Too many mornings we wake with new Trump tweets. Some extremely dangerous. Especially those where he threatens another nation with war.

This morning finds Trump in a Tweet pissing match with Iran. Not sure who stated this one. Iran says if the U.S. missteps, it will be me met with the “mother of all wars.”

Trump’s promises “…..dire consequences…..the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before. He responds, “We are no longer a country that will stand for your demented words of violence and death. Be cautious.”

Words of war.

Trump reminds me of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse: Conquest, War, Famine, and Death. I can see them all riding through the clouds. Who is leading them? Donald Trump. Not on the lead horse. On all four.

He finally will have proved to the world (and himself) what a tough guy he is.

Any such war will leave the U.S. in shambles. Such a war will be fought on our shores also. Every day a 9/11.

The U.S. will resemble Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Berlin following World War II. Many dead. Children maimed.

Wake up America!

Enjoyed the British Open yesterday. Italy’s Francesco Molinari won. Seven or eight in the running the last 9 holes. Tiger Woods the leader at the turn, but faltered.

Good golf played on a tough course.

Visited the Orchid Key Inn bar for the first time last night. Victor invited me. He is the sunday bartender.

What a place? A hidden wonder. Off Duval near Truman. A magnificent setting! The bar charming. Tiny. Seats only 6.

Kevin and Holly were there. I suspected they would be.

A Bruce and Kevin sat next to me. Bruce retired. His career spent with Voice of America. Kevin with the Post Office.

We chatted about Post Office problems. How Congress screwed the Post Office.

Bruce recalled seeing me 10 years ago on Channel 19. I did a TV show for 3 years that ran from Key West to Fort Lauderdale. I was shocked he even watched. Channel 19 was what might be described as a small station. I was one of two live shows. The rest old gray and white TV shows like Leave It To Beaver.

Bruce mentioned the Orchid Key Inn was listed #2 on Trip Adviser under Best Key West Hotels. And I never knew it existed!

Met Peter. For a little bar, it had some interesting customers.

Peter is a musician and has entertained at Sloppy Joe’s for 30 years. From 5:30 to 9:30. Must catch his show one evening.

People came and went. I stayed. The bar was a gold mine of interesting people.

In came David and Louise. Visiting from London. David is with NATO and Louise a kindergarten teacher.

Great conversation. Issues involving Trump, NATO, Trump’s recent visit, etc. Both thought it awful that Trump kept the 92 year old Queen waiting 12 minutes. Standing in the sun waiting for Trump to arrive.

My night was not over yet.

Went over to Blue McCaw. A late bite to eat. Ribs and a drink.

Not ready for bed and home when I left Blue McCaw. Donna and Terri live across the street. Visited with them a while.

Dueling Bartenders tonight. Terri wanted to go. Donna working. Terri my date. I pick her up at 5:30. I expect Jean, Kevin, Holly and John will be there also.

To win the Hemingway Look-a-Like contest a big deal. The honor of honors to those interested. One hundred twenty five plus compete each year. For some reason, it takes roughly 10 years of participation to be seriously considered.

This year’s winner Michael Groover. Michael is husband to celebrity chef and TV star Paula Deen. Paula the loyal wife. She has been in Key West supporting her husband those 10 years of Hemingway Day visits.

BOB back. Rested and ready to go.

BOB’s topic today Fantasy Fest.

The Key West of 39 years ago was not the Key West of today. In addition to the summer being slow, the fall was dead. Key West merchants came up with a plan they thought would attract tourists to Key West during the slow fall season.

A fantasy fest. An adult party. Flavors of a Roman holiday. A bit of debauchery.

It worked. Key West’s famous Fantasy Fest was born. Ten days of partying each year.

Wilder as the years progressed. Nudity became an issue. Drinking, also.

Women began going bare chested. Men covering their genitalia with a small strip of cloth.

The partiers did not mind. Locals neither. They participated. Except for a few. The few were one or two ministers annually. They formed the Christian Coalition. The Christian Coalition was supported by very few. City fathers were thrilled. Key West was making a ton of money during those 10 days.

BOB said, “Morality and good taste were susupended… abyss filled.” BOB added the opposing ministers forgot to recognize that Key West churches were filled will sinners seeking forgiveness in the weeks following Fantasy Fest.

Women’s naked breasts were painted by kiosks on the streets. Many for real costumes were oversized genitalia. Alcohol was being consumed on the streets.

The Duval Crawl took on added meaning.  As BOB humorously said, “See the Lower Keys on your hands and knees. America is calling you today.”

Back in the early days, 50,000 would show up for the saturday night parade. No one knew where they all slept. When awake however, they “simply enjoyed the wicked and titillating surrender to their basic instincts.”

The squeaky wheel always gets oiled. The Christian Coalition was a squeaky wheel. Compromises were arrived at. All revealed in the next episode of BOB.

Enjoy your day!



Yes, Hemingway did win the Hemingway Look A-Like Contest. David Hemingway from Macon, North Carolina. Age 65. No relation to the original Hemingway.

One hundred forty Look A-Like contestants. Biggest participation yet!

Celebrity chef Paula Deen in the crowd. This was her husband’s seventh try at winning.

Never left the house yesterday. I was glued to the TV watching Democratic Convention news. Early morning and into the evening.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz should not even appear on the podium this evening. I understand she will now speak. I hope not. She will become an anchor around Hillary’s neck.

In between politics, I wrote this week’s KONK Life column. Bagels. A history of bagels. The article takes the reader from King Jadwiga to Krakow to 100,000 Ottoman Turks to King John III Sobieski to the Bagel Bakers Local #338 to the Lender family to Cleveland bagels. A trip covering several hundred years.

Mini lobster season this week! Wednesday and thursday. Thousands will come to Key West to dive for lobsters.

I remember the first time I dove for lobsters. About 20 years ago. I went down. Saw two sets of tentacles coming out from under a rock shelf. I rushed back up and yelled to my experienced friends on the boat that I had found two of the biggest lobsters ever. I could hear their laughs as I dove back to capture my prizes.

Brought them up. They looked awfully small. Measured them. Too small. Had to throw them back.

It was then I learned the water magnifies everything.

My friends laughed at me. I took it in stride. The best was yet to come.

At some point, the boat was driven about a 100 feet off some small key and the anchor dropped. No other boats or people than us. I jumped in the water with several others. The water was waist high. Others on the boat were cooking the lobsters on a small cook out grill.

Cooked lobster tails dripping in butter were handed over the side to those of us in the water. A beer in one hand and the lobster in the other, I feasted. When done, I dunked my entire body underwater to wash off the sweat and also the butter which had dripped on my torso.

The story tells the reason why thousands will be out during the mini lobster season. Everyone enjoys it as I did.

The hospital/community war ongoing. I sense progress. The Citizens Committee is doing a terrific job. I sense the hospital owners are concerned by some steps already taken to remedy problems.

This is not a war for politicians to get involved in. They screw things up and delay resolution.

Ward is a candidate for State Attorney. He wants present State Attorney Vogel to conduct a grand jury investigation, issue subpoenas, etc.

I know neither candidate. However, Ward’s position is reason enough not to vote for him. A prosecutor has to know when to exercise authority. Politics and law should not be mixed for political expediency.

Paul Krugman is a New York Times columnist. A far to the left liberal. He recently wrote  re Trump and Putin: “If elected, would Trump be Vladimir Putin’s man in the White House?”

I am off to Body Owners shortly to do the anti-gravity treadmill. The afternoon will be consumed with business matters. Until 4 when I will be at Rich and Cindy Boettger’s home for cocktails. Then to Aqua for the Dueling Bartenders.

Enjoy your day!