Big crowd at Blue Heaven last night. Terri White was singing. Everyone wanted to hear her perform.
She was her usual outstanding self.
It was ladies night for me. Unexpected. Jean Thornton and I had agreed to meet at Blue Heaven and make a night of it. My friend forever!
Jean arrived first. When I got there, she was seated with several lady friends. Two I knew. Stephanie Kaple, my newly discovered comedian acquaintance, and Debbie.
Debbie does not reside in Key West. Visiting with Sharon. Debbie’s monumental claim to fame is she discovered gold and emeralds with Jean back when. She too is a Key West Golden Girl.
The group also included Mary from Connecticut and Megan. Megan is a Key West local. She has been a pharmacist at Winn-Dixie for 15 years.
Spent some time with the ladies. Then moved to Donna and Terri’s table. Two of Donna’s concierge coworkers at the table. Karen and Maria.
Karen is concierge at the Hilton and Maria at the Fairfield. Karen’s husband Dan operates Salty Goat at the Galleon.
Karen showed me a picture of her dog. A cute little thing. He was lost for 3 weeks. If he could talk, what a story he would have to tell!
A third concierge arrived as I was leaving. Never caught her name.
Women are from Venus and men are from Mars. I found the conversation at both tables different. I must talk to men most of the time. Recall I was the only male at both tables. Women are different. They converse differently. I felt out of place. Awkward.
Jean and I headed over to Blue McCaw for a bite to eat. Sat at the bar. Blue McCaw a comfortable place. Many locals. Food and drink cheap.
John was enjoying a late night dinner at the bar. Paul and Ron holding down their usual corner.
A Joe Phillips came up to talk with me. He has been in Key west only since June 2. From Orlando.
Joe expressed a concern about the Post Office. He was aware I had in the past few months written 3 times re the Post Office. Congress screwed up the U.S. Postal System and have made it difficult for postal workers and people (us).
Love Irish Kevin’s! One of the best bars in town. Always packed. A night does not go by where a number of women get up on the small stage and flash their breasts. The place is made for an old guy like me!
Unfortunately, I rarely go. Irish Kevin’s is for young people. Really young. I am way too old and feel out of place.
That is twice today I have mentioned feeling out of place. Strange.
Today, Irish Kevin is having a special event. A Christmas in July celebration. From 2:30-5:30. Go and enjoy! I might. The exposed breasts an 83rd birthday present to me.
I already did my Key West Lou Live video on Facebook this morning. You may want to take a look. Titled Return of the Caesars. About what I perceive to be a return by people to strong leaders that they will obey. Not necessarily a change for the good. The leaders not necessarily good.
I have wondered why the Thai soccer team and coach got 2 1/2 miles into the cavern. Read an article this morning that explained it. While exploring the cave, water levels began to rise. As the tunnels flooded, the group was forced further and further inside.
The U.S./China tariff war I fear. All tariff wars need be feared. China could be the one to cause international monetary havoc. For which we will have Donald Trump to thank.
China has the big card to play. Turn the tariff war into a currency war. Cause the U.S. dollar to devalue.
China holds $1.2 trillion of U.S. Treasury bonds. All China has to do is stop buying new bonds as the old ones mature. The dollar will fall. Major panic in world markets will occur.
If China wishes to retaliate swiftly against the U.S., it merely has to begin selling some of the $1.2 trillion in bonds it holds.
Another great Key West day in the making. Time to forget about Trump, Putin, China, tariff/currency wars, etc. Merely enjoy the day.
Join me. Lets all enjoy Sunday!
Blue Macaw.