing investigation regarding an alleged illegal gambling operation. The nick name of one of the individuals is Joe Weed. He is an $85,000 a year computer analyst for  the Monroe County schools.

I do not know whether is he guilty or innocent. I really do not care. His business, his headache. What bothers me however is that he is one of the leaders of the group protesting nudity during Fantasy Fest. Hypocrisy, assuming he is guilty.

Street demonstrations are occurring all over the world. Not just in the United States. This week alone, Greece, Italy and Haiti. Not a healthy situation. Sometimes however, it is the only way a people can be heard.

My friend Anna in Novara contacted me yesterday. There were demonstrations in 50 Italian cities. Union led. No one worked. Brought Italy to a halt for one day. Italian demonstrations are riots. Actual clashing with the police. See the pictures on the internet.

The economy is the problem. As with Greece, the austerity measures imposed on the people have become onerous. They won’t take  it any more is the message.

Interestingly, Silvio Berlusconi is back! You can’t keep a good man down. Convicted of income tax evasion and having sex with a 17 year old, he continues to hang in there. The word is he is maneuvering and pulling strings behind the scenes.

Enjoy your day!


John Keats was an Englishman who wrote romantic poetry. Today is his birthday. He did not have a long life. Born in 1795, he died in 1821 at the age of 26.

I was in Rome at the foot of the Spanish Steps. I was walking back and forth deciding what to do next. I passed a small building next to the Spanish Steps. There was a small plaque on the front reading John Keats.

The last time I had heard  of Keats was back in college in an English writing class.

The building was a small four story structure. A tiny villa. I entered.

Inside, I discovered that this had been Keats last resting place. He lived several months there before dying. He died in his bedroom on the fourth floor. I was able to view that room and all the other rooms he lived in.

Off Keats’ bedroom, there was a small library containing his works. One brought tears to my eyes. It was a line from one of Keats’ poems. It was one of the papers he composed the poem on. Scribbled in pencil was probably the most famous line written by him…..A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

My yesterday started with a haircut. Lori and I discussed Fantasy Fest and the group that wanted to calm it down. Lori told me that one of the problems might be that two national swinger clubs had participated in sponsoring Fantasy Fest this year. I had not known.

This morning’s Key West Citizen has another headline committed to the issue of Fantasy Fest nudity. My initial reaction before reading the article was that the Christian soldiers were on the march again. I was wrong.

There is now a second group dealing with the issue of nudity and vulgarity. A different composition from the previous one. A former King and Queen, several bartenders and waitresses, and some Key West Fantasy Fest sponsors, amongst others.

It appears the national porn industry has become interested in Fantasy Fest. It was claimed that the open sex shenanigans were arranged by these out of town porn people.

The new group’s suggestions included that the existing nudity laws be enforced and that sex on the street not be permitted. There is no law allowing for open sex.

This is a more sensical approach than the one presented by the fist group.

The article indicated New Orleans is suffering similar problems.

Bocce last night. We won all three games by default. The other team did not show up. We had a good time playing, however. We played each other.

Coco is a senior Asian woman. Lovely. Always sharply attired. She generally keeps score for us. I thought this was her way of keeping busy.

Last night Coco played with us. I did not know she could play. As soon as the first ball left her hand, I said wow! Turns out Coco is one of the best. She plays in the monday night league, the toughest of all bocce nights.

Enjoy your day!


Every several years, a group comes out clamoring about the evils of Fantasy Fest. It is that time again. This morning’s Key West Citizen front page banner headline announced the story.

I thought the Citizen was wrong in giving the issue the front page attention it did. Report the story, yes. It is news. But the headline?

It is a morality issue. Nudity and lewd behavior denounced. It is more than that, however. It is a small group of persons attempting to impose their moral standards upon everyone else.

The group wants a 3 year hiatus of Fantasy Fest so a proper festival might be developed, a public referendum on the issue, and other non sensical items.

Fantasy Fest has been tested and retested, developed and redeveloped, for the 25 years plus it has been in existence. I worry that the squeaky wheel draws attention. This is a small minority clamoring for attention on an issue that is none of their business since apparently they neither enjoy nor participate in Fantasy Fest. Or, perhaps a few do. I cannot believe that some do not venture to the festival and sneak a peek at the bare breasts or what have you.

Hypocrisy at work.

To the group I say…..Get a life!

My yesterday began with a visit to Dr. Jackie Lefferts. I did fasting blood work recently at the same time I was on doctor prescribed double water pills. Of course my results had to be all screwed up. New blood work has been scheduled.

I read the morning papers and enjoyed a cup of coffee at the Double Tree Hotel. The Hotel is doing a big business. I was surprised as it is out of the way, so to speak.

Yesterday was tuesday. Tuesday means Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. I did my blog talk radio show last night. Loved doing it! Hope people enjoyed listening. They must. A significant number listen weekly.

Post show comment indicates two Middle East items garnered the most interest.

One had to do with ISIS fighters not being necessarily engaged in the conflict because of religion. ISIS leaders are running a new type army. They provide their followers with sex and money.

The other Middle East issue involved Afghanistan and opium. Two wars are/were being fought in Afghanistan. One military, the other drug. The US has spent billions of dollars the past several years trying to kill opium farming in Afghanistan. It was announced recently that last year’s production of opium was at a record high level. $3 billion. The opium eventually finds its way to our streets.

Enjoy your day!



Regarding opportunity, it is said that when one door closes another opens. The saying applies in other areas also. Fantasy Fest 2014 closed down yesterday. Wednesday, the Parrot Heads begin arriving. This coming weekend is Parrot Head time!

Key West gave birth to Jimmy Buffett. Jimmy Buffett gave birth to the Parrot Heads. They are Jimmy Buffett followers. Loyal fans all these years. Thousands will arrive this week.

They are different from Fantasy Fest visitors who might be described as a bit out of the norm, hell raisers, etc. Parrott Heads are more representative of a quieter conservative America. They think they are raising hell. However comparatively speaking, no way in comparison to Fantasy Fest participants.

The buzz on the street always is whether Jimmy Buffett will show. Every 3-4 years he does. For 2-3 hours. Flies in, does his thing on Duval, flies out.

They are called Parrot Heads because many wear caps that look like a parrot head. And proudly so!

I walked Duval early yesterday morning. Not to exercise. I do it every year. To see how the cleanup the morning after the parade is going. Well, as usual. It is amazing how the City clean up crews get the job done swiftly and properly. When finished, you would never know that 70,000 people stood there 15 hours before watching the parade..

Sloan showed up later in the morning. We are trying to come up with a musical introduction to my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Only 5-6 seconds. Tough! Larry Smith is my musical genius. We aren’t there yet. It is back to the drawing board and Larry. It is not Larry’s work that is the issue. It is my likes and dislikes. Unfortunately, I am not sure yet what I like.

Lisa and family came over for a while in the afternoon. Needed to store something in my garage. Storage space is non existent in Key West.

Late in the afternoon, I sat down to watch a little TV. I came across a rerun of Rich Man, Poor Man. Old. A 12 or 13 series show. One hour each week.  All 12-13 shows were running consecutively yesterday. I got in early. Stayed glued to the TV till after midnight. It took me back. I watched the series when it was originally presented in 1976.

The significance of the series is that it made Nick Nolte. Back then he was an unknown. He was given the secondary lead position. The star was Peter Strauss who had already gained some fame. Nolte dominated the series and went on to become a major Hollywood figure. Strauss faded into the sunset.

The Boca Chica Naval Base has been busy this past month. Carrier pilots arriving to train. The training goes on for another month. A new group will be arriving this week. By sunday, it is estimated 500 sailors will be at Boca Chica participating in the air to air combat training.

Parrot Heads and sailors this weekend in Key West!

Janet Yellin is the Chair of the Federal Reserve System. She announced this past week that the average net worth of 62 million households in the United States is $11,000. Sad, disgusting and terrible! Not a national pride item.

Enjoy your day!



I have not felt well the past few days. It all started three weeks ago with the sciatica attack. Doctor put me on steroids. Worked! Pain disappeared almost immediately.

The problem is I have a few heart problems. One is edema. Water around the heart on occasion which eventually reflects the problem in enlarged water filled ankles. Steroids have a large sodium residue. It happened! My ankles swelled.

The doctor had me on a water pill. One week later, the ankles were still swollen. Would not even go down at night. Doctor put me on a super dooper water pill. In addition to the regular one. One week later, the ankles are down and this morning I feel fine. I pissed my brains out, got rid of the water.

I got rid of so much water that I became dehydrated. Which affected my mind. It was difficult to think. Especially the last three days. I could not do next week’s KONK Life column because of it yesterday.

Whatever, it is a new day and my mind appears to be functioning this morning.

Toga Party was last night. This morning’s Key West Citizen had a couple of pictures of toga at Sloppy Joe’s. Mild. Extremely so. Few people. Had to be taken early in the evening. A hurricane itself would not have resulted in poor attendance. Toga people do not miss the party!

A major Fantasy Fest event is Masquerade Parade. It is today. This is an event that many locals come out for also. People dress. The parade starts at the cemetery. Initially, the parade went up Fleming to Duval. Several years ago, another street was added.

Participants walk up the streets in mass. All costumed. Most drinking. Everyone carries their own.

Observers watch from parties held on porches of homes along the routes. I have never marched. However, I have done a number of porch parties. Fun!

Several years ago, a new party was established. The Pimp and Ho Party. The title is self explanatory. The party tonight at the Bottlecap.

A star attraction is Ron Jeremy. Amazing! The guy is a porn star whose career started in the 1960s. He is not very attractive. However, his male member is purportedly large.

Jeremy has to be old! My age. Around 80. Apparently still going strong. I admire him! No, I envy him!

Sissy Spacek’s new TV show has completed filming here in the Keys. The title is Bloodline. A Netflix presentation. Thirteen episodes can be seen on TV beginning March 15. Sam Shepard co-stars.

Enjoy your day!



I was at Goldman’s for a late lunch yesterday enjoying a pastrami sandwich. A friend walked in. Came over to say hello. A big guy. Probably a lineman on a football team in his younger day. Bearded.

He was all excited. He was going to a tutu party last night. I am old and retarded. I did not know what a tutu party was. As he talked, I figured it out. Men in dresses.

As I later found out, tutu dresses are short, generally chiffon, perhaps with a bit of crinoline so they flair out. He had the dress. Even a brassiere, which he was going to stuff. He was going to be the Bearded Lady.

He said I should try it next year. I can’t see me doing it. Something does not set right in my mind. Additionally, I doubt I would look good in pink chiffon.

Less I be misunderstood, this guy is perfectly straight. Straights dressing as women is not uncommon in Key West for party purposes. A tutu party is one example of life in Key West during Fantasy Fest.

I hope my friend did not get his hair wet. It poured like hell all day yesterday. It will rain today and tomorrow. Some kind of tropical storm developing off Mexico. The rain is supposed to let up saturday during the day. I hope so. The big parade is saturday night. Sixty thousand people will be lining Duval watching the parade. I do not know where they all sleep afterwards. There are not 60,000 beds in Key West. Not even close.

The weather will only minimally detract from festivities. The parties are mostly inside. Everyone has at the least ponchos. No one will permit the weather to dampen their spirits.

I went shopping for two new lamps yesterday. I need a floor lamp and a table lamp. Pickings were slim. I went to K Mart, Ross, Home Depot, and Sears. Found nothing I liked. Stock was limited.

I don’t know anywhere else in Key West to buy a lamp. If you do, let me know.

Fine tuned my blog talk radio show in the late afternoon. Hosted the show at 9. I thought one of my better shows. It did not matter. Audio was cut off after two minutes. I did not know. Kept going in my usual excited manner. It was only after the show that I learned I was the only one who heard me.

The problem was at the Blog Talk people’s end. Sloan is trying to figure out why this morning.

In between prep and doing the show, I watched the Crist/Scott debate on TV. A disgrace. Too much personal mud slinging. What ever happened to issues?

I had not seen Scott before. I was not impressed.

There are two Fantasy Fest events which I especially enjoy. Toga Party and the Pet Masquerade Parade. The Pet Parade is this afternoon at Casa Marine. The Toga Party thursday at Sloppy Joe’s.

The Pet Parade will have pets galore. All dressed in costumes. Beautiful! Most of the owners dressed also. I will talk about toga tomorrow night. Not a family event.

There are times when the powers to be in Key West do things the wrong way. This time it is price gouging. The City parking garage on Caroline will have a flat rate rather than an hourly on friday and saturday. $30. The City is copying the hotels who jack their prices for special events. Key West biting the hand that feeds it.

Enjoy your day!



A major event this evening as part of Fantasy Fest is the Headdress Ball. I have attended several times over the years. Under a big tent, always a fun event.

My blog talk radio show is also this evening. I will not be at the Headdress Ball. I will enjoy what I will be doing, however. Hosting Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

Half the show will be dedicated to everyone’s friend, Monsanto. Some items you already know. Some not yet. The discussion will be revealing.

Other topics include the Putin/Berlusconi relationship, why bank systems are being hacked, the Catholic Church’s synod which rejected a more friendly relationship with gays and divorcees, and more.

The show is at 9 my time. Join me for a fast paced one half hour. www.blogtalkradio/key-west-lou.

Fantasy Fest is in full swing. A ton of events this evening. Many risqué. I have already suggested the Headdress Ball, which does not fall into the risque category. There is also Capt. Tony’s Plaid Party. Don’t bring your mother. Also, a relatively new event. I think it started last year. The Men of Labare Whitey Party. It is at Bare Assets. Instead of women stripping, men will be doing it. An evening for the ladies to whoop it up.

My favorite candidate for Queen won. ML was instrumental in helping to raise $235,000 for AIDS Help. ML’s real name is Mary-Lynne Price. Probably only a handful are aware. She is well known in the Key West community as ML.

Last night was dinner at Roostica with Jennifer and Keith. Two great young people. Hard workers.

We all screw up. Whether our fault or some other person’s. President Obama was in New York City last month. He and Michelle were having dinner at a fancy restaurant. When the bill came, Obama attempted to pay with a credit card. His credit card was rejected! The card is seldom used. The President’s residence is Washington and it was being offered in New York City. The company thought a fraud was being perpetrated.

Michelle’s card was good.

Enjoy your day!



Another great morning weather wise! Cool! The day will warm up to the mid 80’s.

Someone told me yesterday that wednesday to friday there will be heavy rains. Several inches. If so, some streets will flood. That’s the way it is.

I was out early. Blood giving time. Part of my annual physical.

Fantasy Fest got into full swing yesterday. The Zombie Bicycle Parade. First time I have seen it. An impressive event!

Zombie in the parade’s instance means scary. Those participating looked scary! Every one of them. Gory, sick, bloody, etc. Everyone riding a bicycle.

Most of the paint jobs look professional. I suspect that the body painters of later in the week were the face painters for yesterday.

I watched the parade standing on the wall at Smathers Beach. As far as my eyes could see, they were coming and going! Both directions. Covering the full width of the road.

Lori who does my hair told me she would be in the parade. I looked for her. Good luck. It was like trying to pick out someone in the Boston Marathon. Which is what the Zombie bike ride reminded me of. A marathon.

I was busy yesterday afternoon. Running around doing little things. Even missed Don’s Place for pro football.

Sunday dinner was with Lisa and the family. Lisa prepared an abbreviated Thanksgiving dinner. A roasted turkey breast, mashed potatoes, gravy and salad. Excellent!

Monsanto is being fought in every country in the world where it has been doing business. Successfully in most instances. Monsanto has found a new place to plant its seeds. Africa. Africa has Monsanto and Ebola. I am not trying to be funny. Both can be deadly.

I plan on speaking in detail re Monsanto and Africa on my blog talk radio show tuesday evening. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

On one occasion or another, most of us have had a credit card rejected. Obama did last month. He had dinner with Michelle at a fancy New York City restaurant. His credit card was rejected. Michelle had one that worked.

The card company later advised that the card the President used was rarely used. Ergo, they thought fraud might be involved.

Enjoy your day!


I feel like Little Jack Horner. Remember, he sat in the corner eating his pumpkin pie, he put in his thumb and pulled out a plum,and said what a good boy am I!

I wrote again yesterday. Six hours. Drafting and redrafting six chapters for the next book in what my publisher calls The World Upside Down series. A lot of writing! I took three chapters from the unfinished rough draft of Growing Up Italian for the book. I wrote them a year ago. I am sure The Bakery one fits the Italian book. The other two I was not sure.

The Bakery is about little me and my grandmother going to the bakery a couple of blocks away twice weekly. One time for the empty flour bags. The next for the sliced bread ends. Each free.

A different chapter I call Grandpa Asserts Himself. About my grandfather in his 90’s saying in effect to the world…..Go screw yourselves! Wait till you read and how he did it.

The third is titled What Is That Noise. The story of a 40 year old man who heard the wind in the trees for the first time.

I also wrote three chapters concerning Greece. The substance of which you all may have read before. From a different slant, however. The topics include Santorini’s beauty, my inability to make it to the volcano, writing in Amorgos, and  my walk to Acropolis/Parthenon.

A good day! I deserve a medal!

The new water tank was installed. By my former bocce partner, Frankie the Plumber. I was able to shower at home before going out. You cannot appreciate what a luxury hot water is till you are without.

It was Hot Tin Roof for dinner last night. Nostalgia time again. My mother. I enjoyed mussels. A dish I rarely order. My mother loved mussels!

Fantasy Fest in a couple of days. You can feel it in the air. Taste it. The locals getting excited. Yes, locals participate. Many enjoy costuming. Some have a different costume for each day. A big time party!

The humidity is basically gone. Still warm, however. Moving towards a dry heat. Temperature still in the mid 80’s by day and mid 70’s by night.

The things I learn. Germany announced it no longer will charge tuition to attend any state run university. No tuition applies to foreign students as well. All an American would need is to know how to speak German and the price of a plane ticket to Munich.

To we in the United States, Germany’s free tuition sounds like a big deal. It is. However be aware, it was only $630 a semester before.

Which brings me to Syracuse University. Re football, Not the expense of attending. Which exceeds $50,000 a year for room, board, and tuition. Syracuse plays Wake Forest saturday. Something must be wrong. Syracuse is favored. By 3-4 points.

I have a busy day today. Haircut at 9:45, A lengthy business meeting at 10:15, a visit to my heart doctor at 1:30, and bocce in the evening. Love it! All part of my life here in Key West.

Enjoy your day! Continue Reading


Stone crab season opens today. The season runs from October 15 to May 15. I consider stone crabs the best of foods. If I were to be executed and had one last meal, it would be stone crabs.

I was first introduced to stone crabs in the early 1960s in Miami Beach. Where else but Joe’s Stone Crabs! I have been addicted ever since.

Local fisherman are not sure whether it will be a good season or bad. They never know at the beginning. Two months into the season they will.

Fantasy Fest had an early beginning this week. Not in Key West. In Marathon. A 60 year old man was arrested for running up and down US 1 bare ass.

The Pier House recently remodeled its beach bar. I lunched there yesterday. The remodeling was not extensive. It involved redoing the wall behind the bar. The wall is now covered with a huge wood panel with some insignificant design. Pretty. Not beachy, however.

I spent the whole afternoon writing. Two days in a row. I am into it.

Growing Up Italian has been set aside for the moment. My publisher insists on another World Upside Down work. The World Upside Down is becoming a series. I have promised to have it out forthwith.

I can see already the book will be a third longer than the first. I have decided to sneak in a couple of the Growing Up Italian and Greece book chapters. They will fit. The Growing
Up Italian has so many chapters already that it will probably end up a series, also.

I needed a taste of old time Key West. It was dinner at Hogfish at the bar. Chatted the time away with fishermen typical of days gone by. Bearded, somewhat toothless, extremely thin, bronzed and weathered. I enjoyed a comical time discussing the mundane.

Last night was Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. I love doing the show! I appreciate all who listen.

Post show comments indicated the ebola portion garnered the most interest. All I said was cool it. Every one getting excited. McCain wants an ebola czar, a nurses’ union wants better training, Afro-Americans are saying the man from Liberia died because he was black. The last item bothers me. Not every issue is a black issue. Saying it is does not make it so. Keep playing the black card and eventually a legitimate cause will not gain support.

Friday night Goombay. Two days away. Fantasy Fest around the corner.

Enjoy your day! Continue Reading