At 9 last night, I did my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. From the kitchen table in my frosty home. A Key West home. Not supposed to be cold.

Yesterday and last night it was! As were all parts of the eastern seaboard. Normally, I do the show in shorts and a tee shirt. Last night long pants and a sweat shirt. Normally with the glass sliding doors open and a bit of heat pouring in. Last night with the doors shut. A closed door did not keep the cold out, however.

I enjoy doing the blog talk radio show. I started it just a year ago. In January. The following is terrific. It took hold almost immediately.

Three topics I thought were exceptionally interesting. One was the question as to whether the U.S. is an emerging police state what with NSA surveillance and police body searches. Another involved the Chrysler bailout. Chrysler is evidencing its gratitude to the American people for saving its ass. They plan to build plants in China. The final topic concerned North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. He had his uncle executed a couple of weeks ago. One hundred twenty wild dogs were unleashed upon him. How can we do business with such a mentality?

Syracuse, my Syracuse. Beat Virginia tech last night 72-52. Syracuse now 15-0.

I never got to Lukas’ place to watch the second half of the game after my show concluded. I went upstairs to change. I had turned the heat on earlier. The room felt so comfortable. I went to bed instead and watched a movie. No local TV of the game last night.

Walked a bit yesterday. Home Depot. Since it wa around 60 degrees, I was dressed accordingly. Long pants, a shirt and my leather jacket. I walked. It was uncomfortable. The jacket was too heavy and too warm as I got into a gait. Should have left the jacket in the car.

Then to the Plantation Coffee House to read the newspapers. Followed by home to finalize my notes for last night’s show.

The weather was cold yesterday. It was cold during the night. It is cold this morning. I gave in yesterday afternoon. Turned pn the heat on the second floor where my bedroom is located. My bedroom faces the northwest. When the cold wind comes in off the ocean, you can hang meat in the bedroom.

Enjoy your day!

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