Happy Halloween!

Be careful driving tonight. Watch out for the kids.

I loved tricking and treating with my children when they were small. Got a second chance with Robert and Ally. Joined Lisa and Corey walking with them Halloween evenings.

Completed the Halloween walks each time by sitting with my children and then Robert and Ally and eating the candy they had collected. And for several days following.

I was a kid at heart! Still am!

There was no blog yesterday. Sorry. I am having a few “off” days and did not feel up to it.

Ergo, I have two days of things to share  today in one blog. Means today’s blog may be a bit long. Bear with me. The material is interesting. It also means I shall be sharing my thoughts in the order they appear in my notes. Organization lacking.

We start with tuesday afternoon. A first time visit with Dr. Schnapp. He is a neurologist. Dr. Norris referred me. My lower back suddenly killing me. Norris suspects I may have a disc problem.

Since it was my first visit with Schnapp, I did not get to see him. His physician assistant Julie handled me. Took info, checked me out, etc. I see Schnapp next wednesday. In between I have had an MRI and he and Norris are awaiting the results.

Julie was terrific. Knowledgeable. Put up with my detailed rendition of my problem. 

Then to The Grand for Happy Hour. Sat next to Chris. My company for the second week in a row. She works Security at the Airport. She has interesting stories to tell.

A couple were seated to my left at the bar. As they were leaving, the wife asked if I was Louis, Key West Lou. Love it when this happens!

They were Lisa and Greg Runion from Sylvania, Ohio. Sylvania near Toledo.

We had an interesting chat. They have been reading my blog for years. Both retired teachers.

They have a daughter Brynn. She works for Nationwide Insurance in Columbus. Loves the job. Nationwide is helping her get a Masters.

Brynn and Nationwide brought back a fond memory. When I was a young lawyer in the 1960’s, I was a Nationwide insured. Homeowners and auto. Nothing big. Nationwide at the time had a Policyholders Advisory Committee. Somehow I got elected up several ranks in the organization and ended up National Chairman of the organization for two years. Spent some time at Nationwide’s home office in Columbus. Got to know Nationwide’s President Murray D. Lincoln well. An outstanding individual. A class act. Influenced me. He died in 1966.

I suggested Lisa and Greg mention Lincoln to their daughter. See if she was aware of him. If not, she should become acquainted with his history. He was a true leader.

I hope to run into Lisa and Greg on their next Key West visit.

Matt was bartending. Nice guy. A gentleman.

A sudden hug and kiss. It was Jean Thornton. Husband Joe was with her. I had not seen Joe in months. They live in Birmingham. I spent 12 days in their home when I escaped Hurricane Irma. Great people!

Joe was leaving yesterday. Someone has to work. I sometime think Jean spends more time in Key West than Birmingham. Actually, the two are together often as they should be. The past few years they have become world travelers.

I ate early. I had not eaten since 6 am. A busy day. Meant I left The Grand early.

Tuesday night was Kamala Harris’ major speech at the Ellipse in Washington, D.C. The same place from which Trump spoke before sending his people to the Capitol on January 6 to do damage, etc.

Harris was terrific. She’s got it! Well qualified to be President.

Yesterday was an MRI at the Key West Hospital. First time I have had an MRI since receiving the pacemaker. A big deal. Preparation wise and during the procedure. Because of the pacemaker, I had 6 additional nurses. I was the first MRI that morning with a pacemaker. Five of the 6 nurses involved were learning. You need a pacemaker observer when you have an MRI. Don’t ask me why. Confusing.

So I had the 5 learners plus Cathy. Cathy was their teacher. She knew everything. I was impressed with what she knew about me and my pacemaker. She even knew the first surgery at Mount Sinai had left a wire in my heart and I had to have another surgery to get it out of my heart.

The MRI went well. So I assume. I will know next week if I have a lumbar disc problem. The MRI was to determine if I did.

I felt under the weather yesterday. Telephoned Carola to tell her I would not be at Brady’s in the evening. She had planned on baking me Irish scones. I did not want them to be wasted.

Trump’s major speech at Madison Square Garden turned out to be a major screw up.  Someone on his program spoke poorly of Puerto Rico. A garbage dump or something. Going to cost Trump votes in the U.S. A ton of Puerto Ricans now live here on the mainland. They are insulted about the comment and Trump’s failure to apologize for it. Trump says the event was a “love fest.” In his mind only.

The Washington Post’s failure to make an editorial choice for President has thus far resulted in 250,000 cancellations. Bezos deserves it! May he take a gigantic financial loss.

Would you believe? Why is it not happening on the U.S.? Since 2007, all McDonalds’ fleet trucks in the U.K. have been fueled with cooking oil from their restaurants. In 2018, McDonalds successfully redid 80 percent of its waste cooking oil for use across its European fleet.

The Dodgers won the World Series. Four games to one. Sloppy baseball yesterday caused the Yankees to lose the game.

I have tons more material. Saving it for tomorrow.

I want to close however with Actress Lee Grant. She is 99 years old today. God bless her!

She starred in movies such as Shampoo, In the Heat of the Night, Airport ’77, and Valley of the Dolls.

She won an Oscar for her brilliant comic performance in Shampoo. Grant was blacklisted from 1952-1964. She won the Oscar after her blacklisting had ended.

The years of her blacklisting were times when we feared a nuclear war with Russia. Serious business back then. A daily fear. McCarthy was a fruitcake U.S. Senator. A weirdo much like Trump. A danger much like Trump.

McCarthy caused many in the movie industry to be blacklisted, lose their ability to work. Careers were destroyed. Some justifiably, some not so.

Grant was blacklisted. Not because she was a Communist. Her husband apparently had some involvement. She refused to testify about her knowledge of his doings. She herself was never involved. She was blacklisted because she would not testify against her husband.

When she was back to work, she also starred in the TV show Peyton Place.

When 50, she decided to direct also. She became a successful director as well as actress.

Enough for today.

Enjoy your day!


Another restaurant chain has closed down a number of locations. TGI Fridays announced nearly 50 locations have been closed down. Rumor has it the chain is considering bankruptcy amid monetary debts.

TGI Fridays had 250 locations at the start of the year. Last week, 213. Today, 164.

Not a healthy track record.

Based on the many comments yesterday, Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally was an absolute failure. Campaign hierarchy were all over the place yesterday trying to correct the many errors speakers had made.

Stephen Miller was one of the speakers. A strange duck. He has Jewish blood. His Jewish grandparents immigrated to the U.S. Yet he is anti-Semitic and anti-immigrant. He was Trump’s speech writer when President and now continues to guide Trump re immigration. He evidences a nationalism that places him in the Hitler camp. He promotes “America for Americans only.” Hitler used to say “Germany for Germans only.”

He reminds me of Joseph Goebbels in thought and appearance. I have written this several times in the past.

Bess Levin in a Vanity Fair 10/28/24 article said: “Do not say he didn’t warn you.” Donald Trump’s racist, misogynistic, antisemitic MSG rally was an explicit preview of a second term.

Trump continues to show us he is considered with boosting himself and using his power for revenge. If so, when will he have time to help ordinary Americans?

I made an error the other day re Jeff Bezos. I thought he only owned a piece of the Washington Post. Not so. He owns one hundred percent of the Washington Post.

Tonight, Kamala Harris speaks at the Ellipse in Washington, D.C. The place from which Trump made his January 6 speech. I am confident Harris’ speech will be a humdinger. She has come a long way in a short time. She has established her credibility to be President.

Democracy had its beginnings late in the 6th century B.C. in Athens. It was known as the “demokratia.”

“Black Tuesday.” October 19, 1929. The New York Stock Exchange collapsed. Many investors wiped out.

Another Abraham Lincoln quote. He had a way with words: “Honestly, if I were two-faced, would I be showing you this one?”

Yankees down 3 games to the Dodgers. Does not look good for the Yankees. Game 4 tonight. The Dodgers could sew up the series. If not tonight, another time soon. A 3 game edge too much to overcome.

I close with my day. This afternoon a visit with a neurologist. My back. Norris thinks I may have a disc problem. If it isn’t one thing, it’s another. Better than another heart attack, however.

Following the doctor visit, I will be at The Grand for Happy Hour.

Enjoy your day!


Something screwed up WordPress for me yesterday. I am unable to do my blog without it.

I was unaware till last night there was a problem Notified Sloan. She is an early riser. Got to it at 5 this morning. Blog now up and running.

Love the woman!

As a result, today’s blog is relatively short.

Madison Square Garden has always been a place of enjoyment for me. As far back as the old Madison Square Garden on 8th Avenue when I was in college. Many a game I have watched in the old and the new. Never a contamination. Till yesterday when I watched the Trump rally on TV. He dirties everything! The event was crude and racist.

Giuliani as a speaker. Puerto Rico described as a “floating island of garbage.” A description I do not understand, especially since there are 800,000 Puerto Rican voters in New York City alone. Not smart politics. Jokes were otherwise made of Latinos. Hate accompanied the words of many of the speakers.

Trump says the worst things about Harris. False and degrading. She should retaliate by telling the world he has a 2 inch penis. Would that be funny! The fact that none of us knows means nothing. It is merely retaliating with what is probably a falsehood. Tit for tat. Deserved.

One thing about Harris. She knows who she is. She refuses to permit Trump or anyone else to define her.

I have been a Yankee fan since the day I was born. It hurt that they lost to the Dodgers again yesterday. More games to go, however. As Yogi Berra was wont to say…..It ain’t over till it’s over!

An Abraham Lincoln quote: “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.”

Advice Trump should follow.

I have been to St. Louis, Missouri, only one time. The city’s Gateway Arch impressed me. The 630 foot high catenary arch was completed this day in 1965.

The New York City Subway System enjoyed a birthday yesterday. It was 120 years old.

I close with what I consider an amusing comment/observation concerning me.

Academia wrote me today asking if I was the “Louis Perone” who in 1990 authored: Lattice Model for Thermotropc Liquid Crystals. III, Confromational Statistics of the Semiflexible Molecular Tail.

No way. I do not even understand the title. I am complimented to have been asked, however. My intelligence level is not that high.

Big medical week ahead. Begins today with a heart visit with April Gallagher. 

Enjoy your day!


I was overwhelmed yesterday listening to Michelle Obama’s speech in support of Kamala Harris. One of the best political speeches, if not the best, I have ever heard.

The presentation was before a crowd estimated at 30,000 in Houston.

Got to say it again, Obama was terrific! Out doing even the best speech her husband ever gave.

She touched on a number of subjects. Dwelled heavily on abortion and women’s rights. It was in these areas where she super achieved. She covered every problem a woman could confront, every danger Trump had placed American women in, subsequent dangers were Trump to be elected. Her attention to detail impressive. Never boring.

She closed her presentation with a pitch to American men. Support your women! Don’t let them down! Vote for Harris!

The Opinion pieces in The Washington Post yesterday knocking the Post’s non endorsement position were voluminous. Though the Post deserves no credit concerning the issue, I must compliment the paper on publishing so many of the anti-editorial comments.

People were mad! Properly so!

One piece described the no endorsement editorial as “verbal vomit.” Love it! Another reflected “how the German newspapers cowered to Hitler.” Another with Chamberlain’s Munich disaster as “British appeasement in the face of fascism” when comparing the two events.

Most were in a similar vein.

There were many comments and articles written by other media to the effect that the editorial was to satisfy/required by Jeff Bezos. An Amazon owner and an owner of The Washington Post. Bezo Trump’s friend for years.

Another Rupert Murdoch situation. Raises the question whether men of wealth should be permitted to own any type media. 

Last night was Parade time at Fantasy Fest. A big deal! Sixty thousand plus lining Duval Street watching.

The first Fantasy Fest Parade was this day in 1979. Ten thousand watched compared to the sixty thousand plus today. The winning float was “Bride of Dracula” sponsored by Fast Buck Freddies.

I gave up years ago attending the Parade. Too many people. Difficult for a person my age to walk around. In addition, my car was towed twice. Too late in the morning to retrieve it. On Stock Island. The cost too much also. Around $235 the last time.

So I have come to watch it on TV. Viewed it last night on Sloppy Joe’s outside cam. Can’t get a better seat. Second floor in effect of Sloppy’s. Great view, no people bustling around.

The Parade was its usual greatness. More enjoyable was watching those standing viewing the Parade. Yelling and screaming, fighting for beads thrown from the floats. Key West goes “beads crazy” during Fantasy Fest.

The Headdress Ball was Thursday night. Sushi won the $5,000 first prize. Sushi in his acceptance speech announced Randy Roberts will be in the Red Shoe New Year’s Eve when it drops at midnight at the Bourbon Street Pub. Sushi was the “star” in the Red Shoe for 25 years till he retired. Now others are selected each year to replace him.

Key West water is terrible. I have not drunk it in years. Taste is poor. Makes me think bad things are in the water.

I buy my water at the supermarket. Zephyrhills has become my water of choice. Expensive and as packed heavy to carry.

This is Zephyrhills’ 60th birthday. The water was introduced for sale in 1964.

Hugh Grant is the famous British actor. Love his work!

Grant’s career almost went down the tubes in 1995 after he was arrested for lewd behavior. He was caught receiving oral sex in his BMW from a sex worker on Hollywood Boulevard.

Being orally copulated was ok back then for a Presidential candidate, but not a name star! His career was in jeopardy.

Grant faced up to the problem. Within days, he appeared on the Jay Leno Show. Another TV show I watched in my earlier day.

Grant appeared properly embarrassed. A naughty boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Or rather, his pants down.

Leno asked: “What the hell were you thinking?”

Grant’s response: “You know in life what’s a good thing and what’s a bad thing. I did a bad thing.”

The laughter and applause was overwhelming. Grant’s sincerity and humility saved his career.

I close with a topic I first wrote about two months ago on August 26, 2024. I refer you to it. The subject matter concerned the Sistine Chapel.

What I wrote about August 26 popped up in another internet article yesterday.

What I wrote on August 26, I never knew till the day before when I tripped on it on the internet.

Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Magnificent. Religiously moving. Two fingers reaching to touch each other. One God’s. 

Years later, Michelangelo painted the wall behind the alter in the Sistine Chapel. The painting known as The Last Judgment. 

My “new knowledge” in the August 26 writing was the ceiling contains 343 penises stark naked. The Last Judgment contains 400 plus nude saints, sinners and sacred souls. Nude means totally exposed. Asses and penises clearly evident.

Why did Michelangelo paint these two religious works with exposed genitalia, etc.? Who was in control of the subject matter?

I suggested Michelangelo painted the penises, etc. because he was gay and was artistically fond of the male body. I also suggested he disliked Pope Julius II who hired him each time and could not control Michelangelo. History uncertain.

The reason I write about the subject again is that I have been fortunate to have been inside the Sistine Chapel on two occasions and saw none of the nudity. Perhaps I should have looked closer. If I ever get there again, I will.

Many have visited the Sistine Chapel. Every time I run into one since my August discovery, I ask if they saw the various exposures. Not one has! They look at me as if my question is crazy.

I’m sure they will look closely and see them if they ever have the chance to return.

I hope I get the chance.

Enjoy your Sunday!


The Washington Post announced yesterday it is not endorsing a Presidential candidate. The first time in 36 years.

An act of pure cowardice. No balls. The Washington Post’s decision has to be called for what it is. A failure by perhaps the Nation’s leading newspaper to do its job. Nefarious. The newspaper literally bent over for Trump.

My impression is The Washington Post wanted to endorse Harris, but feared what Trump would do to the newspaper if he won. Not the same newspaper that stood up to Nixon.

A sick decision. We expect a newspaper of its stature to do the right thing all the time. Not to turn and run when confronted by a unique danger.

William Lewis is publisher and CEO of The Washington Post. He claims his newspaper was being “independent” by not endorsing. I say as I did initially, it is a sign one of the Nation’s great newspapers is a “coward.”

From this time, all the time.

I listened to some young men being interviewed on TV yesterday re who was their choice for President. The consensus of the young men was Donald Trump. Why? One reason offered was because he talked like them. They understood his toughness and assertiveness. They did not understand Harris’ policy issues.

God help the U.S. in future decades if this mentality will govern us, making our decisions. Even their own in everyday business decisions.

The young men looked like thugs and talked like thugs.

On October 25, 1962, a big deal confrontation took pace between the U.S. and Russia in the United Nations re the missiles Russia had planted on Cuba. 

I watched it live on TV back then. The whole country did. Russia’s conduct was an act of war. Confrontational. The missiles were aimed directly at Key West. 

U.S. Ambassador Adlai Stevenson demanded Soviet Ambassador Valerian Zorin confirm or deny the existence of the Soviet built missiles in Cuba.  Stevenson blew the Soviet Ambassador out and surprised the U.N. Council when he presented photographic evidence of the missile bases.

Democratic strategist James Carville was 80 yesterday. He ran Clinton’s political “war room.”

I watched Harris’ Houston rally last night on TV.

Harris has come a long way in a short time. She was a powerful political figure last night. Without question, a capable Presidential candidate. As Trump has receded, she has grown.

The rally was terrific! Not just Harris’ words of wisdom. She had Beyonce and Willie Nelson, as well as others, with her. Not performing. Rather in a supportive fashion.

The thrust had to do with abortion and women’s rights. Well organized. Especially the clips of women who have suffered because of negative abortion laws throughout the country. Hit home! Tearful on occasion.

“John Brown’s body lies a smoldering in his grave.”

During this time in 1859, John Brown was on trial in Virginia for his failed raid at Harpers Ferry. He was convicted and later hanged.

Key West has gone through several different industries over the years. As one ran its time, another replaced it.

In 1923, the 25 cigar making factories in Key West were producing 60 million cigars annually.

Tonight, the Fantasy Fest Parade. Some 60,000 plus will line Duval watching the Parade.  An exciting time!

I have always wondered where they sleep. There are not enough hotel/motel rooms in all of the Keys combined to accommodate the number. Many will sleep on the beach.

I close with prophetic words by Benjamin Franklin. Words that have serious application today.

On September 17, 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked by Elizabeth Willing Powell a question: “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”

Franklin’s response: “A republic, if you can keep it.”

We are at the cross roads. This Presidential election the test of time. A Trump victory initiates the failure of the U.S. as a republic. A Harris victory, we survived!

Enjoy your day!


I was having a good day yesterday. Felt unusually good during the day. A haircut and a few laughs with Lori. A manicure with Tammy and a few more laughs. Followed by a grilled cheese sandwich at Goldman’s where I also enjoyed the company of the waitress.

As I was walking to my car in the parking lot after lunch, I passed a car where the windows were open and a lady was sitting inside. She smelled good! Great perfume whatever it was. I looked inside and complimented her on it. She was a knockout. We chatted a bit. And I left for my car. No phone numbers exchanged, etc. Merely an excellent per chance pleasurable meeting.

I thought Louis, this is an unusually pleasant day!

Last night it was Brady’s Irish Pub to watch the Syracuse-Pittsburg game. Syracuse a 5 point favorite. Thought it would be a good game. Pitt undefeated, Syracuse had only lost one game. I was on a high.

Plus, I would be seeing Carola again. A great lady! Always concerned about me. I know why. Not because I am handsome and lust over her. Rather her father in Ireland is my age. I benefit from her missing her Dad.

Not consuming alcohol is a pain. I’m still good. Have not cheated. Hard some nights, however.

I started last night with a Perrier. Sucked. Returned to Diet Pepsi.

My dinner during the fist half of the game was fish and chips. I have mentioned several times previously that going 9 months without solid food has affected my taste buds. Certain foods now have a spectacular taste. Wow the only way to describe it. The first were Oreos. Then a grilled cheese sandwich. Last night, Brady’s french fries. Not McDonald type. They cut their potatoes themselves before cooking them. The first french fries I have had in more than 9 months. To die for! The taste was exquisite. I do not recall ever in my 89 years french fries tasting as good as they did last night.

While I am consuming a great meal, I am watching the first half of the game. Syracuse was getting slaughtered. Four turnovers in the first half. Three by way of interceptions. Syracuse is down 31-0 at halftime. I had it. No way was my team going to come back. I went home.

Pitt was ready for Syracuse’s great quarterback McCord. Not only were they intercepting him, he was getting the shit knocked out of him in the backfield. 

I note this morning the final score was Pitt 41, Syracuse 13.

Things were so bad, I was tempted to order gin from Carola. Not a glass, the whole bottle!

I noted something strange about the game stats this morning. Syracuse has had a poor defense team this season. Last night Syracuse held Pitt to only 217 yards offensively. You tell me how Pitt ran up 41 points with such a meager offense.

It was the interceptions and turnovers.

People in northern Gaza are for real starving. Israel has gone too far. I supported Israeli retribution initially. Enough is enough, however.

The children in Gaza 5-10 years old will remember 50 years from now they did not have enough to eat, bombs were flying, hospitals closed, etc. How family and friends died and they suffered. Israel has guaranteed hatred and a “perpetual retribution” by the Palestinians against them as a result. Bum thinking on Netanyahu’s part.

November 5 is days away. Harris should win. She speaks about and stands for the right things. Who knows, however! Trump talks about everything bad. Yet the polls suggest the Nation is evenly split between the two candidates. I do not understand.

All I can say is if Trump wins, our lives will be different. Think about World War II movie scenes and the Nazis. Trucks full of soldiers pulling up to homes and arresting people for all kinds of reasons. A concentration camp, gas chamber, or shooting squad awaiting them.

Such it will be in the U.S. if Trump wins.  Kid you not. I am serious. They may even come for me. I have written consistently how bad Trump is. I am opposed to him. I am applying for a new passport.

An interesting story about a Roman Legion. Five thousand strong. Disappeared on its way to Scotland. Totally gone. No one certain where or how.

The Legion technically known as the Roman Ninth Legion.

The most popular theory is the Legion was annihilated in Caledonia (modern day Scotland) in the early second century AD. The Legion was marching north to put down a rebellion and surrounded by Caledonians. The Legion’s eagle standard was taken and the last survivors butchered.

A 1954 novel The Eagle of the North was written by Rosemary Sutcliff. In 2011, the subject was also a blockbuster English movie titled The Eagle.

I came across a series of myths. Two I found interesting and share with you.

The first involved goldfish. The myth is goldfish only have three second memories. Not true. Actually goldfish have memories that last

months, even years.

Amazing! I have been lead to believe that elephants have long memories. Elephants are huge and have huge brains to store information. Goldfish extremely tiny. Not much room available. Perhaps brain size is not an issue. Think how much humans store over the course of a lifetime in their minds.

The second myth involves sex. I share it because if true taught me something I did not know.

Ruled a myth was a big penis gives big orgasms. 

It’s all about a lady’s G-spot. For a woman to have a vaginal orgasm, the G-spot has to be hit. Its location is only a couple of inches inside. A longer penis in most instances fails to stimulate the G-spot because the male’s penis head ends up farther in.

I am neither a gynecologist nor expert in the preceding and too old to determine its veracity.

Enjoy your day!


Ho, ho, ho! The best night of Fantasy Fest this evening. Toga Party. I enjoy it even more than the parade.

People all ages up and down Duval wearing togas. Like a half a white sheet wrapped around them. Many with nothing beneath. The women especially.

The best place to watch everything is on Duval in front of Sloppy Joe’s.

I am a pervert at heart. A voyeur. Enjoy the beauty of a naked woman. Many of the toga clad ladies will move the toga around to show their private parts. It is a Fantasy Fest game every year. Men will surround a game female player and offer beads if she will reveal her privates. So many for bare breasts. More for the vaginal area. For some reason, the most for a view of a lady’s bare ass.

It is a female competition. The ladies competing to see who can collect the most beads.

I generally only went for one hour. All my heart could take when it was in good shape!

I have only worn a toga one time. A few years ago. Not my idea. I was with dear friends from out of town. The wife made 3 togas. One for her, one for her husband, one for me. I told her emphatically I did not do toga. I was a voyeur, not a participant.

She finally got me to wear mine. I fooled her, however. Wore a tee shirt and Bermuda shorts underneath. She fooled me and her husband. She did it right. Even bared her breasts on occasion. I was always interested in seeing them, finally did. We had a fun evening!

Supposedly there is sex around 3 in the morning in some of the bars. Down and dirty. Too late for me to view or hopefully get lucky. However there are those who take pictures and will be showing them off today. Caution the word. If you play, know that you may end up on the internet today.

I intended to go to Brady’s Irish Pub last night. Never made it. Never went out. Felt run down for some reason. Went to bed and watched TV.

My intent is to go out tonight. Not to Toga Party, however. It has bee a few years years since my last one.

Tonight, Syracuse plays Pitt in football. Big game! Syracuse 5-1 and Pitt 6-0. I plan on watching the game at Brady’s. They have a ton of TVs.

From sex to religion.

For real? The Miracle of the Sun. Fatima. Where three children claimed the Blessed Mother told them to gather people on October 13 to show them something “so that all may believe.” On that day so many years ago, some 40 thousand people gathered and saw the sun spin and fly through the sky.

I believe. Probably my Catholic education. It stuck with me and still does.

Denny’s announced it is closing 150 restaurants, 50 by the end of the year. Denny’s presently has 1,358 restaurants in the U.S.

Denny’s has not yet identified the 150 restaurants it will be closing.

Boeing strikers rejected a 35 percent pay increase and have opted to remain on strike. 

Boeing’s loss for the quarter ending in September alone was $6 billion. Boeing has been losing money the past few years because of machinery problems in the finished product. 

Strikers beware. Don’t squeeze the product that lays the golden egg for you too much that Boeing goes out of business. Do not say no chance of Boeing doing so. I am old enough to have seen it happen with other companies over the years.

Today was a bad day for the U.S. economy. It was this day that marked the beginning of the Wall Street Crash of 1929.

Listened to Harris “debate” last night. It was the second scheduled Harris/Trump debate. Trump said he was not going to appear. He kept his word. So Harris answered questions during the debate alone.

The fascist/Hitler issue and how it applied to Trump had broken yesterday morning. She killed him with it. So did TV all day. The issue may have turned the election. Time will tell.

Today is United Nations Day. It is observed as such on this October 24th day since day one. The U.N. formally came into existence this day in 1945.

The Comments to this blog are varied. Sometimes brilliant, other times stupid. Some arrogant. Some lacking in knowledge. An interesting one yesterday. Tended more to the brilliant side with a touch of humor: “The Biden economy is so strong businesses (McDonald’s) are willing to hire convicted felons (Donald Trump) out on bail.”

The U.S. verified North Korea has sent troops to Russia. The number uncertain. Allegedly sent by North Korea to fight on Russia’s behalf in Ukraine. 

If such occurs, it places the U.S. and NATO in a difficult position. Note Ukraine is not a member of NATO.

Russia and North Korea’s aristocratic leaders are playing a dangerous game. Nuclear weapons could fly from all sides.

First one to make cheese? No one knows.

Cheese existed before recorded history. Its specific origin remains unknown. Time wise it is thought the first cheese was made around 8,000 B.C.

Halloween is upon us. I close with a pumpkin story.

Ten years ago, the world’s largest pumpkin weighed 2,000 pounds. This year it is expected the largest will weigh 3,000 pounds.

Enjoy your day!


Yesterday was Tu Tu Day. A special day during Fantasy Fest. Men and women running around wearing tu tu’s. Very very short fluffy skirts. The women look great, the men like asses. Showing a bit on occasion.

I did not get downtown till late yesterday afternoon. Not especially for tu tu. It was tuesday and that meant The Grand for Happy Hour.

I noticed the crowd was older than normal. Looked like a retired strippers convention. Regardless of age, everyone appeared to be having a good time and that is the purpose of Fantasy Fest.

One strange thing I saw was a number of bare female breasts. Earlier in the week than normal. Generally hits Duval big time thurday evening as part of Toga Party. These were older women proudly displaying their ladies. I have always thought what a wonderful experience it had to be for mature women to proudly display themselves. A one night a year event from them far away from their homes, of course.

The Grand was packed. I only knew two persons. Chris and Eddie. Sat next to Chris. First time we have really talked. Enjoyed her company immensely.

I enjoyed a salmon meal. Handled its ingestion well.

As I was walking to my car to go home I heard behind me…..Key West Lou? Met for the first time John and Yvette Trigo from Jersey. They come to Key West two times a year. Rent a condo. They were on their way to The Grand for Happy Hour. John also told me they were going to pick up a lasagna at Harpoon Harry’s to take to the condo.

Love them both. John has been reading my blog for years! Always makes me feel good to hear that.

The two are a lovely couple married 32 years.

I am confident we will run into each other again, This trip or another.

I have been in Key West some 30 years. Used to do Fantasy Fest every night for years. I have slowed down with age. Do not do all of it. Actually, do much less. Some years none at all.

Tonight another big Fantasy Fest evening. Instead, I will be at Brady’s Irish Pub on Flagler for dinner and some pleasant words with Corolla. I enjoy wednesday nights at Brady’s and the wednesday menu. It will be my first wednesday back since the heart attack. Curious to see how I handle whatever I opt to eat. Still learning my new teeth. Chew, chew, chew!

Fantasy Fest tonight will be a blast. On the street and in the bars along Duval. Miss nothing! Sloppy Joe’s and Schooner Wharf have special parties. Tomorrow is the best from my perspective. Toga Party! I will speak of it more tomorrow.

Read a new study on the internet yesterday. Warned condoms are not as safe today as they once were. It was always thought condoms were 98 percent effective. No more. Now 82 percent.

I write about it today especially because of Fantasy Fest. Lots of sex goes on this week in Key West!

Trump’s approach to politics has resulted in polling places in some states becoming armed bastions. Police, military, bullet proof vests, and drones.

In addition, polls workers are being paid  more for one day’s work because of the purported danger involved. As high as $2,250 in some places.

Maricopa County, Arizona, is the worst. A hotbed of conspiracy theories, protests and threats for years. Fueled by baseless voter fraud claims by Trump and his allies.

Maricopa County will have snipers on roofs, metal detectors, security at every entrance, drones overhead, and security cameras and floodlights. Topped off with 2 layers of security fencing.


Creates an unneeded war atmosphere. Invites things warlike to occur.

An admonition. If Trump is elected, expect even more warlike surveillance and activity. The American way of life will be living under the gun.

Harris better win!

General John Kelly is recognized as an honorable man. He was Trump’s longest Chief of Staff. He announced yesterday that in his opinion Trump is a fascist. Left no question about it.

I respect anyone who makes a lot of money. Not easy to do. Ergo, I respect Elon Musk. However, I believe he is making an ass out of himself on behalf of Trump.

I do not respect Trump as a money maker. He did not make his fortune. It was given to him by his father. Four hundred million dollars. Anyone can get started with that much money! And he blew it!

Musk must be careful, however. Politics is a different world from business. With different rules, laws and regulations applying. He is on questionable grounds with the $1 million he is daily giving away. If a problem, he may be sorry he got involved.

Musk’s problem is he has the richest man in the world syndrome. He knows everything! So he thinks!

Enjoy your day!


Three comments to my blog yesterday basically the same. I expect more over the next few days.

How to Make America Great Again: DO NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP.

Simple, but true.

Trump is running a major campaign against real fact checks. Only a liar would be against them.

An Opinion piece by Eduardo Porter in this morning’s Washington Post says a Trump victory would make America poor again. Trump’s MAGA points involve shrinking the economy and lowering employment, raising prices across the board, and tanking the dollar.

Vote for Harris! Everyone, including Republicans. Save your asses and pocketbooks!

Harris and Cheney appeared together again yesterday. In several close states. Cheney told Republicans to vote for Harris and if they were asked who they voted for, there was no reason to tell anyone. Voting is private. Keep your choice to yourself if you have a concern.

The AP Favorability Poll released this morning shows significant movement by Harris. Harris leads with 51 percent to Trump’s 41 percent. The tide is slowly but surely turning.

Nixon used to say that a political race was like the tides. You had to finish on a high. I considered the trial of a case similarly. The last witness had to give my side a favorable shot. Harris’ campaign is moving in that direction.

We presently live in interesting times. Trump’s fault. I prefer calm.

A Chinese proverb comes into play. Could also be considered a curse: “May you live in interesting times.” Interesting times means unrest, revolution, famine, that sort of thing.

Opposite are “boring times” which mean everything is good.

Pro-Palestinian protests are major concerns on college campuses. Republicans threaten to punish colleges that permit them.

My age comes into play again. I can recall when politicians used the same threat, etc. against civil right activists and anti-war protesters.

Teachers can be an influence in a young person’s life. Two were in mine.

When I was 6 years old, my parents bought a house in Utica. Our next door neighbor was a single matronly public high school teacher by the name of Mary Buckley.

Mary took to pushing my father and immigrant mother from day one that their son Louis had to go to college. I doubt without her “goosing” my parents I would have made it.

The other was Sister Gertrude. An elderly Sister of Charity at the Catholic high school I attended. She taught history. I acquired my love of history from her.

She was another that was adamant I had to go to college. Her cousin was  a Christian Brother at Manhattan College in New York City. He was Director of Athletics. Sister Gertrude arranged my admission through him. Also got me a partial tuition scholarship.

Young people need help some time in getting to college. Mary Buckley and Sister Gertrude were my benefactors.

Mitzi Gaynor was a great actress who died at the age of 93 last week.  Close your eyes and recall her singing “I’m in Love with a Wonderful Guy” in the movie South Pacific.

On this day on October 22, 1962, President Kennedy announced to the Nation that Russian missiles had been placed in Cuba. We were already concerned about war with Russia. A constant concern. The missiles did not help.

Kennedy handled the frightful situation well.

The confrontation reached a point several days later when Russian and U.S. war ships faced each other in waters off Cuba. A shooting war was imminent. We were watching everything live on TV.

Suddenly Russia blinked at a time the two war vessels were feet apart. The Russian vessel turned and began its return trip to Russia, with other Russian vessels.

I close with December 25 as Christmas Day.

December 25 was not always the official celebration of the day Jesus Christ was born. Not until Pope Julius I proclaimed it so in 350 A.D. Prior thereto, confusion existed. The correct date historically is thought to be August 21, 07 B.D. Depends on the calendar followed at the time. Julian, Gregorian, or what? Julius I solved the problem.

Echogram of my heart yesterday at the hospital. Always freezing cold inside. I’ve smartened up. Brought a sweatshirt with me. 

Going to the hospital for tests reminds me of the old Regal Theater when I first came to Key West. So cold people brought blankets with them. I did.

Tonight, Happy Hour at The Grand. Hope parking is not a problem. Fantasy Fest.

Enjoy your day!


Before anything else, a reminder. Fifteen days till November 5…..Voting Day! In most places, you can vote early. If so, do. My message simple…..Vote! Obviously for Kamala Harris if you wish to save the Union and the American way of life.

Nero was a bad guy. No question about it. Trump, also. Their waywardnesses different, yet each the wrong person to lead. Each sick in their own special way.

I wrote about Nero a few days ago. Nicely. History has him fiddling while Rome burned from a place 30 miles from Rome. I pointed out the fiddle/violin had not yet been invented and Nero was too far from Rome to even see Rome burning.

Today, I spell out the real Nero, the bad guy.

Nero was infatuated with a slave boy who he had castrated and then married. True story. The boy’s name Sporus.

Sporus became Nero’s Empress. The marriage took place during Nero’s tour of Greece in 66-67 CE.

Nero needed a wife. His previous one had died the year before. Sporus was his choice.

People considered Nero an “abomination.” Nero could care less. His sexual activities beyond scandalous. He raped a Vestal Virgin and committed incest with his mother.

Re his previous wife Poppaea Sabina, Nero kicked her to death while Poppaea was pregnant.

A sick guy.

Trump a sick person, also. Not in ways similar to Nero. However his misdeeds sufficiently gross by today’s standards to equal Nero’s. He is not qualified to be President. The U.S. deserves better. Harris is unquestionably a better person.

Moving on to Harris for a moment, I believe one reason her candidacy is especially tough is because she is a woman. Many men cannot visualize a woman as President. Consider the ladies subordinate to themselves. Even some women are anti-female when it comes to a woman being President. Were it not for the abortion issue, I doubt Harris would have the female support she has during this campaign.

Trump believes the American dream is his. Harris says, “the American dream belongs to all of us.”

As it should. Every person should have a piece of the action.

Harris a part of American history in a way not commonly recalled. She was one of the first bused to public school as part of integration when she was in the second grade.

Moving on to Trump.

Trump called Harris a “shit Vice President” at a rally recently. Carried on TV.

A class act.

Presidential language? Ok for your children to watch and learn? Ok for the world to note our perhaps next President to be is a gutter slut in language and actions?

The American people deserve better.

Trump behind the counter saturday at a McDonald’s wearing a McDonald work apron. At 78! Deep frying french fries. Giving the impression he was an employee.

Trump has never worked at a McDonald’s. Never such a mundane position. Never had to do so. He had a ton of money always flowing to him from his father. Eventually totaled $400 million. Harris on the other hand did work at a McDonald’s  when she was going to school. She needed to.

Blacklisted News is out of business. Though I did not agree with its philosophy/thrust, I subscribed. Such is consistent with my mental thinking that you must know what the “enemy” says and thinks.

It’s like politics. We need two parties, two sides to things. I have always considered the opposition indispensable. 

Good luck to those who made up Blacklisted News. I wish them well.

Buried in history are facts we no longer recall. Things that were, things that happened, that with the passage of time have been forgotten. Permit me to share a few.

Paul Revere. a freedom rider, a patriot, a silversmith. His silversmith business failed. He studied and became a dentist. His specialty was the making of false teeth.

When Nelson Mandela was released from prison, he flinched from a reporter’s microphone. He thought the very modern looking microphone was a weapon developed during  his nearly 30 years in jail.

China shames people in debt. If you are behind in paying your bills, your name and face may appear on a giant movie screen in a theater immediately before the movie. Millions of “deadbeats” are thusly thrashed by the government.

Victorian England was a terrible place to be alive if you were a member of the working class. For example, you paid a penny to sleep inside sitting on a bench, two pennies and you could swing your arms over a rope and sleep standing up. If you made good money on a particular day, four pennies got you a coffin to sleep in. Water was undrinkable. Children at the age of 4 were worked 12-18 hours a day.

On this day in 1959, the Guggenheim Museum opened in New York City. Strangely but lovely shaped. Like a cupcake upside down. Slanting walkways inside. Loved visiting on my New York trips. Contains one of the world’s top collections of contemporary art.

North Korea is sending 10,000 troops to Russia to aid in the Ukrainian War. Trump’s two buddies want to ratchet the War up to a World War. A dangerous move.

I close with the World Series. 

What a year with the baseball playoffs! Everything now decided. A national two coast series ahead. The New York Yankees and Los Angeles Dodgers. Begins friday.

An old time match renewed!

A busy heart day today. Never ends. Office visit this morning, hospital test this afternoon. Nothing wrong, no complaints by me. Doctor just making sure.

Enjoy your day!